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Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:04 am
by Figarou
Naaa...I want originality. I'm hoping ABrownrigg will have someone cook up some good songs for the movie and the TF scenes. :D

That way Freeborn can be unique without borrowing songs from somewhere else.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:14 am
by Hearth
Figarou wrote:Naaa...I want originality. I'm hoping ABrownrigg will have someone cook up some good songs for the movie and the TF scenes. :D

That way Freeborn can be unique without borrowing songs from somewhere else.
Now that's a good idea.

Is there any musicians among The Pack that could do some of it?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:41 am
by Shadow Wulf
The music they played in Underworld when Raze is TFing fit very well with the situation.

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 11:40 pm
by CrypticIdentity
I always associated "Down With the Sickness" by Disturbed with werewolf TFs. I even use it in one of my stories. Also, of all things, "Devour," by the same band.

As much as I love SoaD, I can't make any connection between song and werewolves... Except for maybe "Science." Yeah. That would work. Okay, I can actually think of a couple more: "Highway Song," "Question!", and maaaaybe "Dreaming."

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 6:41 am
by Morkulv
A good death-metal song would be great. And it would really fit a disturbing scene like that. :grinwiggle:


Mushroomhead - Xeroxed
Akercocke - Leviathan
Macabre - Cup of Coffee

The lyrics of Mushroomhead - Xeroxed fit a TF-scene reall well:

Fall From Grace
False Messiah
Laid To Waste
Amidst Desire
Never Found
The Fuel That Feeds
The Fire Of Your Passion
Carbon Copy
Xeroxed Soul
Redundant Thought Assassin
All You Hear
And Claim It As Your Own
Step On Those
From Which You Stole
On Your Path To The Throne
Sink Your Teeth In Decadence
Manipulate The Crown
Drink The Wine
And Toast Us All
For We Will Take You Down


Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:03 am
by Renorei
I think I might have mentioned this elsewhere before, but I'd love to hear "Pluto" by Bjork or "Deus ex Machina" by Laibach during a TF. Download these and see what you think. I think these would be great songs to play when an evil character is TFing.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 11:46 am
by Morkulv
Nile - The Burning Pits of the Duat
Nile - Lashed to the Slave Stick

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:18 pm
by Kisota
I just realized that the instrumental "Face On" from Wolf's Rain might go well with a transformation. :D

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:25 pm
by Scott Gardener
Not so much for transformation scenes but in general a good song for Freeborn is Garmarna's "Varulven." Maybe the end credits. Its title is Gaelic for "werewolf," and it's very Celtic in flavor. Like Reese's peanut butter cups, it's two great tastes that taste great together. I found the song on iTunes for a buck, and it's money well spent. I suspect it would cost more in royalties to put it in the movie, however. Then again, I think its obscure enough that the musicians would welcome the exposure, especially since it fits so well.

I know, I'm mostly an advocate of getting composers instead of rock stars. But, I still put together my own mental soundtracks.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:49 pm
by navalagVLK

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:02 pm
by Shadow Wulf
No offence but that song sounds like its fit for a arcade video game. :P

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:08 pm
by navalagVLK

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:10 pm
by hydrocarbon
Oh man, after seeing too many B-grade (and Z-grade) horror films, I'm beginning to get turned off by any intensive scene with a generic black metal/whatever-metal-subgenre background track. It's becoming too "ergh"-inducing for me :lol:
It's like the directors go "Hey, whoa, this guy's turning into a monster/killing people/having sex, dude! LET'S PLAY SOME (bad, brainless) GOREGRIND/DEATH METAL/SPEED METAL/SOMETHING ELSE!!!!!11175a [throws horns, makes constipated 'scary' facial expressions, etc.etc.]"

Fair enough if the song is good, but good gravy, no more power-chording clones. Ugh.

Frankly I don't think the genre of music matters, so long as the song is good and works with the mood and atmosphere of the scene. Electronica, symphony, drum n bass, metal, acoustic, rock, whatever.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:28 am
by Morkulv
I really love the soundtrack for Resident Evil (1) movie, because it was really cold, and metal, and modern. It was really freaky, and it fits a thriller/horror-movie really well. Thats why I keep on recommending a really heavy/electronic/death metal tune.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:20 pm
by Set
I've been looking at this topic for awhile now and I realized that absolutely nothing in my music collection would fit a transformation scene. I find that sad.

But still, for some reason, the song Flying Foxes by Moby popped into my head right now.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:31 pm
by dnl
I'm go to try and make a song.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:37 pm
by Skorn
Matillica has good ones Wolf and Man is good I havn't heard of She Wolf yet sounds cool. It needs to be some hard rock like on Underworld. Something like that the hard rock beat.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:07 pm
by dnl
Well I found a band...Should probly ask Abrowning first lol. Plus I have work on the song frist. Thro some of there music mybe perfect. also it up to the pack I'll post more info later.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:52 am
by Morkulv
Why is everyone posting 'wolf'-related songs? It doesn't nececerally have to be about (were)wolves.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:24 pm
by Vuldari
Morkulv wrote:Why is everyone posting 'wolf'-related songs? It doesn't nececerally have to be about (were)wolves.
I agree...restricting the options to only songs with the word "Wolf" or references to wolves (or Werewolves) in the lyrics is totally unnecesary. fact...I would almost discourage it. It's just so...predictable and Cliche...

...and that rules out thousands of other good options.
(I have no suggestions though...exept that the music should match the mood of the scene, which often may not be a good match with a Hard Rock, or amusing songs with references to wolves or canines in the lyrics.)

Honestly...I don't see how any of us can really make any relevant suggestions when we don't know what mood each of the TF Scenes is supposed to convey.

Just tossing out the names of cool or favorite songs, and hoping or expecting that at least one of the TF scenes will fit with it seems rather pointless, if you ask me...

Only the film creators know what type of music will fit each scene.

I would suggest that WE have no say in the matter.
(No offense)

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:42 pm
by Nishah
I agree with the fact that unless you know exactly what mood the film-maker is trying to convey, it's quite pointless to guess at music...

A battle-transformation is going to have drastically different music than for example a first change.... where one is agressive, the other will be fearfull for example...

In all the years of using music with RPG's, i've really never found "the song" that goes with such a scene... and where I able to make decent music, i'd probably make it myself to really fit the mood...

As a basic I prefer instrumental music to electronic/vocal music in such scenes... Kodo -a weird choice perhaps- makes great build-ups with the rythm and volume of their drums... that usually works great with a tension-buildin-to-release scene like a shift...

my two cents....

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:00 pm
by dnl
anyone heard of madhouse

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 11:39 pm
by Scott Gardener
Celtic stuff can also work; Loreena McKennitt, the bagpipy part of The Church's "Under the Milky Way," The Moors (an obscure group you probably never heard of, who doesn't seem to be on iTunes either--but trust me, they're good!)...

(Edit: Found them on Napster--one song there, "Cernunnos, the Hunter." If you understand that title, you're probably a Pagan, or tired of listening to your roommate's rants about organized religion.)

(Edit 2: iTunes has the same song, but I'm still not finding any others. Check eBay.)

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:35 am
by forsaken_wolf
Well all I have to say maybe I kinda think an allright TF song would be Forsaken by David Draiman of Disturbed or Figure.09 by Linkin Park or a few songs from Mushroom head or Under a killing Moon from Thrice and check out the lyrics if u want to or somethin.

Werewolf: the Forsaken

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 10:39 pm
by Scott Gardener
"Forsaken" was already used in a vampire movie. Worse yet, one based on an Anne Rice novel. Worse yet, based loosely on one.

The lead antagonist, Aailyah, would have been great for portraying my novel's lead female werewolf role. (She even has a strangely similarly odd name, too--"Elodea.") Unfortunately, she got killed in a plane wreck shortly after filming, and that's her one and only movie.