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Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:30 am
by Veruth
I also collect things I find out in the woods, feathers, bones, turtle shells etc. I've got a small collection of knives and other weapons, I've got a bunch of fossils and other rocks. I still have a bunch of Magic the Gathering cards but nobody else to play with. I've also got a bunch of pokemon cards that I still haven't gotten around to getting rid of. I'm going to try to take them to the card place and se if they're still worth anything I've got a few that were fairly valuable back in the day. Although not really a collection, I have a bunch of slings that I've made too, as well as some little pouches and things like that that I've made out of scrap leather.

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:33 am
by vrikasatma
Believe it or not, I have a pretty good collection of nutcrackers and Madonna Inn goblets going.

The latter are huge, beautiful coloured glass goblets with roses all over them that the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo, CA sells. They're big — holds about 9 ounces. Not very fashionable, actually a little pretentious, but beautiful. It's a sort of "ya gotta look at it up close thing." My birthday-sister Lela got me hooked on 'em.

Here's a link if you want to have a look at a picture, but the picture's nothing compared to having the actual thing in your hand:

The nutcrackers aren't the supremely pricey ones but they all look really cool together. My favourite is a gift from some friends, it's essentially a nutcracker totem pole of three stacked nutcrackers. The bottom guy is a footsoldier with a rifle and this hilariously painful frown on his face; then a general with a sword standing on the footsoldier's head, he looks stressed but a little more stoic, and at the very top a laughing king (of course — he doesn't have anyone standing on his head!).

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 6:01 pm
by Kisota
My brother and I have a decent anime/manga collection together... :D
And video games. But I don't like PC games much anymore. Imacs and games...Meh.
Besides, I have a Gameboy DS. Made for games. Super-l337. :lol:

We have quite a lot of fossils and whatnot, too. I always keep my eyes open for cool rocks and fossils and stuff.
Ah, and I'm always after more plants. Love 'em, but they die...I'm trying to keep my dormant Venus flytraps alive.... :cry:

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 9:09 am
by Ronkonkoma
Kiba wrote:Ah, and I'm always after more plants. Love 'em, but they die...I'm trying to keep my dormant Venus flytraps alive.... :cry:
I like DVDs and movies, but the only problem with my collecting DVDs is that eventually, i get tired of the movies that i have, and need to get more. but i do have a couple nice anime series, Wolf's Rain and Hellsing
along with princess Mononoke, and Spirited Away.

I also like to read -alot- currently bulking up on my Stephen King collection.I am a GTA fanatic, and enjoy anthromorphic artwork, and various furry stuff

And i do like plants, especially bonsai, but unfortunately I live in the Northeast and when i have attempted to move my plants from one place to another, it tends to kill my Bonsai, so eventually i get a new one (an expensive habit) the longest i've had a bonsai is just about 4 years, but left it for a few weeks with my folks and it died!

although, I have managed to keep one plant alive longer than ther rest, I got a Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) -Kiba, you might be interested in one of these, good to get when its small- They tolerate the low light conditions and are very drought tolerant, i once went a month without watering this plant and it didn't have any ill effects.

Re: So...what else do you like?

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 5:42 pm
by Anubis
Alpha wrote:I was just wondering... what does everyone else here like to collect besides werewolf stuff? For me, currently, it's realistic looking dinosaur figures. I have all of the major ones from the Jurassic Park movies, and a couple of others from various films. I also like to pick-up the cool looking odds and ends beasties like the M.E. Haunter of the pits, LOTDK Man-Bat , LOTR Battle troll etc.
I like writting, video games, reading(i'm a book worm at times), scif-fi, action and adventure movies, internet, japanesse anime, rock music (country should die!!). and hanging around with my friends.

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:36 pm
by Kzinistzerg
bionicles. they're lego sets.

i must have.... oh....



7 toa
6 bohrok
4 vahki
3 rahkshi
3 visorahk
2 hordika
5 big sets

so thats...

25*9+5*30=.. ummm...... $325, with other small bits and pieces added in, and taken out, so it's about that much. *prentends it isn't a totoal waste of money*

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:53 am
by Kisota
Ronkonkoma - thanks for the suggestion! I'll look into that! :o
Argh, I've had the same problem with Bonsai. They're such neat plants, though. I heard about a 2,500 year-old one...saw it on TV, too, I think... ^^
Shadowblaze - Bionicles seem like evil goth Lego things to me. :lol:

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:39 pm
by Ronkonkoma
Kiba wrote:Ronkonkoma - thanks for the suggestion! I'll look into that! :o
Argh, I've had the same problem with Bonsai. They're such neat plants, though. I heard about a 2,500 year-old one...saw it on TV, too, I think... ^^
You're welcome and good luck :D and yes there are some veryvery very old Bonsai out there that have been in families for generations.
I deal mostly in tropical Bonsai so i don't have to worry about winterizing the plant for 3 months out of the year, which makes them easier to take care of, but the down size is tropical bonsai usually need more light or need to be carefully watered (and/or misted) frequently. Tropical bonsai i've had the best luck with: Schefflera (umbrella tree plant) Ficus tree, and Bougainvillea, the Bougainvillea is a flowering plant and it grows like a weed, treat it right and it will grow,grow,grow.

my current bonsai is a Ponytail Palm plant

Bamboo is also a very easy plant to take care of and i have done well with (and still have) , doesn't need alot of light, just keep it watered and its happy
:D 8) hwlwnk

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:34 am
by WolfVanZandt
When people ask me what I like to do, I usually tell them that I don't like bookkeeping. I'm one of those people that like so manythings, it's hard for me to decide what I want to do at any particular time.

Some of my biggies right now are rock collecting, photography (mostly waterfalls), hiking and camping, rockclimbing, composing (serious music), computer programming, evangelism, travel, skulls (I collect them), comic books, movies, music (mostly background - I play it while I work), Boy Scouts and other community activities (I'm a district committee member), cooking and eating (I like scouting out good places to eat), and trying to get my coronary arteries unplugged (I gotta do it - I might as well enjoy myself while I do it).

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:14 am
by Renorei
I'm really bad about hoarding stuff. But, it's usually not one particular type of item. So, as a general rule, I don't have 50 of item X, but I do have a lot of cool, weird stuff.

There are however, some things that I collect, or used to collect:

-When I was younger, I used to love to collect unusual rocks. I don't currently make an effort to acquire unusual rocks, but if one jumps up and hits me in the face (figuratively), I'll take it.

-I also enjoyed collecting knives (still do, except now I also collect dirks and swords).

-I still collect strange coins (either coins from other countries, or old coins from this country).

-Fortunes from fortune cookies. I have amassed an impressive array of these. As a side note, if you and a group of your friends go out to a Chinese restaurant, when all of you are reading your fortunes to each other, have each person orally add the words 'in bed' to the end of their fortune. It makes it so much more fun. :lol:

-I used to collect Pokemon cards. I should really sell those things and try to make some cash.

-Chihuahuas. Actually, collect isn't the right word, since the main purpose of having them is to breed them, but we do have an assload of these little cuties.

-And, while I don't actually collect these, I do have a passion for fish, particularly oscars. I looooove oscars. I don't currently have any, but I plan on getting more soon. I particularly love rare ones, like this one: ... roduct=238
I know it's expensive, but to me it's worth it. Hopefully by the time I get my tank set up again, they'll be in stock again.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 11:15 am
by Silverfang
Aside from werewolf things, seems i've got similar taste to those here.
DVDs, animie, films, my collection has gotten quite big! :o Now getting to over 50 DVDs and sets, 70 videos odd and my PC has the better part of 370GB, gradually being filled with anime, such as Wolf's Rain, FMA, Ghost in the shell and Initial D
Another BIG thing in my life is cars, classic or performance, or in most instances both :D though with my job getting ever more annoying (no thanks to a morronic manager making my life a living HELL hence why i've not been on in months :supermad: ) I was in the process of building my own race car, though now i've decided that it wasn't enough, so i'm off to university in September to study Motorsports Technology :behappy:

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:33 am
by Faolan Bloodtooth
I dont really collect them, but VHS movies seem to have a way of falling into my hands (I have about 300 - 400 movies now)

Dragon stuff, rocks, Confrontation Miniatures (Go The Wolfen!), Warhammer (Fantasy and 40k) miniatures...

Star Wars stuff (mainly micro machines and Electronic Lightsabers)

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:17 am
by wolfbound
they're lego sets.
yay for the lego's! 8) i am 26 ans still collect them.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 3:19 pm
by Wyla
Knives, swords and such are my main collecting point, though I haven't had a chance to buy anything new for a while. This is my current collection, though I'm hoping to get a few nice dirks once I can find a place that sells them. I'm lucky to have a shop in my town that sells a huge range of (mainly) display swords, knives, axes, daggers and interesting things, but they haven't managed to get a dirk in stock for me just yet :P
Silverfang wrote: Another BIG thing in my life is cars, classic or performance, or in most instances both
And I agree there! (As Silverfang well knows x3 ) I'm waiting for the day when I can afford to both buy and run/insure a 1968 Dodge Charger. :love: It'll be a long time before I have that kind of money though. It looks like I may be getting a Chevy El Camino of some sort next year though. -dances- A friend of my dad's build hot rods and rebuilds cars for a living, and he says he can buy & import a nice 'Camino from the states for fairly cheap, so I'm quite looking forward to that. :wiggle:

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 5:34 pm
by Short Tail
I collect random comuter parts. I don't know why, but I have just have odds and ends laying around in my room at home. Have the startings of a gun collection, I guess you could say computer games, but I always lose them, all of my paintball stuff takes up some room too.