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Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:50 pm
by Renorei
Set wrote:
Renorei wrote:I don't know if you're angry with me for my opinions or for stating them (or maybe both), but either way, I don't really think that's fair.
Both, but it was stating them that bothered me. You're entitled to your opinions but you must remember that freedom of speech works both ways. If you have a right to say something then so do I.
Well...ok then. :eyebrow:

If we both agree that we both have a right to state our opinions, then I must say that I fail to see the problem. But, whatever. Controversy will always be a part of life. It's unfortunate that we clash on this issue, but at least we have both been mature enough to avoid a flame war.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 2:31 pm
by Ochiba
I saw this movie expecting it to be good. But it was absolutly BORING! There was nothing exciting about it. :shift: inless it wwas about a gay werewolf cowbo

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:12 am
by silverpaw
haha gay werewolf cowboy, what a combination, nwo for the hell of it make them starring from mars :o
Nah i havnt seen this movie, probably wont eitha, too many other movies i wanna see, And also i practacly have no diea what its about other than gay cowboys :lol:

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:56 am
by Renorei
Ugh...a gay werewolf? :P

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:59 am
by Set
Hee...that puts funny images into my head...

If nobody bites Sigfried and Roy, we'll be alright. :lol:

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:43 am
by Short Tail
I am actualy sad that I missed out on seeing this movie in theaters because almost everybody at my school saw it and said it was a very powerful and moving experiance. Even some of the homophobes at our school that went to see it on a dare or were forced to by girlfriends admitted that it was a good movie.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:54 am
by silverpaw
haha, good ole powerful girlfriends. As for the gay thing, i got no problem with it, some of my good friends are gay, and the barrels of fun :lol:
Hmm i wouldnt mind seeing this with my GF if its showing, shes not into the movies i wanna see :(

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 1:56 am
by Chibiabos
Just goes to show even those who call themselves werewolves can still be idiots. Anyone who feels movies that include gay people should be banned should substitute jewish, christian or black for gay people and see if it sounds a bit more stupid to them, because it ISN'T.

If you can't go through life dealing with people who are different than you, build a time machine to go back in time and join the Nazi party in WW2 Germany. Else, learn to accept differences, respect others regardless of your differences for traits they have that you do admire, and try to get along.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:53 am
by silverpaw
hear hear !! :o

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 4:23 pm
by Morkulv
Bareback Mountain.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 6:18 pm
by Renorei
Teenwolf wrote:Some people here talk about gay s like if they were some kind of monsters.... :|

Well, that s your opinion and your business, but its a kind of close minded, and does not really fit to someone who is aged over 15 years...for my opinion... :D
Well. my english isn't very good and i hope it wasn't a disaccord, but in germany we are more liberal.... :wink:

Nobody thinks gays are monsters...and Figarou isn't being close-minded by saying that the idea of a movie with gay people creeps him out. He doesn't go around and commit gay hate crimes, so if he wants to be creeped out by gay people, he's entitled.

A lot of people fail to realize that often, suggesting that someone else is close-minded can be a close-minded statement in and of itself.

And what of religious beliefs? If someone's religion does not condone homosexuality, how are they being close-minded by not condoning it themselves? As long as they don't directly infringe on the rights of gay people, they're entitled to feel whatever they want to feel, IMO.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 10:14 am
by silverpaw
Thats really bad what happened, something like that happened to a friend of mine, though before i knew him.
And nothing against you or anything, But just cose one guy is a sick f*** dont mean everyone else would be.
But yeah i know whatcha mean. How old was hi brother, thats realy bad that happened, and s*** like that shouldnt

Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts.

and me sleepy,...bed time :cafinated: i cant find a sleep emotions, but thats colse enough to me

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:31 am
by Set
Renorei wrote:And what of religious beliefs? If someone's religion does not condone homosexuality, how are they being close-minded by not condoning it themselves?
You can't possibly be referring to Christianity. Everything about it is a contradiction. If you show me a religion that doesn't like it for a good, ligitimate reason, meaning something other than "I don't like it therefore it's blasphemy", maybe people wouldn't think "closed-minded bigot" when the conversation comes up.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 9:55 am
by Shadow Wulf
Im, likely to rent it, sense I can rent as much movies as I want.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:45 pm
by Renorei
Set wrote:
Renorei wrote:And what of religious beliefs? If someone's religion does not condone homosexuality, how are they being close-minded by not condoning it themselves?
You can't possibly be referring to Christianity. Everything about it is a contradiction. If you show me a religion that doesn't like it for a good, ligitimate reason, meaning something other than "I don't like it therefore it's blasphemy", maybe people wouldn't think "closed-minded bigot" when the conversation comes up.

I'm not going to reply to this now, since the ultimate reply that I end up making will be a very very long post, and will likely require me to thoroughly gather and organize my thoughts on homosexuality...which I don't feel like doing now. But, I will eventually.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 5:07 pm
by Anook
Well, I didn't see the movie in theater, but my mom has rent it for the weekend. I probably won't watch, because I don't like the idea of seeing a movie totally centered on gay cowboys.
Anyways, I'll probably be talking to everyone here, so thats another reason why I won't be watching it. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:02 am
by silverpaw
Well i finaaly saw this movie and honestly i didnt find it that great.
It was fari slow and didnt really have anythign to keep me hooked on the film.

I loved the camera work on the mountain, soo pretty-ful.
So yeah anyways not my movie.

I liked the way they aged through the movie, that was well done but, meh...

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:27 am
by Evanstar
I adored this movie. I actually purchased the DVD (also saw in theatres) when it came out and loaned it to family and friends who missed it.

To me, the movie isn't about "gay cowboys" although the two men the movie centers around are indeed gay and are cowboys. The movie is about a love that can never be fulfilled due to society and our view of gay people in general. These men try to cover up who they really are and many are hurt in this process, not just themselves.

I rarely cry during movies but I did in this one...and often. I was moved and I'm happy to say I've also read the book which is equally good.

The great thing is, if you don't want to watch it, then don't. If you are interested in seeing this movie, then see it. We all can have our opinions and decide for ourselves what we want.

Oh and the sex scene isn't very long and imho doesn't show that much, it's dark and it's hard to make out exactly what is going on (but you get the picture, which I think was Ang Lee's entire purpose).

I thought the backdrop was just beautiful but again, this is Ang Lee we are talking about.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:50 am
by Fang
I have nothing against gay people. I have a gay friend and I know some people who are Bi.
To say someone is different is hipocracy, cause everyone is different, it's what makes the world so great.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:03 am
by Chibiabos
Renorei wrote:Ok...there was no spat until you came in here and insulted me and my opinions. Don't blame something on me for simply stating how I feel about something. It's unfortunate that it bothered you, but there are a huge number of things that I read in this forum that I feel compelled to argue with, but I don't, because I don't want to cause any flame wars.

I don't know if you're angry with me for my opinions or for stating them (or maybe both), but either way, I don't really think that's fair. True, I could have refrained from posting them and avoided this, but you could have refrained from making harsh comments. However, I do admit a fair portion of the blame rests with me, so I hope that makes you feel somewhat better.

That being said...I don't think I'm going to post anything else about why I don't plan on seeing Brokeback Mountain. As far as the whole cowboy thing goes, the reason why it bothers me is actually far more complex than one would assume. I said, I'm not posting it here. If any of you are curious, you'll have to PM me.
Where in the bible does it say you have to hate someone who is gay? Where in the bible does it it say you may not allow others who are gay to marry?

The bible is a work of fiction, but from what I remember, it never told you to do any of these things, so why do you do them? Why do so many who call themselves Christian make themselves out to be god by speaking for him and doing actions in his name when its their own bigotry doing it?

Intolerance is intolerance, no matter what deity you try to blame it on, it is a wrong and has no place in a society that claims to be for freedom, justice and liberty for all people. Nowhere in the Declaration of Independence nor in the Bill of Rights were heterosexual Christian men declared to be the only people born equal, yet so many heterosexual Christian men continue to this day to assert that no one who isn't heterosexual, Christian or male may have the same rights nor opportunities as themselves.

Its sickening to say the least.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:04 am
by Terastas
PariahPoet wrote:I believe I'm in Renorei's corner on this one. If she doesn't like the idea of a movie about gay cowboys, it is well within her right to say so. I have to say this movie really doesn't appeal to me either.
I don't really care if someone is gay, that's not my decision to make for them, and as long as they don't go into graphic detail about their sex lives to me I'm ok. (actually that goes for my straight friends too)
I just don't like character-driven movies or love stories, period.
Well spoken Pariah. However. . .
Renorei wrote:As far as I'm concerned, the term 'gay cowboys' should be an oxymoron. If someone is going to do a movie about gay guys, they should pick something not quite so hyper-masculine as cowboys.
The vibe I'm getting from Renorei is that she objects to the movie having been made in the first place. That's where I draw the line. Just because I don't like the movie doesn't mean nobody else is allowed to see it.