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Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:30 pm
by Anubis
i always loved werewolves since i was ten, but about 6or7 months ago that's the only thing i could think about. i was floundering looking at site after site thats about werewolves, then i started to look for an online community thats for werewolf fanatics like me, well.... while looking the link section of Goldie's web site i found a link to the pack message boards and the rest you know.

but reasently werewolves dosen't get me as excited as it used to. like outwarddoodles i find my self not really particapaiting in the "what should a werewolf be" forum, and i don't find my self thinking and day dreaming about werewolves i used to and don't spend that much time here as welll. i kind of spent on the fanatic energy department now to tell you the truth it started to get a little boring but i still like werewolves and i still want to be one. it went from an unhealthy obsession to just a simple interest. i expect to have my Mojo back soon.

even though this message boards is about werewolves i stay not only to talk about werewolves, but to talk about movies and other crapo like that and just hang out with my online friends that i made here. :D

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:53 am
by CrewWolf
I actually got tired of werewolf discussion fairly early on and left for...(has no concept of time longer than a week)...a while. What lured me back was general discussion of the logo on the Pack T-shirt and it was curiosity over what's been happening that's kept me in. I enjoy venturing into the WSAWB? section whenever new topics are brought up, but that doesn't happen often since most of what can be discussed has for the most part been exhausted, and I don't really have much to add on certain (well, most) active subjects because of lack of knowledge (genetics and viral matter? Please) or lack of opinion. I'm always interested in whats happening with Freeborn, but updates on progress tend to be slow as well, but that's to be expected.

But I enjoy coming on, seeing what's going on, posting what I can. I'm not as crazy about werewolves as I was when I was younger, but that's because I've moved onto being crazy about were-anything-with-fur-scales-or-feathers since I've found it pays not to be too picky. You take what shapeshifting you can. Wolves are just a part of it, but I honestly can't see myself as a wolf. I'm too nice and shy. I'd probably be a weregerbil or something.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:05 am
by Xodiac
I can certainly understand the sentiment. There's only so long a person can focus on one thing exlusively before he just plain gets tired of it. That length may vary, but it's there for everyone, for everything - the only exceptions being those people we call "obsessed".

For myself, werewolves are neat, and all that. But I am more a fan of transformations in general than any specific end result of that transformation. I joined early (way early!), made some contributions, had my say in what I thought werewolves should or shouldn't be like, and then quietly bowed out. I rarely even go to that area of the forums, anymore, as the questions are focusing on minutae that I hope the movie never bothers to focus on.

So, anyway, there's no need to apologise. I don't feel like I've been the victim of any kind of deception, here.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:22 pm
by Leighlia
I'll slot myself firmly in the "obsessed" category. Goes with the O.C.D. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). I've loved werewolves for as long as I could remember, but always hated the bad wrap they always got in movies.

I had been coming here to read through the various threads and topics for about 2 weeks before I finally registered as a member. I wanted to be sure it was someplace that I was certain to come back to regularly or one of those places that was only worth visiting once in a while. Now I visit here every day. I wish I had more to contribute than I do, but so much has already be hashed over and talked about. I don't post just to post, so my post-count is likely to always stay low.

But to werewolves themselves, I may one day find another topic to become obsessed with, but I don't know that I'll ever grow tire of them all together.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:20 pm
by Set
Figarou wrote:You hate, yet you stick around.

That confuses me. :?

Since you like to stick around.... :splat:

*dodges, Matrix style* :P I stay for the same reson I hate water but stand out in the rain. Because I'm weird.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:56 pm
by Shadow Wulf
So you like Vampires? *looks at info below name*

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 5:29 pm
by Set
Shadow Wulf wrote:So you like Vampires? *looks at info below name*
*prepares to get staked* Yes.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 5:42 pm
by Nishah
Hey that makes at least two of us !
vampires are rated juuuuuuuuuuuuuuust below shifters in my book...

different, yet the same, right ?
*happy expectant look*

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 5:54 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Reilune wrote:
Shadow Wulf wrote:So you like Vampires? *looks at info below name*
*prepares to get staked* Yes.
No your not gonna get staked, your gonna be ripped to shreds!!!! :x

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:08 pm
by Set
Nishah wrote:Hey that makes at least two of us !
vampires are rated juuuuuuuuuuuuuuust below shifters in my book...

different, yet the same, right ?
*happy expectant look*
Shadow Wulf wrote:No your not gonna get staked, your gonna be ripped to shreds!!!! :x
My my my, so violent... *hiss* Just try it.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:17 pm
by Aki
Shadow Wulf wrote:
Reilune wrote:
Shadow Wulf wrote:So you like Vampires? *looks at info below name*
*prepares to get staked* Yes.
No your not gonna get staked, your gonna be ripped to shreds!!!! :x
Well, if cut the rightway she would look like steak.... :lol:

On Topic:

Not really, I have a odd habbit of at times being abosrbed in topic, then drifting to another and bouncing back at a later date to the first, but Werewolves are one constant I never loose.


Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:17 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Reilune wrote:
Shadow Wulf wrote:No your not gonna get staked, your gonna be ripped to shreds!!!! :x
My my my, so violent... *hiss* Just try it.
Alright then, I will :evil:............. :wolfkiss: :thpt2:

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:59 pm
by Crimson_Alchemist
Shadow be nice! vampires are cool and all but werewolves are better remember that. :D :) :o :lol: :P :wink:

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 11:31 am
by Scott Gardener
I can't help but think of a great line from the Werewolf TV series, from a shadowy figure persona in their mindgame dream episode.

"It's bad to dream of werewolves. Once they enter your head, they find places to stay. Then, it's only a matter of time before they start to gnaw on your brain matter."

I've been pretty obsessive for over eighteen years, though I kind of slipped it to one side through a good portion of the nineties. It never really went away.

Is it that it stopped being fun about mid-way through the first shapeshift? I know it gets a bit rough, but it gets easier with time. You can try to hide in the human world, but it will follow you. You'll notice that you're remembering people by their scent, or that other people don't hear some of the sounds you can. Then, there is always the wilderness beyond the horizon, beckoning. That's when you ask, what have you done to yourself?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 11:56 am
by Vuldari
Scott Gardener wrote:Is it that it stopped being fun about mid-way through the first shapeshift? I know it gets a bit rough, but it gets easier with time. You can try to hide in the human world, but it will follow you. You'll notice that you're remembering people by their scent, or that other people don't hear some of the sounds you can. Then, there is always the wilderness beyond the horizon, beckoning. That's when you ask, what have you done to yourself?

...anyway, I must admit, the rest of this is actually quite relevant to me to the last decade of my life. Though the thought of being a werewolf specifically rarely was of perticular interest to me back then, I was (and still am, though now with a more realistic perspective) quite obsessed with being an "animal" of one sort or another, and do find myself setting myself apart from the rest of humanity in my mind, recognising my loved ones by scent, (plus my siblings and I have an exeptional range of hearing, up to extremely high pitch above the range of most others I know, but not quite "superhuman") and longing to spend as much time as possible in the wilderness. I remeber distincly the feeling in my gut when I finally asked myself that question "What have I done to myself?"

I've since revised my thought patterns so that I am much more comfortable in being a member of the human race, and one of the animal kingdom as well. ...however, I still catch myself sniffing the air from time to time and thinking "Hey...MOMs here!..."

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:18 pm
by Veruth
I'm past my insane obsession phase, but there's still a strong interest. I expect it to wane a little bit over time. I've always been fascinated with general shapeshifting and human-animal hybrids so I don't expect it to wane too much, just back to normal (Before I found out about Freeborn) levels.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 1:22 pm
by Set
Shadow Wulf wrote:Alright then, I will :evil:............. :wolfkiss: :thpt2:
Eww, dog drool. :P :knockedout:

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 5:20 am
by Celestialwolf
I can't honestly say I've ever been tired of werewolves. The ability to transform into something more powerful/talented than myself (mostly the werewolf kind) has always been facinating to me for reasons I can't explain. Inferiority complex? No. Something deeper, but one again I can't explain what. I'm sure werewolves will be a part of who I for many years to come, if not my whole life.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 12:44 pm
by Goldenwolf
Bona-fide werewolf nutjob here. While certain topics or entire forums will get old for me, werewolves in and of themselves never do. Been a werewolf fan all my life, but didn't really get obsessed about it until 1994. Been obsessed ever since, and I'm sure I always will be :)

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 2:46 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Goldenwolf wrote:Bona-fide werewolf nutjob here. While certain topics or entire forums will get old for me, werewolves in and of themselves never do. Been a werewolf fan all my life, but didn't really get obsessed about it until 1994. Been obsessed ever since, and I'm sure I always will be :)
I'm with you Goldie!! I've loved Werewolves and Wolves all my life and I don't think mylove for them will ever go away :howl:  :oo

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 3:09 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Well Ill never stop loving either one of them, I just need a little time off and then I can be totaly obsesse with it.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 5:48 pm
by Vuldari
Lazywolf wrote: The ability to transform into something more powerful/talented than myself ... has always been facinating to me for reasons I can't explain.
Oh, absolutely...

From the earliest dreams I can remember, and likely untill the day that I die. Metamophisis into forms that posess strengths and abilities that I do not have as a human is an idea that goes far beyond just a facination with me. It is an imbedded part of my personality...and perhaps even my soul.

It's just that, with "werewolves" there are borders in my mind about what they are/can be, and limits past which I can't rightfully consider the creatures "werewolves" anymore. ...that and they are allways and only wolves, and the incompatability between WOLF lifestyle and behavior and myself can not be ingnored indefinately.

It is a box within which I can not stand to restrain my mind any longer. I have far stranger ideas that I hunger to explore.

..oh, if only you knew what type of critters I've been imagining I'd like to become... Image Image

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:02 pm
by Veruth
Lazywolf wrote:I can't honestly say I've ever been tired of werewolves. The ability to transform into something more powerful/talented than myself (mostly the werewolf kind) has always been facinating to me for reasons I can't explain. Inferiority complex? No. Something deeper, but one again I can't explain what. I'm sure werewolves will be a part of who I for many years to come, if not my whole life.
You've pretty much summed up what I was trying to say. I don't ever expect to tire of werewolves or shifting in general. I can't say I've been a werewolf fan my entire life, because the only kind I knew of were the homicidal Jekyll and Hyde type, but transformation has always fascinated me. When I found these forums and saw the type of werewolf being discussed here, then it became an obsession. Like I said I do expect my enthusiasm for werewolves in particular to wane a bit over time, but I don't know why I said what I did in my last post, I don't expect it to drop anywhere near pre-Freeborn levels. I said that before I really gave any thought to what pre-Freeborn levels actually meant.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 8:39 pm
by Alpha
I don't think that I can say that I will ever tire of werewolves completely. My interest waxes and wanes depending on what's going on at the moment in the industries as far as movies, statues and toys are concerned. For the time being however, I feel that the genre as a whole is in a slump. The last major werewolf movie (Cursed) really sucked! I'm just hoping that the upcoming Underworld Evolution is going to be as good as it looks in the trailers *keeping fingers crossed*. Statuewise, I already have all of the major cool looking ones (come out with a new one already!!!). As for the toy companies (bear with me here, because I'm about to go on a rant), What the f**ck is wrong with these A$$HOLES?!!!! :x They more than anyone else have totally disrespected the werewolf. Either by cancelling the figures, or by producing subpar products. Hey IDIOTS! Try doing a little research first before you put out that junk. The downslide actually started a few years back with the cancellation of the Werewolf:The apocalypse figures :cry:. I really had my heart set on these. They would have been so awesome if they had been made. Yet for no good reason, Diamond Select cancelled them. WHY?? Next: Stan Winston's Bloodwolves. They cancelled Syrann in place of Veriticus (what was that about?) :? McFarlanes toys - His Monsters playset (1st series) werewolf and Mangler figure were cool, but his last werewolf figure and the Twisted Fairy Tales Red Riding Hood....(need I say more?). Sideshow collectibles: They pissed me off because of their ommission of the Van Helsing wolfmen from their product line. No maquettes, bust, figures or nothing. Yet, they have produced all of these items for the film's other characters. I've emailed them several times inquiring why this was, but have never gotten a response. F-U Sideshow! And now... I have saved the worst for last - Jakks Pacific! These retards totally butchered the Velkan wolfman figure. WTF were they thinking when they produced this God-Awful, f-ing waste of plastic, piece of crap that nobody wanted?? ?? Where in the hell was the quality control? Can anyone here honestly say that they or anyone else they know actually liked this thing? What I don't understand is why was this thing so piss poor looking? Jakks Pacific possesses real scan technology, which they use for capturing the exact likeness of the WWE superstars. Why couldn't they have used it for the wolfman? IMO, Jakks Pacific should NEVER! and I mean EVER! be able to lay their hands on any werewolf related toy licenses again.

Sorry for the tirade, but it's good to vent once in awhile.

Now back to the original topic - No, I'm not werewolfed out.... at least not yet.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:39 pm
by Anubis
now i'am completely werewolfed out. i need a brake from this. i'm not going to be on for the next two or three days. i just can't sit here as i used to and join in the conversations. i'll be back on saturday or sunday i just need a little time off. to get things flowing again.

ps saber i'm wont be on the computer as much so you'll need to IM me if you want to talk.

see you in a bit :D