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Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:07 pm
by dnl
This is sad I have seen only a little of Goldenwolf work.
:cry: I know :jawdrop:

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:54 am
by celtwolf
personally, i prefer the somewhat mysterious appeal of a single werewolf.
like, a werewolf turning away to run, or perhapse turning towards his/her pack to join them in running or something.
damn, i have such a vivid imagination and NO skill in transferring it to writing!

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:12 am
by Renorei
Well, I voted for single. I would prefer it be just one werewolf. But, a pack would have been my second choice. I'd like for their overall look to be something like your Kierrn.
EDIT: If there are to be females in this pack (and I hope there are), please don't make them look horribly wimpy compared to the males.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 8:56 pm
by Kisota
I personally don't like huge prints on t-shirts. It's just...too much.

I like the idea of a design, or maybe one werewolf. If they were smaller, a few werewolves would be okay, I suppose. 8)

I'd like to see something a little funny on the shirts, though. That'd be great! :jester2:

Maybe something with duckies! :dizzy:

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:24 am
by Renorei
I'd like to add that I tend to prefer snarly or serious werewolves. Of course, I totally understand it if not all of them are this way, but I think more of them should be serious than should be amused. For example, in a pack of five werewolves, maybe one could have an amused expression. Out of the remaining four, I'd prefer them to be snarly/serious.

Also, it is my hope that this print won't be HUGE. I generally don't like it when the prints on shirts take up the entire front/back of a shirt. Just my opinion.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:03 pm
by Baphnedia
Well, I'll follow any specific directions from Goldenwolf when she's done with the artwork. Right now, I'm sending mondo money to the manufacturer, putting them through a test run on my own site's first shirt. If they do that one well, then we should have no trouble with Packwere shirts.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 12:58 pm
by Set
:roll: Some people act like the world will explode if all werewolves aren't big snarly serious uber-beasts. "OMG, I laughed! THE END IS NIGH!" *world go boom*

Just let Goldy do her thing. I'm sure she won't disappoint anyone.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:04 pm
by Kisota
Reilune wrote:*world go boom*
:lol: For some reason, that made me laugh really hard. If you were here right now, Reilune, I would SO high five you while winking. :wink:

I can understand Excelsia, though! I like werewolves to be...well, wolfish in nature, so not real beastly. By no means, though, should they be coconut-drunk fools, snuffing crack off of duckies.

Goldenwolf will do something that we'll like. I know it! 8) I personally would like any shirt with ol' Goldie's work on it!

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:12 pm
by Renorei
Pfffft...the thread is called "T-shirt Design Input". Hence, I gave my input. That includes my preferences for werewolf expressions. There's nothing wrong with laughing or amused werewolves, but that's just not my preference. Jeez. Suddenly offering my input makes me narrowminded?

That being said, even if Goldy does choose to make the shirt design have exactly zero snarling or serious werewolves, I have no doubt that it will still be beautiful and that I will still like it.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:13 pm
by Set
Come on now I never said that.

Sheesh. Some people have no sense of humor. :duckiemind:

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 3:00 pm
by Renorei
Reilune wrote:Come on now I never said that.

Sheesh. Some people have no sense of humor. :duckiemind:
Eh, sorry, guess I read too much into it. :dizzy: Lately I've been overreacting over minor things.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 10:58 pm
by Baphnedia
In unrelated news, a test run of t-shirts I'm doing (to see if the manufacturer can handle full color well, among other things) is done. 39 pounds of t-shirts are on their way to my distributor in NY. Frankly, I can't wait to see what Goldie comes up with!

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 12:01 am
by Anubis
Baphnedia wrote:In unrelated news, a test run of t-shirts I'm doing (to see if the manufacturer can handle full color well, among other things) is done. 39 pounds of t-shirts are on their way to my distributor in NY. Frankly, I can't wait to see what Goldie comes up with!
same here i can't wait to see what she has done withg it, what ever it is its going to be good :)

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 12:16 am
by Renorei
After having given it a bit more thought (and bear in mind Goldie, that I have no idea how far along you are in this project), I've had an interesting idea.

What if the werewolves in the design reflected actual pack members, or at least, things about us? I will lay out a few examples, you can run with this idea if you want, or not.

Fur Color Patterns:

Several pack members have trademark 'characters' with color patterns that I think look at least marginally realistic. The examples that come to mind are Figarou's, Akugarou's, Aki's, and Mine. Aside from these, I'm sure there are plenty more people who have canine-nish characters with reasonably realistic colors. I don't have a picture, but I know that Anubis's character is a black-furred werewolf. Also, Vuldari seems to be more of a vulpine type, but this could be transferred into a reddish, vaguely foxy colored werewolf. Also, Morkulv is a brown-furred werewolf with a shoulder or chin length brown mane. There are plenty other examples that I can't remember right now. Also, Silverclaw (in real life) has red hair. It would be cool to see a red mane on a werewolf. Something like that could work well with a color pattern like Vuldari's or mine.


There are a wide array of expressions that you could choose from that could make the shirt more personalized to pack members.

-In nearly all of his posts on this forum, Vilkacis has always been the embodiment of wisdom and knowledge. A werewolf with a wise, knowing expression might be appropriate.

-Lupin typically has a wide array of photos in his avatar generator, many depicting some of the best wolf facial expressions I've ever seen. Hit refresh a bunch of times to see them all. I'd love to see something like one of ones he has. Particularly one of the unusual ones.

-SabretheJokerWolfFool (or whatever your name is) has a habit of choosing avatars with completely crazy expressions. Here is her deviant site and here is a specific example of aforementioned craziness.

-Set's avatars change like the wind, but one thing I've noticed is that she regularly seems to choose anime characters with sinister expressions. I think a werewolf with such an expression (sinister, not anime-ish) would be kinda cool looking.

-In nearly all of Shadow Wulf and Anubis's pictures, a snarling, furious werewolf is depicted. I find this delightful, since mean-looking werewolves are my favorite kind. I'd love to see at least one like this.

-My character has a devious expression, which I think embodies me pretty well. A werewolf like this could look cool too.

Body Types

If anyone has been to the muscles thread, they know that pack members vary widely on what they think a werewolf's body should look like. Personally, I prefer big ferocious lookiing werewolves like this. I'd love to see at least one werewolf like this on the shirt, and preferably also a female equivalent. But, there are many, many pack members who favor werewolves who are smaller, sleeker, and more streamlined. Having the werewolf pack exhibit varieties of body types would reflect not only our varying preferences, but also the varying body shapes of the actual pack members themselves.

Markings, jewelry, etc.

Obviously, anything too blatant would just look silly. But, there are a few small things that could be done that could make the werewolf pack on the shirt a little more personalized to us.

-One werewolf could have a tattoo or some piece of jewelry with a silhouette of an Egyptian symbol, most likely a jackal to represent the Egyptian God Anubis. Both Vrikasatma and Set seem to like this God quite a lot (or at least I gather so from the Religion thread), and Anubis (the pack member) evidently has a fondness for him as well. :lol:

-Another werewolf could have a cross on him somewhere, whether in jewelry or a tattoo or a scar. This encompasses many of the pack members who are Christians (Me, Shaun, Pariah, and many more). Of course, it should definitely be rather small.

-I'm not really sure how you would do this...but I'd love to see one of them wearing a small, unobtrusive bit of jewelry (or tattoo) with a duckie silhouette on it. This encompasses the entire pack, since we have all thrown our fair share of duckies.

-The pack necklace. It might be kinda weird if all the werewolves were wearing one, but I think it might be cool if one of them did. Once again, this encompasses the entire pack.

-A cleverly hidden llama symbol and a hamster symbol and a feline symbol and a dragon symbol somewhere in the picture might be nice. Whether present in jewelry or a tattoo or cloth armband or in some other way, I think this would be cool. After all, there are many pack members who aren't wolves, and who couldn't have the shirt 'personalized' to them in any way.


The only two things I could think of for this one would be to have something like have one of the werewolves holding a loosely balled fist at his or her side, with the pinkie out (not flagrantly), which would be a subtle nod to my character.

The other would be to have a character whose pose kind of reflects Vuldari's 'apostropheism'. Perhaps standing off to the side. Or maybe, standing behind a large werewolf and peeping out from behind. Something like that.

Ultimately, if you use any of these ideas, it will make the project much more difficult. But, I think it would be really cool if a pack member looks at the shirt design and sees something that actually represents them. I think it would make an already cool shirt into something extremely personal and special. If it's too difficult, I understand completely.

Also, you would of course not want to mix and match traits. For example, it would be kinda weird to have a werewolf that looks like Anubis (the pack member) also wearing the Anubis symbol, etc. You get the idea. That would be something to be careful of.

Anywho, once again, this is just an idea. Take it or leave it. If anyone else has anything they'd like to add to this, feel free.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:17 pm
by Set
Sounds good to me Renorei.
Renorei wrote:-One werewolf could have a tattoo or some piece of jewelry with a silhouette of an Egyptian symbol, most likely a jackal to represent the Egyptian God Anubis. Both Vrikasatma and Set seem to like this God quite a lot (or at least I gather so from the Religion thread), and Anubis (the pack member) evidently has a fondness for him as well. :lol:
The Religion thread...I'd completely forgotten about that. Which is kind of bad, because usually when I do that with something I should remember I tend to find I said something that's either very stupid or that's no longer true.

But yeah I do like him alot. Love him, in fact. He's awesome. :D

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:11 pm
by Renorei
Set wrote:Sounds good to me Renorei.
Renorei wrote:-One werewolf could have a tattoo or some piece of jewelry with a silhouette of an Egyptian symbol, most likely a jackal to represent the Egyptian God Anubis. Both Vrikasatma and Set seem to like this God quite a lot (or at least I gather so from the Religion thread), and Anubis (the pack member) evidently has a fondness for him as well. :lol:
The Religion thread...I'd completely forgotten about that. Which is kind of bad, because usually when I do that with something I should remember I tend to find I said something that's either very stupid or that's no longer true.

But yeah I do like him alot. Love him, in fact. He's awesome. :D
Yay! Someone likes my idea! :D

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:18 pm
by Anubis
Renorei i looooooooooooooooove that idea! it would be very cool if the major players that deffenatly is a part of the pack what i mean is the regulars like me, figarou, the mods, set, Renorei, shadow wulf, saber, etc. would be in there.

the major thing i like that idea is the fact i'll get a feeling like i belong some where and a part of some thing and i bet the rest would feel the same about it. i say do it!

BTW my werewolves are just really bad a** not mindless snarling eating muchines. :P

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:22 pm
by Anubis
hey a thought came into my mind. if this is a pack who is the alpha male and/or female? its can't be ABrowing and silver because they aren' t here as much ?? :P

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:30 pm
by Set
How would you even show who's the alpha and who's not in a drawing? I don't think there should be all that much in the way of heirarchy. I tend to think of all of us here as equals.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:36 pm
by Anubis
i know that i was just being random :P

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:50 pm
by Renorei
I don't really think we have an alpha per se...although perhaps we do have what one might think of as 'elders'. From my point of view, the two main elders would be Vilkacis (the wise, knowledgable elder that is well respected) or Figarou (goofy old coot that everyone loves).

I can think of ways in which the design could depict an alpha...but I don't think the design should attempt to showcase one pack member (as in, this pack, not the pack on the shirt) as alpha. Though I do think we should find ways to make the werewolves on the shirt represent us in some ways, I don't think anyone should be able to look at the shirt and say, "Ok, this is Figarou, this is Renorei, this is so-and-so...". We can avoid this by mixing and matching representative tactics. For example, a werewolf with Figarou's color pattern could be female instead, and could have a really wise facial expression (to represent Vilkacis), and be wearing an Anubis pendant (to represent Set, Anubis, and Vrikasatma). That way, if someone looks at the drawing, they won't automatically go "Hey! It's Figarou!", even though it does resemble Figarou in some ways. However, if you made the one with Figarou's pattern male, and with a laughing face, it would make it instantly apparent who it is. So...if Goldie does go with this idea...the alpha on the shirt could easily have any one of our color patterns and yet look nothing like us.

Anyway...I know I didn't really address the question. To answer your question Anubis, I really don't think we have an alpha. There are members who I think are more well-respected than others, but I don't think that they are necessarily leaders.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:57 pm
by Shadow Wulf
I would definatly say that Figarou, Lupin and Velkacis are the top dogs or wolves. But I find it a bit wierd to have them three on thier but have mixed of characteristics of different members on them. I think it is best that Goldenwolf to just create a whole different set of werewolves that doesnt resemble to much of us and add a pack logo and say the pack right underneath it. So that way people want think that everyone thinks little of them. If the three mods are up thier just becuase thier the 3 mods then other pack members will feel like we're inferior to them. Just to avoid any problems its best to make new characters.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:04 pm
by Anubis
Renorei wrote:I don't really think we have an alpha per se...although perhaps we do have what one might think of as 'elders'. From my point of view, the two main elders would be Vilkacis (the wise, knowledgable elder that is well respected) or Figarou (goofy old coot that everyone loves).

I can think of ways in which the design could depict an alpha...but I don't think the design should attempt to showcase one pack member (as in, this pack, not the pack on the shirt) as alpha. Though I do think we should find ways to make the werewolves on the shirt represent us in some ways, I don't think anyone should be able to look at the shirt and say, "Ok, this is Figarou, this is Renorei, this is so-and-so...". We can avoid this by mixing and matching representative tactics. For example, a werewolf with Figarou's color pattern could be female instead, and could have a really wise facial expression (to represent Vilkacis), and be wearing an Anubis pendant (to represent Set, Anubis, and Vrikasatma). That way, if someone looks at the drawing, they won't automatically go "Hey! It's Figarou!", even though it does resemble Figarou in some ways. However, if you made the one with Figarou's pattern male, and with a laughing face, it would make it instantly apparent who it is. So...if Goldie does go with this idea...the alpha on the shirt could easily have any one of our color patterns and yet look nothing like us.

Anyway...I know I didn't really address the question. To answer your question Anubis, I really don't think we have an alpha. There are members who I think are more well-respected than others, but I don't think that they are necessarily leaders.
i know that i just being wierd

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:05 pm
by navalagVLK
I'd personally like something along the lines of a tribal tattoo with The Pack symbol thrown in somewhere. :wink:

I've noticed here and there that no matter how brilliant a drawing can be, sometimes it ends up looking a little tacky on a shirt.

But that's just me :D

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:06 pm
by Kzinistzerg
I have to say that showcasig the top posting members has it's troubles,namely, everyone else gets left out, and the more esoteric ones can possibly be in becuse they'd be too obvious. (i. e., a purple tiger is ME, so anything even remotely so, would, i my mind go, 'MEMEMEMEMEME' and override nay other such things that indicate otehrwise.)

i vote for a couple of werewolves. actually having a cat of some type in there would be aweosme, too. but it's mainly wolves, so...