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Re: That US gun control thing

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:15 am
by Volkodlak
i see that here is a lot of americans here most active topic:guns.

here in slovenia we have so stupid laws if you find robber in your house and you cought him and hold him until police arive he can sue you and win thats why we dont have so much guns and in 80% cases of gun crime criminal had toy gun.

you could control guns but control would be an illusion.

Re: That US gun control thing

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:41 pm
by Uniform Two Six
Terastas wrote: Yet when you look at the poll numbers, even NRA members support universal checks by a wide margin...
*Shrugs* Well, I suppose I should have actually looked at the numbers before saying anything. I've got family in Texas, and I swear practically everybody I have ever talked to down there seems to toe the NRA party line on 2nd Amendment issues. It's really sort of bizarre.
Personally, I think that the whole gun-rights thing is slowly becoming a side-issue. Now we've got these silly "Stand-Your-Ground" ordnances. That's where the real issue (vis-à-vis armed morons) is right now. And it's the same bunch of idiots who back that garbage too.

Also, on the Bill Maher thing: :roflmao:

Re: That US gun control thing

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:17 pm
by Terastas
Uniform Two Six wrote:Also, on the Bill Maher thing: :roflmao:
You might like this one too. It's also relevant; the phenomenon of "s***-kicker inflation."

There are three hundred million people in this country. The NRA has only four million members, and to boot, the majority of those four million members favor universal background checks. . .

Yet Congress is still in a stranglehold by a bunch of shrill lunatics who insist that any form of gun control would be grounds for impeachment. Because they won't stop screaming about how they represent the majority of Americans, and the majority of Americans are too chicken of being called a socialist to tell them they don't.

Re: That US gun control thing

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:32 am
by Shadow Wulf
This sort of thing happens everytime there is a mass shooting. I really wish people wouldn't get so uptight about all this, especially the NRA. I have a few gun advocates as friends and they just would not shut up about it for months. I am just sick of it right now. :P

Re: That US gun control thing

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 7:31 pm
by Uniform Two Six
Terastas wrote: "s***-kicker inflation."
Awesome. "A veritable who"s-who of WTF?" :roflmao:
That guy is funny (not to mention right on target).

Re: That US gun control thing

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:23 am
by Volkodlak
did you heard cops shot down 13-year old because he was carrying airsoft gun. what now they will control airsoft guns too?

whos fault is it here i thinking: 1.) its kids parents fault because they allowed too have and buy this airsoft gun because hes too young in my country you have too be 18 too be allowed too buy it.
2.)kid removed orange tip on gun witch is there too tell others its a toy gun and he think it would be fun too aim at police.
3.)police officers im not sure if they are at fault at all because you cant indentify its a airsoft gun even from 2m away why they opened fire is not known media didnt give all info kid could squezed trigger gun made a noise officers opened fire.

Re: That US gun control thing

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:10 pm
by Uniform Two Six
I'm not familiar with the specific case you're mentioning, but this sort of thing happens from time to time. The reason why the cops probably shot him was that the gun the kid in Sparks, Nevada had was a real one. If someone points a gun at a cop, it's quite often a bad thing.

Re: That US gun control thing

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 8:36 am
by cjkrythos
My thoughts on gun control are actually probably kinda simple, yet might seem a tad crazy to some.

I believe the following.
Gun control shouldnt get any more severe than it is with the exception of minor fixes as time goes on, and the world changes as it does. The exception to this statement lies in my belief that more strict guidelines need to be enforced regarding repercussions of improper gun handling and storage. In particular, anyone with a child or teenager still in public or private school(abstaining college) should be required to keep all firearms locked up at all times and keys or combinations should be kept from the child at all times. Parents who fail to meet this guideline should be charged as an accessory to any crime committed by their child with the aforementioned firearm. For instance, if Johnny takes dad's 9mm to school and blows away 12 kids before killing himself(as seems to be the case lately), mom and dad should be looking at possible time in jail for failing to secure said 9mm. Is this strict? Probably, but almost every month this past year, I remember hearing about at least one school shooting. There cant possibly be that many kids out there with access to black market firearms. I mean I cant see Little David going out to a street thug, breaking out his piggy bank and asking for a 250 revolver. The problem here is clearly that parents who own firearms, teach their kids about the gun, and then never bother to lock it up, thinking that their kid cant possibly do something like whats on the news. People need to wake up. We have instituted the policy that fighting is bad, yet kids who harass another kid are allowed to continue(or at least thats the way the victim children think of it). So, how could someone fight back and make it stop? well, if hes dead he cant make fun of me can he?

I just dont understand how so many parents leave their guns where their kids can get ahold of them. ...And yes, call me old, but until you are about 23, I still consider you a kid because 21 is just that time when you suddenly discover you can legally get smashed, 22 is when you spend your time coping and deciding what kind of life you want to live, and 23 is when most people actually start making it happen(IE, when you really become an adult). For me, I didnt really even make that move till I was 25, and it was by accident. I just purchased my first firearm earlier this year(9mm Glock) and then went ahead and signed up for the lifetime NRA membership(why, because lifetime memberships seem to be a running habit of mine, and I wanted to support the idea of the 2nd amendment)

Banning violent video games wont do anything. You need to get parents more involved in their child's development and stop expecting the world around them to raise their kid for them. The only way to force this issue with some of these lazy @%%es is to present them with an EXTREMELY unfavorable alternative.

Re: That US gun control thing

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 8:40 am
by Volkodlak
cjkrythos wrote:My thoughts on gun control are actually probably kinda simple, yet might seem a tad crazy to some.

I believe the following.
Gun control shouldnt get any more severe than it is with the exception of minor fixes as time goes on, and the world changes as it does. The exception to this statement lies in my belief that more strict guidelines need to be enforced regarding repercussions of improper gun handling and storage. In particular, anyone with a child or teenager still in public or private school(abstaining college) should be required to keep all firearms locked up at all times and keys or combinations should be kept from the child at all times. Parents who fail to meet this guideline should be charged as an accessory to any crime committed by their child with the aforementioned firearm. For instance, if Johnny takes dad's 9mm to school and blows away 12 kids before killing himself(as seems to be the case lately), mom and dad should be looking at possible time in jail for failing to secure said 9mm. Is this strict? Probably, but almost every month this past year, I remember hearing about at least one school shooting. There cant possibly be that many kids out there with access to black market firearms. I mean I cant see Little David going out to a street thug, breaking out his piggy bank and asking for a 250 revolver. The problem here is clearly that parents who own firearms, teach their kids about the gun, and then never bother to lock it up, thinking that their kid cant possibly do something like whats on the news. People need to wake up. We have instituted the policy that fighting is bad, yet kids who harass another kid are allowed to continue(or at least thats the way the victim children think of it). So, how could someone fight back and make it stop? well, if hes dead he cant make fun of me can he?

I just dont understand how so many parents leave their guns where their kids can get ahold of them. ...And yes, call me old, but until you are about 23, I still consider you a kid because 21 is just that time when you suddenly discover you can legally get smashed, 22 is when you spend your time coping and deciding what kind of life you want to live, and 23 is when most people actually start making it happen(IE, when you really become an adult). For me, I didnt really even make that move till I was 25, and it was by accident. I just purchased my first firearm earlier this year(9mm Glock) and then went ahead and signed up for the lifetime NRA membership(why, because lifetime memberships seem to be a running habit of mine, and I wanted to support the idea of the 2nd amendment)

Banning violent video games wont do anything. You need to get parents more involved in their child's development and stop expecting the world around them to raise their kid for them. The only way to force this issue with some of these lazy @%%es is to present them with an EXTREMELY unfavorable alternative.
I like your view, but im living in Slovenia so we dont have this problems.

Re: That US gun control thing

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 8:58 am
by cjkrythos
lovec1990 wrote:
cjkrythos wrote:My thoughts on gun control are actually probably kinda simple, yet might seem a tad crazy to some.

I believe the following.
Gun control shouldnt get any more severe than it is with the exception of minor fixes as time goes on, and the world changes as it does. The exception to this statement lies in my belief that more strict guidelines need to be enforced regarding repercussions of improper gun handling and storage. In particular, anyone with a child or teenager still in public or private school(abstaining college) should be required to keep all firearms locked up at all times and keys or combinations should be kept from the child at all times. Parents who fail to meet this guideline should be charged as an accessory to any crime committed by their child with the aforementioned firearm. For instance, if Johnny takes dad's 9mm to school and blows away 12 kids before killing himself(as seems to be the case lately), mom and dad should be looking at possible time in jail for failing to secure said 9mm. Is this strict? Probably, but almost every month this past year, I remember hearing about at least one school shooting. There cant possibly be that many kids out there with access to black market firearms. I mean I cant see Little David going out to a street thug, breaking out his piggy bank and asking for a 250 revolver. The problem here is clearly that parents who own firearms, teach their kids about the gun, and then never bother to lock it up, thinking that their kid cant possibly do something like whats on the news. People need to wake up. We have instituted the policy that fighting is bad, yet kids who harass another kid are allowed to continue(or at least thats the way the victim children think of it). So, how could someone fight back and make it stop? well, if hes dead he cant make fun of me can he?

I just dont understand how so many parents leave their guns where their kids can get ahold of them. ...And yes, call me old, but until you are about 23, I still consider you a kid because 21 is just that time when you suddenly discover you can legally get smashed, 22 is when you spend your time coping and deciding what kind of life you want to live, and 23 is when most people actually start making it happen(IE, when you really become an adult). For me, I didnt really even make that move till I was 25, and it was by accident. I just purchased my first firearm earlier this year(9mm Glock) and then went ahead and signed up for the lifetime NRA membership(why, because lifetime memberships seem to be a running habit of mine, and I wanted to support the idea of the 2nd amendment)

Banning violent video games wont do anything. You need to get parents more involved in their child's development and stop expecting the world around them to raise their kid for them. The only way to force this issue with some of these lazy @%%es is to present them with an EXTREMELY unfavorable alternative.
I like your view, but im living in Slovenia so we dont have this problems.
(is now considering moving to Slovenia) Did a brief search and the images of your countryside look gorgeous.

Re: That US gun control thing

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:05 am
by Volkodlak
cjkrythos wrote:
lovec1990 wrote:
cjkrythos wrote:My thoughts on gun control are actually probably kinda simple, yet might seem a tad crazy to some.

I believe the following.
Gun control shouldnt get any more severe than it is with the exception of minor fixes as time goes on, and the world changes as it does. The exception to this statement lies in my belief that more strict guidelines need to be enforced regarding repercussions of improper gun handling and storage. In particular, anyone with a child or teenager still in public or private school(abstaining college) should be required to keep all firearms locked up at all times and keys or combinations should be kept from the child at all times. Parents who fail to meet this guideline should be charged as an accessory to any crime committed by their child with the aforementioned firearm. For instance, if Johnny takes dad's 9mm to school and blows away 12 kids before killing himself(as seems to be the case lately), mom and dad should be looking at possible time in jail for failing to secure said 9mm. Is this strict? Probably, but almost every month this past year, I remember hearing about at least one school shooting. There cant possibly be that many kids out there with access to black market firearms. I mean I cant see Little David going out to a street thug, breaking out his piggy bank and asking for a 250 revolver. The problem here is clearly that parents who own firearms, teach their kids about the gun, and then never bother to lock it up, thinking that their kid cant possibly do something like whats on the news. People need to wake up. We have instituted the policy that fighting is bad, yet kids who harass another kid are allowed to continue(or at least thats the way the victim children think of it). So, how could someone fight back and make it stop? well, if hes dead he cant make fun of me can he?

I just dont understand how so many parents leave their guns where their kids can get ahold of them. ...And yes, call me old, but until you are about 23, I still consider you a kid because 21 is just that time when you suddenly discover you can legally get smashed, 22 is when you spend your time coping and deciding what kind of life you want to live, and 23 is when most people actually start making it happen(IE, when you really become an adult). For me, I didnt really even make that move till I was 25, and it was by accident. I just purchased my first firearm earlier this year(9mm Glock) and then went ahead and signed up for the lifetime NRA membership(why, because lifetime memberships seem to be a running habit of mine, and I wanted to support the idea of the 2nd amendment)

Banning violent video games wont do anything. You need to get parents more involved in their child's development and stop expecting the world around them to raise their kid for them. The only way to force this issue with some of these lazy @%%es is to present them with an EXTREMELY unfavorable alternative.
I like your view, but im living in Slovenia so we dont have this problems.
(is now considering moving to Slovenia) Did a brief search and the images of your countryside look gorgeous.
thanks i think US is quite nice too