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Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:18 pm
by Renorei
Set wrote:
Renorei wrote:But when I said 'strong enough' I wasn't referring merely to strength by itself, I was using it to encompass overall fighting ability. I probably should have been more thorough.
Perhaps a better word would've been tough. When someone mentions strength or being strong I usually think of how much weight one can lift depending on the subject.

Mmm...that sounds about right. :D

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:59 pm
by Scott Gardener
Actually, in my short story, the lady gets it from the dirty spoon. Towards the end, she bites her abusive husband before leaving. He then goes to a hooker at the end, implying that it's about to become an epidemic.

Re: Lycanthrope Society and Sexuality

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:24 am
by mielikkishunt
ChaosWolf wrote:Would they have an equivalent to marriage? A formal pair-bonding ceremony,
it would depend on their creater. My Weres have something that's more than marriage, a lifebond, and a soulbond. One is rarer than others. their first Sexual encounter is a ritual gift to one of their Gods, and they're not allowed to mate with another without the approval of the elders, unless a lifebond or soulbond has been found.

Would lycanthropes decide only a single form as 'appropriate' for mating, or would they have no preferences between the forms?
Again, depends on creater and on the Were itself. My main heroine does not have sex in anything but her humanoid form, her mother has had it in all three forms. But they're affected by the "Heat Cycle" differently.
Would it be thought of any more or less by a couple to mate in wolf or gestalt form as they would in human form?[?quote] I don't think it'd bother the ones doing it, but it sure does bother those who are reading it! :)
What about multiple partners? Some true wolves have a single male holding sway over his own 'harem' of females... would werewolf males do likewise? Or perhaps a werewolf female may have her own little 'harem' of males?
Again, it depends on the were. . I have a were who is soulbonded, and she does not even look at another male, and same with her mate. She is heterosexual, period. Her mother had one bisexual relationship, before finding her soulmate. Her daughter lived in a relationship with two lovers, one of each sex. They were lifemates. She's bisexual.
And what of gay or lesbian werewolves? Are they merely tolerated, are they accepted as just another packmember, or are they just considered 'strange' just as they are in some human groups?
The older character had a hard time coming to terms with another female having interest in her. The other two did not grow up in the stringent upbringing she did, so do not have any sort of stigma against it.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:30 am
by mielikkishunt
PariahPoet wrote:All I have to say is I'm tired of wolf-whores. Wolves are monogamous, they keep their mate for life, and when they lose their mate, they usually die of grief within a few months.
Honestly, I would think that a werewolf couple would have a stronger relationship than most normal humans.
As for sex...well, I'll leave that to the more experienced packmates. *grin*
I'll just sit this one out at the kiddie table. ;)

Sorry, on a real quick look on the internet, your statement doesn't prove to be true

<<Wolves, for example, are generally monogamous but also breed polygamously if the male is unrelated to the female and prey is plentiful. Moreover, they sometimes have more than one mate in a lifetime, says Dan Stahler, biologist at the Yellowstone Gray Wolf Restoration Program run by the National Park Service. This happens "if one mate dies, gets kicked out of the pack, or is physically unable to breed due to injury, illness, etc." >>
14) Do wolves mate for life?
Usually. A wolf pair may mate until one dies and then the living mate will find another mate.

Not sure where the misconception that they 'mate for life' means. In my universe, it means just that, they do not take on another mate, ever.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:59 pm
by Set
Only about 3 percent of the 4,000 mammal species are monogamous (and Homo sapiens isn’t one of them).

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:10 pm
by garouda
Set wrote:
Only about 3 percent of the 4,000 mammal species are monogamous (and Homo sapiens isn’t one of them).
And with closer study and research, it is being learned that many previously thought to be monagomous, are actually NOT.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 5:06 am
by mielikkishunt
Set wrote:
Renorei wrote:But when I said 'strong enough' I wasn't referring merely to strength by itself, I was using it to encompass overall fighting ability. I probably should have been more thorough.

Except why would becoming a werewolf affect your fighting ability?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:15 am
by Renorei
mielikkishunt wrote:
Renorei wrote:But when I said 'strong enough' I wasn't referring merely to strength by itself, I was using it to encompass overall fighting ability. I probably should have been more thorough.

Except why would becoming a werewolf affect your fighting ability?

Many of us (though not all of us), seem to feel that contracting lycanthropy has an effect on one's human form as well. I, personally, believe that the presence of lycanthropy would affect a human body in the following (and possibly more) ways:

-increased strength
-increased speed
-increased endurance
-increased agility
-better reflexes
-better senses
-generally more healthy

The increases and changes in these areas would *not* be dramatic. They would be slight and gradual. But, since the difference between men and women (in the first three areas) isn't really enormous to begin with, I think it's possible that the average female werewolf in human form would be about on par with your average male human.

By 'fighting ability', I wasn't referring to any particular style of fighting. I.e. One doesn't instantly acquire knowledge of karate. But, over time, the traits and physical abilities that help make a person a good fighter would be somewhat enhanced in a person with lycanthropy.

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:54 pm
by mielikkishunt
Renorei wrote:
mielikkishunt wrote:
Renorei wrote:But when I said 'strong enough' I wasn't referring merely to strength by itself, I was using it to encompass overall fighting ability. I probably should have been more thorough.

Except why would becoming a werewolf affect your fighting ability?

Many of us (though not all of us), seem to feel that contracting lycanthropy has an effect on one's human form as well. I, personally, believe that the presence of lycanthropy would affect a human body in the following (and possibly more) ways:

-increased strength
-increased speed
-increased endurance
-increased agility
-better reflexes
-better senses
-generally more healthy
But that doesn't increase your knowledge on how to kick a**, which was my point :)

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 7:07 pm
by Renorei
mielikkishunt wrote: But that doesn't increase your knowledge on how to kick a**, which was my point :)
I know what you mean. :)

By 'fighting ability' I was referring to one's physical capacity to fight. 'Fighting potential' might have been a better word choice, but I think you understand what I am trying to say.

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 5:24 am
by mielikkishunt
It increases their strength, dexterity, etc, it's up to the individual themselevs to learn how to use it :)

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 12:33 pm
by Yakarin
PariahPoet wrote:All I have to say is I'm tired of wolf-whores. Wolves are monogamous, they keep their mate for life, and when they lose their mate, they usually die of grief within a few months.
Honestly, I would think that a werewolf couple would have a stronger relationship than most normal humans.
As for sex...well, I'll leave that to the more experienced packmates. *grin*
I'll just sit this one out at the kiddie table. ;)
I agree with PariahPoet, wolves are monogamous and yes, they would probably have a stronger relationship. About seremonies, i think a pack howling would be good as somebody already mentioned it. I have seen wolves howl together when alfas choose their life-partner. Also, there are some packs were only the alfa wolves procreate, so, maybe sex wouldn't be that important to all the wolves in a pack.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:42 am
by TakeWalker
I daresay a smart werewolf pack would by needs accept all members short of homocidal maniacs, simply for the sake of keeping together a strong, coherent pack to ensure mutual survival. GLBT werewolves would fit into that.

But the gay werewolf is also going to be a rare breed, even by statistics. Outside large centers of gay population, you'll not find them often. Not to mention they would be hard-pressed to find meaningful relationships -- by which I mean, a relationship with another werewolf, and thus without the hidden secret of werewolfism clouding the person's feelings.

As for mateship, well, how do wolves keep their mates in the wild? Despite their human sides yearning for ceremony, a lot of werewolf mateship is going to just be, "She's mine, back off!" And to those who are more humanistically-minded in the pack, any ceremony is going to be 'irregular', by which I mean it's not condoned by any law or what have you. I can even imagine if the werewolves got legally married (one way or another) that their packmates might not honor that fully. I mean, it's just a veneer of human society onto something which isn't, right?

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:15 pm
by Scott Gardener
Werewolves probably aren't going to want to indoctrinate those who can't keep a secret. (Like, say, guys who email whole scripts of their movies to random fans before the movie's made. Of course, I'm out of the loop, too, given how many have already read my unpublished novel.) Unless, a group of werewolves decide that it's time to boost the numbers, go public, and take over the world.

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 6:13 pm
by 23Jarden
Marrige: I think since werewolves would live soo close to humans they'd adopt human traditions over the years. SO something like a marrige would ensue. maybe the priest or whoever is replaced by the Alpha or an Elder. I don't think they'd say very much during the ceremony. I just find it funny to imagine a gestalt walking down the aisle in a white dress, scratching herself when the dress pulls her fur in weird directions. :P

Sex: I think this would depend on the couple and their morals. If they want to try every picture in the kama sutra, go ahead. I don't really care what couple do in their private time. Do do dodo! Another funny image! Imagine how the newly bitten must feel when waking up in the pack. They go to stretch legs outside(fully clothed as humanity dictates) and the next door nighbor is running around in his birthday suit.

Sexuality: Ah in a perfect world NO ONE would care. I guess this one would depend on where the pack came from... and society... after all Gay interaction was perfectly Okay, even noble, in fuedal Japan (I THINK! not sure on the time)

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 6:48 pm
by Apokryltaros
23Jarden wrote: Sexuality: Ah in a perfect world NO ONE would care. I guess this one would depend on where the pack came from... and society... after all Gay interaction was perfectly Okay, even noble, in fuedal Japan (I THINK! not sure on the time)
In feudal Japan, there was some homosexuality seen among samurai, but, the thing was, that, they (the samurai) were occassionally horny, and sometimes took male lovers, if only because they didn't have the obligation, or in many cases, opportunities to produce, let alone raise, children. That, and the ruling classes figured that the samurai weren't hurting anyone (much) with getting their jollies in the yukio ("fantasy world," a euphemism for the pleasure and red-light districts).

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:43 am
by Kavik
Anyone read Blood and Chocolate? That book deals with the pack dynamics and the social expectations they have for each other, even though they exist hidden within a human-dominant environment.

Good book, and I don't wanna spoil it, so I won't mention any specifics (there are other places to discuss it), but I recommend it for anyone curious about werewolf sexuality.

The Wolf's Hour also deals with pack sexuality, but primarily for the purpose of procreation. But they still have very human attitudes about certain things.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:29 pm
by mielikkishunt
TakeWalker wrote:But the gay werewolf is also going to be a rare breed, even by statistics. Outside large centers of gay population, you'll not find them often. Not to mention they would be hard-pressed to find meaningful relationships -- by which I mean, a relationship with another werewolf, and thus without the hidden secret of werewolfism clouding the person's feelings.
Why would you think they'd be rare? Gays make a good part of todays society, and I doubt a were is goign to run around and go hmmm, nope can't bite him, he likes men!!

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 7:23 am
by Shadow Wulf
That would be quite interesting to see: A wild savage werewolf doesnt want to bite a guy cause hes gay.....Hamster should that. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:01 am
by Hamster
Hmmm....Nope, will never be done. :wink:

To sum up my opinion in this matter:

It depends on the individual completely because I don't belive in werewolf packs. I think it would be alot easier to go about it alone. Less likely to be caught. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:58 pm
by Set
Since someone mentioned transsexual werewolves (don't remember who and I'm too lazy to look) I've got a question. If the were in question has gone through surgery and hormone treatments to change their gender, what happens when they shift? Is all of that going to be undone?

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 6:43 am
by Renorei
Set wrote:Since someone mentioned transsexual werewolves (don't remember who and I'm too lazy to look) I've got a question. If the were in question has gone through surgery and hormone treatments to change their gender, what happens when they shift? Is all of that going to be undone?
If other injuries are healed when the werewolf shifts, I see no reason why this wouldn't either.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:22 am
by Apokryltaros
Well, do remember that sex-changes are more than simply the installation of, shall we say, new plumbing, but, also hormone therapy, so that while the body of the sex-changee is being bombarded with the sex hormones of the desired gender, his/her body will adjust better in accepting the new plumbing.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:25 am
by Shadow Wulf
But how would the werewolf body handle this change. I doubt it will take it lightly.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:33 am
by Apokryltaros
It would be like a man having to go through a year of periods in a month.