Page 2 of 5

Page two, finally!

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 11:50 pm
by Lupin
22:16:52 < Torrent> "Heh."
22:16:56 <@Baphnedia> "I think it's mostly stopped bleeding."
22:17:24 < Torrent> "Oh good, now it'll be harder for them to track us... a bit anyhow"
22:18:14 < Torrent> "And I'm sure the whole shoulder ripped open thing must be better than it was too "
22:18:49 <@Baphnedia> "Hah. I've been shot twice. It still hurts, but I ain't yelping."
22:19:21 < Torrent> "Yelping. Now you're starting to sound like us."
22:20:26 * Torrent picks up the pace just a little
22:20:29 <@Baphnedia> "Heh."
22:21:00 * Torrent pauses
22:21:00 <@Baphnedia> You can see the warehouse, far ahead of you and to the left. It is built into the face of a hill it would seem.
22:21:13 < Torrent> "There she is"
22:21:13 < Lupin> (I hope this thread speeds up when we hit page 2)
22:21:23 < Torrent> (lol)
22:22:06 <@Baphnedia> (lol)
22:22:24 <@Baphnedia> "I guess that I'll call it 'home sweet home?"
22:22:37 < Lupin> "Well I would guess the silo would be 2km torwards the back of the warehouse."
22:23:01 < Lupin> (I'm a nerd. I almost wrote 2kB.)
22:23:16 < Torrent> (metric is still pretty nerdy :D )
22:23:36 < Torrent> "Home for me..."
22:23:41 <@Baphnedia> (that would have made for a looong walk)
22:23:56 <@Baphnedia> (2kb of text for a few hundred feet?)
22:24:04 < Torrent> (lol)
22:24:07 < Lupin> (Heh)
22:24:51 <@Baphnedia> You approach the werehouse. "I'm freakin bushed."
22:25:48 < Torrent> "Yeah those yahoos that were planning to kill all of mankind... they made me into well... me as you see me... apparently we went in as human beings and were treated with all sorts of nasties"
22:26:25 < Torrent> "So, I, like you didn't choose my fate"
22:26:36 <@Baphnedia> "Very funny Boss."
22:26:45 < Torrent> "No I'm serious"
22:27:04 < Torrent> "Call me Torrent btw, this Boss thing is pissing me off"
22:27:25 < Lupin> "Heh."
22:27:27 <@Baphnedia> "Sure thing Torrent."
22:27:34 <@Baphnedia> You reach the warehouse.
22:27:44 <@Baphnedia> (no pun intended)
22:27:50 < Torrent> "Okay... now to get in"
22:27:55 <@Baphnedia> (*no-pun intended)
22:27:56 < Lupin> (That would be a werehouse.)
22:28:06 <@Baphnedia> (lol)
22:28:13 < Torrent> (well when you were calling it a werehouse I assumed... ;) )
22:28:17 <@Baphnedia> The man opens the front door.
22:28:30 <@Baphnedia> (haha)
22:28:33 < Torrent> "Ooooh it opens
22:28:34 < Torrent> "
22:28:47 <@Baphnedia> The inside of the werehouse is much as it was left.
22:29:22 <@Baphnedia> A large portion of the back wall is 'open', a peice of I beam support welded to the wall looked like it went all the way to the ceiling.
22:30:10 < Lupin> "Well, at least we left the door open."
22:30:12 <@Baphnedia> But instead, must've been cut awhle ago, very carefully. The wall itself has the corrugated metal of the shed, backed by concrete, backed by the smooth metal of the inside of the door.
22:30:40 <@Baphnedia> And Walter, bless his unbeating heart, is still sitting right where you left him.
22:30:53 < Torrent> "This your friend?"
22:31:11 <@Baphnedia> "Naw, this bastard was late."
22:31:31 <@Baphnedia> "We think he was workin for someone else, but we have no evidence."
22:31:53 <@Baphnedia> "He sure made a killin!"
22:31:53 < Lupin> "He probably was."
22:32:09 < Torrent> "Killing. Yes. He did."
22:32:53 <@Baphnedia> "Well, today was a bit rough. But, I think I like you guys, at least a little bit."
22:33:08 <@Baphnedia> "I'm gonna rack out here - nobody will be coming here for anything, anytime soon."
22:33:43 < Torrent> "Sorry, rack?"
22:33:52 < Lupin> "Hmm, okay the problem with going back this way is what if the've found out we left through the air vent in the elevator shaft..."
22:34:18 < Lupin> "We did kinda go in there to escape."
22:34:23 <@Baphnedia> He walks between several rows of crates piled high.
22:34:33 <@Baphnedia> You hear a momentary creaking noise followed by a sigh.
22:34:50 < Torrent> "Hmm..."
22:35:03 * Lupin 's ears perk up.
22:36:03 < Torrent> "What's he doing?"
22:36:34 < Lupin> "I dunno, I hear breathing."
22:37:05 <@Baphnedia> The moderate silence is booming.
22:37:13 * Baphnedia is gonna fall asleep at the keyboard.
22:37:27 * Lupin sniffs
22:37:29 < Torrent> (lol)
22:37:55 < Torrent> "Hey dude... whatcha doing over there?"
22:37:57 < Lupin> (Yes well, when you have superhuman hearing, silence can do that :P)
22:38:23 <@Baphnedia> "Uh? Sleeping. You should try it some time."
22:38:55 < Torrent> "Sleeping? Now?!?"
22:39:13 * Lupin points to the darkness outside, then to himself. "Nocturnal."
22:39:42 < Torrent> "Well he's certainly /human/ thus far"
22:40:15 < Torrent> "Maybe we forgot to mention... there are people trying to end all humanity"
22:40:17 < Lupin> "Well we still have to watch him. Both for the lycanthropy, and for the virus."
22:40:20 <@Baphnedia> *snore*
22:40:28 < Torrent> "Jeesh"
22:41:00 <@Baphnedia> "Whu? Yeah, and I won't be able to do a lick of good if I try to use one of em as a pillow."
22:41:32 < Torrent> "Yeah but I don't know, it could be days weeks even before he shifts"
22:41:39 < Torrent> "We don't know"
22:41:49 < Torrent> "And time is not on our side here"
22:42:01 <@Baphnedia> He yawns, the nose echoing loudly in the shed, then followed by a hollow "oooo" as it bounces around the exit passage."
22:42:47 < Torrent> "Maybe sooner then I thought"
22:42:58 < Torrent> "And shifting does take a lot of energy"
22:43:00 < Lupin> "Well we still need to figure out a way to get back into the silo."
22:43:10 < Torrent> "Yeah"
22:43:36 < Torrent> "Maybe some of us can watch him and the rest look for a way in"
22:43:39 <@Baphnedia> "Well, wake me up when you figure it out."
22:43:51 < Lupin> "Good idea."
22:44:00 <@Baphnedia> (ok... I really am falling asleep. Cutting the game now)

In which several werewolves threaten a person.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:53 am
by Lupin
[22:09:26] * Baphnedia has changed the topic to: Silo 17 in progress. Home of Silo 17 and Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everything here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings regardless of how tasty they may be with Tobasco sauce. || This is the official chat of
[22:09:47] <@Baphnedia> oh, we've had a game or two since then...
[22:09:51] <Ralith> (oh, our captive just went to sleep)
[22:09:56] <@Baphnedia> You made it all the way back to the shed.
[22:10:05] <Vilkacis> (Ah, wait, I remember that)
[22:10:07] <Lupin> (Ah yes.)
[22:10:10] * Baphnedia runs to the logs
[22:10:16] * Baphnedia watches the logs run
[22:10:21] <@Baphnedia> Run logs run!
[22:10:28] <Ralith> Load logs load!
[22:10:30] <Vilkacis> (Was it A1465?)
[22:11:48] * Lupin increases the scrollback buffer by an order of magnitude.
[22:11:53] <Ralith> (we need to get you a name.)
[22:12:00] <Lupin> (A real name)
[22:12:03] <Ralith> (Lupin, you can change xchat's buffer size?)
[22:12:12] <Vilkacis> (Yes, we do...)
[22:12:47] <Lupin> (Settings -> Preferences -> Text box -> Scrollback lines)
[22:13:20] <Ralith> (:D)
[22:13:26] * Vilkacis is now known as A1465
[22:14:06] <Ralith> (you going to give us the intro description/recap/whatever?)
[22:14:55] * Lupin (pokes Baphnedia)
[22:15:04] * Baphnedia is still looking for the name of the guy
[22:15:12] <@Baphnedia> (aside from that...)
[22:15:18] <Lupin> (Oh)
[22:15:28] <@Baphnedia> (I'm caught up)
[22:15:28] <Lupin> (He had a name?)
[22:15:29] <Ralith> (The Guy, wasn't it?)
[22:15:40] <@Baphnedia> The Guy has a name... I'm damn sure I used it too.
[22:15:43] <Ralith> (we can also call him Hey, You)
[22:15:49] <@Baphnedia> hehe
[22:15:59] <Ralith> (I mean, he's the only non-werewolf (fornow), so it's kind of easy to refer to him)
[22:16:04] <Ralith> (The Human)
[22:16:09] <Lupin> (I don't think he had a name.)
[22:16:18] <Ralith> (we can call him Phil.)
[22:16:30] <Ralith> (Phil the Human. I like it.)
[22:16:40] <A1465> (If I recall, he said he'd give his name as soon as he learned which one of us was Ralith)
[22:16:42] <@Baphnedia> (I love all these 'normal' names... Phil, Walter, etc)
[22:16:44] <Lupin> (Yeah)
[22:16:50] <Lupin> (That was it.)
[22:16:57] <@Baphnedia> (yeppers. I just can't remember where I put his notes...)
[22:17:04] <@Baphnedia> (god... where is my brain?!)
[22:17:15] * Baphnedia plugs his ears
[22:17:17] <Lupin> (Above your spinal column)
[22:17:18] <Ralith> (In the shower.)
[22:17:22] <Ralith> (Or mebbe on the phone)
[22:17:29] <@Baphnedia> !phone
[22:17:29] * Lycaon shouts to get everyone's attention, "Baphnedia's phone is ringing!"
[22:17:32] <Lupin> (Unless you're laying down.)
[22:17:32] <Ralith> (Sleeping, perhaps)
[22:17:42] <Lupin> ((Then it would be to the left or right).)
[22:18:00] <Ralith> (what if the point of view was above him?)
[22:18:06] <Ralith> (oriented similarly?)
[22:18:13] <@Baphnedia> (uh oh)
[22:18:20] <@Baphnedia> (now we brought perspective into all this)
[22:18:32] <@Baphnedia> (it'll never be found!) *cries*
[22:18:39] <Ralith> !name 2
[22:18:39] <Lycaon> Ralith: Dodoter, Moleves
[22:18:45] <Ralith> (there we go)
[22:18:53] <Lupin> (That depends on how you're oriented to him looking from above.)
[22:18:55] <Ralith> (Moleves Dodoter)
[22:19:04] * Lone_Wolf (Lone_Wolf@* has joined #paradice
[22:19:04] <A1465> ( >_< ewww )
[22:19:09] <Lupin> (Just in time!)
[22:19:09] <@Baphnedia> (hehe I have a name)
[22:19:12] <Ralith> (The same as him, just flipped over)
[22:19:12] <@Baphnedia> (wb)
[22:19:13] <A1465> (Hey, just in time)
[22:19:17] <Ralith> (hello LW, we're about to start)
[22:19:20] <Lone_Wolf> (game?)
[22:19:23] <@Baphnedia> (about to?)
[22:19:23] <Lupin> (Yes)
[22:19:27] <Lone_Wolf> (oh wow!)
[22:19:30] <Lupin> (Baph is looking for stuff.)
[22:19:37] <@Baphnedia> (such as his brain)
[22:19:41] <Lone_Wolf> (lol)
[22:19:47] <Lupin> (Heh)
[22:19:52] <Ralith> (anyone want to place bets on his phone ringing soon?)
[22:20:01] <A1465> !%
[22:20:01] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled 69%.
[22:20:10] <@Baphnedia> The warehouse is dark, the snow still...
[22:20:10] <Ralith> (cool feature)
[22:20:12] <Lupin> !d20
[22:20:13] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 for a total of 11.
[22:20:13] <@Baphnedia> woah
[22:20:19] <Ralith> (does he have a name yet?)
[22:20:20] <Lupin> (11 minutes)
[22:20:23] <@Baphnedia> (yes)
[22:20:29] <Ralith> (good)
[22:20:30] <@Baphnedia> (you don't know what it is.
[22:20:32] <@Baphnedia> )
[22:20:35] <Ralith> (we know we dont' know :P)
[22:20:40] <Lupin> (That can be fixed.)
[22:20:55] <Ralith> (So are you going to intro, or can we just start?)
[22:20:56] <@Baphnedia> The snow still falling peacfully, reacting to the mild gusts of a quiet breeze.
[22:21:07] <Lupin> (He's doing it now)
[22:21:22] <@Baphnedia> The weather, if cold, offers a quaint vision of tranquility.
[22:22:11] * Lone_Wolf is now known as Torrent
[22:22:15] <Lupin> (Done?)
[22:22:16] <@Baphnedia> Snowflakes colliding with one another as conflicting breezes bring them together, and they all fall down that much faster, to join the heap of dead snowflaxes that we like to throw at one another.
[22:22:30] <@Baphnedia> Within the shed, the power is out.
[22:22:59] <@Baphnedia> Walter is still decomposing at the same rate as he was when you left him, and there is a snoring coming from behind some boxes.
[22:23:17] <@Baphnedia> Where, The Human, slumbers.
[22:23:50] <@Baphnedia> What is he thinking? What will the fate of the world be? Who beat the Packers this week?
[22:24:12] <@Baphnedia> These and other important questions (What is tomorrow's weather?) linger on the tips of tongues.
[22:24:24] <@Baphnedia> And a sneeze is heard...
[22:24:48] <@Baphnedia> "ACHOOO!" ooo... ooo... ooo... ooo... (as it echoes down the tunnel)
[22:24:48] <Ralith> (done?)
[22:24:56] <@Baphnedia> (who got yer ear shot up?)
[22:25:02] <A1465> (me)
[22:25:02] <Ralith> (vilk)
[22:25:09] * Lupin looks toward the source of the sneeze.
[22:25:09] <@Baphnedia> (just making sure)
[22:25:20] * Ralith does the same
[22:25:43] <@Baphnedia> "Schgchtchtcthccth" It's coming from where the Human was.
[22:26:06] * Ralith pokes his head around the crates, examining the human's sleeping arrangements, and checking if he's actually asleep.
[22:26:32] <Torrent> "Sheesh, sleeping at a time like this"
[22:26:41] <Lupin> "Yeah jeez."
[22:26:42] <@Baphnedia> The human is no longer asleep. The deadened look in his eyes tells you that he just woke up to sneeze.
[22:27:00] * Ralith glances back. "Well, we haven't explained the situation to him."
[22:27:02] <@Baphnedia> "Ha! So did you figure it out yet?"
[22:27:14] <Ralith> (do we know what he's on about?)
[22:27:17] <Lupin> "Which it?"
[22:27:22] <Lupin> "There's several."
[22:27:26] * Ralith nods
[22:27:28] <@Baphnedia> "... one second..."
[22:27:45] <@Baphnedia> He rubs his eyes, wipes his nose, etc
[22:29:16] <Lupin> "So?"
[22:29:37] * Received a CTCP PING 1134880176 566296 from Lupin
[22:29:38] * Ping reply from Lupin: 4194.75 second(s)
[22:29:41] * Ping reply from Lupin: 4197.34 second(s)
[22:29:44] <@Baphnedia> The 'it' of getting back inside.
[22:29:48] <Torrent> "Ugggh... this guy's using up a lot of our time... he can take all the time he wants, as long as it ain't mine"
[22:29:56] <Torrent> "We've gotta move"
[22:30:11] <Ralith> "Well, do you want to just leave him here? He'll be one of us eventually, and he'll not be able to deal with it alone."
[22:30:26] <@Baphnedia> He sits up.
[22:30:28] <Ralith> "If we take care of this present crisis, I don't think we want to be exposed unexpectedly."
[22:30:29] * Lupin gets up to walk outside.
[22:30:33] <Torrent> "Like I said before, a couple can stay with him, and the rest move out"
[22:30:44] <@Baphnedia> So, none of you figured it out while I was asleep?
[22:31:02] <Lupin> "Well he's away now. We might as well take him along with us."
[22:31:02] <Ralith> "What, in the entire two minutes that gave us?"
[22:31:12] <Torrent> "Ha!"
[22:31:13] <Lupin> (awake*)
[22:31:21] <Ralith> "We have enough trouble as we are, anyway. We shouldn't split up."
[22:31:39] <Lupin> "Agreed."
[22:31:50] <Torrent> "Well do you honestly think we have the time to burn waiting?"
[22:32:06] <Ralith> "We've got to do /something/ with him. Leaving him here like that won't work."
[22:32:27] <Ralith> "Does /anyone/ have any experience with bittens?"
[22:32:28] * Torrent shows his frustration of the situation by kicking the wall
[22:32:32] <@Baphnedia> He puts a hand on his leg and winces... "Gah... ok, so the shoulder still hurts."
[22:32:39] <@Baphnedia> WHOOM
[22:32:40] <Ralith> "More or less?"
[22:32:42] * Ralith ducks
[22:32:43] <@Baphnedia> OOm
[22:32:46] <@Baphnedia> oom
[22:32:49] <@Baphnedia> ...oom
[22:32:50] <Ralith> "What was that?!"
[22:32:50] * Lupin looks around
[22:32:54] <Lupin> "What the hell?"
[22:33:01] * Ralith glares at Torrent
[22:33:04] <Ralith> "Don't do that."
[22:33:29] <Torrent> "I just don't want this to affect our mission"
[22:33:44] <Lupin> "It's already too late for that."
[22:33:52] <Torrent> "Apparently"
[22:33:53] <A1465> "Why don't you guys keep it down a bit," A1465 growls, with a pained look on his face.
[22:34:11] A1465 Akela
[22:34:16] <@Baphnedia> The human indicates A1465, "There's somethin wrong with him..."
[22:34:30] * A1465 growls again, obviously in a bad mood.
[22:34:32] * Ralith arches eyebrows. "And just what would that be?"
[22:34:36] <Lupin> "Yeah, getting shot in the ear will do that to you."
[22:34:45] A1465 Akela
[22:34:48] <@Baphnedia> "Heck if I know, lemme just shoot the wall and see what happens?"
[22:34:58] <Torrent> "How /is/ that ear treatin' ya?"
[22:35:06] <A1465> "Terrible!"
[22:35:13] <Ralith> (we need Darkmoon.)
[22:35:19] * Lupin looks at A1465 "Just shift and fix it already, would you?"
[22:36:27] * Vilkacis (~Vilkacis@* has joined #paradice
[22:36:48] <Ralith> (. . .)
[22:36:51] <Lupin> (What did you last see?)
[22:36:54] <Ralith> (* Lupin looks at A1465 "Just shift and fix it already, would you?")
[22:37:14] <Vilkacis> (Ack)
[22:37:18] * Lycaon has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[22:37:18] * A1465 has quit (EOF from client)
[22:37:18] <Vilkacis> (Can you hear me now?)
[22:37:22] <Akela> (gee)
[22:37:24] <Lupin> (Yep.)
[22:37:27] * Vilkacis is now known as A1465
[22:37:37] <Torrent> (Akela did you want to join in?)
[22:37:41] <@Baphnedia> (wb)
[22:37:57] <A1465> (Okay, last I saw was my own: <A1465> (Why would shifting do anything?) )
[22:38:08] <Torrent> (we didn't get that)
[22:38:20] <Lupin> (Yeah.)
[22:38:21] * Ralith shrugs. "Could help. It could also make it worse."
[22:38:23] <A1465> (Right before that was Baph's PM,
[22:38:32] <A1465> (and "we need Darkmoon)
[22:38:41] <@Baphnedia> (you didn't miss much)
[22:38:42] * Aki (Aki@* has joined #paradice
[22:38:48] <Lupin> (Hey Aki)
[22:38:50] <@Baphnedia> (what a crowd!)
[22:38:51] <A1465> (k)
[22:38:53] <@Baphnedia> (hiyas!)
[22:38:57] <A1465> (Heya')
[22:39:02] <Torrent> (hi)
[22:39:08] <Aki> (Figures the day I come in late a game's in progress. :P )
[22:39:14] <Akela> (heh)
[22:39:14] <Ralith> (hehe)
[22:39:17] <@Baphnedia> (rofl)
[22:39:18] <Ralith> (we just started)
[22:39:19] <Lupin> (You've not missed much.)
[22:39:19] <A1465> (We haven't been going long)
[22:39:24] <Lupin> (Just some banter.)
[22:39:28] <@Baphnedia> (speaking of... lets get back to it...)
[22:39:39] <@Baphnedia> The Human stands up and runs a hand through his greasy hair.
[22:39:58] <Lupin> "Anyway, we need to get back to the silo, and I really don't want to go through that Chernobly wannabe again."
--- This part is now incosnsistant with the background. Ralith and Lupin bit Aki, and it took him about a week to shift (We should have done it earlier.)---
[22:40:00] <Ralith> "I ask again. Does /anyone/ have any experience with bitten ones?"
[22:40:07] <@Baphnedia> He then decides that his hand is greasy and wipes it on a pantleg, his jeans turning red under his fingers.
[22:40:09] <Aki> "..I was bitten.."
[22:40:10] Akela Aki
[22:40:12] * Lupin points at Aki
[22:40:16] <Ralith> "Right."
[22:40:24] * Ralith slaps self.
[22:40:39] <@Baphnedia> "Hunh."
[22:40:46] <Ralith> "How long did it take for your initial shift to occur?"
[22:40:53] <@Baphnedia> The human gets very interested in something under his hair.
[22:41:11] <Lupin> (What?)
[22:41:21] <Ralith> (I'm talking to Aki.)
[22:41:38] <Lupin> (Not you, Baphnedia)
[22:41:45] <A1465> (The human likely has a head-wound)
[22:41:48] <Ralith> (*shrug*)
[22:41:53] <@Baphnedia> (that's cool... the human is having fun finding more wounds)
[22:41:57] <@Baphnedia> (exactly)
[22:42:01] <Lupin> (Ah)
[22:42:06] <Ralith> (*pokes Aki*)
[22:42:09] <Aki> "Maybe a week or so, not entirely sure. I didn't really check a exact track. Maybe have been 7, may have been 5, may have been 10 or 12."
--- End Inconstancy --
[22:42:30] <Ralith> "We don't have that kind of time, and we really can't trust him to stay put here."
[22:42:52] <Ralith> "We also can't risk him out on his own."
[22:42:54] <@Baphnedia> "Why thank you too."
[22:43:02] * Ralith ignores the guy.
[22:43:05] <Torrent> "No offense"
[22:43:13] * Ralith sighs
[22:43:14] <@Baphnedia> The guy nods.
[22:43:17] <Ralith> "We've got no reason to."
[22:43:27] <Ralith> "You've already proven that you'll switch 'boss'es in an instant"
[22:43:29] * Lupin looks at the guy "Well on the first shift, you aren't exactly calm and collected."
[22:43:40] <@Baphnedia> "So what's behind Door #1?" indicating the huge vault door and the blackness beyond.
[22:43:41] <Torrent> "So woulda reckon folks?"
[22:44:15] <Lupin> "So we can't exactly leave you here anyway."
[22:44:28] <Ralith> "And above all, we /really/ can't risk you messing up and revealing us."
[22:44:37] <Torrent> "This is true"
[22:44:59] <Lupin> "Nuclear accident."
[22:45:07] * Lupin points at the door.
[22:45:33] <Ralith> "We should probably close that."
[22:45:56] <Ralith> "I don't want to risk radiation leakage; be pointless to keep this guy alive, then have him die of rads before the first shift."
[22:46:00] <@Baphnedia> Hmm...
[22:46:01] <Lupin> "We'll do that after we decied to go through it now."
[22:46:05] <Lupin> er...
[22:46:14] <Ralith> "That, and if there's anyone down there, we're making our location obvious."
[22:46:21] <Lupin> "We'll do that after we've decided to go through or not."
[22:46:35] * Ralith gestures to the human. "We're taking this guy with us, aren't we?"
[22:46:42] <Ralith> "He won't survive that."
[22:46:45] <Lupin> "I intend to."
[22:46:50] <@Baphnedia> "So... there's some kind of silo, like what you said last night down there?"
[22:47:03] <Ralith> "Does anyone have a better idea?"
[22:47:23] <@Baphnedia> The human shakes his head.
[22:47:29] <Lupin> "I don't really want to go down there again, myself."
[22:47:35] * Ralith pointedly ignores the human.
[22:47:43] <Ralith> "I mean as opposed to taking him with us."
[22:48:11] <Lupin> "I was thiking of going overland, like the first time we got to the silo."
[22:48:39] <Ralith> (*poke* that's not what I'm talking about.)
[22:48:50] <Ralith> "Probably the best idea."
[22:49:03] * Baphnedia catches up on the RV featurette
[22:49:09] * Ralith turns back to the human. "Are there any other vehicles around?"
[22:49:19] <@Baphnedia> The human looks distracted.
[22:49:25] * Ralith looks annoyed
[22:49:29] <@Baphnedia> "I didn't see any."
[22:49:38] <Ralith> "You live in this place, don't you?"
[22:49:46] <@Baphnedia> "No."
[22:49:57] <@Baphnedia> "I live in a little village known as Chicago."
[22:50:02] <Ralith> "How'd you end up here, then?"
[22:50:25] <Ralith> "Show interest in the wrong job or something?"
[22:50:26] <@Baphnedia> "I have a little thing called 'a job'"
[22:50:27] * Torrent cuts in ... "Business"
[22:50:36] * Ralith gives in.
[22:50:37] <@Baphnedia> He nods to Torrent
[22:50:41] <Ralith> "Alright, what's so distracting?"
[22:50:49] * Ralith sniffs
[22:51:06] <@Baphnedia> "Well, y'see, I've got this friend."
[22:51:09] * Lupin sniffs as well.
[22:51:22] <@Baphnedia> "aaand, his new girlfriend is kinda scary."
[22:51:30] <Ralith> "Go on."
[22:51:32] <@Baphnedia> "I mean, really scary."
[22:51:35] <Torrent> "And this has to do with what?"
[22:51:37] <Aki> "Heh..."
[22:51:43] <Ralith> "In what sense? Is this really important?"
[22:51:45] <Lupin> "Us scary, or weird scary?"
[22:51:50] * Ralith grins
[22:52:12] <@Baphnedia> "He and I used to drink together. He used to do sappy drama. Now he's writing horror, and I swear, his girlfriend ain't just givin him head."
[22:52:22] <Torrent> (lol)
[22:52:23] <@Baphnedia> Her name's Vicki
[22:52:32] <Lupin> (Hahahahaha)
[22:52:34] <Ralith> (is this a red victoria refrence I'm sensing?)
[22:52:38] <Lupin> (Yes.)
[22:52:38] <Aki> (lol)
[22:52:45] <Torrent> ( :P )
[22:52:49] <Ralith> "So what's so scary about her?"
[22:52:58] <@Baphnedia> I ran into her in an alley, and well, she scared me half to death.
[22:52:58] <Ralith> "And why's it so distracting right now?"
[22:53:22] <@Baphnedia> Her teeth, are, so... beautiful.
[22:53:24] <Lupin> "What is she, some sort of zombie or something?"
[22:53:28] <@Baphnedia> I'm thinking of asking her out.
[22:53:40] * Ralith prods the human with a claw. "What's that got to do with this?"
[22:53:51] <Ralith> "You'll not be speaking to any human for quite a while now."
[22:53:56] <@Baphnedia> The human waves the claw away.
[22:54:13] <@Baphnedia> Well, thanks to your friend, I'm not exactly Human anymore now aren't I?
[22:54:20] <Ralith> "My point."
[22:54:32] <Ralith> "You've got a week or so to go yet, though."
[22:54:37] <@Baphnedia> Well, I hope vicki is still human.
[22:54:47] <@Baphnedia> My scalp is still bleeding from where she touched me.
[22:54:53] <Ralith> "Would you mind explaining what you're talking about?"
[22:54:55] <@Baphnedia> Two weeks ago.
[22:54:56] * Ralith pauses
[22:55:00] <Torrent> "Hmmm... touched you?"
[22:55:01] <Ralith> "What?!"
[22:55:02] <Lupin> "..."
[22:55:13] <Ralith> "What do you mean by touched you?"
[22:55:13] <Torrent> "It's bleeding from her touching you?!?"
[22:55:21] <Lupin> "And you didn't notice this until now?"
[22:55:24] <Ralith> "Just brushed you with a finger or something?"
[22:55:29] <@Baphnedia> Well, something closer to 'clawed' me...
[22:55:36] <@Baphnedia> but the wound hasn't healed.
[22:55:44] <@Baphnedia> Hasn't gotten infected, either.
[22:55:53] <Torrent> "Huh..."
[22:56:05] <@Baphnedia> (he runs his other hand through his hair, wincing as he uses his bitten shoulder muscles)
[22:56:15] <Ralith> "Is this all you know about her?"
[22:56:18] <Lupin> "Well, the last time I clawed someone, it healed."
[22:56:18] <@Baphnedia> He holds up both hands, both are bloody.
[22:56:31] * Ralith grimaces. "That looks bad."
[22:56:32] <@Baphnedia> "Yeah/
[22:56:35] <Aki> "Kinda weird that..."
[22:56:42] <Torrent> "That /is/ odd..."
[22:56:51] <@Baphnedia> I think it's a kind of curse...
[22:56:51] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[22:57:00] <Torrent> "How old is that?"
[22:57:09] <A1465> (Two weeks)
[22:57:10] <Lupin> "Two weeks."
[22:57:19] <Ralith> "But it's still irrelevant. We'll certainly look into her once all this is over, but it's not important right now."
[22:57:34] <@Baphnedia> I ain't worried about her no more.
[22:57:36] <Torrent> "Don't mind my slight skepticism"
[22:57:38] <@Baphnedia> She moved on to Texas.
[22:57:41] <Ralith> "If you can get along with that shoulder wound, a scalp cut shouldn't be a problem."
[22:57:50] <Torrent> "Indeed"
[22:57:52] <@Baphnedia> I haven't let it get in the wayyet.
[22:58:24] <@Baphnedia> The human motions to the door, "So, we close this first, or go through it and then close it?"
[22:58:34] <Ralith> "You won't survive inside there."
[22:58:47] <Ralith> "We're going overland, though I'm at a loss as to how we'll manage to take you."
[22:58:51] <@Baphnedia> "Great."
[22:58:54] <Ralith> "You simply can't move fast enough."
[22:59:14] <@Baphnedia> "Well, the cops won't go looking beyond that door for me... I'm pretty sure of that."
[22:59:32] <Ralith> "Oh, believe me, the cops are now the least of your problems."
[22:59:35] <@Baphnedia> "Overland or not."
[22:59:45] <Ralith> "We'll explain once we get moving."
[23:00:02] <@Baphnedia> "We waiting on anything?"
[23:00:04] <Torrent> "...which we really should start doing asap"
[23:00:09] <Aki> "Yeah.
[23:00:12] * Baphnedia pokes Aki
[23:00:14] <Ralith> "We need some way to take you with us, of course."
[23:00:16] * Baphnedia pokes Akela
[23:00:35] Akela Aki
[23:00:36] <Ralith> "It's too far for us to move at your speed.'
[23:00:47] <@Baphnedia> The human stands up, wiping more blood onto his pants.
[23:00:52] * Lupin looks at Aki "What are you waiting for?"
[23:01:04] <Torrent> "Hmm... can we fashion some sort of sledge to bring him on?"
[23:01:09] <Aki> "Just carry him."
[23:01:15] <Torrent> "Yeah..."
[23:01:16] <@Baphnedia> "Oh great."
[23:01:24] <Ralith> "Can't move fast enough that way. Sort of misses the point."
[23:01:31] <Ralith> "I'm going to see if there's another car."
[23:01:37] * Ralith steps outside and begins circling the building
[23:01:42] <@Baphnedia> You might not be able to get the best of both worlds, chum.
[23:01:56] * Ralith yells back, "We're kind of short for time."
[23:02:03] * Ralith continues searching
[23:02:05] * Lupin walks outside, climbs up on the hill, and looks around.
[23:02:06] * Ralith returns.
[23:02:12] <Ralith> "Nothing."
[23:02:13] -Baphnedia- there is no car
[23:02:20] <Ralith> "We could make a run back to town..."
[23:02:25] <Ralith> "Is it worth the risk?"
[23:02:27] * Baphnedia runs after a beep
[23:02:29] <@Baphnedia> s***...
[23:02:36] >Baphnedia< I wasn't looking for the car. I was looking for some sign of the silo.
[23:02:37] <Ralith> (phone? :P)
[23:02:43] <Lupin> (Oh no)
[23:02:53] <@Baphnedia> no...
[23:02:57] <Torrent> (ehem !ircquote 6)
[23:02:59] <Torrent> (oh)
[23:03:06] <Aki> (lol)
[23:03:25] * Lupin looks for some sign as to which direction the silo is in.
[23:03:37] <Ralith> (*pokes the occupants of the room*)
[23:03:54] <A1465> (/me is poked :( )
[23:03:57] * Lupin (pokes Ralith)
[23:04:06] <Ralith> "We could make a run back to town..."
[23:04:08] <Ralith> "Is it worth the risk?"
[23:04:13] * Baphnedia finishes turning off a fire alarm...
[23:04:17] <Torrent> "or the time"
[23:04:23] <Ralith> (Lupin, aren't you on the hill?)
[23:04:28] <Aki> "The town's too far. We'd have to drag this guy along anyways."
[23:04:42] <Ralith> "It'll save us plenty of time over carrying him."
[23:04:48] * Lupin yells inside "I don't think so. We made a pretty big scene in town too."
[23:04:52] <Ralith> "For this, I think it'd be safe to split."
[23:05:01] <Torrent> "Finally"
[23:05:02] <Lupin> (Oh I thought you meant the chatroom.)
[23:05:03] <Ralith> "Shouldn't be too hard to steal a car from the outskirts, though."
[23:05:17] <Ralith> "Maybe we can haunt a road?"
[23:05:30] * Ralith pokes his head outside. "Hey Lupin, where's the nearest road with any traffic?"
[23:05:40] * Lupin looks for a road.
[23:06:00] <@Baphnedia> There is a road...
[23:06:03] <@Baphnedia> ...
[23:06:08] * Baphnedia puts the ladder away
[23:06:19] * Baphnedia hates 'Vaulted Ceilings'!
[23:06:21] <Ralith> (hehe)
[23:06:24] <Lupin> (Heh)
[23:06:29] <Lupin> (broom stick.)
[23:06:29] * Baphnedia hates fire alarms!
[23:06:46] <Ralith> (shotgun)
[23:06:50] <Lupin> (I hate them because I tend to set them off regularly.)
[23:06:51] <@Baphnedia> (yes!)
[23:07:00] <Ralith> (yay for soldering irons)
[23:07:06] * Baphnedia wonders what Lupin does for fun...
[23:07:07] <Ralith> (so is lupin going to get any road info?)
[23:07:16] <Lupin> (And any sign of the silo?)
[23:08:11] -Baphnedia- The Road is perhaps five or six hundred feet ahead of the warehouse. Where the car turned off the long driveway last night. The silo is an underground facility, about 2km in the other direction, through a patchy, hilly forest.
[23:08:25] <@Baphnedia> (notice sent)
[23:08:31] <Torrent> (brb I think I chipped a tooth on a piece of torrone)
[23:08:38] <Ralith> (ow)
[23:09:08] <Lupin> "The only road I see is the one that we chased the card down on earlier."
[23:09:53] * Lupin continues "But given the terrain, I'm not sure how we're going to get a car to the silo."
[23:10:13] <Ralith> "What direction's it in?"
[23:10:30] <Torrent> (back... note to self, don't eat anymore of the hard torrone...)
[23:10:54] <@Baphnedia> (behind the shed...)
[23:10:57] <Lupin> "Which one, the silo or the road?'
[23:11:11] <Ralith> "The silo."
[23:11:35] <Torrent> "A truck with 4 wheel would be better, no?"
[23:11:50] <Lupin> "Behind the shed, where the door is."
[23:11:54] <Ralith> "And this /is/ the sort of area where we're likely to find one such car."
[23:12:00] <Torrent> "especially with this terrain and weather"
[23:12:02] <Ralith> "Oh, right, that should've been obvious."
[23:12:14] * Ralith goes around the corner and looks
[23:12:22] <Ralith> (so what IS the terrain like?)
[23:12:35] <Lupin> (Patchy, hilly forest.)
[23:12:49] <Ralith> (how patchy?)
[23:12:57] <Lupin> (Baph?)
[23:12:58] <Ralith> (patchy enough to drive through?)
[23:13:46] <Akela> (oh boy)
[23:14:04] * Baphnedia finishes the RV featurette
[23:14:40] <Ralith> "Looks like we could do it with the right car. Shall we take up station on the road, then?"
[23:14:50] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[23:14:56] <@Baphnedia> A car drives along the road.
[23:14:59] * Lupin climbs down off the hill.
[23:15:09] <@Baphnedia> A plume of snow behind it, lighting up in the twilight before dawn.
[23:16:01] * Ralith crouches beside the road, greyish fur blending in decently
[23:16:33] * Lupin hides and tries to see if the car is sutible for off-road.
[23:16:45] <Ralith> "Is it worth grabbing?"
[23:17:04] <A1465> (It'd be funny if it were a police car :P )
[23:17:11] <@Baphnedia> the car that was driving past is long gone by the time you get to the road... remember it's a few hundred feet from the warehouse
[23:17:28] <Ralith> (I thought the car was distant :P)
[23:17:33] * Ralith growls.
[23:17:36] <Lupin> (So did I.)
[23:17:46] * Lupin lies in wait.
[23:17:53] <@Baphnedia> The morning breeze shifts a bit in this overcast day, the rays of the sun shining between the earth and the clouds
[23:18:15] <@Baphnedia> The human crouches in a ditch.
[23:18:22] * Ralith looks along the road in both directions, searching for a similar snowplume
[23:18:43] <@Baphnedia> there is a snowplume in both directions.
[23:18:59] <Ralith> (coming towards or away?)
[23:19:05] <@Baphnedia> (one of each)
[23:19:14] <Lupin> (Hmm, maybe we should have him stand out in the road, and get them to stop the car.)
[23:19:30] <Ralith> (You can say that aloud :P)
[23:19:35] * Aki crouches down, his white fur blending well with the snow.
[23:19:53] <Ralith> "Hey, human! Stand in the road!"
[23:20:04] <@Baphnedia> Oh!
[23:20:04] * Lupin looks to the human. "When we find a sutible car, stand out in the road and get them to stop."
[23:20:13] <@Baphnedia> "This'll be fun!"
[23:20:24] * Lupin looks at Ralith, "Well we don't want just any car."
[23:20:29] * A1465 growls under his breath.
[23:20:33] <Ralith> "We can wave him back if it's unacceptable."
[23:20:53] * Lupin adds "And get them to stop in such a way that the car is driveable after!"
[23:20:56] <Ralith> "By the time we've ascertaind quality, a moving car would be gone."
[23:21:05] <@Baphnedia> The human fiddles with something in the small of his back for a moment.
[23:21:09] * Ralith shoves the human into the road.
[23:21:17] <A1465> (lol)
[23:21:26] <@Baphnedia> Nice way to hide there Wolfy.
[23:21:26] <Ralith> "Stop delaying."
[23:21:42] * Ralith growls. "You interested in keeping what position you have?"
[23:22:05] <@Baphnedia> "What? You got my resume or something?"
[23:22:14] <Ralith> "Get out there, and if you make yourself visible enough you might just not get ran over."
[23:22:20] <@Baphnedia> "My previous employer won't like to know I'm working with someone else now..."
[23:22:29] * Ralith returns to the ditch, crouching down again.
[23:22:31] <@Baphnedia> "Oh, I'll be visible"
[23:22:52] <@Baphnedia> The human fakes hobbling, one hand over his coat, in the small of his back
[23:23:01] * Torrent watches the others from a distance, hidden from view of the road
[23:23:01] <Ralith> "You'll be quite well equipped to defend yourself if you survive the next several days."
[23:23:02] <@Baphnedia> The other hand sticking out a hitchiker's thumb
[23:23:16] <@Baphnedia> the human ignorse Ralith
[23:23:20] <@Baphnedia> *ignores
[23:23:37] <Lupin> "Unless Ralith here gets ahold of more explosives."
[23:23:55] <@Baphnedia> A plume approaches.
[23:24:03] <Ralith> "Heh. Then neither you nor your employers will be a problem any longer."
[23:24:06] <@Baphnedia> A large, black dodge truck, new-looking.
[23:24:07] * Torrent watches the action unfold
[23:24:18] <@Baphnedia> A look of concern unfolds itself on the human's face.
[23:24:18] <Lupin> "That looks good."
[23:24:28] * Ralith motions the human further into the road.
[23:24:29] <@Baphnedia> "s***. They see me."
[23:24:41] * Ralith presses himself into the snow
[23:24:49] <@Baphnedia> He looks at Ralith, and moves further in the road.
[23:24:51] * Lupin crouches down even futher.
[23:25:02] <Ralith> (Lupin, when you mentioned my name, did you gesture to me?)
[23:25:10] <Ralith> (Enough for him to know who I am now?)
[23:25:17] <@Baphnedia> He takes his free hand, (the hitchhiker's thumb, and grabs a clump of his hair as the truck approaches
[23:25:21] <Lupin> (Well, that was kinda the point.)
[23:25:27] <Ralith> (Alright.)
[23:26:01] <Akela> (Duh)
[23:26:12] <@Baphnedia> You hear the human mutter under his breath, "Competition is coming."
[23:26:26] <Lupin> "What?"
[23:26:31] * Lupin sniffs
[23:26:33] * Torrent mumbles "Don't screw up..." (but is too far away for them to hear)
[23:26:36] * Ralith blinks. "What?"
[23:27:03] <@Baphnedia> The truck begins to slow down, as the human is limping and hunched in visible pain.
[23:27:35] <@Baphnedia> The truck slows down the passenger window lowers, and a big pistol sticks itself in the human's ear almost of it's own volition.
[23:27:50] * Ralith gives Lupin a questioning look, speaking quietly. "Do you have any idea what he meant."
[23:27:50] <@Baphnedia> The human's head is cocked to the side. "Don't move."
[23:27:51] <Torrent> "Oh s***..."
[23:27:55] <Ralith> (make that ?)
[23:28:03] <@Baphnedia> The human in the road freezes.
[23:28:04] <Ralith> "Oh no..."
[23:28:12] * Lupin whispers. "The hell..."
[23:28:16] * Ralith glances at Lupin again. "What now?"
[23:28:19] <@Baphnedia> A voice from inside the truck yells. "Marty!"
[23:28:24] <Ralith> "Probably his former employers."
[23:28:29] <@Baphnedia> "How good it is to see you again!"
[23:28:30] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[23:28:40] <Ralith> "We could probably take them by surprise before they shoot him."
[23:28:43] <@Baphnedia> "What the hell did you do to my secretary?!"
[23:28:58] <@Baphnedia> "Before I have you killed, I would like to know."
[23:29:09] * Aki grips his Assualt rifle, holding it so his body obscures it.
[23:29:19] <@Baphnedia> The human grumbles under his breath, with a steady slow motion, he turns to face inside the truck.
[23:29:22] <@Baphnedia> "I didn'
[23:29:22] * Torrent edges closer low-slung to the ground
[23:29:31] <@Baphnedia> "I didn't tell you to look at us Marty."
[23:29:32] <Ralith> "Our presence should surprise them enough to let us take them out without any risk."
[23:29:38] * Lupin crou8ches read to spring
[23:29:45] * Ralith readies himself similarily.
[23:29:47] <@Baphnedia> Marty looks down at the doorhandle, one hand still in the small of his back.
[23:29:47] * Torrent approaches the others
[23:29:51] <@Baphnedia> Marty speaks.
[23:30:05] <@Baphnedia> "Oh, Victoria? She didn't like me, Sir."
[23:30:14] * Torrent catches the name
[23:30:16] <@Baphnedia> "In fact, she gave me this, two weeks ago, to give to you."
[23:30:23] <Lupin> (Whispered) "Ready?"
[23:30:24] <Torrent> "Oh... no..."
[23:30:28] <Torrent> "Yeah"
[23:30:33] <Ralith> "Ready."
[23:30:36] <@Baphnedia> Marty yanks out a clump of greasy hair.
[23:30:41] <@Baphnedia> And tosses it in the truck
[23:30:46] <@Baphnedia> One hand still in the small of his back.
[23:30:48] * Ralith grimaces.
[23:31:00] <Lupin> "Blech"
[23:31:03] <@Baphnedia> "So, Boss, she decided to f*** me and then move to Texas."
[23:31:06] <Ralith> (whispered) "On your signal."
[23:31:15] <Torrent> "We gotta go now"
[23:31:19] * Lupin springs "NOW"
[23:31:22] <@Baphnedia> "Oh, and she sends her regards."
[23:31:28] * Ralith leaps at the windshield
[23:31:35] <@Baphnedia> Marty pulls his gun and fires once into the vehicle
[23:31:51] * Torrent springs forward towards the vehicle and grabs onto the passenger door handle
[23:31:58] <@Baphnedia> BOOM! As Ralith lands on the windsheild, the truck doesn't even get dented with the weight.
[23:32:03] * Torrent pulls it
[23:32:06] * A1465 stays put.
[23:32:12] * Ralith hammers at the glass.
[23:32:18] <@Baphnedia> The handle is locked. Torruent rips the handle off.
[23:32:22] * Ralith snarls, growling loudly.
[23:32:22] * Lupin slams hard for the window
[23:32:24] <Torrent> "Damnit!"
[23:32:38] <Ralith> (shall I roll for damage to glass?)
[23:32:41] <@Baphnedia> Blood sprays on the driver's side of the vehicle and somthing pings around several times inside it.
[23:32:44] * Torrent climbs onto the roof looking for a moonroof
[23:32:52] <@Baphnedia> The glass doesn't give, but your hands hurt.
[23:32:58] <@Baphnedia> No moonroof is presnet.
[23:33:03] <@Baphnedia> *present.
[23:33:04] * Aki takes aim and looks for a good shot...
[23:33:09] <Ralith> "s***. This thing's armored!"
[23:33:21] * Ralith pauses, taking a good look inside.
[23:33:28] <@Baphnedia> There is not a lot of movement from inside the truck.
[23:33:33] <Lupin> "Great, that means it will take more damage when I drive it through the forest."
[23:33:53] <Ralith> (err, what?)
[23:34:00] <Ralith> (don't you mean less?)
[23:34:05] <@Baphnedia> Three bodies slumped, one in the driver's seat, the passenger seat, and some guy who's playing dead but breathing hardly in theback.
[23:34:08] <Lupin> (er.. Yes.)
[23:34:11] <Torrent> (an armored Dodge, who woulda thunk it)
[23:34:22] <Ralith> "Good point."
[23:34:41] * Lupin walks over to Marty's side
[23:34:43] * Aki moves closer to the dodge from his hiding spot.
[23:34:43] * Ralith slides off to the side with the open window, sticks a paw in, and attempts to unlock/open the door.
[23:34:49] <@Baphnedia> Marty reaches into the passenger side through the open window. The glass looking like it'd taken a nick from a rock, not a large caliber bullet.
[23:35:02] <@Baphnedia> Both marty and ralith open the door.
[23:35:07] <Ralith> "This might just be useful."
[23:35:13] <Lupin> "Yep."
[23:35:15] <@Baphnedia> Marty throws a body into the ditch
[23:35:22] <Torrent> "Anybody alive in there?"
[23:35:22] * Ralith clambers into the back, taking a seat next to the guy playing dead.
[23:35:39] * Ralith puts on a toothy smile. ""So, what brings you here?"
[23:35:40] <@Baphnedia> He then reaches in the truck and rips out a DVD screen pointed at the passenger window (with a bullet hole through it) and tosses it out too.
[23:35:48] * Lupin walks back over to the driver's side
[23:35:56] <@Baphnedia> The guy in theback is pretending really hard that you're not there.
[23:36:00] * A1465 crawls out from cover and over to the truck.
[23:36:16] <@Baphnedia> It's a super cab, 4 door.
[23:36:27] <Lupin> (Which door handle was ripped off?)
[23:36:28] * Ralith grabs the guy by his head, pulling him upright. "Come now, you know it's rude not to speak when you're spoken to."
[23:36:32] <@Baphnedia> Marty opens the driver's door and tosses the dead driver out.
[23:36:35] <Torrent> (passenger)
[23:36:43] * Lupin slides into the driver's seat
[23:36:45] * Baphnedia is now known as Passenger
[23:36:50] * Ralith growls, teeth bared.
[23:36:51] <@Passenger> uh?
[23:36:55] <@Passenger> Sorry... um
[23:36:59] * Ralith is enjoying this greatly, if you hadn't noticed ^_^
[23:36:59] * Passenger looks away
[23:37:07] * Ralith grabs his head again, forcing him to look back.
[23:37:20] <Torrent> "Why hello there, think you're a tough guy, eh?"
[23:37:21] * Passenger squitts his eyes shut
[23:37:25] <Lupin> "Well he's seen too much."
[23:37:26] <@Passenger> "Just go away!"
[23:37:32] * Ralith 's growling intensifies. "Come on, we'd love to hear what you have to say."
[23:37:44] * Ralith happily continues to bring nightmares to life for the passenger
[23:37:56] * Passenger shakes visibly, Marty looking on with a cruel smile on his face.
[23:38:18] <Torrent> "You two don't like each other do ya?"
[23:38:33] * A1465 slowly climbs into the bed of the truck and lies down.
[23:38:33] <@Passenger> "Umm... no?"
[23:38:47] * Ralith pulls Passenger's eyelids open and yawns, giving him a nice view of the inside of his mouth. "You're boring me here. Talk to us!"
[23:38:57] <Lupin> "Hahah."
[23:39:04] <Torrent> (lol)
[23:39:06] <A1465> (Isn't that a bit dangerous with claws?)
[23:39:14] <Torrent> (meh)
[23:39:14] <@Passenger> AHH!
[23:39:19] <Ralith> (I'm using my pads; the claws will become useful later.)
[23:39:28] <Ralith> "Now now, that wasn't necessary."
[23:39:46] <Ralith> "We just want to hear what you have to say about yourself."
[23:39:50] <Lupin> "Don't scare him too much Ralith, I really don't want him peeing his pants in a closed area."
[23:40:03] <A1465> (haha)
[23:40:10] <Torrent> "Do you have any... famous last words?"
[23:40:13] <Ralith> "Who are you? Who were the other two? What're you doing here? What do you know of the silo?"
[23:40:15] <Aki> "Just toss him in the ditch and lets go. We've wasted enough time already."
[23:40:15] <@Passenger> "What do you want of me?!"
[23:40:19] <Torrent> (rip off from another movie)
[23:40:37] <Ralith> "Oh, just a little friendly curiosity, that's all."
[23:40:37] <@Passenger> Silo?
[23:40:46] <@Passenger> Wait... too many questions.
[23:40:49] * Ralith stretches his face into what could be either a grin or a snarl.
[23:40:58] * Lupin growls "Nobody knows anything around here."
[23:40:58] <Torrent> "He'll be just another crazy when people find him"
[23:40:59] <@Passenger> Are... these... my... last... words? gah!
[23:41:05] <Ralith> "I'm sure that's not an obstacle for our esteemed guest."
[23:41:25] <Lupin> "You'll get a lot more if you cooperate."
[23:41:31] * Ralith turns to Torrent breifly with a grin. "He'll certainly be crazy by the time I'm done with him."
[23:41:36] <@Passenger> Frankly, I'm more afraid of Marty than you... but... but... you won't be giving me to him will you?
[23:41:37] * Ralith turns back.
[23:41:41] * Passenger looks afraid
[23:41:45] <Lupin> "That depends."
[23:41:47] * Passenger looks very afraid
[23:41:47] * Ralith looks surprised
[23:42:00] * Ralith glances at Marty. "What've you got on my teeth?"
[23:42:02] * Lupin looks at Marty "So what did you do to him?"
[23:42:06] * Torrent motions Marty to come over
[23:42:08] <Aki> "Haha.."
[23:42:14] <A1465> (brb, bathroom)
[23:42:34] * Torrent puts one paw on each
[23:42:38] <Aki> "Guy runs into Werewolves...and is more afraid of the human..."
[23:42:45] <@Passenger> (a small line of blood is now dripping down Marty's face from under where he pulled his hair and scalp out, a white area of bone showing now in contrast with his hair.
[23:42:53] <Torrent> "Now, what makes you do afraid of our pal here?"
[23:43:02] <Ralith> "Aside from that minor wound of his."
[23:43:14] <Aki> "...Doesn't look minor..."
[23:43:31] <@Passenger> (marty) "Oh, I'm no more terrifying than you, except that you aren't about to have Karma balance you out, for killing my family. Nothing more." He grins
[23:43:35] * Ralith grins. "It is compared to what our friend here will be experiencing if he's not cooperative."
[23:43:49] <Ralith> "Ah."
[23:44:01] * Ralith returns his attention to the Passenger.
[23:44:11] <Lupin> "Revenge. That explains it."
[23:44:13] <Ralith> "Well, I believe the vehicle of karma has found you. Gonna answer me yet?"
[23:44:16] <@Passenger> (marty) "Oh yeah, Leonard, didn't I promise you that I was going to return as much death to you as you did to me?"
[23:44:27] * Ralith gives Passenger another toothy grin.
[23:44:29] * Passenger looks at Ralith
[23:44:39] * Passenger looks for Lycaon to save him
[23:44:45] <Ralith> !howl
[23:44:50] <Ralith> (err...)
[23:44:55] <A1465> (back)
[23:45:02] * Torrent looks perplexingly at the bone visible atop Marty's head
[23:45:02] <Lupin> (Bot's missing)
[23:45:04] <Ralith> (get Lycaon in here.)
[23:45:05] <Akela> (Lycaon's gone lol)
[23:45:08] * Lycaon (~DiceBot@* has joined #paradice
[23:45:12] <@Passenger> (yay)
[23:45:15] <@Passenger> !phone
[23:45:16] * Lycaon shouts to get everyone's attention, "Passenger's phone is ringing!"
[23:45:22] <Lupin> (Hahaha)
[23:45:23] <Torrent> (nooooo!)
[23:45:23] <Ralith> (:|)
[23:45:38] <Akela> You're joking right? lol
[23:45:41] <@Passenger> (I've been on the phone for the last five minutes)
[23:45:47] <Aki> (lol)
[23:45:47] <Ralith> (hehe)
[23:45:53] <Lupin> (Ha)
[23:45:59] * Passenger hangs up the phone
[23:46:07] <Ralith> (*awaits answers*)
[23:46:07] <Torrent> "So, what was that pulling part of your scalp off bit for?"
[23:46:08] * Passenger returns his attention to Ralith
[23:46:18] <Torrent> "That was rather...odd"
[23:46:22] <@Passenger> (marty) "It was itching like hell."
[23:46:36] <Lupin> "Uh-huh"
[23:46:36] <Ralith> "You've got impressive pain tolerance."
[23:46:48] <Torrent> "Oh, so you'd rather have your skull showing"
[23:46:52] <Torrent> "Interesting"
[23:46:54] <Lupin> "Are we all here?"
[23:47:05] <@Passenger> This truck is kinda small.
[23:47:19] <@Passenger> (mary) I think we need to get rid of our excess baggage. Leonard.
[23:47:21] * Ralith yawns at Passenger again. "Give me some answers before I go to sleep over here."
[23:47:26] * Passenger is now known as Leonard
[23:47:29] <Ralith> "Of course, I'd hate to miss my pre-nap meal."
[23:47:43] <Ralith> (mary? eek.)
[23:47:44] * Leonard looks broken
[23:47:46] <Torrent> "Makes him cranky"
[23:47:51] <Lupin> "You haven't had anything to eat in a whole day, have you, Ralith"
[23:47:52] <@Leonard> (marty hehe)
[23:48:02] <Ralith> "Oh, I don't think I have."
[23:48:12] <Torrent> "Nor have I"
[23:48:17] <Lupin> "Me neither."
[23:48:17] <Ralith> "Makes one quite hungry, you know. Our metabolisms are quite fast."
[23:48:23] * Torrent licks his chops
[23:48:23] <@Leonard> "Umm... what have I been doing? Keeping the Boss connected."
[23:48:26] * Ralith snarl/grins again
[23:48:31] <Ralith> "Go on."
[23:48:31] <@Leonard> "Taking care of his business..."
[23:48:39] <Lupin> "And that would be?"
[23:48:40] <@Leonard> "Things of that sort."
[23:48:43] <Ralith> "We'd like just a leeeetle bit more detail."
[23:49:17] <@Leonard> "Oh, checking up on our distributors, we were going to go see Walter when we heard some craziness over his radio."
[23:49:34] <@Leonard> "Marty! You effing killed him you bastard!"
[23:49:43] <@Leonard> "He was my friend!"
[23:50:03] <Lupin> "This is great, really."
[23:50:10] <@Leonard> (marty) "Yeah. And you'll be like him in a second if you keep complaining about it.. 'Just business' right, pal?"
[23:50:10] <Lupin> "But we don't care."
[23:50:12] <Ralith> "But we don't care about your friends."
[23:50:23] * Leonard sulks
[23:50:28] <Ralith> "So what's your organization do, then?"
[23:50:46] <@Leonard> We... transport illicit things.
[23:50:48] <Torrent> "This reunion is all so special, but time is short and I'm famished"
[23:50:51] * Ralith moves his face extremely close to Leonard, an innocent expression on his face.
[23:50:52] <@Leonard> (marty bursts out into laughter)
[23:50:56] <Torrent> "Stop playing games"
[23:50:56] <Lupin> (Log post.)

In which several werewolves ride around in a truck.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:37 am
by Lupin
<@Baphnedia> ...with a knock-off explanation of how RV moved to Texas
[23:51:03] <Ralith> "Perhaps we should just grab a meal and get going."
[23:51:10] <Ralith> "Or maybe you could tell us what you're talking about?"
[23:51:15] <Lupin> "Sounds good to me."
[23:51:26] <Lupin> "At least he'd be useful then."
[23:51:30] <Torrent> "Yeah I don't think he's gonna give us any more info. Dinner time!"
[23:51:34] <Ralith> "Your choice, pal. Although I'm getting hungrier..."
[23:51:49] <@Leonard> We move drugs
[23:51:52] <@Leonard> pharmaceuticals,
[23:52:03] <@Leonard> radioactive waste
[23:52:08] <@Leonard> you name it.
[23:52:10] <Torrent> ah
[23:52:20] <Torrent> "ah"
[23:52:23] <Ralith> "And who put you up to your last job?"
[23:52:27] <@Leonard> Aand we kill anyone that gets in our way. No offense, Marty.
[23:52:35] <Lupin> "Who put you up to it, and where was it going?"
[23:52:47] <Ralith> "That too."
[23:53:12] * Torrent looks at Leonard's watch to read the time
[23:53:23] <@Leonard> Don't know who put me up to it, orders are anonymous. But, we were supposed to pickup some waste from Walter in the shed over there. But, when they saw Marty in the road, we figured we'd finish that job too.
[23:53:44] <Ralith> "And where was that waste headed?"
[23:53:45] <@Leonard> The time is: 0812
[23:54:00] <@Leonard> To a dump outside Washington, DC
[23:54:21] <Torrent> "Twelve after eight in the morning... we're not making the best use of time here"
[23:54:48] * Ralith looks back to the group. "A dump? This isn't making sense."
[23:54:55] <Torrent> "We need addresses now"
[23:54:57] <Aki> " don't think?"
[23:55:00] <@Leonard> Failing that, it was going to a stadium in Chicago
[23:55:05] <Ralith> (where ARE we now, anyway?)
[23:55:07] <Lupin> "A stadium."
[23:55:19] <@Leonard> I hope there are no Bears fans in here
[23:55:20] <A1465> (Just sitting in the road for anyone to come by and see?)
[23:55:25] <@Leonard> (yes)
[23:55:26] <Ralith> "They were probably planning to pick it up."
[23:55:42] <Ralith> (yup; good point, we didn't think of that, and we still haven't. This hsould be interesting.)
[23:55:47] <@Leonard> Don't you die Marty?!
[23:56:17] <@Leonard> (marty grins, a river of blood running down past his right eye drying)
[23:56:20] * Ralith grabs Leonard's head again, dropping the innocent facade, and starts to growl low and loud, showing lots of teeth. "Addresses. Now."
[23:56:21] * Torrent turns to once again stare at the missing piece of Marty's scalp
[23:56:46] <@Leonard> A look of fear crosses Leonard's face
[23:56:54] * Torrent turns back to Leonard
[23:56:57] <@Leonard> Um... 827 Elm St
[23:56:58] * Lupin closes the drivers door, and puts the car into gear. "We should get out of the road at least."
[23:57:16] <Ralith> "Get us moving. I'll keep up the interrogation."
[23:57:22] <Ralith> "That's the dump?"
[23:57:23] * Torrent sits in the seat next to Ralith and Leonard
[23:57:31] * Torrent closes the doors
[23:57:43] -Leonard- sitting in the driver's seat, you notice that the glass is really thick, it distorts vision ever so slightly. Otherwise, the truck responds like a new truck.
[23:57:44] <Ralith> (hehe, snarly werewolves on both sides. It's a wonder his pants are still clean.)
[23:57:54] * Lupin moves the car over by the shed.
[23:58:03] <@Leonard> (I'm not about to have him ruin a brand new truck seat)
[23:58:19] <Torrent> "Anything else Leonard?"
[23:58:32] <Ralith> (is he going to tell me if that's the dump yet?)
[23:58:37] <@Leonard> As the truck starts moving, the radio returns to the station it was on.
[23:58:42] <Lupin> (Good. Because I don't want to have to drive in a truck that's been scent marked.)
[23:58:42] * Leonard is now known as radio
[23:59:20] * radio is now known as _radio
[23:59:22] <@_radio> Well today marks the third month since the riots. Most shopkeepers in Portland have recovered. There are still broken windows and doors on many shops though. The full economic fall out has not been felt yet. Experts say look for the city of Portland to hit a depression after this. The only way to know for sure is to wait. We here as Ktu news will keep you informed on Portland's reconstruction.
[23:59:27] <A1465> ( !quote 1017: Bumper Sticker: Warning: This car belongs to a werewolf. There is no radio, and I scent-marked the seats. )
[23:59:48] <@_radio> (lol)
[23:59:49] <Torrent> (lol)
[23:59:52] <Lupin> (lol)
[23:59:52] <Aki> (lol)
[23:59:57] <Ralith> (lol)
[00:00:06] <@_radio> In lighter news several people were seen protesting the use of Swat in the recent days. Many of the City's Swat units were used to take "Terrorist Cells" these events lead up to the riots. As so far everyone is ignoring these protestors. Yet they are calling for the release for any legal immigrant or American citizen captured in the busts.
[00:00:07] <Ralith> (still waiting for a response from leonard)
[00:00:12] <@_radio> (I know)
[00:00:17] * _radio is now known as Leonard
[00:00:34] <@Leonard> Umm yeah, that's the dump
[00:00:46] <Lupin> "And the stadium?"
[00:00:59] <@Leonard> The Bears and Packers game.
[00:01:13] <Ralith> "I'm sure you'll understand if we're not up to date on sports. Where is it?"
[00:01:24] * Leonard snorts "Chicago."
[00:01:46] * Ralith resumes growling. "Don't you start getting condescending, now."
[00:01:52] <Torrent> "Well now, you better hope someone's here at the dump then"
[00:01:54] <Lupin> "More importantly, when were you supposed to deliever it."
[00:01:57] * Torrent 's stomach growls
[00:02:14] <@Leonard> I was supposed to deliver it ASA{P
[00:02:23] <@Leonard> So.. does Walter have the goods?
[00:02:35] <Aki> "Walter's got a hole in his head."
[00:02:49] <@Leonard> Oh...
[00:02:52] <@Leonard> Yeah...
[00:02:55] <@Leonard> Crap...
[00:02:55] * Ralith turns to Lupin. "We should get to that stadium as soon as possible. As much as I'd prefer the dump, they'll have assumed that site failed by now."
[00:03:02] <Lupin> "Yes."
[00:03:18] <@Leonard> I hate freaking redundant missions.
[00:03:22] <Ralith> "Do we have all we need to know for now?"
[00:03:31] <@Leonard> Who the hell else was already here?!
[00:03:33] <Lupin> "We had a little fun chasing down your business partners here, whatever they had is probably in the cusdtody of the local police."
[00:03:36] * Torrent turns to Leonard... "we better know it ALL"
[00:04:07] <@Leonard> (marty) "Quite simple. Your boys, my boys, and now you."
[00:04:15] <Ralith> (Lupin, you gonna put the car in gear any time soon?)
[00:04:29] <Lupin> (I already moved it to the shed.)
[00:04:39] <Ralith> (we should be getting to the stadium, as I said.)
[00:04:42] <Lupin> ([23:57:54] * Lupin moves the car over by the shed)
[00:04:52] <@Leonard> The dump and the stadium are supposed to be transfer points.
[00:04:56] <A1465> (We should be getting to the Silo :( )
[00:05:02] <Lupin> (Silo first.)
[00:05:20] <Ralith> (why? :/)
[00:05:33] <Torrent> (what to do with the stooges then)
[00:05:46] * Leonard wonders how A1465 is doing in the back
[00:05:46] * Torrent growls
[00:05:48] <Ralith> (we can knock him out and drop him on the side of the road)
[00:05:54] <Lupin> "If he's told us everything, we should just dump him."
[00:06:04] * A1465 is not doing so great in back.
[00:06:12] <A1465> (And he's getting very impatient.)
[00:06:16] * Torrent turns to A1465
[00:06:23] <Torrent> Lemme see that ear
[00:06:24] <A1465> (how?)
[00:06:31] <@Leonard> A1465, is in the bed of the truck
[00:06:37] <Lupin> "Nobody is going to believe a guy raving about werewolves."
[00:06:48] <Torrent> (I looked out the rear window)
[00:06:48] <Ralith> "Right. Let's dump him and get moving."
[00:06:51] * Ralith opens the door.
[00:06:52] <@Leonard> "Marty, tell me one thing... since my family is in Portland. Is Portland yours?"
[00:06:57] <Lupin> "wait."
[00:07:07] <Lupin> "Knock him out and strip him first."
[00:07:28] <@Leonard> (marty) "Yes. Portland is ours. Have a nice death."
[00:07:37] * Torrent punches Leonard in the temple
[00:07:52] * Leonard is knocked out
[00:07:55] <Torrent> "Good night sweetie"
[00:08:14] <@Leonard> (marty) "Funny, he took that rather well."
[00:08:35] <Lupin> "The head wound and nudity will cast doubt as to his sanity."
[00:08:44] * Torrent turns to Marty "Dude, that skull of yours is scaring me"
[00:08:47] <Aki> "And the gunshot wound..."
[00:09:02] * Leonard is now known as Marty
[00:09:03] * Torrent walks around to the bed of the truck
[00:09:15] <Ralith> "He should be acquiring regeneration soon enough; he'll be fine. We've all seen worse over the last few hours."
[00:09:15] * Marty looks into the rearview mirror from the passenger seat
[00:09:22] <Torrent> "A1465"
[00:09:36] <Torrent> "Lemme see the ear"
[00:09:54] <Lupin> (Heheh, I'm so evil.)
[00:09:56] <@Marty> (you'll have to go outside the truck or open the back window)
[00:09:56] <A1465> Between his ear and the fact that you are talking through a window, he can't hear your.
[00:09:59] <A1465> you*
[00:10:14] <Torrent> (I'm outside now)
[00:10:16] <Lupin> "[00:09:03] * Torrent walks around to the bed of the truck"
[00:10:22] <Lupin> (er... yeah)
[00:10:28] <A1465> (Ah, didn't catch that.)
[00:10:34] <Torrent> ( :) )
[00:10:38] <@Marty> (ok... so while the truck is moving to the stadium, you two are in back then?)
[00:10:44] <@Marty> (how romantic)
[00:10:52] <@Marty> (as Marty would likely say)
[00:11:00] <A1465> "Fine. As if you could do anything for it."
[00:11:09] <Lupin> (I was going to go to the silo first.)
[00:11:20] <Torrent> "Lemme see it... you sure complained enough over it"
[00:11:22] <@Marty> (ahh... well, the hills and trees are no trouble for this truck)
[00:11:23] * A1465 moves over a bit so Torrent can get a better look.
[00:11:48] <@Marty> (there is blood caked over most of the inside of the ear
[00:11:49] <Ralith> "So why do we need to visit the silo first? I would think speed is the priority here."
[00:11:52] * Torrent looks at the ear
[00:12:10] <Lupin> "They have helicopters."
[00:12:13] <Torrent> "I think you'll live"
[00:12:14] <Lupin> "I have a truck."
[00:12:14] <@Marty> The truck crests a hill and below is a small helipad, with a small shed in the corner.
[00:12:26] <Ralith> "Point taken."
[00:12:26] <A1465> "Unfortunately."
[00:12:28] <@Marty> A helicopter is parked
[00:12:37] <Torrent> "Well you seem morbid"
[00:12:41] <Aki> "Helicopters are fun....but who can pilot one?"
[00:12:56] <Ralith> "Assuming nothing catastrophic's happened in our absence, there's at least one pilot in there."
[00:13:03] <Ralith> "All these guys are ex-military, remember?"
[00:13:16] <A1465> "Hmph."
[00:13:21] * A1465 lays down again.
[00:13:33] <Aki> "Not all the military is trained in helicopter piloting.."
[00:13:48] <Aki> "We'd have to find a pilot in the silo somewhere."
[00:13:50] <Ralith> "But some of it is. They brought those supplies in with two choppers, remember?"
[00:13:56] <Lupin> "No, but there is a higher percentage of them there."
[00:14:01] <Ralith> "Hey, wait a moment. Torrent, can you fly?"
[00:14:13] <Torrent> "I can't recall"
[00:14:17] <Lupin> "Plus like Ralith said, they took the chopper out before."
[00:14:19] <A1465> (If you throw him hard enough.)
[00:14:23] <Torrent> "A lot's fuzzy"
[00:14:24] <Ralith> (hehe)
[00:14:32] <Lupin> (Heh)
[00:14:42] <Ralith> "Well, it should trigger something if we set you in front of the controls."
[00:14:50] <Ralith> "Worth a try; it'd save a lot of time."
[00:15:01] <Torrent> "But I would have a plan B in order"
[00:15:16] <Lupin> "Well, then we can take the truck."
[00:15:19] <Ralith> "Well, if you don't feel like you can do it, of course we'll have to find a pilot."
[00:15:25] <Ralith> "Or drive."
[00:15:34] <Torrent> "I'm just not recalling anything about flying"
[00:15:37] <Ralith> "I doubt we could even work out how to start the thing, anyway."
[00:15:47] <Ralith> "It's worth a try."
[00:15:51] <Ralith> (are we there yet?)
[00:15:52] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[00:15:53] <Torrent> "I suppose"
[00:16:32] <@Marty> The helipad is just down he hill from the truck...
[00:16:39] <Torrent> (just realized what I said before about being fuzzy lol)
[00:16:40] <@Marty> (is our driver going to barge onto the helipad?
[00:16:51] <@Marty> (puns!)
[00:16:57] <Torrent> ( :P )
[00:17:02] <Lupin> (:/)
[00:17:10] <Ralith> (Lupin, you should probably stop the car.)
[00:17:34] * Lupin stops the car at the bottom of the hill, before the helipad.
[00:17:45] A1465 Akela Aki
[00:17:55] * Ralith climbs out
[00:17:58] * Lupin looks at Torrent and A1465 I hope one of you has clearence to get in.
[00:18:05] * Lupin looks at Torrent and A1465 "I hope one of you has clearence to get in."
[00:18:09] <Ralith> (what kind of choppers are these? Transport? Gunships?)
[00:18:18] <@Marty> (transport with some guns)
[00:18:19] <Torrent> "Well, we can try"
[00:18:30] <Ralith> "I doubt they have anything fancier than a lock."
[00:18:36] * A1465 climbs out of the back of the truck and moves along on all fours.
[00:18:47] * Torrent walks forward
[00:18:49] * Ralith attempts to open the large side door on the heli
[00:18:56] <@Marty> The gate is still parted from the fence as it was left before.
[00:19:00] <Lupin> "No, I mean the silo."
[00:19:03] <@Marty> The door opens
[00:19:13] <@Marty> (on the helicopter)
[00:19:18] <Ralith> "No need to go in if Torrent or A1465 here can fly."
[00:19:23] * Ralith beckons.
[00:19:27] * Torrent hops up
[00:19:31] <A1465> (Yes, there is.)
[00:19:38] <Ralith> (there is?)
[00:19:41] <Lupin> "We should tell them that they we're going to take the helicopter."
[00:19:46] <A1465> (I need treatment.)
[00:19:48] A1465 Akela Aki
[00:19:51] <Torrent> "HA!"
[00:19:54] <Ralith> "Oh, right. And do something for A1465's ear."
[00:19:56] <Lupin> "And get A1465 some medical attention."
[00:20:02] <@Marty> (A627 is a pack leader?)
[00:20:02] * Ralith looks at Torrent. "What?"
[00:20:05] * Torrent looks at the controls
[00:20:13] <Lupin> (Yes)
[00:20:14] <Ralith> "Recognize anything?"
[00:20:21] <Lupin> "Don't need him bleeding all over the place."
[00:20:21] * Torrent looks closely
[00:20:22] <@Marty> "He's not the only one with medical... ailments
[00:20:40] <Torrent> "Hmm..."
[00:20:46] <Torrent> "I feel nothing"
[00:20:50] <Ralith> "Point taken. THey should get inside; I'll stay out here with Torrent and A1465."
[00:20:50] <Aki> "Yeah...that whole skull showing thing can't be good.."
[00:21:02] * Torrent climbs out
[00:21:08] <Lupin> (...)
[00:21:12] <Torrent> "I don't see anything familiar"
[00:21:30] <Lupin> (A1465 is the one that needs medical attention.)
[00:21:36] <A1465> (Yeah...)
[00:21:39] <Ralith> (oh, whoops. I didn't say that.)
[00:21:46] <Ralith> (*feels stupid*)
[00:21:52] <Torrent> (lol)
[00:21:55] <Lupin> (Heh)
[00:22:02] <Ralith> "Right, let's head in."
[00:22:10] <Ralith> "If we can't find a pilot, we
[00:22:13] <@Marty> The shed is similar to the way it was left before, the ladder left uncovered.
[00:22:17] <Torrent> "It was worth a shot I guess"
[00:22:20] <Ralith> 'll see if A1465 can do anything."
[00:22:25] * Lupin walks to the ladder and climbs down
[00:22:38] A1465 Akela Aki
[00:22:49] * A1465 follows, carefully backing down the latter.
[00:22:51] <@Marty> The door is open, a hot, smelly, sweaty breeze emanting from within
[00:23:02] * Lupin looks to A1465, "Does that radio of yours work up here?"
[00:23:06] <Torrent> "Ugh that smells awful"
[00:23:09] <@Marty> The smell of wolves, spoiled food, etc
[00:23:21] <@Marty> spoiled bodies and death also permeates the air
[00:23:21] * A1465 grunts his acknowledgement.
[00:23:31] <Lupin> (Hey. We're not smelly!)
[00:23:42] <A1465> "Take it.."
[00:23:47] <@Marty> A familiar voice beckons from inside "Hey you!"
[00:23:56] <Lupin> "We're back."
[00:24:01] <Ralith> "We've found out where they were taking the stuff."
[00:24:02] <Lupin> "We found an exit."
[00:24:06] <@Marty> "The armorer is alive! Great!"
[00:24:16] <Lupin> "There seems to be several."
[00:24:17] * Marty is now known as Baphnedia
[00:24:36] <@Baphnedia> (that wasn't, of course, marty)_
[00:24:42] <Torrent> (lol)
[00:24:44] <Lupin> (Heh.)
[00:24:50] <@Baphnedia> (marty climbs down the ladder)
[00:24:56] <A1465> "Hah."
[00:25:11] * A1465 starts feeling just a bit better.
[00:25:11] <@Baphnedia> The greeter continues on, "Yeah, we lost power last night, seems the whole reactor shut itself down.
[00:25:29] * Lupin looks a Ralith
[00:25:33] <Lupin> "Nah."
[00:25:37] <Lupin> (at)
[00:25:40] <@Baphnedia> "The humans scattered for some reason, and we can't find the effing weapon now.
[00:26:01] <@Baphnedia> We did, however, find the antidote.
[00:26:11] <Ralith> "Great!"
[00:26:12] <Aki> "Seriously? Awesome."
[00:26:18] <Torrent> "Wow"
[00:26:27] * Lupin points at Marty "This guy was hired buy someone to take 'something' to either a dump in DC, or a stadium in chigaco."
[00:26:29] <Torrent> "And it works?"
[00:26:29] <@Baphnedia> We're still moving the bodies from the old morgue elsewhere, which is why the smell is so bad.
[00:26:31] <Lupin> "Great."
[00:26:53] <Lupin> "We found him at one of the exits."
[00:27:01] <Torrent> "Oh, and he was bitten"
[00:27:10] <@Baphnedia> (marty) "I wasn't hired by the same guy... we're in a sort of competition."
[00:27:18] <Torrent> "ah"
[00:27:27] <Lupin> "Huh."
[00:27:33] <@Baphnedia> "They beat us to it, and Walter was playing both sides."
[00:27:37] <Lupin> "So then what were you hired to do."
[00:28:18] <@Baphnedia> (marty) "Security for the guys moving it to a safe place, where no one could ever, think of even touching it."
[00:28:36] <Torrent> "Safe place?"
[00:28:53] <Lupin> "What is it with you guys and your inability to say anything directly?"
[00:29:02] <Torrent> "Seriously"
[00:29:10] <Ralith> "It's only your life in danger."
[00:29:33] <@Baphnedia> (marty) Yeah... my boss is really convincing. When he says don't.
[00:29:49] <@Baphnedia> When he says 'your safe' there is no safer feeling in the world
[00:30:03] <Ralith> "Just get on with the explanation."
[00:30:54] <Ralith> (just so you all know, I'm getting a little short on time here.)
[00:31:07] <Torrent> (same)
[00:31:09] <A1465> (Are we walking as we talk?)
[00:31:12] <Lupin> (me too)
[00:31:16] <Ralith> (yeah)
[00:31:19] <Lupin> (Yes.)
[00:31:52] * A1465 stands upright on two legs, using the wall to help him balance as he walks.
[00:32:45] * Torrent trips over a body
[00:32:48] <Torrent> "Ugh"
[00:32:53] * Ralith grimaces.
[00:33:00] * Lupin does too
[00:33:05] <Ralith> (I'd ask what happened, but I have to go soon and I'd miss half of it.)
[00:33:14] <Ralith> (Perhaps we should call it a night?)
[00:33:14] <Lupin> (pokes Baph )
[00:33:23] * Baphnedia was on phone
[00:33:30] <Ralith> (heh. of course.)
[00:33:34] <Akela> You're always on the phone :P
[00:33:35] <Torrent> (!ircquote 6)
[00:33:38] <@Baphnedia> lol
[00:33:41] <Ralith> !ircquote 6
[00:33:41] <Lycaon> Ralith: Quote #6: Always right at the beginning of a game: * Baphnedia's phone rings.
[00:33:45] <@Baphnedia> You get to the elevator
[00:33:45] <Lupin> (Heh)
[00:33:59] <Ralith> (I'm all up for finishing off now. Thoughts, everyone?)
[00:34:02] <@Baphnedia> The Greeter indicates the ladder in the shaft... "We use that now, now that there's no power."
[00:34:11] <Lupin> (Fine with me.)
[00:34:14] <@Baphnedia> (you're all well and truly screwed?)
[00:34:21] <Torrent> (its 1:30 am lol)
[00:34:31] <Ralith> (only 10:35, but parents are pissing)
[00:34:35] <Torrent> (heh)
[00:34:36] <Lupin> (Heh.)
[00:34:38] <Akela> 1:34 actually :P
[00:34:39] * Baphnedia ends the game

And torrent goes insane...

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:22 pm
by Lupin
[20:02:13] * Baphnedia has changed the topic to: Silo 17 in session. || Home of Silo 17 and Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everything here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings regardless of how tasty they may be with Tobasco sauce. || This is the official chat of
[20:02:19] * Baphnedia sighs
[20:02:23] <Lone_Wolf> (wow my timing is impecable)
[20:02:25] <Ralith> heh
[20:02:29] <Ralith> yah
[20:02:33] <Ralith> impeccable*
[20:02:37] * Ralith gets in charachter
[20:02:40] <@Baphnedia> Ok... who do we have here in the beginning of week 6?
[20:02:42] * Lone_Wolf is now known as Torrent
[20:02:45] * Ralith raises hand
[20:02:48] <Torrent> me!
[20:02:57] <@Baphnedia> Akela?
[20:03:00] <Lupin> Me
[20:03:09] <Torrent> Akela should play :p
[20:03:11] <Ralith> Aki, ping?
[20:03:15] * Ralith beeps Akela
[20:03:15] * Baphnedia pings aki
[20:03:16] * Torrent nudges Akela
[20:03:27] <Ralith> grr, he took Lycaon seriously
[20:03:31] <Ralith> >.<
[20:03:36] * Ralith bites Torrent's finger
[20:03:40] <Torrent> ouch!
[20:03:40] Akela Aki
[20:03:42] <Torrent> hey!
[20:03:45] <Lupin> !echo /me $tverbs Akela
[20:03:45] * Lycaon courts Akela
[20:03:50] <Ralith> haha
[20:04:01] <Ralith> well, we have three anyway
[20:04:06] <Akela> Sick, I'm happy with my current girlfriend :P
[20:04:07] <Ralith> let's get started; Akela may show up
[20:04:10] <Ralith> w00t
[20:04:22] <Ralith> alrighty then!
[20:04:24] <Lupin> Okay.
[20:04:25] <Ralith> back into charachter.
[20:04:32] <Ralith> character*
[20:05:04] <Ralith> (waiting for intro desc/recap, baph)
[20:05:27] * Lupin is playing catchup on the forums.
[20:05:39] <Torrent> bah un momento
[20:05:44] * Torrent is now known as Lone_Wolf
[20:05:50] <Ralith> (hurry up, Baphnedia! >:|)
[20:05:59] * Baphnedia is fixing an audio problem
[20:06:02] * Baphnedia is sorry
[20:06:05] * Ralith growls
[20:06:25] <Lone_Wolf> heh
[20:06:29] * Lone_Wolf is now known as Torrent
[20:06:33] * Lupin growls at Baphnedia's audio
[20:06:33] * Baphnedia doesn't know what happened
[20:06:46] <Ralith> (forget the audio for now :P)
[20:07:00] <Ralith> (Have we lost Akela again?)
[20:07:04] <Torrent> don't ever tell a musician to forget audio
[20:07:12] <Torrent> he'll kill you with his amp
[20:07:16] * Baphnedia thinks torrent is right.
[20:07:20] * Baphnedia kills Ralith
[20:07:27] <Torrent> turn it on full and let her rip!
[20:07:39] * Ralith heals
[20:07:39] * Baphnedia turns it up, thinking he fixed the problem
[20:07:44] <Aki> O-o
[20:07:44] <Lupin> Heh
[20:07:44] <@Baphnedia> EARPLUGS! AAAAAH!
[20:07:47] <Aki> lol
[20:07:49] <@Baphnedia> 1120 Watts!
[20:07:50] <Torrent> heh
[20:07:53] <Ralith> hehe
[20:07:54] <@Baphnedia> Whoops
[20:07:55] <@Baphnedia> !
[20:07:59] * Torrent 's ears liquify
[20:08:02] <@Baphnedia> Problem fixed
[20:08:31] * Baphnedia is proud of his office system and wonders why the Silo doesn't have something like it.
[20:08:32] <Torrent> heh
[20:09:14] <@Baphnedia> Everything is ready...
[20:09:19] <@Baphnedia> Cameras!
[20:09:20] <Torrent> yay
[20:09:23] <@Baphnedia> Lights! (off)
[20:09:25] <@Baphnedia> Action!
[20:09:29] * Ralith turns off the lights
[20:09:35] * Baphnedia can't see the keyboard
[20:09:39] <@Baphnedia> drat
[20:09:51] * Torrent sings some really bad song "When the lights... go out..."
[20:09:53] * Ralith flaunts his night vision
[20:10:08] <@Baphnedia> The greeter leads you to the elevator shaft.
[20:10:23] <@Baphnedia> It is just a little warmer in here than it is out there, no longer hot and muggy.
[20:10:40] <@Baphnedia> If it weren't for your ability to see in the dark, you'd be quite blind.
[20:10:49] * Baphnedia pokes Aki
[20:10:56] <Ralith> (*prods Akela*)
[20:11:12] <Aki> (*stabs back*)
[20:11:15] <@Baphnedia> "Well, the power went out last night. Can't seem to get it restored, though we're worried that the humans have jumped ship."
[20:11:27] * Baphnedia wonders if Aki is playing?
[20:11:37] * Aki is
[20:11:38] * Baphnedia is happy
[20:11:45] <Lupin> "I wouldn't be suprised, there seems to be several exits out of this silo."
[20:11:56] <Lupin> "Isn't the warhead missing?"
[20:12:21] <@Baphnedia> "I wouldn't doubt it. We've been exploring down below. Did find a control room full of blood and equipment, blown all to hell."
[20:12:32] <Ralith> "That was us."
[20:12:34] <@Baphnedia> "We've seen no trace of the weapons."
[20:12:36] <Lupin> "At the bottom of the elevator shaft?"
[20:12:37] * Torrent chuckles
[20:12:40] <Lupin> "Yeah, that was us."
[20:12:53] * Ralith pauses for a moment, thinking.
[20:12:54] <@Baphnedia> "Well, good job, I think. I don't know."
[20:13:01] <Ralith> 'You know, that might be why the reactor went down."
[20:13:02] <@Baphnedia> He starts climbing down the ladder towards level six.
[20:13:06] * Ralith follows
[20:13:15] * Lupin climbs down.
[20:13:20] <@Baphnedia> "We've begun to forage a little for food. The local deer won't sustain us long though.
[20:13:25] * Torrent follows the others
[20:13:44] * Aki follows behind
[20:14:11] <@Baphnedia> "Right now, the Alpha is out. He's trying to find some alternatives to the situation."
[20:14:19] <Ralith> (oh yeah, baph, are you going to bring that news thing into the game somewhere or should I just pretend I got it telepathically?)
[20:14:46] <Torrent> (telepathic lol)
[20:14:50] <@Baphnedia> (which one? The one I posted on my forum? That's something all players should read, and can use in game - we'll just assume you heard about it)
[20:15:02] <@Baphnedia> (If I've posted it, then it's open season)
[20:15:11] <Lupin> (Heh, telepathic werewolves.)
[20:15:21] * Baphnedia shakes his head
[20:15:29] <Ralith> "You'll be wanting to get out of this silo soon. They're going to demolish it, or do something under the cover of that."
[20:15:37] <Ralith> "I wouldn't wait around to find out just what if I were you."
[20:15:50] <@Baphnedia> "Oh, great. Just our luck. So, any idea where we should go?"
[20:16:03] <Ralith> "That, and a pack of this size really can't be very well supported by the local ecosystem, not to mention being hard to keep hidden."
[20:16:14] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[20:16:17] <Ralith> "I'd spread out into local wildernesses, if you think you can handle living like that."
[20:16:32] <Ralith> "It'd be all but impossible to bring even one of you back into society unnoticed."
[20:16:33] <Lupin> "We've had to raid the farmers around here a couple of times to get food."
[20:16:34] <@Baphnedia> "We're werewolves, it's what we do, I suppose."
[20:16:52] <Ralith> "It's what you /can/ do. But you're not expereinced, no offence intended."
[20:16:55] <@Baphnedia> "Ahh, here's the sixth floor." He swings off the ladder.
[20:17:05] * Ralith continues to follow
[20:17:06] <@Baphnedia> "Point."
[20:17:10] * Lupin reaches the exit and swings off as well.
[20:17:12] <@Baphnedia> The hallway is dark.
[20:17:18] <@Baphnedia> The power is completely gone from this place.
[20:17:21] * Torrent follows the group off
[20:17:39] <@Baphnedia> There is a horrible stench of death about the whole Silo. Probably coming from the morgue.
[20:17:41] <Ralith> "It's not the most complicated of lifestyles, and I'm sure you could work things out quickly enough; you've already proven yourselves to be quite adaptable."
[20:17:57] <Ralith> "But it'll be rough at first."
[20:17:58] <Torrent> "Oooh that stench.... yuck!"
[20:18:03] * Lupin pulls out the flashlight and starts shinting it around.
[20:18:04] * Ralith grimaces slightly.
[20:18:11] <Ralith> (Akela, you here?)
[20:18:20] <@Baphnedia> The hallway is about the way it was before.
[20:18:41] * Torrent covers his muzzle with his forearm (or whatever you want to call it)
[20:18:44] * Darkmoon (~chatzilla@* has joined #paradice
[20:18:47] <@Baphnedia> In the darkness, you can see that you're approaching the cafeteria.
[20:18:47] * Lupin grimaces
[20:18:49] <Aki> (heyza!)
[20:18:51] <Lupin> (Hey Darkmoon )
[20:18:54] <@Baphnedia> (wb Darkmoon!)
[20:18:57] <Torrent> (Darkmoon, we're just started)
[20:19:01] <Darkmoon> (oooo good)
[20:19:03] <Lupin> (Just in time.)
[20:19:03] <Torrent> (we've*)
[20:19:32] <@Baphnedia> The greeter speaks up, "I hope you like warm soda and chips."
[20:19:46] <@Baphnedia> Pausing, "It's all that's fresh down here."
[20:19:54] <Aki> "Yummy...."
[20:19:55] <Torrent> "We're famished... anything is terrific"
[20:19:58] <Lupin> "Well"
[20:20:04] <Lupin> "It's better than nothing"
[20:20:06] <Ralith> "We'll live."
[20:20:06] <Aki> "What flavors of chips?"
[20:20:12] <Lupin> "And I don't have to chase it down"
[20:20:23] * Ralith nods, grinning. "That's always an advantage."
[20:20:51] <@Baphnedia> "I'll go get some, oh, BBQ and Cool Ranch. At least there wasn't a shortage of junk food - I'm glad we saved it." He walks into the kitchen.
[20:21:08] * Ralith grimaces again.
[20:21:09] <Lupin> "I call dibs on the Cool Ranch."
[20:21:09] * Torrent rubs his grumbling belly
[20:21:14] <@Baphnedia> The cafeteria has a few other wolves in it, one snacking quietly in a corner, a few others resting in chairs.
[20:21:36] <Ralith> (Werewolf? Snacking quietly?)
[20:21:37] <@Baphnedia> The other wolves look at the group, half-lost.
[20:21:52] <Lupin> (Well, it's only chips.)
[20:21:54] <@Baphnedia> (quite so)
[20:22:05] <@Baphnedia> (well put Lupin)
[20:22:12] <Ralith> (True enough.)
[20:22:41] * Ralith finds a chair and relaxes, stretching.
[20:22:42] <@Baphnedia> The greeter returns with some chips, "Sorry, no dip, we don't trust that what's left stayed good."
[20:23:08] * Lupin takes the chips and sits down.
[20:23:14] <@Baphnedia> Your ears perk up as the sound of claws striking the metal rungs of a ladder down the hall draw nearer.
[20:23:15] <Torrent> "Good enough... thanks"
[20:23:18] * Ralith joins Lupin and digs in.
[20:23:25] * Ralith glances towards the sound.
[20:23:33] * Aki grabs the chips and takes a seat, tearing the bag open and loudly chowing down.
[20:23:34] * Lupin glances toward the door.
[20:23:38] * Torrent turns his eyes slowly
[20:23:41] <Torrent> "shhh"
[20:23:49] <@Baphnedia> Looking through the glass, you can see several forms moving to the cafeteria door, more wolves.
[20:23:58] * Darkmoon silently sits down, looking hungrily at the food.
[20:24:05] <@Baphnedia> The other wolves in the cafeteria sit up.
[20:24:12] <@Baphnedia> The one in the corner keeps snacking, but looks up.
[20:24:17] * Ralith nods and resumes eating.
[20:24:29] <@Baphnedia> A627 walks into the room.
[20:24:38] <@Baphnedia> A few of his close mates following behind.
[20:24:42] * Ralith beckons Darkmoon over, handing over a pile of chips.
[20:24:48] * Baphnedia is now known as A627
[20:25:05] * Darkmoon grabs them and munches happily.
[20:25:15] <@A627> "Ah. *cough* Good, you're back."
[20:25:25] * A627 is speaking to no one in particular.
[20:25:42] <Torrent> "Yes indeed. Any news you can provide us?"
[20:25:49] * Torrent calls over
[20:25:50] * Lupin pauses briefly "We found *an* exit, but we think there are several."
[20:26:17] <@A627> "Yeah. We lost the weapons, the power's completely shut, and our pilots heard over a radio that this silo is gonna be history."
[20:26:25] * Ralith nods.
[20:26:31] <Lupin> "Yep."
[20:26:32] <@A627> "That's great.... Lupin, was the name?"
[20:26:36] <Torrent> "So that's the good news?"
[20:26:37] <Lupin> "Yes."
[20:26:45] <@A627> "Yeah. Here's the bad news."
[20:27:09] <Torrent> "Always good to hear the good first, eh?"
[20:27:12] <@A627> "We lost the weapon, we don't know where it's going or what they're going to do with it. Plus, all this talk of things happening in Portland have me worried."
[20:27:24] <Torrent> "Things?"
[20:27:26] <Ralith> "Portland?"
[20:27:33] <@A627> "Martial Law."
[20:27:34] <Lupin> "What's going on in Portland?"
[20:27:42] <Ralith> "Wow."
[20:27:49] <Lupin> "Hm."
[20:27:50] <Aki> "It was on the radio.."
[20:27:50] <Akela> (hah, you're thinking of your Laptop aren't you Ralith :P)
[20:28:05] <Torrent> (you should come play)
[20:28:11] <@A627> "I don't know, but I think this country is going to Hell in a handbasket."
[20:28:19] <Ralith> "Is there anything to indicate it's got to do with all this?"
[20:28:25] <Akela> (I already loaded DoW and dislikes minimizing, LAG)
[20:28:34] <Torrent> (awwww)
[20:28:38] <@A627> "What worries me, is that I think it's seperate."
[20:28:40] <Ralith> (Akela, save and quit!)
[20:28:53] <Ralith> "Well, if it's not got anything to do with us, I don't really care."
[20:29:02] <Akela> (I've already begun my last stand and judging by the heretic's accuaracy it could be a bit yet)
[20:29:07] <Lupin> "There was an incident at exit we found."
[20:29:10] <Ralith> "Doesn't matter to me if society falls apart so long as they don't nuke the place in the process."
[20:29:34] <@A627> (marty) "Wow. You're one big werewolf."
[20:29:45] <Torrent> "Yeah, well I'm sure some of us /do/ care, Ralith"
[20:29:50] * A627 looks over in a corner, where Marty is sitting.
[20:29:53] * Ralith motions expansively "All of us can get along fine without this infastructure."
[20:29:57] <Lupin> "Well it's not that bad if they nuke the place."
[20:30:02] * Ralith ignores the human
[20:30:09] <Torrent> "Well, not exactly quite yet. He's not yet"
[20:30:22] * A627 ignores the human, turning to Ralith, "Who and what is he?"
[20:30:36] <Ralith> "Torrent, none of you have any families, or else you wouldn't have been chosen."
[20:30:39] * Lupin looks at Torrent "He can still get along without it."
[20:30:42] * Ralith turns back to A627.
[20:30:48] <Lupin> "He just won't like it.
[20:30:49] <Lupin> "
[20:31:12] <Ralith> "He's got something to do with what happened at the exit.
[20:31:12] <Lupin> "Plus he only has a week or two, tops."
[20:31:22] <Ralith> "I'll let Lupin explain in more detail."
[20:31:29] <@A627> "ok."
[20:31:33] <Ralith> (can we just pretend Lupin explains in more detail and move on?)
[20:31:36] <@A627> (marty remains silent)
[20:31:38] <Torrent> (lol I'm sure Lupin with thank you)
[20:31:39] <Darkmoon> "My mistake." Darkmmon grumbles, shoving more food into her mouth.
[20:31:46] <Lupin> (Yeah, either way.)
[20:31:49] <Torrent> (with -> will)
[20:32:03] <@A627> (Lupin hit some key points - don't need too much detail)
[20:32:09] <Darkmoon> (that about sums it mistake...heheh)
[20:32:44] <Darkmoon> ( *eats sun chips* )
[20:32:51] <@A627> "Sun chips are good."
[20:32:58] * Ralith turns back to Torrent, speaking quietly as Lupin explains. "Besides that, this place would be better off without the mass of society."
[20:33:03] * Lupin turns to A627: "He was part of two-- teams that were suposed to take *something* from the exit and drop it off somewhere. The others whre going to a dump in DC or a statium in Chicago."
[20:33:12] <Ralith> "None of us have anything to lsoe."
[20:33:13] <Ralith> (lose*)
[20:33:21] <@A627> "Ahh."
[20:33:25] <Lupin> "So, Marty, where were you going to drop off that shipment."
[20:33:46] <@A627> "I'll bet that 'something' went to one or both of those places."
[20:33:48] <Ralith> "He's also been bitten, so we can't very well just leave him."
[20:34:15] <@A627> (marty) "Shipment? Me? No, I was sent to kill Walter. And, I did so."
[20:34:34] <Lupin> "Yes. We had a little incident in the town, and he got bitten."
[20:34:41] * Torrent grimaces again at the sight of Marty's head wound
[20:34:44] <@A627> "Whatever I had is now in the custody of that PD."
[20:34:51] <Lupin> (Uh, he was supposed to take something too, I thought.)
[20:35:05] <Ralith> (yeah... that's how we knew about the dump and the stadium)
[20:35:11] <Ralith> (hey,wasn't the stadium in portland?)
[20:35:16] <Lupin> (No.)
[20:35:18] <@A627> (Chicago)
[20:35:22] <Ralith> (Ah, good.)
[20:35:58] * Darkmoon ducks her head and eats so she doesn't have to explain herself.
[20:35:59] * Torrent cleans chip crumbs out of the fur on his paws
[20:36:11] <@A627> :)
[20:36:18] <@A627> (marty) eats more chips
[20:36:37] * A627 looks at Marty. "What the hell happened to you?"
[20:37:03] * Ralith turns breifly to Marty. "Eat your fill; if I know anything about the progression, you'll not want to skimp on food."
[20:37:14] * A627 approaches Marty, stretches out a paw, and taps Marty's skull with a claw. Marty doesn't even flinch.
[20:37:30] <Ralith> "Ah yes... there was that, too."
[20:37:39] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[20:37:41] <Ralith> 'Someone did something to him. We don't know what."
[20:37:41] * A627 mutters to himself, "Not much up there either I'll bet."
[20:37:56] <Lupin> "We had all sorts of interesting thing's going on while we were out and about."
[20:38:10] <@A627> (Marty) "Ex-girlfriend. She moved to Texas after she was done fooling around with me."
[20:38:18] * Darkmoon notices the wound and looks at it, her head tilted sideways in confusion.
[20:38:37] <@A627> "Well, here, we've pretty much lost power, found some antidote, and..." his voice trails off.
[20:38:55] * Ralith blinks. "Well, that's good. How much?"
[20:39:08] <@A627> With a matter-of-fact look of horror, he stands up fully. "We need to get you - all of you out of here NOW!"
[20:39:15] <Ralith> "What??"
[20:39:22] <Lupin> "Why?"
[20:39:31] <Aki> "Eh?"
[20:39:31] <Torrent> "Huh?!?"
[20:39:33] * A627 helps a very surprised Marty up and starts indicating the door.
[20:39:39] <@A627> "The morgue!
[20:39:44] <Ralith> "What?"
[20:39:52] <Ralith> "What're you talking about?"
[20:39:53] <Lupin> "What about it?"
[20:39:53] <Torrent> "I don't follow?"
[20:40:10] <@A627> "The morgue, with victims of the virus has no power... the smell of death on your noses... you could already be infected."
[20:40:21] <Ralith> "s***!!"
[20:40:24] <@A627> "B828 get the rest of the vaccine and let's hope it's not too late."
[20:40:24] <Aki> "f***."
[20:40:25] <Lupin> "Oh s***."
[20:40:34] * Ralith dashes to the shaft.
[20:40:42] * Lupin runs out of the room to the shaft
[20:40:45] <Ralith> "You're sure that the seals require power to maintain themselves?
[20:40:48] <Torrent> "I thought we were as deep as it got!"
[20:40:49] <@A627> B828 runs into a back room grabbing a needle and some vials.
[20:40:53] * Aki runs, dropping his chips along the way
[20:40:53] <Darkmoon> "Ummmm oooh crap"
[20:40:55] * Torrent runs
[20:41:07] * Darkmoon races after them.
[20:41:07] * Ralith starts scrambling up the ladder
[20:41:12] <@A627> "Meet at the Heliapad!"
[20:41:21] * Torrent runs up the ladder
[20:41:22] <@A627> "Pilots, gear up NOW!!"
[20:41:38] <@A627> "I need two pilots, I don't care if you feel naked in your fur - get moving!"
[20:41:41] * Lupin starts climbing up the ladder as fast as possible
[20:41:57] <@A627> Two weres jump up and head out of the cafeteria, to the chopper.
[20:42:19] * Darkmoon climbs up.
[20:42:29] * Ralith reaches the shack and exits onto the helipad, suddenly at a loss for what to do.
[20:42:29] <@A627> A627 gives some final orders to the remaining wolves. "Wait here for the chopper to return, you know what to do then."
[20:42:50] <@A627> On the helipad, there is a Chinook helicopter sitting idly.
[20:43:00] <@A627> The pilots rush out - "Everyone get in the chopper!"
[20:43:08] * Ralith climbs in, seating himself in the back
[20:43:09] * Lupin runs into the chopper
[20:43:15] * Torrent climbs in
[20:43:21] <@A627> B828 gets in the back ramp of the heli
[20:43:23] * Aki hops into the chopper
[20:43:25] * Torrent follow Ralith to the back
[20:43:35] * Darkmoon wonders what is going on, but she follows.
[20:43:37] * Ralith fiddles his harness ito place
[20:43:39] <Ralith> (into*)
[20:43:48] * Torrent has a dazed appearance
[20:43:57] * Ralith is looking simply panicked
[20:44:21] <@A627> A627 grabs the vials and needle from B828. "You, go back inside - tell them to scatter within this forest and await the chopper's return."
[20:44:33] <@A627> "When it returns, have them go to Washington DC."
[20:44:46] <Torrent> "Well, it was nice meeting ya'll"
[20:44:51] <@A627> Looking at you, he continues, "Where in WA DC is this thing going?!"
[20:44:59] <Akela> (Good choice, lot's of drifters there :P)
[20:45:05] <Torrent> (lol)
[20:45:07] <@A627> The pilots start flipping switches in the front of the helicopter.
[20:45:21] * Ralith looks at Lupin
[20:45:27] <Lupin> (Just a moment)
[20:45:36] <Lupin> "827 Elm St."
[20:45:46] <Ralith> (yay for imaginative street names)
[20:46:03] <Torrent> "Can this thing fly that far without refueling?!?"
[20:46:07] <@A627> "Got that B828? You form a team to give them what they've got coming."
[20:46:24] <@A627> "We'll find out."
[20:46:36] <@A627> B828 jumps out of the helicopter and runs into the shed.
[20:46:39] <Ralith> "Can they stay hidden?"
[20:46:50] * Darkmoon pins her ears back in fear and confusion.
[20:46:51] <Ralith> "We don't want their presence obvious."
[20:46:59] <@A627> "I doubt it, but right now, I'm more concerned with that stadium."
[20:47:13] <@A627> "They have to avoid whomever is going to destroy the facility."
[20:47:39] <@A627> "We are going into isolation for a little bit, you'll get vaccinated while we're on the way there."
[20:47:39] <Ralith> "That won't do much good if they reveal themselves to human society."
[20:47:46] <@A627> The pilots start warming up the engines.
[20:48:04] <Aki> "They can hide as wolves, or humans."
[20:48:04] <@A627> "At this point, keeping quiet is the wrong answer."
[20:48:18] <@A627> "Heck, they can become the new police force for that town."
[20:48:24] <Lupin> "Nobody notices a wolf."
[20:48:38] <Ralith> "Right, good point."
[20:48:54] <Lupin> "Oh, so you heard about that."
[20:48:57] <Ralith> "I'm not used to thinking on this scale."
[20:49:09] * A627 walks around with a vial and a needle. "Aki hold out your arm."
[20:49:11] <Ralith> (*takes a lesson in large-scale strategy*)
[20:49:32] <Darkmoon> (is confused)
[20:49:51] <Ralith> (you did read the logs, didn't you?)
[20:49:51] * A627 attaches the vial to the back of the needle.
[20:50:13] <Lupin> (About which part?)
[20:50:22] <Darkmoon> (yes)
[20:50:22] <@A627> (if one of you needs to help Darkmoon catch up, then /notice each other Q&A)
[20:50:30] * Torrent has a blank stare on his face
[20:50:36] <Darkmoon> (ignore me)
[20:50:51] <@A627> (we won't ignore you - a lot's happened since you last played.)
[20:50:56] * Aki holds out his arm
[20:51:20] <@A627> With a gentle motion, A627 inserts the needle and measures out some vaccine.
[20:51:40] <@A627> "You need to stay in gestalt for a few days, to ensure that the vaccine doesn't get transformed into something else."
[20:51:52] * A627 takes the needle out and walks to Darkmoon.
[20:51:56] * Ralith grimaces slightly.
[20:52:04] <@A627> The engines are noisy, the blades beginning to spin.
[20:52:13] * Ralith 's ears flatten against his head
[20:52:18] * Darkmoon nods at him and holds her arm out.
[20:52:34] <@A627> One of the pilots move back, opening a locker full of aviation helmets, and begin passing them out.
[20:52:42] * A627 injects Darkmoon.
[20:52:47] * Lupin takes a helmet and puts it on
[20:52:54] * A627 removes the needle, and moves to Lupin
[20:53:03] * Lupin holds out his arm
[20:53:04] * Ralith dons a helmet
[20:53:04] <@A627> "Arm please."
[20:53:17] * Aki puts a helmet on
[20:53:40] * A627 injects more vaccine into Lupin and repeats what he said about staying in gestalt, until told to shift.
[20:53:52] * A627 takes the needle out, and moves to Ralith.
[20:53:55] * Ralith holds out his arm
[20:54:03] * Lupin growls a bit at the injection.
[20:54:16] <@A627> "Here ya go. You've already heard about staying in gestalt."
[20:54:20] <Lupin> (Or well, being stuck)
[20:54:23] <Ralith> "Yup."
[20:54:25] * A627 injects Ralith and removes the needle.
[20:54:30] <@A627> !stick!
[20:54:42] * A627 moves to Torrent.
[20:54:50] <@A627> "You ok, Ralith?"
[20:54:54] * Ralith nods.
[20:54:57] <@A627> "Arm please"
[20:54:59] * Torrent is staring ahead blankly
[20:55:02] <Torrent> "Huh?"
[20:55:15] * Ralith gives Torrent a worried look. "You alright?"
[20:55:16] <@A627> "Arm please, or do you want me to insert this needle into your forehead?"
[20:55:27] * Darkmoon sniffs at the helmet, grimaces, then puts it on. She shakes her arm a few times.
[20:55:36] <Aki> "That sounds painful.."
[20:55:39] * Torrent extends his arm slowly
[20:55:42] <@A627> The helmets smell of human sweat.
[20:55:52] <Lupin> "well the head is very vascular..."
[20:55:57] * Ralith looks increasingly worried. "Torrent? You alright?"
[20:55:59] <Torrent> "Wow, the room is spinning..."
[20:56:01] <Lupin> "So it would probably work."
[20:56:05] * A627 gently takes the arm and inserts the needle. "You need to..."
[20:56:10] <@A627> "You ok?"
[20:56:19] <Ralith> "That vaccine had better be fast-acting."
[20:56:21] <Torrent> "Huh... yeah yeah...fine"
[20:56:27] * A627 finishes injecting the last of the vaccine into Torrent and removes the needle.
[20:56:31] * Torrent drifts off a bit
[20:56:35] <@A627> "It's not."
[20:57:05] * A627 puts on a helmet, pocketing the needle. "Helmets on, strap yerselves in for a ride! Pilots, you know where we're going. Isolation!"
[20:57:13] <Lupin> "I really hope that's just how he deals with panic, and not a sign of anything else."
[20:57:22] * Torrent suddenly looks up, clearly alarmed...
[20:57:26] * Lupin straps himself in.
[20:57:27] <Torrent> "Where am I?!?"
[20:57:40] <@A627> The blades spin louder and faster. The roar of the engines drowns out normal speech.
[20:57:48] <Ralith> "Oh s***."
[20:57:51] <@A627> "TORRENT! PUT A HELMET ON!"
[20:57:51] * Torrent yells...
[20:57:59] <Torrent> "What the?"
[20:58:14] * Torrent sees a helmut beside him and slowly reaches for it
[20:58:19] * A627 hands an aviation helmet to Torrent. "Put this on now."
[20:58:32] * Torrent takes the helmet and puts it on
[20:58:44] <@A627> (anyone else not have a helmet on?)
[20:58:46] <Torrent> "So... where are we?!?"
[20:59:11] <@A627> The roar of the engines die down, under the helmets. You can hear the pilots talking in the earphones.
[20:59:11] <Torrent> "And what is that noise?!?"
[20:59:29] <@A627> "A helicopter - a UH 67 Chinook."
[20:59:30] * Ralith fiddles with his helmet, trying to find a mic switch.
[20:59:30] * Torrent slumps back a bit
[20:59:57] * Lupin tries to adjust the ill-fitting helmet for a lupine head.
[21:00:02] <@A627> One of the pilots speaks over the net, "If you're not strapped in, do so now. Closing bay door."
[21:00:04] <Torrent> "We're in a helicopter... I always wanted to ride in one of those..."
[21:00:18] <@A627> (aviation helmets have open faces)
[21:00:26] <Lupin> "Huh."
[21:00:28] <@A627> (right now they're glorified earmuffs)
[21:00:29] * Torrent yawns
[21:00:31] <Ralith> "Torrent, are you alright? Do you remember me?"
[21:00:38] * Torrent turns to Ralith
[21:00:43] * Darkmoon looks at Torrent worriedly.
[21:00:48] <Torrent> "I think I'm ... okay..."
[21:00:50] <Lupin> (Yeah, but it's still not going to work well with the ears.)
[21:00:51] <@A627> The bay door begins to close, as the helicopter takes alight.
[21:00:59] * Torrent studies Ralith
[21:01:07] <@A627> (shh! :) )
[21:01:12] * Ralith turns to Akela. "Was there any record of the virus doing this?"
[21:01:16] <Akela> (LOL)
[21:01:22] <Lupin> (Hahaha)
[21:01:38] * Darkmoon has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[21:01:44] <@A627> !dialup
[21:01:44] * Lycaon growls in frustration. >:|
[21:01:53] <Lupin> (She's on DSL :P)
[21:02:12] <Ralith> (crappy DSL tho)
[21:02:36] <Torrent> "You, you look like a wolf-man"
[21:02:47] * Torrent looks tired
[21:02:48] * Ralith looks extremely worried.
[21:02:49] * A627 comes on the net, "We're going to a little place where we'll be kinda alone for five days. If the vaccine hasn't worked, you'll be dead, and we'll burn your body. If in five days, you're alive, then we'll leave."
[21:03:13] * Lupin looks at Torrent "What's the last thing you remember?"
[21:03:13] <Ralith> "A627, did the virus cause anything like this?"
[21:03:52] * Vilkacis-away is now known as A1465
[21:03:54] * Torrent looks at his head... "Hey, I'm all furry"
[21:03:54] <@A627> "No. It's effects are usually too immediate - but if he has it, it's in a much smaller dose, and slower acting. I hope he doesn't have it."
[21:04:03] <A1465> (I'm going to read what's happened so far)
[21:04:08] <@A627> (wb)
[21:04:11] <Ralith> (wb)
[21:04:12] <Lupin> (w)
[21:04:12] <A1465> (thx)
[21:04:14] <Lupin> (wb)
[21:04:18] <Aki> (wb)
[21:04:36] * Darkmoon (~chatzilla@* has joined #paradice
[21:04:40] <Lupin> (wb)
[21:04:42] <Ralith> (wb)
[21:04:46] <Ralith> (hehehe)
[21:04:48] <Torrent> "Remember?"
[21:04:59] <Lupin> "Yes. What happned right before you got here."
[21:05:05] * Darkmoon has quit (Quit: Chatzilla [Firefox 1.0.6/20050716])
[21:05:08] <Torrent> "I remember... I remember... I work for the government..."
[21:05:08] <Ralith> "I guess it'll be a race between itt and the vaccine..."
[21:05:19] <Ralith> (it*)
[21:05:32] <Torrent> "Wow, I think I'm halucinating"
[21:05:33] * Darkmoon (~chatzilla@* has joined #paradice
[21:05:34] <@A627> "I hope that's the case."
[21:05:37] <@A627> )wb)_
[21:05:40] <@A627> *(wb)
[21:05:45] <Torrent> "Maybe I'll just close my eyes for a bit"
[21:05:54] <@A627> "Just rest, friend."
[21:06:00] <Darkmoon> (akkkkk *growlrumblesnortsnarl*)
[21:06:01] * Ralith sighs. "Let's just let him get to sleep. There's nothing we can do."
[21:06:05] * Torrent passes out
[21:06:15] * Ralith continues to look worried
[21:06:23] <Darkmoon> (what did I miss?)
[21:06:36] <@A627> "Well, the ride is a couple of hours. Then we'll disembark, let the pilots get dressed in uniform, and refuel somewhere."
[21:06:37] <Lupin> "That's weird. I thought you said you guys couldn't remember specifics."
[21:06:37] <Ralith> (Torrent's getting screwed up somehow.)
[21:06:42] <@A627> (not mutch)
[21:06:55] <Ralith> "Hey, that's a point."
[21:07:09] <Ralith> "Perhaps the brainwashing's wearing off?"
[21:07:14] <Ralith> "And this is just a side effect?"
[21:07:21] <Lupin> "Possibly."
[21:07:28] <@A627> "I wonder. I just hope he's not infected. No vaccine is 100%."
[21:07:37] <Ralith> "Yeah."
[21:07:53] <@A627> Marty sits silently
[21:08:01] <@A627> (I almost forgot about him)
[21:08:04] <Lupin> "Yeah, but this sounds differnet from what you've described before."
[21:08:26] <@A627> (marty) "So, mind if I get a shot of that stuff too?"
[21:08:47] * Torrent , still asleep, begins yelling something very loudly and struggling with the seat restraint before becoming still again "ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzz"
[21:08:54] <Ralith> "I don't know if it's possible for a virus to infect partially. Once there's any of it, it'll reproduce like crazy."
[21:09:02] <@A627> "I think this is different Lupin, but if this is just a smaller infection of the same virus, I have no idea what to look for."
[21:09:07] * Darkmoon rubs her arm and realizes that she still has her backpack on. She takes it off and sets between her feet.
[21:09:14] <Ralith> "I don't think that's possible."
[21:09:35] <Ralith> "Well, I guess we'll know in a few days
[21:09:36] <Ralith> "
[21:09:36] <@A627> "True. We'll give him time."
[21:09:37] <Lupin> "Not unless it's mutated somehow."
[21:09:47] <@A627> "More to ponder."
[21:09:47] <Lupin> "Yeah, the only thing we can do is wait."
[21:10:40] * A627 takes the needle out, with vial attached, and says "Pass this to that human."
[21:11:05] * Lupin takes it and passes it to Marty.
[21:11:17] <@A627> The pilots come on the net, "We're gonna stick some radio stuff over yer ears... hold on."
[21:11:29] <@A627> Marty injects himself with the last of the vaccine and passes it back.
[21:11:30] * Darkmoon sighs and closes her eyes.
[21:11:39] * Torrent wakens after a few moments, not totally coherant
[21:11:50] * Torrent acts lost
[21:11:58] <Lupin> "Marty poses a problem."
[21:11:59] <Torrent> "What... happened?"
[21:12:01] * Ralith turns Torrent to face him. "You back?"
[21:12:10] <Lupin> "In a few days he's going to shift."
[21:12:12] <Torrent> "Was...I .......gone?"
[21:12:20] <Lupin> "You were out of it, yes."
[21:12:27] * Ralith sighs in relief.
[21:12:31] <Torrent> "Huh..."
[21:12:39] <Ralith> "What's the last thing you remember?"
[21:12:42] * Torrent is still notably off
[21:12:54] <@A627> Marty leans forward.
[21:12:57] <Ralith> "Do you know who we are?"
[21:13:00] <Torrent> "Running out of the silo... then... I don't remember"
[21:13:05] <@A627> (marty) "What's your name?"
[21:13:11] * Ralith looks slightly less relieved.
[21:13:18] <Torrent> "Me...?
[21:13:19] <Torrent> "
[21:13:25] <@A627> "Yes"
[21:13:35] <Torrent> "I'm Torrent, Nick"
[21:13:43] * Lupin turns back to Torrent "You don't remember saying anthing about riding in a helicopter?"
[21:13:52] <Torrent> "Helicopter?"
[21:13:58] * Torrent notices his surroundings
[21:14:11] * Torrent acts dismayed... "No..."
[21:14:20] <Darkmoon> (darkmoon needs to go eat...for now...her character is not feeling well and is in a very deep sleep)
[21:14:28] * Ralith sighs. "Let's just give him time."
[21:15:01] <Ralith> "Torrent, just relax."
[21:15:30] <@A627> "We all need some rest. It's still almost two hours away."
[21:15:42] <Torrent> "Anybody... got... something to drink?"
[21:15:47] <Ralith> "We should decide what to do about Marty."
[21:15:56] * Torrent slurs his speech a bit
[21:16:15] <@A627> "There's a canteen in the backpack beneath you. Drink up."
[21:16:41] * Darkmoon has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[21:16:47] * Aki takes A627's advice about rest and leans back, trying to get some shuteye.
[21:16:52] * Torrent bends over and sees a metal canteen
[21:16:59] <Torrent> "Thanks"
[21:17:04] * Ralith does the same as Aki.
[21:17:16] * Lupin sits back and thinks.
[21:17:19] * Torrent picks up the canteen but struggles to open it for a second before finally opening it
[21:17:20] * You have been marked as being away
[21:17:26] <A1465> (Did Marty just take the last of the vaccine, or would I have already taken some at this point?)
[21:17:37] <@A627> (you've already had some)
[21:17:43] <A1465> (Good, good)
[21:17:47] * Torrent drinks up
[21:17:57] <@A627> (the vaccine is used up though)
[21:18:00] * Darkmoon (~chatzilla@* has joined #paradice
[21:18:05] <@A627> (wb again)
[21:18:12] * Torrent inhales after... "Much better"
[21:18:16] <Ralith> (one vial of it. I thought we had several?)
[21:18:20] <@A627> Marty leans back and listens to news on the radio.
[21:18:27] <Darkmoon> (heh... )
[21:18:45] * Torrent licks his teeth and tries to relax
[21:19:10] <A1465> (I take it there was no time then for medical treatment...?)
[21:19:16] <Torrent> "So I... was out of it?!?"
[21:19:16] <@A627> ... Portland police have issued a statement in response to the growing peaceful demonstrations outside their precincts.
[21:19:20] <Ralith> (whoops. Darkmoon?)
[21:19:32] <Torrent> (no, not at all... we were run out of the place)
[21:19:43] <A1465> (Yeah, thought so)
[21:19:43] <Lupin> (Yeah, we left in a bit of a rush.)
[21:19:43] * You are no longer marked as being away
[21:19:44] * You are no longer marked as being away
[21:19:57] * Ralith leans over to Darkmoon. "See if you can do anything for A1465."
[21:20:21] <Lupin> (Now seems like a good time for a log post...)

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:00 pm
by Lupin
[21:20:42] <A1465> (She might be able to help the flesh wound, but there's no way she'll be able to do anything for the deafness in that ear)
[21:20:53] <Ralith> (deafness?)
[21:20:59] <Ralith> (I don't remember anything that extreme :/)
[21:21:11] <@A627> ...the crowds in front of the police stations are chanting "Crime scenes are made by criminals!" calling Portland Police involved in the house arrests criminal.
[21:21:11] <A1465> (Can't hear in that ear and it's affecting my balance)
[21:22:16] * Torrent looks much better than moments ago
[21:22:27] * Torrent turns to the group...
[21:22:33] <Torrent> "So, where are we going?"
[21:22:36] <@A627> ... the chief of police has not yet commented on the demonstrators. With martial law in effect, they have been warned that they will be arrested if they do not cease.
[21:22:40] <Lupin> "Isolation."
[21:22:40] <A1465> (And if you couldn't tell by now, it's making him feel very sick. :/)
[21:22:44] <Ralith> "Isolation. We may have been infected."
[21:22:54] <Torrent> "MAY?"
[21:23:04] * Torrent tries to laugh before choking
[21:23:15] * Ralith gives Torrent a worried look.
[21:23:20] <Lupin> "Yeah, the seals in the morgue might have gone."
[21:23:20] <Ralith> "Something wrong?"
[21:23:34] <Torrent> "Oh I'm fine"
[21:23:44] * Torrent breathes harder
[21:23:49] * A1465 moves into a position where Darkmoon can take a better look.
[21:23:51] <Ralith> "You sure?"
[21:24:01] <Torrent> "It IS getting hot in here"
[21:24:01] <Ralith> "You don't sound alright."
[21:24:10] * Torrent coughs some more...
[21:24:15] <Lupin> "..."
[21:24:22] <Torrent> "So much mucus"
[21:24:41] <A1465> (Oh, wait. Didn't Darkmoon say her character was asleep?)
[21:24:44] <Torrent> "Ugh... everything is spinning"
[21:24:56] * Torrent hacks up a lot of thick mucus
[21:25:00] <Lupin> "You didn't start coughing until we told you about that.."
[21:25:07] <@A627> The mucus goes splat on the deck.
[21:25:08] * Ralith grimaces slightly.
[21:25:21] * Torrent gasps a bit
[21:25:27] * Ralith hands Torrent the canteen
[21:25:53] * Figarou (Figarou@* has joined #paradice
[21:25:56] <A1465> (brb, bathroom)
[21:25:57] <@A627> (hi)
[21:26:00] * Torrent grabs it, still struggling to breathe
[21:26:03] <Ralith> (dinner soon, just a warning.)
[21:26:14] <Torrent> So hard to breath...
[21:26:18] <Torrent> "No room for air"
[21:26:25] * Ralith shakes Darkmoon. "Wake up!"
[21:26:28] * Torrent fails to open the canteen
[21:26:32] <Figarou> woof!! Wait...RP in progress?
[21:26:37] <@A627> (yeppers)
[21:26:38] <Torrent> (yep)
[21:26:38] <Lupin> (Yes.)
[21:26:40] <Ralith> (*nod*)
[21:26:48] <@A627> (you're welcome to watch)_
[21:26:52] <Aki> (affirmative)
[21:26:52] * Ralith grabs it from Torrent, wrenches the lid off, and hands it back.
[21:26:58] <Figarou> watch...naaaaa
[21:27:02] <Figarou> Bye
[21:27:15] * Torrent looks at his shoulder
[21:27:15] <@A627> (cya)
[21:27:17] <Torrent> "I ...uhhh..."
[21:27:20] <Lupin> (Bye)
[21:27:31] * Torrent makes mad grabs for the water
[21:27:31] <Aki> (nye)
[21:27:32] <A1465> (Okay, back)
[21:27:40] * Figarou has quit ()
[21:27:52] <@A627> (wb)
[21:28:15] <Ralith> (erm, I handed it back to you)
[21:28:15] * Torrent feels at a small blister on his shoulder and picks up a small clump of fur that fell off it
[21:28:26] <Ralith> "Oh s***..."
[21:28:28] <Torrent> "I feel itchy..."
[21:28:39] <Lupin> "s***."
[21:28:43] <Ralith> (at this tense point, I must depart to dinner. Don't anyone die while I'm gone.)
[21:28:52] <Torrent> "I don't want die!"
[21:28:55] <@A627> Torrent's paws are shaking.
[21:29:43] * Torrent pours the canteen contents into his mouth and tries to swallow
[21:29:45] <Aki> "Daaaamn..."
[21:29:55] <@A627> Torrent's tongue is getting visibly fatter.
[21:30:05] <A1465> (lol)
[21:30:06] <@A627> Some of the water makes it down.
[21:30:14] <Torrent> "I... blplew..."
[21:30:49] * Torrent shakes
[21:31:01] <Torrent> "...afwaid..."
[21:31:56] <@A627> Water splashes itself on Torrent's fur, highlighting more blisters, causing more fur to fall off.
[21:32:12] <Torrent> (oooh I might actually die, this is scary)
[21:32:38] * Torrent sees the missing fur and blisters and screams
[21:33:01] <@A627> Torrent's scream burbles a bit around the edges of his swollen tongue.
[21:33:11] <Torrent> "...hewwwp!..."
[21:33:24] <A1465> (Is that thing very catchy? Perhaps we should get rid of him :P)
[21:33:55] <Lupin> (Well it is contagious by air right when it blisters :/)
[21:33:56] <Torrent> ( :( )
[21:34:03] <A1465> (heh)
[21:34:05] <Torrent> (then it's too late)
[21:34:24] <Torrent> (better hope the antidote can still help)
[21:34:25] <@A627> Torrent's tongue continues to swell, and cuts off his howl a little short.
[21:34:32] * A627 fiddles for vials
[21:34:45] * A627 also grabs a knife
[21:34:54] * Torrent continues to shake
[21:35:12] * A1465 is getting a bit alarmed
[21:35:21] * A627 cuts his strap
[21:35:42] * Torrent has the beginnings of a seizure
[21:35:44] <@A627> Moving over to torrent, he forces the maw wide open, and with a single motion, cuts out the tongue from it's base.
[21:35:56] <Aki> "Youch.."
[21:35:57] <A1465> (>_<)
[21:36:00] <@A627> Blood goes everywhere.
[21:36:02] <Lupin> "Whoa..."
[21:36:04] * Torrent gasps for air
[21:36:16] * A1465 flinches
[21:36:21] <@A627> The tongue is blistered and swollen and is on the deck.
[21:36:23] <Torrent> (ewwww)
[21:36:43] * Lupin grimaces
[21:36:53] * A627 takes a fresh vial, attaches it to the needle, and jams it into Torrent's leg.
[21:36:57] * Torrent is convulsing but breathing
[21:37:05] <@A627> Squeezing all of the vaccine in, then adding a new vial.
[21:37:12] <@A627> And another.
[21:37:17] <Ralith> (back)
[21:37:20] <@A627> "Here comes the last one."
[21:37:26] <Ralith> (reading up)
[21:37:27] <Torrent> (I'm in bad shape)
[21:37:32] <@A627> And another. A627 has no more vaccine.
[21:37:54] <A1465> (Better hope we don't need that later :/)
[21:38:18] <@A627> "That's all I can do for him... get another canteen ready."
[21:38:53] * Ralith takes one from under his seat
[21:39:00] <Ralith> (eek. I hope we didn't need any of that.)
[21:39:01] * Torrent breathes more steadily
[21:39:14] <Ralith> (And I hope it doesn't take too long for his tounge to grow back :P)
[21:39:14] * Torrent spews out blood onto the floor beside him
[21:39:17] <@A627> Snot is hanging from Torrent's nosse
[21:39:30] <A1465> (pleasant...)
[21:39:31] <@A627> His eyes are red shot.
[21:39:36] * Ralith grimaces as blood spatters onto him.
[21:39:50] <@A627> "Great."
[21:40:12] <@A627> "Torrent, can you hear me?"
[21:41:03] * You have been marked as being away
[21:41:15] <@A627> "Drat - nod if you can hear me."
[21:41:16] * Torrent weakly turns his head slightly towards A627's voice
[21:41:31] * Torrent slowly nods a bit
[21:41:32] <@A627> "I need you to shift now into human form.
[21:41:48] * You are no longer marked as being away
[21:41:58] * Torrent breathes heavily and opens his eyes in suprise
[21:42:10] <@A627> "Let's just hope you get a tongue back when you do."
[21:42:22] <Lupin> "He should."
[21:42:31] <A1465> (Should he?)
[21:42:33] <Lupin> "If you're anything like we are."
[21:42:38] * Torrent tries to sit up
[21:42:40] * Ralith nods
[21:43:00] <Ralith> "It's small enough in human that it should regenerate with the shift."
[21:43:11] * Torrent grabs for the nearest seat bench to help himself up
[21:43:25] <@A627> "I hope so - but, I'm more concerned with the virus."
[21:43:27] * Torrent shows a lot of pain in just sitting up
[21:43:30] <Ralith> "Might confuse the virus too."
[21:43:45] <@A627> "The first shot of vaccine slowed it, but he was already infected. It might morph the virus into something harmless.
[21:43:48] <Lupin> "It might confused the vaccine as well."
[21:43:55] * Torrent continues to breathe heavily
[21:44:06] <@A627> "Take some time, just not too much, you might still be infected."
[21:44:13] <Lupin> "Either way, he should shift."
[21:44:16] <@A627> "
[21:44:20] * Torrent clenches his teeth and closes his eyes
[21:44:32] <@A627> "I think it cleared the virus out of your arteries and your brain...mainly."
[21:44:39] * A627 looks on.
[21:45:00] <@A627> !%
[21:45:00] <Lycaon> A627 rolled 65%.
[21:46:02] <Ralith> "The vaccine deals with the virus, and the virus with the body. It should come out on top."
[21:46:25] <@A627> Marty wonders who the hell Ralith is.
[21:46:37] * Torrent looks like he might be starting to shift, albeit very slowly...
[21:46:39] <Lupin> (We've already told him?)
[21:46:56] <Ralith> (You indicated, he might not have noticed.)
[21:47:05] * Ralith raises a hand.
[21:47:10] <Ralith> "Yes?"
[21:47:13] * Torrent 's feet are becoming more digigrade
[21:47:22] <@A627> Torrent's claws begin to shrink.
[21:47:22] <Ralith> (/more/?)
[21:47:25] * Lupin points to Ralith "That's Ralith."
[21:47:29] <Ralith> (and it's digitigrade.)
[21:47:35] <Lupin> (Shouldn't that be less?)
[21:47:46] <Torrent> (oops)
[21:47:48] <A1465> (or more plantigrade)
[21:47:57] <@A627> As if coming to the conclusion himself, Marty nods. "Oh."
[21:47:59] <Ralith> (thou shalt not omit the T!)
[21:48:03] * Torrent 's feet are becoming more plantigrade *
[21:48:17] * A627 wonders what plantigrade means.
[21:48:24] * Ralith gives Marty an expectant look
[21:48:36] <Torrent> (meaning humanlike)
[21:48:41] <Ralith> (Baph - walking on heels, as humans do.)
[21:48:58] <A1465> (Humans and bears are plantigrade. Many animals are digitigrade.)
[21:48:58] <Ralith> (as opposed to on toes, as wolves do.)
[21:49:05] <Ralith> (which is digitigrade)
[21:49:10] <@A627> Marty is watching with curiosity the shift before him, tapping his skull every now and again in thought.
[21:49:21] * Torrent 's hands also seem to have less pads and the claws are disappearing from his fingertips
[21:49:43] <@A627> Bits of hair over dissappearing blisters fall to the floor.
[21:49:50] * Vilkacis (Vilkacis@* has joined #paradice
[21:49:54] <@A627> (wb)
[21:49:55] <Lupin> (wb)
[21:49:56] * Torrent pauses for a moment, out of breath
[21:49:56] <Ralith> "This is looking promising..."
[21:50:09] * A1465 has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[21:50:13] <Lupin> "Hmm. seems like it's working."
[21:50:20] * Lycaon has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[21:50:21] * Vilkacis is now known as A1465
[21:50:28] * Lycaon (~DiceBot@* has joined #paradice
[21:50:37] <A1465> !dialup
[21:50:37] * Lycaon growls in frustration. >:|
[21:50:37] * Torrent then continues, his skull becoming more of that of a human's
[21:51:13] <@A627> Torrent's bloodshot eyes begin to turn white-ish. (The whites of his eyes, at least)
[21:51:17] * Ralith turns back to Marty, not particularily interested in the grotesquities between gestalt and human.
[21:51:30] <Ralith> "Your scalp should be taken care of similarily."
[21:51:36] <@A627> Bloody mucus is extricated from his nose as the muzzle begins to shrink.
[21:51:37] * Torrent slowly is looking more and more humanlike
[21:52:06] <Aki> "...I pity the guy who has to clean this copter..."
[21:52:13] <Torrent> (LOL)
[21:52:15] <@A627> Turning to Ralith, Marty replies, "I hope so. I've been walking a fine line."
[21:52:23] <@A627> (ROFLMAO)
[21:52:41] * Ralith nods at Aki, grimacing.
[21:52:45] <Lupin> "Heh."
[21:52:47] <Ralith> (I'm grimacing a lot of late.)
[21:52:50] A1465 A627 Akela Aki
[21:52:54] <Ralith> "Fine line?"
[21:53:05] <Ralith> "I mean, it's a nasty wound, but you'll live however."
[21:53:09] <Lupin> "This is why I was saying A1465 should have shifted to fix his ear."
[21:53:14] * Torrent finishes changing into a human, and rubs the bald spot on his head
[21:53:18] * Ralith nudges A1465.
[21:53:32] <@A627> (marty) "Ever since I began working for the Company. Vicki just... well.. I dunno. This wound won't heal. Maybe it'll just go away?"
[21:53:34] * Torrent opens his mouth
[21:53:39] <A1465> (Well, how was I to know it would work like that. Besides, you did not insist)
[21:53:44] <@A627> Torrent has a tongue!
[21:53:54] * A1465 grunts.
[21:53:57] <Ralith> "She just what?"
[21:53:59] * Torrent moves his tongue around a bit
[21:54:19] <Ralith> "A lot of things that wouldn't normally heal won't be a worry for you in a week or so
[21:54:41] <Torrent> "It's back"
[21:54:48] <Torrent> "I can talk!"
[21:54:49] <Lupin> "So we've noticed."
[21:54:55] * Ralith nods
[21:54:55] <@A627> (marty) "She just, carressed me, right here." He draws his fingertips over the bony part of his head.
[21:55:04] <Ralith> "Just caressed you?"
[21:55:16] <@A627> (marty) "Yep."
[21:55:22] <@A627> (45 seconds)
[21:55:24] * Torrent feels very chilly... ah yes... fur helps keep one warm
[21:55:30] * Torrent shivers a bit
[21:55:42] <Ralith> "Anyone got any clothing for him?"
[21:55:54] * A627 stands up, walks past and digs some uniforms out of a locker. "Put these on."
[21:56:05] <Lupin> "That reminds me."
[21:56:07] <Ralith> "Marty, you sure you didn't notice anything odd about her?"
[21:56:20] <@A627> "With all the mess in the helicopter, it won't be going back to the Silo or anywhere to refuel without getting stopped."
[21:56:22] <Lupin> "We left the clothes from the Passenger in the truck."
[21:56:37] <Torrent> "...Thanks"
[21:56:51] * Torrent is still visibly very weak
[21:56:54] <@A627> (ok I gotta cut and go)
[21:56:55] <Lupin> "Well, they have the truck I drove down there, and I left the keys in it."
[21:56:58] * Ralith hands Torrent some more water.
[21:57:04] <Ralith> ( :( )
[21:57:04] <Torrent> (okay)
[21:57:07] <Lupin> "They'll have to make do with that."
[21:57:11] <Torrent> "Thanks"
[21:57:12] <Lupin> (Oh well.)
[21:57:17] <@A627> Game ended for now.

Counting periods

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 12:27 am
by Lupin
[22:09:34] * Baphnedia has changed the topic to: Silo 17 in progress. || Home of Silo 17 and Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everything here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings regardless of how tasty they may be with Tobasco sauce. || This is the official chat of
[22:09:38] <Vilkacis> heh
[22:09:43] <@Baphnedia> .
[22:09:43] <Aki> rulez
[22:09:44] <@Baphnedia> ..
[22:09:46] <@Baphnedia> ...
[22:09:47] <@Baphnedia> ....
[22:09:49] <@Baphnedia> .....
[22:09:49] * Vilkacis is now known as A1465
[22:09:50] <@Baphnedia> ......
[22:09:52] <@Baphnedia> .......
[22:09:54] <@Baphnedia> ........
[22:09:56] <@Baphnedia> .........
[22:09:59] <@Baphnedia> ..........
[22:10:06] <@Baphnedia> Yay! 10 points!
[22:10:07] <@Baphnedia> :)
[22:10:13] * Lone_Wolf is now known as Torrent
[22:10:16] * Ralith cheers
[22:10:30] * Baphnedia 's been trying to do that for more than six weeks.
[22:10:39] <A1465> (heh)
[22:10:46] <Torrent> (lol)
[22:11:17] <@Baphnedia> Was anyone NOT here for the latest session?
[22:11:26] <Ralith> Aki wasn't
[22:11:37] <Ralith> (Akela, you with us?)
[22:11:59] <Akela> (No, I'm fighting Sun Li)
[22:12:01] <@Baphnedia> aye - he was - I'm quite sure of it.
[22:12:20] <Aki> (huh? I wasn't? )
[22:12:28] <Ralith> (oh, sorry :P)
[22:12:29] <Lupin> (He was.)
[22:12:31] <Torrent> (last night?)
[22:12:34] <Torrent> (oh)
[22:12:35] <Ralith> (Akela, come on! :( )
[22:12:38] <@Baphnedia> (no problem Akela. Say, if you ever find a computer emulated version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, let me know)?
[22:12:42] <Lupin> (:/)
[22:13:16] * Torrent sits back on the bench seats in the Chinook
[22:13:34] * Ralith gives Torrent a worried look
[22:13:44] <Torrent> "I think I'm gonna sit and relax a bit"
[22:13:53] <Lupin> "Sounds good."
[22:13:54] <@Baphnedia> A627 wonders how the heck the chopper's gonna get cleaned.
[22:13:56] * Torrent closes his eyes
[22:13:59] * Ralith nods, and sighs, relieved.
[22:14:06] * Ralith leans back.
[22:14:38] <Akela> Baph: Sure thing, I'd love to help a fellow ROTK fan :)
[22:14:39] <Torrent> (just some bodily fluids and my tongue, sheesh)
[22:14:55] <Ralith> (leans back against the wall, as in relaxing :P)
[22:14:58] <@Baphnedia> (Marty) "Well, I hope nobody else gets that sick in front of me."
[22:15:02] * Lupin looks at Marty and motions to Torrent. "That, class, is why we're so intrested in what you were supposed to be carrying around."
[22:15:21] <Ralith> "Heh. We never did explain things to you, did we?"
[22:15:28] <Ralith> "Well, you've probably got the gist of it by now."
[22:15:31] <@Baphnedia> "Not really."
[22:15:37] <@Baphnedia> "No kidding."
[22:15:38] <Lupin> "Well, there's nothing better than a visual demonstration."
[22:16:00] <Lupin> "In the silo, there was a warhead full of the stuff that caused that."
[22:16:06] <Lupin> "It's missing now."
[22:16:25] <@Baphnedia> (A627) "I'm rather tired of visual demonsrations. His wasn't the first tongue I cut out. I feel rather practiced at it now."
[22:16:33] * Ralith grimaces
[22:16:37] <A1465> (heh)
[22:16:48] <@Baphnedia> (A627) "A skill I'd rather not have."
[22:17:09] <Lupin> (weakly) "heh."
[22:17:19] <@Baphnedia> (Marty) "Great. This is really making my night." He rubs the bare spot on his skull. "Vicki's beauty is absolutely skin-peeling."
[22:17:43] <Ralith> "Give it a week or so. You'll be fine."
[22:17:44] <@Baphnedia> The helicopter goes into a wide turn.
[22:17:56] * Ralith grips a handhold
[22:18:07] * Lupin settles in his seat.
[22:18:14] * Torrent flies off the seat onto the floor, barely missing the mess
[22:18:30] <Torrent> "Perhaps I should buckle in?
[22:18:32] <Torrent> "
[22:18:33] * Ralith stands up, one hand still on the grip, and helps Torrent to his feat.
[22:18:35] <Ralith> "Perhaps."
[22:18:35] <@Baphnedia> A627 holds on to whomever is next to him.
[22:18:36] <Torrent> "Thanks"
[22:18:40] <Lupin> "It might help."
[22:18:55] * Torrent sits back down and buckles himself in, and closes his eyes
[22:19:02] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Hmm.. I shouldn't have cut my strap - speaking of, strap yourself in Torrent."
[22:19:25] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Pilots, what's going on up there?"
[22:20:09] * Ralith 's ears perk up as he looks towards the front, curious.
[22:20:11] <Torrent> "Some other catastrophe"
[22:20:17] <@Baphnedia> Pilots: "Oh, we've been diverted. Apparently, not even federal aircraft can enter or leave Oregon. So, we'll have to refuel in Spokane, WA before we cross the border."
[22:20:48] <Torrent> "So this containment, what does it entail and for how long?"
[22:20:50] <@Baphnedia> Pilot: "We were diverted by other aircraft that have a lot more weapons than us. F-18s."
[22:20:58] <Lupin> "Oh lovely."
[22:21:17] * Lupin tries to remember what form the pilots were in as they left.
[22:21:36] <Ralith> "This conspiracy seems to have been much more deeply rooted than we thought."
[22:21:40] <@Baphnedia> A627 "This containment is for five days. That's the longest anyone ever survived on their own while having the virus. We think you'll no longer be contagious by the time it's over."
[22:22:13] <Torrent> "Five days?!?... we're supposed to do nothing for FIVE days while this happens outside?!?"
[22:22:15] <Ralith> "We /think/?"
[22:22:20] * Torrent opens his eyes
[22:22:24] * A1465 takes a nap.
[22:22:34] <Lupin> "Five days isn't so bad. But we really do have stuff that we need to do..."
[22:22:43] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Right now, we're all contagious carriers, ever since the reactor in the silo shut down, and the morgue began to fester."
[22:22:44] <Torrent> "I'll say"
[22:22:55] <Torrent> "Damnit!"
[22:23:05] <Ralith> "Do we know why orgeon's being isolated?"
[22:23:06] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Yeah, we're all carriers of the virus, which, sadly... drat."
[22:23:11] <Ralith> "Is it a coverup or an investigation?"
[22:23:21] <Ralith> "Namely, who's side is most of the goverment on?"
[22:23:28] <@Baphnedia> Marty "Some of each I think."
[22:23:36] <Lupin> "I'm guessing it has to do with the riots in Portland."
[22:23:55] * Torrent looks at Marty's missing region of scalp again and gags
[22:24:04] <Torrent> you should put a hat on or something
[22:24:10] <Torrent> (err)
[22:24:15] <Torrent> "you should put a hat on or something"
[22:24:27] <@Baphnedia> Marty "The world's going to hell, and your pack leader has a whole bunch of wolves that are carriers for a virus hiding outside of the silo. He just realized what he's done."
[22:24:30] <Ralith> (You should capitalize or punctuate or something ;) )
[22:24:51] <Ralith> "Not our pack leader."
[22:25:13] <Lupin> "We actually hadn't met him until yesterday."
[22:25:16] <@Baphnedia> (who, me?)
[22:25:33] <Ralith> (no, lw)
[22:25:54] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Yeah, but right now I can only guess what roughly 50 weres can pass around in five days..."
[22:25:57] <Akela> (He's too lazy for that :P)
[22:26:07] <Ralith> (hehe)
[22:26:18] <Ralith> (you with us now, Akela?)
[22:26:28] <Lupin> "Well I'm assuming that they know not to go into town for anything."
[22:26:47] <@Baphnedia> A627's voice trails off. He cocks his head to the side, "Pilots, how long is this trip gonna take now?"
[22:26:49] <Lupin> "Since A) They'll be looking for something like you."
[22:26:59] <Lupin> "And B) They're infected."
[22:27:00] <Ralith> "I hope they can live off the land for five days."
[22:27:08] <@Baphnedia> Pilot "Tack on two more hours. We were halfway there until we hit Oregon."
[22:27:15] <Akela> (No, I'm fighting Sun Li :P my new setup is positioned so I can watch movies on an HD bigscreen, play videogames on anther TV, and use the computer at the same time)
[22:27:17] <Ralith> "Look, can you order them to split up and spread out or something?"
[22:27:49] <@Baphnedia> A627 "I'm out of touch now that they're out of the Silo. I need another way to get a message to them."
[22:28:19] * Torrent falls asleep
[22:28:43] <@Baphnedia> Marty "So, when do we get our peanuts?"
[22:29:09] <Lupin> "They should be avoiding humans regardless. We were making already too many waves in that area before we met you."
[22:30:14] <Aki> "Yeah. Stupid Cows."
[22:30:15] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Ahh. You have a good point. Let's hope that's what they do. Oh, now that we're flying in another straight line, I'm going to get some uniforms for our pilots ready."
[22:30:32] <@Baphnedia> Marty "Who? The humans...or lunch?"
[22:30:35] <Lupin> "Not to mention that farmer."
[22:30:50] <Lupin> "Breakfast, actually."
[22:31:05] <@Baphnedia> Marty "You like your steak raw, I take it?"
[22:31:56] * Ralith grins. "More nutrients."
[22:32:02] <Lupin> "No better way."
[22:32:15] <@Baphnedia> Marty shakes his head.
[22:32:24] * Lupin grins.
[22:32:27] <@Baphnedia> Marty "Woah."
[22:33:03] * Torrent begins to snore quietly
[22:33:05] <@Baphnedia> Marty sits back, staring at the ceiling. "So.. what happens when you first transform?"
[22:34:27] <Ralith> "Ask Aki."
[22:34:47] <Ralith> "It's significantly different for those bitten."
[22:34:49] <Lupin> (sorry, had to go take out the trash.)
[22:35:30] <Lupin> "Not that it's a cake walk when you're born with it or anything."
[22:35:48] * Ralith nods sagely
[22:36:39] <@Baphnedia> Marty "So, uh, Aki... what... happens the first... time... you... HURRK!"
[22:36:50] * Torrent awakens
[22:36:55] <Torrent> "What was that?"
[22:36:57] * Aki raises a eyebrow
[22:37:03] * Torrent opens his eyes
[22:37:12] * A1465 is still asleep.
[22:37:33] <@Baphnedia> Marty leans forward alarmingly fast, looking at his feet, as his shoes begin to swell. A claw pokes out the toe of his left shoe. "Aaaaa..."
[22:37:50] <Ralith> (that was a fast week.)
[22:37:55] <Lupin> (Yeah.)
[22:38:08] * Ralith blinks. "Er, isn't this a little ahead of schedule?"
[22:38:12] <Aki> "I guess it moves faster in some people....."
[22:38:22] <Ralith> "I guess."
[22:38:36] <Lupin> "Could be the action of the vaccine too."
[22:38:38] <Ralith> "A bit late to tell him what he's in for, I suppose."
[22:38:46] * Ralith leans back to enjoy the show.
[22:38:49] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[22:39:37] <@Baphnedia> You hear his shirt rip as he keeps fumbling to take the strap off. The legs of his jeans, bloody as they are, begin to rip.
[22:39:38] * Lupin turns to Mary "Oh, just a slight suggestion: Go with it. Holding it back right now just makes it hurt more."
[22:39:48] <@Baphnedia> "AAAAH!"
[22:39:50] <Ralith> "Yeah."
[22:39:50] <Torrent> "Wow"
[22:40:05] <Ralith> "It's like a bandage. Rip it off fast."
[22:40:14] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[22:40:17] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Keep yer helmet on kid... you'll go deaf right quick if it comes off."
[22:40:19] <Ralith> "Oh, and we might want to get those shoes off of you."
[22:40:23] <Torrent> "On the bright side he won't have his skull poking out at us anymore"
[22:40:49] * Ralith unbuckles himself, keeping a tight hold on a grip, and reaches over to Marty, trying to yank the shoes off
[22:40:49] <Lupin> "It wasn't so bad if you didn't look at it."
[22:40:58] <Ralith> "Don't want you to get any nasty foot injuries here."
[22:41:09] <@Baphnedia> The shoes seem stuck. The laces are waaaay too tight.
[22:41:18] <Torrent> "Cut the laces!"
[22:41:23] * Ralith sticks a claw in the top and pulls towards himself hard
[22:41:24] * Lupin turns to A627 "I need the knife"
[22:41:41] <Ralith> (who needs a knife when you've got these? *splays fingers*)
[22:41:50] <@Baphnedia> Marty is tearing at his constricting clothes, as a dark, black fur starts growing through his skin.
[22:41:58] <Lupin> (We've been running. They're dull.)
[22:42:04] <Ralith> (er, do I manage to slice the laces?)
[22:42:08] <@Baphnedia> The laces break against the claw easily.
[22:42:13] <Ralith> (Point taken. Laces are cheap, though.)
[22:42:20] * Ralith yanks the shoe off and repeats the processs on the other
[22:42:25] * Lupin takes the knife from A627 and silces through the laces on the other shoe
[22:42:40] <@Baphnedia> The other shoe comes off. His feet straighten out, as the toes were already bunching up horribly inside.
[22:43:13] <Torrent> "Anything I can do to help?"
[22:43:14] * Ralith pats Marty on the shoulder as he takes his seat again. "There we go. You'll be fine now."
[22:43:29] <Ralith> "Just don't let the pain get to you."
[22:43:41] <Lupin> "Well, as fine as someone turning into another animal can be."
[22:43:42] <@Baphnedia> Marty stops shaking, his snout going through the open face of the aviator's helmet (a minute/overlooked detail).
[22:43:57] <@Baphnedia> Marty howls.
[22:43:59] <@Baphnedia> !howl
[22:43:59] * Lycaon lifts his head up and howls loudly, "AwooOOOoOoOooOoOooooooooooooooooooooo!"
[22:44:25] <Torrent> "Heh, I might like this guy yet. Nice howl."
[22:44:27] * Torrent winks
[22:44:32] <Ralith> "There ya go. That wasn't so bad, was it?"
[22:44:37] <Lupin> "Not bad, for a first-timer."
[22:45:24] <@Baphnedia> Marty has deep black fur, grey claws, and you can see where a white spot starts above his right eye, about the same place where he was missing some of his greasy italian hair.
[22:45:38] <Torrent> (heh)
[22:45:44] <@Baphnedia> "Whew. Wow. Umm.... I'm really hungry."
[22:46:02] <Lupin> "Yeah, that's expected."
[22:46:04] <Torrent> "Well that's normal. That takes a lot of energy."
[22:46:05] <@Baphnedia> "So, um..." He turns to you. "How do I look?"
[22:46:07] <Ralith> "Well, we didn't exactly plan for ths to happen now."
[22:46:12] <Ralith> "Not half bad. A bit ruffled."
[22:46:42] <Ralith> "Yer scalp's better."
[22:46:50] <Lupin> "You could use a bush."
[22:46:52] <Aki> "If still there..."
[22:47:18] <Ralith> (brush?)
[22:47:22] <Ralith> (Aki, what?)
[22:47:22] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Oh, as to that... the vaccine was based upon what turned us into werewolves in the first place. We saw that they took out a lot of other things, but... I guess getting bitten finished the equation."
[22:47:39] <Torrent> "heh"
[22:47:44] <Lupin> (brush, yeah)
[22:47:45] * Ralith sighs. "A little warning wouldn't have hurt.
[22:47:47] <Ralith> "
[22:47:52] <Lupin> (I though that looked off.)
[22:48:38] <@Baphnedia> Marty "Yeah... um... and I STILL have that dang spot from Vicki. I can't wait to take this helmet off. It might even look a little, striking now, instead of ugly."
[22:49:15] <Ralith> "At least it's not a wound any more."
[22:49:39] <Lupin> "Not that, people will notice that when they're running in terror from you."
[22:49:40] <Torrent> I think that marking is very distinguishing
[22:49:40] <@Baphnedia> "Blah. And this tongue is a mile long!" To illustrate this Marty grabs his tongue with the pads of a paw and extends it out.
[22:49:43] * Ralith leans over to Lupin, speaking quietly. "We should look into this Vicki when all this is over with."
[22:49:59] <Aki> "You get used to it."
[22:50:12] * Lupin whispers back to Ralith, "Yeah. that's freaky."
[22:50:14] <@Baphnedia> Marty lets his tongue hang out.
[22:50:30] <@Baphnedia> Using his paw, he reaches into his helmet, and feels the spot on his head.
[22:50:32] * Lupin rolls his eyes. "Now that's just degrading to all of us."
[22:50:39] * Lupin licks his own nose.
[22:50:42] <@Baphnedia> "Hmm. It's not bleeding anymore."
[22:51:03] <@Baphnedia> Marty puts his tongue back in his mouth.
[22:51:09] <Torrent> "Hell if I can get my tongue back you can get a bit of skin and fur."
[22:51:09] <Ralith> "No, it's not. At least partially because it's covered in fur."
[22:51:57] <Lupin> (Hehe "A user has requested to join a group you moderator on .")
[22:52:06] <Torrent> (me)
[22:52:12] <Lupin> (I 'moderator'?)
[22:52:15] <@Baphnedia> "It should've healed on it's own. We'll see when this helmet comes off, since it's covered. I don't know if it's Vicki, or my boss who's responsible for it not healing.
[22:52:32] <Lupin> "What would your boss have to do with it?"
[22:52:34] * Ralith_ (~Ralith@* has joined #paradice
[22:52:38] <@Baphnedia> (wb)
[22:52:38] <Lupin> (wb)
[22:52:47] <Lupin> (What'd you miss?)
[22:53:01] * Ralith_ is laptop Ralith
[22:53:05] <@Baphnedia> (ahh)
[22:53:07] <Lupin> (oh)
[22:53:19] <Ralith> I'm moving to that machine now.
[22:53:20] <@Baphnedia> (great... multiple personality disorder)
[22:53:26] <@Baphnedia> (oh)
[22:53:26] <Ralith> (her, in ())
[22:53:29] <Ralith> (er*)
[22:53:35] * Ralith (Ralith@* has left #paradice (Leaving)
[22:53:45] * Ralith_ is now known as Ralith
[22:53:55] <@Baphnedia> (Lupin, yep, you're a moderator of that group)
[22:54:01] <Torrent> "Well, now that that's over with..."
[22:54:09] * Torrent closes his eyes and rests
[22:54:10] <A1465> (But you don't 'moderator' things)
[22:54:20] <Lupin> (Baphnedia: Verb tense. )
[22:54:44] * A1465 is still snoozing, unaware of what has happened.
[22:54:56] <@Baphnedia> "Oh, he's a great guy, but out of touch sometimes. He does things as reminders of failiure, more than anything. One the one hand, you don't want to cross him. On the other hand, he'll give his life for you."
[22:55:16] <@Baphnedia> "Sometimes it's harder keeping him alive during a herioc effort of his to save one of us."
[22:55:30] <Lupin> "Wasn't he the one who went through the windshield?"
[22:55:38] <Ralith> (er, wh)
[22:55:42] <Lupin> "Or was that a different one?"
[22:55:45] <Ralith> (o?)
[22:55:49] <@Baphnedia> (that's an automated message.... I had nothing to do with what it contains. I officially duck responsibility)
[22:56:10] <@Baphnedia> "An actual boss, not the guy in charge of a hit."
[22:56:30] <Ralith> (ah)
[22:57:13] <Ralith> "He won't be a worry for you any more, I think. Not unless he's got a whole lot of firepower."
[22:57:14] <@Baphnedia> Pilot: "We're almost there... we're past the border... and so far, haven't heard anything yet about acouple of wolves flying a helicopter."
[22:57:33] <Ralith> "That's good. Perhaps you should shift?"
[22:57:49] <Ralith> (I need to get used to this tiny shift and / key)
[22:57:53] * Lupin looks at A627 "Don't you need to get their clothes ready?"
[22:58:04] <Torrent> "Are there any more clothes in the storage compartment?"
[22:58:27] <Torrent> "I could give these if need be... they need them more than more at the moment"
[22:58:37] <@Baphnedia> Pilot: "Oh yeah... about that. We forgot about our second tank. We're going to our destination non-stop, cleaning the bird (just in case) and fueling on the way back."
[22:58:39] <Torrent> (*more than me)
[22:58:53] <Torrent> "Ah"
[22:58:54] <Lupin> "Great."
[22:59:09] <Ralith> "Good."
[23:00:06] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Well, good hunting when we land. How much further?"
[23:00:18] <@Baphnedia> Pilot "About ten minutes."
[23:00:25] <Ralith> "What's the terrain like where we're headed?"
[23:00:45] <@Baphnedia> "Mountains. Our destination: Harrison Hot Springs, Canada."
[23:00:55] <@Baphnedia> (that was A627)
[23:01:09] <Ralith> "Wilderness, I take it?"
[23:01:36] <Lupin> "Well he did say isolation."
[23:01:46] <Torrent> "I won't make it far there as a middle-age human. I'm gonna have to shift back."
[23:01:50] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Yes. We'll be on the far side of a lake shaped like a Y. We'll be at the top of one fork, and the nearest town is at the bottom shore."
[23:02:13] <@Baphnedia> "Yeah... do you think you can shift back?"
[23:02:28] <Torrent> "It's worth a shot."
[23:02:39] <Torrent> (good time for a roll?)
[23:02:41] <Lupin> "I'd wait until we land."
[23:02:52] <Torrent> "Yeah, maybe you're right."
[23:02:59] <Ralith> "He should be fine now. It's the shift that got rid of the virus, not the human form."
[23:03:10] <Ralith> "But you are rather low on energy."
[23:03:15] <Lupin> "Yeah, but he'll be drained from the shift."
[23:03:18] <Torrent> "I'm just a bit tired is all."
[23:03:31] <Ralith> (*lies down on his couch, laptop in lap* I've always wanted to do this.)
[23:03:39] <Lupin> (Hehe)
[23:03:50] <A1465> ( :) )
[23:03:58] <@Baphnedia> "Yeah, go for it."
[23:04:00] <Torrent> "But that is part of being in your fifties or so I think I am."
[23:04:02] <@Baphnedia> (:))
[23:04:15] <Lupin> (I wish thunderbird would notify me of new mail, AFTER it filtered it.)
[23:04:19] <Ralith> "Age won't be a problem for you any more."
[23:04:25] <Torrent> "I can do it I think"
[23:04:27] <Ralith> (hehe)
[23:04:44] <Ralith> "But nevertheless, I suppose it's safest to wait until we're on the ground"
[23:04:49] <Torrent> "Yeah."
[23:04:53] <Aki> "At leasy he doesn't have to worry about being bald in Gestalt or wolf forms..."
[23:04:58] <Lupin> "Yeah, I still maintain relations with my great-grandomother."
[23:04:58] <Aki> least*
[23:05:01] * Torrent chuckles
[23:05:08] <Lupin> "Nope, just turning white."
[23:05:46] * Torrent smirks "I didn't want to tell you boys that I've been dying my fur"
[23:05:53] <Torrent> "Kidding!"
[23:06:08] <Aki> "I was going to wonder where a military base got hair dye."
[23:06:14] <@Baphnedia> A627 laughs.
[23:06:15] <Torrent> "Hah!"
[23:06:25] * Lupin snickers.
[23:06:47] * Ralith grins, finally relaxing.
[23:06:54] <@Baphnedia> (I'm trying to remember A627's description... anyone recall?)
[23:06:59] <Ralith> (nope)
[23:07:05] <Ralith> (log thread?)
[23:07:05] <Lupin> (Not off the top of my head.)
[23:07:07] <Aki> (Grey, IIRC)
[23:07:20] * Torrent looks at the number tattooed on his arm (visible in human form since it is without the fur)
[23:07:23] <@Baphnedia> (yeah... grey with some black and white somewhere... that's right.)
[23:07:50] * Torrent hides the number from the others with the sleeve of the shirt
[23:07:52] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Yeah... I remember those. That's why I stay the way I am."
[23:07:53] <Ralith> (I wouldn't think a tatoo would survive shifting, what with the cells being rearranged, rebuilt, etc)
[23:08:15] * Lupin thinks about getting something to eat, since his last meal was interrupted.
[23:08:24] <Torrent> (Yeah maybe but I established it as an integral part of the story early on)
[23:08:30] * Ralith looks forward to getting something come landing.
[23:08:31] <Torrent> ( :P )
[23:08:39] <A1465> (I wouldn't think you'd be able to regenerate a tongue, either...)
[23:08:48] <Torrent> (heh)
[23:08:53] <Ralith> (heh. Mebbe your scientists worked out a way to do the tatoo.)
[23:09:05] <Ralith> (Well,me and Lupin would :) )
[23:09:16] <Lupin> (Have to have some way of telling the test subject from the scientists.)
[23:09:18] <@Baphnedia> (that was a matter of convenience... can't have Torrent going "..." or * Torrent motions with his hands to duck..
[23:09:24] <Lupin> (Heh.)
[23:09:30] <Aki> (lol)
[23:09:35] <A1465> (haha)
[23:09:48] <Ralith> (hehe)
[23:09:49] <Torrent> (hehehe)
[23:10:19] <@Baphnedia> Pilot: "Strap yourselves in. We're getting ready to land... kinda. I hope you guys like ropes or jumping, because those are your choices."
[23:10:35] <Ralith> (even if it didn't regen on shift, it'd be back after a few more during this isolation)
[23:10:45] <Ralith> "Got it."
[23:10:50] * Ralith checks his straps
[23:10:58] * Lupin straps himself in again.
[23:11:00] <Lupin> "Done."
[23:11:03] * A1465 rouses himself as the helicopter changes velocity, etc.
[23:11:13] <Torrent> "Of course I'm the fragile one with no grip here."
[23:11:25] <Torrent> "I suppose I'll take a rope."
[23:11:38] * A1465 blinks a few times, getting a bearing on the situation.
[23:11:40] * Ralith grabs Torrent by the arm, steadying him.
[23:11:41] <@Baphnedia> The helicopter slows down. "Opening bay door... we're hovering as close as we can to the ground. There's not a clearing for miles though."
[23:11:42] * Torrent gets up
[23:11:53] <@Baphnedia> Marty stands up
[23:12:05] <Aki> "So, wew're jumping into trees?"
[23:12:06] * Lupin stands up. "I think I'll jump."
[23:12:10] <Ralith> me stands, leaning out to survey the terrain below, attemptingto estimate height.
[23:12:17] <Ralith> (whoops)
[23:12:20] <@Baphnedia> One of the pilots goes into the back and shifts into human form, then starts getting into a uniform.
[23:12:25] <Torrent> "Alrighty... this should be interesting"
[23:12:28] * Ralith stands, leaning out to survey the terrain below, attemptingto estimate height.
[23:12:38] * A1465 unstraps himself and stands up, steadying himself
[23:12:42] <@Baphnedia> You're about 6 feet above a forest canopy. You think it's about 30 feet down.
[23:12:56] * Aki unstraps himself and gets up.
[23:13:09] <@Baphnedia> Marty walks to the edge of the floor and looks down. "Fun fun."
[23:13:11] * Torrent holds onto a rope and begins climbing down
[23:13:12] <Ralith> I'd jump, but I can't see a clear way through the branches.
[23:13:17] * Ralith follows Torrent
[23:13:25] <Aki> "Trees...I think i'll go with the rope. You guys can get impaled with treetops."
[23:13:30] <Lupin> "Hmm, you have a point."
[23:13:30] <Ralith> (gah, forgot quotes)
[23:13:35] * Lupin follows Ralith
[23:13:49] * Torrent gets to the end of the rope
[23:13:56] * A1465 follows suit. Hey, everyone else's doing it!
[23:14:13] <Torrent> "Hold up guys, we're out of rope length"
[23:14:16] <@Baphnedia> As you go down the rope, the belly of the helicopter, scratched here and there is possibly the last peice of technology you'll be seeing for awhile.
[23:14:26] <@Baphnedia> The ground is about 20 feet below
[23:14:36] <Aki> "LEast theres less branches"
[23:14:37] * Torrent looks for a tree to hop into
[23:14:38] <@Baphnedia> Mostly clear
[23:14:44] <A1465> (Any good branches nearby?)
[23:14:59] <Lupin> "And you can see the ground."
[23:15:00] <@Baphnedia> The branches down here are the bigger ones, better at holding more weight.
[23:15:03] * Ralith shrugs. "It's clear enough for me."
[23:15:17] * Torrent jumps to the nearest large branch
[23:15:22] * Ralith reorients himself, then drops to the ground, positioned to land on all fours
[23:15:24] <@Baphnedia> Marty and A627 get on the rope.
[23:15:43] <Ralith> !d20+5 jump
[23:15:44] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 6 jump
[23:15:49] <Ralith> (>.<)
[23:15:51] <A1465> (ow)
[23:15:54] <Torrent> !d20+5 jump
[23:15:55] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 21 jump
[23:15:59] <Lupin> (Ouch)
[23:16:09] * Torrent lands on the branch
[23:16:10] * Aki lets go of the rope, rolling to absorb the force of impact.
[23:16:18] <Aki> !d20+5 jump
[23:16:19] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 20 jump
[23:16:21] * Torrent climbs down the trunk
[23:16:25] <Ralith> (well, at leat I remembered my bonus. I lived.)
[23:16:39] <@Baphnedia> Ralith manages to hit every branch of nice looking trees on the way down, and looks pretty ugly when he hits the ground. However, Torrent skillfully jumps from the rope to a branch. Aki does much the same.
[23:16:40] <Ralith> (Baph, am I going to find out how well?)
[23:16:40] * A1465 takes his chances with jumping on the branches
[23:16:42] <Ralith> (ah)
[23:16:50] * Lupin lets go of the rope and drops to the forrest floor
[23:16:52] * Torrent hurries down seeing Ralith
[23:16:55] <Lupin> !d20+5 jump
[23:16:55] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 15 jump
[23:17:03] <@Baphnedia> Lupin makes it to a branch.
[23:17:03] <Torrent> "Ralith, Ralith. You okay?"
[23:17:18] * Ralith growls angrily, slowly coming to his feet and brushing himself off. "Yeah, /I'm alright"
[23:17:19] * Torrent climbs to the ground
[23:17:32] <Torrent> "That looked painful"
[23:17:37] <@Baphnedia> Marty jumps.
[23:17:38] * Lupin makes it down, and walks over to Ralith and Torrent
[23:17:45] <@Baphnedia> !d20 marty jump
[23:17:45] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 for a total of 19 marty jump
[23:17:46] <Ralith> "Remind me not to try acrobatics off an unstable rope."
[23:17:47] <A1465> !d20+5.5 jump
[23:17:48] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 22.5 jump
[23:17:54] <Lupin> "Maybe it wasn't as clear as you thought."
[23:17:56] <Torrent> "Noted"
[23:18:02] <@Baphnedia> !d20 Jump A627
[23:18:03] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 for a total of 11 Jump A627
[23:18:11] <Torrent> "Okay, show time"
[23:18:13] <@Baphnedia> "AAAh!" *splat*
[23:18:19] * Torrent begins to shift
[23:18:35] <@Baphnedia> A627 just finished a perfect bellyflop.
[23:18:38] <Lupin> (Log post.)


Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 1:11 am
by Lupin
[23:18:42] <Lupin> "Ouch."
[23:18:48] <@Baphnedia> His face is firmly planted in the ground.
[23:18:50] * A1465 takes his time climbing down the branches of the tree.
[23:19:04] * Ralith stretches, then walks over to A627 and helps him up.
[23:19:05] * Torrent continues shifting
[23:19:15] <Ralith> "You alright?"
[23:19:15] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Thanks"
[23:19:26] * A1465 takes the final hop to the ground.
[23:19:33] * A1465 stumbles a bit
[23:19:43] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Yeah. I think." He wipes some dirt and leaves off of his muzzle. "That hurt."
[23:19:44] * Torrent bends over
[23:20:04] * Torrent stands back up, in gesalt form
[23:20:10] <@Baphnedia> A627 takes his helmet off. "I hope the pilots don't miss these."
[23:20:28] <@Baphnedia> The helicopter flies off into the distance. Someone in a uniform is pulling the rope up.
[23:20:32] * Lupin takes his off as well "Oops."
[23:20:35] * Ralith sighs and leans back against a nearby tree, rubbing his side.
[23:20:37] <Lupin> "Oh well."
[23:20:38] * A1465 follows suit and removes his helmet.
[23:20:50] * Torrent removes his and tosses it aside
[23:21:00] * Ralith pulls off his helmet and tosses it to the ground. "Better minus a few helmets than deaf."
[23:21:04] * Torrent leans against a tree
[23:21:06] <Aki> "Heh. Oh well."
[23:21:16] <Lupin> "It can't be helped now anyway."
[23:21:39] <@Baphnedia> Marty pulls his helmet off and faces away, his paw pads feeling his face.
[23:22:09] <@Baphnedia> A627 sniffs the air and grins.
[23:22:12] * Aki gently tosses his helmet up into the tree branches. "There, birds got a new nest. Assuming I didn't hit any."
[23:22:18] * Ralith sniffs.
[23:22:20] * Lupin sniffs and looks around
[23:22:26] * Torrent pats Marty on the back
[23:22:32] <Torrent> "You're alright."
[23:22:33] <@Baphnedia> Game is on the air.
[23:22:44] * Ralith 's ears perk as he listens for movement
[23:22:49] * Torrent puts up his head a bit and sniffs
[23:22:50] * A1465 is no longer quite so sleepy.
[23:22:51] * Lupin 's stomache rumbles.
[23:23:22] <@Baphnedia> Marty "No..." His voice is small, and he lets one of his hands fall to his side. His right hand is still on his head, feeling, or massaging something.
[23:23:26] <Ralith> "Well, Marty, welcome to the wilderness and your first course on survival. Pay close attention, now."
[23:23:37] <Ralith> "What?"
[23:23:51] * Torrent turns back to Marty
[23:23:55] <Aki> "Hmm?"
[23:24:00] * Lupin looks at Marty "Hm?"
[23:24:02] <@Baphnedia> "This accursed wound.. I'm starting to think it really is a curse."
[23:24:10] * Ralith walks up beside Marty, looking worried. "Something wrong with it?"
[23:24:10] * A1465 eyes the unfamiliar Marty.
[23:24:21] <Ralith> "Looks fine to me now."
[23:24:33] <Lupin> "It's just a spot of white hair."
[23:24:35] <@Baphnedia> Marty drops his other paw, revealing a white bit of his skull, though the scalp around the edges is healed, and no longer bleeding. "How's it look?"
[23:24:51] <Ralith> "Oh..."
[23:24:53] * A1465 makes the connection.
[23:24:53] * Lupin takes a clooser look.
[23:24:57] * Torrent tries to lie
[23:25:01] <Torrent> "Better."
[23:25:01] <Lupin> "Hmm. That's odd."
[23:25:03] <Aki> "Looks better than before. Still shows skull though."
[23:25:25] <Lupin> "At least it's not bleeding anymore."
[23:25:28] <Ralith> "It's not exactly a wound. But it's not healed properly either..."
[23:25:44] <Ralith> "Perhaps it'll be gone in a few shifts."
[23:25:45] <@Baphnedia> Marty sighs. "Oh well. It itches."
[23:25:53] <Aki> "A Itchy bone?"
[23:26:01] <Lupin> "Well don't touch it."
[23:26:02] * Ralith frowns. "There aren't any nerves there."
[23:26:05] <Aki> "Thats...unusual."
[23:26:14] * Torrent looks at it more closely
[23:26:15] <Lupin> "That's how you got it in the first place."
[23:26:17] <Ralith> "Leave it alone and you'll learn to put up with it."
[23:26:31] <@Baphnedia> "I'd like to think so."
[23:26:34] <Akela> (It's "An itchy bone" not "a" sorry I'm a grammar nazi and I find that you have improper use of "a" Aki :P)
[23:26:41] <Torrent> "Phantom sensory?"
[23:26:45] <Ralith> "I don't want to be looking at your brains next."
[23:26:53] <Ralith> "That's not supposed to happen except with limbs"
[23:26:56] <Lupin> "If he has any"
[23:27:08] <Torrent> "Ughhh"
[23:27:23] <Lupin> "Anyway, I'm hungry."
[23:27:24] <Torrent> "Ummm..."
[23:27:25] <Aki> "Then he'd look like a Zombie-Werewolf..."
[23:27:29] <Lupin> "Let's get something to eat."
[23:27:36] <A1465> (Akela... your grammar in that sentence isn't exactly great...)
[23:27:37] <Lupin> "We can discuss this later."
[23:27:37] <@Baphnedia> "I don't want to see my brains anymore than you do."
[23:27:37] <Torrent> "That bone is /dead/"
[23:28:00] <Torrent> "When bone dies it turns that color..."
[23:28:11] <Ralith> "That's not good."
[23:28:19] <@Baphnedia> "It's no joke that I'm not 'all there.'"
[23:28:31] <Ralith> "But there's nothing we can do about it here and now, and we're all getting pretty hungry."
[23:28:37] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[23:28:40] <@Baphnedia> Marty's stomach rumbles.
[23:28:48] * Akela has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[23:28:55] * Ralith resumes his search for the sound of movement
[23:29:02] <A1465> ( :P )
[23:29:02] <@Baphnedia> A627 is attentively not paying attention to any of you.
[23:29:04] * Torrent is thinking deeply
[23:29:05] * Lupin continues to look around
[23:29:26] <@Baphnedia> !listen
[23:29:33] <A1465> (How early/late is it?)
[23:29:35] <@Baphnedia> (roll listen / look)
[23:29:44] <A1465> !d20+5.5 look
[23:29:44] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 10.5 look
[23:29:45] <Lupin> !d20+5 look
[23:29:46] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 17 look
[23:29:47] <@Baphnedia> (oh, it's.. drat... )
[23:29:53] <@Baphnedia> !d24
[23:29:53] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d24 for a total of 8.
[23:29:53] <Torrent> !d20 listen
[23:29:54] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 for a total of 10 listen
[23:30:06] <Ralith> !d20+5 listen
[23:30:07] <Torrent> (oops, the bonus)
[23:30:07] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 8 listen
[23:30:07] <@Baphnedia> (mid-morning...)
[23:30:12] * Baphnedia lost track of gametiem
[23:30:13] <Ralith> !d20+5 ook
[23:30:13] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 25 ook
[23:30:16] <A1465> (k, thanks)
[23:30:21] <Ralith> (well, that works too)
[23:30:26] <Lupin> (Hehe)
[23:30:28] <A1465> (nice)
[23:30:42] <Ralith> (ears must still be dulled from the copter.)
[23:30:42] <Lupin> (This is week six?)
[23:30:44] * Torrent is obviously more interested in thinking at the moment about something
[23:30:47] <@Baphnedia> (yes)
[23:30:51] <Lupin> (Blargh.)
[23:31:06] <Torrent> "I think I understand"
[23:31:17] <Torrent> "The wound, I know why it isn't healing."
[23:31:35] <@Baphnedia> Marty's ears perk up. "Why's that?"
[23:31:57] <Torrent> "The dead tissue is still present, which prevents the surrounding tissue from healing the wound"
[23:32:04] * Torrent stops
[23:32:08] <Lupin> "What."
[23:32:11] <Torrent> "Why do I know that?"
[23:32:17] <Lupin> "How -- yes, exactly"
[23:32:27] * Ralith blinks
[23:32:30] <Aki> "Former medic?"
[23:32:38] <Ralith> "Apparently."
[23:32:40] <Aki> "Er. Combat medic."
[23:32:42] <Lupin> "I guess so."
[23:32:45] <Torrent> "Hmmph..."
[23:32:53] <Ralith> "So what do you suggest we do about it?"
[23:33:06] <Torrent> "Anyway, its nothing we can help with ourselves... I mean, it /is/ his skull"
[23:33:08] <@Baphnedia> "I don't want anyone digging into my skull."
[23:33:19] <Torrent> "You do if you want to live"
[23:33:28] <Torrent> "We need a surgeon"
[23:33:31] <@Baphnedia> "Why's that?"
[23:33:33] <Ralith> "You're saying he'll die otherwise?"
[23:33:34] <Lupin> "Northat we have any tools or anything right now to dig into your skiull with."
[23:33:48] <Lupin> "Not that we have any tools or anything right now to dig into your skull with."
[23:33:52] <Torrent> "Because if it doesn't heal properly you could have more tissue loss"
[23:33:55] <Lupin> (Blargh.)
[23:34:06] * Akela (~Mr_@* has joined #paradice
[23:34:10] <Ralith> (wb)
[23:34:17] <Torrent> "I don't think that bodes well for your brain."
[23:34:18] <Lupin> (wb)
[23:34:23] <Torrent> (hi)
[23:34:36] <@Baphnedia> "Let's just keep an eye on it. If it gets larger, we'll worry about surgery. If not, then... Braindead is not something I want to be."
[23:34:40] <@Baphnedia> (wb)
[23:34:53] <Aki> (wb)
[23:35:10] <@Baphnedia> (how goes the fight in Ancient China?)
[23:35:18] * Torrent turns away from Marty, giving a face of concern to the others that Marty doesn't see
[23:35:23] <Ralith> "So we need to find a surgeon. Is it safe for him to shift to human and then be operated on at the town?"
[23:35:37] <Lupin> "No."
[23:35:45] <Lupin> "We still might be infected, remember."
[23:35:51] <Torrent> "I don't know, most surgeons would be forced to file a report of an injury like this."
[23:35:55] <Ralith> "Other than that, I mean."
[23:35:59] <Ralith> "Hmm."
[23:36:16] <Ralith> "Does it actually matter if a report gets filed?"
[23:36:21] <Torrent> "Too bad there aren't like werewolf surgeons around here or anything."
[23:36:26] <Ralith> "We won't be here long."
[23:36:26] <@Baphnedia> Marty "This problem is something for me to worry about. I know someone who can fix me up, if it gets worse."
[23:36:39] <Torrent> "That's standard procedure I would imagine is all"
[23:36:42] <Ralith> "Not anymore you don't."
[23:36:46] <Aki> "Lets just leave it alone for now. I'm hungry."
[23:36:58] <Ralith> "Alright then. Agreed."
[23:37:04] <Lupin> "From now until you learn to control this, you don't know anyone."
[23:37:04] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Yeah, a report would get filed. Marty, you're not one who likes to be known of, are you?"
[23:37:09] * Torrent 's stomach growls
[23:37:23] <Lupin> "But we really do need to get some food."
[23:37:38] * Ralith motions to his left. "There was something over here."
[23:37:48] * Torrent goes silent
[23:37:49] <@Baphnedia> A627 "See Food. See food run. Run food run!" he exclaims quietly and runs off.
[23:37:56] * Ralith follows.
[23:38:03] A1465 Akela Aki
[23:38:03] * Torrent sniffs the air
[23:38:06] * Lupin follows A627
[23:38:12] * Torrent follows the group
[23:38:13] * A1465 follows along
[23:38:14] <@Baphnedia> A deer is somewhere on the wind.
[23:38:36] <@Baphnedia> You hear the light sound of deer hooves ahead.
[23:38:56] * Ralith accelerates, no longer following A627 but now heading directly towards the sound.
[23:39:00] * Torrent salivates
[23:39:06] A1465 Akela Aki
[23:39:06] * Aki hurries after Ralith
[23:39:11] * Lupin acclerates with Ralith
[23:39:15] <@Baphnedia> Branches snap beneath A627's inexperienced pads. He keeps running though, a gait kind of weird, but he's able to run very fast despite darting around trees.
[23:39:25] * Torrent moves quickly
[23:39:33] <Ralith> (hey, can't we have a little strategics here? Lupin, get around the side and cut 'im off?)
[23:39:45] <Lupin> (I was about to do that, yes.)
[23:39:46] <@Baphnedia> A white-tailed deer is running very away from you, zig zagging
[23:40:05] * Torrent moves odd to the left a bit to surround it
[23:40:06] * Lupin accerates, and tries to get around the deer.
[23:40:10] * Ralith gestures to Lupin, drops to all fours, and starts moving faster
[23:40:11] <@Baphnedia> The deer is leading you uphill
[23:40:12] <Torrent> *odd--> off
[23:40:18] * Lupin goes to the right.
[23:40:27] * Torrent moves faster
[23:40:28] <@Baphnedia> (ahh)
[23:40:46] * A1465 brings up the rear
[23:41:00] <@Baphnedia> Those flanking the deer are seen, and it runs just straight, afraid to go too far to either side.
[23:41:19] * Ralith slows slightly
[23:41:21] * Torrent tries to outrun the deer to cut it off
[23:41:22] * Lupin drops to all fours, and starts closing in on the deer.
[23:41:37] <@Baphnedia> (roll to pounce)
[23:41:50] <Torrent> (all of us?)
[23:41:50] <Lupin> !d20+6 pounce
[23:41:51] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 23 pounce
[23:41:51] <@Baphnedia> You see Torrent and Lupin closing on the left and right.
[23:41:58] <@Baphnedia> (Lupin and Torrent)
[23:42:10] <@Baphnedia> !d20+3 dodge
[23:42:10] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 3 for a total of 19 dodge
[23:42:13] <Torrent> !d20+4 pounce
[23:42:13] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 24 pounce
[23:42:18] <@Baphnedia> (woah)
[23:42:19] <A1465> (nice)
[23:42:21] <Ralith> (not bad on all sides)
[23:42:27] <Lupin> (Wow)
[23:42:31] <Ralith> (should be an interesting catch)
[23:42:33] <Aki> (O_O)
[23:42:40] <Lupin> (Also I need to read closer.)
[23:42:49] <@Baphnedia> All that weight on the deer cause it's legs to fold under it.
[23:43:03] * Lupin sinks his teeth into the neck of the deer.
[23:43:06] <Ralith> (or not)
[23:43:33] <@Baphnedia> The wolves have a bite on each side of the neck, and the stopping deer causes you two to fly forward, each with a chunk of neck or shoulder in your mouth.
[23:43:43] * A1465 catches up and adds his weight
[23:43:49] * Ralith puts on a burst of speed and leaps
[23:43:54] * Torrent sails forward
[23:44:01] <@Baphnedia> The deer tries to stand up, only to get landed on by more wolves.
[23:44:19] * Ralith attempts to get a mouthful of it's throat.
[23:44:24] * A1465 claws at it.
[23:44:25] * Lupin flies forward, and caches himself.
[23:44:26] <@Baphnedia> A627 and Marty shout "Dogpile!" and land on top of everyone.
[23:44:32] <A1465> (heh)
[23:44:32] <Ralith> (At this rate we'll have eaten it before it dies.)
[23:44:40] <@Baphnedia> (yeah...)
[23:44:42] <Lupin> (Yep)
[23:44:43] * Torrent gets up and grabs ahold of the deer's side
[23:44:44] <@Baphnedia> The Deer Dies.
[23:44:47] * Ralith growls through a mouth full of deerflesh.
[23:45:02] * Lupin swollows the mothfull he has and returns to the deer.
[23:45:07] <Aki> "Interesting catch..."
[23:45:14] <Lupin> "Better than the last one."
[23:45:15] * Ralith stands.
[23:45:18] <@Baphnedia> A627 and Marty grab a bit of deerleg and eat.
[23:45:19] <Ralith> "Yeah."
[23:45:30] * Ralith blinks, then shrugs and digs in himself.
[23:45:31] * A1465 starts gnawing on a leg.
[23:45:32] <@Baphnedia> "growwwllllmmmmm"
[23:45:34] * Lupin grabs digs into a leg
[23:45:47] <Lupin> (grabs and*)
[23:45:55] * Torrent chews on some ribs
[23:46:00] <Ralith> (I get the body all to myself! :D)
[23:46:08] <@Baphnedia> (hehe)
[23:46:19] <Torrent> (I don't think so ;) )
[23:46:31] * Aki starts digging into the deer's guts.
[23:46:35] * Lupin finishes with the leg, and starts in on the body
[23:46:40] <Ralith> (Marty'll want some.)
[23:46:47] <A1465> (heh)
[23:46:54] <Lupin> (So we'll catch another.)
[23:47:02] <@Baphnedia> Marty moves from the leg to the body, though A627 looks satiated.
[23:47:03] * Ralith finishes.
[23:47:05] * Torrent migrates to a leg and continues eating
[23:47:14] * A1465 finishes eating his fill.
[23:47:18] * Lupin finishes as well, and gets up.
[23:47:26] * Ralith pads off, still on all fours, and finds somewhere nice to curl up.
[23:47:41] * Torrent licks his chops and stumbles onto the ground
[23:47:45] * Lupin gets up and surveys the area where they are.
[23:47:51] <Torrent> "Heh, ate a bit too much"
[23:47:51] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Aki, you've, um, still got bandages on. I've been meaning to ask how or what happened to you?"
[23:47:56] * Torrent gets up
[23:47:58] <Lupin> (Wait.)
[23:48:04] * Ralith cleans himself up on the grass a bit.
[23:48:05] <Lupin> (I already got up.)
[23:48:06] <Aki> "Ralith had a rambo streak..."
[23:48:19] <Aki> "Sharpnel hit me in the shoulder."
[23:48:22] * A1465 lies down, satiated.
[23:48:25] * Lupin licks the blood off his muzzle.
[23:48:28] <Ralith> "You've probably healed by now anyway."
[23:48:50] <@Baphnedia> "Take them bandages off and we'll leave it with the deer. She'll need them more than you."
[23:49:22] * Ralith curls up happily and looks ready to drift off.
[23:49:25] <@Baphnedia> Marty is still eating, though he's slowed down a lot.
[23:49:46] * Aki tears the bandages off and tosses them on the carcass.
[23:49:59] <A1465> (On top of Marty :P)
[23:50:02] <@Baphnedia> A627 begins collecting firewood. "We're going to burn them. The bandages might or might not have any chance of transmitting a virus. Better to know that it's been destroyed."
[23:50:23] * Ralith opens one eye. "And just how do you plan to start a fire?"
[23:50:39] <@Baphnedia> The wounds look healed, though scar tissue and an absence of fur mark them clearly.
[23:50:50] <@Baphnedia> "Ralith, were you ever in boy scouts?"
[23:50:52] <Lupin> "Rubbing sticks together should work just fine."
[23:51:09] * Ralith shrugs and settles down again.
[23:51:13] * Lupin chuckles "Not that I was ever a Boy Scout. I just liked starting fires."
[23:51:43] <Ralith> (good time for a log post?)
[23:51:47] <@Baphnedia> Marty looks around... eating around the bandages... "Well, or isn't that crap killed by cold? I saw glaciers up on top of the mountains around here."
[23:51:52] <Lupin> (Few mor minutes.)
[23:51:56] <Lupin> more*
[23:52:09] <A1465> (We're on a hill, right?)
[23:52:30] <Torrent> "Some virii can survive in extreme cold for a long time."
[23:52:33] <Lupin> (We were going uphill, yeah.)
[23:53:04] <Lupin> "This is almost like camping with my parents."
[23:53:04] <A1465> (If we start a fire, let's not stick around, then :P)
[23:53:26] <Aki> "Well...Torrent's old enough to be your father..."
[23:53:33] <Torrent> "You camped growing up, eh?"
[23:53:33] <@Baphnedia> A627 "And who wants to bring a bloody carcass all the way to the top of a mountain? We'll burn it. Anyone who sees the fire will assume that we're camping.
[23:53:42] <Torrent> "Heh, I suppose I am Aki"
[23:54:01] <@Baphnedia> Marty "Yay. Full house."
[23:54:15] <@Baphnedia> Marty "I wonder if I'm an Adam's Family nephew or something?"
[23:54:37] <Torrent> "So what was camping like with the folks, Lupin?"
[23:54:49] * Ralith opens an eye again, pauses, then stands, stretches, and wanders over.
[23:54:55] <Lupin> "Yeah. My parents took me all the time. Funny thing is dad would hunt and bring back deer, but we never brought any weapons along."
[23:55:02] <Torrent> "Hah!"
[23:55:10] * Ralith lies down again, relaxed but still attentive.
[23:55:15] <@Baphnedia> A627 is done gathering wood. "Well, now for the fun part." Marty ate his fill and is relaxing in some grass.
[23:55:27] <Torrent> "Fun?"
[23:55:42] <Ralith> "We appear to have a pyromaniac with us."
[23:55:46] <Lupin> "Sure. Fire is always fun."
[23:55:49] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Now to make a bow..."
[23:55:53] <Ralith> "Or two."
[23:56:03] <Torrent> "A bow, what for?"
[23:56:07] <Ralith> (pyromaniacs, not bows)
[23:56:07] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Who's the pyromaniac?" looking innocent.
[23:56:08] * Lupin looks at Ralith "Oh and you're not one?"
[23:56:14] <Aki> "I prefer a spear. Or a Javelin."
[23:56:24] <A1465> (A bow for making fire, perhaps :/)
[23:56:33] <@Baphnedia> "I'm not making a weapon, I'm making something to help making a fire."
[23:56:39] * Ralith grins. "I enjoy a little fun with a grenade launcher as much as the next wolf."
[23:56:40] <Torrent> "Ahhh..."
[23:56:47] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[23:56:49] <@Baphnedia> (my grammar was all gone on that one.
[23:56:56] <Lupin> "Plus, teeth are the best weapon."
[23:57:00] <Torrent> "Keep Ralith away from anything that can hurt us"
[23:57:07] * Ralith nods agreeably to Lupin
[23:57:25] * Ralith rolls eyes at Torrent
[23:57:26] <Torrent> "But in this case I'll make an exception"
[23:57:29] * Torrent grins
[23:57:30] <Lupin> "Well, he should be fine now the doesn't have any access to high explosives."
[23:57:31] <A1465> (brb)
[23:57:44] <Torrent> (I gotta go soon)
[23:57:48] * Ralith sighs in mock exasperation and curls up again.
[23:58:04] <@Baphnedia> "Ralith, you like fire - here, make a bow and start our fire. Just besure not to burn down the whole forest, or we won't be able to hide from anyone."
[23:58:13] * Torrent chuckles
[23:58:15] * Lupin sticks out his tongue. "Since I've known him, that was the first time he's accidently blown me up"
[23:58:20] <Lupin> er...
[23:58:25] <A1465> (k, back)
[23:58:30] * Lupin sticks out his tongue. "Since I've known him, that was the first time he's tried to blown me up"
[23:58:48] <@Baphnedia> (got it Torrent)
[23:59:16] <Torrent> (you do have enough folks to keep it running after I go though)
[23:59:22] * Ralith grins. "Can't a guy have a little leeway for mistakes?"
[23:59:42] <@Baphnedia> "Yeah, you can be the one who starts our fire." A627 grins.
[23:59:42] <Torrent> "It was my fault... I was showing ya how to use the thing..."
[23:59:53] <Ralith> "Besides, I've got no experience with this sort of thing. I've never needed a fire."
[00:00:04] * Ralith pats his furred shoulder
[00:00:34] * A1465 rouses himself a bit to add his $.02
[00:00:49] <@Baphnedia> A627 explains how to make a bow and a fire.
[00:01:00] <Ralith> (cheap.)
[00:01:09] <Lupin> (I could have done that :P)
[00:01:11] <@Baphnedia> (yes, very cheap. I Am No Boy Scout)
[00:01:14] <Ralith> !d20+5 firestarting
[00:01:14] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 22 firestarting
[00:01:22] <Ralith> (foomp!)
[00:01:31] * Ralith makes a bow and a fire.
[00:01:36] <Ralith> (hah. revenge.)
[00:01:42] * A1465 changes his mind and lays his head back down.
[00:01:52] <Lupin> (Hehe)
[00:01:52] <@Baphnedia> A627 stacked a lot of wood with the kindling at the bottom.
[00:02:10] <@Baphnedia> The fire starts to crackle.
[00:02:26] * A1465 edges closer to the fire.
[00:02:28] <@Baphnedia> Marty "When the fire's big enough not to be extinguished by blood, we'll put the carcass and bandages on it."
[00:02:38] * Ralith nods at the flames, then wanders over by A1465 and curls up.
[00:02:43] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Anyone have marshmallows?"
[00:02:49] * Ralith looks relaxed and sleepy.
[00:03:07] * Lupin pokes at the fire with a sick, trying to get it hot.
[00:03:27] <Torrent> (btw, basic medical notes on the wound: ... ement.html in case I'm gone while you do anything)
[00:03:29] <@Baphnedia> A627 "Tell ya what. Let's all shift into wolf form, and... maybe they'll think of Marty just looking weird, but otherwise think of us as a bunch of strange wolves.
[00:03:51] <Torrent> "Sounds reasonable"
[00:03:54] <Lupin> "Didn't you just tell us not to shift several hours ago?"
[00:04:16] <A1465> (He did :P)
[00:04:25] <Ralith> "Why bother anyway? Didn't you say there weren't many humans around?"
[00:04:29] <Lupin> (Yes, I'm being diplomatic.)
[00:04:59] <@Baphnedia> (I'm being erratic because I'm a bit tired)
[00:05:06] <Aki> "It'd be kinda fun to 'haunt' these woods a bit. Scare up anyone who wanders in."
[00:05:07] <Ralith> "Well, judging by Torrent, it helps. Perhaps we've decided that was wrong?"
[00:05:08] <Torrent> (btw, graphic pix on the link I gave)
[00:05:11] <Lupin> (Carrot-and-stick method. This is the carrot.)
[00:05:17] * Ralith nods at aki, grinning
[00:05:30] * Lupin grins, "Yeah."
[00:05:35] <@Baphnedia> "Well, that's true. So long as one of us stays awake to alert us of anything approaching."
[00:05:41] <Ralith> "I used to do that a lot. Great way to pass the time."
[00:05:55] <Lupin> "We'll introduce you to the fun part of being like this."
[00:05:55] <Torrent> "Heh"
[00:06:10] <Ralith> "Well, one of them."
[00:06:34] <@Baphnedia> "Fun is good." A627 sleepily says.
[00:06:35] <Torrent> "I have to say that is new to me as well... being I was stuck in a lab installation"
[00:07:08] <Ralith> "Believe me, it's worth every bit of extra effort and pain. Every last bit."
[00:07:11] * Lupin sits down next to the fire.
[00:07:13] <@Baphnedia> Marty "Mmmm yeah. I'm used to a city life myself. I don't like the country too much."
[00:07:25] <Ralith> "That's about to change."
[00:07:29] <@Baphnedia> The fire grows and is warm.
[00:07:34] <Lupin> "Well you're going to have to learn a bit of balance at least."
[00:07:56] * Ralith shifts his position slightly and closes his eyes, drifting off.
[00:08:14] * Torrent is completely asleep
[00:08:27] <Torrent> (okay I gotta go, have a good game)
[00:08:29] * Baphnedia is falling asleep.
[00:08:32] <@Baphnedia> (endgame)
[00:08:33] * Aki curls up, and starts drifting off.
[00:08:33] * A1465 is getting kind of bored, but he's used to that. He can't quite get to sleep just yet, though.
[00:08:34] <Lupin> (Have fun)
[00:08:47] <Lupin> Perfect timing.
[00:08:50] <@Baphnedia> (logposts?)
[00:08:51] <Torrent> lol
[00:08:53] * Akela would be asleep but the Graphics on his new machine are shocking
[00:08:54] <Lupin> Yep.
[00:08:55] <Ralith> That was fun :)
[00:09:06] * Ralith strokes his laptop happily
[00:09:08] * Baphnedia has changed the topic to: No game in progress. || Home of Silo 17 and Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everything here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings regardless of how tasty they may be with Tobasco sauce. || This is the official chat of


Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 12:10 am
by Lupin
[21:54:25] * Baphnedia has changed the topic to: Silo 17 in progress. || Home of Silo 17 and Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everything here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings regardless of how tasty they may be with Tobasco sauce. || This is the official chat of
[21:54:30] * Lone_Wolf is now known as Torrent
[21:55:42] <@Baphnedia> .
[21:55:44] <@Baphnedia> ..
[21:55:46] <@Baphnedia> .
[21:55:50] <@Baphnedia> .
[21:55:53] <@Baphnedia> ...
[21:55:56] <@Baphnedia> .
[21:56:00] * Baphnedia forgot how to count
[21:56:06] <Lupin> (o_O)
[21:56:26] <Torrent> (lol)
[21:56:35] <Ralith> (wow
[21:56:36] <Ralith> )
[21:56:40] <@Baphnedia> (herein lies week something, one greater than last week)
[21:57:34] <@Baphnedia> The forest is quiet as everthing settles in at... oh
[21:57:40] <@Baphnedia> !d24
[21:57:40] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d24 for a total of 6.
[21:57:55] <@Baphnedia> Nine or so in the morning (I just remembered the time)
[21:58:14] <@Baphnedia> The fire is warm, the sun is up, and most of the forest is naturally quiet.
[21:58:55] <@Baphnedia> The long dream continued.
[21:59:06] <@Baphnedia> (everyone roll listen)
[21:59:18] <Ralith> !d20+5 listen
[21:59:18] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 14 listen
[22:00:02] <Aki> !d20+5 listen
[22:00:06] <Aki> !d20+5 listen
[22:00:06] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 18 listen
[22:00:21] <Torrent> !d20+4 listen
[22:00:21] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 15 listen
[22:00:56] <@Baphnedia> (anyone else here?)
[22:01:11] <Lupin> !d20+7 Listen
[22:01:11] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 14 Listen
[22:01:17] * Torrent snores
[22:01:34] -Baphnedia- You continue to dream
[22:01:39] * Ralith twitches slightly in a dream of a hunt
[22:01:46] <@Baphnedia> The rest is well earned.
[22:01:46] <Lupin> (Let me re-arrange the window.)
[22:01:57] <@Baphnedia> The soft crackling of the fire doesn't wake anyone.
[22:02:45] * Torrent (dreaming) twitches his fur a bit
[22:02:57] * Lupin rolls over in his sleep.
[22:02:59] <@Baphnedia> Finally, some peace and quiet. Hours pass as the hard-earned reprieve is taken.
[22:03:27] <@Baphnedia> !d12+9
[22:03:28] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d12 + 9 for a total of 14.
[22:04:30] <@Baphnedia> The sun creeps around trees this warm(ish) day, and as it passes through a hole in the canopy, warms your back, which is away from the fire
[22:04:33] <@Baphnedia> (in most cases)
[22:05:10] * Torrent 's eyes are teased open by the light
[22:05:16] <@Baphnedia> The world seems lazy, and comfortable. All except a light padding that you feel more than hear, going right by you.
[22:05:44] <Ralith> (Am I allowed to wake up?)
[22:05:57] <@Baphnedia> (yes - everyone is)
[22:05:59] * Torrent awakens, aware of something behind him
[22:06:11] * Torrent turns his head slowly
[22:06:12] <@Baphnedia> A627 pauses behind Torrent
[22:06:20] * Lupin wakes up and sniffs.
[22:06:29] * Ralith drifts out of a peaceful sleep, slowly opening his eyes and stretching.
[22:06:31] <Torrent> "G' morning"
[22:06:51] <@Baphnedia> The air smells mostly of woodsmoke
[22:06:53] <Lupin> "gmrnnnmninnrg"
[22:07:00] <@Baphnedia> (lol)
[22:07:02] * Ralith yawns.
[22:07:04] <Torrent> "What're you up to on this very fine morning?"
[22:07:13] <@Baphnedia> "Watching and wondering."
[22:07:14] <Ralith> "Mmm, I needed that."
[22:07:31] * Lupin stretches "So did I."
[22:07:34] <Torrent> "Wondering? What about?"
[22:08:16] <@Baphnedia> "I have no idea if the pilots so much as said a thing to the Canadian military about a helicopter crossing the border and dropping off a squad, or rather, a pack."
[22:08:41] <Torrent> "Hmm"
[22:09:01] <Ralith> "And yet we don't appear to have been followed."
[22:09:01] <@Baphnedia> "And, I'm wondering, if the Canadians trust the US enough to overlook it, in case the pilots' flib worked, and how long it will last."
[22:09:21] * Aki shrugs, yawning.
[22:09:25] <Ralith> "We can always run up north."
[22:09:30] <Lupin> "Well, there doesn't seem to be anything we can do now."
[22:09:37] <@Baphnedia> "No. We weren't followed. But someone knows were here, even if they have no idea who we are."
[22:10:05] <@Baphnedia> "Which brings me to my second point. Did any of you see Marty go?"
[22:10:13] <Torrent> "He's gone?"
[22:10:17] * Ralith looks around, suddenly alert
[22:10:18] * Torrent looks around
[22:10:19] <Ralith> "What?"
[22:10:33] <Torrent> "OH F#$%."
[22:10:35] * Lupin sits up, "He's gone?"
[22:10:39] <Lupin> "s***."
[22:10:44] <Aki> "Maybe he got hungry?"
[22:10:51] * Ralith circles the camp on all fours, searching for a trail of his scent
[22:10:55] * Lupin remembers something, "It doesn't really matter."
[22:10:56] <@Baphnedia> "His scent went down to the lake and went in the water. There's no telling where he came out, that we can track."
[22:11:13] <Aki> "Smart little f***."
[22:11:26] <Ralith> "Is there a river leading from or to it?"
[22:11:30] <Lupin> "There aren't many places he can go like that."
[22:11:41] <Ralith> "Or both?"
[22:11:54] <Torrent> "I don't think he's that dumb that he'd leave the group and think he'd survive out there."
[22:11:59] <@Baphnedia> "Yeah. Off of the other fork of the lake, away from town, a dammed river that goes to the Pacific Ocean eventually."
[22:12:05] <Torrent> "Maybe he'll return?"
[22:12:16] <@Baphnedia> "I just hope that he's getting us some beer."
[22:12:30] <Torrent> "Or maybe he decided to go see a doctor?"
[22:12:36] <@Baphnedia> "The bar in Silo 17 was awfully understocked when we took control of it."
[22:12:39] <Ralith> "That'd be bad."
[22:12:47] <Lupin> "Well, at least we know the vaccine is working in him."
[22:13:01] <@Baphnedia> "That's true."
[22:13:01] <Lupin> "But we still need to worry about him exposing us."
[22:13:04] <Ralith> "Should we follow the river and try to find him?"
[22:13:05] <Torrent> "The surgery he'd need would be nasty"
[22:13:20] <Ralith> "Right, for the head wound."
[22:13:27] <Lupin> "Nastier than having your toungue cut out?"
[22:13:44] <@Baphnedia> "A little more complicated than removing Aki's tongue."
[22:13:53] <Aki> "Not my tongue."
[22:13:55] <Lupin> "Aki? What?"
[22:13:56] <@Baphnedia> (erm... Torrent's Tongue)
[22:14:00] <Lupin> (Oh)
[22:14:02] <Aki> (hehe)
[22:14:02] <@Baphnedia> (whoops)
[22:14:10] <Torrent> "Well I'd rather it be my tongue than someone cutting bone a fraction of an inch from my brain"
[22:14:41] <@Baphnedia> "Yeah. It sucks to be him. We'll keep our eyes peeled, he could've gone in too many directions."
[22:15:07] <Lupin> "Well, I'm sure he'll turn up."
[22:15:28] <Ralith> "I just hope he doesn't get seen."
[22:15:34] <Torrent> "For everyone's sake, I hope not"
[22:15:36] <Lupin> "We are sociial animals, after all."
[22:15:47] <Torrent> "mmm"
[22:16:02] <@Baphnedia> "Yeah. Maybe he went to find some girls."
[22:16:51] <@Baphnedia> "So, four and a half days left."
[22:17:10] * Ralith scratches himself behind an ear
[22:17:16] <@Baphnedia> "I'm going to show you the place where we take the bodies of anyone who comes down with the virus."
[22:17:24] * Lupin gets up and walks around a bit.
[22:17:30] * Ralith grimaces.
[22:17:30] <@Baphnedia> "If you'll follow me."
[22:17:37] <Ralith> "I hope that won't be necessary
[22:17:37] * Lupin follows
[22:17:38] * Torrent grimaces (also)
[22:17:40] * Ralith follows
[22:17:46] * Aki follows
[22:17:47] <@Baphnedia> A627 starts walking up the slop.
[22:17:48] * Torrent walks close behind
[22:17:53] <@Baphnedia> *slope
[22:18:06] <@Baphnedia> (why do all of my typos have to be so funny?)
[22:18:11] <Lupin> (Hehe)
[22:18:26] <@Baphnedia> The trees and bush get thinner and smaller as the incline increases ever so slightly.
[22:18:51] <@Baphnedia> "At about four thousand feet is the treeline, here."
[22:18:57] <@Baphnedia> "Above that, is glacier."
[22:19:27] <Torrent> "Wow, look at the stunted trees on the line"
[22:19:40] <Torrent> "And then, nothing"
[22:19:45] <@Baphnedia> The glacier is white frostiness incarnate.
[22:19:57] <@Baphnedia> A627 steps into a new world.
[22:20:21] <Torrent> (Venus, Mars? --j/k)
[22:20:25] <@Baphnedia> "Somewhere up here is where will stick the bodies, if we cannot burn them. Hmm. I can see the fire from here."
[22:20:38] <Ralith> "I hope noone's looking for us."
[22:20:42] <@Baphnedia> "Or rather, the column of smoke."
[22:20:46] <Torrent> "heh"
[22:20:52] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[22:20:55] <@Baphnedia> !d20+12 sight
[22:20:55] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 12 for a total of 21 sight
[22:21:31] <@Baphnedia> "Oh look!" He indicates up and to his left, "A bright orange helicopter!" and he dashes back into the woods.
[22:21:41] <Lupin> "Uh-oh"
[22:21:43] * Lupin runs
[22:21:43] * Ralith stares
[22:21:48] * Ralith dives into the trees
[22:22:05] <Ralith> "Forest service?"
[22:22:11] <@Baphnedia> The bright orange helicopter is flying over the forest at a high altitude.
[22:22:11] <Lupin> "This isn't good."
[22:22:23] <Torrent> "Oh crap!"
[22:22:26] * Torrent hides
[22:22:43] <@Baphnedia> "They're looking for something, or somebody."
[22:22:48] <Ralith> "It's probably not military with that coloring, though"
[22:22:53] <Torrent> "US?!?"
[22:22:55] <Lupin> "Yeah. But what"
[22:22:58] <Ralith> "How do we know it's not just transport?"
[22:23:06] <Lupin> "It would be nice to have a radio right now."
[22:23:09] <Torrent> "At this elevation?!?"
[22:23:25] <@Baphnedia> "I'm going to assume that they're taking pictures for postcards. Let's move back towards the fire, shall we?"
[22:23:35] <Aki> "Heh..."
[22:23:42] <Torrent> "Okay"
[22:23:44] <@Baphnedia> "We're not that high yet."
[22:23:51] * Lupin sticks out his tounge "Those wouldn't be good for us either."
[22:24:12] * Torrent chuckles
[22:24:23] <@Baphnedia> A627 starts slinking through the woods towards the fire.
[22:24:28] <Torrent> "It would be seen as a fraud anyway"
[22:24:43] * Torrent goes back down the slope
[22:24:43] <Ralith> "Yeah."
[22:25:06] <@Baphnedia> (it's about a two mile trek that I fastforwarded)
[22:25:07] <Ralith> "But if they are looking for us, wouldn't it be best to stay away from the fire?"
[22:25:38] <@Baphnedia> "Yeah, we're going to stay fairly close to it, but not right next to it."
[22:25:59] <Lupin> "Yeah. We always have the option of going wolf if they get too close."
[22:26:07] * Ralith nods.
[22:26:29] <@Baphnedia> "Ya know, that's an awfully good idea."
[22:26:31] <Ralith> "So long as we have enough warning, and if they keep using vehicles like that, we will."
[22:26:44] <Lupin> "If they keep using vehicles period."
[22:26:52] <@Baphnedia> "heh."
[22:27:15] * Ralith grins, flicking his ears about
[22:27:17] <@Baphnedia> "So much for a vacation. Our helicopter might be back in five days."
[22:27:46] <@Baphnedia> The twittering of the occasional winter bird is about all that's heard.
[22:28:42] <@Baphnedia> The noise of the helicopter is soundly gone.
[22:29:36] * Ralith relaxes, enjoying the oppertunity to laze about
[22:29:40] <@Baphnedia> "We'll be back to the fire in a few minutes... should we start looking for skull-for-brains?"
[22:29:56] * Baphnedia is now known as A627
[22:29:58] <Torrent> "Perhaps that would be best"
[22:30:01] <@A627> (much better)
[22:30:10] <Lupin> "Yes."
[22:30:22] * Ralith nod
[22:30:23] <Ralith> s
[22:30:26] * A627 leans up against a nearby tree, enjoying the little warmth of the fire.
[22:30:30] * Lupin grins "Unless you have a more pressing appointment."
[22:30:48] * A627 yawns. "Only more sleep."
[22:31:25] <Aki> "Nothing better to do."
[22:31:41] <Torrent> "So when did we last see him about?"
[22:32:11] <@A627> "When we all went to sleep... about seven hours ago."
[22:32:25] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[22:32:50] <Torrent> "He could've covered a lot of distance in 7 hrs
[22:32:58] <Ralith> "I think we should just circle the lake, and try to pick up his scent."
[22:33:06] <Lupin> "Agreed"
[22:33:13] <Ralith> "He can't go without sleep for too long."
[22:33:17] <@A627> "If he ran a lot of it, he might've made it to that town across the lake."
[22:33:21] <Ralith> "And then we'll catch up"
[22:33:35] <@A627> He must be tired as heck.
[22:33:40] <Ralith> "If that's the case, we're in trouble. We can't risk spreading the virus if he hasn't already."
[22:34:11] <Torrent> "Right"
[22:34:16] <@A627> "So, which way did he go I wonder?"
[22:34:38] <Ralith> "Let's find out."
[22:34:38] <Lupin> "I doubt he's gone into the town though."
[22:34:53] <Lupin> "He doesn't have any control over his shifting."
[22:35:00] <Torrent> "That's true"
[22:35:18] <@A627> "How long do you think that he stayed in that cold lake for?"
[22:35:41] <Ralith> "How 'bout we stop trying to guess and go find out?"
[22:35:47] <Ralith> "We're wasting time."
[22:35:51] <Lupin> "And if he was human, he'd freeze in the lake."
[22:35:53] <Torrent> "Speculation is pointless"
[22:36:03] <@A627> "Sounds good."
[22:36:05] * Torrent tries to sniff the air
[22:36:06] <Lupin> "We can continue this conversation while we find him"
[22:36:10] <Torrent> "Yeah"
[22:36:59] * A627 starts walking to the lake.
[22:37:03] <Torrent> "I do smell something that's like him that way (points to the lake)
[22:37:13] * Torrent follows
[22:37:25] * Ralith follows
[22:37:26] * Lupin follows Torrent, sniffing.
[22:38:19] <@A627> "How are you going to find him?"
[22:38:30] * Vilkacis-away is now known as A1465
[22:38:32] <@A627> The forest moves by and gets out of your way, it would seem.
[22:38:55] * Torrent continues sniffing the air
[22:39:05] <@A627> You could imagine a human hunter having distinct trouble with all the bushes and such.
[22:39:19] <Torrent> "All we have is his scent"
[22:39:55] <@A627> "Once he made it to the lake, he washed his scent away."
[22:40:32] <Ralith> "We're circling the place looking for his exit point, remember?"
[22:40:33] <Lupin> "He has to come out somewhere."
[22:40:41] <Torrent> "Yeah"
[22:40:44] <Lupin> "That's where his scent will pick up."
[22:40:57] <Torrent> we can look for tracks too
[22:41:02] <Torrent> (err)
[22:41:08] <Torrent> "We can look for tracks too"
[22:41:41] <@A627> The lake shore is ahead. The bushes give to grass and straight to icy cold water. The town is a colorful speck on the far side of the lake.
[22:41:54] <@A627> In the grass, you can see obvious tracks leading into the water.
[22:42:19] <Torrent> "We might wanna shift to wolf form so the townfolk don't freak"
[22:42:42] <@A627> "I don't think they'll see us, but just in case..."
[22:42:46] * A627 shifts into a wolf.
[22:42:52] * Ralith nods, and shifts
[22:42:53] * Lupin shifts as well
[22:42:55] * Torrent also shifts
[22:43:11] <@A627> (now the townsfolk will have no doubts...)
[22:43:11] * Aki shifts to wolf as well
[22:43:14] * A1465 growls under his breath and follows suit.
[22:43:23] * A627 pads up to the water.
[22:44:01] <@A627> Sniffing the ground and trying to discern spots in the mud ahead of him, A627 doesn't see much.
[22:44:25] * Ralith starts following the shore to the right
[22:44:34] * Lupin goes right with Ralith
[22:44:57] * Torrent follows Ralith and Lupin
[22:44:59] * Ralith looks back over at Aki expectantly
[22:45:09] * A627 follows Ralith
[22:45:20] * Aki followsd
[22:45:20] * A1465 's ear looks a lot better now.
[22:45:28] * A1465 follows along.
[22:45:29] * Ralith resumes motion
[22:45:40] <@A627> The lakeshore is dotted with rocks, an occasional beer can leftover from the summer, and grass growing in something close to mud.
[22:45:55] * Ralith grimaces at the beer cans.
[22:46:10] * Lupin rolls his eyes.
[22:46:45] <@A627> Roll awareness
[22:46:49] * Torrent looks for tracks and sniffs for a scent
[22:46:57] <Torrent> !d20+4 awareness
[22:46:57] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 21 awareness
[22:46:58] <Lupin> !d20+7 awareness
[22:46:59] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 10 awareness
[22:47:01] <A1465> !d20 + 5.5 were-ness
[22:47:01] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 17.5 were-ness
[22:47:07] <Torrent> (heh)
[22:47:08] <@A627> (doh)
[22:47:08] <Lupin> (Ouch)
[22:47:14] * A627 groans
[22:47:19] <Ralith> !d20+5 awareness
[22:47:20] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 10 awareness
[22:47:24] <Aki> !d20+5 Awareness
[22:47:25] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 24 Awareness
[22:47:32] <Ralith> (my rolls have been sucking again of late)
[22:47:34] <Aki> (O_O)
[22:47:39] <Lupin> (Mine too:/)
[22:47:56] -A627- The water looks cold.
[22:48:08] * Torrent looks towards the water
[22:48:34] * Torrent growls (quietly) something resembling the word "sailboat"
[22:48:39] * A1465 pauses for a moment, looking behind him.
[22:48:39] * Ralith pauses, following Torrent's line of sight
[22:48:58] * Lupin looks for what Torrent is looking at.
[22:49:19] <@A627> There is a small white shape moving slowly on the water.
[22:49:28] * A627 looks with the rest of the group.
[22:49:29] * Aki lifts a paw to point at the shape.
[22:49:51] * Ralith nods, shrugs, and keeps going, nose to the ground.
[22:49:54] <@A627> The sailboat is following the shore, a couple are on deck.
[22:50:11] * Ralith poses breifly for the humans
[22:50:14] * Lupin continues alongside Ralith
[22:50:18] <@A627> One of them is behind a tripod of some sort, waving exictedly at the other human.
[22:50:22] * Lupin poses
[22:50:32] <A1465> (Can I hide well?)
[22:50:47] * A627 sticks his chest out toward the boat
[22:50:52] * Aki howls
[22:50:54] <@A627> (yeah, in the trees)
[22:50:56] <@A627> !howl
[22:50:56] * Lycaon lifts his head up and howls loudly, "AwoOOOooooOooOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo!"
[22:50:58] * Torrent howls
[22:51:08] * A1465 begins moving toward the trees.
[22:51:08] * Ralith joins in
[22:51:15] * Ralith harmonises
[22:51:16] A1465 A627 Akela Aki
[22:51:17] <@A627> The humans are definitely fiddling with something to do with that tripod.
[22:51:23] Akela Aki
[22:51:24] * Lupin joins Ralith and Aki
[22:51:25] * A1465 looks behind him.
[22:51:34] * A1465 takes cover in the trees.
[22:51:45] * Ralith breaks off, looking worriedly at A1465
[22:52:01] <@A627> The humans on the boat try to keep the boat still.
[22:52:01] A1465 A627 Akela Aki
[22:52:03] * Torrent walks over to the wooded area
[22:52:10] * Ralith follows him, giving him a curious nudge once they reach the trees
[22:52:13] * Torrent hides behind some trees
[22:52:21] A1465 A627 Akela Aki
[22:52:22] * A627 walks into the trees.
[22:52:24] * Lupin walks over to A1465 and Ralith
[22:52:54] * A627 watches from behind a tree (so that the people from the boat won't see him)
[22:53:26] * Ralith , nudging A1465 one last time, finds somewhere safe to observe from.
[22:53:39] * Torrent looks at the others, concerned
[22:53:46] * A1465 is doubly-nudged :/
[22:54:00] * Aki looks around confused, then huries behind a tree.
[22:54:17] * A627 sits on his haunches, watching
[22:54:29] * Ralith focuses on the boat, trying to get a better idea of what the tripod-mounted thing is
[22:56:03] <Ralith> (*nudges baph*)
[22:56:10] <@A627> (is nudged)
[22:56:18] <@A627> (I was answering email again)
[22:56:32] <Ralith> (bah)
[22:56:46] * Torrent looks over to the water
[22:56:59] <@A627> (notice sent)
[22:57:08] * Ralith looks a bit relieved.
[22:57:19] * Ralith wanders back out onto the shore and resumes posing.
[22:57:29] <A1465> (*eyeroll*)
[22:57:38] * A1465 starts moving along well-
[22:57:40] * Lupin walks back and resumes howling.
[22:57:43] <Ralith> (hey, good publicity for wolves==less hunting)
[22:57:44] <A1465> within the trees.
[22:57:51] * Ralith joins in again
[22:57:56] * Torrent goes back over to the water and continues down the waterline
[22:57:59] * Torrent howls
[22:58:03] <Ralith> (perhaps we'll get a response from marty this way L) )
[22:58:05] <A1465> (If it's a camara, as I suspect, I do not wish to be seen.)
[22:58:09] <Lupin> (Hehe.)
[22:58:12] <Ralith> (why not? LP)
[22:58:13] * Aki joins in howling
[22:58:16] <Ralith> (:P)
[22:58:17] <Aki> !howl
[22:58:17] * Lycaon howls loudly, "AwoOoOoOooOoooOOOooooooooOOOoOoOoooOoOOooooooo!"
[22:58:21] <Lupin> (You're a wolf, it's not like someone is going to recognize you.)
[22:58:34] * Ralith trails off, then resumes travel along the shore
[22:58:52] * Lupin finishes and starts off walking again.
[22:59:09] * Torrent keeps sniffing for the exit point
[23:00:17] * A627 walks back to the shore to drink some water
[23:00:28] * Aki gets a drink as well.
[23:00:29] <@A627> !d%
[23:00:38] <@A627> !d100
[23:00:38] <Lycaon> A627 rolled d100 for a total of 28.
[23:00:38] * Ralith joins the group drinking
[23:00:44] <@A627> !d100
[23:00:44] <Lycaon> A627 rolled d100 for a total of 84.
[23:00:49] <Ralith> !%
[23:00:49] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled 80%.
[23:00:50] <A1465> (it's !%)
[23:00:51] <Lupin> !%
[23:00:51] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled 4%.
[23:00:54] <@A627> (oh)
[23:01:02] <Torrent> (who is rolling?)
[23:01:22] * Lupin not really being thirsty keeps sniffing for the exit point.
[23:01:39] * Torrent continues down the waterline
[23:01:50] * Ralith continues
[23:02:00] * Ralith pauses to check on the sailboat again
[23:02:39] <@A627> (I was rolling)
[23:02:56] <Torrent> (ah)
[23:02:57] <@A627> The sailboat is sitting still at a long distance away
[23:03:12] <@A627> The humans got excited again and are fiddling with the camera
[23:03:26] * Ralith tries to determine where they're looking
[23:03:38] <@A627> (that actually shoots poisenous wolfbane darts out it's mouth!)
[23:03:44] <Ralith> (D:)
[23:03:45] * A627 's been dying to say that
[23:03:47] <A1465> ( :P )
[23:03:50] <Lupin> (Haha)
[23:04:06] <Ralith> (assuming wolfbane does anything other than sound threatening)
[23:04:19] <Lupin> (Well it's poisonus.)
[23:04:28] <Lupin> (To regular people.)
[23:04:29] <@A627> (it was a plant used in the 1800s in bait to kill wolves)
[23:04:33] <Ralith> (ok, fine :P)
[23:04:36] <@A627> (it's deadly to wolves)
[23:04:37] <A1465> (I still don't think we should let them take pictures :| )
[23:04:53] <Ralith> (Hey, good publicity for wolves means less chance of getting shot for us)
[23:04:55] <Lupin> (Most people can't tell one wolf from another.)
[23:05:03] * A627 can
[23:05:19] <Ralith> (And with a fancy camera like that, they were probably doing photography for a publication)
[23:05:23] <@A627> (one wolf pisses on the left side of the tree, another pisses on the right.)
[23:05:40] * A627 continues to follow the group along the shore of the lake.
[23:05:41] * Lupin takes this oppertunity to mark a tree
[23:05:42] <A1465> (Good thing Marty's not here to get his picture taken :P)
[23:05:49] <A1465> (Imagine the stir that would cause)
[23:06:11] <@A627> (Imagine the amount of time that they might think that their camera might be broken)
[23:06:36] * A627 now understands why Lupin wasn't thirsty earlier.
[23:06:42] * Ralith judges Lupin into motion again,
[23:06:58] * A627 thinks that Lupin should be guilty.
[23:07:19] * Lupin kinda laughs and contiunes along.
[23:07:23] <@A627> (who is in front)
[23:07:27] <@A627> (?)
[23:07:28] * Ralith shakes his head.
[23:07:32] <@A627> !phone
[23:07:32] * Lycaon shouts to get everyone's attention, "A627's phone is ringing!"
[23:07:36] <Ralith> (We're not moving in any particular order)
[23:07:38] <Lupin> (OH NOE)
[23:07:40] <Ralith> (dangit)
[23:08:00] <@A627> (wrong number)
[23:08:03] <@A627> (whew)
[23:08:12] <@A627> (roll smell)
[23:08:20] <A1465> !d20 +5.5
[23:08:22] <Lupin> !d20+7 smell
[23:08:22] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 18.5.
[23:08:22] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 9 smell
[23:08:27] <@A627> !d20+12 A627 smell
[23:08:27] <Lycaon> A627 rolled d20 + 12 for a total of 19 A627 smell
[23:08:40] <Aki> !d20+5 smell
[23:08:40] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 16 smell
[23:08:45] <Ralith> !d20=5
[23:08:47] <Lupin> (Log post)

Bear Trap!

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:16 am
by Lupin
[23:08:49] <Ralith> !d20+5
[23:08:49] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 21.
[23:08:55] <Ralith> (woo)
[23:09:08] <Akela> (That's only a sixteen really :P
[23:09:22] * Ralith stops in his tracks and looks back at the sailboat
[23:09:25] <@A627> (notices sent - if you didn't get one, you didn't smell anything unusual)
[23:10:43] <@A627> !%
[23:10:43] <Lycaon> A627 rolled 65%.
[23:10:50] <Torrent> (back)
[23:10:55] <@A627> (wb)
[23:11:00] <Torrent> (ty)
[23:11:03] <Lupin> (wb)
[23:11:05] * Ralith attempts to follow the scent
[23:11:12] * Lupin follows Ralith
[23:11:19] * Torrent sees Ralith pick up a scent
[23:11:25] * Torrent follows
[23:11:40] * A1465 follows, but still in the trees.
[23:11:54] <A1465> (As if making some sort of point.)
[23:12:10] <@A627> !%
[23:12:10] <Lycaon> A627 rolled 24%.
[23:12:42] * Aki follows
[23:12:49] A1465 A627 Akela Aki
[23:13:01] * A627 follows at the trail of the group
[23:13:10] <Lupin> (A627: Why doesn't the log me in automatically checkbox work?)
[23:13:18] * Ralith continues to follow the scent up the hill
[23:13:22] <A1465> (He changed that a while back)
[23:13:29] * Lupin follows alongside Ralith
[23:13:33] <A1465> (It only keeps you logged in for, what, 6-7 hours now?)
[23:13:45] <Ralith> (that's pointless)
[23:13:50] -A627- Did you post to Paradice Net too?
[23:13:54] * Torrent trots along in back of Ralith an Lupin
[23:14:08] >A627< I'm about to.
[23:14:29] -A627- Cool.... I thought you meant that you did... :) No problemo.
[23:14:52] <@A627> (well, Paradice Net only keeps you logged in for an hour now.)
[23:15:01] <@A627> (instead of five minutes)
[23:15:07] <A1465> (Ah, even less than I though)
[23:15:08] <Ralith> (:P)
[23:15:11] <A1465> (thought*)
[23:15:20] * Ralith speeds up, looking intent
[23:15:36] * Lupin keeps pace with Ralith
[23:15:38] * Torrent increases speed to keep up
[23:15:39] <@A627> (any usernames within the forum are current to five minutes. Any usernames on the left hand side are current to within an hour)
[23:16:17] * A1465 follows along...
[23:17:04] <@A627> Going back up the hill, you're able to discern fresh tracks. It would seem that Marty went quite a ways up.
[23:17:38] * Torrent 's ears perk up as he sees Marty's tracks
[23:17:54] * Ralith breaks into a run, following the tracks now
[23:17:55] * Lupin increases speed as he spots Marty's tracks
[23:18:08] * Torrent runs also
[23:18:13] * A627 breaks into a run with the rest of the grou
[23:18:23] <@A627> !d20 plus x hearing
[23:18:24] <Lycaon> A627 rolled d20 for a total of 10 plus x hearing
[23:18:25] * A1465 doesn't mutter under his breath, but he certainly feels like it.
[23:18:31] * A1465 picks up speed.
[23:18:36] <Lupin> (Yay! I spelled it right!)
[23:18:44] <@A627> (rofl)
[23:18:55] * A627 is now known as Baphnedia
[23:19:21] <@Baphnedia> A627 growls under his breath
[23:19:51] <@Baphnedia> The run uphill gets steeper and steeper. Eventually, the tracks lead through a clearing up ahead.
[23:20:05] * Lupin runs into the clearing.
[23:20:12] * A1465 gets closer to the group.
[23:20:17] * Ralith 's listens, not breaking stride
[23:20:23] <Ralith> (er, without 's)
[23:20:29] * Torrent sniffs the air again
[23:21:07] <@Baphnedia> There is a tree up ahead, with some bark missing. Thick bushes surround it's roots.
[23:21:08] * Torrent continues running
[23:21:17] * Torrent looks at the tree
[23:21:23] <@Baphnedia> The tracks lead around the tree and inside the bushes
[23:21:29] * Ralith stops and sniffs at the bushes
[23:21:36] <@Baphnedia> Something was rubbed up against the tree repeatedly
[23:21:37] * Lupin slows down and starts sniffing the bushes.
[23:21:49] <@Baphnedia> The bushes smell like Marty
[23:21:49] * A1465 looks closely at the tracks (what form is he in?)
[23:21:57] <Lupin> (Who?)
[23:21:58] <@Baphnedia> (gestalt)
[23:22:17] <A1465> (We aren't near the water anymore, are we?)
[23:22:27] <@Baphnedia> (no)
[23:22:35] <A1465> (k)
[23:22:37] * Lupin looks around at the area surrounding the bushes.
[23:22:41] * Ralith circles around the tree, determining the direction marty left
[23:23:15] <@Baphnedia> There is one set of tracks leading into the bushes. The missing bark is perhaps five feet up or higher, the bushes are pretty big and thick around the tree.
[23:23:33] * Ralith looks confused.
[23:23:42] * Lupin looks at Ralith
[23:23:48] <@Baphnedia> Otherwise, the clearing is a nice, wild meadow, full of grass and the occaisional dead weed.
[23:23:55] * Ralith howls with an inquisitive tone.
[23:23:58] * Baphnedia looks at Lupin
[23:23:58] * Aki looks up into the branches of the tree.
[23:24:12] <@Baphnedia> The branches are empty.
[23:24:17] <@Baphnedia> "Mmmf"
[23:24:27] * Aki growls under his breath.
[23:24:28] * Ralith looks towards the sound
[23:24:31] * Lupin turns to the sound.
[23:24:36] <@Baphnedia> You hear an angry growkl coming from the bushes.
[23:24:48] * Ralith pokes his head in
[23:25:04] * Aki turns towards the bushes
[23:25:17] * Lupin shifts back to gestalt.
[23:25:17] <Ralith> (make that cautiosly.)
[23:25:43] <@Baphnedia> Inside the bushes, you can see a black form squatting...
[23:26:02] * Ralith grins, and shifts to gestalt.
[23:26:05] <@Baphnedia> There is a sound of clinking metal as the form turns it's head and torso around to look at you.
[23:26:15] * Ralith stops suddenly
[23:26:24] * Ralith shifts back to lupine quickly
[23:26:32] * Aki backs away a little
[23:26:36] * Ralith backs up, looking worried
[23:26:41] <@Baphnedia> There is a nice big bear trap dug deep into the snout of the black form. The black form looks pissed.
[23:26:45] * Torrent prepares for the worst
[23:26:50] <Ralith> (whew)
[23:26:57] <A1465> ( heh )
[23:26:58] * Lupin giggles.
[23:27:03] * Ralith sighs relievedly and grins.
[23:27:04] * Aki snickers
[23:27:17] * Ralith walks back up and examines the trap.
[23:27:18] <@Baphnedia> You can hear another angry growl from within the bushes.
[23:27:28] * Ralith jumps back yet again
[23:27:33] * A1465 walks in a big circle around to the other side
[23:27:38] * Ralith follows A1465
[23:27:53] <@Baphnedia> The bear trap is sprung, and dug down into the cartlidge and bone that is his snout, and visibly cracked the jawline of the lower jaw.
[23:28:21] A1465 Akela Aki
[23:28:25] * Lupin goes around the other side to meet A1465 and Ralith
[23:28:27] <@Baphnedia> Roll step (for A1465)
[23:28:33] * Torrent sees the carnage and grimaces
[23:28:34] <A1465> !d20+5.5 step
[23:28:34] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 13.5 step
[23:28:39] <A1465> (:/)
[23:28:49] <@Baphnedia> !d20 trap
[23:28:50] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 for a total of 16 trap
[23:29:20] * Ralith stops in his tracks and carefully shifts back to gestalt, stands up bipedally, and looks around for any more traps
[23:29:23] <@Baphnedia> The ground gives a little beneath A1465's foot and SNAP! The jaws of a beartrap swing up from around it and get your front right foot.
[23:29:36] * Lupin freezes instantly.
[23:29:49] * Aki stays where he is.
[23:29:54] <Lupin> "Great."
[23:29:55] * A1465 yarps a very understandable I'm-in-pain-OWWWWWW yarp.
[23:30:10] * Torrent looks on very concerned
[23:30:18] * Lupin looks around for a large stick.
[23:30:34] * Ralith does the same
[23:30:39] -Baphnedia- you find a large stick
[23:30:43] <Ralith> "And we have no idea how many are around here."
[23:30:55] * Ralith lets Lupin have the stick
[23:30:57] * Torrent shifts into gesalt in place
[23:31:01] * Lupin very carefully grabs the stick.
[23:31:10] * A1465 shakes his head a bit, grits his teeth, and then looks more closely at the trap to see how it operates.
[23:31:34] * Ralith cautiosly, testing each step as he moves forward, approaches A1465.
[23:32:01] * Ralith looks for a release mechanism
[23:32:07] * Lupin uses the stick to do the same
[23:32:41] * Torrent remains frozen for the time being, looking for a potential safe path
[23:33:13] <@Baphnedia> (the trap is still mostly in the ground.
[23:33:43] <@Baphnedia> There is a lever at one end of the jaw, but you'll have to move around A1465 to get to it. The trap is chained to something nearby, most likely.
[23:33:45] * A1465 growls his displeasure.
[23:34:00] * Ralith pulls the trap out of the ground
[23:34:02] <@Baphnedia> Marty growls in return, though it's a bit quiter
[23:34:09] * A1465 yarps again.
[23:34:19] A1465 Akela Aki
[23:34:20] * Lupin reaches Ralith and A1465
[23:34:22] <@Baphnedia> The chain goes taught after a foot or two.
[23:34:30] * A1465 growls angrily.
[23:34:48] <Ralith> "A1465, can you turn around?"
[23:35:23] <@Baphnedia> A soft whine is heard from the other side of the tree.
[23:35:30] <A1465> (Aren't you in wolf-form?)
[23:35:36] <Ralith> (Not any more)
[23:35:47] <A1465> (You've shifted three times already?)
[23:35:56] <Lupin> (No, we shifted out.)
[23:36:16] <A1465> (* Ralith shifts back to lupine quickly)
[23:36:23] <A1465> (Did I miss one after that?)
[23:36:27] <Ralith> (yes)
[23:36:32] <A1465> (k)
[23:36:51] <Ralith> "Lupin, can you go find out what else is trapped?"
[23:36:58] * A1465 , keeping an eye on his feet, carefully maneuvers himself around.
[23:37:06] * Ralith pulls on the lever
[23:37:22] <@Baphnedia> The jaws of the trap loosen, but are still ingrained in the flesh.
[23:37:26] * Torrent carefully reaches over for a large stick that is on the ground
[23:37:29] <A1465> (Ah, okay, I see it now)
[23:37:31] * Torrent picks it up
[23:37:56] * Ralith strains against the lever
[23:38:05] * Torrent feels the ground in front of him with the stick, testing for traps, migrating over to the others trying to help
[23:38:06] <@Baphnedia> The lever is already engaged.
[23:38:25] <Ralith> "Damn. How'd you get your foot in this thing"
[23:38:41] * Ralith grips the trap's jaws and attempts to pull them apart
[23:38:47] * Lupin uses the stick check the path back to the bush and peers inside.
[23:39:05] <Lupin> (stick to check*)
[23:39:10] <@Baphnedia> It takes some effort, but the bloody jaws open up.
[23:39:12] * A1465 gasps in pain and then quickly moves his leg out of the trap.
[23:39:19] * A1465 holds his leg in the air.
[23:39:25] * Torrent helps A1465 stand
[23:39:32] <A1465> (nononoo)
[23:39:32] <Torrent> (keep standing)
[23:39:33] <@Baphnedia> The leg is mangled pretty good.
[23:39:51] <Torrent> (no?)
[23:39:51] * Ralith starts following the chain of the trap, using the trap itself to check for more traps
[23:40:12] * A1465 hops around a bit, akwardly standing on his wolfy back feet.
[23:40:31] A1465 Akela Aki
[23:40:32] <@Baphnedia> The chain seems to lead to the base of the tree, where you see a chain around the base of the tree, and three attached chains. Marty is on the other side of the tree.
[23:40:34] * A1465 growls at Torrent.
[23:40:40] * Torrent backs away
[23:40:51] * Lupin calls to A1465 "Stop that. You're going to step in another one or something."
[23:40:53] <A1465> (Translation: put me back down >:| )
[23:41:15] * Ralith drops the trap and follows the third chain.
[23:41:21] <Torrent> (I thought you were in gesalt... I lost track of who shifted :P)
[23:41:24] <@Baphnedia> The jaws cut and got stuck in the bone. Ripped muscle bleeds fairly slowly, but the bloodstain starts traveling towards the foot.
[23:41:25] <Ralith> (the one we don't know the other end of)
[23:41:52] <@Baphnedia> The third chain leads off to the left a little.
[23:41:57] * Lupin meets up with Ralith and starts following the chain
[23:41:58] <@Baphnedia> Then it goes into the ground.
[23:42:01] * A1465 keeps a very, very close eye on the ground and moves back in the direction he came from.
[23:42:17] * Ralith follows che chain in the direction it went under
[23:42:20] <@Baphnedia> There are leaves that are pouting once blood drips on them.
[23:42:45] <A1465> ( :/ )
[23:42:49] <@Baphnedia> Ralith and Lupin, roll step
[23:42:56] <A1465> ( :P )
[23:42:59] <@Baphnedia> (oops I meant drooping)
[23:42:59] <Ralith> !d20+5 step
[23:43:00] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 15 step
[23:43:11] <Lupin> !d20+7 step
[23:43:11] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 9 step
[23:43:13] <@Baphnedia> !d20 trap
[23:43:13] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 for a total of 8 trap
[23:43:18] <Ralith> (whew)
[23:43:30] <@Baphnedia> (since neither of you had a trap or were using a stick to check for traps)
[23:43:41] <Ralith> (I thought we'd triggered them all)
[23:43:53] <@Baphnedia> You find a spot in the ground that gives beneath the leaves a little bit, and quickly remove your foot. Nothing happens.
[23:44:03] * Ralith finds a stick
[23:44:05] * Torrent checks for traps with the stick and walks over to the others
[23:44:12] * Lupin starts using his stick again
[23:44:15] <Ralith> (scratch that)
[23:44:21] * Ralith lets Lupin use his stick
[23:44:25] * A1465 lays down and stays put.
[23:44:45] <@Baphnedia> Lupin taps the small patch of ground and the jaws swing out and break the stick in two.
[23:44:50] <@Baphnedia> SNAP!
[23:45:05] * Torrent looks at the sprung trap
[23:45:08] <A1465> ( The stick is DEAD x_X )
[23:45:17] * Ralith yanks the trap out of the ground, checking if it's connected to the chain they were following
[23:45:24] <Lupin> (It was a good stuck too. :()
[23:45:34] <@Baphnedia> (poor stick)
[23:45:46] <@Baphnedia> The trap is connnected.
[23:46:06] <@Baphnedia> As the trap snapped, a new whimper started from the other side of the tree.
[23:46:27] * Ralith goes around the other side of the tree
[23:46:32] * Aki stays where he is, out of fear of angry metal traps.
[23:46:38] <Torrent> "Okay Marty, we're comin"
[23:46:49] * Lupin follows his path back to Marty
[23:46:54] * Torrent goes to the other side also (testing for traps)
[23:47:04] <@Baphnedia> Marty is looking miserable.
[23:47:31] * Ralith pulls down on the lever
[23:47:36] * Ralith pries the jaws apart
[23:47:42] <Ralith> (the trap, not marty's)
[23:47:43] <@Baphnedia> The trap is firmly on his snout, and he's now lying on the ground, looking at no one in particular.
[23:47:55] <Torrent> "Hmmm"
[23:48:10] <Torrent> "How to take it off"
[23:48:13] <@Baphnedia> bits of bone fall out from under Marty's head, and blood comes out of his nose, though only for a second or two.
[23:48:27] <Torrent> "Ughh"
[23:48:34] <Ralith> (brb)
[23:48:36] <@Baphnedia> A new whimper comes out of Marty
[23:48:56] <Torrent> "Marty, I'm gonna need to you hold still"
[23:49:00] <Lupin> "Hmm maybe if you take one side,and I take the other."
[23:49:09] * Torrent "Yeah"
[23:49:20] <@Baphnedia> His lower jaw partly hangs downward, where his jaw was powderized. His snout bleedling slowly from the wound and from the nostrils.
[23:49:25] * Torrent grabs the left side
[23:49:33] * Lupin grabs the right
[23:49:42] <Torrent> "One, two, PULL!"
[23:49:48] * Torrent pulls
[23:49:48] * Lupin pulls
[23:49:53] <Torrent> "Harder!"
[23:49:53] <@Baphnedia> WHINE!
[23:49:58] * Torrent pulls harder
[23:50:03] * Lupin pulls harder
[23:50:17] <Torrent> "ALL IN!"
[23:50:22] * Torrent gives it his all
[23:50:28] <@Baphnedia> (what are you two pulling anyway?)
[23:50:34] <Lupin> (The trap)
[23:50:46] <@Baphnedia> (the trap is already off of Marty)
[23:50:53] <Torrent> (?!?)
[23:50:54] <@Baphnedia> (read 2348)
[23:51:03] <@Baphnedia> [23:48] * Ralith pries the jaws apart
[23:51:12] <Torrent> (okay scratch the last several lines lol)
[23:51:20] <@Baphnedia> marty whimpers
[23:51:21] <Ralith> (haha)
[23:51:22] <Lupin> ([23:47:43] <@Baphnedia> The trap is firmly on his snout, and he's now lying on the ground, looking at no one in particular.)
[23:51:28] <Ralith> "Shift."
[23:51:31] <Torrent> (yeah!)
[23:51:36] <Lupin> (I got that after.)
[23:51:48] <Aki> (look at the times though)
[23:51:58] <@Baphnedia> (Lupin, a few lines after that...)
[23:51:58] <Lupin> [23:47:36] * Ralith pries the jaws apart
[23:51:58] <Lupin> [23:47:42] <Ralith> (the trap, not marty's)
[23:51:58] <Lupin> [23:47:43] <@Baphnedia> The trap is firmly on his snout, and he's now lying on the ground, looking at no one in particular.
[23:52:12] <Ralith> (let's just say it's off by some means or other)
[23:52:19] <Torrent> (K)
[23:52:23] <Lupin> (Yeah)
[23:52:43] <Ralith> "Marty, see if you can shift."
[23:52:54] <Lupin> "He doesn't know how. Remember"
[23:52:56] <@Baphnedia> (oh whoops... yeah..)
[23:52:58] <Lupin> ?
[23:53:06] <@Baphnedia> (the traps off)
[23:53:18] * Ralith growls.
[23:53:19] <Torrent> (alright, who is the shifting teaching expert?)
[23:53:25] <Lupin> "Crap, this isn't something we can teach, either."
[23:53:28] <Ralith> "Anyone got any ideas?"
[23:53:29] <@Baphnedia> Marty whimpers some more, the front of his jaw hanging unnaturally open.
[23:53:45] <Ralith> (we need darkmoon :P)
[23:53:51] <Lupin> (Yeah :/)
[23:54:36] <@Baphnedia> Marty slowly moves into the meadow, and lays on the ground. Taking extra care to lower his face into the grass (to straighten his lower jaw)
[23:54:44] <Lupin> "The only thing would be to get him to relax."
[23:55:03] <Lupin> "But with his jaw like that it's not going to happen."
[23:55:13] <Torrent> "Marty, you need to concentrate as much as you can and think of yourself as a human, then focus on that"
[23:55:18] * Ralith nods, grimacing.
[23:55:25] <Torrent> "Block out all other thoughts"
[23:55:31] <Ralith> "That won't do him much good."
[23:55:41] <Torrent> "It's worth a shot"
[23:55:43] <Ralith> "Although it might get his mind off the jaw momentarily"
[23:55:49] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[23:55:57] <@Baphnedia> Breathing somewhat rapidly, it would seem through his mouth, you can almost feel him trying to concentrate on that.
[23:56:14] <@Baphnedia> A627 walks over to A1465
[23:56:19] <Torrent> "See yourself becoming human"
[23:56:31] * A1465 looks up.
[23:56:32] <@Baphnedia> Marty whines softly
[23:56:46] <Torrent> "C'mon Marty"
[23:56:51] <@Baphnedia> A627 sniffs at A1465's leg
[23:57:12] <Torrent> "Focus"
[23:57:25] <@Baphnedia> The wound on the leg is slightly swollen.
[23:57:33] * A1465 stands up and hops down the same (safe) path A627 took.
[23:57:37] <@Baphnedia> Marty closes his eyes and whimpers again.
[23:57:53] <Torrent> "You ARE a human, be the human"
[23:57:59] <@Baphnedia> A627 returns to the clearing with A1465
[23:58:08] * Lupin just kinda looks at Torrent.
[23:58:24] <A1465> Once in a place that he considers safe, A1465 takes the time to shift into gestalt form.
[23:58:27] <Torrent> (well how would one learn then?)
[23:58:46] * Torrent continues trying to coach MArty
[23:58:46] <Ralith> (you work it out for yourself over a few months)
[23:58:52] <@Baphnedia> Marty watches A1465
[23:58:52] <Ralith> (experience.)
[23:59:00] <Ralith> (it's like trying to teach someone to wiggle their ears)
[23:59:05] <Lupin> (Yeah.)
[23:59:07] <Torrent> (So you're stuck for months?)
[23:59:08] <@Baphnedia> (I can wiggle my ears)
[23:59:12] <Lupin> (No.)
[23:59:17] <Ralith> (No, you're just not in very good control)
[23:59:24] <Ralith> (things like emotion influence it)
[23:59:26] <Lupin> (You shift and revert natually.)
[23:59:31] <@Baphnedia> !% minus a lot shift
[23:59:31] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled 58%: minus a lot shift
[23:59:47] <Lupin> (And a shift can be provoked.)
[00:00:13] <@Baphnedia> !d4 phase of the moon
[00:00:13] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d4 for a total of 2 phase of the moon
[00:00:37] <@Baphnedia> (no, the moon hasn't risen yet
[00:00:37] <Ralith> (we're not going with lunar influence :P)
[00:00:38] * Torrent tries to think of something that would provoke a shift
[00:00:46] <Lupin> (No)
[00:00:54] <Lupin> (You can provoke shifting, not reverting.)
[00:00:59] <@Baphnedia> (you're not?)
[00:01:05] <Ralith> (generally it's shifts /to/ gestalt and/or lupine that can be provoked, not from)
[00:01:14] <Torrent> (GRRRR)
[00:01:23] <Torrent> (/me is frustrated :P )
[00:01:45] <Ralith> (we should really have straightened out our lore beforehand)
[00:01:46] <Lupin> (This is discussed in the backstory.)
[00:01:58] <@Baphnedia> Marty squints and swishes his tail a couple times.
[00:02:02] <Lupin> (Which needs to be summarrized.)
[00:02:08] <A1465> (Which has conveniently not been shown to anyone.)
[00:02:12] <@Baphnedia> (and posted on theforums)
[00:02:16] <Torrent> "Okay Marty, give it a breather"
[00:02:17] <Ralith> (Perhaps if we knock him out and give him a few hours?)
[00:02:27] <A1465> (haha)
[00:02:34] <Lupin> (Heh)
[00:02:57] <@Baphnedia> While you're looking, you notice a small brown spot on the bleached bone.
[00:03:21] * Vilkacis (Vilkacis@* has joined #paradice
[00:03:26] <Lupin> (Most of you wouldn't know anything about the backstory other thant what we've said anyway.)
[00:03:39] <Ralith> (yeah)
[00:03:48] <Vilkacis> (/me waits patiently.)
[00:03:51] <Ralith> (Baphnedia, on Marty's bone?)
[00:03:56] <Lupin> [00:02:34] <Lupin> (Heh)
[00:03:56] <Lupin> [00:02:57] <@Baphnedia> While you're looking, you notice a small brown spot on the bleached bone.
[00:03:57] * Aki uses this time to shift to gestalt.
[00:03:57] <@Baphnedia> (yep)
[00:04:00] * Lycaon has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[00:04:00] * A1465 has quit (EOF from client)
[00:04:08] * Vilkacis is now known as A1465
[00:04:08] <Aki> (O_O)
[00:04:13] <@Baphnedia> (hiya Vilkacis)
[00:04:17] <@Baphnedia> (o_O)
[00:04:21] <A1465> (Hiya')
[00:04:25] * Lycaon (~DiceBot@* has joined #paradice
[00:04:30] <A1465> !dialup
[00:04:32] * Lycaon growls in frustration. >:|
[00:04:35] <@Baphnedia> :)
[00:04:59] * Torrent notices the brown spot on the dead bone of Marty's skull and turns away
[00:05:00] <@Baphnedia> A627 rests in the afternoon sun and switches back to gestalt.
[00:05:25] * Lupin sits and thinks.
[00:05:38] <Lupin> !echo /me just sits.
[00:05:38] * Lycaon just sits.
[00:05:43] <@Baphnedia> The brown spot looks almost like a bark stain.
[00:05:46] <Ralith> "That's not good, is it?"
[00:05:58] <Ralith> "Waitamoment"
[00:06:04] <Ralith> "It was itching again, I bet."
[00:06:05] <Lupin> "We'll ask him about it after he shifts back."
[00:06:09] <Torrent> "Hmm?"
[00:06:13] <Torrent> "Ooooh..."
[00:06:18] <Lupin> "But that would be my guess."
[00:06:20] <Torrent> ""
[00:06:29] * Ralith looks at Torrent curiously
[00:07:03] * A1465 walks over to the rest of the group.
[00:07:05] <Torrent> "Yeah he rubbed the bark off the tree scratching it probably... damn he's gotta stop that"
[00:07:25] <@Baphnedia> Marty looks up at Torrent
[00:07:33] <Ralith> "I guess there's nothing to do but wait for him to fall asleep; he's probably tired enough as it is already."
[00:07:50] <Ralith> "I just hope whoever set these traps doesn't show up"
[00:07:55] * Ralith sniffs a chain
[00:07:58] <Lupin> "Depending on how long he's been like that, yeah."
[00:07:59] <Torrent> "Marty, I feel for ya, I do... all you can do now is try to rest"
[00:08:19] <@Baphnedia> Marty squints his eyes closed.
[00:08:23] <Ralith> "We /could/ knock him out, but that might aggrivate the wound."
[00:08:38] <@Baphnedia> Marty's eyes open back up suddenly.
[00:08:43] <Lupin> "It might also send him into shock."
[00:08:45] <Torrent> "He's got enough issues with his skull at the moment"
[00:09:00] <@Baphnedia> Marty looks at Ralith with an interesting expression.
[00:09:06] Akela Aki
[00:09:08] * Ralith grins.
[00:09:20] <Ralith> "Just go to sleep."
[00:09:22] <@Baphnedia> Marty squints his eyes shut again.
[00:09:27] <Lupin> (*Pokes Aki*)
[00:09:38] <Aki> (*shoots Lupin*)
[00:09:41] A1465 Akela Aki
[00:09:44] <@Baphnedia> (BOOM!)
[00:09:45] * Ralith memorizes the smell on a trap
[00:09:55] <@Baphnedia> There is a human smell on the trap.
[00:10:04] * Baphnedia 's computer starts to rattle.
[00:10:10] <Torrent> (!)
[00:10:39] <Aki> (*shoots computer*)
[00:10:47] * Baphnedia 's computer hisses and bites Baphnedia in the leg. Or rather, he kicks the computer and it stops rattling.
[00:10:54] <Ralith> (well, I'm memorizing the specific human so I can recognize it later.)
[00:11:10] Akela Aki
[00:11:10] Akela Aki
[00:11:13] * Ralith tries to guess how long the traps've been here
[00:11:14] <Lupin> "Anyway, it's more than likely that he'll shift back after he falls asleep. It's happened to both Aki and myself. "
[00:11:16] <@Baphnedia> Marty's eyes soon relax, while they stay shut. His breathing audibly slows.
[00:11:24] * Ralith nods.
[00:11:53] <Ralith> "It tends to, when one's self image is still human."
[00:12:15] <@Baphnedia> A few minutes pass by, and you can see that his fur isn't as thick as it was.
[00:12:32] <Ralith> "This is promising."
[00:12:56] <A1465> (Is he on his back?)
[00:12:59] <@Baphnedia> (ok I've got to quit... early morn and a rattling computer fan that I need to look at tonight)
[00:13:05] <@Baphnedia> (no, he's on his belly)
[00:13:06] <Torrent> (okay)
[00:13:08] <Lupin> (Okay.)
[00:13:09] <A1465> (Good, good)
[00:13:10] <Aki> (seeya)
[00:13:15] <@Baphnedia> thx.
[00:13:20] <Torrent> (thanks for the game)
[00:13:23] <Ralith> g'night :(
[00:13:28] <Ralith> it was a good game.
[00:13:32] * Baphnedia has changed the topic to: No game in progress. || Home of Silo 17 and Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everything here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings regardless of how tasty they may be with Tobasco sauce. || This is the official chat of

We finally get to use the plastic explosive!

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:18 am
by Lupin
22:51:19] * Baphnedia has changed the topic to: Silo 17 in progress. || Home of Silo 17 and Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everything here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings regardless of how tasty they may be with Tobasco sauce. || This is the official chat of
[22:51:24] <@Baphnedia> .
[22:51:26] <@Baphnedia> ..
[22:51:28] <@Baphnedia> ...
[22:51:33] * Baphnedia oohs "Three."
[22:51:35] <@Baphnedia> ....
[22:51:36] <@Baphnedia> .....
[22:51:47] <@Baphnedia> And they said I can't count to five.
[22:52:11] * Baphnedia wonders how long it would take him to fill his buffer with nothing but periods.
[22:52:21] <Akela> A while I'd think :P
[22:52:21] <@Baphnedia> Oh! There's a game in progress!
[22:52:49] <A1465> Where? Where?
[22:52:52] <A1465> <_< >_>
[22:52:55] <Lupin> Were?
[22:52:56] * Baphnedia 's muse just returned to him and he remembered what he was going to do with psionics in tPRS >_<
[22:53:05] <@Baphnedia> Were here!
[22:53:07] <Torrent> :P
[22:53:18] <@Baphnedia> What timing!
[22:53:20] <Lupin> No actually he just jumped out the window :P
[22:53:29] <@Baphnedia> lol
[22:54:20] <@Baphnedia> The hairs on Marty have shrunken down to their previous size.
[22:55:00] <@Baphnedia> In the long minutes as he lay there, half asleep, half dead to the world.
[22:55:22] <@Baphnedia> A627 circles the clearing protectively.
[22:55:41] <@Baphnedia> The sun is now up rather high, giving a false sense of warmth.
[22:56:14] <@Baphnedia> Small bloodstains track through the clearing, from wherever Marty's nose has been.
[22:56:27] <@Baphnedia> A1465's foot is still bleeding slowly.
[22:56:39] <A1465> :/
[22:56:48] * Baphnedia wonders why it's always A1465 who gets injured.
[22:56:53] <Torrent> (lol)
[22:56:58] <Lupin> (Heh)
[22:56:58] <Ralith> "We should get out of here in case whoever set these traps shows up."
[22:57:05] <Lupin> "Good idea."
[22:57:25] <@Baphnedia> (A627) "While we're waiting for Marty to wake up?"
[22:57:43] <Lupin> "After he does."
[22:57:48] <Torrent> "Yeah"
[22:58:17] <@Baphnedia> A627 returns to circling the clearing, watching out for things.
[22:58:53] <@Baphnedia> (A627) So, once the helicopter returns in five days, what do you think we should do?"
[22:59:02] <Torrent> "Save the world?"
[22:59:06] <Torrent> (:P)
[22:59:34] <Lupin> "Track down what was going on at the dump sites."
[22:59:42] <@Baphnedia> "I figured that much. But the devices, if they're not already used, will be long gone from Chicago by the time we get back."
[22:59:57] <@Baphnedia> "Sounds good."
[23:00:06] <Akela> (Dang you guys started without me again :p)
[23:00:18] <@Baphnedia> (you can join in if you want)
[23:00:44] <Torrent> (please do! :D )
[23:00:46] <Akela> (Unfortunately I have no idea what's been going on, I don't plan on reading the logs either)
[23:00:52] <@Baphnedia> (Everyone is kept with the party for things such as this. You've been hauling around everyone's crap for the last few weeks ;) )
[23:00:53] <Torrent> (awwww)
[23:00:54] <A1465> (Well, we did ask: <Baphnedia> Akela, are you playing tonight?)
[23:00:57] <Akela> (Too long)
[23:01:02] <Lupin> (Heh.)
[23:01:11] <Akela> Well I was a bit busy with Paul
[23:01:34] <Akela> He seems to be off for the night now.
[23:01:41] <Torrent> (type in () please)
[23:01:48] <Torrent> (lol)
[23:01:51] <@Baphnedia> (real life happens - that's why I do stuff the way that I do it)
[23:02:21] * Baphnedia is now known as Baph-Silo_17
[23:02:29] <Lupin> "That may be the case, but we're going to have to try to track down the devices anyway."
[23:03:33] <@Baph-Silo_17> "It'll be a matter of finding the..." (stupid question - did we shift into Gestalt last time?)
[23:03:48] <Torrent> (uhhh....)
[23:03:53] <A1465> (I did, at least)
[23:04:01] <Lupin> (I am.)
[23:04:08] <Torrent> (I think so)
[23:04:09] <Lupin> (We're talking, aren't we?)
[23:04:10] <@Baph-Silo_17> (Oh A1465, your foot is ok then)
[23:04:22] <@Baph-Silo_17> (Yeah, I think we did)
[23:04:28] <A1465> (Yeah, you said it was still a bit swollen last time, though)
[23:04:41] * Baph-Silo_17 reboots his memory. "OW!"
[23:04:49] <A1465> ("Incoming Game")
[23:04:55] <Torrent> (lol)
[23:05:12] <Lupin> (Heh)
[23:05:12] <@Baph-Silo_17> (If it was swollen, then it's still swollen and hurts a bit, but is otherwise useable)
[23:05:19] <A1465> (kk)
[23:05:50] * Torrent walks over to examine Marty
[23:05:54] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 looks at Marty.
[23:06:10] <@Baph-Silo_17> The look of concern on his face turns to one of anger.
[23:06:18] * Lupin looks at Mary from where he's sitting.
[23:06:23] * Torrent looks up at A627
[23:06:24] <A1465> (:P)
[23:06:31] <@Baph-Silo_17> "I say we give these trappers everything they came here for, and more."
[23:06:41] <@Baph-Silo_17> (Mary?)
[23:06:49] <Torrent> (haha)
[23:06:52] <Lupin> (Marty*)
[23:06:53] <A1465> (Marty, Mary, it's all the same, I'm sure)
[23:06:59] <@Baph-Silo_17> (hehe)
[23:07:01] <Ralith> "You know, that's not such a bad idea."
[23:07:05] <Lupin> (Bit distracted.)
[23:07:16] * Ralith grins evilly. "Do we still have those plastic explosives"
[23:07:22] <Lupin> "Yeah. It's not nice to hide traps in the forest like this."
[23:07:26] <A1465> (heh)
[23:07:29] <Lupin> "Someone could get hurt."
[23:08:07] <Lupin> "More importantly. Do we have a detonator?"
[23:08:23] <Torrent> "Ughh Marty's jaw looks a bit nasty at the moment... hopefully he'll heal okay"
[23:08:30] <A1465> (Do we still have that clock and wires? :P)
[23:08:35] <Ralith> "He'll be fine given time"
[23:08:43] <Torrent> "Hey I never thought I'd care for the guy"
[23:08:44] <Ralith> (who has all of it?)
[23:08:46] * Torrent chuckles
[23:08:47] <@Baph-Silo_17> "A1465, you're the armorer, the closest thing we have to a demolitions expert. What will make the platique go off?"
[23:09:24] <Lupin> "Oh that reminds me. We need to get you guys some real names."
[23:09:33] <Lupin> "You aren't test subjects anymore, y'know."
[23:09:42] <Torrent> "Hey I have my name"
[23:09:53] <Torrent> "These other two..."
[23:10:09] * Torrent turns to A627 and then to A1465
[23:10:11] <A1465> (Uh... fire, electric shock..? Maybe a physical jolt?)
[23:10:17] <A1465> (I dunno'...)
[23:10:21] <Ralith> (electric.)
[23:10:23] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 looks at Lupin.
[23:10:24] <Torrent> "...I'm sure we can find something fitting for"
[23:10:46] * Lupin looks back at A627
[23:10:48] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 turns to Torrent, "I'm sure."
[23:10:57] * A1465 goes over to Darkmoon and gets her backpack from her.
[23:11:09] <A1465> "We should have some detonators, etc. in here."
[23:11:33] <A1465> "I put them in here when I first shifted."
[23:11:48] <Torrent> (lets see what are some good character names)
[23:12:07] <Lupin> (Hehe)
[23:12:15] <Ralith> "Anything we can activate remotely?"
[23:12:18] <Ralith> !name 4
[23:12:18] <Lycaon> Ralith: Parbreres, Eren, Ane, Lanontan
[23:12:19] * A1465 carefully sets aside the plastique explosives.
[23:12:38] <Lupin> "Or something we can attach to the traps to go off automatically?"
[23:12:38] * A1465 digs out the detonators and some lengths of wire and sets them aside as well.
[23:13:02] * A1465 finally pulls out a couple of clocks and some batteries.
[23:13:09] <A1465> "Well,"
[23:13:20] <A1465> "That looks like about what we have to work with right here."
[23:14:12] <Torrent> "heh"
[23:14:27] * A1465 returns Darkmoon's backpack to her.
[23:14:30] <Ralith> "Timers aren't quite the right thing; no point having it go off to early or too late"
[23:14:38] <Lupin> "Yeah."
[23:14:52] <A1465> "We can probably set up some sort of trigger with the wires and switches, though."
[23:15:02] <A1465> (er
[23:15:16] <A1465> (/me wonders where 'switches' came from o_O)
[23:15:26] <Lupin> "Maybe we can rig something up so that when the move the trap it goes off?"
[23:15:29] <A1465> "wires and batteries*"
[23:16:13] <Torrent> "I'm no bomb expert"
[23:16:34] * Torrent looks at the explosives and backs away
[23:16:52] <Ralith> "I have some electronics experience."
[23:16:55] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 is showing no interest in the bombs.
[23:16:59] <Torrent> "In fact, I'm afraid of blowing ourselves up"
[23:17:05] * Torrent looks at Ralith
[23:17:09] <Torrent> ( :P )
[23:17:26] <Ralith> "But I can't think of anything reliable enough to do with high explosives and the components we have."
[23:17:55] <A1465> "It would be trivial to set it up to explode when a trap is triggered,"
[23:18:14] <Lupin> "Great."
[23:18:27] <A1465> "But to make it explode when merely moved is a bit beyond our means."
[23:18:43] <A1465> "So the trapper would have to trigger the trap in order for this to work."
[23:18:44] <Torrent> "Hmm..."
[23:18:47] <Lupin> Hmm
[23:18:56] <A1465> "Not to mention, if some animal set it off..."
[23:18:59] <Lupin> "Maybe if we move them around. Then set it up."
[23:19:08] <A1465> "Haha!"
[23:19:30] <A1465> "But I'll leave that to you, if you don't mind."
[23:19:45] <Lupin> "Hmm. I'd suggest sent marking it or something to keep other animals away. But there might be a pack of real wolves around here."
[23:20:07] <Ralith> "They'll get the signal."
[23:20:59] <A1465> "Are we going through with this, then?"
[23:21:08] <Ralith> "I suppose."
[23:21:15] <Lupin> "Why not?"
[23:21:22] <A1465> (Were all those traps chained up?)
[23:21:44] <Ralith> (yes)
[23:21:48] <Lupin> (They were chained to each other, I thought.)
[23:21:59] <@Baph-Silo_17> doorbell
[23:22:24] <Lupin> (Pizza?)
[23:22:30] <Ralith> (and to a tree)
[23:22:31] <A1465> (Mmm)
[23:22:58] <A1465> "We'll have to get those things loose so we can work with them."
[23:23:22] <Torrent> "Hmm... do we have any way of doing that?"
[23:23:34] <@Baph-Silo_17> PIZZA!!
[23:23:37] <A1465> (We could always blow them loose :P)
[23:23:39] * Akela has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:23:48] <Ralith> (I want some!)
[23:24:00] <Lupin> "I don't think so. We had a pair of wire cutters in there, but I don't think they'd be big enough."
[23:24:01] * A1465 gets the oddest craving for pizza.
[23:24:11] <Lupin> (What kind of pizza?)
[23:24:18] * Torrent stands, pondering
[23:24:43] * Lupin (has pepperoni, sausage, and bacon in the fridge.)
[23:25:42] <@Baph-Silo_17> Pepperoni & Blk olives)
[23:25:48] <A1465> (Mmmmmmmm to both of those)
[23:25:58] <@Baph-Silo_17> (chicken tenders)
[23:26:03] <@Baph-Silo_17> (2l of Pepsi)
[23:26:21] * A1465 (loves his MEAT!)
[23:26:41] * Lupin (Does too.)
[23:26:44] <Ralith> (we all do :) )
[23:26:52] <@Baph-Silo_17> MMmmmm MEAT!
[23:27:03] <Torrent> (okay I need to drive at 8 am to Storrs, so I think I'll try to sleep now... I may be back if I cannot :P )
[23:27:15] <Lupin> (See ya.)
[23:27:24] <Torrent> (You have 3 still right?)
[23:27:24] <A1465> (Later)
[23:27:24] <@Baph-Silo_17> (cya later!)
[23:27:26] <Ralith> (night)
[23:27:35] <Torrent> (yeah, c ya)
[23:27:37] <Lupin> (Yep)
[23:27:38] <@Baph-Silo_17> (yeah)
[23:27:43] * Torrent is now known as Lone_Wolf
[23:28:31] <Lupin> "We shouldn't have to move them around too much."
[23:28:44] <Lupin> "Just a few feet to the left or right oughtta confuse them"
[23:29:07] <Ralith> "Yeah, so no need to unchain anything."
[23:29:20] <@Baph-Silo_17> Marty is about a quarter of a way through a transformation. He's gonna wake up real cold.
[23:29:47] <A1465> (brb)
[23:29:54] * Lupin looks at the partially transformed Marty "He could use that sleeping bag about now."
[23:30:41] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 looks at Lupin, "Uh? Hmm... you have a point. You think it's dangerously cold out here?"
[23:31:04] <Ralith> "Hard to tell, really. I don't spend much time human."
[23:31:57] <@Baph-Silo_17> "I wonder if we shouldn't setup another fire, just in case - or at least get something ready."
[23:32:12] <Ralith> (do any of us still have guns?)
[23:32:16] <A1465> (back)
[23:32:27] <A1465> (I should still have my M16/rocket-thingy
[23:32:28] <A1465> )
[23:32:29] * Lupin tries to estimate the temperature through the fur coat "Yeah, I think we should."
[23:32:40] <Lupin> "But after we move away from here."
[23:32:44] <@Baph-Silo_17> (where'd you put the rocket thingy?_
[23:32:48] <A1465> (I don't think I would have ditched that)
[23:33:12] <A1465> (If it has a strap of some sort, It'll have been on me this whole time. Otherwise, Darkmoon's backpack :P)
[23:33:14] <Ralith> (that should set off the explosives nicely
[23:33:16] <@Baph-Silo_17> (Well, someone's been having to carry it....)
[23:33:23] <Ralith> (Darkmoon! :D)
[23:33:24] <Lupin> (Even in wolf form?)
[23:33:34] <A1465> (Ah, true)
[23:33:38] <Ralith> (She stayed in the trees and carried it in her mouth.)
[23:33:46] <A1465> (No wonder I wanted to stay in the woods :P)
[23:34:13] <@Baph-Silo_17> (I can't believe I'm gonna agree with this.)
[23:34:32] <@Baph-Silo_17> (Ok. It All Fits in Darkmoon's Backpack (tm))
[23:34:36] <A1465> (lol)
[23:34:38] <Lupin> (Great!)
[23:34:45] <A1465> (Then my clothes are in there, too :P)
[23:34:53] <@Baph-Silo_17> (ahem)
[23:35:17] <@Baph-Silo_17> (I giveth thee an inch)
[23:35:21] <A1465> (Nah, I wouldn't have trusted a weapon like that to be carried in a backpack)
[23:35:28] <Lupin> (I was the last person to speak. Someone else say something.)
[23:35:48] <Ralith> (it was in the backpack. :) )
[23:36:09] <Ralith> "I say we get out of here and simply set off the explosives with that weapon of yours, A1465."
[23:36:25] -Baph-Silo_17- It's still winter. Marty'll probably freeze to death if he sleeps there too long.
[23:36:36] <A1465> (Do we have it or not? I don't really think we'd have put it in the backpack, nor any of the others.)
[23:37:09] <Lupin> "Yeah, we should get going. I think it's too cold for Marty to be there too long."
[23:37:18] <@Baph-Silo_17> (if its used toward the right purpose, you can have it)
[23:37:27] <A1465> (Blowing people up?)
[23:37:41] <@Baph-Silo_17> (I'll let you decide that...hehe)
[23:39:22] <A1465> (I'm pretty sure the plastique is sensitive to physical shock. Let's just set it around the jaws of a trap and be done with it.)
[23:39:45] <Lupin> (You could have said that out loud :P)
[23:40:00] <A1465> (I'm pretty sure, but he would know.)
[23:40:24] <@Baph-Silo_17> (So... does this qualify as thinking out loud, or are we voices in A1465's brain?)
[23:40:56] <A1465> (This qualifies as, "is it alright with the group, or am I horribly wrong?")
[23:41:11] <Ralith> (works for me)
[23:41:18] <Lupin> (Fine with me.)
[23:41:32] <A1465> (k)
[23:41:34] <@Baph-Silo_17> (that would qualify as ooc=bad. No Tactics ooc.)
[23:41:53] <@Baph-Silo_17> (otherwise your characters won't say anything - you'll all be using telepathy or some such. ;) )
[23:42:07] <A1465> (I'm not asking if it's a good idea, just whether my logic is correct)
[23:42:17] <A1465> (I don't really know whether physical shock would do it,)
[23:42:21] <A1465> (But my character should know)
[23:42:52] <Ralith> (if we can get baph's promise that it will...?)
[23:42:55] <@Baph-Silo_17> (while that's true, it's best to ask the group openly. I haven't sent the pink vorpal bunnies after you yet)
[23:43:17] <@Baph-Silo_17> (I don't promise anything. I don't even guarantee anything.) :)
[23:43:33] <A1465> "Well, let's just do this the simplest way."
[23:43:46] * A1465 stands up with the plastique.
[23:44:14] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 watches closely.
[23:44:15] * A1465 (very, very, very) carefully heads over to the nearest sprung trap.
[23:44:41] <@Baph-Silo_17> *A627 watches very very carefuly - not closely.
[23:45:07] A1465 Aki
[23:45:09] * A1465 bends down and presses the release pedal-thingy.
[23:45:10] * Lupin alterantes between watching Marty and A1465
[23:45:19] * Akela (~Mr_@* has joined #paradice
[23:45:52] <@Baph-Silo_17> (wb)
[23:46:06] <@Baph-Silo_17> The trap loses tension.
[23:46:27] <@Baph-Silo_17> The teeth fall to either side, raising the pressure plate.
[23:46:40] <A1465> ( :( )
[23:47:02] <A1465> (Don't you usually have to press those down?)
[23:47:31] * A1465 sighs.
[23:47:40] <@Baph-Silo_17> (/noticing)
[23:47:50] <@Baph-Silo_17> (done)
[23:49:34] * A1465 starts carefully molding the plastique around one of the jaws.
[23:50:13] <A1465> He does it in such a way that as much of it as possible will be caught between the jaws when it closes.
[23:51:20] * A1465 then (again, very carefully) engages the trap.
[23:51:48] * A1465 stands up very slowly and picks his way back to the group.
[23:52:18] <@Baph-Silo_17> The traps smiles menacingly.
[23:52:25] <A1465> "Okay, maybe that'll work, maybe it won't. Let's just get going soon."
[23:52:38] * Lupin glances back over at Marty "Good idea."
[23:52:58] * A1465 gathers up the clock/battery/wires, etc. and returns them to Darkmoon's Backpack (TM).
[23:53:19] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 "Lets take him back to the fire. It may still be burning, or at least hot enough that we can start it up again."
[23:53:51] <Lupin> "We'll have to find a route through the forest though."
[23:54:07] <Lupin> "We don't want to run into the sailboat as we are."
[23:54:16] * A1465 growls, "We don't need even more pictures of us."
[23:54:26] * A1465 scowls.
[23:54:41] <Ralith> "Hey, it's perfectly normal for wolves to be seen around here."
[23:54:49] <Ralith> "The more good publicity the better."
[23:54:51] <Lupin> "What, it's good publicity for wolves."
[23:55:04] <A1465> "It's not very normal for us to be around here. We don't need to be seen."
[23:55:06] <Lupin> "And I might get a postcard I can send to my parents out of it or something."
[23:55:25] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 "And your parents would believe you?"
[23:55:38] <Aki> "He was born this way, remeber?"
[23:55:44] <Lupin> "Well, they are werewolves, like myself."
[23:56:34] <@Baph-Silo_17> "Point"
[23:56:40] <Lupin> "As long as I don't go on about how I was saving the world at the time. It's perfectly plauseable."
[23:56:43] <A1465> "Let's just get going."
[23:57:38] <Lupin> "What about Marty?"
[23:58:03] <A1465> "Carry him."
[23:58:27] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 starts sniffing theair.
[23:58:29] * Lupin looks to see if Marty has finished shifting.
[23:58:50] <@Baph-Silo_17> Marty is about halfway through a shift. His jaw still looks like a mess, but not as bad as it was.
[23:59:17] <A1465> "I don't think carrying him'll harm him."
[23:59:43] <Lupin> "Well, it might wake him up."
[00:00:02] <A1465> "He can go back to sleep once we get back."
[00:00:27] <Ralith> "Well, waking him up will only speed up the process in one direction or another."
[00:00:39] <Ralith> "And that'll only do good for his injury."
[00:00:54] <A1465> "Whatever the case, we should leave before someone shows up."
[00:00:56] <Lupin> "Ah, you have a point there."
[00:01:07] <Lupin> "How old was that scent on the trap, Ralith?"
[00:01:14] <Ralith> (Baph?)
[00:03:01] <@Baph-Silo_17> (ack)
[00:03:04] <@Baph-Silo_17> (lag)
[00:03:43] <Ralith> "A little less than a week."
[00:03:59] <Ralith> "They'll probably be back to check on it soon."
[00:04:08] <Lupin> Yeah
[00:04:17] <Ralith> (oh yeah, mustn't forget this:)
[00:04:28] * Ralith breifly scentmarks the ground near the trap
[00:04:36] <@Baph-Silo_17> (forget... oh)
[00:05:30] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 walks to a nearby tree and marks it. With a sigh of relief, "I've been meaning to do that for days!"
[00:06:21] * Lupin walks over to Marty, and pokes him with a claw "Time to wake up."
[00:07:49] <@Baph-Silo_17> Marty's eyes twitch open. A curious expression passes on his half-wolf-ish face.
[00:08:21] <@Baph-Silo_17> The transformation speeds up, and is quickly turning into a human, now that he's awake.
[00:09:16] <Lupin> "Ah well. It would have been better to go the other way. But it's not like you can help that yet."
[00:09:47] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 sniffs decidedly. "It's that way" pointing away from the clearing.
[00:09:59] <@Baph-Silo_17> Marty, now in his birthday suit, shivers.
[00:10:04] * Lupin starts walking 'that way'.
[00:10:23] <A1465> ( :P )
[00:10:26] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 follows suit, and thinks about bad Monty Python jokes.
[00:10:43] * A1465 follows along briskly.


Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:49 am
by Lupin
[00:11:26] * Aki follows
[00:11:27] <@Baph-Silo_17> Marty follows closely behind Lupin
[00:11:37] <@Baph-Silo_17> "ccccCOLD"
[00:12:11] <Ralith> (Lupin, bug baph about counting and marty's speech)
[00:12:31] <Lupin> (He's human now though?)
[00:13:07] <@Baph-Silo_17> (yep, in all his glory)
[00:13:07] <Lupin> "Can't do too much about that now, unless you learn how to shift in the next 5 minutes."
[00:13:16] * Baph-Silo_17 hopes that the following doesn't happen to one of you:
[00:13:44] <A1465> (Heh)
[00:13:58] <Ralith> (I suspect it will, as soon as Marty gets cold enough)
[00:14:03] <Lupin> (Wouldn't help much. Snow collects on a wolf's coat :P)
[00:15:11] <@Baph-Silo_17> Marty folds his arms, putting his hands in his armpits and starts walking funny.
[00:15:42] <@Baph-Silo_17> In the far off distance you can see the earlier campsite.
[00:15:48] <A1465> (We should take him by the boat for pictures :P)
[00:15:54] <Lupin> (Heh)
[00:16:09] <@Baph-Silo_17> (hehe)
[00:16:37] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 grumbles encouragingly, "Marty, just a few hundred feet to go"
[00:16:45] <Lupin> (Blargh, you distracted me from a log post)
[00:16:56] <@Baph-Silo_17> (hehe)
[00:17:13] <@Baph-Silo_17> (who has to leave at 0200 EST...was that Lone_Wolf?)
[00:17:32] <Lupin> (Yep)
[00:18:18] <@Baph-Silo_17> (sorry for all the ooc... I'm almost to my limit tonight)
[00:18:31] <@Baph-Silo_17> The campsite nears slowly.
[00:18:41] <@Baph-Silo_17> Slow for all except for Marty.
[00:18:57] <A1465> (haha)
[00:19:09] <@Baph-Silo_17> As soon as his eyes caught sight of the smoking ash pile, he broke out into a full sprint.
[00:19:22] <@Baph-Silo_17> Streaking like a superhero or something to get warm.
[00:20:06] * Lupin picks up his pace a bit.
[00:20:12] <@Baph-Silo_17> As soon as he arrives, he starts running back and fourth, grabbing small brancehs and the like and tossing them on the ash pile. Smoke begins to rise a bit more.
[00:20:33] <A1465> (Oh great...)
[00:21:12] <Ralith> (meh, we're just some campers, noone'll notice unless it's against regulation to build fires)
[00:21:36] <Lupin> (And they probably would have come by already.)
[00:22:02] <Lupin> !ping
[00:22:02] <Lycaon> Lupin: Pong!
[00:22:09] <@Baph-Silo_17> The leaves and sticks on the hot ashes begin to smoke of their own accord, though no flame is seen yet.
[00:22:24] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 calmly walks.
[00:22:30] <Lupin> (Can anyone else load the Pack forums?)
[00:22:37] <@Baph-Silo_17> Lupin arrives at the campfire.
[00:22:46] <A1465> (Yes and no)
[00:22:52] <A1465> (It's been giving me trouble)
[00:23:16] <Ralith> (slow at least for me)
[00:23:17] <@Baph-Silo_17> (nope)
[00:23:18] <Lupin> (Ah 'k, then it's not just me.)
[00:23:37] <@Baph-Silo_17> (I bet they're on dialup)
[00:23:47] * Lupin looks at Marty building the fire. "So what was so important that you had to go run off like that?"
[00:24:11] <@Baph-Silo_17> Marty looks distracted. "Huh?"
[00:25:05] <Lupin> "Why did you go into the lake and end up in the bear trap over there?"
[00:26:21] <Lupin> (Eww, the forums just loaded without the stylesheet.)
[00:26:24] <@Baph-Silo_17> Marty looks clueless.
[00:26:35] <A1465> (Oh, yuck)
[00:26:50] <@Baph-Silo_17> (crapola - glad we've got two log locations)
[00:27:14] <@Baph-Silo_17> (they might be recovering from a hack - I don't know how up-to-date they were)
[00:27:40] <@Baph-Silo_17> "I dunno. When did I do this?"
[00:27:55] <Lupin> (They're current. I've been making Fig update it.)
[00:28:08] <@Baph-Silo_17> "I just woke up!"
[00:28:26] <@Baph-Silo_17> (good good. Might be something else. If Fig drops by for PHP help, we can help him. :) )
[00:28:45] * Lupin looks at Ralith, "Now I'm really confused."
[00:28:46] <A1465> "Great....." A1465 says optimistically.
[00:29:10] <Lupin> "We found you whimpering in a bear trap back where I woke you up."
[00:29:33] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 arrives at the fire, now with little flames licking the bottom of the pile that Marty made.
[00:30:20] <@Baph-Silo_17> "You mind telling me how the heck I'm in my Birthday Suit?!
[00:30:35] <Lupin> "You shifted in your sleep."
[00:30:37] <@Baph-Silo_17> I'm naked as a beached anchovie and feel like one too!"
[00:30:49] <Lupin> "It happens sometimes before one learns to control them."
[00:30:53] <@Baph-Silo_17> "Christ! It's cold out here!"
[00:31:14] <Lupin> "It's a perfectly normal part of growing up."
[00:31:14] <@Baph-Silo_17> Marty shivers to make the point and kneels in front of the fire.
[00:31:41] <Lupin> "Just be glad you did, or you would have had a cracked jaw."
[00:31:42] <@Baph-Silo_17> "I'm really starting to wonder if becoming a werewolf is all it's cracked up to be."
[00:32:31] <Ralith> "Just give it time; once you've got some degree of control you're much better off."
[00:32:33] <@Baph-Silo_17> Marty looks at everyone. "I was really in a bear trap? How do you crack your jaw on a bear trap??
[00:32:43] <Lupin> "You had your muzzle in it."
[00:32:52] <@Baph-Silo_17> "How'd I...
[00:32:55] <Aki> "You stuck your nose wher eit didn't belong, apparently."
[00:32:59] <@Baph-Silo_17> His voice trails off.
[00:33:13] <@Baph-Silo_17> Flatly, Marty thanks Aki.
[00:33:18] <@Baph-Silo_17> ______
[00:33:46] <Lupin> "We were kinda hoping you'd answer that one."
[00:33:47] <@Baph-Silo_17> "I thought my face was just hurting from the cold."
[00:34:22] <@Baph-Silo_17> Marty carefully starts touching his healthy face, fingers darting away from it seemingly of their own accord as they find painful spots.
[00:36:07] <Ralith> "So now you've got memory loss too."
[00:36:22] <Ralith> "I don't remember this happening with Aki. Lupin?"
[00:36:30] <Lupin> "Nope."
[00:36:47] <Lupin> "We could ask Aki, but he wouldn't remember."
[00:37:43] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 thinks this is a conundrum.
[00:38:17] * Lupin looks at A627, "This ever happen in the ones you've seen bitten?"
[00:38:26] <@Baph-Silo_17> Carefully, he addresses Marty, "So, what day is it?"
[00:38:53] <@Baph-Silo_17> A627 turns to Lupin, "We don't know."
[00:39:39] <@Baph-Silo_17> Marty replies, "I remember that today is the first of five days away from human civilization and it warm buildings."
[00:40:07] * Lupin looks at Ralith "Perhaps we should get him to shift back."
[00:40:14] * Figarou (Figarou@* has joined #paradice
[00:40:29] <Ralith> "Alright. He's just about earned it by now anyway."
[00:40:30] <@Baph-Silo_17> "Other than that Mr. Serial, don't let me piss in your cornflakes by telling you I brought marshmallows."
[00:40:30] <A1465> (Feeling any better, Figarou?)
[00:40:34] <@Baph-Silo_17> (hiya!)
[00:40:45] * Ralith pokes Marty's jaw with a claw.
[00:41:08] <Figarou> A bit. I learned that odd movements can be painfull when your older.
[00:41:09] <Aki> (hiyas)
[00:41:11] <@Baph-Silo_17> (Fig, the Pack site ok... it's been acting a little funny)
[00:41:20] * Lupin gets up real close to Marty and grins.
[00:41:25] * Baph-Silo_17 ages as fast as everyone else.
[00:41:32] <Figarou> Oh wait... RP in progress?
[00:41:40] <Figarou> Sorry
[00:41:41] <Lupin> (Exacty one second per second!)
[00:41:44] <@Baph-Silo_17> (hehe yeah, that's fine)
[00:41:57] <Figarou> About the site. Its the surver
[00:42:18] * Baph-Silo_17 has changed the topic to: Game Paused. || Home of Silo 17 and Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everything here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings regardless of how tasty they may be with Tobasco sauce. || This is the official chat of
[00:42:29] * Baph-Silo_17 hits a pause button.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:36 pm
by Lupin
[21:16:57] * Baphnedia has changed the topic to: Silo 17 in progress. || Home of Silo 17 and Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everything here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings regardless of how tasty they may be with Tobasco sauce. || This is the official chat of
[21:16:59] <Lupin> (It was a pretty neat movie.)
[21:16:59] <@Baphnedia> There we go.
[21:17:17] <Darkmoon> (good :) )
[21:17:18] * Lone_Wolf is now known as Torrent
[21:17:21] <Lupin> (Heh)
[21:18:07] <@Baphnedia> woah... look at that user list go! Hehe
[21:18:12] <Torrent> :)
[21:18:39] * Baphnedia selected the 1812 Overture
[21:18:46] * Torrent gets ready
[21:18:47] <@Baphnedia> Expect it to inpsire the game.
[21:18:53] <Torrent> heh
[21:18:54] <@Baphnedia> .
[21:18:56] <@Baphnedia> ..
[21:18:57] <@Baphnedia> ...
[21:18:58] <@Baphnedia> ....
[21:18:59] <@Baphnedia> .....
[21:19:01] <@Baphnedia> ......
[21:19:04] <@Baphnedia> .....
[21:19:07] <@Baphnedia> ....
[21:19:09] <@Baphnedia> ...
[21:19:10] <@Baphnedia> ..
[21:19:10] <@Baphnedia> .
[21:19:26] <@Baphnedia> I don't know what that was for... I didn't know this clock had reverse!
[21:19:47] <Torrent> (lol)
[21:19:53] <Lupin> (haha)
[21:19:56] <@Baphnedia> A627 sits down next to the rekindled camp fire and studies it as it begins to burn.
[21:20:14] <@Baphnedia> Marty almost hovers over it, trying to get some sense of warm back into his body.
[21:20:38] <@Baphnedia> The soft crackling of wood tells of a lot going on.
[21:20:39] <Lupin> "So Marty doesn't remember his little trip at all..."
[21:20:41] <@Baphnedia> In the fire.
[21:20:48] <@Baphnedia> (done)
[21:21:07] <Lupin> "I really wanted to know how one gets their muzzle in a bear trap."
[21:21:11] <Darkmoon> (Darkmoon selects: The Vines "Highly Evolved")
[21:21:13] <Torrent> "That is rather odd, but I suppose I can't talk being I can't remember a lot of things"
[21:21:20] * Torrent turns to Lupin
[21:21:24] <Torrent> "As did I"
[21:21:47] <@Baphnedia> Marty looks innocent and cold.
[21:21:58] <@Baphnedia> (a cannon goes off BOOM! God I love this music)
[21:22:06] * Lupin looks at Torrent, "Well, maybe he'll do it again, and we can watch."
[21:22:23] * Darkmoon smiles
[21:22:25] * Torrent grimaces
[21:22:38] <Torrent> "That's enough pain I think."
[21:22:41] <@Baphnedia> "huh?" inquires Marty..
[21:23:09] <Lupin> !phone
[21:23:09] * Lycaon shouts to get everyone's attention, "Lupin's phone is ringing!"
[21:23:13] <@Baphnedia> Marty keeps watching the fire.
[21:23:15] <@Baphnedia> Noooo!
[21:23:17] <Torrent> (bah)
[21:23:19] <Lupin> "Huh what?"
[21:23:32] * Torrent yawns loudly
[21:23:34] <Lupin> (I don't know who it is, so I didn't answer.)
[21:23:36] <@Baphnedia> (phone)
[21:23:41] <@Baphnedia> (oh)
[21:24:25] <@Baphnedia> The trees sway lightly in the breeze, Marty continues to shiver.
[21:24:56] <@Baphnedia> Marty begins to mumble to himself...
[21:25:06] <@Baphnedia> (roll listen for those who try to hear)
[21:25:13] <Lupin> !d20+7 listen
[21:25:13] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 15 listen
[21:25:30] * Darkmoon fluffs out her fur and stares at Marty, trying to hear
[21:25:42] -Baphnedia- "I love you, I'll kill you. But I love you forever."
[21:25:51] <Darkmoon> !d20+4 listen
[21:25:51] <Lycaon> Darkmoon rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 20 listen
[21:25:57] * A1465 sits down, brooding.
[21:25:58] * Lupin looks confused at Marty
[21:26:20] <@Baphnedia> Marty isn't speaking to anyone in particular.
[21:26:40] * Torrent (Lone_Wolf@69.182.63.*) has left #paradice (Leaving)
[21:26:55] <@Baphnedia> Marty has stopped shivering, a fresh line of blood encircling his head wound has scabbed up.
[21:27:12] <Lupin> (Which head wound?)
[21:27:18] * Torrent (~none@69.182.63.*) has joined #paradice
[21:27:22] <@Baphnedia> (the bare skull)
[21:27:23] <Torrent> (bah)
[21:27:24] <@Baphnedia> (wb)
[21:27:27] <Torrent> (ty)
[21:27:35] <Lupin> (wb)
[21:27:38] * Darkmoon shifts her weight uncomfortable at Marty's strangeness, but thinks that Marty is talking about Victoria... .
[21:28:15] <Darkmoon> (wow...goooood typing skills I have there..)
[21:28:21] <@Baphnedia> (yeah)
[21:28:30] * Lupin pokes the fire with a stick a bit.
[21:28:43] <@Baphnedia> Marty looks at A627, "How soon will we be leaving?"
[21:29:17] <@Baphnedia> A627 frowns. "When the helicopter shows up. You've got something you'd like to tell us?"
[21:29:42] <@Baphnedia> "Nah." is Marty's answer.
[21:29:43] * Torrent turns his ears a bit to hear Marty better
[21:29:58] * Torrent 's ears return to their normal positions
[21:30:07] <Torrent> "Hmmph"
[21:30:15] <Lupin> "Not like you can return to your normal life for a bit after this anyway."
[21:31:07] <Torrent> "Indeed..."
[21:31:36] <Lupin> "You get the dubious honor of sticking around us until you gain control of your shifting."
[21:31:58] <@Baphnedia> Marty sits down on a nearby log and lays back into a bush, with a hand reaching up to feel his forehead.
[21:32:03] * Darkmoon is still thinking about Victoria when she says, "So, do ya'll think that there are other creatures out there...things from legend? If werewolves exist, logically there some other stories must be true.”
[21:32:21] <Darkmoon> (and with that..i must leave..)
[21:32:27] <A1465> (Later)
[21:32:35] <Lupin> (Bye!)
[21:32:35] <@Baphnedia> (later Darkmoon! Thanks for playing!)
[21:32:36] <Torrent> (bye)
[21:33:17] <Torrent> "What was that you were mumbling about enemies and good and evil, Marty?"
[21:33:33] * Torrent glares at Marty
[21:33:36] <@Baphnedia> Marty looks distracted. "Huh? Oh, it's nothing."
[21:33:37] <Lupin> "I suppose."
[21:33:42] <Torrent> "Nothing?"
[21:33:58] <Torrent> "You said it, so it must have significance to something"
[21:34:00] <@Baphnedia> "Just thinking out loud, that's all."
[21:34:23] <Lupin> "I wonder if I want to know what he was saying."
[21:34:44] <Torrent> "Heh... that remains to be seen..."
[21:35:05] <@Baphnedia> "Heck, I don't even know what I'm saying sometimes."
[21:35:55] <@Baphnedia> A627 chimes in, "Yeah, I bet your brain is totally falling to peices knowing that you'll not so much be chasing tail, but chasing things with tails in the future.
[21:36:09] <Torrent> "Heehee"
[21:36:31] * Lupin laughs.
[21:36:45] <@Baphnedia> A627 continues on, "At least you still remember your former life. Be thankful for whatever it is that you have left."
[21:37:03] <@Baphnedia> With that, A627 pulls a bag of marshmallows from Darkmoon's bag.
[21:37:11] <A1465> (haha)
[21:37:14] <@Baphnedia> !d60
[21:37:14] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d60 for a total of 14.
[21:37:23] * Darkmoon has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[21:37:36] <@Baphnedia> (Bah, she heard that)
[21:38:00] <A1465> (Maybe, maybe not, depending on how she disconnected)
[21:38:02] * Lupin wonders when that was put in there.
[21:38:02] <@Baphnedia> A627 starts offering marshmallows to everyone.
[21:38:09] <Lupin> (:P)
[21:38:16] * A1465 takes a few.
[21:38:34] * Lupin takes some and puts one on the stick he was using.
[21:38:51] * Darkmoon_ (~chatzilla@* has joined #paradice
[21:38:52] * Lupin lights it on fire, and eats it.
[21:38:53] * Darkmoon_ is now known as Darkmoon
[21:38:58] <@Baphnedia> (wb)
[21:39:13] <Torrent> (wb)
[21:39:29] <Lupin> (wb)
[21:39:30] <@Baphnedia> A627 takes a marshmallow, puts it on a stick and starts roasting. "Marshmallow, Darkmoon?"
[21:39:50] * Torrent passes on the marshmellows, instead staring at the sky
[21:39:51] <@Baphnedia> Marty doesn't take a marshmallow.
[21:40:19] <@Baphnedia> He's too busy sitting back with his eyes closed, relaxing.
[21:40:38] <@Baphnedia> Thinking.
[21:40:42] <Torrent> "You cold over there Marty?"
[21:40:59] <Torrent> "I wish I had something more to give ya"
[21:41:02] <@Baphnedia> Marty turns torwards Torrent, "Naw, not after getting baked alive by that fire."
[21:41:02] * A1465 eats his marshmallows without bothering to roast them.
[21:41:08] <Torrent> "Haha"
[21:41:21] * Lupin munches on the marshmallows
[21:41:32] <@Baphnedia> "Nothing tests your manhood like going nuts over a fire."
[21:42:06] * Torrent shakes his head
[21:42:13] <Torrent> "Always something to say ,eh?"
[21:42:31] <@Baphnedia> "You remember the technology that they had in that truck? Oh yeah - always got something on my tongue."
[21:43:25] * Lupin hopes the others are doing well with the truck.
[21:43:42] <@Baphnedia> Marty continues on, "Well, they used to be some of our competition. We have better tech, it's just a little more subtle."
[21:43:44] <Lupin> "I really should have taken that guy's watch"
[21:43:59] <@Baphnedia> Marty grins.
[21:44:23] <@Baphnedia> "Probably the best watch you'll see all year. It does everything except get you a girlfriend."
[21:45:45] <@Baphnedia> !phone
[21:45:45] * Lycaon shouts to get everyone's attention, "Baphnedia's phone is ringing!"
[21:45:47] <@Baphnedia> (gah)
[21:46:04] * Lupin remembers his own watch, which he left in his car. "Nice."
[21:46:12] <Torrent> (oh no)
[21:46:59] <Lupin> (Ooh, I have voicemail)
[21:48:50] <@Baphnedia> (I hung up)
[21:48:58] <Torrent> (lol)
[21:49:08] <Lupin> (Just randomly?)
[21:49:17] <@Baphnedia> (well, I said 'bye')
[21:49:23] <@Baphnedia> (then *click*)
[21:49:45] <@Baphnedia> "Well, I had some messed up dreams last night."
[21:50:00] <@Baphnedia> "Just over and over again. Someone I know is coming for me."
[21:50:32] <Lupin> " could they, almost nobody knows where we are?"
[21:50:40] <Torrent> "Who was it?"
[21:50:47] <Torrent> "In the dream, I mean..."
[21:51:01] <@Baphnedia> "I dunno. It's just a dream. Oh, it was my boss. Tweak."
[21:51:26] <Lupin> "Which boss?"
[21:51:52] <@Baphnedia> "The one who I work directly for. The one that I owe my life to several times over."
[21:52:08] <@Baphnedia> "The one who got Victoria off my back."
[21:52:34] <Torrent> "Hmm... I notice a recurring theme here"
[21:52:43] <@Baphnedia> "Well, granted... she tried to kill him, and so he made her life a living hell until he let her go. As soon as she had the chance, she ran for Texas."
[21:52:53] <@Baphnedia> "What's that?"
[21:53:02] <Lupin> "Hm?"
[21:53:35] <Torrent> "Everybody from your past is coming back to haunt ya. Glad you went into that biz, eh?"
[21:54:05] <@Baphnedia> "I've been hunted, but I guess... this is the first time I could say that I'm.. haunted."
[21:54:19] <@Baphnedia> "Yeah. A ripe bunch of cherries that decision was."
[21:54:47] <Torrent> "Ah well, everybody's past has a few... ghosts"
[21:54:50] <@Baphnedia> The occasional cloud drifts slowly on the wind overhead.
[21:55:10] * Lupin looks at Torrent.
[21:55:24] <Lupin> "Coming from you, that's a bit odd."
[21:55:49] <@Baphnedia> "Oh, before I started working here in the US, I used to live in London."
[21:55:49] <Torrent> "How so?"
[21:56:24] <Lupin> "You're completely unaware of your past."
[21:56:28] <@Baphnedia> Marty looks confused, like he lost himself in conversation.
[21:56:36] <Torrent> "Yeah, but that in itself haunts me"
[21:56:45] * Torrent looks at Marty...
[21:56:48] <Torrent> "You okay?"
[21:57:16] * Lupin refrains from making a bad movie joke.
[21:57:21] <@Baphnedia> "Yeah, I'm ok." He looks up as you hear a muffled sound of thunder in the distance.
[21:57:30] <Torrent> (Scary Movie 3?)
[21:57:40] <Lupin> (American Werewolf in London.)
[21:57:44] <Torrent> (ah)
[21:57:49] <@Baphnedia> (No! I'm not ok! Do I look OK to you?!)
[21:58:12] <@Baphnedia> (I take it that's not the phrase)
[21:58:20] * Lupin looks in the direction of the thunder.
[21:58:21] <Torrent> "You'll get through this Marty; we all will"
[21:58:31] <Torrent> "Storm's a coming"
[21:58:40] <@Baphnedia> The thunder came from downhill, across the lake.
[21:58:41] <Lupin> "I suppose we should find some cover."
[21:59:08] <Torrent> "Indeed we probably should..."
[21:59:08] <@Baphnedia> Marty looks at the sky, "What... pretty clouds... there's two of them."
[21:59:16] * Lupin points to Marty "I don't mind being out in the rain, but he'd end up like an ice cube."
[21:59:25] * Torrent looks up
[21:59:36] <Torrent> "Pretty... clouds... what?"
[21:59:44] <@Baphnedia> Marty was indicating two small wispy clouds.
[21:59:52] <@Baphnedia> That wasn't thunder you heard.
[21:59:52] <Torrent> "Ah..."
[22:00:10] <Torrent> "I hear a storm but I don't see one..."
[22:00:10] <Lupin> "Hm."
[22:00:19] <Torrent> "Trouble coming?"
[22:00:31] <Lupin> "You don't think that was the explosive, do you?"
[22:00:48] * Torrent looks at Lupin
[22:00:51] <Torrent> "Maybe"
[22:01:20] <@Baphnedia> The sun begins to creep behind the mountain you're on. For the east side of the mountain, it is an early sunset.
[22:02:21] <Lupin> (Ooh, ntpd has started reporting it's going to enact a leap second at the end of the year.)
[22:02:31] <Torrent> (yeah heehee)
[22:02:54] <Lupin> "I suppose we could always check later."
[22:03:31] <Torrent> "Yeah"
[22:03:31] <@Baphnedia> Marty sits back down and relaxes a little.
[22:03:43] <@Baphnedia> A627 never bothered standing up.
[22:04:18] <@Baphnedia> A627 walks over to A1465.
[22:04:23] <Lupin> "If there is someone getting blown up over there, now wouldn't be the time to show up."
[22:04:28] * A1465 looks up.
[22:04:31] <Akela> (A leap second!?! How exciting... not)
[22:04:46] <@Baphnedia> (2006 will be here a second late!)
[22:04:53] <Lupin> (Only because you aren't a clock geek. :P)
[22:05:09] <@Baphnedia> A627 takes a few steps away from the campfire.
[22:05:40] * A1465 stands up and follows A627.
[22:06:10] * Lupin looks at A1465 and A627 and wonders where they're going.
[22:06:14] <@Baphnedia> Marty: "So, which team won? The Bears or the Packers?
[22:06:23] <Akela> (Clock geek? That's a new one.)
[22:06:31] <Torrent> (haha)
[22:06:31] <@Baphnedia> (me is a geek)
[22:07:13] <Lupin> "I had no idea they were even playing."
[22:07:54] <@Baphnedia> Marty: "Yeah, their game in Chicago is... tomorrow? Hmm... maybe it was today."
[22:08:38] <Lupin> "I've been vacationing in the woods. Makes it hard to keep up on current events."
[22:08:44] <Lupin> "Not that I really care."
[22:09:21] <@Baphnedia> A627 begins to walk back towards the campfire.
[22:09:39] * A1465 pauses for a moment, thinking, and then heads back to his seat.
[22:09:56] <Torrent> (my display is messed up... brb)
[22:10:02] <@Baphnedia> (ok)
[22:10:33] <@Baphnedia> Marty: "I think that they were going to use the outcome of that game to determine where to go next... it's sometimes common practice.
[22:11:18] <@Baphnedia> "It all depends on what goods you're moving around."
[22:12:14] * Lupin looks confused.
[22:12:32] <@Baphnedia> "Well, this fire is warm. With the sun down, I think I'm going to snooze until morn." says marty.
[22:13:05] * Torrent has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[22:13:57] * Lone_Wolf (Lone_Wolf@69.182.63.*) has joined #paradice
[22:13:59] <@Baphnedia> A627 gets up and walks around the fire, now burning much brighter without daylight assisting much. The sun is still hitting the peaks of the mountaintops of the surrouing mountains.
[22:14:01] <@Baphnedia> (wb)
[22:14:08] <@Baphnedia> (you didn't miss anything)
[22:14:11] <Lone_Wolf> (ty)
[22:14:13] <Lupin> (wb)
[22:14:22] <@Baphnedia> (the fact that you're tied to a spit over the fire is something I had NOTHING TO DO WITH)
[22:14:27] * Lone_Wolf is now known as Torrent
[22:14:39] <Torrent> ( O_o )
[22:14:39] <Lupin> (Eeew, no)
[22:14:48] <@Baphnedia> (j/k)
[22:14:48] <Lupin> (Burnt fur smells terrible.)
[22:14:53] <Torrent> (lol)
[22:15:30] <@Baphnedia> A627 "So, aside from Torrent and A1465, I still don't really know most of you too well."
[22:15:39] <@Baphnedia> "Anyone have some good campfire stories?"
[22:16:03] <Lupin> "We should watch him in case he sneaks off again."
[22:16:10] <@Baphnedia> An evening breeze plays a little with the flams as A627 stokes the fire.
[22:17:05] <@Baphnedia> The flames glow more brightly.
[22:17:18] <@Baphnedia> "I wonder how them farmers are doing."
[22:17:36] <@Baphnedia> (roll hearing)
[22:17:45] <Torrent> !d20+4 hearing
[22:17:45] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 24 hearing
[22:17:47] <Lupin> !d20+7 hearing
[22:17:48] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 20 hearing
[22:17:51] <Torrent> (wow)
[22:17:52] <A1465> !d20 + 5.5 hearing
[22:17:52] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 14.5 hearing
[22:18:15] <Lupin> (nice)
[22:18:29] <@Baphnedia> You hear the sounds of rotors in the air.
[22:18:35] * Torrent looks up
[22:18:36] <@Baphnedia> A627's ears perk up.
[22:18:57] <@Baphnedia> There are a few lights suspended in the sky, heading towards your end of the lake.
[22:19:05] * Lupin looks in the direction of the lights
[22:19:24] <@Baphnedia> They are headed towards the campfire.
[22:19:36] <Torrent> "uh oh... somebody's looking for us"
[22:19:38] <Lupin> "We need to go."
[22:19:38] <@Baphnedia> Marty wakes up "woah what a dre-" and looks up.
[22:19:43] * A1465 stands up.
[22:19:53] * Lupin gets up.
[22:20:07] <@Baphnedia> A627 looks at the helicopter... "Why are they so early?"
[22:20:17] * A1465 starts putting out the fire.
[22:20:18] <@Baphnedia> It is another UH-60 Chinook.
[22:20:25] <Lupin> "Are you sure that's them?"
[22:20:30] <@Baphnedia> The same kind you got off of.
[22:20:53] <@Baphnedia> "No. I suppose it might not be. We won't know until it's too late."
[22:21:08] * A1465 finishes extinguishing the fire.
[22:21:10] <@Baphnedia> (that was A627)
[22:21:21] <A1465> "Come on, let's get out of here."
[22:21:30] <Torrent> "I hate suprises"
[22:21:34] <@Baphnedia> Smoke billows up into the darkness, the ashes sputtering a litle protest against the ground covering it.
[22:21:35] * Torrent gets up
[22:21:47] <Torrent> "I'm ready to move out"
[22:21:49] * Lupin starts walking into the forest "Me too."
[22:21:53] <@Baphnedia> Marty and A627 move into the trees.
[22:22:00] <@Baphnedia> "Just stay calm."
[22:22:17] * Torrent follows them
[22:22:30] * A1465 follows as well.
[22:22:31] <@Baphnedia> The helicopter is definitely getting closer. A627: "They saw our fire."
[22:22:44] <A1465> "Let's move faster."
[22:22:48] * A1465 picks up the pace.
[22:23:00] * Lupin speeds up "That's fine, as long as they don't see us."
[22:23:03] <@Baphnedia> A627 slows, "Wait. I want to see what they do."
[22:23:26] <A1465> "That's a good idea."
[22:23:28] <@Baphnedia> "We get too far away and we'll never know if it's our guys."
[22:23:30] <A1465> "Let's set up a meeting place."
[22:23:35] <Lupin> "Okay."
[22:23:41] <Torrent> "Agreed."
[22:23:50] <A1465> (He can stay if he wants :P)
[22:23:54] <@Baphnedia> Marty "We'll meet on the glacier if things gets hairy."
[22:24:09] <@Baphnedia> (everyone else going further into the wood?)
[22:24:20] <A1465> (I will be.)
[22:24:42] <@Baphnedia> Marty waits with A627.
[22:24:59] <Lupin> (Just a little further.)
[22:25:16] <@Baphnedia> The trees smell fresh in this area.
[22:25:48] <@Baphnedia> The scent of the evening has fully settled in this forest's evergeens. (Btw, those were ALL needles, not leaves burning.... silly me)
[22:26:06] <Lupin> (Heh.)
[22:26:34] <A1465> (Well, I'd say needles are still leaves of a sort...)
[22:26:59] <@Baphnedia> (works for me)
[22:27:05] <@Baphnedia> The helicopter noise is getting closer to your position.
[22:27:50] <A1465> "Keep under the trees."
[22:27:53] <Torrent> "It would be nice to know if these folks were hear to help or hurt us."
[22:27:54] <@Baphnedia> The helicopter seems to be hovering.
[22:28:28] <@Baphnedia> Having moved further into the woods, you can only hear. Speaking of, everyone roll hearing.
[22:28:37] <Lupin> !d20+7 hearing
[22:28:37] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 24 hearing
[22:28:40] <A1465> !d20 + 5.5
[22:28:40] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 17.5.
[22:29:04] -Baphnedia- You hear the helicopter hovering, but that drowns out pretty much everything else.
[22:29:04] <Torrent> !d20+4 hearing
[22:29:04] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 15 hearing
[22:29:12] <Torrent> (yay Lupin)
[22:30:02] <@Baphnedia> (/notices sent)
[22:30:16] * Baphnedia wonders if Akela is playing at all....
[22:30:44] <Akela> (Ouch, the pings hurt with headphones on)
[22:31:03] <@Baphnedia> (pings? you need to use a client w/o noises)
[22:31:18] <Torrent> "I can't hear a thing other than those chopper blades and my heart going crazy."
[22:31:34] <Torrent> (mine doesn't do that)
[22:32:01] <Lupin> "Yeah, same here."
[22:32:13] <@Baphnedia> (it's just thumping in your ear)
[22:32:37] * Lupin starts creeping forward on all fours, trying to get a better look
[22:32:38] <@Baphnedia> (oops - I got lost in conversation agani... hehe)
[22:33:16] <Torrent> (lol)
[22:33:24] -Baphnedia- When you've moved a good distance closer, you see Marty hanging on to a rope, as A627 stands, looking at the helicopter, dumbfounded.
[22:33:46] <@Baphnedia> The helicopter lifts off. Through the trees, you see something hanging onto a rope dangling out the back.
[22:34:13] * Lupin whispers to himself "What the hell..."
[22:34:19] <Torrent> "Hmm..."
[22:34:19] * A1465 tries to get a look at the dangly-thing.
[22:34:34] <@Baphnedia> (roll sight A1465)
[22:34:43] <A1465> !d20+5.5 sight
[22:34:43] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 10.5 sight

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 12:18 am
by Lupin
[22:34:47] <A1465> ( :P )
[22:35:24] <Torrent> (bah)
[22:35:27] <Lupin> (log post)
[22:35:29] * A1465 doesn't say anything.
[22:36:13] <A1465> "Whatever it is, it's being pulled inside."
[22:36:38] <@Baphnedia> You see A627 walking up the hill, towards the glacier, ears kinda drooped.
[22:37:05] * Lupin walks to meet A627
[22:37:21] <@Baphnedia> A627 turns to Lupin and stops.
[22:37:23] * Torrent takes a few paces towards A627 and ponders
[22:37:26] * Baphnedia is now known as A627
[22:37:30] * A1465 follows behind.
[22:37:38] <Lupin> "What was that? Who took Marty?"
[22:38:07] <@A627> "Why didn't you tell me that Marty has connections... like.. " and his voice trails off as he looks back at where the helicopter went.
[22:38:28] <Torrent> (wait what? Marty is gone?!?... I've gotta reread)
[22:38:33] <@A627> "I swear, they had to have installed a chip in his freaking head to find him here."
[22:38:35] <Lupin> "Connections like what?"
[22:39:39] <@A627> "Lupin, I have no idea who it is that Marty works for, what the organization does, or anything. I hardly know him by his friends. He is only defined by his enemies, and he is very well defined. That worries me."
[22:39:56] <Torrent> "Agreed."
[22:40:03] <Lupin> "Like I said back at the silo. We just picked him up in town, because he got bitten."
[22:40:14] <Lupin> "I know nothing other than what he's told us."
[22:40:24] * A627 sighs
[22:40:53] <@A627> "Blast, I coulda used him. The hell if I know what he's doing next."
[22:41:22] <Torrent> "I knew he wasn't telling us everything."
[22:41:53] <A1465> "We've no guarantee he's loyal to us at all, so it'd be best for all of us if we go somewhere he can't find us."
[22:42:06] <Lupin> "Right now, though, I'm concerned about the fact that we have a werewolf who can't control his shifting flying in a helicopter to god-knows-where, and that they might have spotted you."
[22:42:17] <Torrent> "I have to agree with you A1465"
[22:42:44] <@A627> "Lets move - I don't like this. I'm considering us relocate to that town. If we have to we'll take the bus."
[22:43:19] <Lupin> "I don't like this at all either. Let's go."
[22:43:39] * A1465 nods gruffly.
[22:43:48] <@A627> "Think the local animal control is friendly towards wolves?"
[22:44:34] <@A627> (what is the color of everyone's fur?)
[22:44:44] <Lupin> (black.)
[22:44:46] <A1465> (Black with some white, here)
[22:44:52] * A627 starts walking toward town.
[22:45:21] * A1465 strides along behind.
[22:45:27] <@A627> "It's a 20 to 25 mile trek, it'll take us into late tomorrow. I plan to arrive after sundown."
[22:45:30] A1465 A627 Akela
[22:45:30] <Torrent> (grey with a lot of brown)
[22:45:33] A1465 A627 Akela
[22:45:39] * Lupin follows along with A627
[22:45:48] * Torrent follows the others
[22:46:29] <@A627> "I'll stay in the open. When we get near town, hide as best you can... unless we can sneak into the public pool.
[22:46:50] <Lupin> "The pool?"
[22:47:02] <@A627> "More correctly, the hot springs."
[22:47:21] * Torrent nods understandingly
[22:47:25] <@A627> "B.O. has a tendency of sticking to you, no matter what form you're in."
[22:48:01] <@A627> "Don't need to give any canines the extra ability to track us by smelling bad."
[22:48:25] <Torrent> "True that"
[22:48:26] <@A627> The soft ground cracks lightly, as the needles break under your pads every now and then.
[22:48:29] <Lupin> "We could just jump into the lake, you know."
[22:48:42] <@A627> That lake is barely not frozen. Nah.
[22:49:11] * Lupin rolls his eyes. "You're still thinking like a human."
[22:49:22] <Lupin> "Almost frozen water isn't a problem with a fur coat like this."
[22:49:25] <@A627> "You can't see them yet, but you'll see a few small trees out in front of the beach. There's a lagoon that stays about seventy degrees all year around.
[22:49:47] <Torrent> "Nice"
[22:49:53] <@A627> "Yeah. We'll take the town as it comes."
[22:50:22] <@A627> "Marty is just an enigma. Which pisses me off. I wish I knew more."
[22:50:48] <@A627> "I toyed with the idea of going with him..."
[22:51:27] <@A627> The forest gives way to the lake shore.
[22:51:32] <Lupin> "I really hope the vaccine has worked on him."
[22:51:38] <@A627> There are a lot of footprints leading to the right.
[22:51:57] * Lupin examines the footprins
[22:52:01] * Lupin sniffs
[22:52:15] * A627 goes into the water , covers himself in the water and gets out. The scents are familiar.
[22:52:38] <@A627> They smell the same as those who are with you now.
[22:53:08] <Lupin> (Oh, you mean pawprints.)
[22:53:09] * Torrent goes into the water behind A627 and gets out
[22:53:18] * Lupin takes a dip in the lake.
[22:53:57] * A1465 gets himself wet.
[22:54:06] * A627 continues to walk along the lakeshore, looking at a sailboat that is anchored off the lakeshore a hundred feet or so.
[22:54:23] <@A627> There is a name of the vessel painted on the hull.
[22:54:29] <@A627> There is a tripod on the deck.
[22:54:41] * Torrent follows A627
[22:54:46] * Lupin follows along.
[22:54:52] * Torrent whispers "That looks familiar"
[22:55:16] * Torrent points to the tripod
[22:55:18] * Lupin whispers back "It was the boat from earlier today."
[22:55:34] <Torrent> "Who wanted the postcard image?"
[22:55:34] * Lupin looks at the name of the sailboat.
[22:55:37] * Torrent grins
[22:56:23] -A627- The name reads "Indefatiguable"
[22:56:57] <@A627> The running lights are turned on, but that is the only light coming from the boat.
[22:57:55] * Lupin looks sidways at the boat name. "I wonder if they meant it that way."
[22:58:21] <Torrent> "Huh?"
[22:58:28] <Torrent> "What does it say?"
[22:58:39] <Lupin> "Indefatiguable."
[22:58:57] * Torrent rubs his head
[22:59:10] * Torrent gives Lupin an inquisative look
[23:00:02] <Lupin> "I always thought it was spelled i-n-d-e-f-a-t-i-g-a-b-l-e."
[23:00:06] -A627- Crap! Typo! OMG.... hehe. Oh well, I'm not gonna correct it now.
[23:00:21] A1465 A627 Akela
[23:00:32] >A627< Hehe
[23:00:49] <Torrent> "Well, some people like making up spellings of their own I guess."
[23:00:51] * Torrent winks
[23:00:53] <@A627> Lake water laps the shore like a friendly pet.
[23:01:30] * Lupin shrugs and continues on
[23:01:31] * A627 continues on his trek. "I guess they might have a nice picture of a wolfpack, and miss the story of the century if we screw up."
[23:02:13] * Torrent follows... "Heh, yeah"
[23:02:18] <Lupin> (brb)
[23:02:24] <@A627> The lakeshore curvers to the right, for a bit, as you approach the mouth of a small creek wandering betwixt two hills.
[23:02:30] <@A627> (ok)
[23:03:26] <Lupin> (back)
[23:03:39] <Torrent> (I think I'm going to bed soon -- like 15-20 minutes -- I'm beat)
[23:04:03] * Torrent looks towards the creek
[23:04:56] <@A627> The creek is a small babbling brook.
[23:05:03] <@A627> It is no trouble to cross.
[23:05:16] * A627 thinks of something awful)
[23:05:38] <@A627> (is there anything anyone wants to discuss on this trek?)
[23:06:08] <Lupin> (I can't think of anything.)
[23:06:10] <Torrent> (ummm...)
[23:06:20] <A1465> (Not really.)
[23:06:20] <Torrent> (I'm out of ideas atm :P )
[23:07:17] <@A627> (np)
[23:07:23] * A627 fastforwards.
[23:07:28] <@A627> The morning sun begins to rise.
[23:07:29] <Torrent> (heh)
[23:07:44] <@A627> You're tired, not really wet, your fur dried out long ago.
[23:07:54] <@A627> Cold and weary are two things that come to mind.
[23:08:22] <@A627> You could see the town kinda well from the last hill you were going over, not wanting to be walking right by the lake when dawn broke.
[23:08:42] <Torrent> "Alright after the chopper incident I'm tired..."
[23:08:43] <@A627> You've gone a ways up this hill, following A627, and he's stopped.
[23:08:56] <Torrent> "What's wrong A627?"
[23:09:02] <@A627> "
[23:09:08] <@A627> "We're going to setup camp."
[23:09:23] <@A627> "I think it's safe to assume that the vaccines worked.
[23:09:41] <@A627> "On the other side of this hill is the town. We will go in there tomorrow."
[23:09:48] <Torrent> "Alrighty"
[23:09:48] <Lupin> "Then why don't we just continue in now?"
[23:10:58] <@A627> "Because, it's a BIG hill." (and I'm pooped)
[23:11:11] <@A627> (you just marched 20-25 miles)
[23:11:40] * Lupin chukles "Okay. I wouldn't mind resting myself."
[23:11:48] * Torrent yawns
[23:12:20] * A627 starts putting together a pine bed. some assembly required.
[23:12:27] <@A627> Branches, mostly.
[23:12:38] <Torrent> (I was about to ask... IKEA?)
[23:12:43] * Lupin finds some place to curl up.
[23:13:18] * Torrent doesn't bother with a bed and looks for enough pine needle bunches to make a nice little pillow
[23:13:54] * A1465 follows suit with the bed-making.
[23:14:09] <@A627> (Ikea hehe)
[23:14:23] * A627 nods off
[23:14:39] * A627 has changed the topic to: No gme in progress. || Home of Silo 17 and Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everything here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings regardless of how tasty they may be with Tobasco sauce. || This is the official chat of
[23:14:41] * Torrent lays down, with both ears in different directions to listen while he sleeps
[23:14:44] <Torrent> bah
[23:14:47] <@A627> Egads, I'm tire way too early...
[23:14:48] * Lupin makes a noise that sounds something like "humans" and drifts off.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 2:54 am
by Vilkacis
Dec 31 20:24:57 --- Baphnedia has changed the topic to: Silo 17 in progress. || Home of Silo 17 and Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everything here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings regardless of how tasty they may be with Tobasco sauce. || This is the official chat of
Dec 31 20:25:10 --- Vilkacis is now known as A1465
Dec 31 20:25:14 <Baphnedia> Ahh, so if it's not a recent change, then it's ok.
Dec 31 20:25:24 * Baphnedia wipes forehead from his sweat.
Dec 31 20:25:27 * A1465 (is going to get something to eat, too.)
Dec 31 20:25:43 <Ralith> A1465, you need both a name and a switch.
Dec 31 20:25:50 <Lupin> Heh
Dec 31 20:25:58 <A1465> (A switch?)
Dec 31 20:25:59 <Ralith> and a WAP too
Dec 31 20:26:04 * Lupin (is going to socialize)
Dec 31 20:26:05 <Ralith> network switch
Dec 31 20:26:08 <Ralith> :( bye Lupin
Dec 31 20:26:11 <A1465> (ah, yes)
Dec 31 20:26:21 <A1465> (Foods)
Dec 31 20:26:59 <Baphnedia> Sounds good Lupin
Dec 31 20:27:01 <Baphnedia> Have fun.
Dec 31 20:27:08 <Baphnedia> Drat
Dec 31 20:27:19 <Baphnedia> Is it just three of us?
Dec 31 20:27:32 * Baphnedia thinks the world is so cruel!
Dec 31 20:27:38 <Lupin> Well I dunno how here I can be.
Dec 31 20:27:42 * A1465 (is back)
Dec 31 20:28:20 <Baphnedia> Lupin, you're at a party. Bug us when you're back at your computer. Otherwise we'll kill the battery on your cellphone.
Dec 31 20:29:12 <Baphnedia> Who will be librarian tonight?
Dec 31 20:29:17 <Lupin> Oh, I am ata computer now
Dec 31 20:29:28 <Baphnedia> Oh cool. Would you like to game?
Dec 31 20:31:15 <A1465> (How about you let me switch back up to the desktop. brb)
Dec 31 20:31:17 --- Baphnedia is now known as A627
Dec 31 20:31:21 <A627> (sounds good)
Dec 31 20:31:24 <A627> .
Dec 31 20:31:26 <A627> ..
Dec 31 20:31:29 <-- A1465 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
Dec 31 20:31:29 <A627> ...
Dec 31 20:31:30 <A627> hmm
Dec 31 20:31:33 <A627> ....
Dec 31 20:31:35 <A627> .....
Dec 31 20:31:37 <A627> ......
Dec 31 20:31:40 <A627> .......
Dec 31 20:31:41 <-- Lycaon has quit (Connection reset by peer)
Dec 31 20:31:42 <A627> ........
Dec 31 20:31:44 <Lupin> (I'll try)
Dec 31 20:31:46 <A627> .........
Dec 31 20:31:59 * A627 is waiting for A1465 to return
Dec 31 20:32:02 <A627> ..........
Dec 31 20:32:06 <A627> ...........
Dec 31 20:32:10 <A627> ............
Dec 31 20:32:14 <A627> .............
Dec 31 20:32:18 <A627> ..............
Dec 31 20:32:26 <A627> ..................
Dec 31 20:32:32 <Lupin> (Any log posting would have to be done after I return. It might be best if someone else does it.)
Dec 31 20:32:32 <A627> (oops)
Dec 31 20:32:34 <Ralith> (hah)
Dec 31 20:32:40 --> Vilkacis (Vilkacis@* has joined #paradice
Dec 31 20:32:18 A627 (who will be our librarian tonight?)
Dec 31 20:32:19 * Received a CTCP VERSION from VersionScan
Dec 31 20:32:21 Ralith (Lupin, we're too used to you doing it; we can wait.)
Dec 31 20:32:34 * Lycaon (~DiceBot@* has joined #paradice
Dec 31 20:32:38 A627 (wb)
Dec 31 20:32:51 Lupin (k)
Dec 31 20:33:28 Lupin (This is irssi, and I'm not logged into the Pack or from here)
Dec 31 20:34:16 A627 (To whomever does the logging tonight, gets to use an extra +1 bonus - Lupin, yours is not at stake)
Dec 31 20:34:34 Vilkacis (I'll do it, then :P)
Dec 31 20:34:41 Ralith (hey! :( )
Dec 31 20:34:49 Ralith (*needs the bonus more*)
Dec 31 20:34:50 Vilkacis (You can do it if you want :) )
Dec 31 20:34:56 Ralith (woot.)
Dec 31 20:34:57 A627 By the power invested in me, Vilkacis gets an extra bonus point for tonight.
Dec 31 20:34:58 A627 ack
Dec 31 20:35:02 Ralith (heheh)
Dec 31 20:35:09 A627 So, it'll be you Ralith?
Dec 31 20:35:21 Ralith I guess. Besides, it's good if our levels are a bit consistent with our backstory
Dec 31 20:35:34 Lupin (Heh.)
Dec 31 20:35:57 A627 The dawn creeps around the mountains over the town of Harrison Hot Springs.
Dec 31 20:36:29 A627 The shadow of the mountain you're on only provides the light reflecting off of the other ice-capped mountains.
Dec 31 20:37:14 A627 A sharp crack is heard followed by something prickling you from above.
Dec 31 20:37:26 * Ralith jolts awake
Dec 31 20:37:31 * Vilkacis is startled.
Dec 31 20:37:32 * Ralith looks around
Dec 31 20:37:37 Vilkacis ditto
Dec 31 20:37:44 A627 There is a large pine branch covering the whole pack.
Dec 31 20:37:51 Vilkacis (heh)
Dec 31 20:37:52 * A627 jumps awake.
Dec 31 20:37:55 * Ralith sighs
Dec 31 20:38:06 Lupin "Lovely..."
Dec 31 20:38:13 A627 It hit the ground, only to assail you with pine needles.
Dec 31 20:38:13 * Ralith wriggles out from under it and tries to heave it off everyone
Dec 31 20:38:22 A627 The branch is heaved.
Dec 31 20:38:41 A627 "Great. Now we all have a lovely pine scent."
Dec 31 20:38:47 * You are now known as A1465
Dec 31 20:38:59 Ralith "It's better than some things."
Dec 31 20:39:31 * A1465 simply stands up and brushes himself off.
Dec 31 20:39:41 * Lupin standsu p
Dec 31 20:39:53 * Lupin shakes
Dec 31 20:39:56 * Ralith brushes himself off similarily
Dec 31 20:40:07 A627 "Shall we go in today, or tonight?"
Dec 31 20:40:23 Ralith (why are we going in again?)
Dec 31 20:40:28 A1465 (No clue)
Dec 31 20:40:43 * A627 looks at your faces.
Dec 31 20:40:53 * A1465 has a sleepy face.
Dec 31 20:40:56 A627 "Marty knows where we were. We had to get out of that area."
Dec 31 20:41:10 Ralith "Is entering town really the best idea, though?"
Dec 31 20:41:24 Ralith "Unless Darkmoon packed extra, we've got no clothes, for one thing."
Dec 31 20:41:38 Lupin "Yeah."
Dec 31 20:41:53 Lupin "We don't have any money either."
Dec 31 20:41:54 A627 "We might be able to get some. Well, we can go posing for the people on the boat."
Dec 31 20:42:02 Lupin "So we can't buy any."
Dec 31 20:42:25 Ralith "While we might get away with being a pack of wolves by the lake, we can't wander into town like that. Why do you want to go there, anyway?"
Dec 31 20:43:04 * A1465 agrees with Ralith for once.
Dec 31 20:43:09 * A627 swishes his tail. "I thought we were going to end this vacation a little early, thanks to Marty already being gone and exposing himself to his buddies."
Dec 31 20:43:12 Ralith (hehe)
Dec 31 20:43:35 A627 "I'll go with what you decide though.
Dec 31 20:43:40 Ralith "We don't have anything to go on for them, though, other than the two dropoff points, and we can't reach either of those."
Dec 31 20:44:23 Lupin "Might as well enjoy it while we're here."
Dec 31 20:44:43 A627 "Well, this is day three out of five."
Dec 31 20:44:52 A1465 "I'd rather we stay unseen, myself."
Dec 31 20:45:05 Ralith "There's no point risking even more exposure."
Dec 31 20:45:14 A1465 "No matter what our form."
Dec 31 20:45:32 A627 "So, what do you want to do?"
Dec 31 20:46:05 Ralith "I'd advise we stay here, and keep a look out for the pickup chopper when it returns in two days."
Dec 31 20:46:19 Ralith "We shouldn't go back to our camp, though, as marty knew we were there."
Dec 31 20:46:34 Lupin "Agreed."
Dec 31 20:46:42 A627 "Shall we check on the traps we set?"
Dec 31 20:46:48 Ralith "Might as well."
Dec 31 20:47:01 * A627 brushes himself off.
Dec 31 20:47:05 Lupin "Yeah."
Dec 31 20:47:10 A1465 "I'd prefer we found a good place for shelter that can't be seen from above."
Dec 31 20:47:31 Ralith "We're pretty much good under the canopy."
Dec 31 20:47:35 A627 "There's a creek with dense trees around it that we passed a long time ago."
Dec 31 20:47:53 Ralith "That's fine, then. Let's go see what we blew up."
Dec 31 20:47:54 * Ralith grins
Dec 31 20:48:19 A627 "me begins strolling in the general direction of the lake.
Dec 31 20:48:21 A627 (oops)
Dec 31 20:48:48 Ralith (hehe)
Dec 31 20:48:53 A627 As he does so, he shifts into wolf form fluidly.
Dec 31 20:48:57 Ralith ("Ok then, why don't you do it?")
Dec 31 20:49:02 * Ralith does the same
Dec 31 20:49:15 A627 (hehe)
Dec 31 20:49:24 * Lupin shifts as well.
Dec 31 20:49:27 * A1465 pauses for a moment, and then does so as well.
Dec 31 20:49:50 A627 The downhill slope is much better than the final walk up it last night.
Dec 31 20:50:13 A627 Pine needles make their noises as they get stepped on, otherwise, it's a quiet morning.
Dec 31 20:50:22 * Ralith breaks into a run, enjoying the feel of wind through his fur
Dec 31 20:50:22 A1465 .oO("At least it was good exercise.")
Dec 31 20:50:36 * A627 chases after Ralith
Dec 31 20:50:44 A627 (Oo.
Dec 31 20:50:59 * Lupin runs after Ralith
Dec 31 20:51:03 A627 The cool winter air is comfortable.
Dec 31 20:51:19 A627 The ground benath your pads offers good footing.
Dec 31 20:51:25 A627 !d20 tumble
Dec 31 20:51:25 Lycaon A627 rolled d20 for a total of 14 tumble
Dec 31 20:51:31 A1465 (heh)
Dec 31 20:51:41 A627 Except for A627 who momentarily trips himself on a hidden root.
Dec 31 20:51:54 * Ralith grins back at him, not breaking stride.
Dec 31 20:52:11 * A627 shakes himself off and leaps back into a run.
Dec 31 20:52:13 * Lupin accelerates
Dec 31 20:52:46 * A627 looks back for A1465
Dec 31 20:52:48 * A1465 does the oddest wolfy somersault.
Dec 31 20:53:22 * A627 cavorts his way down to the lake, running at trees then dodging them at the last possible moment.
Dec 31 20:53:28 A1465 (haha)
Dec 31 20:53:39 A627 You can see the lake shore far up ahead.
Dec 31 20:53:41 A1465 (ooh, brb)
Dec 31 20:53:56 * Akela|Busy is now known as Akela
Dec 31 20:54:02 A627 The silent ripples in the water caressing the mud, as per usual.
Dec 31 20:54:03 A627 (ok)
Dec 31 20:54:06 A627 (wb)
Dec 31 20:54:12 * Ralith slowly decelerates, looking around for the sailboat
Dec 31 20:55:04 * Ralith motions towards it, making sure the others are aware of its position
Dec 31 20:55:22 * A627 begins to slow down, and looks off to the left, where Ralith is pointing to.
Dec 31 20:55:34 * Lupin slows down as well
Dec 31 20:55:34 A627 When he reaches the lake, he starts lapping up water.
Dec 31 20:55:40 * A1465 (is back)
Dec 31 20:55:45 * Lupin goes for a dip in the lake
Dec 31 20:56:12 A627 The sailboat is a speck off to the left.
Dec 31 20:56:25 * Ralith leaps into the water at Lupin
Dec 31 20:56:40 * A627 gets splashed
Dec 31 20:56:43 * Lupin dogpaddles out of the way.
Dec 31 20:56:47 Lupin (wolfpaddles?)
Dec 31 20:56:53 A627 (thatworks)
Dec 31 20:56:59 * A1465 alertly watches from the shore.
Dec 31 20:57:04 * Ralith makes a rather large splash and resurfaces a moment later
Dec 31 20:57:31 * Ralith lunges at Lupin
Dec 31 20:57:50 Ralith (brb)
Dec 31 20:57:51 * A627 keeps lapping water.
Dec 31 20:57:56 A627 (don't drown!)
Dec 31 20:58:52 * A627 finishes his drink and walks up the shore and alertly watches the lake.
Dec 31 20:59:29 * Lupin swims away from Ralith parallel to the bank.
Dec 31 20:59:31 A627 A few birds of the forest swoop at the wolves in the lake and take shelter back in the trees.
Dec 31 21:01:02 * Ralith climbs back onto the shore and shakes himself off, then follows A1465
Dec 31 21:01:04 Ralith (err)
Dec 31 21:01:08 Ralith (A627)
Dec 31 21:01:17 A627 (we're both on shore)
Dec 31 21:01:21 Ralith (I know.)
Dec 31 21:01:22 * A627 watches Lupin
Dec 31 21:01:28 Ralith (but you were moving)
Dec 31 21:01:38 * Lupin swims for a bit more, then gets back on the shore
Dec 31 21:01:39 Ralith (or not)
Dec 31 21:01:40 A627 (brb)
Dec 31 21:01:49 Lupin (me too)
Dec 31 21:02:38 Akela Whee! Happy new years!
Dec 31 21:02:55 Akela (Not for you guys yet though :P)
Dec 31 21:03:03 A1465 ( :P )
Dec 31 21:03:05 Ralith (hehe)
Dec 31 21:03:15 Lupin (Nope, another 57 minutes.)
Dec 31 21:03:45 Ralith (three hours)
Dec 31 21:04:21 A1465 (ditto)
Dec 31 21:04:34 A627 (calling those on EST)
Dec 31 21:05:01 Lupin (aww. you didn't get my AIM messages.)
Dec 31 21:05:15 Lupin (theres a bug :/)
Dec 31 21:06:01 A1465 (brb)
Dec 31 21:06:53 A627 (I'm back)
Dec 31 21:07:02 * A627 looks at his watch.
Dec 31 21:07:06 Ralith (good, let's get back in motion)
Dec 31 21:07:14 A627 (gah)
Dec 31 21:07:21 Ralith (?)
Dec 31 21:07:40 A627 (I wasn't baph.... hehe... A627 ain't wearing a watch atm)
Dec 31 21:07:49 Ralith (heh)
Dec 31 21:07:55 Lupin (We need to find some more humans to intimidate.)
Dec 31 21:08:01 Lupin (I want a watch :/)
Dec 31 21:08:05 * Ralith resumes moving along the shore
Dec 31 21:08:09 * A627 starts walking along the shore, sniffing the air every now-and-again.
Dec 31 21:08:32 * A1465 (is back)
Dec 31 21:09:05 * A627 starts walking further into the forest.
Dec 31 21:09:19 * Lupin follows along with A627, sniffing.
Dec 31 21:09:21 * Ralith follows
Dec 31 21:09:21 * A1465 follows.
Dec 31 21:09:47 A627 After several hundred feet, A627 shifts into gestalt.
Dec 31 21:09:59 * A1465 stays in form.
Dec 31 21:10:10 A627 "How far do you sometimes run after prey, or whatever?"
Dec 31 21:10:25 * Ralith remains lupine, giving A627 a noncomprehending look
Dec 31 21:10:38 * Lupin looks sideways.
Dec 31 21:10:43 Lupin "Woof!"
Dec 31 21:11:00 * Ralith follows Lupin's line of sight
Dec 31 21:11:19 A1465 (haha)
Dec 31 21:11:48 Ralith (that's not very lupine of you)
Dec 31 21:11:53 Lupin (No, I mean I tilit my head sideways.)
Dec 31 21:11:54 * A627 looks around. "Looks like we have a lot of running."
Dec 31 21:12:25 * A627 shifts back into wolf form. "Woof!" With that, he breaks into a run, paralleling the lake.
Dec 31 21:12:32 * A1465 takes off!
Dec 31 21:12:38 * Lupin chases after A627
Dec 31 21:12:39 * A627 is in the lead!
Dec 31 21:12:41 Ralith (ah. Anyway, I mean the "woof" isn't very lupine.)
Dec 31 21:12:42 A627 !d20 run
Dec 31 21:12:42 Lycaon A627 rolled d20 for a total of 3 run
Dec 31 21:12:45 * Ralith races after them all
Dec 31 21:12:53 A1465 !d20+5.5 run
Dec 31 21:12:53 Lycaon A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 25.5 run
Dec 31 21:12:57 A1465 :)))
Dec 31 21:12:59 * A627 loses the lead!
Dec 31 21:13:05 * A627 accelerates.
Dec 31 21:13:05 * A1465 is ahead!
Dec 31 21:13:09 Lupin !d20+7 run
Dec 31 21:13:09 Lycaon Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 24 run
Dec 31 21:13:09 A1465 Zoom!
Dec 31 21:13:13 Ralith !d20+5 run
Dec 31 21:13:13 Lycaon Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 14 run
Dec 31 21:13:22 * Lupin pulls close to A1465!
Dec 31 21:13:24 A627 !d20 + 5 run
Dec 31 21:13:24 Lycaon A627 rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 8 run
Dec 31 21:13:30 * Ralith dashes past A627
Dec 31 21:13:32 * A1465 barely keeps his lead!
Dec 31 21:13:35 * A627 ain't going nowhere!
Dec 31 21:13:41 A627 !d20 +5 run
Dec 31 21:13:41 Lycaon A627 rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 8 run
Dec 31 21:13:43 Ralith !d20+5 run
Dec 31 21:13:43 Lycaon Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 14 run
Dec 31 21:13:48 A1465 !d20+5.5 run
Dec 31 21:13:48 Lycaon A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 14.5 run
Dec 31 21:13:52 Lupin (Wolves do bark, just nowhere near as much as dogs.)
Dec 31 21:13:56 * Ralith starts to approach A1465
Dec 31 21:14:04 Ralith (yeah)
Dec 31 21:14:06 Lupin !d20+7 run
Dec 31 21:14:06 Lycaon Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 22 run
Dec 31 21:14:11 Ralith !d20+5 run
Dec 31 21:14:11 Lycaon Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 12 run
Dec 31 21:14:11 * Lupin pulls ahead!
Dec 31 21:14:16 * A1465 falls behind a bit.
Dec 31 21:14:23 A627 You catch the scent of burnt plastic and paint. Evidently this is what A627 was running after.
Dec 31 21:14:25 Ralith (exciting!)
Dec 31 21:14:30 A627 !d20 run
Dec 31 21:14:30 Lycaon A627 rolled d20 for a total of 18 run
Dec 31 21:14:34 Ralith !d20+5 run
Dec 31 21:14:34 Lycaon Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 16 run
Dec 31 21:14:37 * A627 begins to catch up.
Dec 31 21:14:38 A1465 !d20+5.5 run
Dec 31 21:14:38 Lycaon A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 19.5 run
Dec 31 21:14:45 A627 Or so he thinks.
Dec 31 21:14:45 Lupin !d20+7 run
Dec 31 21:14:45 Lycaon Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 13 run
Dec 31 21:14:51 A627 !d20 run
Dec 31 21:14:51 Lycaon A627 rolled d20 for a total of 3 run
Dec 31 21:14:53 * A1465 catches the lead again!
Dec 31 21:14:54 * Ralith and A1465 zip by Lupin
Dec 31 21:14:57 * A627 trips over himself.
Dec 31 21:15:02 A1465 (heh)
Dec 31 21:15:06 A1465 !d20+5.5
Dec 31 21:15:06 Lycaon A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 13.5.
Dec 31 21:15:11 * Lupin slows a bit after catching the scent.
Dec 31 21:15:14 A627 !d20 run
Dec 31 21:15:14 Lycaon A627 rolled d20 for a total of 18 run
Dec 31 21:15:15 Ralith (my music stream is playing chase music right now:P)
Dec 31 21:15:17 * A1465 slows down
Dec 31 21:15:26 Lupin (heh)
Dec 31 21:15:26 A627 (haha)
Dec 31 21:15:28 * Ralith decelerates
Dec 31 21:15:30 * A627 catches up.
Dec 31 21:15:52 * A1465 pants happily.
Dec 31 21:15:59 * Ralith grins
Dec 31 21:16:21 * A627 pants happily. "erf?"
Dec 31 21:16:42 * Ralith joins in the panting
Dec 31 21:16:54 * A627 pants in unison with Ralith

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 2:55 am
by Vilkacis
Dec 31 21:17:11 * Lupin pants a bit as well, toungue hanging out.
Dec 31 21:17:15 A627 A bird twitters.
Dec 31 21:17:40 * A627 walks alongside Lupin
Dec 31 21:17:52 Ralith (log post)
Dec 31 21:18:26 Lone_Wolf (hi all)
Dec 31 21:18:33 Lupin (Hey)
Dec 31 21:18:35 Lone_Wolf (Happy New Year)
Dec 31 21:18:40 A627 The pack is walking along the shore.
Dec 31 21:18:42 Ralith (wb lw)
Dec 31 21:18:47 Lone_Wolf (ty)
Dec 31 21:18:53 A627 (We'll be hearing that all night long. :) Ty though)
Dec 31 21:18:55 * Lupin sniffs the ground occationally.
Dec 31 21:19:02 Lone_Wolf (just gotta catch up a bit)
Dec 31 21:19:21 A627 The scent is not very strong, but very distinct.
Dec 31 21:20:06 Ralith (we're onto page 3 of logs)
Dec 31 21:20:19 A1465 ( :) )
Dec 31 21:20:20 A627 (yay and Ralith is up to 3 posts! :) )
Dec 31 21:20:26 Lupin (Hehe.)
Dec 31 21:20:27 Ralith (w00t)
Dec 31 21:20:35 * A1465 (is 2 posts behind!)
Dec 31 21:20:44 Ralith (!d20+5 posting)
Dec 31 21:20:51 A627 (hehe)
Dec 31 21:20:57 * Lupin (is 30 someodd ahead!)
Dec 31 21:21:23 * A627 sniffs at the ground, looks ahead, and continues his walk in the forest.
Dec 31 21:22:01 A627 (I still have to read the character development logs - this is the first game I've run where players have had a game session of their own for backstory)
Dec 31 21:22:17 Ralith (hehe)
Dec 31 21:22:25 Lone_Wolf (caught up... lol on the backstories)
Dec 31 21:22:33 Lupin (haha)
Dec 31 21:22:34 * A627 sniffs at the ground again, and walks over to a tree to mark it.
Dec 31 21:22:46 * Lupin snickers, wolfily.
Dec 31 21:22:56 * Ralith rolls his eyes at Lupin
Dec 31 21:23:10 * Lone_Wolf nudges Ralith and chuckles
Dec 31 21:23:16 Lone_Wolf (oops)
Dec 31 21:23:20 * Lone_Wolf is now known as Torrent
Dec 31 21:23:22 * Torrent nudges Ralith and chuckles
Dec 31 21:23:25 A627 (roflmao)
Dec 31 21:23:31 Ralith (for the snickering. Come on, it's perfectly normal to mark a tree as a wolf)
Dec 31 21:23:57 Lupin (Oh I know.
Dec 31 21:23:58 Lupin )
Dec 31 21:23:59 * Ralith sighs, shaking his head
Dec 31 21:24:05 A627 (the GM has officially been scent into spastic laughter..the game will resume in a moment... )
Dec 31 21:24:08 Lupin (I'm snickering because I started it.)
Dec 31 21:24:14 Ralith (ah. :) )
Dec 31 21:24:27 * Lupin marks another tree.
Dec 31 21:24:58 * Ralith keeps going
Dec 31 21:24:59 A627 (the GM has recovered...)
Dec 31 21:25:03 Torrent (lol)
Dec 31 21:25:08 * A627 continues to walk with the Pack.
Dec 31 21:25:44 * A627 sniffs at the ground for a moment then stops.
Dec 31 21:25:51 * Torrent stops also
Dec 31 21:25:52 * Ralith looks inquisitive
Dec 31 21:26:16 * A627 exhales and continues to walk.
Dec 31 21:26:46 A627 (that was a very subtle cue)
Dec 31 21:26:57 * Torrent begins walking again and catches up so he's just behind A627
Dec 31 21:27:02 A1465 As he passes, A1465 sniffs the spot where A627 stopped.
Dec 31 21:27:10 A627 (roll sniff A1465)
Dec 31 21:27:17 A1465 !d20+5.5 sniffy sniffy
Dec 31 21:27:17 Lycaon A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 12.5 sniffy sniffy
Dec 31 21:27:50 -A627- A1465 Sniffy sniffies leaves, smoke, burnt plastic, A627, and that's about it.
Dec 31 21:27:54 * Ralith sniffs the spot too
Dec 31 21:28:02 * A1465 continues on.
Dec 31 21:28:02 Ralith !D20+5 smell
Dec 31 21:28:10 Ralith !d20+5 smell
Dec 31 21:28:10 Lycaon Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 13 smell
Dec 31 21:28:18 A1465 ( :P )
Dec 31 21:28:20 * Torrent runs back to the spot and sniffs also
Dec 31 21:28:27 Torrent !d20+4
Dec 31 21:28:27 Lycaon Torrent rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 24.
Dec 31 21:28:27 A1465 (haha)
Dec 31 21:28:28 Ralith (heh)
Dec 31 21:28:33 A1465 (nice)
Dec 31 21:28:38 Torrent (damn right)
Dec 31 21:28:52 * Torrent catches back up to the group
Dec 31 21:29:05 * Ralith gives a lupine shrug and catches up
Dec 31 21:29:41 Lupin (brb)
Dec 31 21:30:01 * A627 jumps into a trot.
Dec 31 21:30:16 * Ralith accelerates to keep up
Dec 31 21:30:17 * Torrent speeds up to keep with A627
Dec 31 21:30:24 A627 (ack. I am not an equine!~)
Dec 31 21:30:32 * A1465 tries a gallop.
Dec 31 21:30:46 * A627 watches as A1465 gains the lead.
Dec 31 21:30:50 A1465 It doesn't work very well.
Dec 31 21:30:53 * A1465 stops that.
Dec 31 21:31:07 * A627 catches up to A1465.
Dec 31 21:31:07 Ralith (sadly, there aren't any other appropriate words for quadripedal movement)
Dec 31 21:31:18 A627 (true that)
Dec 31 21:31:33 Torrent (yeah)
Dec 31 21:31:42 * A627 beats up the English language for not having an equitable (equineable) solution)
Dec 31 21:31:53 Torrent (indeed)
Dec 31 21:32:27 * A627 starts to walk again.
Dec 31 21:32:46 A627 He walks up to a tree, sniffing it way too much.
Dec 31 21:32:47 A1465 ("Wolves walk, trot, lope, or gallop.")
Dec 31 21:32:55 * A1465 lopes along.
Dec 31 21:33:04 A627 (where is this from?_
Dec 31 21:33:18 A1465 ( ... erved.html)
Dec 31 21:33:29 * A627 hmms.
Dec 31 21:33:32 A1465 (Under Speed)
Dec 31 21:33:56 A627 Then he returns to loping towards the site of the traps.
Dec 31 21:34:10 A1465 (Ooh, that wasn't a firework...)
Dec 31 21:34:19 * Torrent slows
Dec 31 21:34:33 * Torrent looks around the area
Dec 31 21:34:36 * A627 wonders what happened around A1465
Dec 31 21:35:25 A1465 (Sounded like a gunshot, perhaps.)
Dec 31 21:35:34 A1465 (Fairly close, too)
Dec 31 21:35:37 * Ralith sniffs the tree
Dec 31 21:37:18 * Ralith resumes following
Dec 31 21:38:08 * A1465 continues along.
Dec 31 21:38:26 A627 (don't get shot A1465)
Dec 31 21:38:44 A1465 (I'm not goin' anywhere)
Dec 31 21:39:29 * A627 walks over into a small patch of shrubberies.
Dec 31 21:39:31 * Torrent looks around some more and sniffs the air
Dec 31 21:39:53 A1465 (Ni!)
Dec 31 21:39:53 * A627 walks out of the shrubberies holding a herring in his mouth.
Dec 31 21:40:12 * Ralith looks surprised
Dec 31 21:40:15 Ralith (hehe)
Dec 31 21:40:20 A1465 (Going to use that to cut down any trees?)
Dec 31 21:40:23 A627 (lol)
Dec 31 21:40:26 Ralith (brb, chasing down dinner)
Dec 31 21:40:32 Torrent (heh)
Dec 31 21:41:06 * A627 hasn't seen Monty Python, and insteads eats the sharper half of the herring, backing up so any others that want it, can finish it.
Dec 31 21:41:22 * Ralith leaves it for someone else
Dec 31 21:41:28 Ralith (really afk now)
Dec 31 21:41:32 A627 (k)
Dec 31 21:41:44 * A1465 looks to see if anyone else wants it...?
Dec 31 21:42:12 * A1465 takes the remaining bit and gobbles it down.
Dec 31 21:43:13 * A1465 sighs contentedly.
Dec 31 21:43:58 * Torrent 's face twitches as he tries to get rid of an itch
Dec 31 21:44:12 Torrent (ah the pitfall of lupine form)
Dec 31 21:44:24 * A627 returns to walking.
Dec 31 21:44:40 * A1465 looks back at the others, and then continues.
Dec 31 21:44:57 * A627 looks back at Torrent, to see if he needs to stop for a moment to paw at his itch.
Dec 31 21:45:16 * Torrent gladly takes the opportunity to do so
Dec 31 21:45:26 Torrent "Ahhhhh"
Dec 31 21:45:32 * Torrent sighs happily
Dec 31 21:46:22 * Torrent starts walking again
Dec 31 21:46:57 * A627 stops suddenly. You hear a slight patter.
Dec 31 21:47:09 * Torrent abruptly stops
Dec 31 21:47:19 * A1465 ceases walking.
Dec 31 21:47:21 * Torrent turns his ears to better hear the pattering
Dec 31 21:47:30 * A627 carefully looks up at a branch above him, to walk around the bird droppings. Two small birds flutter off.
Dec 31 21:47:40 A1465 ( :P )
Dec 31 21:47:49 * A627 resumes his walk)
Dec 31 21:48:08 * Torrent begins to walk again
Dec 31 21:48:25 Ralith (back)
Dec 31 21:48:27 A627 (wb)
Dec 31 21:48:33 * A1465 does that walking thing, too.
Dec 31 21:48:37 Torrent (wb)
Dec 31 21:49:15 A627 After a few more hours (FF) of walking the smell of smoke and fumes gets noticibly stronger. Now it's no longer a scent, but rather an ambient smell.
Dec 31 21:49:34 A627 The noonday sun lies about the warmth it promises, at it lands in small patches on the ground around you.
Dec 31 21:49:39 * Lupin has quit (Connection reset by peer)
Dec 31 21:49:43 A627 The winter air is indeed warmer.
Dec 31 21:49:43 Torrent (doh)
Dec 31 21:49:47 A627 (d'oh!)
Dec 31 21:50:03 * Lupin (Lupin@* has joined #paradice
Dec 31 21:50:08 A627 Though your fur is doing a great job of keeping you warm.
Dec 31 21:50:08 Torrent (wb)
Dec 31 21:50:11 A627 (bw)
Dec 31 21:50:20 Ralith (well, we'll just have to avoid anything thatneeds rolling)
Dec 31 21:50:21 A627 (erg)
Dec 31 21:50:45 Lupin (thanks)
Dec 31 21:51:13 A627 The air is beginning to get heavy with mixing scents. Most of them fire-related.
Dec 31 21:51:31 A627 There is a slight draw ahead, and you're almost certain the blast took place on the far side.
Dec 31 21:51:31 * Ralith 's ears perk as he listens
Dec 31 21:52:12 A627 The soft creaking of the occasional pine brach, and the birds is about all you hear.
Dec 31 21:53:41 * A627 's ears perk up a little. He slows down to a walk and begins to step catiously.
Dec 31 21:53:45 * Ralith speeds up a bit
Dec 31 21:53:45 A627 !d20 step
Dec 31 21:53:45 Lycaon A627 rolled d20 for a total of 2 step
Dec 31 21:53:51 A1465 (ohh
Dec 31 21:53:57 A627 >_<
Dec 31 21:54:01 A627 !%
Dec 31 21:54:01 Lycaon A627 rolled 98%.
Dec 31 21:54:06 * Torrent slows to a crawl
Dec 31 21:54:07 A627 >_<
Dec 31 21:54:22 * A1465 slows down to a stop.
Dec 31 21:54:42 * Ralith stops suddenly, apprehensive
Dec 31 21:54:50 * A627 begins to pick his steps carefully. He puts front paws down to test the ground, and moves ahead slowly.
Dec 31 21:55:02 * A1465 watches.
Dec 31 21:55:17 * Torrent slows almost to a halt
Dec 31 21:55:24 A627 He jumps suddenly as a set of metal jaws bite upwards into his hind lige.
Dec 31 21:55:26 A627 (leg)
Dec 31 21:55:29 A627 YIPE!!
Dec 31 21:55:36 * A1465 thought so...
Dec 31 21:55:38 * Ralith winces
Dec 31 21:55:48 Ralith (I thought we got all of those?)
Dec 31 21:56:01 * Ralith walks up and sniffs at the trap
Dec 31 21:56:09 * A627 takes a few steps and finds that his leg is secured to whatever the trap is chained to.
Dec 31 21:56:11 * A1465 sits.
Dec 31 21:56:12 * Torrent stops
Dec 31 21:56:17 A627 (roll sniff)
Dec 31 21:56:25 Ralith !d20+5 sniff
Dec 31 21:56:25 Lycaon Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 25 sniff
Dec 31 21:56:28 Ralith (:D)
Dec 31 21:56:32 Torrent !d20+4 sniff
Dec 31 21:56:32 Lycaon Torrent rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 21 sniff
Dec 31 21:56:34 A1465 ( :) )
Dec 31 21:56:41 A627 Broken pine twigs and needles are also caught between the jaws of the trap.
Dec 31 21:57:36 * Torrent peers over to A627
Dec 31 21:57:38 * A627 is slowly bleeding onto the teeth of the trap. The blood glistening on the dirty metal.
Dec 31 21:57:38 * Ralith nuzzles A627 breifly, then approaches the top of the hill
Dec 31 21:58:17 * A1465 (curses at the loud neighbors :( )
Dec 31 21:58:48 A1465 (They'll be at it past midnight, no doubt. They kept me up all night last year...)
Dec 31 21:59:15 A627 (speaking of, I may have a phone call or two to make)
Dec 31 21:59:20 * Ralith shifts to gestalt
Dec 31 21:59:23 Torrent (happy new year to those in central time)
Dec 31 21:59:26 Ralith "They're taken care of."
Dec 31 21:59:31 Ralith "The trap did its purpose."
Dec 31 21:59:48 * A1465 looks around, surveying the area.
Dec 31 22:00:07 A1465 (Why the heck are we back here, anyway?)
Dec 31 22:00:07 * Ralith goes back down the hill, steping cautiously in his tracks from earlier, returning to A627's side.
Dec 31 22:00:14 Ralith (to check on the trap)
Dec 31 22:00:23 A1465 (And whose bright idea was that?)
Dec 31 22:00:42 * Torrent shifts to gesalt
Dec 31 22:01:00 Ralith (A627's)
Dec 31 22:01:08 * Ralith levers the trap open.
Dec 31 22:01:41 * Torrent uses a found stick to probe for traps and slowly makes his way over to help Ralith
Dec 31 22:02:17 * Torrent assists Ralith
Dec 31 22:02:31 * A1465 shifts into hybrid form as well.
Dec 31 22:02:55 A1465 "Serves you right, leading us back here."
Dec 31 22:03:11 A627 The trap opens it's jaws.
Dec 31 22:03:27 A627 Whining a little, A627 gets his leg out.
Dec 31 22:03:39 A1465 "Now just what was all that walking for the other day?"
Dec 31 22:03:47 A1465 "We're right back where we started!"
Dec 31 22:03:59 * Torrent grimaces at yet more blood and apparent pain
Dec 31 22:04:17 * Ralith takes Torrent's stick and triggers the trap again to make it safe
Dec 31 22:04:30 Torrent "Good thinking"
Dec 31 22:05:04 * Torrent probes the area for others they might've missed
Dec 31 22:05:13 Torrent (with the stick)
Dec 31 22:05:16 * Ralith nods and yanks up on it, trying to pull the chain out of the ground
Dec 31 22:05:18 * A1465 is feeling ignored.
Dec 31 22:05:23 * A1465 crosses his arms.
Dec 31 22:05:41 A627 !phone
Dec 31 22:05:41 * Lycaon shouts to get everyone's attention, "A627's phone is ringing!"
Dec 31 22:05:52 Torrent (blech)
Dec 31 22:06:18 A627 (/me hangs up the phone)
Dec 31 22:06:59 A627 (Ralith, roll for strength)
Dec 31 22:07:12 Ralith !d20+5 str
Dec 31 22:07:12 Lycaon Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 9 str
Dec 31 22:07:16 Ralith (damnit)
Dec 31 22:07:19 A1465 ( :P )
Dec 31 22:07:21 Torrent (heh)
Dec 31 22:07:28 A627 The trap isn't going anywere.
Dec 31 22:07:33 Lupin (Back because of idiots with guns.)
Dec 31 22:07:34 * Ralith heaves again
Dec 31 22:07:44 A627 (guns?!)
Dec 31 22:07:48 Ralith !d20+5 str
Dec 31 22:07:48 Lycaon Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 20 str
Dec 31 22:07:51 Ralith (whee)
Dec 31 22:08:21 A627 The chain breaks and Ralith falls back on his arse, holding a disarmed bear trap.
Dec 31 22:08:33 A1465 ( * Ralith suddenly falls butt-first... into a trap!)
Dec 31 22:08:37 Ralith >.<
Dec 31 22:08:38 A1465 ( :P )
Dec 31 22:08:41 A627 :p
Dec 31 22:08:49 Ralith (I was pulling UP, not back)
Dec 31 22:09:19 Ralith (I need to go watch a movie with family :( )
Dec 31 22:09:24 Ralith (bbl)
Dec 31 22:09:26 A627 (oh no!)
Dec 31 22:09:30 A1465 (Have fun with that...)
Dec 31 22:09:33 A627 The chain is quite rusty.
Dec 31 22:09:45 Torrent (c ya)
Dec 31 22:09:57 A627 The trap might've been set recently. A627 licks his leg.
Dec 31 22:10:05 * A627 goes into a shift into Gestalt.
Dec 31 22:10:25 Torrent "Youch that must've hurt"
Dec 31 22:10:39 A1465 "Well, ignore me if you wish, but we ought to get out of here all the same."
Dec 31 22:11:15 A1465 "I mean, whatever happened to all that talk about going somewhere Marty can't find us?"
Dec 31 22:11:43 Torrent "Indeed... I don't think we should be around here still"
Dec 31 22:11:54 * Torrent turns to A1465...
Dec 31 22:12:17 * A1465 turns to Torrent...
Dec 31 22:12:19 Torrent "How /did/ we end up back here? Ah well, we've gotta go somewhere /else/"
Dec 31 22:12:28 * A627 looks in the direction Ralith went "You see anything up there?"
Dec 31 22:12:42 A1465 "I suppose that's what we get for following instead of leading."
Dec 31 22:12:45 Torrent (and he's gone lol)
Dec 31 22:12:52 A627 (drat)
Dec 31 22:12:54 Torrent "Heh... I suppose so"
Dec 31 22:13:20 A627 "The spot we were in was on the other side of this little hill."
Dec 31 22:13:34 A627 "I'm up for doing /something/."
Dec 31 22:14:11 A627 "Oh, and that area that we passed through is another pack's territory. I think they live somewhat near the outskirts of town.
Dec 31 22:14:52 A627 (gotta love Frank: I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose what I do about it. Thus, I feel pretty rotten right about now so I am going to hit someone with a hammer.)
Dec 31 22:14:52 Torrent "At least we'd sorta blend in so far as the townfolk are concerned"
Dec 31 22:15:20 * A627 pauses the game.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 11:47 pm
by Lupin
[21:23:21] * Baphnedia has changed the topic to: Silo 17 n Progress. || Home of Silo 17 and The Unseen City. || We have two rules. Treat everything here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings, for you are crunchy and tasty with tobasco.
[21:23:48] <Baphnedia> egads!
[21:23:48] <@Akela> "n progress"?
[21:23:54] <@Ralith> allow me
[21:23:54] <Baphnedia> I'm saving keystrokes here.
[21:24:06] <Baphnedia> go for it.
[21:24:08] <@Lupin> He registered?
[21:24:19] * Lupin has changed the topic to: Silo 17 in Progress. || Home of Silo 17 and The Unseen City. || We have two rules. Treat everything here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings, for you are crunchy and tasty with tobasco.
[21:24:26] <Baphnedia> Nope
[21:24:33] * Ralith has changed the topic to: Silo 17 in progress. || Home of Silo 17 and The Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everyone here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings no matter how tasty they may be with tobasco sauce.
[21:24:42] <@Ralith> bah
[21:24:46] * Ralith loses the typing race
[21:24:53] <Baphnedia> hmm
[21:24:59] <Searif> back
[21:25:02] <Baphnedia> wb
[21:25:12] <@Lupin> Heh
[21:25:12] * You are no longer marked as being away
[21:25:30] <Baphnedia> Searif, Lupin is the usergroup moderator for members of Silo 17.
[21:25:45] <Baphnedia> If you wish to join the group (once you've played) then bug him about it.
[21:25:49] <Baphnedia> Meanwhile...
[21:25:54] <Baphnedia> Back at the Traps.
[21:25:56] <Baphnedia> .
[21:25:57] <Baphnedia> ..
[21:25:58] <Baphnedia> ...
[21:25:59] <Baphnedia> ....
[21:26:00] <Baphnedia> ....
[21:26:06] <@Ralith> (owned)
[21:26:06] * Baphnedia doesn't feel like counting to six.
[21:26:18] <Baphnedia> (or to five for that matter)
[21:26:24] <@Torrent> (back)
[21:26:39] <Baphnedia> (for those of you who are new here, out of character speaking is done in parenthesis)
[21:26:51] <@Lupin> (wb)
[21:26:59] <@Torrent> (ty)
[21:27:05] <@Ralith> (and in character is done in quotes.)
[21:27:18] <@Ralith> (description is done without anything, but only baph does that unless something weird happens)
[21:27:49] * A627 sniffs his leg, where the scars from the metal teeth of the bear trap tore flesh asunder just a few minutes ago.
[21:28:21] <A627> "Even with minor wounds, the pain just doesn't go away for the longest. Being dead must really hurt then."
[21:28:35] <A627> "Ralith, can you see anything up there?"
[21:28:38] <@Torrent> "Ughh.... I hope not to find out in the near future."
[21:28:58] <@Lupin> "Well, I try not to die. That helps a lot."
[21:29:02] * Vilkacis is now known as A1465
[21:29:07] <@Ralith> "There's a rather decimated truck that might warrent investigation, though I'd try to find if there are any other traps around first."
[21:30:01] * Torrent picks up an additional stick and offers it up to someone for testing for traps
[21:30:04] <@Torrent> "Anybody?"
[21:30:09] * Lupin takes the stick
[21:30:12] * A627 stops sniffing and stands up.
[21:30:54] <A627> With a moment of hesitation, he starts limping up the hill.
[21:31:18] * Ralith begins cautiosly decending the slope, moving quadripedally to put less weight on each paw
[21:31:33] * Lupin goes up the hill as well, using the stick to test the ground in front of him.
[21:31:54] * A1465 just stands there, with his arms still crossed.
[21:32:00] * Torrent follows them up the hill, also testing for traps, directly behind Lupin
[21:32:02] * Torrent stops
[21:32:07] * Torrent turns to A1465
[21:32:09] <Searif> (will be busy)
[21:32:12] <@Torrent> "You comin'?"
[21:32:14] <@Ralith> !d20+5 step
[21:32:14] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 24 step
[21:32:17] <@Ralith> (yay)
[21:32:21] <@Torrent> (okay we'll be here a while)
[21:32:25] <@Lupin> (Heh)
[21:32:48] <@Ralith> "Trap."
[21:32:50] * Darkmoon leans against a tree and closes her eyes
[21:32:59] * Ralith stops, waiting for Lupin to come alongside him
[21:33:15] * A1465 walks in the same general direction, but giving the trapped area wide berth.
[21:33:23] * Lupin meets up with Ralith
[21:33:27] * A1465 is still careful, regardless.
[21:33:30] <A627> At the top of the hill, you can see the remains of a burnt out pickup truck and where the branches of nearby pines caught fire.
[21:33:40] * Ralith points at the trap
[21:33:52] <@Ralith> (you mean from, not at, right?)
[21:33:55] * Torrent starts walking again, checking for traps
[21:34:09] <A627> A627 sees Ralith pointing at the ground and limps around.
[21:34:25] <Searif> (crap, I gotta go, cya guys later)
[21:34:28] <A627> (for those just reaching the top of the hill)
[21:34:30] * Darkmoon opens one eye and realizes she is alone at the bottom of the hill. She slowly starts moving up untill she is at the top.
[21:34:31] <A627> (cya Searif)
[21:34:31] <@Aki> (cya)
[21:34:33] <@Ralith> (I was pointing for your benefit, Lupin :P)
[21:34:37] <@Ralith> (you going to spring it or not?)
[21:34:37] * Lupin gets Ralith to back away, backs away a bit himself, and triggers the trap.
[21:34:37] <@Torrent> ( cya)
[21:34:42] <@Lupin> (Just wait.)
[21:34:50] <@Lupin> (I needed correct wording.)
[21:34:53] <A627> SNAP!
[21:34:56] * Ralith continues on, stepping carefully
[21:35:03] <A627> The trap clamps hard around the stick.
[21:35:05] <@Ralith> (behind Lupin)
[21:35:07] <@A1465> (later)
[21:35:09] <@Ralith> (or not)
[21:35:15] <A627> (you got to go too?)
[21:35:17] <@Ralith> (ok, I'm not moving yet :P)
[21:35:19] <@A1465> (no)
[21:35:29] <@A1465> (I was getting a drink)
[21:35:29] * Searif has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:35:31] <A627> (ahh, saying later to Searif. np)
[21:35:40] * Darkmoon stays at the top and watches the others as they walk carefully down.
[21:36:44] * Lupin breaks the branch where it was caught in the trap
[21:36:45] <A627> For those moving down the hill, you reach the little clearing that has a large, dead pickup truck.
[21:36:56] * Ralith joins the rest of the group
[21:36:57] * Lupin continues on using the remains of the stick.
[21:37:03] * A1465 stays behind with Darkmoon.
[21:37:27] * Aki stays behind too, not wanting to get bitten by angry metal traps.
[21:37:29] <A627> The grill makes it out to be a former dodge, though parts of it are melted or sooted. The tires are all burnt out, and there is still a little bit of smoke rising from somewhere inside the truck.
[21:37:39] * Torrent follows those going toward the truck
[21:37:44] * Ralith attempts to wrench a door open
[21:37:50] * Lupin sniffs for people.
[21:38:14] * Torrent tries to look inside the truck from the outside
[21:38:21] <A627> The door sticks. The paint has all burned off. The door is black, along with the remains of the inside of the vehicle.
[21:38:35] <@Torrent> "Hmmph..."
[21:38:50] * Ralith heaves
[21:39:04] <A627> Inside the truck, there are springs of seats, and there is a single skeleton in the back. The skeleton looks at you with eyes as alive and present as the missing windows of the truck.
[21:39:15] * Lupin grimaces
[21:39:28] <@Lupin> "Bleah, cooked meat."
[21:39:33] <@Torrent> (wouldn't the eyes burn like the rest of the body?)
[21:39:36] <@Torrent> ( :P )
[21:39:40] <@A1465> (eyes kind of... melt)
[21:39:41] * Ralith surveys the cabin breifly, then climbs out again
[21:39:42] <@Ralith> (they did.)
[21:39:47] <A627> With a loud creaking motion, the door opens crookedly. Part of the hinges are melted or bent somehow.
[21:40:07] <@Torrent> "I doubt anything of use will be in here..."
[21:40:21] * Torrent peers in and specs out the inside better
[21:40:25] <A627> There is little to nothing in the cabin of the truck it would seem.
[21:40:32] <@Ralith> "Nothing."
[21:40:38] <@Torrent> "Nope."
[21:40:38] <@Lupin> "Nope."
[21:40:44] <@Ralith> "Ah well, at least they won't be trapping anything else."
[21:40:45] <A627> The dash is melted completely, the firewall from the engine is the front of the cab.
[21:40:59] * A1465 says to Darkmoon, "I don't think we got the right guys."
[21:41:11] <A627> The remains of the seats are half melted springs.
[21:41:22] <@Ralith> "Well, someone obviously set these traps."
[21:41:38] * Lupin goes around to the side of the truck and looks in the bed.
[21:41:39] <@A1465> "I mean, why would they drive a truck over their own traps? That doesn't make any sense."
[21:41:41] * Ralith climbs in the back, looking for the remains of more
[21:41:42] <@Darkmoon> "I was worried about that..."
[21:41:42] * Torrent looks back over to the other group and signals there is nothing of use
[21:41:45] <A627> The bed of the truck is empty. The fragments of bodies behind the truck tell a different tune.
[21:41:49] <@Lupin> "Remember, we moved them"
[21:41:50] <@Ralith> "We moved the trap, remember?"
[21:42:05] <A627> The truck was not backed up over any traps.
[21:42:16] <@Ralith> "Wait a moment."
[21:42:20] <@Ralith> "Where did we move the trap to?"
[21:42:24] <@Torrent> "What?"
[21:42:29] <@Torrent> "Uhhhh..."
[21:42:31] <@A1465> "We didn't really move them."
[21:42:31] <@Lupin> "Just a couple of feet over."
[21:42:34] * Ralith tries to work out the center of the explosion
[21:42:44] <@Torrent> "What is it Ralith?"
[21:42:54] <@Ralith> (did I misunderstand baph?)
[21:42:57] <A627> (roll explosives Ralith)
[21:43:06] <@Ralith> !d20+5 explosives
[21:43:06] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 16 explosives
[21:43:10] <@Lupin> (Oh no! Not explosives1)
[21:43:22] <A627> Shrubberies behind the truck and the tree that was there are blown to hell.
[21:43:38] <A627> That is also where there are body parts, mostly just bone and blood.
[21:43:55] <A627> The back of the truck might've been splashed with it before it's gastank ruptured.
[21:43:55] <@Torrent> "This scene ain't pretty..."
[21:44:16] <@Torrent> "So you thinking this was an accident or what?"
[21:44:21] <A627> There is a tootheles set of jaws sunk well into the ground.
[21:44:22] <@Lupin> "I'm not sure."
[21:44:28] <@Ralith> (ok, now I'm lost.)
[21:44:33] <@Torrent> "Me neither."
[21:44:35] <@Lupin> (Me too.)
[21:44:37] <A627> Near the base of the tree.
[21:44:42] * A627 ahems.
[21:44:42] <@A1465> (Sounds like the man got caught in his own trap,)
[21:44:51] <@A1465> (which exploded, setting the nearby truck on fire)
[21:44:52] * Lupin looks at A627 "What?"
[21:45:03] <A627> Ahh, A1465 has it.
[21:45:14] <@Ralith> (ah.)
[21:45:17] <@Lupin> (Ahhh.)
[21:45:50] <A627> There is a toolbox and fresh traps in the back of the truck, plus a couple of cans, that look like paint cans. Except, that they've bursted and are burnt horribly.
[21:46:04] <@Lupin> "Yep, these were the guys."
[21:46:09] <@Ralith> "Well, we acheived our objective here."
[21:46:13] <@A1465> "Well, that's a relief, at least."
[21:46:20] <@Ralith> "So now what?"
[21:46:27] * Torrent looks ill
[21:46:27] <@A1465> "Let's get out of here, of course."
[21:46:33] * Torrent keels over and vomits
[21:46:37] <@Ralith> "Alright, where to?"
[21:46:46] * Ralith gives Torrent a surprised look.
[21:46:49] <@A1465> "Anywhere but here and populated areas."
[21:46:57] <A627> "Blech."
[21:47:10] * Ralith turns to Lupin.
[21:47:11] <@A1465> "Preferably south."
[21:47:16] * Lupin looks at Torrent "You took down a deer, and you're vomiting at this?"
[21:47:17] <@Ralith> "Why south?"
[21:47:25] <@A1465> "Closer to the U.S."
[21:47:29] * Torrent stands up
[21:47:32] <@A1465> "Gives us more options."
[21:47:43] <@Torrent> "I dunno, I just... I don't feel right
[21:47:44] <@Torrent> "
[21:47:47] <@Ralith> "Well, we shouldn't go too far if we plan on getting picked up by our scheduled ride."
[21:47:55] <@Torrent> "We did the deer for food."
[21:48:07] <@Lupin> "20 miles or so out should be enough."
[21:48:13] * A627 leans against a nearby tree and lifst up a leg, to paw at it a little with his claws. After a moment, he holds a small peice of bone that appeared to have gotten stuck between his pads.
[21:48:25] <@Ralith> "And who knows what these people were planning on using what they caught for."
[21:48:48] <@Torrent> "I just... I dunno..."
[21:48:51] <@Lupin> "That's half a day of running as a wolf, so we won't be too far from the pickup point."
[21:49:06] <A627> (roll a d8 direction plus bonus, Lupin)
[21:49:12] * Torrent spits out the rest of vomit from his muzzle
[21:49:17] <@Ralith> (eww.)
[21:49:24] <@Lupin> !d8+7 direction
[21:49:24] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d8 + 7 for a total of 9 direction
[21:49:26] * Darkmoon looks sideways at A1465 wondering what is going on down there
[21:49:30] <@Ralith> (hehe)
[21:49:32] <@Lupin> (JEEZ, that's low)
[21:49:43] <@A1465> (heh)
[21:49:44] <@Torrent> (lol)
[21:49:45] <@Ralith> (2/8 isn't so bad)
[21:49:58] <@Torrent> (yes it is)
[21:50:11] <@Lupin> (25%)
[21:50:19] -A627- South is further away from the lake, or in this case, following the mountainside up. The 'hill' aforementioned was just a draw/spur from the mountain. 20 miles will put you on the other side of this mountain somewhere.
[21:50:20] <@Ralith> (hey, I got 1/384 :P)
[21:50:24] <@Torrent> (rofl)
[21:50:25] <@A1465> (haha)
[21:50:40] <@Lupin> (Did you see my 7/384 the other day?)
[21:50:51] <@A1465> (Didn't Baph get a 6?)
[21:50:52] <@Ralith> (don't think so)
[21:50:54] <A627> I'll be modfying direction rolls, so that they're easier to interperet.
[21:51:05] <A627> (I had a 10, though I think I might've rolled a 6)
[21:51:35] <A627> (ack that was ooc)
[21:51:36] <@Lupin> "If we go south, we'll have to cross the mountain."
[21:51:46] <@Lupin> "Though that shouldn't be so bad with the fur coat."
[21:51:49] * A627 looks at Lupin
[21:52:11] <A627> "The helicopter should be coming from the South anyway."
[21:52:27] <@Ralith> "Can we get their attention if they fly over?"
[21:52:29] <@Darkmoon> (Darkmoon's family has decided that they want another familymovienight)
[21:52:34] <@Ralith> (damnit)
[21:52:40] <A627> (dang)
[21:52:42] <@A1465> "Could we tell it's them, if they fly over?"
[21:53:04] <A627> Only by the helicopter type. Which happens to be the same kind of heli Marty used.
[21:53:26] <@Lupin> "No identifying numbers or anything?"
[21:53:29] <@Ralith> "So either we abandon our retrieval or we stay around here/"
[21:53:35] <@Ralith> (.)
[21:53:49] <@A1465> "We come back."
[21:53:58] <@Ralith> "That works."
[21:54:00] * Darkmoon sighs and moves slowly down the hill, following the other's tracks. She joins the group.
[21:54:03] * A627 looks unsure.
[21:54:31] <@Ralith> "Of course, we're in trouble if they come back early for some reason."
[21:54:36] * A627 's stomach rumbles.
[21:54:39] <@Lupin> "Of course."
[21:54:46] <@Lupin> "But why would they do that?"
[21:54:53] <@A1465> "We could leave one of us here."
[21:54:59] * Torrent greets Darkmoon and explains nothing of use is in the truck
[21:56:03] <@Ralith> "Well, I suppose we might as well get going."
[21:56:06] <@A1465> "If one of us stays here, they can tell the retrieval unit where to find us, or to wait."
[21:56:23] * Akela has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[21:56:23] * A627 looks up. "I'll stay."
[21:56:34] <A627> (did Akela say anything at all in this game?)
[21:56:34] <@Ralith> "Alright. Good luck."
[21:56:39] <@Ralith> (don't htink so)
[21:56:41] <@A1465> (I don't think so)
[21:56:50] <@Lupin> (No.)
[21:56:54] <A627> (thought so)
[21:56:55] <@Torrent> "You know it could be dangerous waiting alone. Good luck."
[21:57:02] <@Lupin> "Fine with me. Good luck."
[21:57:04] <@Ralith> "Be careful."
[21:57:11] <@Aki> "Good luck."
[21:57:24] * A627 looks back, "I'll return to the original spot."
[21:57:27] <@A1465> "We should agree on something so that we can identify the helicopter if it comes for us."
[21:57:46] <@Torrent> "Yeah"
[21:57:58] <A627> :You'll be on the other side of this mountain?"
[21:58:01] <@Ralith> "Maybe drop a flare?"
[21:58:27] <A627> "I can have them do that. Have them do the same for me, if they pick you up first.
[21:58:40] <@Lupin> "Will do."
[21:58:45] <@A1465> "Okay, let's get going, then."
[21:58:47] * Darkmoon pulls off her backpack to see if there are any flares inside
[21:58:51] <A627> "Good luck."
[21:59:02] <@Torrent> "Be safe."
[21:59:13] * A627 nods.
[21:59:29] * Lupin shifts to wolf, nods, and starts heading south.
[21:59:32] * A627 starts limping west.
[21:59:35] * A1465 takes the time to shift into wolf form.
[21:59:47] * A1465 shakes his fur, and then takes off.
[21:59:52] <@Ralith> (the heli will have some.)
[21:59:53] * Torrent also shifts to wolf form
[21:59:58] * Aki shifts to Wolf form and follows after Lupin and A1465
[21:59:59] <@Ralith> (standard aircraft equipment)
[22:00:03] * Ralith does the same
[22:00:08] * Torrent joins the group moving out
[22:00:18] <@A1465> !d20+5.5 run
[22:00:18] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 19.5 run
[22:00:18] <@A1465> :P
[22:00:27] <@Ralith> !d20+5 run
[22:00:28] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 11 run
[22:00:33] <@Ralith> (dang.)
[22:00:36] <@Lupin> !d20+7 run
[22:00:36] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 24 run
[22:00:45] <@Aki> !d20+5 Run
[22:00:45] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 17 Run
[22:00:45] * Ralith slides into a smooth lope
[22:00:49] * A1465 doesn't quite catch up to Lupin.
[22:01:00] * A1465 looks behind him as Aki gets closer.
[22:01:03] * Ralith notices that he's behind everyone and speeds up
[22:01:06] <@Ralith> !d20+5 run
[22:01:06] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 24 run
[22:01:11] * Ralith comes abreast Lupin
[22:01:13] <@A1465> !d20+5.5
[22:01:13] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 22.5.
[22:01:22] <@Lupin> !d20+7 run
[22:01:22] <@Aki> !d20+5 Run
[22:01:22] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 13 Run
[22:01:23] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 10 run
[22:01:27] * Aki slows down... :/
[22:01:30] <@Ralith> (dinner time)
[22:01:34] * A1465 gets closer to Lupin, but watches as Ralith passes him by.
[22:01:34] * Darkmoon snorts and sighs, she finds no flares inside her bag. She quickly focuses on her wolf form, shifts, grabs the bag in her mouth and follows slowly behind, dragging the bag.
[22:01:35] <@Ralith> (mm, duck! :D )
[22:01:37] <A627> (cya soon Ralith)
[22:01:38] * Lupin gets passed by Ralith
[22:01:42] <@A1465> (haha)
[22:01:46] <A627> (MEAT!)
[22:01:50] <@Lupin> (Yay meat!)
[22:02:00] <@Aki> (lol)
[22:02:17] <@Lupin> !d20+7 run
[22:02:18] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 20 run
[22:02:19] <A627> One mile has gone by.
[22:02:20] <@Darkmoon> (mmmm fooood)
[22:02:46] <@Torrent> (back)
[22:02:46] <A627> The forest thickens further from the lake. The trees are a little squatter.
[22:02:48] <A627> (wb)
[22:02:53] <A627> !d20 walk
[22:02:53] <Lycaon> A627 rolled d20 for a total of 14 walk
[22:02:54] <@Torrent> (ty)
[22:02:56] <@Lupin> (wb)
[22:03:05] * A1465 breaths in the air deeply.
[22:03:14] <@Lupin> (brb)
[22:03:16] * Darkmoon speeds up untill she rejoins the group.
[22:03:18] <Baphnedia> The cool mountain air is refreshing.
[22:03:28] * Torrent catches up as well)
[22:03:35] <Baphnedia> (roll hold onto backpack Darkmoon)
[22:04:09] <@Darkmoon> !d20 + 4 hold onto backpack
[22:04:09] <Lycaon> Darkmoon rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 24 hold onto backpack
[22:04:15] <Baphnedia> (nice!)
[22:04:16] <@Darkmoon> (woot!)
[22:04:25] <@Lupin> (Wow)
[22:04:49] <@Torrent> (nice)
[22:05:10] <Baphnedia> A second mile is run down. Only eighteen to go.
[22:06:16] <Baphnedia> There is the occasional sound of birds getting the heck out of the way.
[22:06:22] <Baphnedia> !% something random
[22:06:22] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled 64%: something random
[22:06:29] * Darkmoon runs as fast as she can, bouncing happily along
[22:06:30] <Baphnedia> !% something else random
[22:06:30] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled 77%: something else random
[22:06:50] * Lupin slows down a bit, to let the others catch up.
[22:07:35] <Baphnedia> Slowing down, you begin to feel the forest floor beneath your feet. It was almost akin to running on carpet (minus the burns).
[22:07:54] * Torrent looks at the ground briefly
[22:08:13] <Baphnedia> A breeze cuts up from the south in the afternoon, though the clouds are still hanging ominously overhead.
[22:08:26] <Baphnedia> The ground looks back at Torrent
[22:08:29] <Baphnedia> ( :) )
[22:08:46] <@Aki> ( *blinds the ground* )
[22:08:48] <@Lupin> o0("Headwind bleh")
[22:08:52] <@Torrent> (lol)
[22:08:55] <Baphnedia> (lol)
[22:09:15] <@Aki> ("I stepped in the ground's eye? Ooops...")
[22:09:16] <Baphnedia> The ground is blinded by Aki and stops looking briefly at anyone.
[22:09:27] <Baphnedia> (Aki just needs a suntan)
[22:09:37] <Baphnedia> !% Something random
[22:09:37] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled 42%: Something random
[22:09:49] <Baphnedia> !%
[22:09:49] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled 16%.
[22:10:10] <Baphnedia> Another mile is down. You're still running uphill among squatter and fatter pine trees.
[22:10:17] <Baphnedia> Perhaps if they went on a diet...
[22:10:32] <@Torrent> (uh oh Baph is getting silly)
[22:10:37] <Baphnedia> The ground up here is firmer, the headwind is still there. It is getting a hair or two colder.
[22:11:01] <Baphnedia> (rofl - I'll keep it down a little)
[22:11:27] <@Aki> (hehe)
[22:11:35] <Baphnedia> Lupin, roll navigation
[22:11:43] <@Darkmoon> (hmmm i g2g soon...)
[22:11:45] <@Lupin> (8 plus bonus?)
[22:11:53] <Baphnedia> (d20 plus bonus)
[22:11:59] <Baphnedia> (this time)
[22:12:00] <@Lupin> !d20+7
[22:12:00] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 24.
[22:12:04] <Baphnedia> Nice...
[22:12:07] <@Torrent> (wow)
[22:12:30] <@Lupin> (yay!)
[22:12:38] -Baphnedia- You have a good concept of an odometer in your brain. Where you think you've finished a mile is probably close to an actual mile.
[22:12:43] <Baphnedia> (/notice sent)
[22:13:01] <Baphnedia> On the way up, you notice that the clouds lose a little definition.
[22:13:15] <Baphnedia> Mile three is done. Only sixteen more to go.
[22:13:21] <Baphnedia> !d20
[22:13:21] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 for a total of 16.
[22:13:32] <Baphnedia> !d20
[22:13:32] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 for a total of 6.
[22:13:35] <Baphnedia> !d20
[22:13:35] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 for a total of 13.
[22:13:44] * Baphnedia hmms
[22:13:52] <Baphnedia> The trees are spread thinner up here.
[22:14:01] <Baphnedia> There isn't so much as a canopy here as there was before.
[22:14:08] <@Lupin> (I guess the diet works!)
[22:14:23] <Baphnedia> (haha)
[22:14:59] <Baphnedia> The group has caught up to Lupin, and a small white speck lands on your nose, then disappears.
[22:15:19] <Baphnedia> !d20
[22:15:19] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 for a total of 17.
[22:15:24] * Lupin licks his nose with his toungue.
[22:15:38] <@Lupin> (or...)
[22:15:44] <@Lupin> !licks his nose with his toungue
[22:15:51] <Baphnedia> Your nose tastes the same as it always does, though it had a speck of wet on it.
[22:16:00] <@Lupin> !lick his nose with his toungue
[22:16:00] <Lycaon> * Lupin licks his nose with his toungue
[22:16:02] * Darkmoon snorts at the cold snowflake and looks up at the sky.
[22:16:04] <Baphnedia> hehe
[22:16:17] <Baphnedia> More white specks are falling.
[22:16:21] * Torrent sticks his tongue out, catching snowflakes
[22:16:30] <@A1465> (haha)
[22:16:38] <@A1465> (That's a funny picture :P)
[22:16:45] <@Torrent> ( ;) )
[22:16:54] <Baphnedia> (while running... we should have someone draw that... :) )
[22:17:11] <@Darkmoon> (draw what?)
[22:17:30] <Baphnedia> (torrent is running with his tongue out, catching snowflakes.
[22:17:31] <@Lupin> (A bunch of wolves running, with one sticking his tongue out, catching snowflakes)
[22:17:34] <Baphnedia> hehe
[22:17:40] * Darkmoon gives a wolfish grin and bounces with delight, she loves the snow.
[22:18:06] * Torrent stops acting so silly and rejoins the group
[22:18:06] <Baphnedia> the snowflakes start coming down a little bit harder, the clouds themselves seem to lowerthemselves over the peak of the mountain.
[22:18:19] <Baphnedia> Though, the top of the mountain is miles ahead, yet.
[22:18:20] * Lupin shakes slightly, removiving the snow collecting on his coat
[22:18:43] <@Lupin> (removing*)
[22:19:04] <Baphnedia> (torrent and darkmoon, roll run)
[22:19:34] <@Darkmoon> !d20 + 4 run
[22:19:34] <Lycaon> Darkmoon rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 6 run
[22:19:36] <@Torrent> !d20+4 run
[22:19:36] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 23 run
[22:19:39] <@Darkmoon> (hahaha)
[22:19:45] <@Lupin> (Wow)
[22:19:47] <@Torrent> ( O_o )
[22:19:49] <@A1465> (Ooo)
[22:19:55] <@Lupin> (On both of those)
[22:20:29] <Baphnedia> Darkmoon is visibly starting to tire. Perhaps it's the backpack.
[22:20:54] <Baphnedia> Torrent is keeping up with the pack just fine.
[22:20:55] <@Aki> !d20+5 Run
[22:20:55] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 22 Run
[22:20:57] * Lupin notices Darkmoon lagging behind, and slows a bit.
[22:21:08] * A1465 falls back and offers to help carry the backpack.
[22:21:27] <@A1465> In a wolfy kind of way.
[22:21:38] * Baphnedia would love to see this.
[22:21:55] * A1465 nudges the backpack with his nose.
[22:22:13] * Darkmoon is panting slightly. She looks over at A1465 and drops the bag.
[22:22:24] * Lupin shakes again, removing a bunch of tiny white dots from his black coat.
[22:22:41] * A1465 takes hold of it, getting a feel for it.
[22:22:41] <Baphnedia> A1465, roll hold bag. More white dots continue to fall upon everyone.
[22:22:53] <@A1465> !d20+5.5 hold bag.
[22:22:53] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 12.5 hold bag.
[22:22:54] <Baphnedia> The weight in the bag is somewhat uneven.
[22:23:06] <Baphnedia> What with an RPG sticking out of it.... one had best be careful.
[22:23:21] <@Lupin> (Hole puncher punch-outs!)
[22:23:23] <@A1465> (It is always best to be careful, when carrying the world.)
[22:23:33] <@Darkmoon> (g2g ya'll! later...)
[22:23:37] <@A1465> (later)
[22:23:41] <@Lupin> (See ya later!)
[22:23:41] <Baphnedia> (later Darkmoon)
[22:23:46] <@Torrent> (bye)
[22:23:51] <@Darkmoon> ( :D )
[22:23:54] * Darkmoon has quit (Quit: Chatzilla [Firefox 1.0.6/20050716])
[22:23:58] * A1465 runs along, but somewhat slower than before.
[22:24:25] * Torrent slows to match the pace of A1465
[22:24:40] <Baphnedia> Snow is starting to collect a little bit on the ground. It's gonna be White Mountain pretty soon.
[22:25:36] <Baphnedia> Mile five is done, fifteen left to go, or thereabouts.
[22:26:02] <Baphnedia> The headwind and the snow falling cause the flakes to fly into your face while loping.
[22:26:34] <Baphnedia> (A1465, Torrent and Ralith, roll run)
[22:26:41] <@A1465> !d20+5.5 run
[22:26:41] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 9.5 run
[22:26:45] <@A1465> (T_T)
[22:27:21] <@Torrent> !d20+4 run
[22:27:21] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 23 run
[22:27:24] * A1465 is slowing down noticeably.
[22:27:29] <@Torrent> (again lol)
[22:27:38] <@Lupin> (Ralith is away, IIRC)
[22:27:48] <@Aki> !d20+5 Run
[22:27:48] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 7 Run
[22:27:51] <Baphnedia> !d20 Run Ralith
[22:27:51] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 for a total of 9 Run Ralith
[22:27:58] <@A1465> (haha)
[22:28:00] * Torrent looks back at A1465, concerned at his pace
[22:28:06] <@Torrent> (hahaha)
[22:28:09] * Aki slows down and falls to last place
[22:28:24] <Baphnedia> Ralith slows down visibly, as he's getting tired too.
[22:28:45] <Baphnedia> Five miles of running up hill will do that to anything.
[22:28:55] * Lupin noticing everyone getting tired, and slows to match their pace.
[22:29:05] * Torrent matches pace
[22:29:41] <Baphnedia> The snow is now perhaps a light coat of white on the ground. It makes for a cool sensation under your pads as you slowly run.
[22:29:50] * A1465 glares at Torrent.
[22:30:25] * Torrent goes over to A1465
[22:30:28] <Baphnedia> The snowflakes get bigger and bulkier. It seems as if the snowfall is increasing.
[22:30:37] * A1465 tosses the backpack at Torrent.
[22:30:43] <@A1465> *Wuff*
[22:30:50] <@Ralith> (back)
[22:30:50] <Baphnedia> (woah! with an RPG inside ?!)
[22:30:51] <Baphnedia> !Boom
[22:30:51] * Torrent picks up the pack
[22:30:51] <Lycaon> * Baphnedia blows up horrendously! BOOM!
[22:30:51] <@Ralith> (reading up)
[22:31:00] <@Lupin> (wb)
[22:31:04] <Baphnedia> (wb)
[22:31:08] <@Torrent> (game over???)
[22:31:14] <Baphnedia> (hold on a sec)
[22:31:16] <@Lupin> (Living in the forest as you do, you're still pretty out of shape :P)
[22:31:26] <Baphnedia> !d20-10 Backpack Go Boom
[22:31:26] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 - 10 for a total of 10 Backpack Go Boom
[22:31:35] <@A1465> (o_O)
[22:31:37] <Baphnedia> :/
[22:31:41] <@Torrent> (uh oh)
[22:31:49] <Baphnedia> It rolled max... (20-10=10)
[22:31:57] <@Torrent> ( :( )
[22:32:06] <@Lupin> (Uh-oh!)
[22:32:17] <Baphnedia> The RPG lands head first and strikes a root.
[22:32:28] * Torrent ducks
[22:32:33] * Aki dives
[22:32:36] <Baphnedia> The backpack, luckily, doesn't go Boom.
[22:32:46] <Baphnedia> It just sits there, looking innocent.
[22:32:50] <@A1465> *Wuff*
[22:32:50] * Torrent looks at the backpack
[22:33:02] * Torrent goes over and picks it up to carry it
[22:33:05] * A1465 starts running agani.
[22:33:07] <@Torrent> !d20+4 hearing
[22:33:07] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 21 hearing
[22:33:08] <@A1465> again*
[22:33:36] <Baphnedia> .....
[22:33:40] * Torrent puts down the pack and start barking
[22:33:40] <Baphnedia> ....
[22:33:43] <Baphnedia> ...
[22:33:46] * A1465 keeps running
[22:33:46] <Baphnedia> ..
[22:33:47] * Torrent runs away from it
[22:33:51] <Baphnedia> .
[22:33:55] * Torrent barks loudly
[22:33:58] <Baphnedia> !Boom Backpack
[22:33:58] <Lycaon> * Backpack blows up horrendously! BOOM!
[22:34:26] * A1465 ducks.
[22:34:29] <Baphnedia> (roll duck/luck/dodge or something, everybody. Torrent and A1465 get an extra +5)
[22:34:38] <@A1465> !d20+10.5
[22:34:38] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 10.5 for a total of 20.5.
[22:34:44] <@A1465> ( :/ )
[22:34:49] <@Torrent> !d20+4.5
[22:34:49] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 4.5 for a total of 24.5.
[22:34:59] <@Torrent> (whoa)
[22:35:05] <Baphnedia> (that should be a 29 Torrent... good roll)
[22:35:14] <@Torrent> (oh, 5, not .5?)
[22:35:18] <@Lupin> !d20+7 duck
[22:35:18] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 24 duck
[22:35:20] <@Torrent> (O_o)
[22:35:28] <Baphnedia> (+5 Torrent don't reroll)
[22:35:30] <@Ralith> !d20+5 duck
[22:35:30] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 16 duck
[22:35:33] <@Ralith> (whew)
[22:35:41] <@Ralith> (there goes all our supplies :( )
[22:35:47] <Baphnedia> !d20+10 Shrapnel
[22:35:47] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 10 for a total of 18 Shrapnel
[22:35:47] <@Aki> !d20duck
[22:35:53] <@Aki> !d20 duck
[22:35:54] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 for a total of 17 duck
[22:35:55] <@Lupin> (Not that we need most of them anyway.)
[22:36:03] <@Aki> (Er. woops.)
[22:36:11] <@A1465> (Well, in my defense, I thought he was referring to a different type of RPG :P )
[22:36:13] <@Aki> !d20 + 5 duck
[22:36:13] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 20 duck
[22:36:15] * Torrent shows his frustration in a loud "woof"
[22:36:29] <@Lupin> (500th post and I got to use jpeg.jpg)
[22:36:36] <@Lupin> (er... 5000th)
[22:36:48] * Ralith suddenly slows, limping visibly and whimpering a little
[22:36:51] * A1465 pulled a Ralith :P
[22:36:57] <@Ralith> (hehe)
[22:37:07] <Baphnedia> (egads)
[22:37:14] * Ralith looks around, checking on all the others
[22:37:33] * A1465 looks behind him.
[22:37:33] <Baphnedia> Everyone's hearing is shot from the closeness. Your eaers are ringing.
[22:37:44] <Baphnedia> A1465, it isn't as bad as it was when you were shot in the ear.
[22:37:51] * Lupin shakes his head a couple of times
[22:38:02] * Torrent looks around at the others
[22:38:11] * Ralith 's ears are flattened against his skull
[22:38:20] * A1465 is laughing, for some reason.
[22:38:22] <Baphnedia> A1465 leg and Ralith's side are bleeding, Ralith bleeding worse than A1465.
[22:38:28] <@A1465> (silently, of course)
[22:38:46] * Ralith stops and bends around, licking his wound and trying to assess damage.
[22:38:46] <Baphnedia> Something caught Ralith in the ribs.
[22:38:58] * Torrent looks concerned at Ralith
[22:39:07] * Torrent walks over to Ralith
[22:39:09] <Baphnedia> Whatever it is, it buried itself between two ribs, and it hurts a lot.
[22:39:20] * Torrent examines the wound
[22:39:25] * Ralith grimaces
[22:39:27] * Lupin walks over to Ralith and Torrent
[22:39:28] * Aki flattens his ears against his skull, whining.
[22:39:44] * A1465 keeps his distance.
[22:39:51] <Baphnedia> The wound is serious.
[22:40:03] <Baphnedia> Something slipped between Ralith's ribs.
[22:40:08] * Torrent looks at Ralith in the eyes
[22:40:08] * Ralith is breathing a bit unevenly, whimpering, and looking quite pained.
[22:40:08] <Baphnedia> (roll medical, Torrent)
[22:40:17] <@Torrent> !d20+4 medical
[22:40:17] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 16 medical
[22:40:23] <Baphnedia> (gj)
[22:40:35] * Torrent shifts to gesalt
[22:41:13] * A1465 shifts to hybrid form as well.
[22:41:15] <@Torrent> "Stay put Ralith. Stay put."
[22:41:31] * A1465 sits on the ground and watches.
[22:41:42] <@Torrent> "You probably have shards of metal in you."
[22:41:43] * Ralith nods weakly and lies down, settling his undamaged side carefully upon the ground.
[22:41:48] <Baphnedia> A1465, your leg is fine now, so now two of your legs hurt from recent injuries.
[22:41:52] A1465 Aki
[22:41:56] * Lupin sits down and watches Torrent and Ralith
[22:42:06] <@A1465> (One Leg, one right arm, right?)
[22:42:23] <Baphnedia> (I think so... I'm not keeping track except 2/4)
[22:42:25] <@Lupin> (Yeah, it was his arm.)
[22:42:32] <@Torrent> "If there's pieces of metal in you, shifting might be a very bad thing..."
[22:42:34] <@Lupin> (I was going to mention that, but forgot.)
[22:42:41] * Ralith 's breathing evens out, though remaining a bit shallow, as he manages to calm himself down a bit.
[22:43:04] <@Torrent> "That's it... relax..."
[22:43:15] <Baphnedia> Blood oozes from the wound, coloring Ralith's fur even further, and stains the snow below him red in a small patch.
[22:43:31] <@Torrent> "And we have no supplies!"
[22:43:38] * Torrent yells, annoyed
[22:43:40] <@Lupin> (log post)

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 12:40 am
by Lupin
[22:43:45] <@Ralith> (damnit, we need darkmoon!)
[22:43:54] * Torrent tries to think
[22:43:59] <@Ralith> (baph, can you play her or something?)
[22:44:04] <@Lupin> (The medical supplies were in the bag.)
[22:44:09] * A1465 still finds this funny, in a hysterical non-sensical sort of way.
[22:44:12] <Baphnedia> (I'll roll for her, but there's not much she can do)
[22:44:38] * Aki has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[22:44:38] * Ralith glares breifly at A1465, but can't maintain it and lets his focus slip back into the middle distance
[22:45:01] <@Torrent> "It looks like you might have some internal bleeding, so you'll need attention soon. The most important thing is to stay awake!"
[22:45:05] <Baphnedia> Darkmoon takes a look at the wound (after shifting)
[22:45:19] <Baphnedia> !d20+4 Medical
[22:45:19] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 12 Medical
[22:45:25] * Ralith nods weakly again
[22:45:29] <@Torrent> "Do not let yourself sleep. You need to stay conscious."
[22:45:38] * Aki (Aki@* has joined #paradice
[22:45:41] <Baphnedia> (wb)
[22:45:43] <@Ralith> (wb)
[22:45:46] <@Torrent> (wb)
[22:46:08] <Baphnedia> Darkmoon agrees with Torrent.
[22:46:17] * Ralith examines some trees a fair distance away, trying to move his focus away from the pain
[22:46:19] <@Lupin> (wb)
[22:46:46] <Baphnedia> Darkmoon says quietly "Hold still, this is going to hurt."
[22:46:52] <Baphnedia> (she's a realist)_
[22:47:01] <@Torrent> "Can you feel your legs okay, Ralith? A yelp for yes will do."
[22:47:11] <Baphnedia> Darkmoon reaches in with deft fingers, and attempts to find the metal.
[22:47:59] <@A1465> (Well, he's gonna' yelp whether he means yes or not :P)
[22:48:08] <@Torrent> (lol)
[22:48:13] * Ralith yelps sharply, half in pain as Darkmoon comes into contact with shredded flesh and half in affirmation
[22:48:23] * Ralith does it again to be sure the point got across
[22:48:29] <@Torrent> "Good"
[22:48:37] <@Torrent> "So your spine is okay then
[22:48:38] <@Torrent> "
[22:48:58] * Ralith whimpers as Darkmoon feels around
[22:49:02] <Baphnedia> Very slowly, Darkmoon moves her fingers around inside the wound.
[22:49:09] <Baphnedia> A look of satisfaction crosses her face.
[22:49:11] * Torrent joins Darkmoon in trying to crudely remove as much shrapnel as possible
[22:49:25] * Torrent hold pressure around the wound
[22:49:58] <Baphnedia> Darkmoon asks Torrent to wait on the pressure until she's removed the metal. She has it caught between two claws.
[22:50:05] * Aki watches, still in wolf-form and knowing he couldn't help even if he was in gestalt.
[22:51:03] <Baphnedia> Darkmoon begins to slowly pull her paw out. Two of her claws are clutching something.
[22:51:30] * Ralith yelps again, trailing off into a pained whimper
[22:51:33] * Torrent assists Darkmoon
[22:51:59] <@Torrent> "Stay with me, Ralith"
[22:52:03] <Baphnedia> A peice of the RPG, several inches across, with jagged edges, is pulled from out of Raltih's side.
[22:52:11] <Baphnedia> "Pressure. Now."
[22:52:19] * Torrent applies pressure
[22:52:52] <Baphnedia> Darkmoon examines the metal, coated in bright red blood, steaming in the evening snow.
[22:53:05] * Torrent looks in awe
[22:53:09] <Baphnedia> She sets it aside. "Shift, Ralith. Into something."
[22:53:13] <@Torrent> "That's a big piece"
[22:53:25] <Baphnedia> "I can't do anything for arterial internal bleeding."
[22:54:01] * Ralith grunts and tries to force himself into gestalt
[22:54:06] <@Ralith> !d20+5 shift
[22:54:06] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 16 shift
[22:54:14] <Baphnedia> Darkmoon encourages Ralith.
[22:54:35] * Lupin looks on
[22:54:41] <@Torrent> "You can do this. Concentrate!"
[22:55:15] * Ralith grimaces and starts to slowly reshape himself, look growing yet more pained.
[22:55:34] <Baphnedia> Ralith's paws seperate into defined digits, as his body elongates. The wound closes, stopping the flow of blood onto red snow.
[22:56:00] * Lupin gives channel operator status to Aki
[22:56:05] <Baphnedia> The knees reshape themselves (going from rear bending to forward bending)
[22:56:15] <@Lupin> (They'd be the same.)
[22:56:19] <@A1465> (Argh!)
[22:56:24] <Baphnedia> (??)
[22:56:28] <@A1465> (They stay the same.)
[22:56:39] <@A1465> (The heel goes up in the air,)
[22:56:40] <@Lupin> (Only the proportions change.)
[22:56:40] <Baphnedia> (Humans and wolves' knees go in opposite directions)
[22:56:49] <@Lupin> (No they don't.)
[22:56:55] <@A1465> (Only because you're calling the wrong thing the knee)
[22:56:56] <@Lupin> (THat's actually the ankle)
[22:57:01] <@Torrent> (yup)
[22:57:05] <Baphnedia> (ack. I learned something new)
[22:57:12] <Baphnedia> (I retract that statement)
[22:57:14] <@A1465> (Too much Animorphs for you :P)
[22:57:14] <Baphnedia> (hehe)
[22:57:19] <Baphnedia> (hehe)
[22:57:28] <@Lupin> (haha)
[22:57:55] <@Torrent> ( :P )
[22:57:57] <@Ralith> (I can't believe you got that wrong :P)
[22:58:31] <@Lupin> (Plus, he's going into gestalt, that's still digitigrade)
[22:58:32] <Baphnedia> (hehe)
[22:58:53] * Ralith finally stabilizes his form in gestalt, still whimpering, a look of exhaustion joining that of great pain on his face.
[22:59:31] <Baphnedia> There is a distinct spot of blood red snow.
[22:59:37] * Baphnedia stops playing Darkmoon.
[22:59:38] * Torrent pats Ralith on the shoulder lightly
[22:59:42] * Ralith just grimaces
[22:59:43] <@Torrent> "Good job"
[22:59:55] * Lupin sits and thinks.
[23:00:17] * Ralith forces a few words out. "Can I... rest... now?"
[23:00:29] * Lupin nods
[23:00:35] * Aki nods
[23:00:55] * Ralith sighs relievedly and closes his eyes.
[23:01:19] * A1465 's humor leaves him.
[23:01:30] <@A1465> He's in a rather glum mood now.
[23:01:40] <@Ralith> (what was that about, anyway?)
[23:01:52] <@Lupin> (Oh the ironing is delicious)
[23:01:58] <@A1465> (What? You didn't find that funny? :P)
[23:02:02] * Akela (~Mr_@* has joined #paradice
[23:02:03] * Akela gives channel operator status to Akela
[23:02:11] <Baphnedia> The blasted bag has parts all over the place. Parts of the RPG, the needles from Darkmoon's medical supplies, and all that are completely destroyed.
[23:02:14] <Baphnedia> (wb)
[23:03:06] <Baphnedia> There is a small crater of where the RPG hit the root of the tree.
[23:03:44] <@Ralith> (brb)
[23:03:54] <Baphnedia> (np)
[23:04:15] <Baphnedia> The mountain is very quiet, snow still falling in big fluffy flakes.
[23:05:04] * Torrent is clearly in a more somber mood now
[23:05:23] <Baphnedia> You Know Darkmoon is gonna be Pissed.
[23:05:36] <@Ralith> (back)
[23:05:41] <@Torrent> (wb)
[23:05:42] A1465 Akela Aki
[23:05:47] * Lupin sits, ignoring A1465 compltely.
[23:06:00] * A1465 is happily ignored.
[23:06:27] * Ralith looks marginally more relaxed, and his breathing evens out.
[23:06:31] <Baphnedia> There is an odd disquiet.
[23:06:48] <Baphnedia> You feel shaken.
[23:07:36] <Baphnedia> The remains of the headwind still toys with the snowflakes falling.
[23:07:39] * Torrent shifts back to wolf form
[23:07:43] * Torrent sits
[23:07:48] <Baphnedia> As you begin to relax, you begin to cool down a little from the run.
[23:08:27] <Baphnedia> (anyone throw me a rope? I don't have any influence as to what you're thinking atm)
[23:08:38] * Lupin shakes the shnow collecting on his fur
[23:08:52] <@Lupin> ("Do I want to continue going south or not?")
[23:08:56] <@Aki> (*tosses baph a rope....made of barbed wire* )
[23:09:00] <Baphnedia> !ow
[23:09:01] <Lycaon> OUCH! T_T
[23:09:06] <@Ralith> (perhaps we should cut to when I wake up?)
[23:09:18] <Baphnedia> (sounds good.)
[23:09:37] <@A1465> ("How the heck does one reference My Computer when passing in a command-line argument to explorer.exe?")
[23:09:38] <Baphnedia> (I don't like cutting too much - just in case anyone has anything they want to bring up, strategize, or whatever)
[23:09:52] <@Lupin> ("Do I really want to remember what's in menudo before I start eating it.")
[23:09:52] * Torrent stairs off into the distance waiting for Ralith to waken
[23:09:55] <Baphnedia> (I have no idea...)
[23:10:19] <Baphnedia> Hours pass, as the sun creeps behind the very mountain you're climbing.
[23:10:21] <@Ralith> (A1465, you don't; it's not a real directory)
[23:10:33] <@Ralith> (try starting it without args)
[23:10:34] <Baphnedia> The day fades into night.
[23:10:47] <@A1465> (Starting it without args gives me My Documents T_T)
[23:10:59] <@Ralith> (hmm... try explorer /help)
[23:11:30] <@Lupin> ("What's the answer to life, the Universe, and Everyhing?")
[23:11:50] <Baphnedia> (The answer, is to know the questions)
[23:12:00] <Baphnedia> Ralith is still sleeping, more soundly now.
[23:12:08] <@A1465> !quote 585
[23:12:08] <Lycaon> A1465: Quote #585: "Forty-two," said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.
[23:12:09] <Baphnedia> A1465, your legs aren't hurting as much as before.
[23:12:32] <@Lupin> (There won't be much discussion since we're all sitting around as wolves.)
[23:12:52] <Baphnedia> (hehe I'm sending out /notices)
[23:13:08] <Baphnedia> Everyone roll a listen check
[23:13:19] <@A1465> !d20+5.5 listen
[23:13:19] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 21.5 listen
[23:13:22] <@Torrent> !d20+4 listen
[23:13:22] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 6 listen
[23:13:23] * Ralith shifts, grunting a little
[23:13:27] <@Torrent> (:()
[23:13:31] <@Lupin> !d20+7 listen
[23:13:31] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 18 listen
[23:13:37] * Ralith jolts awake, and looks around semi frantically
[23:13:44] <@Ralith> "Wha... s***."
[23:13:55] <Baphnedia> (roll Listin Ralith)
[23:13:56] * Ralith remembers his side and half lies, half falls down again.
[23:14:02] <@Ralith> !d20+5 listen
[23:14:02] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 19 listen
[23:14:25] * Torrent looks over to Ralith
[23:14:35] * A1465 stands up suddenly
[23:14:39] * Lupin looks at Ralith
[23:14:45] -Baphnedia- You hear a gunshot in the distance, eventually followed by a second one.
[23:14:49] <@Aki> !d20
[23:14:49] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 for a total of 9.
[23:14:50] <@A1465> "Gunshots," he whispers urgently!
[23:14:52] <@Aki> damn enter
[23:14:57] <@Aki> !d20+5
[23:14:57] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 24.
[23:15:02] <@Aki> (:P)
[23:15:03] * Torrent turns abruptly at A1465
[23:15:04] * Ralith pointedly ignores the looks from Torrent and Lupin
[23:15:15] * Lupin looks into the distance
[23:15:29] <@Ralith> "They're distant, we should be alright."
[23:15:31] * Torrent looks where the others are looking
[23:15:44] * Lupin growls a little.
[23:16:16] <Baphnedia> The others are looking in many directions. Whatever it was, it is echoing softly off of many mountains.
[23:16:39] * Lupin sits down again.
[23:16:47] <@Ralith> "Let's just... keep going. I'll be alright."
[23:16:54] -Baphnedia- You see the forest.
[23:17:02] * Ralith is still sounding very clearly paine
[23:17:02] <@Ralith> d
[23:17:17] * Lupin looks sideways at Ralith :/
[23:17:29] * Torrent nudges Ralith lightly
[23:17:44] * Torrent looks at Ralith, concerned
[23:18:11] <@Ralith> "Look, even if we're just walking... it's better than sitting here, isn't it?"
[23:18:19] * Lupin nods
[23:18:23] * Lupin stands up
[23:18:25] <@Ralith> "Especially if... there're hunters about."
[23:18:57] * Lupin shifts to gestalt.
[23:19:03] * A1465 takes the time to shift into wolf form.
[23:19:40] <Baphnedia> The tracks left earlier have been filled by the snow.
[23:19:49] <Baphnedia> (Lupin, roll direction, d8+bonus)
[23:19:52] <@Lupin> "No point in staying like that if we're not going to run."
[23:19:56] <@Lupin> !d8+7
[23:19:56] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d8 + 7 for a total of 10.
[23:20:10] <@A1465> (ew)
[23:20:17] <@Lupin> (Well, it's better than the last one.)
[23:20:30] <@A1465> (ah, nevermind, d8)
[23:20:32] -Baphnedia- you choose a path that continues uphill.
[23:20:41] <@A1465> (but still...)
[23:20:54] * Lupin waits for Ralith to start walking, and continues uphill.
[23:21:10] * A1465 walks ahead in silence.
[23:21:14] * Ralith brings himself to all fours and follows Lupin a little unsteadily
[23:21:19] <@Lupin> "Oh wait, I can talk now, right."
[23:21:27] <@Ralith> (family movie night :/)
[23:21:30] <Baphnedia> $nick's stomach growls.
[23:21:33] <Baphnedia> ack.
[23:21:43] <Baphnedia> !madlib $nick 's stomach growls.
[23:21:43] <Lycaon> Baphnedia madlibs: Aki 's stomach growls.
[23:22:06] <@A1465> (hmm)
[23:22:09] <@A1465> !$nick
[23:22:13] <@Ralith> (be back later :( )
[23:22:15] <Baphnedia> (why does everyone do family movie night?)
[23:22:20] <@Akela> I don't :P
[23:22:21] <Baphnedia> (Cya soon Ralith)
[23:22:28] <@A1465> (later)
[23:22:31] <@Lupin> (Because they have families, and movies?)
[23:22:38] <Baphnedia> (point)
[23:22:45] <@Lupin> (later)
[23:22:47] <Baphnedia> (I do RP night a lot though)
[23:22:48] <@Torrent> (c ya)
[23:23:05] * Baphnedia pokes Aki
[23:23:11] * A1465 paces on, and before long Ralith has faded from his thoughts.
[23:23:34] <Baphnedia> The trek up hill is not nearly so gleeful as the run before.
[23:23:35] <@Akela> (I have over 1000 DVD and I still don't have a family movie night)
[23:23:40] <Baphnedia> (oooh!)
[23:23:41] <@Torrent> (lol)
[23:23:48] <@A1465> (Heh,)
[23:24:03] <@A1465> (I have 8 :p)
[23:24:16] <Baphnedia> The snow lands occaisionally on you, and it's accumulated on the side of the mountain up to a couple inches.
[23:24:17] <@Lupin> (I have 20-someodd)
[23:24:22] <@A1465> (Two of which I haven't even opened :D )
[23:24:22] <@Akela> (Hope they're good ones then)
[23:24:26] <Baphnedia> (I have about twice as many as Lupin)
[23:24:59] <Baphnedia> Sixth mile is down. Fourteen more to go.
[23:25:16] <Baphnedia> All of a sudden, being barely a third into the trek, you realize just how long twenty miles or so can be.
[23:25:29] <Baphnedia> (roll smell)
[23:25:40] <Baphnedia> The headwind is still in your face, though it's rather calm.
[23:25:41] <@Lupin> !d20+7 smell
[23:25:41] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 25 smell
[23:25:43] <@Torrent> !d20+4 smell
[23:25:43] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 21 smell
[23:25:47] <@Lupin> ()_O)
[23:25:50] <@A1465> !d20 + 5.5 sniffy sniffy
[23:25:50] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 5.5 for a total of 9.5 sniffy sniffy
[23:25:55] <@Lupin> (O_O)
[23:26:05] * A1465 has a bug stuck up his nose :(
[23:26:13] * A1465 sneezes.
[23:26:20] -Baphnedia- You smell a family of deer somewhre up ahead somewhere.
[23:26:46] <Baphnedia> :/
[23:27:08] <@A1465> (Mononoke, Spirited Away, Wolf's Rain, Wolf's Rain OVA, Monty Python & Holy Grail, Astronaut's Wife, Dark City, and Hero)
[23:27:13] * Lupin says softly "Dinner."
[23:27:13] <@A1465> (The last three I haven't watched)
[23:27:33] <@A1465> (And don't really plan to :P)
[23:27:35] * Lupin gets down on all fours and starts sniffing
[23:27:52] * Torrent is now known as Torrent_
[23:27:58] <Baphnedia> (5 seasons of Babylon 5, RvB 1-3, the Rest are missing)
[23:28:03] <@Lupin> (?)
[23:28:28] * Torrent_ continues sniffing and moving
[23:28:33] * Torrent_ is now known as Torrent
[23:28:41] <@Torrent> (that was an oops)
[23:28:48] <Baphnedia> ack.
[23:28:56] * Baphnedia can't message a nick that no longer exists.
[23:29:28] <Baphnedia> (is there a way to send a single notice to mutiple players?)
[23:29:32] <@Lupin> (You could, but it wouldn't work well at all.)
[23:29:36] <@Lupin> (No.)
[23:29:44] <Baphnedia> (figures)
[23:29:56] <@A1465> (Get them all into one room is the best.)
[23:30:03] -Baphnedia- you can track the scent.
[23:30:27] <@A1465> (Be sure to invite Lycaon so I can hear what you say :P)
[23:30:29] <Baphnedia> True.. but this isn't gonna take long enough for that)
[23:30:45] <Baphnedia> (lol) !echo technobabble
[23:30:51] <@Torrent> (heh)
[23:31:12] * Torrent shifts to gesalt
[23:31:33] <@Torrent> "there's a deer over there somewhere" *points
[23:31:44] * A1465 says nothing.
[23:31:45] <Baphnedia> !d20 hear
[23:31:46] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 for a total of 19 hear
[23:32:39] <Baphnedia> The snow slows its fall. Almost as if it's trying to defy gravity.
[23:32:59] <Baphnedia> The clouds offer a low ceiling, masking the top of the mountain.
[23:33:31] * A1465 thinks that we should forget about the deer with hunters about.
[23:33:42] <@A1465> But doesn't say anything...
[23:34:49] <@Lupin> (Okay. I'm falling asleep here.)
[23:34:56] <Baphnedia> The side of the mountain doesn't seem to steepen.
[23:34:59] <@Torrent> (heh)
[23:35:00] <@Lupin> (I need to go to bed.)
[23:35:02] <Baphnedia> (heh)
[23:35:07] <@A1465> (G'night, then)
[23:35:12] <@Torrent> (night)
[23:35:13] <@Lupin> (Good night.)
[23:35:13] <Baphnedia> (sounds good. I needed a reaction on the der...)
[23:35:16] <Baphnedia> (who'se left?)
[23:35:20] <@Torrent> (me)
[23:35:23] <@A1465> (j0)
[23:35:31] <Baphnedia> (and a third?)
[23:35:40] <@Akela> Looks like it's just LW and Vilkacis now
[23:35:47] <@Torrent> (yup)
[23:35:49] <@A1465> (I don't mind stopping here)
[23:35:53] <Baphnedia> (Lupin, you can post the logs)
[23:35:59] <@Torrent> (same)
[23:36:15] <Baphnedia> (Sounds good. We had a lot of players starting out... the feeling of slow kinda permeated the game.)
[23:36:29] * Figarou (Figarou@* has joined #paradice
[23:36:34] <@Akela> Perfect timing
[23:36:34] <Baphnedia> (I'm very surprised that the players didn't start talking about stuff.
[23:36:35] <@A1465> Heya'
[23:36:37] <Baphnedia> Hiya Fig
[23:36:38] <@Lupin> (Yes, I can.)
[23:36:38] <@Akela> The game just stopped
[23:36:42] <@Aki> Hiyas
[23:36:47] <Figarou> oh..ok...
[23:36:51] <Figarou> I'll leave
[23:36:51] Akela Aki
[23:36:51] * Baphnedia has changed the topic to: No Game in Progress || Home of Silo 17 and The Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everyone here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings no matter how tasty they may be with tobasco sauce.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:41 pm
by Lupin
[19:52:27] * Ralith has changed the topic to: Silo 17 in Progress || Home of Silo 17 and The Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everyone here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings no matter how tasty they may be with tobasco sauce.
[19:52:40] <@Ralith> Baphnedia, he wants to come in again from scratch
[19:52:48] <@Lone_Wolf> Well, now's a good time to come in
[19:52:51] <Baphnedia> Oh. That's fine.
[19:52:59] <@Akela> I have no idea what's going on as well -_-
[19:53:00] <Baphnedia> I hardly remember what you did earlier.
[19:53:06] <@Lupin> Looks about right.
[19:53:08] <Baphnedia> That's also good.
[19:53:26] <Baphnedia> Akela, if you come in fresh, and have no idea what's going on, then everything is right as it should be.
[19:53:36] <@Akela> Does my character have to start as a werewolf though?
[19:53:40] <Baphnedia> Someone just joining the group isn't going to know what's going on.
[19:53:43] <Baphnedia> No.
[19:53:46] <@Lupin> Nope
[19:54:13] * Baphnedia starts /noticing Akela.
[19:54:24] * Vilkacis is now known as A1465
[19:54:42] <@Aki> Oh, apparently I have a plus 7. I've been using a five. Oops. xO
[19:54:45] * Lone_Wolf is now known as Torrent
[19:54:48] <@Lupin> Heh
[19:54:50] * Aki needs to pay attention.
[19:57:10] -Baphnedia- Name one thing you want to see in the game and /notice me back
[20:00:30] * Baphnedia has /noticed everyone. I'll go with what's been given.
[20:00:51] * Baphnedia tries to remember what form everyone is in.
[20:00:56] <@Lupin> (gestalt)
[20:01:00] * A1465 is in wolf form.
[20:01:08] <@Ralith> (gestalt)
[20:01:19] <@Torrent> (gesalt)
[20:01:29] * Aki is in wolf form
[20:02:03] * Baphnedia continues to notice.
[20:02:13] * Baphnedia is scheming.
[20:02:22] * Lupin is not.
[20:02:28] <@Lupin> (yet. :P)
[20:02:51] <Baphnedia> hehe
[20:03:11] * Baphnedia sits back down in his comfy overstuffed office chair and a small dark cloud appears above his head.
[20:03:49] <@Torrent> (lol)
[20:03:50] * Baphnedia will try to give everyone what they asked for.
[20:04:05] * Baphnedia starts more /noticing
[20:05:53] <Baphnedia> The walk continues along, as you're still going up the side of the mountain, though it looks as though you're further up than down.
[20:07:18] * A1465 seems to be in a relatively good mood.
[20:07:21] <@Torrent> "How you holding up there Ralith?"
[20:07:24] -Baphnedia- You feel as though you've got fourteen miles to go.
[20:07:47] * Ralith pauses, breathing a little heavier than normal. "All right."
[20:07:57] * Lupin can't wait until he gets to the top.
[20:08:14] <@Lupin> "Good to hear."
[20:08:27] <@Lupin> "We can always stop of you need."
[20:08:31] * Torrent shifts back to wolf form
[20:08:53] <Baphnedia> The thin white carpet of snow is still comfortable. The clouds are still overhead, but the snow isn't falling anymore.
[20:09:48] <Baphnedia> The plod uphill isn't so bad as it was yesterday.
[20:09:52] <Baphnedia> (ack)
[20:10:53] <Baphnedia> The scent of deer is gone from the air.
[20:10:53] <@Lupin> (ack?)
[20:11:23] <Baphnedia> (I just /noticed a typo of one of your usernames, who happens to be in another room and has no idea who I am or what I am doing)
[20:11:25] <Baphnedia> :)
[20:11:34] <@Torrent> (lol)
[20:11:47] <@Aki> (lol)
[20:12:00] <@Torrent> (smooth)
[20:12:04] <@Ralith> (haha)
[20:12:16] <Baphnedia> The headwind in your face changes direction on you. The clouds lowering over the top of the mountain are pushing air down.
[20:12:16] <@Aki> (Who was it? :D)
[20:12:16] <@Ralith> "Thanks... I should be fine."
[20:12:27] <@Lupin> (Haha)
[20:12:46] * Torrent pushes ahead
[20:12:55] <Baphnedia> (The change in wind direction also beckons a change in scents.
[20:13:05] * Lupin continues to sniff
[20:13:13] <Baphnedia> !madlib !nick 's stomach growls.
[20:13:13] <+Lycaon> Baphnedia madlibs: !nick 's stomach growls.
[20:13:18] <Baphnedia> :/
[20:13:21] <@Ralith> ($)
[20:13:25] <@Torrent> ($nick)
[20:13:29] <@Lupin> !madlib $nick's stomach growls
[20:13:30] <+Lycaon> Lupin madlibs: Lycaon's stomach growls
[20:13:33] <@A1465> (haha)
[20:13:37] <@Torrent> (doh)
[20:13:39] <@Aki> (lol)
[20:13:40] <@Lupin> (heh)
[20:13:48] -Baphnedia- Something definitely smells different. Roll sniffy.
[20:14:01] <@Lupin> !d20+8 nasal chemical analisys
[20:14:02] <+Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 23 nasal chemical analisys
[20:14:07] <@A1465> (heh)
[20:14:35] -Baphnedia- You smell something, decidedly human.
[20:14:56] <@Lupin> "Hmm, I smell someone."
[20:15:29] * Aki glances over at Lupin, tilting his head inquisitively.
[20:15:42] * A1465 sniffs to see if he can smell the smell that Lupin smells.
[20:15:47] * Torrent sniffs the cool air
[20:15:56] * Aki sniffs
[20:16:09] <Baphnedia> You definitely smell a human.
[20:16:34] <@A1465> (Can we tell a direction?)
[20:16:41] <Baphnedia> The wind is coming from upslope.
[20:16:45] <@Ralith> (brb)
[20:17:01] * Torrent looks up the slope seeing the long trek ahead
[20:17:19] * Baphnedia clarifies... upslope, more to the right than ahead.
[20:18:07] * Torrent turns his head to the direction from which the scent is originating
[20:18:27] * Lupin looks in the same direction as Torrent
[20:18:33] <Baphnedia> The human scent if fresh. You don't see a human, unless it is hiding behind a tree or something.
[20:18:45] <@Torrent> "Woof?"
[20:19:10] * Lupin shrugs. "Woof. I suppose."
[20:19:44] <Baphnedia> (lupin, you're in gestalt, right?)
[20:19:50] * Torrent starts going up the slope more in the direction of the scent
[20:20:08] * Ralith has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[20:20:09] <@Lupin> (Yes.)
[20:20:16] * A1465 shakes his head vigorously.
[20:20:28] <@Lupin> (I was just being facetious.)
[20:20:36] <Baphnedia> (hehe)
[20:20:39] * A1465 starts heading away from the scent.
[20:20:55] * Lupin continues to walk forward, doing neither.
[20:20:59] * Torrent stops and looks to the rest of the group
[20:21:05] <@Torrent> "Woof?"
[20:21:13] <@A1465> "Wrrf"
[20:21:30] <@Lupin> "I think so, but were would we find that much burlap?"
[20:21:40] <@A1465> (heh)
[20:22:01] * Torrent continues towards the scent
[20:22:04] <@Lupin> (Or wait...)
[20:22:10] <@Lupin> "I think so Torrent, but were would we find that much burlap?"
[20:22:39] * A1465 continues to avoid the scent.
[20:22:46] <@Torrent> (burlap?)
[20:22:55] <@Lupin> (Rough cloth material.)
[20:22:58] <@Aki> "Wuff."
[20:23:06] <@Torrent> (why do we need that?)
[20:23:15] <@A1465> ('tis a joke.)
[20:23:24] <@Torrent> (/me gets confuzzled)
[20:23:26] <@Lupin> (Yeah.)
[20:23:26] <@Aki> (yup!)
[20:23:27] * Torrent stops
[20:23:38] * Torrent tries to sniff the air for the scent
[20:23:41] <Baphnedia> The scent fades away on the wind.
[20:24:11] * A1465 keeps walknig
[20:24:15] <@A1465> walking*
[20:24:15] * Torrent looks towards the group and goes more up the slope (the original direction)
[20:24:24] <@Lupin> (It'll make more sence the next time you "Woof?" at me.)
[20:24:34] <@Lupin> (sense*)
[20:25:10] <@Lupin> (I actually found a correct refence for what I wanted.)
[20:25:25] <@Torrent> (/me admits the joke went right over his head :P )
[20:25:42] <Baphnedia> (hehe... next game.... next game... Lupin)
[20:26:38] * Lupin stops walking, hops, then continues to walk.
[20:26:40] <Baphnedia> The slope is as much as it was before.
[20:27:41] * Torrent still tries to re-discover the scent
[20:27:43] <Baphnedia> The wind returns to a head wind, blowign softly in your face.
[20:27:54] <Baphnedia> (roll smell Torrent)
[20:28:01] <@Torrent> !d20+5
[20:28:02] <+Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 19.
[20:28:43] -PsionicBlast- We have opened the channel #narniafans for those that wish to discuss the works of C.S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia
[20:28:50] * Torrent sighs and continues to go forward
[20:29:20] * Baphnedia just /noticed something very dangerous... and it was replied to with a sigh... :)
[20:29:46] <@Torrent> (you haven't let me act it out silly)
[20:30:10] * Torrent shifts back into gesalt while walking forward
[20:30:44] <@Torrent> "Okay, this is annoying to shift just to tell you something, but...
[20:30:45] * Ralith (Ralith@* has joined #paradice
[20:30:45] * Ralith gives channel operator status to Ralith
[20:30:58] <@Ralith> (SORRY)
[20:31:02] <Baphnedia> (wb)
[20:31:02] <@Ralith> (er, sorry)
[20:31:02] * Torrent 's voice becomes slightly worried
[20:31:06] * Lupin sighs, sad that he can't continue to use his lines on Torrent.
[20:31:06] <@Ralith> (mom had a fit)
[20:31:12] <@Ralith> (what've I missed?)
[20:31:23] <Baphnedia> (quite a bit, and not a lot, at the same time)
[20:31:31] <@Lupin> (Me spouting nonesense at Torrent)
[20:31:33] <Baphnedia> (this game is 90% /notices right now)
[20:31:36] <@Torrent> ...I think somebody's over there, and he ' she is on the move"
[20:31:47] <@Lupin> (Oh, and we smelled someone.)
[20:31:50] <@Ralith> "Well, we should be alright so long as they'renot headed over here."
[20:31:55] <@Torrent> (err he / she)
[20:32:08] <@Lupin> (Did it get dark, I forgot?)
[20:32:09] <@Torrent> "I just hope we're not spotted"
[20:32:24] <@A1465> "Wuff," A1465 affirms.
[20:32:28] <Baphnedia> It is twilight.
[20:33:11] <@Lupin> "Well, as long as we stay quadraped, we'll probably be confused for a regular animal."
[20:33:24] <@A1465> (yuck)
[20:33:29] * Ralith nods
[20:33:37] <Baphnedia> (yukyuk)
[20:33:38] <@Torrent> "But, for example, I had to shift to tell ya'll"
[20:33:44] <@Ralith> "I just hope they're not hunting for something like us."
[20:33:56] <@Torrent> "Exactly"
[20:33:56] <@Ralith> "Something that looks like us, that is."
[20:34:01] * Torrent nods
[20:34:04] <@Lupin> "Yeah."
[20:34:22] <@Aki> (brb(
[20:34:30] <@Lupin> "That's because we can't understand you when you're 'Woof?'-ing."
[20:35:37] * Torrent chuckles
[20:35:44] <@Torrent> (k Aki)
[20:35:59] <Baphnedia> The trees are gettnig sparser. You don't feel as though your still really covered from the air, were it not for the clouds above you.
[20:35:59] <@Ralith> "Let's just keep moving."
[20:36:24] <@Torrent> "Agreed."
[20:36:30] <@Lupin> "Yeah."
[20:37:17] <Baphnedia> !D20
[20:37:19] <Baphnedia> !d20
[20:37:20] <+Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 for a total of 2.
[20:37:25] <@A1465> (ow)
[20:37:27] <Baphnedia> (hehe)
[20:37:41] <@Lupin> (heh)
[20:37:54] -Baphnedia- it seems that you've finished another mile.
[20:38:02] -Baphnedia- Only 13 to go.
[20:38:09] <@Torrent> (ouch)
[20:38:19] <Baphnedia> (everyone roll hearing)
[20:38:27] <@Ralith> !d20+6 hearing
[20:38:28] <+Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 8 hearing
[20:38:29] <@A1465> !d20+6.5 hearing
[20:38:29] <+Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 6.5 for a total of 23.5 hearing
[20:38:31] <@Lupin> !d20+8 hearing
[20:38:32] <+Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 22 hearing
[20:38:32] <@Ralith> (gah)
[20:38:33] <Baphnedia> A pair of gunshots ring out through the night.
[20:38:42] <Baphnedia> This everybody hears.
[20:38:48] <@Ralith> (near?)
[20:38:52] <@Torrent> !d20+5 hearing
[20:38:52] <+Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 24 hearing
[20:38:59] <@A1465> (nice)
[20:39:08] * Lupin turns his head in the direction of the gunshots
[20:39:21] * Torrent swings his head in the direction of the shots fired
[20:39:54] * A1465 glances off to the left, but doesn't pay it much mind.
[20:39:57] -Baphnedia- It came from the next mountainside. Far far to theleft.
[20:40:12] <@Aki> (back)
[20:40:13] * Lupin relaxes a bit.
[20:40:15] <@Lupin> (wb)
[20:40:16] <@Torrent> (wb)
[20:40:24] <@Aki> !d20+7 hearing
[20:40:24] <+Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 16 hearing
[20:40:48] * Ralith speeds up a little bit, wincing as his wound is agitated
[20:40:59] <Baphnedia> The ehcoes of the gunshot keep bouncing from mountain to mountain.
[20:41:13] * Lupin continues to think of more non-sequitors
[20:41:16] * Torrent looks towards the others, concerned
[20:41:35] * A1465 doesn't seem to concerned at the moment.
[20:42:01] <Baphnedia> A howl, joined in by several others, starts echoing among the mountains.
[20:42:04] <@A1465> too*
[20:42:20] <Baphnedia> You know immediately what that howl signifies.
[20:42:28] <@Ralith> (which is...?)
[20:42:32] <@Lupin> (We do?)
[20:43:20] <@Torrent> (errmmm)
[20:43:23] <Baphnedia> The meaning of a death howl, or a death scream, transcends species and language.
[20:43:37] <@Lupin> (Ah, usually it's "This is our territory, gtfo.")
[20:43:49] <@Aki> (Heh.)
[20:43:58] * Ralith stops, looking alert and disturbed
[20:44:06] * Lupin grimaces.
[20:44:09] * Torrent also stops
[20:44:18] * Lupin stops. "Not good."
[20:44:24] <@Torrent> "No... it's not"
[20:44:36] <@A1465> (Installation complete. I'm going to switch back to the desktop now.)
[20:44:38] * Aki shakes his head
[20:44:55] * A1465 looks up, startled, but doesn't seem to concerned about that, either.
[20:44:59] <@A1465> too*
[20:45:00] <@Ralith> (brb)
[20:45:02] <@A1465> (ack!)
[20:45:12] * A1465 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[20:45:14] <@Lupin> "Too bad we don't still have the backpack."
[20:45:28] * Torrent growls quietly
[20:45:34] <@Lupin> "We could go and teach them a nice lesson."
[20:45:37] <Baphnedia> (roll listen, wolves)
[20:45:47] <@Aki> !d20+7 Listen
[20:46:00] <@Torrent> !d20+5 listen
[20:46:06] <@Torrent> (gah)
[20:46:06] <Baphnedia> ...
[20:46:10] <@Lupin> (No Lycaon)
[20:46:11] <Baphnedia> one secoond
[20:46:12] * Lycaon has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[20:46:27] * Golem ( has joined #paradice
[20:46:31] * Lycaon (~DiceBot@* has joined #paradice
[20:46:36] <Baphnedia> 1d20+2
[20:46:36] * Golem rolls the dice for Baphnedia (1d20+2) and rolled 8.
[20:46:36] * Vilkacis (Vilkacis@* has joined #paradice
[20:46:36] * Vilkacis gives channel operator status to Vilkacis
[20:46:36] <@Aki> (lol)
[20:46:44] <@Aki> !d20+7 Listen
[20:46:44] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 16 Listen
[20:46:49] <Baphnedia> ack
[20:46:51] <@Torrent> !d20+5 listen
[20:46:51] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 11 listen
[20:46:52] <@Aki> (16 again? O_O)
[20:46:57] * Vilkacis is now known as A1465
[20:47:00] <@A1465> (back)
[20:47:04] <@Lupin> !d20+8 listen
[20:47:04] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 20 listen
[20:47:11] <@Lupin> (wb)
[20:47:32] <@A1465> !d20+6.5 listen for whatever it is everyone else is listening for.
[20:47:32] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 6.5 for a total of 8.5 listen for whatever it is everyone else is listening for.
[20:47:39] <@A1465> ( :/ )
[20:47:51] <@A1465> (/me glares at Golem)
[20:48:05] * Torrent looks more concerned now
[20:48:29] -Baphnedia- you hear Torrent growling as well as the howl of distant wolves. But the hairs on the back of your neck rise anyway.
[20:48:33] * Baphnedia has kicked Golem from #paradice (Kick!)
[20:48:36] <Baphnedia> Boot!
[20:48:42] * Baphnedia kicks a golem.
[20:48:51] <@A1465> ( :D )
[20:49:25] <@Ralith> (back)
[20:49:29] * Lupin looks at Torrent, "You feel that too?"
[20:49:30] <@Torrent> (wb)
[20:49:33] <@Lupin> (wb)
[20:49:50] <@Torrent> "I feel... something bad is coming..."
[20:50:05] * A1465 glances back at Torrent.
[20:50:28] <@A1465> !d20+6.5 sight
[20:50:29] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 6.5 for a total of 26.5 sight
[20:50:30] <@Torrent> "Like a gut instinct"
[20:50:33] <@A1465> ( :D )
[20:50:35] <@Lupin> "I think we should go faster. Ralith, are you up to that. "
[20:50:50] * Torrent looks to Ralith
[20:50:55] <@Ralith> "I'll manage."
[20:51:16] <@Torrent> "Do pipe up if you need a rest"
[20:51:34] <@Ralith> "It's our safety as a whole that's at risk here, and... I'm in no critical condition."
[20:51:37] * Lupin starts walking again, faster than before.
[20:52:12] * A1465 's eyes widen
[20:52:17] * Torrent nods and speeds up
[20:52:39] <@A1465> A1465 "Wuff"s urgently.
[20:52:47] <@A1465> (Any of us in gestalt?)
[20:52:51] <@Torrent> (me)
[20:52:51] <@Lupin> "Uh, I think so A1465, but were will we find a duck an a hose at this hour?"
[20:52:58] <@Lupin> (Me)
[20:52:59] <@Torrent> (lol)
[20:53:02] <Baphnedia> (everyone who was just having a conversation is in Gestalt)
[20:53:05] * A1465 growls at Torrent.
[20:53:24] * Torrent turns to A1465... "What?"
[20:53:30] * A1465 looks behind.
[20:53:45] * Torrent looks in the same direction as A1465
[20:53:47] * Ralith follows A1465's line of sight
[20:53:54] * A1465 barks at Lupin
[20:53:58] <Baphnedia> Egadis! Too many /notices~
[20:54:00] * Lupin looks at what A1465 is looking at
[20:54:01] * Torrent drops to all fours
[20:54:11] * A1465 nods.
[20:54:15] <@Torrent> (oh s***)
[20:54:28] * A1465 picks up speed.
[20:54:33] <Baphnedia> There is a photographer behind the pack, about 50 feet or so.
[20:54:38] * Torrent continues eying the camera man
[20:55:01] <@Ralith> "Oh s***. I thought we just had hunters."
[20:55:06] * Lupin speeds up as fast as possible.
[20:55:10] <@Torrent> "Worse"
[20:55:19] * Torrent ponders what to do
[20:55:23] <@Ralith> (quietly) "Isn't it too late?"
[20:55:32] <@Ralith> "We should just knock him out and steal the camera."
[20:55:42] <@Aki> "Wuff."
[20:55:44] * A1465 nods agreement.
[20:55:44] <@Torrent> "Try not to hurt him too much"
[20:55:46] <@Lupin> "Good idea."
[20:55:50] * Aki grins
[20:55:58] * A1465 splits off widely to the side
[20:56:01] <@Akela> (Wolves can't grin :P)
[20:56:06] * Ralith turns around and heads back towards him at the same half-run
[20:56:07] <@A1465> (Sure they can :P)
[20:56:09] <@Ralith> (they can)
[20:56:09] <@Torrent> (yes they can)
[20:56:15] <@A1465> (I've seen my dog do it, even)
[20:56:24] <@Torrent> (just not the way we do it)
[20:56:37] <@Lupin> (This one would like to disagree:
[20:56:49] * A1465 heads back in a wide arc, intending to come up behind.
[20:56:55] <@Akela> (Geese, one at a time, I don't even have a dog)
[20:56:57] <Baphnedia> The camera man is slowly backtracking, using trees and other forms of cover.
[20:56:57] * A1465 picks up speed.
[20:57:09] * Ralith slows a bit, letting A1465 get into position
[20:57:10] * Lupin turns around and starts heading for the camera man.
[20:57:14] * Torrent starts towards the cameraman as high speed
[20:57:19] <@Torrent> as--> at
[20:57:22] * Ralith resumes speed
[20:57:26] * Aki runs straight at the camera man, barking loudly.
[20:57:32] * Torrent growls
[20:57:36] * Lupin starts growling
[20:57:36] <@A1465> (haha)
[20:58:05] * Torrent looks directly into the cameraman's eyes
[20:58:08] * A1465 makes his way well below the camera man, trying to stay out of sight.
[20:58:13] * Ralith approaches the cameraman and stands up bipedally
[20:58:19] * Torrent also stands
[20:58:20] <Baphnedia> The range to the camera man is getting very short for those running at him.
[20:58:31] <Baphnedia> The camera man fiddles with something in a pocket.
[20:58:45] <@Akela> !d20
[20:58:45] <Lycaon> Akela rolled d20 for a total of 14.
[20:58:54] <Baphnedia> The camera man pulls out a flare gun!
[20:59:00] <Baphnedia> Those things can burn like hell.
[20:59:01] <@Torrent> "What's he doing?!"
[20:59:10] <@A1465> (They certainly can)
[20:59:20] <Baphnedia> Especially if you have a lot of fur.]
[20:59:25] * Ralith stops, surprised, and dives forward grabbing for it desperately.
[20:59:26] <@A1465> (WOOF!)
[20:59:30] * Torrent sits a couple feet in front of the man
[20:59:33] <Baphnedia> The wolves are a few paces from the camerman.
[20:59:37] <@Ralith> (I have this nasty suspicion I'm in trouble.)
[20:59:42] <@Akela> !d20
[20:59:42] <Lycaon> Akela rolled d20 for a total of 10.
[20:59:45] * Lupin stops a couple of feet before the camera man.
[20:59:47] * A1465 slowly heads up behind the camera man.
[20:59:55] * A1465 is being sneaky.
[20:59:56] <Baphnedia> !madlib $nick roll dogde
[20:59:56] <Lycaon> Baphnedia madlibs: Akela roll dogde
[20:59:56] * Torrent decides to talk
[20:59:58] <Baphnedia> ack
[21:00:01] <@Torrent> "Boooo!"
[21:00:03] <@A1465> (heh)
[21:00:13] <Baphnedia> Ralith, roll dodge
[21:00:19] <@Ralith> (bah.)
[21:00:20] <Baphnedia> (so much for random madlibbing)
[21:00:23] <@Ralith> !d20+6 dodge
[21:00:23] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 25 dodge
[21:00:25] <@Lupin> (Heh)
[21:00:27] <@Ralith> (w00t)
[21:00:28] <@Lupin> (wow)
[21:00:29] <@Aki> (:O)
[21:00:35] <@Aki> (pwnt)
[21:00:40] <@Torrent> "You know, it isn't very nice to be taking pictures of us without our permission"
[21:00:43] <@Ralith> (can I roll grab now?)
[21:00:44] * Torrent winks at the man
[21:00:48] <Baphnedia> The wolf ducks under as a bright red flare speeds off right above him.
[21:00:58] <Baphnedia> (wolve's turn)
[21:01:01] <@Torrent> "And THAT... was a mistake!"
[21:01:03] <Baphnedia> (roll your actions)
[21:01:05] * Ralith grabs for the flaregun.
[21:01:09] <@Ralith> !d20+6 grab
[21:01:09] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 21 grab
[21:01:13] <@Ralith> (yay)
[21:01:15] <Baphnedia> (roll dodge Akela)
[21:01:19] <@Torrent> !d20+5 push over man
[21:01:19] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 24 push over man
[21:01:20] <@Lupin> "Oh that was a bad idea."
[21:01:21] * A1465 shifts into hybrid form.
[21:01:21] <@Akela> !d20 dodge
[21:01:21] <Lycaon> Akela rolled d20 for a total of 4 dodge
[21:01:26] <@Akela> (Ow)
[21:01:29] <Baphnedia> >_<
[21:01:29] <@Lupin> !d20+8 camera grab
[21:01:29] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 18 camera grab
[21:01:35] <Baphnedia> In short
[21:01:36] <@Torrent> "Help me pin him!"
[21:01:42] <@Ralith> (a bit late, Akela.)
[21:01:52] <Baphnedia> The camera man is pushed to the ground, the flare gun and camera taken away from him.
[21:01:59] <@Akela> (Perfect timing, I gotta cut out now, knock me out or something)
[21:02:05] * Lupin examines his new camera.
[21:02:05] <@Torrent> !d20+5 pin man
[21:02:06] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 9 pin man
[21:02:06] <Baphnedia> ??
[21:02:14] <@Torrent> "A little help here!"
[21:02:16] <@Akela> (I'll be back in around two hours)
[21:02:20] <@Torrent> (bah!)
[21:02:24] <Baphnedia> (gar!)
[21:02:25] * A1465 rushes up behind to help.
[21:02:29] <Baphnedia> (got it)_
[21:02:31] * Ralith drives an elbow into the cameraman's head
[21:02:32] <@Akela> (See you guys later)
[21:02:35] <@Ralith> !d20+6 elbow
[21:02:35] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 11 elbow
[21:02:36] <@A1465> (later)
[21:02:37] <@Ralith> (cya)
[21:02:38] <Baphnedia> The camera man is knocked out.
[21:02:41] <@Torrent> (bye)
[21:02:42] <@Ralith> (fine :P)
[21:02:46] <@Lupin> (heh)
[21:02:48] * A1465 aquires a new camera.
[21:02:52] <@A1465> :P
[21:02:56] <@Torrent> "Well, that was an interesting ordeal"
[21:02:58] <Baphnedia> The camera is shiney.
[21:03:00] <@Lupin> (I grabbed the camera. :P)
[21:03:00] <@Ralith> "He had a flaregun; that means someone's coming."
[21:03:05] <@A1465> (aww)
[21:03:19] <@Ralith> "Destroy that film and let's get out of here fast!"
[21:03:23] <@A1465> "Perhaps. Let's not take the chance."
[21:03:27] <Baphnedia> !d20+15 spot
[21:03:27] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 15 for a total of 34 spot
[21:03:31] <@Torrent> "Agreed"
[21:03:36] <@Torrent> (uh oh)
[21:03:52] * Lupin examines his new camera again.
[21:04:02] <Baphnedia> The camera man obviously saw the werewolves.
[21:04:03] <@Aki> (That does not bode well for us..)
[21:04:16] <@Ralith> (meh, he's just another crazy ;) )
[21:04:18] * A1465 ponders.
[21:04:29] <@Torrent> "We can leave him. No one will believe him."
[21:04:37] <@Ralith> "Lets. THat's standard procedure."
[21:04:41] <Baphnedia> !madlib $nick
[21:04:41] <Lycaon> Baphnedia madlibs: Aki
[21:04:42] <@Lupin> "Yeah"
[21:04:48] <@Ralith> "With a blow to the head like that even less so."
[21:04:53] <Baphnedia> Aki roll dodge.
[21:04:53] <@A1465> "Agreed. Let's go, Now."
[21:04:57] <@Ralith> "Destroy that film already!"
[21:05:00] <@Aki> !d20+7 Dodge
[21:05:00] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 17 Dodge
[21:05:04] <@Torrent> "Now"
[21:05:07] <Baphnedia> !d20+15 fire
[21:05:07] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 15 for a total of 35 fire
[21:05:14] * Ralith has this nasty feeling
[21:05:15] <@Torrent> ( O_o )
[21:05:17] <@Aki> (Jeez... O_O)
[21:05:24] <@Lupin> (Uh-oh)
[21:05:24] <@Ralith> (he'd better survive that :/)
[21:05:27] <Baphnedia> Something passes through Aki at intense speed, spattering his blood all over the snow.
[21:05:34] * A1465 takes off running.
[21:05:36] <@Lupin> "OH s***"
[21:05:39] <@Ralith> "f***!"
[21:05:42] * Torrent turns over to Aki wide-eyed
[21:05:48] <@Torrent> "Aki!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
[21:05:55] * Lupin dives for cover.
[21:05:58] <Baphnedia> It passed through your chest. Just as he gets hit, snow gets kicked up by other bullets landing, hitting nearby trees.
[21:06:02] * Torrent dives over to his fallen friend
[21:06:09] * A1465 runs even faster, trying to stay under cover.
[21:06:10] * Ralith drops the flaregun and grabs Aki, startting to run
[21:06:28] * Torrent gets up and helps Ralith carry Aki
[21:06:34] <@Torrent> "Run!"
[21:06:36] <@A1465> (I'm running sideways, not uphill)
[21:06:36] * Ralith winces again as his wound complains, but Torrent's help makes it manageable
[21:06:41] * Lupin gets out of his cover and helps Torrent and Ralith
[21:06:42] <Baphnedia> The cameraman is left alone, with only his backpack for company.
[21:06:44] * Ralith nods and keeps moving
[21:06:49] <@Ralith> (we're going up hill)
[21:06:56] <@A1465> (I'm not :P)
[21:07:03] <@Lupin> (Have fun!)
[21:07:08] <@Ralith> (8wave*)
[21:07:16] <@Ralith> (*wave*)
[21:07:25] <@Torrent> (who's leaving?)
[21:07:28] <@Torrent> (bye)
[21:07:34] <@A1465> (I'll go up eventually, of course, but it's easier to run along the hill than up.)
[21:07:35] <Baphnedia> (?)
[21:07:39] <@Lupin> (Not really leaving)
[21:07:47] <@Lupin> (We're just splitting up)
[21:07:51] <@Torrent> (oh)
[21:07:55] <Baphnedia> !d20+15 spot
[21:07:55] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 15 for a total of 29 spot
[21:07:56] * Aki whimpers, breathing shallowly.
[21:07:58] <@Ralith> "We need to get cover NOW!"
[21:08:05] * Torrent nods
[21:08:12] * Torrent scouts for cover
[21:08:13] <Baphnedia> !d20+15 fire
[21:08:13] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 15 for a total of 32 fire
[21:08:26] <Baphnedia> !madlib $nick
[21:08:26] <Lycaon> Baphnedia madlibs: Akela
[21:08:26] <@Lupin> "Yeah!"
[21:08:33] <@Ralith> (rofl)
[21:08:35] <@A1465> (heh)
[21:08:37] <@Lupin> (Haha)
[21:08:39] <@Aki> (heh)
[21:08:41] <@Ralith> (they need better scopes)
[21:08:42] <@Torrent> (serves him right :P )
[21:08:57] <Baphnedia> The cameraman gets hit in the leg, the bullet visibly breaking his leg, and blood oozing out of a nasty exit wound.
[21:09:09] <@A1465> (ouch)
[21:09:14] * Torrent grimaces
[21:09:16] <@Ralith> (*Noone notices)
[21:09:22] <@Aki> ("Joe, aim for the wolves, f***, not the camera man!")
[21:09:22] <Baphnedia> The cameraman will surely die if left alone.
[21:09:25] * Torrent continues looking for a spot for cover
[21:09:26] * Lupin continues to run.
[21:09:39] * Ralith and Torrent keep going, looking for cover
[21:09:50] <@Ralith> (can we roll spot?)
[21:10:06] <Baphnedia> (yes)
[21:10:11] <@Torrent> !d20+5 spot
[21:10:11] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 16 spot
[21:10:18] <@A1465> !d20+6.5 spot cover
[21:10:18] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 6.5 for a total of 26.5 spot cover
[21:10:18] <@Lupin> !d20+8 spot
[21:10:19] <@Ralith> !d20+6 spot
[21:10:19] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 24 spot
[21:10:20] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 26 spot
[21:10:25] <@Ralith> (w00t)
[21:10:30] <Baphnedia> A1465, you find some good cover.
[21:10:31] <@Torrent> (wow!)
[21:10:32] <@Lupin> (nice)
[21:10:37] * A1465 covers up.
[21:10:39] <@Ralith> "This way!"
[21:10:46] * Lupin follos Ralith and Torrent
[21:10:49] * Torrent follows Ralith's lead
[21:10:55] <@Ralith> (so just how good is this cover?)
[21:11:11] <@A1465> (You guys don't know :P)
[21:11:19] <@Ralith> (I mean, what is it?)
[21:11:28] <Baphnedia> For those who rolled high spots.... the shots are coming from very far to the left. Whomever it is, is concealed. You will only be able to see them if you see the muzzle flash of their rifles.
[21:11:50] * A1465 stays put, hiding.
[21:11:57] * A1465 remains very, very still.
[21:12:03] * Ralith and Torrent get behind cover.
[21:12:05] <Baphnedia> There is a small depression to the right side of a really old pine tree. Between thick ground and the tree itself, it should stop anything short of an ICBM.
[21:12:28] <@Ralith> "Right, Torrent, you've got the most medical experience. Will he live?"
[21:12:32] <Baphnedia> The hole in the ground is big enough for several occupants.
[21:12:38] * Lupin hides with Ralith and Torrent
[21:12:40] <@Torrent> "I don't know..."
[21:12:44] * Ralith takes stock.
[21:12:45] * Torrent looks at the wound
[21:12:51] <@Ralith> "Where's A1465?"
[21:12:57] <@Lupin> "No idea."
[21:13:10] <@Lupin> "He headed off in a different direction"
[21:13:15] * Ralith nods
[21:13:26] <@Ralith> "Do you think they know where we are?"
[21:13:29] <@Torrent> "Aki, you with us?"
[21:13:33] <Baphnedia> Aki has a clean hit through the chest. A lung is collapsed, but otherwise, the exit wound is only about the size of a coffee cup. Judging from the size of the entry wound, he is lucky as hell that the round didn't tumble.
[21:13:41] * Baphnedia meant to /notice that
[21:13:44] <@A1465> (haha)
[21:13:50] <@Lupin> (Heh.)
[21:13:51] * Aki woofs softly
[21:13:52] * Torrent puts pressure on the entrance and exit wounds
[21:14:01] <@Ralith> (what form's he in?)
[21:14:02] <@Torrent> "Stay with us, Aki"
[21:14:05] <@Aki> (wolf)
[21:14:05] <@Lupin> (Wolf)
[21:14:22] <@Ralith> "Shouldn't he shift?"
[21:14:28] <@Torrent> "Not yet"
[21:14:36] <@Torrent> "His lung is collapses"
[21:14:41] <@Lupin> "We wait too long and he might go into shock."
[21:14:42] <@Torrent> *collapsed
[21:15:02] * Ralith nods again and looks around, trying to see a trace of A1465
[21:15:04] <@Torrent> We have to make sure he can breathe enough while he shifts
[21:15:09] <@Torrent> (err)
[21:15:12] <@Torrent> "We have to make sure he can breathe enough while he shifts"
[21:16:21] <Baphnedia> !d20+15 spot (minus cover)
[21:16:21] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 15 for a total of 28 spot (minus cover)
[21:16:31] <@Torrent> (hold on, I'm not sure what to do here in real life)
[21:16:50] <@Ralith> "You sure you can do anything about that?"
[21:16:57] * Lupin whispers "s***. I really wish we had that grenade launcher now."
[21:17:36] * Torrent looks at Ralith
[21:17:48] <@Torrent> "We need to help him breathe"
[21:17:57] <@Lupin> "Or at least something to fire back with."
[21:18:04] <@Torrent> "Damnit! I could really use supplies right now!"
[21:18:07] <Baphnedia> Roll hearing.
[21:18:12] <@Ralith> !d20+6 hearing
[21:18:13] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 20 hearing
[21:18:18] <@Lupin> !d20+8 hearing
[21:18:18] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 19 hearing
[21:18:22] <@Torrent> !d20+5 hearing
[21:18:22] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 15 hearing
[21:18:26] <@A1465> !d20+6.5 hearing
[21:18:27] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 6.5 for a total of 14.5 hearing
[21:18:28] <@Aki> !d20+7 hearing
[21:18:28] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 26 hearing
[21:18:37] <@Ralith> (hehe)
[21:18:40] <@Lupin> (Haha)
[21:18:45] <Baphnedia> You hear grunts and moans of a human.
[21:18:49] <@Aki> (of course, the wounded guy hears the best, heh...)
[21:18:59] <@Ralith> (call it surreal clarity)
[21:19:06] <@Ralith> (mind focusing on random stuff)
[21:19:10] <@A1465> (It's near them and not me, right?)
[21:19:12] <@Torrent> "Aki, you're gonna need to shift, but until you're done, we're gonna have to help you breathe"
[21:19:19] <@A1465> (haha!)
[21:19:22] * Ralith keeps looking for A1465
[21:19:58] * Aki nods, but weakly gestures with a paw towards the sounds of grunts and moans.
[21:20:01] * A1465 is nowhere to be seen.
[21:20:02] <@Torrent> "Normally I'd surgically fix the lung, but I can't do this here"
[21:20:16] <@Torrent> "I need supplies, which we don't have"
[21:20:39] <@Torrent> "I know, I hear them too"
[21:20:58] <Baphnedia> A plume of snow showers up to the far side of the human. Apparently, he's as much game as any of you to these hunters.
[21:20:59] <@Ralith> (should I roll spot for finding A1465?)
[21:21:17] <Baphnedia> (sure...)
[21:21:23] <@Ralith> !d20+6 spot
[21:21:23] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 13 spot
[21:21:26] <@Ralith> (bah)
[21:21:38] <@A1465> !d20+6.5 you can't see me!
[21:21:38] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 6.5 for a total of 12.5 you can't see me!
[21:21:42] * Ralith ignores, or maybe just fails to notice the human's endangerment
[21:21:43] <@A1465> (aw)
[21:21:52] * Torrent looks over to the human and mumbles "God, he's dying out there"
[21:22:01] <@Ralith> "That's his problem."
[21:22:10] <@Lupin> "We can't do anything about it right now."
[21:22:18] <@Ralith> "We've got enough troubles of our own. Focus on Aki."
[21:22:22] <@Lupin> "Go out to save him, and we might suffer the same fate."
[21:22:27] * Torrent is dismayed bu the lack of sensitivity in the group towards the human, but returns to his work
[21:22:46] <@Ralith> (yer gonna have to do better than that, baph; torrent's the only one who'll play into your plans :) )
[21:23:13] <@Torrent> "Aki, we're going to take turns helping you breathe, it ain't love, sorry, but you're gonna need to shift
[21:23:17] <Baphnedia> The human is slowly crawling towards you, his shot-up leg leaving a trail of red behind. The occasional grunts or moans are coming from him as he exerts any effort to get away from the gunfire... which is.. consequently towards you.
[21:23:27] <@Torrent> "
[21:23:30] <@Ralith> (bah)
[21:23:34] <@A1465> (You'd think he'd go downhill...)
[21:23:41] * Aki nods, and starts to shift to Gestalt.
[21:23:46] * Ralith gives the human a breif grimace, then resumes ignoring him.
[21:23:52] * Torrent helps Aki breathe
[21:23:52] * Lupin tries to use the camera's zoom as a scope to locate A1465 or the shooters.
[21:24:07] <@Torrent> (eww muzzle to muzzle)
[21:24:12] <@Aki> (lol)
[21:24:16] <@Lupin> (heh)
[21:24:33] -Baphnedia- You see the muzzle flashes as two more shots ring out, both missing the human.
[21:25:15] * Lupin whispers "I can see the muzzle flash of the shooters, but no A1465."
[21:25:17] * Torrent starts getting out of breath and motions for someone else to take over
[21:25:53] <@Ralith> "I hope he got under cover."
[21:25:58] -Baphnedia- The shooters are on the move, running from tree to tree, between setting down and firing again.
[21:26:00] * Ralith takes over for Torrent
[21:26:15] * Torrent breathes heavily
[21:26:20] <@Torrent> "Thank... you..."
[21:26:25] * Lupin growls "s***! they're moving."
[21:26:42] <@Ralith> "Does it endanger us?"
[21:26:42] * Torrent coaches Aki
[21:26:49] <@A1465> !d20 + 6.5
[21:26:49] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 6.5 for a total of 25.5.
[21:26:54] <@Torrent> "C'mon, you can do it"
[21:27:02] * Aki gives Torrent weakly with a newly formed middle finger.
[21:27:11] <@A1465> (heh)
[21:27:11] <@Aki> (gives torrent the bird*)
[21:27:14] <@Torrent> "Even after he won't be able to run
[21:27:15] <@Lupin> (Haha)
[21:27:17] <@Torrent> "
[21:27:29] <@Lupin> "We need to find some way to get the hell out of here."
[21:27:34] <@Ralith> "We can carry him, but he needs to be able to survive it."
[21:27:37] * A1465 shifts into wolf form in order to make himself as small a target as possible.
[21:27:39] <@Torrent> "His lung is still collapsed, but at least he isn't open"
[21:28:01] <@Aki> (If torrent can regrow his tongue, wouldn't my lung be fixed? O_o)
[21:28:05] <Baphnedia> You hear scuffing sounds in the snow nearby.
[21:28:12] * Ralith looks over
[21:28:21] <@Torrent> (I could be wrong, I'm basing this off human anatomy)
[21:28:25] <@Ralith> (a tounge is much smaller than a lung)
[21:28:30] <@Torrent> (I hope I'm wrong)
[21:28:59] <Baphnedia> (I'm moving away from the shift-and-instantly-heal concept... slowly)
[21:28:59] <@A1465> (But much harder to regenerate)
[21:28:59] <@Ralith> "Will he be alright?"
[21:28:59] <@Aki> (Yeah, but I only have a only in mine...its not *missing)
[21:28:59] <@Ralith> (certainly no instant healing, but it speeds it along for a moment)
[21:28:59] <@Aki> (have a hole*)
[21:29:04] <@Ralith> (a really fscking big hole)
[21:29:06] <@Torrent> "Yes, but he'll be very weak"
[21:29:12] <@Ralith> (much bigger than a tounge)
[21:29:20] <@Ralith> "Just so long as he'll survive."
[21:29:28] <@Torrent> "We'll have to be careful in moving him"
[21:29:28] * Lupin plays with the camera settings.
[21:29:39] <@Torrent> "How close are they?"
[21:29:41] * Aki finishes shifting.
[21:29:48] * Ralith glances over at Lupin. "Are you ever going to destroy that film?"
[21:29:58] <@Torrent> "Rip out the goddamn film now!"
[21:30:00] <Baphnedia> You hear some running sounds in the snow.
[21:30:08] <Baphnedia> !d20+15 spot
[21:30:08] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 15 for a total of 32 spot
[21:30:08] <@Torrent> "They're close"
[21:30:09] * Ralith looks up, towards the sounds.
[21:30:15] <@Torrent> "Let's go!"
[21:30:19] <Baphnedia> !d20+10 fire
[21:30:20] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 10 for a total of 13 fire
[21:30:23] * A1465 is running closer, staying low to the ground.
[21:30:29] * Torrent motions Ralith to help him carry Aki
[21:30:31] * Ralith sighs in relief
[21:30:37] <Baphnedia> A bullet ricochets past A1465 as he runs towards the group.
[21:30:39] <@Lupin> (I was never actually told it was a film camera.)
[21:30:40] * Ralith picks up Aki's top end
[21:30:51] * A1465 ducks under cover, panting.
[21:30:51] <Baphnedia> (ack on that...)
[21:30:51] Akela Aki
[21:30:58] * Torrent takes Aki's other end
[21:31:04] -Baphnedia- it is a digital camera with a really big lens)
[21:31:04] <@Torrent> "Move move move"
[21:31:08] * Torrent runs
[21:31:12] * Lupin runs
[21:31:14] <@A1465> (ack, no)
[21:31:17] * A1465 stays put
[21:31:25] <Baphnedia> !d20+15 spot
[21:31:25] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 15 for a total of 32 spot
[21:31:35] <Baphnedia> !d20+15 fire
[21:31:35] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 15 for a total of 34 fire
[21:31:39] * A1465 watches in horror.
[21:31:51] <@Ralith> (don't we get dodge?)
[21:31:53] <Baphnedia> )torrent is even, Lupin is odd)
[21:31:59] <Baphnedia> (yes those two do)
[21:32:07] <Baphnedia> !d2
[21:32:07] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d2 for a total of 1.
[21:32:13] <Baphnedia> (Lupin roll dodge)
[21:32:18] <@Lupin> !d20+7 dodge
[21:32:19] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 19 dodge
[21:32:19] <@Ralith> (oh, right)
[21:32:44] <@Lupin> (Bah, wrong modifier.)
[21:32:52] <@Torrent> (me too?)
[21:32:54] <@A1465> (Wait a moment,)

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:25 pm
by Lupin
[21:32:54] <@Lupin> (Log post)
[21:33:01] <@A1465> (Torrent has one end of Aki,)
[21:33:05] <@A1465> (And Ralith has the other)
[21:33:06] <@Torrent> (obviously Ralith is with me too)
[21:33:14] <@Ralith> (just Lupin)
[21:33:18] <@Torrent> (ah)
[21:33:20] <@Lupin> (We're all running together.)
[21:33:25] <@Torrent> (k)
[21:33:29] <Baphnedia> (except the camerman and A1465)
[21:33:36] <@A1465> (Oh, okay. Have fun getting shot)
[21:33:38] <Baphnedia> (who are close together where you just left)
[21:34:00] <@Ralith> (have fun with the human, I'm sure he'll make great company.)
[21:34:06] <@Lupin> (I can't parse that.)
[21:34:28] <@Ralith> (what form's A1465 in?)
[21:34:31] -Baphnedia- You just got shot in the foot.
[21:34:33] <@A1465> (wolf)
[21:34:34] <Baphnedia> (wolf)
[21:34:37] <@Ralith> (thought so)
[21:34:53] * A1465 just sits down, not being too picky about who he shares shelter with.
[21:34:55] <@Torrent> "Aki, you still awake?"
[21:34:56] * Lupin gets a bullet in the foot and trips.
[21:34:58] <Baphnedia> Lupin just got shot in the foot, a small spray of what blood used to be in there is now on the snow as the bullet continues into the ground.
[21:35:02] <@Aki> "Yeah."
[21:35:15] <@Torrent> "Crap!"
[21:35:20] * Torrent turns to Lupin
[21:35:24] <@Ralith> "Just keep moving!"
[21:35:44] <@Torrent> "Good to see you're okay"
[21:36:05] * Lupin grabs the small end the lens in his mouth and drops to all fours, running as fast as possible.
[21:36:08] <@Ralith> (how far are we from the crest?)
[21:36:11] <@Torrent> "Faster, Ralith"
[21:36:16] -Baphnedia- You can kinda hobble, if theres someone to hobble with.
[21:36:27] * Ralith nods and accelerates, wound beginning to sting again.
[21:36:38] <Baphnedia> The crest of the hill is several hundred feet away.
[21:36:44] * Torrent picks up the speed also
[21:37:03] * Ralith searches for another bit of cover
[21:37:07] <@Ralith> !d20+6 spot
[21:37:07] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 10 spot
[21:37:25] <@A1465> (brb)
[21:37:30] <@Torrent> (k)
[21:37:48] <Baphnedia> There are some trees ahead.
[21:38:10] <Baphnedia> Perhaps fifteen feet that shoudl provide some cover.
[21:38:20] <Baphnedia> Not nearly as good as the cover you just left though.
[21:38:45] <Baphnedia> You reach the new clump of trees.
[21:39:04] * Ralith keeps going
[21:39:25] * Torrent , of course, also continues
[21:39:41] <Baphnedia> Lupin, you're now at the clump of trees.
[21:39:42] <@A1465> (I have to move my car for the landlord.)
[21:39:43] <@Ralith> (*Torrent stops. *Aki rips ;) )
[21:39:48] <Baphnedia> !d20+5 spot
[21:39:48] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 7 spot
[21:39:53] <@Ralith> (:D)
[21:40:04] <@Torrent> (lol Ralith)
[21:40:06] <Baphnedia> (lol Ralith)
[21:40:30] <@Torrent> (I just got a really funny mental image there)
[21:40:58] <Baphnedia> !dead Aki (hehe)
[21:40:58] <Lycaon> * Baphnedia falls over dead on... Aki (hehe)!
[21:41:04] <Baphnedia> (ooops!)
[21:41:15] <@Torrent> (GM is dead now, great)
[21:41:19] <@Aki> (lol)
[21:41:28] -Baphnedia- You can almost feel the hunters sighting in on you.
[21:41:48] <Baphnedia> The slope only impedes your movement.
[21:41:51] <@Ralith> (A great hand reaches out of the clouds and... falls, bringing a gigantic body with it.)
[21:42:02] <Baphnedia> If it got under foot faster, you'd be closer to the crest.
[21:42:03] * Ralith motions to the side away from the hunters
[21:42:15] <@Ralith> (at an angle to the crest)
[21:42:33] * Ralith starts to turn about 45 degrees that way
[21:42:55] <Baphnedia> Ralith starts running towards the right, further uphil and towards the crest.
[21:42:56] <@Lupin> (back)
[21:43:00] <Baphnedia> (wb)
[21:43:03] <@Torrent> (wb)
[21:43:18] <@Lupin> (ty)
[21:43:27] <@Aki> (wb)
[21:43:30] <@Ralith> (wb)
[21:43:36] -Baphnedia- you're at the cluster of trees with some sense of cover for the moment. A1465 and the cameraman are still way behind.
[21:44:15] * Lupin takes the camera out of his mouth, curses, and looks at his injured foot.
[21:44:25] <Baphnedia> (A resounding Thud is heard throughout the world as the body lands to create the Columbia River Basin)
[21:44:28] <@A1465> (Okay, I'm back.)
[21:44:53] <Baphnedia> The foot is hanging on by the skin and bits of muscle here and there.
[21:45:02] <@Ralith> (ow.)
[21:45:23] <Baphnedia> The ankle was shot right out from under you, the Heel is just kinda doing it's one thing, hanging on to the foot that is hanging on to you.
[21:45:32] <@Torrent> (uughh)
[21:45:41] <@Torrent> (running on 3 legs then)
[21:45:49] <@Lupin> (Pretty much)
[21:46:29] <@Ralith> (brb)
[21:46:30] <@Lupin> "The camera is digital... We can't lose it until... we pull out the storage in it."
[21:46:40] <@Ralith> "Just smash it."
[21:47:06] <@Lupin> "Won't work."
[21:47:47] <@Torrent> "Well take out the storage"
[21:47:53] <@Ralith> "We'll worry about it when we're somewhere safe!"
[21:48:00] <@Torrent> "Okay then!"
[21:48:07] <@Ralith> (how far to go?)
[21:48:22] -Baphnedia- are you start running again?)
[21:48:36] * Lupin examines the camera, and finding the Compact Flash card, pulls out the card.
[21:48:46] <Baphnedia> about 200 feet. There is a growing distance between you and Lupin, as he's stopped atm
[21:49:24] * Lupin puts the card in his mouth and starts running again.
[21:50:27] <Baphnedia> 100ft (for Ralith and crew)
[21:50:34] <Baphnedia> 200ft for Lupin)
[21:50:48] <@Torrent> "Keep it up!"
[21:50:56] * Ralith stops the angle and goes straight for the crest
[21:52:48] <@Ralith> (...)
[21:53:07] <Baphnedia> The crest is a bit rockier, under the snow.
[21:53:22] <Baphnedia> Footing is still good, the clouds seem to be visibly getting lower.
[21:53:30] <Baphnedia> !d20+15 spot
[21:53:30] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 15 for a total of 30 spot
[21:53:39] * Torrent feels the rocks under foot and keeps pushing on
[21:54:06] <@Ralith> (ohshit)
[21:54:29] <@Lupin> (Damn)
[21:55:28] * Lupin really wishes Ralith had is grenade launcher right now.
[21:56:07] <Baphnedia> Ralith, Torrent and Aki reach the crest. Just a few more feet and the hunters won't be able to fire at you, as your siloutted agaisnt the hill.
[21:56:30] * Ralith crouches, still moving
[21:56:49] * Torrent obviously does so also
[21:56:54] <@Torrent> ( :P )
[21:57:28] <Baphnedia> 100ft for Lupin
[21:57:33] <Baphnedia> !d20 +15 spot
[21:57:33] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 15 for a total of 34 spot
[21:57:48] <@Lupin> (O_O)
[21:57:56] -Baphnedia- You've reached the rocky part.
[21:57:58] <@Torrent> (hmm)
[21:58:02] <@Aki> (damn O_O)
[21:58:04] <@A1465> !d20+6.5
[21:58:04] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 6.5 for a total of 7.5.
[21:58:05] -Baphnedia- 100 feet to go!
[21:58:17] <Baphnedia> !d20 +10 fire
[21:58:17] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 10 for a total of 14 fire
[21:58:54] <@Ralith> (yay)
[21:59:01] <Baphnedia> Lupin, roll dodge
[21:59:11] <@Lupin> !d20+8 dodge
[21:59:12] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 17 dodge
[21:59:56] <Baphnedia> Lupin instinctively ducks his head at the right moment while running. You see a spark as the bullet strikes a rock, while sending up surrounding snow in a small plume.
[22:00:13] * Torrent gasps at the near miss
[22:00:45] * Baphnedia wonders if Lupin is going to book it.
[22:00:47] * Lupin runs just that much faster.
[22:00:53] * Baphnedia stops wondering.
[22:00:59] <Baphnedia> 50ft to go...
[22:01:08] <Baphnedia> !d20+15 spot
[22:01:08] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 15 for a total of 27 spot
[22:01:26] <@Ralith> (yay)
[22:01:32] <Baphnedia> Everyone roll hearing.
[22:01:37] <@Ralith> !d20+6 hearing
[22:01:37] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 26 hearing
[22:01:39] <@Ralith> (:D)
[22:01:39] <@Lupin> !d20+8 hearing
[22:01:40] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 25 hearing
[22:01:40] <@A1465> (me too?)
[22:01:41] <@Aki> !d20+7 Hearing
[22:01:41] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 14 Hearing
[22:01:42] <@Torrent> !d20+5 hearing
[22:01:42] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 21 hearing
[22:01:47] <@A1465> !d20+6.5 hearing
[22:01:47] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 6.5 for a total of 13.5 hearing
[22:03:20] -Baphnedia- You recognize the sound of a rescue helicopter fast approaching.
[22:03:38] <@Ralith> "Chopper incoming!"
[22:04:12] <@Ralith> (and of course, with that, I have to go.)
[22:04:12] * Lupin runs toward Ralith and the rest of them, ignoring the chopper.
[22:04:12] <@Torrent> "What should we do?"
[22:04:16] <@Ralith> (bbs, dinner)
[22:04:19] <Baphnedia> As if a prayer was answered, a bright light illuminates a spot far off to the left, you see the hunters trying to duck and cover away from the light.
[22:04:19] <@Torrent> (aww)
[22:04:32] <@Ralith> "They're not with the hunters!"
[22:04:33] <@Lupin> (D:)
[22:04:35] <@Torrent> (is it friendly you think?"
[22:04:40] <@A1465> (Yes)
[22:04:48] <@A1465> (That was the agreed upon signal)
[22:04:53] <@Torrent> (ah)
[22:05:08] <@A1465> (Oh, wait, nevermind)
[22:05:12] <@Ralith> (spotlight != flare)
[22:05:15] <@A1465> (I misread)
[22:05:25] <@Ralith> (ok, really afk now)
[22:05:30] <@Torrent> (cya)
[22:05:32] <Baphnedia> Small pffts are heard from the helicopter as darts fly from the aircraft towards the hunters.
[22:05:32] <@Lupin> (bye)
[22:05:40] <@A1465> (haha)
[22:05:49] <@Lupin> (Hah)
[22:05:54] * Torrent looks a bit relieved
[22:06:14] * Lupin continues to hall a**.
[22:06:21] <@Lupin> (*haul)
[22:06:32] <Baphnedia> (Deck the hauls!)
[22:07:42] <Baphnedia> Lupin reaches the crest and is over it.
[22:07:52] <Baphnedia> The helicopter continues to track and follow the hunters.
[22:07:54] * Torrent runs with Ralith towards Lupin's direction
[22:08:14] * Lupin stops and sits, trying to catch his breath
[22:08:50] * Torrent catches up to Lupin
[22:09:05] * Torrent looks at Lupin's wound and grimaces
[22:09:21] * Lupin just looks at Torrent
[22:09:33] <Baphnedia> You are near a small rock outcropping.
[22:10:05] <@Torrent> "We're gonna need to take care of that"
[22:10:20] * Torrent catches his breath
[22:10:46] * Lupin takes the card out of his mouth. "Worst. Vacation. EVER."
[22:11:03] <@Aki> "No s***."
[22:11:11] <Baphnedia> (still /noticing)
[22:11:27] <Baphnedia> The helicopter hovers at an area far away.
[22:11:32] <@Lupin> "And how would you suggest taking care of this?"
[22:11:38] <@Torrent> "So much for a peaceful retreat..."
[22:11:50] <@Torrent> "The leg wound?"
[22:12:00] <@Torrent> "Nothing I can do here"
[22:12:07] <@Torrent> "No medkit"
[22:12:21] -Baphnedia- You could swear that your ankle hates you.
[22:12:35] * Lupin growls.
[22:14:09] * A1465 is following bloody footprints (but you guys don't know that.)
[22:14:52] <@Torrent> (heh)
[22:15:10] <@Torrent> "Just... favor the other leg..."
[22:15:18] <@Torrent> (sorry, Monty Python)
[22:15:31] * Lupin growls loudly at Torrent
[22:16:03] <Baphnedia> (you took my legs, and my arms. You even took my torso! I'll gnaw you to death you lousy swordsman!)
[22:16:11] <@Torrent> (heh)
[22:16:23] <@Aki> (lol)
[22:16:28] <@Lupin> (hehe)
[22:16:42] <@Torrent> (but of course Torrent doesn't know Python, being he has few memories or knowledge of the outside world ;) )
[22:16:52] <Baphnedia> (of course not)
[22:17:33] <Baphnedia> The helicopter finishes it's hovering.
[22:17:48] <Baphnedia> It turns off it's spotlight and flies off in the direction of that town.
[22:18:49] <Baphnedia> You are truly alone in the night once again.
[22:19:06] * Torrent sighs
[22:19:27] * Baphnedia will have a lot to answer for to Akela...
[22:19:42] <@Torrent> "Well, let me see that leg again, Lupin"
[22:20:06] <@Lupin> "It's there. I'm not moving."
[22:20:51] <@Lupin> (Log post)

Worst Vacation Ever.

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:07 am
by Lupin

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:06 am
by Lupin
[22:59:58] <@Lupin> (Log posting now to get to the next page that much quicker.)
[23:00:01] <@Ralith> (*yawns at the unnecessarily detailed medical descriptions*)
[23:00:04] * Torrent uses plenty of tape and braces the leg with the 2 sticks on either side
[23:00:28] * Torrent checks the man's breathing
[23:00:30] <Baphnedia> (lol before I know it, you'll be log posting every 15 minutes for that purpose)
[23:00:37] <@Torrent> (should've done that 1st!)
[23:00:48] <@Lupin> (It's starting to load slowly right now.)
[23:00:50] <Baphnedia> (you're the librarian... I don't care if you log post every line... do it however you wish to do it)
[23:01:25] <@Torrent> "Another one to carry. Great!"
[23:01:25] <Baphnedia> His breathing is fine.
[23:01:30] * Baphnedia pokes Akela
[23:01:40] <@Akela> (So I can speak now?)
[23:01:42] * Torrent tries to make the man concious
[23:01:45] <Baphnedia> (yes)
[23:01:55] <@Akela> "c-c-cooolddd"
[23:01:58] <@Ralith> (now what's the point in that?)
[23:01:59] <@Lupin> (I also did like ~two hours in the second to last post, so I'm correcting for that.)
[23:02:03] <@Akela> *The man's teeth chatter
[23:02:16] * Torrent reaches over and puts the sleeping bag around him
[23:02:28] <@Torrent> "Care to help me carry him over to the group?"
[23:02:42] <@Lupin> (And this, boys and girls, is why I didn't shift to human.)
[23:02:42] <@Torrent> (to A1465)
[23:03:01] <@A1465> (Make a man a fire, and you keep him warm him for a day. Set a may on fire, and you keep him warm for the rest of his life.)
[23:03:14] <Baphnedia> (haha)
[23:03:19] * A1465 nods and moves into position.
[23:03:53] <@Akela> "M-my leg!"
[23:04:04] <@A1465> (Complain, complain...)
[23:04:06] * Torrent helps to support the leg
[23:04:18] * A1465 grabs the loud end.
[23:04:20] * Torrent lifts
[23:04:25] * A1465 does, too.
[23:04:33] <@Lupin> (Haha)
[23:04:37] <Baphnedia> (hehe)
[23:04:41] <Baphnedia> (ow)
[23:04:43] <@Ralith> (heh)
[23:04:45] <@Akela> (Hey :P)
[23:04:56] * Baphnedia is not responsible for how they're treating you
[23:05:07] * Torrent starts moving the man up to the rest of the group
[23:05:08] * Baphnedia is only responsible for you getting shot.
[23:05:12] <@Ralith> (hehe)
[23:05:33] <Baphnedia> The march back over the crest gets easier.
[23:05:46] <Baphnedia> The clouds continue to lower as the night settles in.
[23:06:26] <Baphnedia> The number of tracks leading up to where the rest of the group is, with the occaisional spot of Lupin's blood is very easy to folow.
[23:06:36] <Baphnedia> Especially since Lupin's blood is all over it.
[23:06:52] <Baphnedia> You get up into the rocky part just before the crest.
[23:07:04] <@Lupin> (Glad to see I'm useful for something.)
[23:07:16] <@Ralith> hehe)
[23:07:19] <Baphnedia> There is a shiney thing nestled between two rocks, that you notice as you walk past.
[23:07:31] <@A1465> (* A1465 drops his end.)
[23:07:35] * Torrent mumbles something about pictures
[23:07:40] <@Lupin> (My new camera?)
[23:07:41] <@Torrent> (lol)
[23:07:56] * A1465 slows to a halt.
[23:08:01] * Torrent looks down
[23:08:04] <@A1465> (Ooh, shiny!)
[23:08:19] * A1465 tries to see what it is.
[23:08:30] <Baphnedia> There lies the large lense of a digital camera, looking you in the eye.
[23:08:42] <@Torrent> "We'll come back for that"
[23:08:44] * A1465 shrugs.
[23:08:47] <@Ralith> (must be a pretty good one with a lense that size.)
[23:08:50] * A1465 continues on.
[23:09:02] <@Torrent> (rrrriipppp!)
[23:09:04] <@Lupin> (I was using it to spot the hunters.)
[23:09:06] <Baphnedia> Akela is probably a pretty good photographer.
[23:09:09] * Torrent continues on also
[23:09:17] <Baphnedia> (lol)
[23:09:21] <@Akela> (Maybe :P)
[23:09:28] * Akela continues to hobble along
[23:09:31] <@A1465> (He should be a little more careful about what he photographs, next time :P)
[23:09:38] <@Ralith> (hehe)
[23:09:38] <Baphnedia> Akela, you're being carried.
[23:09:41] <@Torrent> (we're carrying you)
[23:09:42] <@Lupin> (heh)
[23:09:48] <@Akela> (Oooo :P)
[23:09:51] <@Ralith> (oo... Akela could be from the sailboat.)
[23:09:59] <Baphnedia> You reach the crest, now with a short distance to the rock outcropping.
[23:09:59] <@A1465> (I thought of that...)
[23:10:16] <@Torrent> (stalker!)
[23:10:16] <@Akela> (You'll have to find out...)
[23:10:27] <@Lupin> (As did I)
[23:11:11] <Baphnedia> Those in the outcropping can hear the return of the othes.
[23:11:48] * Lupin wakes up from the oddest dream where he's a normal person, in front of a computer, playing a game of some sort.
[23:11:48] * Ralith 's ears perk, and he brings himself to his feet.
[23:11:59] <@Ralith> (heh)
[23:11:59] <@A1465> (heh)
[23:12:03] <Baphnedia> The photographer is carried by the head and by the toe into the rocky establishment.
[23:12:16] <Baphnedia> (heh)
[23:12:31] <@Ralith> "If this's the guy from the sailboat he'll have people expecting him back."
[23:13:05] * Lupin sniffs.
[23:13:18] <Baphnedia> It's the human you smelled earlier today.
[23:13:53] <@Ralith> (great lot of good that does us.)
[23:13:59] * Lupin debates doing a Lassie impression.
[23:14:07] * A1465 starts lowering him to the ground.
[23:14:12] <Baphnedia> (on three legs no less)
[23:14:34] <@Ralith> "It seems every time we turn there's another group coming in to this. If that helicopter wasn't ours, who's was it? I doubt it was marty's."
[23:14:58] <@Ralith> (Lupin, if you can pull it off, another shift should help, anyway)
[23:15:20] <@Lupin> !d20+7 do I want to shift?
[23:15:20] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 12 do I want to shift?
[23:15:21] <@Torrent> (maybe maybe not)
[23:15:51] * Lupin tries to shift to gestalt.
[23:16:10] -Baphnedia- The shift starts much more smoothly than you expect.
[23:16:45] <@A1465> (Not a good idea, btw)
[23:16:52] <@Ralith> (That was exciting.)
[23:16:56] <@Ralith> (why wouldn't it be?)
[23:17:01] <@A1465> (Tight bandages)
[23:17:07] <@Ralith> (right)
[23:17:08] <@Torrent> (and no more)
[23:17:12] * Lupin 's forepaws seperate out into fingers.
[23:17:30] <@Torrent> (my work is undone!)
[23:17:37] <Baphnedia> The bandages constrict briefly, and undo themselves.
[23:17:37] <@Torrent> (/me cries)
[23:18:00] * Akela stares in fascination
[23:18:44] * Lupin regains the ability to talk. "Why is it that the humans always see me shifting..?"
[23:19:24] <Baphnedia> Some of Lupin's bone structure in his foot has returned.
[23:19:31] <@Ralith> "Chances are he won't remember it."
[23:20:01] <Baphnedia> The foot bone is connected to the quarter-ankle bone.
[23:20:08] <@Ralith> "Once he's able to survive on his own we should drop him on the edge of town."
[23:20:19] <Baphnedia> The shin bone is connected to the other quarter ankle bone.
[23:20:29] <Baphnedia> The heel bone is connected to another quarter ankle bone
[23:20:37] <Baphnedia> And they all... hang... loosly.
[23:21:12] <@Torrent> ( :/ )
[23:21:22] <@Ralith> (It's an improvement.)
[23:21:43] * Torrent offers to rewrap the ankle
[23:21:57] <@Ralith> "If he's got any intelligence, he'll keep quiet; if not, the only people who'll listen to him already know anything he has to offer."
[23:22:06] -Baphnedia- The whole foot affair itches irritably.
[23:22:17] <@A1465> (Heh, we have a new Pack member named "Talking Pets." I wonder if it's a spammer.)
[23:22:23] * Lupin scratches his injured foot "It's your choice."
[23:22:36] <@Ralith> (who's?)
[23:22:39] * Torrent again wraps the ankle
[23:22:42] <Baphnedia> (Akela's)
[23:22:45] <@Lupin> (Torrent's.)
[23:22:48] <@Ralith> (oh, about the bandage)
[23:22:55] <Baphnedia> (oops)
[23:23:09] <Baphnedia> (Ralith, you're talking about the human, right?)
[23:23:13] <@Ralith> (yeah)
[23:23:25] <@Ralith> (no, Lupin! ;) )
[23:23:50] <Baphnedia> (hehe)
[23:24:09] <@Lupin> (*bites Ralith* :P)
[23:24:12] <Baphnedia> The breeze cuts through the rocks briefly, as the clouds seem to be getting closer.
[23:24:37] * Baphnedia watches helplessly as Raltih turns into a Werewolf again!
[23:24:44] <Baphnedia> (I couldn't resist)
[23:25:11] <@Torrent> (heh)
[23:25:17] <@Lupin> (Haha)
[23:25:28] * A1465 is still hungry, so he digs out some food.
[23:25:53] <Baphnedia> There are packaged sandwitches and other foodstufs that should last one person a couple of days in the pack.
[23:26:07] * Akela remains silent
[23:26:08] <@Ralith> "This is good; he won't be expected back too soon."
[23:26:13] <@A1465> (Thankfully, A1465 is one person :P)
[23:26:16] <@Ralith> (Lupin, you shifted to say something, didn't you?)
[23:26:19] -Baphnedia- your stomach growls as you see A1465 eat.
[23:26:32] * Ralith wanders over and grabs a sandwitch.
[23:26:33] <@Lupin> "Hey hand one of those over here."
[23:26:38] * Ralith tosses Lupin one
[23:26:52] * Lupin grabs one and starts eating.
[23:27:00] <@Torrent> "What else you got in there?"
[23:27:10] * A1465 also pulls out a decently-sized watermelon.
[23:27:33] <@Torrent> "Care to split it guys?"
[23:27:39] <@A1465> "A flashlight, a second watermelon, a few other things."
[23:27:40] <@Ralith> (hehehe)
[23:27:49] <@Torrent> (that's a big pack then O_o )
[23:27:53] <@Ralith> "What's he doing with watermelons in there?"
[23:28:02] <@Ralith> (Same kind as Darkmoons :) )
[23:28:10] <@Akela> (Don't ask me, Baph said I had them)
[23:28:12] <Baphnedia> (that was the intent)
[23:28:13] <@Lupin> "Maybe it's the same company that makes Darkmoons backpack."
[23:28:50] <Baphnedia> (somebody wanted watermelons. I only put them there as possible... ammo. But... seeing as how things didin't pan out quite the way I expected)
[23:29:15] <@Akela> (It's a bit difficult to throw a watermellon at range)
[23:29:16] <@Lupin> "I was thinking-- *much* that whatever they have-- *gulp* that's like the forest service-- *chew* are the people flying the helicopter."
[23:29:54] <@Ralith> "Seems a bit odd way of enforcing things. Fly in, tranq them, and fly out?"
[23:30:01] <@Ralith> "Perhaps they had a ground group following up."
[23:30:20] A1465 Akela
[23:30:31] <@Lupin> "Torrent? A1465? You smell anyone else?"
[23:30:39] * Torrent sniffs the air
[23:30:46] <@A1465> !d20+6.5 sniffy sniffy
[23:30:46] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 6.5 for a total of 18.5 sniffy sniffy
[23:30:52] * Lupin looks sidways at Torrent.
[23:31:06] * A1465 doesn't seem to smell anyone else.
[23:31:09] <@Lupin> "No, down where you picked them up."
[23:31:09] <@Torrent> "Nope, I don't"
[23:31:38] <@Torrent> "OH... I didn't but I wasn't trying to"
[23:31:53] <@A1465> "We did see a camera lens, but that's about it."
[23:31:56] * Lupin sighs "Humans."
[23:32:01] <@Ralith> "You need to get into the habit of keeping constant tabs on scent."
[23:32:20] * A1465 mumbles something about dogs.
[23:32:21] <@Lupin> "Yeah, it becomes your most important tool out here."
[23:33:06] * A1465 finishes eating.
[23:33:07] A1465 Akela
[23:33:14] * Ralith looks at A1465. "Sorry, what was that?"
[23:33:21] * Lupin makes a mental note to shake off water on A1465 the next time he gets wet.
[23:33:35] <@A1465> (What? Twice?)
[23:33:56] * A1465 pointedly ignores Ralith.
[23:33:59] <@Lupin> (Twice as much.)
[23:34:13] * Ralith growls breifly at A1465
[23:34:15] <@A1465> "Well, I think I'm going to take a nap."
[23:34:48] * A1465 takes the pack off into some corner and uses it as a pillow.
[23:35:00] <@Lupin> "I really hate to say this, but the human will probably freeze if we don't start a fire for him."
[23:35:37] <@Ralith> "Well, someone's clearly after us."
[23:35:47] * Torrent looks at Lupin wide-eyed
[23:35:58] <@Torrent> I know you're right... it's just..."
[23:36:01] A1465 Akela
[23:36:08] <@Torrent> (err I said that)
[23:36:10] <@Ralith> "Clearly our position is no secret any more."
[23:36:16] <@Torrent> "that's true"
[23:36:21] * Baphnedia pokes Akela
[23:36:31] <@Ralith> "Our rough position, that is."
[23:36:37] <@Ralith> "We don't want to give away where we are."
[23:36:42] <@Akela> (My character isn't exactly in a talkative mood right now -_-)
[23:37:00] * Lupin looks at Ralith "Well we still have to give him the ultimatum."
[23:37:03] <@Ralith> "Or the next thing that comes after us might be one of these helicopters, armed with something more than a rifle."
[23:37:08] <Baphnedia> (sounds good - just wanted to be sure you were still here, just in case... theres nothing wrong with that)
[23:37:11] <@Ralith> "Nah, that shouldn't be necessary."
[23:37:27] * Lupin looks at the human.
[23:37:38] <@Ralith> "We can drop him off by town and he won't be stupid enough to talk. Right?"
[23:37:41] * Ralith turns to the human
[23:38:05] <@Ralith> "You don't want to be found by the people chasing us. Nor do you want us after you."
[23:38:21] <@Torrent> "He's right you know"
[23:38:45] * Akela looks at the Ralith creature with a childlike fascination
[23:39:15] <@Ralith> "Of course, if you don't agree, we can just leave you here. You won't last long."
[23:39:22] * Lupin growls a bit "An answer would be nice."
[23:39:42] <@A1465> You hear snores eminating from the lump in the corner.
[23:39:55] <@Akela> "What... who are you?!
[23:40:18] * Torrent rolls his eyes wildly
[23:40:23] <@A1465> (haha)
[23:40:25] <@Ralith> "That's not important."
[23:40:29] <@Ralith> (yay for cliche.)
[23:40:37] <@Lupin> "The tooh fairy."
[23:40:38] <Baphnedia> (/me groans)
[23:40:45] <@Lupin> (tooth*)
[23:42:29] <Baphnedia> The clouds continue their descent as the air cools a bit more.
[23:42:30] <@Akela> "What do you mean 'not important' you look like something that crawled out of a government lab or something?"
[23:42:52] * Torrent grins and chuckles
[23:42:52] <@A1465> ( :D )
[23:43:05] <@Ralith> "I mean just what I said."
[23:43:05] <@Torrent> "Well, sorta"
[23:43:06] * Lupin looks at Torrent "Actually, you kinda do look like that."
[23:43:12] <@Ralith> "Now answer the question."
[23:43:14] * Lupin sticks out his toungue.
[23:43:17] <@Torrent> "Heh"
[23:43:23] <@Ralith> (can we try to give a properly intimidating face at least?!)
[23:43:51] <Baphnedia> (I'm thinking of Lupin's picture of a wolf licking it's nose atm) :)
[23:44:11] <Baphnedia> (Intimidating doesn't exactly describe it)
[23:44:24] <@Akela> (Hahaha I can see that too)
[23:44:30] * Ralith moves closer to the human, blocking out the others. "Answer."
[23:44:59] * Torrent 's face loses his humor
[23:45:02] <@Akela> "Answer what?!"
[23:45:19] * Torrent growls quietly
[23:45:45] <@Ralith> "What'll it be? The edge of town, and silence, or here, and death?"
[23:45:53] * Ralith growls
[23:45:58] * Ralith shows some teeth
[23:46:08] <@Akela> "If you were going to kill me then why would you have rescued me?"
[23:46:17] * Lupin snickers quietly, out of view.
[23:46:41] <@Ralith> "To give you this choice."
[23:46:46] <@A1465> (Because me and Torrent are softies :P)
[23:46:54] <@Torrent> "We don't want to kill you."
[23:47:04] <@Torrent> "We'll do what we have to."
[23:47:11] <Baphnedia> The snoring will continue until morale improves.
[23:47:23] <@Lupin> "They didn't really ask how this usually works."
[23:47:35] <@Ralith> (you're going to have a hell of a time attaching yourself to our group :) )
[23:47:38] <@Ralith> (Lupin, what?)
[23:47:48] <@Lupin> (Oh fine...)
[23:47:59] <@Lupin> "The ones who saved you didn't really ask how this usually works."
[23:48:12] <@Akela> (You guys don't seem too curious as to what I was doing :P)
[23:48:26] <@Lupin> (Bigger fish to fry.)
[23:49:01] <@Lupin> (Plus I have the pictures on your camera. I can always figure it out later.)
[23:49:17] <@Torrent> "So, you're a photographer are you? Big shot has to get the story?!?"
[23:49:31] <@Akela> "I don't work for the paper"
[23:49:37] <@Ralith> "Oh?"
[23:49:44] <@Ralith> "Nature photography, then?"
[23:49:52] <@Akela> "I was just trying to get some nice scenic photos"
[23:49:53] <@Ralith> "For postcards or something?"
[23:50:02] <@Ralith> "Thought so. Now make your choice."
[23:50:11] * Ralith snarls a little
[23:50:22] <@Akela> "You don't want anything in return for saving my life?"
[23:50:26] <@Torrent> "There /is/ a third choice, actually..."
[23:50:37] <@Ralith> (damnit, stop being on baph's side!)
[23:50:41] <@Ralith> "Not in this situation."
[23:50:55] <@Lupin> "Eternal silence works just fine here."
[23:50:58] <@Ralith> "We don't have time for a newbie, and he has no reason to abandon his life."
[23:51:05] <@Torrent> "But I'm reluctant to mention it... I mean, we don't have the time to drag you along. You'd be a liability."
[23:51:12] <@Torrent> "You're right."
[23:51:13] * Baphnedia has no sied.
[23:51:17] <Baphnedia> *side
[23:51:29] <@Ralith> (right, you don't any more. Make that Akela's side.)
[23:51:39] <@Lupin> "Not that you're very expieirenced at this yourself, Torrent."
[23:51:40] <@Ralith> (The side of twisting reality to get him into the group, whatever that is.)
[23:51:55] <@A1465> (Baphnedia is the out-side.)
[23:52:07] <Baphnedia> The mountain rumbles incoherently.
[23:52:12] * Baphnedia loves his job.
[23:52:12] <@Akela> (True, I can't say I'm exactlyu knowledgable about how an average person would react to werewolves)
[23:52:13] <@Torrent> "Lupin, you do have a point."
[23:52:29] <@Ralith> (you're in shock, basically, and not because of your wound.)
[23:52:33] <@Ralith> (makes sense to me.)
[23:53:06] <@Ralith> "Answer now or we choose for you, and there's only one choice that we can make safely without your cooperation."
[23:53:23] <@Ralith> (wow, that reminds me of the trailer)
[23:53:28] <@Lupin> (Haha)
[23:53:31] <@Akela> "How exactly do you plan on leaving? If you haven't noticed these aren't exactly friendly lands."
[23:53:40] <@Ralith> "We have our ways."
[23:53:45] <@Ralith> "That's none of your buisiness."
[23:53:47] <@Lupin> "Same way we got here."
[23:53:54] <@Lupin> "Nothing you need to know."
[23:54:02] <Baphnedia> (We won't leave her behind!)
[23:54:08] <@Torrent> (heh)
[23:54:09] <@Ralith> (Don't be too sure... :) )
[23:54:12] <@Lupin> (Akela became a her?)
[23:54:20] <@Ralith> (Akela could just become a convenient NPC controller)
[23:54:22] <@Ralith> (haha)
[23:54:24] -Baphnedia- You're the alpha of the pack... you've said so yourself.
[23:54:26] <@Akela> (Oy...)
[23:54:38] <@Ralith> (See? It's a female sounding name! That's what you get for ending yourself with a vowel.)
[23:54:39] <@Torrent> "Answer. Now!"
[23:54:46] * Ralith growls and snarls a bit more this time
[23:54:52] * Torrent looks at his claws
[23:55:02] <@A1465> (10)
[23:55:07] <@Akela> "I would prefer to be kept relatively unharmed."
[23:55:15] <@A1465> (9 :P)
[23:55:19] <@Torrent> "Back to town it is!"
[23:55:34] <@Lupin> "Great. Then you're going back to town."
[23:55:34] <@Torrent> (A1465: what's that?)
[23:55:36] <@Ralith> "And you will remain silent?"
[23:55:44] <@A1465> (You guys are taking to long :P)
[23:55:51] <Baphnedia> Somebody roll intelligence please...
[23:55:52] <@A1465> (too* >_<)
[23:55:56] <@Ralith> !d20+6 intel
[23:55:56] <@Lupin> "I'd suggest never speaking about this incident, lest bad things happen to you."
[23:55:56] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 8 intel
[23:55:58] <@A1465> !d20+6.5 :P
[23:55:58] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 6.5 for a total of 12.5 :P
[23:56:00] <Baphnedia> nm
[23:56:01] <@Lupin> !d20+8 intel
[23:56:02] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 24 intel
[23:56:03] <@Akela> "Who would believe me?"
[23:56:08] * Torrent laughs
[23:56:13] <@Ralith> "Very good."
[23:56:14] <@Lupin> "Good train of thought."
[23:56:30] * Ralith gives Akela another solid elbow to the head
[23:56:49] -Baphnedia- Isn't there a helicopter that you're trying to rendevous with tomorrow?
[23:57:15] >Baphnedia< That's tomorrow? I thought it was two days from now.
[23:57:22] <@A1465> !% brain damage :D
[23:57:22] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled 63%: brain damage :D
[23:57:30] <@Torrent> ( O_o )
[23:57:34] <@Ralith> (And time stops. Whee, I like this elbow.)
[23:57:35] <@Lupin> (HEhe.)
[23:57:57] <@Torrent> ( good job, he's special ed now)
[23:58:02] <@A1465> (/me is in a mood tonight...)
[23:58:06] <@Akela> (You guys are no fun :P)
[23:58:07] <@Lupin> (We could have used that time stop feature when we were being shot at!)
[23:58:18] * Lupin (pokes Baphnedia )
[23:58:21] <@Akela> (Slomo is funner)
[23:58:28] <@Ralith> (we're just realistic.)
[23:58:29] -Baphnedia- It's night - you'll be on your last day before the helicopter... and there was no set time for it to arrive on day 5, was there?
[23:58:34] <@A1465> (hahaha)
[23:58:35] <@Torrent> (is funner a word?)
[23:58:37] <@Ralith> (hey, cool, we can be telepathic when time stops too!)
[23:58:54] <@A1465> .oO("Can you hear me now?")
[23:58:55] <Baphnedia> hehe
[23:59:24] <@Lupin> "Wait, guys. The helicopter comes tomorrow."
[23:59:35] <@Torrent> (tomorrow already?)
[23:59:41] <@Torrent> (err)
[23:59:43] <@Lupin> (Yes.)
[23:59:52] <@Torrent> "Tommorrow, already?"
[00:00:00] <@Torrent> (brain fart, sorry :P )
[00:00:09] <@A1465> (brb)
[00:00:18] <@Lupin> "Yes. There wasn't any set time for it to come, either."
[00:00:28] <@Ralith> (have I knocked him out or not?!)
[00:00:29] <@Lupin> (Log post.)
[00:00:54] <Baphnedia> He is just being veeeery quiet.
[00:00:55] <Baphnedia> ack
[00:01:01] <Baphnedia> (shoulda /noticed that)
[00:01:06] <@Lupin> (Hunting wabbits?)
[00:01:15] <@Akela> (I don't know what to say :P)
[00:01:26] -Baphnedia- ROFLMAO
[00:01:32] * Ralith pokes Akela in the side of the head, testing for resistance
[00:01:44] <@Akela> (This is my first time playing an RP game, everyone always has to gang up on the newb don't they? :P)
[00:01:54] <@Ralith> (no, we gang up on the human.)
[00:02:04] <@Lupin> (Yeah.)
[00:02:05] <@A1465> (back)
[00:02:07] <Baphnedia> (everyone's roleplaying thusfar is fine)
[00:02:10] <@Ralith> (not our fault it turned out to be you :P)
[00:02:23] <Baphnedia> (it wouldn't be realistic if they didn't gang up on you - you're doing fine)
[00:03:26] <@A1465> (We need to find some way to get him to stay with us, though.)
[00:03:28] <@Lupin> (Log post.)
[00:03:37] <@Ralith> (no we don't :) )
[00:03:42] <@Ralith> (that's his and baph's problem)
[00:03:47] <@Lupin> (Oh go snore or something.)
[00:03:53] * A1465 snores, or something.
[00:03:55] <@Torrent> (realistic... lol)

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:36 am
by Lupin
[00:00:29] <@Lupin> (Log post.)
[00:00:54] <Baphnedia> He is just being veeeery quiet.
[00:00:55] <Baphnedia> ack
[00:01:01] <Baphnedia> (shoulda /noticed that)
[00:01:06] <@Lupin> (Hunting wabbits?)
[00:01:15] <@Akela> (I don't know what to say :P)
[00:01:26] -Baphnedia- ROFLMAO
[00:01:32] * Ralith pokes Akela in the side of the head, testing for resistance
[00:01:44] <@Akela> (This is my first time playing an RP game, everyone always has to gang up on the newb don't they? :P)
[00:01:54] <@Ralith> (no, we gang up on the human.)
[00:02:04] <@Lupin> (Yeah.)
[00:02:05] <@A1465> (back)
[00:02:07] <Baphnedia> (everyone's roleplaying thusfar is fine)
[00:02:10] <@Ralith> (not our fault it turned out to be you :P)
[00:02:23] <Baphnedia> (it wouldn't be realistic if they didn't gang up on you - you're doing fine)
[00:03:26] <@A1465> (We need to find some way to get him to stay with us, though.)
[00:03:28] <@Lupin> (Log post.)
[00:03:37] <@Ralith> (no we don't :) )
[00:03:42] <@Ralith> (that's his and baph's problem)
[00:03:47] <@Lupin> (Oh go snore or something.)
[00:03:53] * A1465 snores, or something.
[00:03:55] <@Torrent> (realistic... lol)
[00:04:39] * Baphnedia pauses dramatically.
[00:05:07] <@A1465> (We're taking him, or you all won't get any more watermelon :P)
[00:05:15] <@Akela> (Last time I try to chat with Jonathan Dowdeswell and play an RP game)
[00:05:37] <@Akela> (It's a once in a lifetime opportunity though, I couldn't resist :P)
[00:05:38] <@Lupin> (Wolves like pepperments better anyway.)
[00:05:52] <Baphnedia> (hehe)
[00:06:07] <@A1465> (I would like to stop soon, if you all don't mind.)
[00:06:16] <@Torrent> (lol)
[00:06:26] * Baphnedia would like to see some closure on the issues at hand, or at least a nice bit of suspense.
[00:06:29] <@Ralith> (you're sleeping anyway)
[00:06:34] <@A1465> (heh)
[00:06:49] * Ralith pokes Akela in the side of the head, testing for resistance (again because nothing happened last time)
[00:07:01] * Torrent notes Akela doesn't move
[00:07:08] <@Ralith> (that works)
[00:07:09] * Akela is dead!
[00:07:14] <@Akela> !dead
[00:07:14] <Lycaon> * Akela falls down... dead! x_X
[00:07:14] <@Ralith> (D:)
[00:07:21] <@Ralith> (time for a new character.)
[00:07:30] <@Lupin> (A bit too hard there, Ralith )
[00:07:33] <@Torrent> (good job ;) )
[00:07:54] <@Akela> (I was just joking :P)
[00:08:16] <@Lupin> "I'm not sure that with the fact that several of us are injured, we can make it to town and back from here in time."
[00:09:29] <@Ralith> "Erm. Good point."
[00:09:48] <@Ralith> "He'll have a nasty surprise when he wakes up."
[00:09:53] * Torrent has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[00:09:53] <@Lupin> "On the other hand, it's not like we can keep it."
[00:10:06] * Ralith nods
[00:10:33] * Akela looks at Ralith "Is his purpose to beat every human you encounter senseless?"
[00:10:58] * Ralith looks surprised.
[00:10:59] <@A1465> (ZOMBIE! D:)
[00:11:00] <@Lupin> "You'll have to excuse him, he's a bit antisocial."
[00:11:13] * Ralith grins toothily
[00:11:43] <@Akela> "He's obviously not the brains behind the operation"
[00:12:00] <@Akela> "Or you would have been caught long ago"
[00:12:02] * Ralith stops grinning but stays toothy
[00:12:09] <@A1465> (heh)
[00:12:11] * Darkmoon (~chatzilla@* has joined #paradice
[00:12:11] * Darkmoon gives channel operator status to Darkmoon
[00:12:21] <@A1465> (Heya')
[00:12:29] A1465 Akela
[00:12:30] <@Ralith> (Akela, you're as bad as Aki when it comes to being coherent and smartass when in much pain.)
[00:12:31] A1465 Akela
[00:12:31] <Baphnedia> (hiya)
[00:12:34] <@Lupin> (Ooh, you can replace A1465 )
[00:12:35] * Lone_Wolf (Lone_Wolf@69.182.63.*) has joined #paradice
[00:12:35] * Lone_Wolf gives channel operator status to Lone_Wolf
[00:12:39] <@Lupin> (wb)
[00:12:54] <@Lone_Wolf> (ty)
[00:12:57] <Baphnedia> (wb)
[00:13:02] * Darkmoon has quit (Quit: Chatzilla [Firefox 1.0.6/20050716])
[00:13:04] * Ralith proceeds to ignore the funny little human
[00:13:04] * Lone_Wolf is now known as Torrent
[00:13:06] <@Lupin> (Or not.)
[00:13:07] <@A1465> (heh)
[00:13:14] <@Torrent> (what'd I miss?)
[00:13:15] * Darkmoon (~chatzilla@* has joined #paradice
[00:13:15] * Darkmoon gives channel operator status to Darkmoon
[00:13:18] <Baphnedia> (wb)
[00:13:19] <@Ralith> (in fact)
[00:13:22] <@A1465> (Heya' again)
[00:13:32] * Ralith just ignores what the funny little human just said
[00:13:32] <@Lupin> "Actually, besides one incident, which was mostly my fault, we've done pretty well."
[00:13:36] <@Darkmoon> (heh....die)
[00:13:37] <Baphnedia> (everyone is in the cluster of rocks... Darkmoon, your bag blew up Ralith)
[00:13:38] <@Torrent> (could something about not nough time)
[00:13:48] <@Lupin> (wb)
[00:13:49] <Baphnedia> (half the group got shot up tonight...)
[00:14:02] * Lupin scratches his leg.
[00:14:05] <@Ralith> (the experienced half)
[00:14:07] * Ralith rubs his side
[00:14:13] <@A1465> (The stupid half :P)
[00:14:23] <Baphnedia> (yeppers there)
[00:14:32] <@Ralith> "Well, what should we do with him?"
[00:14:48] <@Ralith> "We can't get him to town, and he'll die here alone."
[00:14:48] <@Darkmoon> (i know)
[00:14:53] <@Torrent> "Hmmm..."
[00:14:59] <Baphnedia> (darkmoon, you're with the group in the rocks...)
[00:15:13] <Baphnedia> (so you can do or say anything you want, or eat watermelon)
[00:15:16] <@Torrent> "Dare I say option 3?"
[00:15:28] <@Ralith> "I think that's Lupin's choice."
[00:15:28] <@Lupin> "Not yet."
[00:15:29] <@Darkmoon> (hmmm why is it that I am the only one in the group that hasn't been injured..?)
[00:15:37] <@Ralith> (you're not.)
[00:16:05] <@Ralith> (stopping soonish would work well for me too.)
[00:16:07] * Baphnedia takes notes eagerly and laughs to himself.
[00:16:14] <@Ralith> "what do you mean by that?"
[00:16:22] <@Torrent> "Then when?"
[00:16:23] * Ralith asks that inquisitively, not offensively
[00:16:34] <@Akela> "What option 3?"
[00:16:35] <@Lupin> "Well this isn't at all like the other time."
[00:16:55] <@Lupin> "And we can't excatly stick around and train him."
[00:17:09] <@Torrent> "Well, he'll have what 2 weeks"
[00:17:10] <@Ralith> "Well, I'd rather not leave him to die. He hasn't actually done anything wrong."
[00:17:19] <@Ralith> "A week or so."
[00:17:25] <@Torrent> "Yeah"
[00:17:32] <@Ralith> "Unless A627 has some more vaccine."
[00:17:34] <@Lupin> "Yeah, around there."
[00:17:40] <@Lupin> "Marty was an accident."
[00:17:43] <@Torrent> "He used it all on me"
[00:18:02] A1465 Akela
[00:18:17] <@Akela> "Who's Marty?"
[00:18:19] * Lupin turns to Akela "How long were you supposed to be out here?"
[00:18:31] <@Darkmoon> (i meant..injured so far in the whole game..)
[00:18:33] <@Lupin> "We don't really know that."
[00:18:49] <@Akela> "I was out here on my own, I'm a freelance photographer"
[00:19:03] <@Akela> "But now that my camera is destroyed my career is ruined, I can't afford another"
[00:19:13] <@Lupin> "No, I mean, when will people start expecting you back."
[00:19:16] <@Ralith> (it isn't destroyed.)
[00:19:25] <@Lupin> "The camera is fine. I just put it down."
[00:19:25] <Baphnedia> (Akela may not know that)
[00:19:31] <@Ralith> (yeah, I know)
[00:19:31] <Baphnedia> (nm)
[00:19:48] * Lupin holds up the memory card "I didn't smash it, just took this."
[00:20:02] <@A1465> (and the lens, don't forget)
[00:20:11] <@Ralith> (he didn't damage that)
[00:20:13] <@Akela> "I hope that thing is cold resistant..."
[00:20:20] <@A1465> (But he doesn't have it)
[00:20:45] <@Lupin> (I put it down, then ran off. As long as it didn't get shot, it'll be fine.)
[00:21:08] <Baphnedia> The clouds seem like they're getting awfully close. You can only see up the mountain perhaps fifty feet.
[00:21:34] <@Torrent> "So Lupin what do you suggest then?"
[00:21:55] <Baphnedia> It begins to smell wet.
[00:22:10] <@Lupin> "I'm just weighing our options right now."
[00:22:16] <@Torrent> "Smells like rain's coming"
[00:22:28] <@Lupin> "When will people start expecting you back?"
[00:22:53] <@Ralith> "He did say he was freelance."
[00:22:56] <@Akela> "Probably not for a few weeks, I live on my own"
[00:23:07] <@Ralith> "They could assume he died somewhere in the wilderness."
[00:23:15] <@Ralith> "Happens now and then."
[00:23:16] <@Lupin> "Freelance is good."
[00:23:18] <@Torrent> "We better get ready for this storm"
[00:23:24] * Torrent points at the clouds
[00:23:29] <@Ralith> "Of course, it'd be more convincing if they find a body."
[00:23:40] <@Ralith> "You might want to get your camera if it isn't waterproof.
[00:23:41] <@Ralith> "
[00:24:02] <@Akela> "If you are suggesting that people thought I was dead then you don't plan on killing me or taking me back to town do you?
[00:24:04] <@Lupin> "Yeah, that was a pretty nice one."
[00:24:10] <@Ralith> (can we move along?)
[00:24:12] <Baphnedia> The clouds are so close now that you can touch them. Heck, while you can see across the small space within the rocks, you can only see a few feet beyond. The wetness is from the clouds themselves, as they move down the mountain.
[00:24:19] <@Ralith> "We're considering our options."
[00:24:28] <@Lupin> "I'm not planning anything currently."
[00:24:32] * Ralith pokes Torrent and motions towards the path.
[00:24:38] <@Ralith> (not path, exit, or whatever)
[00:24:46] <@Ralith> (direction in which the camera lies)
[00:24:46] <@Lupin> "We should get going."
[00:24:55] <Baphnedia> (Ralith, it's not in my hands... it's up to the players when and how this game ends.)
[00:25:12] <@Ralith> (that's why that was a channel message, not a /notice)
[00:26:00] <@Lupin> "I'd really like Option 3 to be the last choice we consider."
[00:26:12] * Torrent goes to get the camera
[00:26:20] <@Lupin> "It has the longest lasting concequences."
[00:26:45] * Torrent stops
[00:27:06] <@Torrent> "It's too cloudy... foggy even. I can't see far"
[00:27:18] <@Darkmoon> (darkmoon needs to sleep...will read logs later :D )
[00:27:24] <@Torrent> (night)
[00:27:25] <@Ralith> "Follow the tracks."
[00:27:25] * Darkmoon has quit (Quit: Chatzilla [Firefox 1.0.6/20050716])
[00:27:30] * Lupin sighs again.
[00:27:37] <@Lupin> "Follow your nose."
[00:27:51] * Torrent vanishes into the fog
[00:27:53] <Baphnedia> (Darkmoon falls asleep where she lies amongst the rocks)
[00:28:32] <@Lupin> "We should use this fog to leave."
[00:29:30] * Lupin (pokes people)
[00:29:41] <@A1465> (*poked*)
[00:29:43] <@Torrent> (hmm?)
[00:29:47] * Baphnedia is poked but keeps his mouth shut, for lack of a mouth.
[00:29:47] <@Ralith> "Ok."
[00:29:59] <@Ralith> (should we bring this to a close.)
[00:30:04] <@Ralith> (er, ?)
[00:30:14] <Baphnedia> (/notices sent)
[00:30:15] <@Torrent> "I got it!"
[00:30:16] * Lupin gets up and starts following his trail back.
[00:30:30] * Torrent returns back
[00:30:45] <Baphnedia> Torrent, you see Lupin on the trail.
[00:30:51] * Torrent stops
[00:31:05] <Baphnedia> Lupin, you see Torrent on the trail too.
[00:31:06] <@Torrent> "Going back down?"
[00:31:14] <@Ralith> (right, I'm off now.)
[00:31:17] <@Lupin> "Yeah, we're going to use the fog as cover."
[00:31:19] <@Torrent> (later)
[00:31:20] <Baphnedia> (night Ralith)
[00:31:23] <@Lupin> (Good night)
[00:31:26] <@A1465> (later)
[00:31:28] <@Akela> (Good night)
[00:31:35] <@Lupin> (This is a good place to end, yeah.)
[00:31:40] <@Torrent> (yup)
[00:31:52] <Baphnedia> (did everyone else start moving out... or is it just two on the trail?)
[00:31:59] <Baphnedia> Yes... good spot to end
[00:32:05] <@A1465> (Me and Darkmoon have been left behind...)
[00:32:13] * Baphnedia has changed the topic to: No game in progress. || Home of Silo 17 and The Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everyone here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings no matter how tasty they may be with tobasco sauce.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:17 am
by Lupin
[22:00:42] * Baphnedia has changed the topic to: Silo 17 in progress. || Home of Silo 17 and The Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everyone here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings no matter how tasty they may be with tobasco sauce.
[22:00:50] <@Ralith> hehe
[22:00:52] <@Aki> Heh
[22:01:23] * Baphnedia starts receiving IMs from Yahoo Instant Messenger.
[22:01:26] <@Lone_Wolf> (woot!)
[22:01:28] * Baphnedia kills some Yahoos.
[22:01:29] <@Lupin> (Yay)
[22:01:33] * Lone_Wolf is now known as Torrent
[22:01:38] <@Torrent> (thanks Baph!)
[22:01:46] <@Lupin> (Hm.)
[22:02:02] <@Ralith> !setmulti game {/me pickets Baphnedia, chanting "Game! Game! Game!"}{/me pickets Baphnedia, chanting "Game $0! Game $0! Game $0!"}
[22:02:02] <Lycaon> Ralith: Custom action set.
[22:02:20] <Baphnedia> .
[22:02:22] <Baphnedia> ..
[22:02:24] <Baphnedia> ...
[22:02:26] <Baphnedia> ....
[22:02:29] <Baphnedia> .....
[22:02:32] <Baphnedia> (yay!)
[22:02:47] <@Lupin> (:D #4006681 generated for 2001:470:1f01:627::3)
[22:02:56] * Baphnedia wonders where his pen went.
[22:02:58] <@Torrent> (omg hw got it right!?!)
[22:03:07] <@Lupin> (hehe)
[22:03:07] <@Torrent> (*he)
[22:03:30] <@Aki> (like, omg.. =P )
[22:03:36] <Baphnedia> lol
[22:03:37] Akela|Busy Aki
[22:03:38] * Lupin pokes Akela|Busy
[22:03:40] <@Torrent> (ha)
[22:03:40] <Baphnedia> big crowd tonight.
[22:03:54] <@Ralith> (magic.)
[22:04:30] <Baphnedia> (/me /noticed himself. "I'm me, I am!")
[22:04:52] <@Torrent> (brb)
[22:04:52] -Baphnedia- Name one thing you want to see in the game tonight.
[22:06:22] <Baphnedia> You all have 45 seconds to give me your answer.
[22:06:28] >Baphnedia< A watch!
[22:06:30] <Baphnedia> 2 down.
[22:06:33] <Baphnedia> 3 down
[22:07:04] <@Ralith> (low on ideas, baph? ;) )
[22:07:38] <@Torrent> (I think its neat to do that)
[22:07:45] <@Lupin> (So do I.)
[22:07:52] <@Ralith> (I agree.)
[22:07:58] <Baphnedia> (I'm not low on ideas.... I will make no promises.)
[22:08:05] <@Ralith> (good.)
[22:08:11] <@Lupin> (hehe)
[22:08:15] <@Akela|Busy> (Eghh nows a bad time, I'll be gone a bit)
[22:08:24] <@Aki> (cya)
[22:08:25] <Baphnedia> (obviously, objects can be easier than places, among other things)
[22:08:33] <@Lupin> (Aww.)
[22:08:37] <@Akela|Busy> (I'll be back in a maybe a half hour)
[22:08:37] <Baphnedia> (later Akela)
[22:08:47] <@Aki> (So, a laser gun is easier than a town? :D)
[22:08:47] <Baphnedia> (You'll be here for most of the game then! :) )
[22:09:26] <Baphnedia> (possibly so. I haven't done a cheap Star Trek knockoff game yet... don't give me too many ideas. :) )
[22:09:40] <@Aki> (heh)
[22:09:55] <@Torrent> (uh oh lol)
[22:09:59] <@Lupin> (I don't think they had that many werewolves in Star Trek.)
[22:10:14] <@Lupin> (Though Mark Twain thought Worf was one once.)
[22:10:24] <Baphnedia> hehe
[22:10:25] <@Ralith> (can we start yet? :P)
[22:10:31] * Baphnedia considers it.
[22:10:36] <@Lupin> !8bakk can we start yet?
[22:10:36] * Baphnedia pauses for thought.
[22:10:41] <@Lupin> !8ball can we start yet?
[22:10:41] <Lycaon> Lupin: The magic 8-ball answers: can we start yet? Yes.
[22:10:48] <@Ralith> (:D)
[22:10:50] * Baphnedia concludes that we can start.
[22:11:13] * Baphnedia chases away IMs.
[22:11:30] * Lupin cleans house
[22:11:31] <Baphnedia> A note on this game - everyone is still in the rocks.
[22:11:43] * Baphnedia fudges the timeline.
[22:12:01] <@Ralith> (*eats the fudge*)
[22:12:06] <Baphnedia> Torrent, returns with the camera, in the near absolute fog.
[22:12:12] <@Ralith> (*gets slightly ill from canine chocolate allergy)
[22:12:21] <Baphnedia> (yuk)
[22:12:39] <@Lupin> (*hobbles away from Ralith as fast as he can*)
[22:12:46] <Baphnedia> The fog has descended, you instinctively know that it is now the day prior to your pickup.
[22:13:05] <Baphnedia> You know this, because nobody has a watch.
[22:13:14] <@Ralith> (Akela might)
[22:13:30] <@Lupin> (I'm working on it!)
[22:13:50] <@Lupin> (Next human we have to intimidate, I'm taking theirs. Seriosuly.)
[22:14:00] <@Torrent> (lol)
[22:14:06] <@Ralith> (just an fyi to everyone who doesn't already know - I've finally settled on a fur color; white.)
[22:14:13] <Baphnedia> The clouds are probably still moving down the mountainside, though, from within them, their movement is impossible to track.
[22:14:14] <@Ralith> (*dissapears into fog*)
[22:14:29] <@Lupin> (*tracks Ralith by scent*)
[22:14:42] <@Ralith> (*jumps into stream and swims away*)
[22:14:49] <Baphnedia> It smells wet. Well, it's humid out.
[22:15:01] <Baphnedia> (A stream of molten lava?!)
[22:15:20] <@Aki> (No, molten chocolate)
[22:15:20] <@Lupin> (Speaking of which, my lava lamp is building vents.)
[22:15:21] <@Ralith> (no, molten water)
[22:15:27] <@Ralith> (hehe)
[22:15:41] * Torrent follows the others
[22:15:50] <Baphnedia> Akela|Busy is resting at the moment, finally submissing to sleep after blows to the head.
[22:15:53] <@Ralith> (we haven't gone anywhere :P)
[22:15:56] <Baphnedia> (you're still in the rocks)
[22:16:15] <@Lupin> "We should start heading back."
[22:16:16] <Baphnedia> *after repeated blows to the head.
[22:16:19] <@Torrent> (err... re-reads what he missed O_o )
[22:16:34] <@Lupin> (We had a temporal anomoly!)
[22:16:35] <@Ralith> (hehehe)
[22:16:45] <@Aki> (lol)
[22:16:48] <@Torrent> (Ah, we cancelled the starting to go down the hill part )
[22:16:52] <@Ralith> (we were discussing whether to bite him iirc)
[22:16:56] <@Torrent> (at the end of last game)
[22:17:03] <@Darkmoon> (wow the weather in this game is soooo weird...let's see: first a tornado...then...somehow it starts to snow....then we are in a the winter...and there is a thunderstorm...then we go up a glacier and it is it is humid...)
[22:17:04] <Baphnedia> (to bite me?)
[22:17:07] <Baphnedia> (j/k)
[22:17:22] <@Lupin> "We can discuss the human while we walk."
[22:17:25] <Baphnedia> Darkmoon, there was no thunder storm.
[22:17:27] * Ralith nods
[22:17:28] <@Torrent> "Agreed"
[22:17:34] <Baphnedia> (that was something else)
[22:17:39] <@Lupin> (Darkmoon: We moved several thousand miles.)
[22:18:02] <Baphnedia> (it is humid, but not hot and humid... cool and humid is more appropriate)
[22:18:10] <@Torrent> "Well, let's get moving then."
[22:18:29] <@Darkmoon> (yah..i well..i might have interpreted some of that i haven't been playing much *is sad*)
[22:18:32] * Lupin gets up on all fours. (er... three fours) "Oh we should probably keep the camera away from him."
[22:19:23] <@Ralith> "Until we come to a decision, at least."
[22:19:47] <@Torrent> "Yes, definitely."
[22:20:05] <@Lupin> "Well, I really would prefer not to bite him. But we can't just leave him here either."
[22:20:16] <@Aki> "If he has that flare gun still, you might wanna take it off him first."
[22:20:19] <@Ralith> "I don't really see any other choice."
[22:20:25] <@Ralith> "We left that back in the forest."
[22:20:32] <@Aki> "Damn."
[22:20:44] <@Lupin> "We can still go and grab it though."
[22:20:52] <@Lupin> "We're headed back that way."
[22:20:53] <@Ralith> "If we can find it in this weather."
[22:21:03] <@Ralith> "It should be near where Aki was shot."
[22:21:59] <@Ralith> (heh... snow + thick fog + two white furred werewolves... the dissapearing pack!)
[22:22:04] <Baphnedia> The cool air is moving slowly downhill.
[22:22:06] <@Lupin> (Hehe)
[22:22:07] <@Aki> "I wish I had my friggin' rifle. Show them what for..."
[22:22:12] <@Torrent> (good thing for scents!)
[22:22:21] <@Lupin> "I wish we had Ralith's grenade launcher."
[22:22:32] <@Aki> "Nah, he'd blow us up. again."
[22:22:56] * Ralith grins. "You know... if those hunters are still out there, tranquilized or dead..."
[22:23:08] <@Torrent> "Yeah, don't give anything explosive to him..."
[22:23:10] <@Ralith> "We might be able to grab some useful supplies."
[22:23:20] * Torrent turns to Ralith... "Good point."
[22:23:36] * Lupin grins evily. "Yeah..."
[22:23:47] * Aki grins wickedly.
[22:24:21] * Ralith turns to the last remembered location of the hunters
[22:24:31] * Darkmoon laughs softly to herself and nods
[22:24:34] <@Ralith> "Not to mention the possibility to find out just who they were."
[22:25:02] <@Lupin> "That has me wondering too."
[22:25:20] <@Torrent> "Yeah... I would like to know who's trying to kill us now."
[22:25:59] <@Lupin> "I hope it's not anyone new."
[22:26:17] <@Torrent> "Same here."
[22:26:28] <@Aki> "Yeah. We really don't need any more problems."
[22:26:36] * Ralith nods
[22:26:41] <@Ralith> (just how thick is the fog now?)
[22:27:04] <@Lupin> "Ralith, Aki, remind me to cross this off the list I have of places to vacation."
[22:27:15] <@Lupin> "When and if we get back."
[22:27:25] * Ralith shakes his head, laughing quietly
[22:27:32] <Baphnedia> The fog is still very thick.
[22:27:39] <@Ralith> ('very'?)
[22:28:12] <@Lupin> (Bah, I should have included Torrent in there too, since he seems to be gelling with the rest of my pack.)
[22:28:38] <@Ralith> (well, yeah, but so far mostly just in his mind.)
[22:28:50] <@Ralith> (we're still very much the nuclear group)
[22:28:55] <@Torrent> (yeah,,, in good time)
[22:29:11] <Baphnedia> You can see your hand at arms length, and not much past that.
[22:29:14] <@Ralith> (*recalls the position dispute*)
[22:29:26] * Ralith pauses, frowning. "Which way were they again?"
[22:29:36] <@Lupin> (You two still need to sort that out too...)
[22:29:45] <@Ralith> (yup :) )
[22:29:51] <@Torrent> (heh)
[22:30:05] <@Lupin> "They were to our left."
[22:30:10] <@Lupin> (I think.)
[22:30:21] * Ralith continues in that direction
[22:30:44] <@Aki> "Well, we could just try and find a trail of blood."
[22:31:23] <@Ralith> (brb)
[22:31:28] <@Torrent> "As long as you don't end up tracking Lupin's"
[22:31:37] <@Torrent> "That was a nice trail"
[22:31:49] * Darkmoon follows, walking casually on all fours so that she won't miss any scents or signs that may be on the ground.
[22:31:52] <@Lupin> "It's the one I'm following now."
[22:33:07] <Baphnedia> (ack phone)
[22:33:29] <@Aki> !phone
[22:33:29] * Lycaon shouts to get everyone's attention, "Aki's phone is ringing!"
[22:33:33] <@Aki> (:P)
[22:33:38] <@Lupin> (*hears this giant ringing coming from every direction*)
[22:33:54] * Akela|Busy is now known as Akela
[22:34:18] <@Torrent> (wb!)
[22:34:52] <Baphnedia> (Ralith, roll Navigation)
[22:34:56] * Ralith has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[22:35:01] <Baphnedia> (ack)
[22:35:03] <@Aki> (lol)
[22:35:25] <@Torrent> (bah)
[22:35:39] <@Darkmoon> (hmmm :) )
[22:35:49] <Baphnedia> (who was behind Ralith?)
[22:35:56] * Baphnedia is still on the phone...
[22:36:22] <@Lupin> (We weren't in any sort of order.)
[22:36:40] <Baphnedia> Lupin, roll navigation d8+bonus
[22:36:53] <@Lupin> !d8+8
[22:36:54] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d8 + 8 for a total of 14.
[22:36:58] <Baphnedia> (nice)
[22:36:59] <@Lupin> (Whoa)
[22:37:10] <Baphnedia> (you're heading to where the hunters were, right?)
[22:37:23] <@Torrent> (yeah)
[22:37:48] <Baphnedia> The trail you eck out in the snow leads back down hill, but your old path is to your left, somewhere.
[22:38:06] <Baphnedia> The occasional branch pokes out of the fog as you maneuver around trees.
[22:38:42] * Torrent spits out a piece of twig from his mouth
[22:38:46] <@Torrent> ( ;) )
[22:38:47] <Baphnedia> A tree limb brushes your shoulder.
[22:40:10] * Darkmoon moves slowly, she doesn't like not being able to see where she is going.
[22:40:21] <@Torrent> "Hopefully we find something of use."
[22:40:28] * Aki has quit ()
[22:40:44] * Aki (Aki@* has joined #paradice
[22:40:48] <@Lupin> (wb)
[22:40:48] <Aki> (woops)
[22:40:49] <Baphnedia> (wb)
[22:41:18] <Baphnedia> The path Lupin is choosing starts going down a fairly steep path.
[22:42:25] * Torrent continues down
[22:42:41] * Lupin continues to follow the trail he made
[22:42:41] <Baphnedia> The trees become denser, the fog belaying dark shadows of more trees up ahead.
[22:42:49] Akela Aki
[22:42:50] Akela Aki
[22:42:51] * Lupin gives channel operator status to Aki
[22:43:11] -Baphnedia- Trail you made? You mean the trail of blood, or the new path to the hunters?
[22:43:32] <Baphnedia> The silence is booming.
[22:43:47] <Baphnedia> The birds don't offer any advice or sounds, probably because they don't see or hear anything anyway.
[22:43:54] * Darkmoon squints ahead, carefully choosing strong footholds on the slope.
[22:44:01] >Baphnedia< The blood trail.
[22:44:04] <@Torrent> "You'd think we'd here some other wildlife here. It sounds dead... lifeless."
[22:44:12] -Baphnedia- Got it.
[22:44:23] <Baphnedia> The trail underfoot is lined with Lupin's blood.
[22:45:02] <@Aki> "Anything that could, ran, is my guess. Never smart to stay where guns are being fired."
[22:45:12] <Baphnedia> The red on white is very easy to follow. You eventually reach a small cusp of trees, where there is a small pool of blood, where Lupin stopped momentarily.
[22:45:19] -Baphnedia- WHo is helping Akela hobble?
[22:45:48] * Torrent looks for anything usable
[22:46:20] >Baphnedia< I'd assume Torrent and A1465, but that's just because they were carrying him earlier.
[22:46:21] * Ralith (Ralith@* has joined #paradice
[22:46:21] * Ralith gives channel operator status to Ralith
[22:46:22] * Torrent looks for any bodies or dropped stuff
[22:46:24] <@Lupin> (wb)
[22:46:25] <Baphnedia> Nothing was left behind in the cusp of trees (not the place where you took cover) except some of Lupin's, Aki's, umm... Akela's and other's blood.
[22:46:28] <@Torrent> (wb)
[22:46:30] <@Ralith> (gah, isp went down)
[22:46:32] <@Ralith> (what'd I miss?)
[22:46:41] <@Lupin> (Lots of trail following.)
[22:46:43] <@Torrent> (I'll pm logs)
[22:46:48] <Baphnedia> (you're looking for the hunters, following the bloody trail)
[22:46:51] <@Lupin> (We're now at the tree clump.)
[22:46:55] <@Ralith> (ah)
[22:47:05] <@Torrent> (yeah that's all you missed)
[22:47:13] <@Torrent> (no need to read the logs )
[22:47:19] <@Ralith> "So they should be directly left of here, right?"
[22:47:36] * Ralith wonders breifly where the flaregun is
[22:47:37] <Baphnedia> Passing the tree clump, the trail gets more spread from right to left, as Ralith, Aki and Torrent were running beside Lupin at a frantic pace.
[22:47:58] * Baphnedia wonders briefly where the flaregun is.
[22:48:14] <@Ralith> (wait, is this the first clump?)
[22:48:19] <@Ralith> (er, thelast?)
[22:48:26] <@Ralith> (the one that we ran through?)
[22:48:32] <@Ralith> (or the one we first got shot at in?)
[22:48:40] <Baphnedia> (the one you ran through, you just walked past)
[22:48:59] <Baphnedia> A few minutes later, you arrive at the hole in the ground beside the large pine.
[22:49:09] <Baphnedia> Leading into the far side is the trail of blood left by the human.
[22:49:12] <@Ralith> (oh, disregard what I just said then)
[22:49:30] <Baphnedia> There is a patch of melted snow in the middle of the depression.
[22:50:48] -Baphnedia- Do you continue, or stop to look around?
[22:51:00] * Lupin stops to look around.
[22:51:06] * Torrent also stops
[22:51:09] <Baphnedia> (roll search)
[22:51:15] * Ralith does the same
[22:51:17] <@Torrent> (who?)
[22:51:19] <@Lupin> !d20+8 search
[22:51:19] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 18 search
[22:51:19] <@Ralith> !d20+6 search
[22:51:20] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 11 search
[22:51:30] <@Torrent> !d20+5 search
[22:51:30] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 12 search
[22:51:37] <@Ralith> (must be really foggy)
[22:51:50] <@Darkmoon> !d20 + 4
[22:51:51] <Lycaon> Darkmoon rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 8.
[22:52:10] <@Aki> !d20+7 Search
[22:52:10] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 21 Search
[22:52:14] -Baphnedia- you see a small speck of not-dirt sticking up out of the dirt patch.
[22:52:27] <@Ralith> (yay)
[22:52:33] * Lupin sniffs at the not-dirt.
[22:52:38] <@Ralith> (Aki, don't forget that you're rather greivously hurt.)
[22:52:42] <@Ralith> (rp it)
[22:52:47] -Baphnedia- it smells like human.
[22:53:12] <@Torrent> (he's the one with the collapsed lung?)
[22:53:16] <@Ralith> (yeah)
[22:53:32] <@Lupin> "Guys, I don't exactly have a free hand here. What's this ?"
[22:53:38] * Ralith examines
[22:53:57] * Ralith examines the area Lupin indicates
[22:53:58] * Torrent goes over to help
[22:54:01] * Darkmoon walks over to Lupin to see what he has
[22:54:02] * Torrent looks
[22:54:02] * Aki notices something and slowly and deliberately walks towards it.
[22:54:52] -Baphnedia- It looks like the face of a digital watch.
[22:54:53] <@Ralith> (ho hum)
[22:55:23] <@Lupin> "Ooh, a watch!"
[22:55:29] <@Lupin> "It's like christmas!"
[22:55:32] <@Ralith> "Nice."
[22:55:45] * Lupin grabs the watch.
[22:55:47] <@Torrent> "Heh. Now stop complaining about not having one. It still ticking?"
[22:55:59] <@Lupin> "It's digital."
[22:56:01] <@Aki> "Digital watches don't tick.."
[22:56:05] <Baphnedia> !%
[22:56:05] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled 24%.
[22:56:19] -Baphnedia- (The watch is still ticking.)
[22:56:33] <@Torrent> "Well excuse me. The fog is mighty thick."
[22:56:38] <Baphnedia> (the watch is indeed ticking. It must be a bomb! :) )
[22:56:47] <@Torrent> (lol)
[22:56:52] <@Ralith> (gimme that! :D)
[22:57:01] <@Lupin> "Weird. Where's that ticking coming from?"
[22:57:13] <@Ralith> (>.< that was in parenthesis.)
[22:57:16] <Baphnedia> The blood stained snow where the human slid into the hole is plain as day. Or red as the sunset... or something.
[22:57:33] <Baphnedia> (react to it as if he said it... since he did!)
[22:57:43] * Tick ticks
[22:57:50] <@Torrent> (heh)
[22:57:56] * Tick toks
[22:58:04] * Ralith gives the whole of existince a o.O look
[22:58:13] <@Lupin> (Wait, are notices in parenthices OOC?)
[22:58:18] <Tick> (yes)
[22:58:25] <@Lupin> (Ah.)
[22:58:30] <Tick> (it was a private joke for a second. :) )
[22:58:34] <@Ralith> (aaaaaaaaanyway)
[22:58:48] * Lupin shakes his head to clear it of the ticking.
[22:59:01] * Ralith stops tapping his claws together impatiently.
[22:59:10] <Baphnedia> (hehe)
[22:59:26] <@Ralith> "Let's go see if we can find that flaregun."
[22:59:26] <Baphnedia> The hunters were closer to this point, but this was the first place most ran for cover.
[22:59:57] * Darkmoon sighs and continues to look around, even though she can't see much through the fog.
[22:59:59] * Lupin , in a show of lupine grace, puts the watch on without falling over.

A bit of lunar distraction

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:14 am
by Lupin
23:00:26] * Ralith is impresed by Lupin standing sideways
[23:00:44] <@Vilkacis-busy> (I'm heading home now, bye)
[23:00:48] <@Ralith> (bye)
[23:00:49] <@Lupin> (Later)
[23:00:50] <Baphnedia> (cya soon)
[23:00:53] <@Aki> (cya)
[23:00:54] * Vilkacis-busy has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:01:19] <@Lupin> (I'm on all fours atm.)
[23:01:26] <Baphnedia> (on all threes?)
[23:01:27] <@Ralith> (minus your injured foot)
[23:01:30] <@Torrent> (bye)
[23:01:42] <@Ralith> (minus the paw you're using to put your watch on)
[23:01:50] <@Lupin> (Three fourths, actually.)
[23:01:54] <@Ralith> (that's either ` . or ` `)
[23:02:04] <@Ralith> (either way an impressive feat of balance)
[23:02:17] <@Lupin> (I just tried it, too.)
[23:02:24] <@Ralith> (any success?)
[23:02:40] * Baphnedia is not a physics major. In the end, gravity wins.
[23:02:52] <@Ralith> (does Lupin fall over? >:D)
[23:02:53] <@Torrent> (it's certainly possible for a brief amount of time)
[23:03:00] <@Ralith> (but long enough to put a watch on?)
[23:03:06] -Baphnedia- You can put your watch on...
[23:03:06] <@Lupin> (Yeah, I got my huge honking watch on in time.)
[23:03:08] <@Ralith> (Especially with claws to contend with)
[23:03:11] <@Ralith> (fine :P)
[23:03:59] <Baphnedia> The soft breeze coming off of the mountain top continues. You begin to see a little further, such as larger parts of the trees around you.
[23:04:29] * Ralith looks around for the flare gun
[23:04:32] * Lupin follows Ralith
[23:05:04] * Ralith continues onward
[23:05:23] * Torrent continues
[23:05:24] <Baphnedia> The broad swath of blood marks a very clear trail to where the human was.
[23:05:31] * Aki slowly trails after the others
[23:05:54] <Baphnedia> This trail....
[23:06:03] * Baphnedia 's work pjpem
[23:06:08] <@Lupin> (?)
[23:06:11] <@Ralith> (?)
[23:06:18] <@Darkmoon> (?)
[23:06:27] * Baphnedia work phone
[23:06:58] <@Lupin> (ooh!)
[23:07:50] * Akela copies, fixes inheritance, realises it inherits from another weapon, copies another weapon, realise it inherits from yet another weapon, copies yet another weapon, and finally fixes inheritance
[23:08:02] <@Akela> (Okie, finally done)
[23:08:06] <@Torrent> (yay)
[23:08:12] <@Lupin> (Cool!)
[23:08:17] <@Ralith> (heh)
[23:08:26] <@Ralith> (*picks up the newly inherited flaregun*)
[23:08:35] <@Akela> (The sniper rifle I coded fired tank shells :/)
[23:08:43] <@Ralith> (hahaha)
[23:08:50] <@Ralith> (WHAM!)
[23:08:58] <@Ralith> (and that was just the recoil)
[23:09:00] <@Lupin> (How well did that work?)
[23:09:13] <@Akela> (It wasn't intentional, that's what I was trying to fix)
[23:09:54] * Darkmoon wonders where the hunters went.
[23:10:04] * Akela slowly wakes up
[23:10:12] <@Akela> "What's going on?"
[23:10:13] <@Ralith> (*grabs a snack while baph's on the phone)
[23:10:24] * Lupin ignores the human.
[23:10:25] <@Ralith> "Nothing of concern to you."
[23:11:03] * Ralith turns to Lupin breifly. "You know, we /could/ just take him as-is, drop him the next chance we get."
[23:11:45] * Lupin nods "I was thinking the same thing."
[23:12:03] <@Ralith> "Alright then."
[23:12:05] <@Torrent> "I dunno, dump him where?"
[23:12:21] <@Akela> "Dump me?!"
[23:12:21] <@Ralith> "Wherever's the next human civilization we end up at."
[23:12:31] <@Ralith> "Probably one of the drop points."
[23:12:35] <@Torrent> "You don't wan't him screwing things up for us and bringing some mad mod to come after us"
[23:12:41] <@Torrent> *mob
[23:12:50] <@Ralith> "Nah; he'll be taken for crazy if he's stupid enough to talk."
[23:12:52] <@Lupin> "It's not like he knows where we live."
[23:12:57] <@Lupin> "And he has no proof."
[23:13:08] <@Ralith> "Exactly."
[23:13:18] <@Akela> "You like talking about people as if they aren't there don't you..."
[23:13:37] <@Lupin> "It's not like you have any say in the matter."
[23:13:42] <@Aki> "They have a bad habbit of that."
[23:13:42] <@Torrent> "Well, how do you want us to talk?"
[23:13:50] <@Torrent> "Exactly, Lupin."
[23:14:36] <@Torrent> "I am a bit nervous after what happened with Marty..."
[23:14:49] * Darkmoon shakes her head and turns her back on the group.
[23:14:55] <@Ralith> "Which is one reason we're not doing the same."
[23:15:10] * Ralith gives Darkmoon a breif annoyed glance
[23:15:14] <@Torrent> "I understand your concern."
[23:15:16] * Torrent nods
[23:15:23] * Torrent looks over to Darkmoon
[23:15:32] <@Torrent> "What's the matter, Darkmoon?"
[23:15:38] <@Lupin> "Currently I'm just going to treat him as an anomoly."
[23:16:04] <@Lupin> (Log post, 15 min late.)
[23:16:37] * Darkmoon grumbles something incoherent under her breath. She dislikes feeling responsible for Marty.
[23:17:18] * Baphnedia is back
[23:17:44] * Lupin notices "Darkmoon, it isn't like you're expirenced at this at all anyway."
[23:17:46] <@Torrent> (wb)
[23:18:08] <@Lupin> "Just a week ago, you were like er... um... this guy... here."
[23:18:38] <@Akela> "What you mean you were once humans?"
[23:18:51] <@Ralith> "She was."
[23:19:01] <@Ralith> (nice rp :) )
[23:19:03] <@Lupin> "She thought she was, at least."
[23:19:08] <@Torrent> "I was... once."
[23:19:19] <@Lupin> "Well, we all thought we were at one point."
[23:19:25] <@Ralith> "We're still not quite clear how that happened."
[23:19:33] <@Ralith> (btw, is that on our 'things to look into' list?)
[23:19:42] <@Akela> "So.. what are you, diseased?"
[23:19:43] <@Torrent> "Some of us were 'created'"
[23:19:48] <@Lupin> (Yes.)
[23:20:01] <@Torrent> "I wouldn't call it a disease..."
[23:20:17] <@Ralith> "Disease? HAH!"
[23:20:19] <@Aki> "Diseases are detrimental to one's well being.."
[23:20:20] <@Lupin> (See the post in the comments thread.)
[23:20:35] <@Akela> "I wouldn't say any of you are rabid, with one possible exception..."
[23:20:39] <@Lupin> "Not the last time I checked."
[23:20:49] <@Ralith> (why do I always give that impression? :P)
[23:21:04] <@Lupin> (Brain chemistry :P)
[23:21:09] <@Ralith> "I'd keep in mind who's keeping you alive right now."
[23:21:33] <@Akela> "If you wanted to kill me why save me at all?"
[23:21:56] <@Lupin> "Pilot error."
[23:22:12] <@Torrent> "Who said anything about killing you?"
[23:22:18] * Torrent looks at the others
[23:22:29] * Darkmoon grins slightly, looking at Akela curiously.
[23:22:37] * Lupin looks innocent "What. That's one of the standard choices."
[23:22:38] <@Akela> "Well.. first you try to kill me then heal me and then beat me senseless again."
[23:22:53] <@Lupin> ( ... 7906#67906)
[23:22:53] <@Ralith> "We've never tried to kill you. Yet."
[23:23:14] <@Lupin> "We didn't want to kill you then. We just wanted the camera."
[23:23:33] <@Torrent> "Hey... we didn't shoot you. We patched you up. Glad your happy about that..."
[23:23:53] <@Lupin> "Yeah, real impressive display of gratitude there."
[23:24:01] <@Akela> "You could have said something earlier"
[23:24:16] <@Aki> "Like what?"
[23:24:19] <@Akela> "Hard to think straight when you've just been SHOT"
[23:24:29] * Darkmoon rolls her eyes at her packmates.
[23:24:35] Akela Aki
[23:24:49] * Lupin looks at Akela "Hey you're not the only one whose been shot today."
[23:25:18] * Lupin motions to Aki "You don't see me or him complaining about it."
[23:25:18] <Baphnedia> The red, smooth trail made by Akela ends abruptly.
[23:25:21] <@Torrent> "Yeah you're wound is minor compared with some of these guys"
[23:25:25] <@Akela> "At least you can recover... but how? It would seem impossible, even for something as far fetched as a werewolf"
[23:25:25] <Baphnedia> There is a gun on the ground.
[23:25:59] <@Torrent> "It just happens... I mean, as you can see there are limits"
[23:26:01] <@Ralith> "That's not anything you need to know."
[23:26:18] <@Torrent> "Yeah, some things its better you don't know."
[23:26:38] <@Akela> "Sounds like it's not that bad, no need to pay any more medical bills"
[23:26:56] <@Ralith> "This is no walk in the park, believe me."
[23:27:01] <@Lupin> "You make up for it in dog food purchaces."
[23:27:12] <@Ralith> "And flea medicine."
[23:27:42] <@Torrent> "And having to be careful who sees you..."
[23:27:47] * Darkmoon walks over and sniffs the gun.
[23:27:49] <@Akela> "You don't seem to be that distressed about it"
[23:27:54] * Torrent looks Akela in the eyes
[23:27:56] <@Ralith> "Besides all that, we wouldn't be in this mess if we were human."
[23:28:02] <@Torrent> "We took your camera, didn't we?"
[23:28:32] <@Akela> "Yes, and my pack and my food and my supplies."
[23:28:46] <@Torrent> "Well that was necessary."
[23:28:47] * Darkmoon slowly picks up the flare gun and walks back over to the others.
[23:28:50] <@Ralith> "Consider it repayment for your medical treatment."
[23:28:56] <@Torrent> "Indeed."
[23:29:03] <@Ralith> "You'd be dead if Torrent hadn't helped you."
[23:29:05] <@Lupin> (And, quite possibly, your watch!)
[23:29:13] <@Torrent> (lol)
[23:29:20] <@Aki> (haha)
[23:29:40] <@Akela> "If you want to heal someone why beat them up again? Do you enjoy your work?
[23:29:55] <@Lupin> "No, he wanted you unconsious."
[23:30:17] <@Ralith> "And if you keep this up it'll happen again."
[23:30:20] <@Lupin> "Really, it's better that you don't remember us at all."
[23:30:40] <@Torrent> "Right."
[23:30:54] * Vilkacis-school is now known as A1465
[23:30:56] <@A1465> (reading)
[23:31:00] <@Aki> (heyza!)
[23:31:00] <@Torrent> (wb)
[23:31:03] <@Akela> "So you carry brain wiping technology around with you too?"
[23:31:04] <@Lupin> (wb)
[23:31:07] <@Darkmoon> (hi!)
[23:31:11] * Torrent chuckles
[23:31:17] <@Lupin> "Yeah, most people call it a fist."
[23:31:34] A1465 Akela Aki
[23:31:40] <@Akela> "You can make one regret their memories but not forget."
[23:31:44] * Lupin looks at Torrent and A1465, "Though there is..."
[23:31:47] <@Ralith> "You'd be surprised."
[23:31:56] <@Akela> "You would know wouldn't you?"
[23:32:59] <@Lupin> "Trust me, you really don't want to know why we're here."
[23:33:38] <@Torrent> "Some things are better left to the imagination."
[23:34:15] <@Akela> "You keep referring to Marty, is he one of your... creations?"
[23:34:24] <@Ralith> "Creations?"
[23:34:30] <@Lupin> "Creations, he says..."
[23:34:30] <@Torrent> "Creations?!"
[23:35:11] <@Akela> "It's obvious you're expecting me to be an expert on the subject"
[23:35:15] * Darkmoon snorts and bares her teeth slightly. "Creations..." she mutters a few times to herslef.
[23:35:16] <@Lupin> "We really have no idea who or what Marty is."
[23:35:33] <@Torrent> "It's complicated..."
[23:35:42] <@Aki> "Marty's a...accident."
[23:35:43] <@Lupin> "He got bitten, but there was a lot of stuff before that..."
[23:36:02] <@Torrent> "Yup."
[23:36:18] <@Akela> "I thought you said I didn't need to know, why the change of heart?"
[23:36:33] <@Lupin> "He's not the reason why we're here."
[23:37:13] * Torrent growls: "Don't be trying to play mind games now."
[23:37:21] -Baphnedia- The flare gun was picked up, I imagine that you're all standing there talking, or are you moving on somewhere else?
[23:37:54] >Baphnedia,< I figured we were heading in the same general direction.
[23:37:54] * :No such nick/channel
[23:38:01] >Baphnedia< I figured we were still heading in the same general direction.
[23:38:15] <@Akela> "If any one is playing mind games here it's you, first you patch me up then beat me, now you say you can't tell me something and then you do"
[23:38:38] -Baphnedia- back down the side of the mountain you went up, or going back over the crest?
[23:38:46] * Ralith resumes ignoring the human
[23:38:54] * Torrent rolls his eyes
[23:38:56] >Baphnedia< Trying to locate the hunders.
[23:39:04] * Lupin growls
[23:39:09] <@Ralith> (brb)
[23:39:11] -Baphnedia- Gotha
[23:39:20] <@Torrent> "Fine, you don't want to know. Makes it easier. Less talking."
[23:39:31] <Baphnedia> The path downhill continues, as Lupin leads the group over trackless snow.
[23:39:55] * Lupin sniffs a bit.
[23:40:18] <Baphnedia> The light swishing of trees belays a breeze that arrives almost, as if it were bored.
[23:40:34] -Baphnedia- The air is getting colder.
[23:40:39] <Baphnedia> (everyone roll spot)
[23:40:46] <@Torrent> !d20+5 spot
[23:40:46] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 8 spot
[23:40:50] <@Torrent> (bah)
[23:40:53] <@Lupin> !d20+8 spot
[23:40:53] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 23 spot
[23:40:58] * Ralith has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[23:41:00] -Baphnedia- You smell another human scent, very light on this wind.
[23:41:01] * Ralith (Ralith@* has joined #paradice
[23:41:01] * Ralith gives channel operator status to Ralith
[23:41:03] <@Darkmoon> !d20 + 4 spot
[23:41:03] <Lycaon> Darkmoon rolled d20 + 4 for a total of 15 spot
[23:41:06] <@Torrent> (wb)
[23:41:08] <Baphnedia> (wb - didn't miss anything)
[23:41:13] <@Akela> !d20 spot
[23:41:14] <Lycaon> Akela rolled d20 for a total of 8 spot
[23:41:24] * Lupin smells another human.
[23:41:37] <@Ralith> (still brb)
[23:41:46] -Baphnedia- you see a spot in the fog that is brighter than the rest.
[23:41:46] <@Aki> !d20+7
[23:41:46] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 9.
[23:41:54] <@Aki> (O_o...)
[23:42:11] * Lupin heads toward a spot in the fog. "I think they're this way."
[23:42:54] * Torrent nods
[23:42:56] -Baphnedia- roll hearing.
[23:43:05] <@Lupin> !d20+8 hearing
[23:43:05] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 22 hearing
[23:43:45] -Baphnedia- You begin to hear a soft 'pitter-patter' getting louder. Like the sound of small feet.
[23:44:04] <Baphnedia> !madlib $nick
[23:44:04] <Lycaon> Baphnedia madlibs: Ralith
[23:44:13] <Baphnedia> !d20 + a lot target Ralith
[23:44:13] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 for a total of 9 a lot target Ralith
[23:44:19] * Lupin slows. "Huh. What is that."
[23:44:42] <@A1465> (Done reading)
[23:44:44] <Baphnedia> pitterpatterpitterpatterpitterpatterPitterPatterPitterPatterPITTERPATTERPITTERPATTER
[23:44:51] * Torrent also slows
[23:45:21] <Baphnedia> Ralith roll dodge
[23:45:24] <@Lupin> "What The Hell?"
[23:45:36] <@Lupin> (I think he's afk)
[23:45:38] <Baphnedia> It sounds almost like something running.
[23:45:38] <@A1465> (Are we carrying Akela, or what? His wound was even worse than Lupin's)
[23:45:49] <@Akela> (Actually it wasn't :P)
[23:46:04] <@Akela> (his foot nearly came off, I just got shot through the leg)
[23:46:08] <@A1465> (Baph told me it was.)
[23:46:10] <@Lupin> (It is now. I've stooped bleeding.)
[23:46:15] <Baphnedia> !d20 + 6 Ralith dodge
[23:46:15] <Lycaon> Baphnedia rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 22 Ralith dodge
[23:46:19] <@Lupin> (stopped*)
[23:46:26] <@Torrent> "What's going..."
[23:46:58] <@Torrent> "...on..."
[23:47:22] <Baphnedia> You see a feather, with something dark underneath, perhaps three feet tall, zoom right through your group. His footsteps grow quieter in the distance, and a Boston Banana-Creme Pie with aluminum tray is smashed all over Ralith's face.
[23:47:39] <@A1465> (...)
[23:47:42] <Baphnedia> The fruit pie is oozing down Ralith's arms and chest.
[23:47:48] <@Ralith> "What the f***?!"
[23:48:01] <Baphnedia> The tracks lead further down the hill, and are small.
[23:48:06] <@Akela> "That was unexpected..."
[23:48:07] * Ralith shakes hard, spattering the group
[23:48:11] <@Lupin> "And just when I thought this couldn't get any weirder!"
[23:48:13] * Torrent stands speechless
[23:48:20] * Ralith drops to all fours and starts bounding along the tracks
[23:48:24] <Baphnedia> PITTERPATTERPITTERPatterPitterPatterpitterpatterpitterpatter....
[23:48:27] <@Aki> "Ew. Dude. I'm already bloody, now this s***?"
[23:48:32] * Torrent ducks to the ground
[23:48:46] <@Lupin> "You know if I didn't know any better, I'd say someone up there is screwing with us."
[23:48:48] * A1465 watches, hiding his humor.
[23:48:49] <Baphnedia> Banana creme pie is showered everywhere.
[23:49:07] <@Torrent> "Okay, now this isn't funny anymore..."
[23:49:17] <@Lupin> "Of course I don't, so I will: Someone up there is screwing with us."
[23:49:21] <@Ralith> (I'm following the tracks, remember?)
[23:49:29] <@Ralith> (are they endless?)
[23:50:04] <Baphnedia> The tracks are small, child like ones.
[23:50:50] <Baphnedia> (notice sent)
[23:50:58] * A1465 stands on guard in case of another 'attack.'
[23:51:23] <Baphnedia> A1465 looks very herioc, standing guard. It could be a great photo opportunity.
[23:51:29] <@A1465> (haha)
[23:51:33] <@Aki> (lol)
[23:51:39] <Baphnedia> The direction of the little tracks leads in almost the same direction that you were going.
[23:52:06] <@Lupin> (Hehe)
[23:52:07] * Darkmoon snarls loudly , "What in the name of God is going on here!" She crouches low on the ground, her limbs splayed and all her fur bristling out.
[23:52:30] <@A1465> "Banana Creme Pie..."
[23:52:39] <@Aki> "At it doesn't have rubber duckies.."
[23:52:46] <@Aki> At least*
[23:52:53] * A1465 gives Aki an odd look.
[23:52:53] <@Lupin> "..."
[23:53:00] * Ralith returns to the group, deciding on safety in numbers
[23:53:01] <@Lupin> "Where did that come from?"
[23:53:33] <@A1465> "Well? What the heck was it?" A1465 asks Ralith.
[23:53:37] * Aki just grins.
[23:53:51] * Darkmoon looks like a giant fluff ball of fury.
[23:54:04] <@Ralith> "I don't know, but I'd rather not encounter it alone in this fog.
[23:54:21] <@Lupin> "Shall we continue to go down the mountain then?"
[23:54:32] <Baphnedia> The little one's tracks lead down the mountain.
[23:54:34] <@Torrent> "Yes, I think so."
[23:54:36] <Baphnedia> He could be down there.
[23:54:43] <@A1465> (Onoes!)
[23:54:58] * Lupin resumes walking.
[23:55:09] <@Ralith> (excuse any sudden disconnects)
[23:55:09] * Darkmoon looks up were she thought she saw a light earlier.
[23:55:35] * A1465 follows Lupin.
[23:55:35] * Aki starts slowly following Lupin.
[23:55:38] <@Lupin> "See something?"
[23:55:45] <@Ralith> (Ok, I have this sneaking suspicion that A1465 asked for me to get damaged >.<)
[23:56:00] <Baphnedia> The light is definitely there, accompanied by no sound.
[23:56:11] <@A1465> ("How cute... BUT IT'S WRONG!")
[23:56:11] <@Torrent> (lol)
[23:56:14] * Lupin heads toward the light.
[23:56:20] <@Torrent> (ha)
[23:56:23] <@Ralith> "Flare?"
[23:56:47] <@Torrent> (brb)
[23:56:50] * Darkmoon squints upwards.
[23:57:16] <Baphnedia> The light is too high to try to go towards.
[23:57:21] * Lupin shakes his head "Who can tell in this fog."
[23:57:56] <@Lupin> (Er.. in the general direction of, then.)
[23:57:58] <Baphnedia> The fog begins to lighten up a bit, and the light above seems to be a round orb.
[23:58:44] <Baphnedia> You can see about ten to twenty feet in any direction.
[23:59:12] * Ralith 's ears perk as he listens carefully in the direction of the light
[23:59:19] * Darkmoon thinks that this is all just a little too weird for her taste. She grumbles something that sounds like "aliens" under her breath.
[23:59:33] <@Ralith> "With pie?"
[23:59:39] <@Torrent> (back)
[23:59:44] <@Torrent> "Heh..."
[23:59:52] * Ralith takes a moment to clean himself off on the ground
[23:59:59] * Lupin decides to take this as it comes.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:46 am
by Lupin
[00:00:03] <@Aki> "I'd say mirage...but we're not in the desert..and that pie was real enough.."
[00:00:33] <@Akela> "It's just a little food, any of that pie left? I'm hungry?"
[00:00:35] <@Ralith> "The tracks for that thing just ended..."
[00:00:45] * Ralith ignores Akela
[00:01:10] <@Aki> "Its a good leaper?"
[00:01:29] <@Darkmoon> "Tree climber?"
[00:01:42] <@Ralith> "No tree."
[00:01:50] <Baphnedia> (sry phone again)
[00:02:18] * Ralith continues walking towards a point directly under the light
[00:02:47] * Lupin follows along with Ralith
[00:03:07] * Torrent keeps with Lupin and Ralith
[00:03:41] * A1465 follows loosely.
[00:03:49] <@Lupin> (Weird, my other phone just ran out of minutes :/)
[00:03:56] * Darkmoon follows very slowly way behind the others, still on all fours and ready to pounce on anything that is foolish enough to come close to her.
[00:04:27] <Baphnedia> The light doesn't move as you walk. The fog continues to lighten up, and the light gets more, and more circular.
[00:04:52] * Ralith stops, then looks away.
[00:04:55] <@Ralith> "The sun?"
[00:05:04] <@Torrent> "I'd say we're getting closer to whatever it is."
[00:05:10] * Lupin checks his watch.
[00:05:18] * Ralith shrugs and follows, no longer looking directly at it
[00:05:52] -Baphnedia- it is about 1:30 in the morning.
[00:06:17] <Baphnedia> The fog continues to dissipate. The orb of light is imperfect. It has light and dark spots.
[00:06:18] <@Lupin> "It's way too early for the sun."
[00:06:29] * Ralith nods and looks back at it
[00:06:32] <@Torrent> "What... is it?"
[00:06:52] <@Aki> "A explosion maybe?"
[00:06:58] * Lupin tries to listen for the sound of... anything.
[00:07:01] * Aki shrugs
[00:07:04] <Baphnedia> You can see most of the side of the mountain.
[00:07:08] <@Lupin> "Wouldn't we hear something?"
[00:07:22] * Ralith nods
[00:07:25] <Baphnedia> You can see a clear sky above you, with a full moon high above you.
[00:07:34] <@Ralith> *>.<)
[00:07:39] <Baphnedia> The clouds have moved beow you.
[00:07:39] <@Ralith> (
[00:07:41] <Baphnedia> *below
[00:08:00] * Darkmoon has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[00:08:34] <@Lupin> "Before you ask, no."
[00:08:39] <@A1465> (brb)
[00:08:46] <@Ralith> (?)
[00:08:57] <@Akela> (I think he was talking to me :P)
[00:08:59] <Baphnedia> The clouds continue their slow descent.
[00:09:02] <@Lupin> (Yes.)
[00:09:10] <@Torrent> (lol)
[00:09:15] * Darkmoon (~chatzilla@* has joined #paradice
[00:09:16] * Darkmoon gives channel operator status to Darkmoon
[00:09:19] <@Lupin> (wb)
[00:09:21] <@Aki> (wb)
[00:09:24] <@Torrent> (wb)
[00:09:26] <@Akela> (Sorry if I'm a bit quiet, having a discussion about the stupidity of people as a whole in a different channel :P)
[00:09:26] <@Ralith> (I take it the moon wasn't the light?)
[00:09:33] <@Ralith> (heh)
[00:09:33] <@Lupin> "We don't."
[00:09:39] <Baphnedia> (wb)
[00:09:41] <@Lupin> (It was the light.)
[00:09:49] <@Ralith> (ah.)
[00:10:29] <@A1465> (back)
[00:10:53] <@Darkmoon> (growl stupid connection)
[00:11:15] <@Ralith> (are we ever going to reach the hunters?)
[00:11:24] <@Ralith> (*yawn*)
[00:11:44] <@Torrent> "So, Mr. Camera Guy, you gonna tell us why you were taking pictures of us?"
[00:11:50] <@Torrent> "The REAL reason."
[00:11:57] <@Akela> "...."
[00:12:05] <@Akela> "Who wouldn't?"
[00:12:12] <@Ralith> (what reason do we have not to believe him?)
[00:12:29] <@A1465> (He had watermelons in his pack :P)
[00:12:38] <@Torrent> "For a story or what?"
[00:12:50] <@Torrent> "And be honest."
[00:12:50] <@Akela> "I already told you I don't work for the media"
[00:13:00] <@Torrent> "You're freelance though."
[00:13:07] <@Torrent> "You could sell it."
[00:13:15] <@Torrent> "So, for your own pleasure then?"
[00:13:19] <@Ralith> "Didn't it cross your mind that people would think you'd faked them?"
[00:13:34] <@Akela> "It would stir up some interesting controversy at the very least."
[00:13:55] <@Torrent> "So you wanted some name recognition?"
[00:14:10] <@Lupin> "It also might get you some unwanted attention."
[00:14:19] <@Torrent> "More than he knows."
[00:14:27] <@Akela> "Why do you even care?"
[00:14:34] <@Akela> "It's over, the photos are gone"
[00:14:54] <@Torrent> "I'm just wondering is all. I want to know who we have with us."
[00:15:26] <@Lupin> "They're not gon untl I can get to a computer."
[00:15:31] <@Lupin> "That's what concerns me."
[00:15:43] <@Lupin> (gone untill*)
[00:15:44] <@Ralith> "You could always just crush the memory device."
[00:16:57] <@Aki> "Yeah."
[00:17:26] <@Lupin> "I'd really perfer to burn it or something. Unless..."
[00:17:39] * Lupin turns to the human "How did you get out here?"
[00:17:40] <@Torrent> "Unless.... what?"
[00:17:45] * Ralith looks inquisitive
[00:18:12] * Torrent 's interest is clearly exhibited... ears perked
[00:18:18] <@Akela> "I walked, why should this matter, you're going to leave me without any proof anyway"
[00:18:38] <@Ralith> "Why did you have a flare gun?"
[00:18:57] * Darkmoon holds up the gun
[00:19:01] <@Lupin> "Walked from where. This isn't exactly near anywhere."
[00:19:06] <@Aki> "In case he got lost?"
[00:19:12] <@Akela> "Well, yes"
[00:19:17] <@Ralith> "Wouldn't do /him/ any good."
[00:19:31] <@Ralith> "Unless you had others with you keeping an eye out."
[00:19:46] <@Ralith> "Which you denied."
[00:19:50] <@Torrent> "Hmmm...."
[00:19:55] <@Akela> "The hunters seem to think I'm with you now"
[00:20:03] <@Lupin> "Now?"
[00:20:10] <@Akela> "Thanks to you I'll probably wake up with a bullet in my head some morning."
[00:20:26] <@Ralith> "Better than dead."
[00:20:33] <@Lupin> "Er..."
[00:20:40] <@Ralith> "We saved you."
[00:20:41] <@Ralith> "Ot
[00:20:42] <@Lupin> "That does kill most people."
[00:20:52] <@Ralith> "It's your own fault you were in the wrong place."
[00:20:58] <@Ralith> (I meant dead before :P)
[00:21:05] <@Ralith> "Don't go blaming us for that."
[00:21:15] <@Ralith> "You could have ran."
[00:21:26] <@Akela> "And gotten shot again too"
[00:21:29] <@Ralith> "But you stayed to photograph, and shot that flare for /someone/ to see."
[00:21:39] <@Akela> "I was shooting to hit you"
[00:21:48] <@Ralith> "Why did you even have it?"
[00:21:49] <@Lupin> "Well someone saw it."
[00:22:03] <@Lupin> "And now we're here."
[00:22:33] <@Ralith> (...somewhere)
[00:22:52] <@Lupin> (In this situation.)
[00:22:59] <@Lupin> (Not a physical place.)
[00:23:11] <@Ralith> (baph, are we ever going to get to the hunters?)
[00:23:30] <@Akela> "Why wouldn't someone be carrying a flare gun?"
[00:23:32] * Ralith inhales deeply, scenting the air
[00:23:48] <@Akela> "Anyone with half a brain knows they should have something in case of an emergency"
[00:23:53] <@Akela> "I don't exactly have a cell phone"
[00:24:00] <@Ralith> "Because this is normally to far to get noticed."
[00:24:06] <Baphnedia> (yes I'm on the phone
[00:24:09] <Baphnedia> (still :/)
[00:24:13] <@Torrent> "This is true."
[00:24:13] <@Lupin> (Heh)
[00:24:38] <@Akela> "If you're thinking I'm with them why would they try to kill me?"
[00:24:38] <@Ralith> !d20+6 scent
[00:24:38] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 9 scent
[00:24:53] <@Aki> (Someone broke Ral's nose! :O )
[00:25:03] <@Ralith> "You had /someone/ watching for that flare; don't ask me who. Maybe that's why that helicopter came."
[00:25:06] <@Lupin> (You smell pie.)
[00:25:12] <@Aki> (haha)
[00:25:16] * Ralith snorts somepie out of his nostrils
[00:25:30] * Lupin sniffs some more
[00:25:34] <@Akela> "Now you're just being paranoid"
[00:25:49] <@Lupin> "Paranoia comes in handy for us."
[00:25:59] <@Torrent> "With what we've been through, there's no such thing."
[00:26:49] * Darkmoon has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[00:26:58] <@Ralith> "There are people out there that /hunt/ us, and that's just everyday life to us."
[00:27:06] <@Ralith> "This is something much, much more."
[00:27:14] -Baphnedia- Roll smell
[00:27:28] <@Lupin> !D20+8 scent awareness
[00:27:39] <@Lupin> !d20+8 scent awereness
[00:27:39] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 9 scent awereness
[00:27:46] <@Lupin> (O_O)
[00:27:47] <@Akela> (Ouch)
[00:27:56] <@Lupin> (I guess he didn't like my pun.)
[00:28:03] <@A1465> (* Lupin's nose falls off.)
[00:28:05] <@Torrent> "And in the end, it could affect everyone, in every town in this country."
[00:28:07] -Baphnedia- you smell a LOT of bananas.
[00:28:51] <@Ralith> "This isn't just relating to us."
[00:28:59] <@Torrent> "Not in the least."
[00:29:03] * Lupin grimaces "Okay we need to find some place to wash off. All I can smell is the food Ralith's wearing."
[00:29:15] * Ralith growls quietly
[00:29:24] * Ralith looks around for a deep snowbank
[00:30:04] <@Ralith> (Baphnedia, ping.)
[00:30:27] <@A1465> (patience...)
[00:30:38] * Ralith dives into the snowbank, twisting around a bunch.
[00:31:01] <Baphnedia> There is indeed a snowbank. (just to clarify, I /noticed that)
[00:31:29] <Baphnedia> (/notices done)
[00:31:45] <Baphnedia> (everyone roll awareness)
[00:31:46] * Ralith comes out, fur clumped a little, no longer smelling of pie
[00:31:53] <@Lupin> !d20+8 awareness
[00:31:53] <Lycaon> Lupin rolled d20 + 8 for a total of 27 awareness
[00:31:55] <@A1465> !d20+6.5 awareness
[00:31:55] <Lycaon> A1465 rolled d20 + 6.5 for a total of 15.5 awareness
[00:31:57] <@Ralith> !d20+6 awareness
[00:31:57] <Lycaon> Ralith rolled d20 + 6 for a total of 12 awareness
[00:32:01] <@Lupin> (Yay, he likes me again!)
[00:32:04] <@Akela> !d20 awareness
[00:32:05] <Lycaon> Akela rolled d20 for a total of 6 awareness
[00:32:09] <@Ralith> (still dislikes me, though)
[00:32:15] <@Ralith> (hah, you and your human nose.)
[00:32:18] <@Akela> (I've yet to roll above a ten)
[00:32:28] -Baphnedia- as the clouds have moved further down the mountainside, you see a pair of small bundles that were recently covered up in fog.
[00:32:40] <@Torrent> !d20+5 awareness
[00:32:40] <Lycaon> Torrent rolled d20 + 5 for a total of 14 awareness
[00:32:41] <@A1465> (Don't forget, you have +1 modifier that you haven't been adding)
[00:32:42] <@Aki> !d20+7 Awreness
[00:32:42] <Lycaon> Aki rolled d20 + 7 for a total of 18 Awreness
[00:32:49] <@Torrent> (bah)
[00:33:03] * Lupin motions toward some bundles of something, "Look at that!"
[00:33:06] * Ralith is distracted by the absence of pie
[00:33:10] * Ralith looks at that
[00:33:16] * Torrent looks over
[00:33:20] * Aki looks
[00:33:57] * A1465 looked too, btw
[00:33:58] <Baphnedia> There are two small bundles further down the hill, in the direction Lupin pointed.
[00:34:07] <Baphnedia> (/notices done)
[00:34:15] * Ralith approaches the nearest
[00:34:22] * Ralith examines it
[00:34:35] <Baphnedia> They are hunter's/hiker's backpacks.
[00:34:35] * Lupin sniffs one
[00:34:42] * Ralith does the same
[00:34:46] * A1465 stays back.
[00:34:49] <Baphnedia> They smell like human, taht had been out roughing it for a couple of days.
[00:35:09] * Lupin gets an evil grin... "We should take these"
[00:35:15] <@Aki> "See if theres any guns in 'em."
[00:35:16] <Baphnedia> Each has a bedroll tied to the top and must be stuffed full, of, stuff.
[00:35:43] * Torrent goes over for closer inspection
[00:35:48] <Baphnedia> There is a slight scent of fox about them.
[00:35:50] * Ralith digs through the one he was examining
[00:35:51] * Darkmoon (~chatzilla@* has joined #paradice
[00:35:51] * Darkmoon gives channel operator status to Darkmoon
[00:35:55] <Baphnedia> *scent=stink
[00:35:55] <@Torrent> "Shall we open them?"
[00:35:57] <@Aki> (wb)
[00:35:59] <@Lupin> "I'd love to, except for the fact that both of my hands are tied up."
[00:36:01] <Baphnedia> (wb)
[00:36:02] * Torrent opens the other one
[00:36:09] <@Torrent> (wb)
[00:36:15] -Baphnedia- What are you carrying again?
[00:36:20] <@Darkmoon> (*snortrumblegrowlsnarl*)
[00:36:24] -Baphnedia- Nevermind... >.<
[00:36:35] <Baphnedia> (dialup?)
[00:36:47] >Baphnedia< (Hehehe.)
[00:36:51] <@Darkmoon> (wireless)
[00:37:03] <@Ralith> (*is using wireless happily*)
[00:37:18] <@A1465> (*is stuck to a wall*)
[00:37:34] <Baphnedia> (*is stuck to a chair)
[00:37:35] <@Lupin> (*Has a very long cable*)
[00:37:39] <@Darkmoon> (/me sticks out tongue at Ralith)
[00:37:55] <@Ralith> (bwahahhaa)
[00:38:05] * Lupin (can swich chairs, including the one in his bathroom)
[00:38:05] <@Ralith> (*feels free to move about*)
[00:38:06] <Baphnedia> The pack is packed full of a water filter, first aid kit, food, and stuff.
[00:38:29] * Baphnedia didn't need to know that Lupin can keep typing while nature calls.
[00:38:31] * Ralith sniffs around the area, looking for any departing trails
[00:38:43] <Baphnedia> There is a departing trail.
[00:38:47] <Baphnedia> Marked in the snow and in the air.
[00:38:58] <Baphnedia> It leads up and to the left, upward on the side of the mountain.
[00:39:00] <@Ralith> "I wonder why they left"
[00:39:12] <@Lupin> "The helicopter, perhaps."
[00:39:22] <@Aki> "Why leave the stuff then...?"
[00:39:29] <@Ralith> "Hikers wouldn't take any notice, too."
[00:39:46] <@Lupin> "Or maybe just the fact that those were too heavy to carry around while shooting at us."
[00:40:25] <@Ralith> "Good point."
[00:40:37] <@Ralith> "I'm going to follow the trail a little ways."
[00:40:58] <@Lupin> "I'll come along."
[00:41:01] <Baphnedia> The cool night is crystal clear. The moonlight is more than ample.
[00:41:10] <@Lupin> "Torrent, Darkmoon, take the backpacks."
[00:41:37] <@Lupin> "Or Aki, doesn't really matter."
[00:41:45] * Darkmoon grins happily and picks up one of the packs.
[00:41:48] * Ralith starts down the trail.
[00:41:50] * Torrent takes the nearest pack
[00:42:02] * Darkmoon follows Ralith
[00:42:03] * Torrent puts it on and follows Ralith
[00:42:07] * Lupin follows Ralith
[00:42:10] * A1465 sighs and follows along...
[00:42:20] <@Torrent> (I have to stop soon)
[00:42:24] <Baphnedia> The trail curves around up and to the left, around bushes and other things.
[00:42:25] * Aki shrugs and follows after, moving eaiser than he was before.
[00:42:40] <Baphnedia> I need to stop the game too.... I have work tomorrow.
[00:42:46] <@Torrent> (heh)
[00:42:57] * Baphnedia has changed the topic to: No game in progress. || Home of Silo 17 and The Unseen City. || We have two rules: Treat everyone here with respect, and don't eat sentient beings no matter how tasty they may be with tobasco sauce.