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Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:42 pm
by Silverclaw
lol, I'd rather get the fleas than those nasty Lunaticks :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:53 pm
by Lupin
Silverclaw wrote:Damn lucky monkeys :P

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 11:13 pm
by Anubis
*hits silver claw and figarou with rolled up newspaper* bad! bad! werewolves! bad puns! bad!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 11:43 pm
by Apokryltaros
Because fleas have to go through a non-parasitic larval state, they need a host that is either sedentary, or builds a semi-permanent nest. As such, we, humans, are the only species of primate with its own specific species of flea, Pulex irritans ("Flea {that is} irritating"). From what I've read, it's related to fleas that infest wild pigs, and presumedly, we picked it up when we began domestication of pigs.
Mammal fleas are not terribly picky creatures, and will feed on the blood of any warm-blooded host in a pinch, as the sight of cat fleas feeding on dogs, dog fleas feeding on cats, human fleas feeding on dogs and cats, and even bandicoot fleas feeding on the python that just ate their previous host have all been documented.
The main danger of fleas is the transmissition of disease, especially plague, and murine typhus.
Dogs, wolves and foxes often bite at the sites of flea bites, and often inadvertantly eat fleas.
This is very dangerous, especially for wild canines, as this is how they get infected with dwarf tapeworms (Hymenolepis sp), which first infect the fleas when the flea larva eats a proglottid.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 12:27 am
by Silverclaw
*hits silver claw and figarou with rolled up newspaper* bad! bad! werewolves! bad puns! bad!
*hides under a table with tail between legs*

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 8:29 pm
by Jamie
Apokryltaros wrote:Because fleas have to go through a non-parasitic larval state, they need a host that is either sedentary, or builds a semi-permanent nest. As such, we, humans, are the only species of primate with its own specific species of flea, Pulex irritans ("Flea {that is} irritating"). From what I've read, it's related to fleas that infest wild pigs, and presumedly, we picked it up when we began domestication of pigs.
Mammal fleas are not terribly picky creatures, and will feed on the blood of any warm-blooded host in a pinch, as the sight of cat fleas feeding on dogs, dog fleas feeding on cats, human fleas feeding on dogs and cats, and even bandicoot fleas feeding on the python that just ate their previous host have all been documented.
The main danger of fleas is the transmissition of disease, especially plague, and murine typhus.
Dogs, wolves and foxes often bite at the sites of flea bites, and often inadvertantly eat fleas.
This is very dangerous, especially for wild canines, as this is how they get infected with dwarf tapeworms (Hymenolepis sp), which first infect the fleas when the flea larva eats a proglottid.
This is all true, but, like nearly all parasites, each species of flea specializes in one species of animal. Yes, dog and cat fleas do sometimes munch on humans, but they don't infest us in 1st world nations like they did in the 19th century. Because of greater cleanliness and eradication programs, human fleas are mostly confined to third world nations today. I've read about off-the-track explorers picking them up in places like Tibet, and they are far nastier than any "alien" species of flea that sometimes bites us.

So, I guess the real question is, would werewolves seem like dogs to dog fleas and thus get infested? Plus, if they did, would they just seem like that when in wolf form, or might they seem like that all the time?

The other possibility is that they would never seem like dogs to dog fleas, that even in wolf form they'd have some kind of "humanness" to them that fleas could sense.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:46 pm
by Chhayawolf
Oh yeah fleas WILL latch onto people, my sister stopped putting flea medicine on the dog for no reason and dad made me have the dog sleep right next to me in my bed and the next day i had a flea stuck to my check suckin away at my blood. Boy was i mad at him. :x

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:27 am
by Apokryltaros
Chhayawolf wrote:Oh yeah fleas WILL latch onto people, my sister stopped putting flea medicine on the dog for no reason and dad made me have the dog sleep right next to me in my bed and the next day i had a flea stuck to my check suckin away at my blood. Boy was i mad at him. :x
At least it wasn't a chigoe flea.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:36 am
by Terastas
The real challenge in getting rid of fleas is actually getting your pet to take the treatment. A werewolf, however, could treat himself for it, and therefore probably wouldn't be much of an issue.

As for what he would use. . . Probably just a really good and thourough shower would do it. For flea treatment: shampoo twice.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 3:52 am
by Lupin
Those drops you put on pets would probably work well, if you could obtain a steady supply of them.

Chhayawolf wrote:Oh yeah fleas WILL latch onto people, my sister stopped putting flea medicine on the dog for no reason and dad made me have the dog sleep right next to me in my bed and the next day i had a flea stuck to my check suckin away at my blood. Boy was i mad at him. :x
The flea, your dog, or your dad?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 4:50 am
by Figarou
I know one thing. I used to haul crude oil for this one trucking company. The owners son had a dog tied up to a tree. It got to the point where he didn't had time to care for the dog. He was a friendly dog. I sometimes walk up to him and pet him for a while.

Several weeks went by since I was able to see that dog. I'm always driving around gathering crude oil. I saw the dog again and he was very ill. He had tons of fleas on him. What was scary is that when I approached him, the fleas was jumping from the ground near him onto my leg!!

I quickly got out of there and brushed the fleas off my pants. The dog died the next day. :( I didn't know the owner's son left that dog there to die. Boy, I was mad!! If I would've known earlier, I could've taken the dog home with me.

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:22 pm
by Anubis
Figarou wrote:I know one thing. I used to haul crude oil for this one trucking company. The owners son had a dog tied up to a tree. It got to the point where he didn't had time to care for the dog. He was a friendly dog. I sometimes walk up to him and pet him for a while.

Several weeks went by since I was able to see that dog. I'm always driving around gathering crude oil. I saw the dog again and he was very ill. He had tons of fleas on him. What was scary is that when I approached him, the fleas was jumping from the ground near him onto my leg!!

I quickly got out of there and brushed the fleas off my pants. The dog died the next day. :( I didn't know the owner's son left that dog there to die. Boy, I was mad!! If I would've known earlier, I could've taken the dog home with me.
dude!? that is horrible! did you turn him in? that is animal cruelity and that guy is a monster for doing that! he could turn over the dog to the pound so he could have a chance to go to a new home. that is sick!

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 8:48 pm
by yugiohfreak
He should be turned in. I hate people like that...

Hi, I'm new here, my friend night-claw introduced me to this site. I, uh... don't have fleas, but that is because I believe that is because I have good hygeine. I do what dogs do, roll around in grass to get dirt and stuff out of my fur. Yes, I do take showers, but sometimes the grass thing helps.

Um, I made a big mistake... and I"m about to move back to it...

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:03 pm
by ChaosWolf
Renorei wrote:I think that a werewolf would keep some flea shampoo in his bathroom. When he gets back from a night on the prowl and shifts back to human, he can take a shower with the flea shampoo and presto! No more fleas! :D
I used to use dog shampoo instead of human shampoo.

It all started when I grabbed the wrong bottle while showering one night (since, without my glasses on, I'm horribly nearsighted). After showering, I noticed my hair was remarkably smooth and soft. Looking back, I checked the tub, figuring I'd picked up Mom or Dad's shampoo by accident. Nope. I'd grabbed the Hartz formula we used to bathe my schnauzer...

Since it worked so well, I opted to keep using it for a while.

Sure, Mom got mad at me later, when it all ran out, but, as the song Werewolves of London says... "...and his hair was Perfect!"

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:26 pm
by yugiohfreak
LOL!!!!! :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:41 pm
by Morkulv
I don't like to see werewolves get fleas because I don't see werewolves as wolves.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:49 pm
by Shadow Wulf
But any creature that has any hairs could have fleas, humans have fleas but we take a shower ever night. And why are we talking about this? :blink:

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:53 pm
by yugiohfreak
Because we are trying to figure out how and why werewolves get fleas. And how to get rid of them if you do. Cause, some people don't have dogs so they don't know.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:55 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Well the solution is simple, either wear poison along your back and chest when in werewolf form, or just revert back and take a nice hot shower.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:56 pm
by Apokryltaros
Unless they have some sort of mystical anti-parasite magic with which to ward away fleas and ticks with, chances are very good that werewolves will get fleas.
As a rule, mammals that build a nest/home/den, as well as mammals that have intimate contact with other mammals that build a nest/home/den are going to have fleas.
But, I'm not saying that we need to focus on the fleas.
The point that I get is that given as how wolves have fleas, and that people have fleas, and that most of the prey animals that wolves eat have fleas, too, except for deer, and they have worse things like deer flies to bother them, werewolves are probably going to have fleas, too.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:07 pm
by yugiohfreak
Sadly, yes. This is true...

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 2:31 pm
I guess they would do what any peron would do with there dog get flea/tick medican...

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:58 am
by garouda
Fleas on werewolves offers lots of story potential.

I can see it now ...

... an over sized hot tub and a bunch of the Werewolf Gestalts ...

or maybe

... a sulfer hot spring out in the woods .... and the pack is in the water ....

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:29 pm
by theMoonlite
garouda wrote:Fleas on werewolves offers lots of story potential.

I can see it now ...

... an over sized hot tub and a bunch of the Werewolf Gestalts ...

or maybe

... a sulfer hot spring out in the woods .... and the pack is in the water ....
Cute. ^^ I like that idea as well. Hee. Yes, story potential.

Oh, and I'm really sorry to hear that, Figarou. I hate people like that. I met a dog once that I knew for a while, his name was Shamba. It was an native american-like name, or something. Anyway, he was constantly tied to a tree, day and night. He had all these fleas, and couldn't go anywhere. Of course, he broke free of his leash, and attacked the owner's other dog. The other dog was more favored, and could walk freely around, and slept inside.

So, both the owner {who pulled the dogs apart}, and the other dog got seriously hurt. The owner...ahem...lost a finger, and the other dog had lost a fair amount of blood.

But, Shamba was picked up by the animal control and was...destroyed. :( My mom and dad had to hold me back, I would've seriously attacked the owners as well. I didn't know what really impulsed me to think such a violent thing in my head, It was for Shamba, and that was all that mattered.

On a lighter note, mabye werewolves should have /some/ fleas, but not to the point of obsessive mange or something. Just a little scratching here and there, but not to the point of where you're sick of watching fuzzy werewolves scratch themself.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 7:17 pm
by Anook
I was watching this video about dogs at 2:30 in the morining and on a school night I might add.
Anyways, it showed people who had huge kennels in the middle of no where and no one knew about them. They wouldn't take care of the dogs at all. They would hardly feed them, if they got into fights they wouldn't take care of the dogs wounds, but what was worse was how they gave them baths. They would have this huge circler bath tube full of stuff that would burn the dogs eyes and wounds. They would pick up the dog by the legs and just throw them in the tube, and with the little ones they would toss them into the tube or spin them around over their heads by the leash.
Oh, and miles away from the kennel they would have a table and in the movie the table was covered in blood and right next to the table was a huge trench, and thousands of dead dogs would be in the trench. Most of them cut to death, or very skinning which indictated that they weren't feed.

In one part of the video a dog bit one of the guys, so what the owner of
the place did was, he got a gun and shot the dog in the head. The dog was twitching on the ground, so the man shot him in the head again.
The kennels were very dirty, and each cage had more than one or two dogs in them.

Oh, and another things is, this man would buy the dogs at this low class, run down flea market. It was in the middle of no where to and tons of people would sell these dogs, for what purpose I don't know.

This movie was made by animal activits who went under cover to make this movie.
The movie was centered around this one guy who owned this huge kennel and what he did to the dogs.
I don't know why he had so many in the first place. He was making money somehow. I thought they mentioned something about animal experiments, but I came in late in the flim so I don't know.

I just don't understand how people can be so curel. Watching that movie filled me with rage, hurt, and compassion for the dogs. I felt like getting a shot gun and just killing or hurting them in some form or fashion and saying
''That doesn't feel good does it. How do you think the dogs feel"

In the end the guy got caught and put in jail, and the dogs were rescued.
Well, what was left. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Since I love dogs SO MUCH! It just breaks my heart to pieces.