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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:02 am
by Shadow Wulf
Im sorry but I dont buy your idea, it makes no sence whats so ever, even for a cartoon.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:24 am
by Apokryltaros
In Shamanism and Mysticism, a person has only one spirit guide, ever.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:46 am
by bloodwolf_345
So I'm a little unusual with my ideas

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 12:24 pm
by Apokryltaros
It's not that the idea is unusual, it's that you should apply more logic to it.
It would make more sense if a person who became a werewolf tried to change what he has become if he tried to invite a different animal spirit into his body, with all of the added bonuses and repercusions.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 5:28 pm
by Set
Apokryltaros wrote:In Shamanism and Mysticism, a person has only one spirit guide, ever.
Perhaps a better term would have been "totem animal". One can and often does have more than one at any given time.

And you must remember, spirit guides are not limited to Shamanism. That's only one way of looking at them. It is possible to have multiple guides.

DPlease no multi-anthro..

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:16 pm
by Sethsmate
I hated when Juassic Park made those Super raptors on the third movie. What, natural prehistoric beasts weren't terrifying enough?
Yeah, you say you were bored watching some of those sci-fi or creature movies, but would you be so uninterested being IN that situation? The point I'm making is don't try to enhance something that DOES NOT need to be improved.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:34 am
by Kirk Hammett
I agree with limited, I guess, but I don't agree that werewolves should only have lycanthrope for them to doesn't have to be a virus. It depends what you define 'werewolf' as. A curse, a virus, a gift, or genes/species. It depends. I feel it should just be whatever you're writing about.

Yeah yeah award for 'repeats herself continuously' -tail goes down- hmph well.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:18 pm
by CanisLupus
Renorei wrote: ...

Though, I REALLY like an idea that someone mentioned in a thread a long time ago. The lycanthropy virus doesn't necessarily make you a wereWOLF. You could become any wereanimal, based on something unique about you (whether it be determined by DNA or brainwaves, or whatever, I don't know). I like this because, while wolves are awesome, I want more variety. Despite the fact that I like wolves, if I were bitten I would more than likely become a weredog or werehorse.
So, the lycanthropy virus would be some kind of therian virus, without the spiritutal thing. Being scientific, I would explain it by something:

In the way of evolution, the humans had contact with abnormal viruses that spilled some residual DNA of the first hosts, that inserted theirselves into the human chromosomes. This DNA is inactive until the moment of the contact with the recent lycan virus. This virus contain instructions that tells the human cells to "awake" these residual DNA. but, of course, only making the DNA awake does not make the new wereguy turn into a furry nice creature. Actually, these DNA confrontation would kill the host. But the evolution worked for making this not happen. That problem was solved by, when the inactive dna awakes, the corresponding human genoma is set inactive. This should explain the full-animal weres, but what about the gestalt ones? Easy: The gestalt form is a product of the human adaptation for the new condition. the human body, after some time shifting only into full animal, starts to neglect some shifting genes, rataining some human phenotypes, like the bipedal stance. I don't think that the virus could control the mind, because, as I said before, it's only residual dna.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 2:55 pm
by Yakarin
If anybody else is familiar with therianthropy, i know there are some therians that claim to have multiple animals, in my case, i think it would be too conflictive to have more than one were in one person.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 8:55 pm
by dnl
Timber-WoIf wrote:once again, it would depend on the scenerio...

if it were viral/geneticly based, it would be extreamly complicated, too much i think to be considerable.

it it were magical... well, magic has no rules, because its magic

my personal openion... too much. Kinda lame, repetitive. Could make the animal influence on instict and habit either weak or extreamly complicated. You dont put a 120mm, and a howitzer, and a set of TOW missiles, and a flamethrower, and a minigun, and a MLRS, and a pair of, and an EW outfit, etc, etc, on a tank. As cool as it may seem to pile things on, it just doesn't turn out that well, and neither will a werewolf/jaguar/dragon/shark/eagle/ferret. Or a werewolf-vampire. or much anything else. makes a charicter to powerful for my tastes...

then again, i dont much like super-heros; charchicters who are noticably better than the others, save maybe the villan. I pefer leader-heros; don't have any extraordinary advantages over others, but insteads leads others to defeat the villian/villans.

so... yea. Just my opinion.
I'm thinking you liked the lord of the rings

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 9:20 pm
by Apokryltaros
dnl wrote:
Timber-WoIf wrote:once again, it would depend on the scenerio...

if it were viral/geneticly based, it would be extreamly complicated, too much i think to be considerable.

it it were magical... well, magic has no rules, because its magic

my personal openion... too much. Kinda lame, repetitive. Could make the animal influence on instict and habit either weak or extreamly complicated. You dont put a 120mm, and a howitzer, and a set of TOW missiles, and a flamethrower, and a minigun, and a MLRS, and a pair of, and an EW outfit, etc, etc, on a tank. As cool as it may seem to pile things on, it just doesn't turn out that well, and neither will a werewolf/jaguar/dragon/shark/eagle/ferret. Or a werewolf-vampire. or much anything else. makes a charicter to powerful for my tastes...

then again, i dont much like super-heros; charchicters who are noticably better than the others, save maybe the villan. I pefer leader-heros; don't have any extraordinary advantages over others, but insteads leads others to defeat the villian/villans.

so... yea. Just my opinion.
I'm thinking you liked the lord of the rings
I am NOT going to waste my time reading or watching about a guy who turns into a werehobbit by the light of a full moon.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:28 pm
by dnl
lol, there are werewolves in the lord of the rings

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 10:42 pm
by Apokryltaros
Yes, but, Tolkien's werewolves were simply souped up wolves/hounds of evil.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 1:04 am
by dnl
I meant befour the lord of the rings. In "The Silmarillion" tho Sauron took the shape of a great wolf himself at least once. The first werewolf was Draugluin, and the greatest werewolf was Carcharoth, the guardian of Angband. The wargs mighty of been a poor try of Sauron try make werewolves.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:29 am
by TakeWalker
Just two cents from someone who's also biased on the issue (wereravenwolf).

While I like the idea of a blended-species were, the thought of someone going "I'm a werewolf and a weretiger!" is just, as someone pointed out, too Mary Sue. That being said, I don't see even the blended-species aspect existing in this world. If nothing else, my mind turns toward the Whitewolf idea of the Metis. Excuse me -- former idea. That the methods, whatever they may be, for each particular werecreature are volatile and combative towards one another.

If someone is, say, bitten by two within a reasonable time frame of one another, then either one will win or, perhaps, the unlucky soul would just be killed as their body is torn up by the warring factions. If we're talking about the unfortunate offspring of last year's Global Werecreatures' Icebreaker, Mixer and Sweaty Orgy, it would probably come out highly deformed and incapable of honest-to-goodness shifting, if not stillborn. In a happy world, it would just take the traits from the mother.

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 5:37 pm
by Anook
Ok lets see if i have a picture now

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 11:24 pm
by Yakarin
you have a pic now :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:00 pm
by Syzygy
Just a thought, but anyway...

I'm not sure how many people agree with me, but I believe that contracting lycanthropy would affect how you think and your thought patterns severly.

This leads to a problem with the idea of somebody being a werewolfdeer or a mix of hunter/hunted. They would end up with instincts that make them afraid of themselves as well as instincts making them want to eat themselves. In other words, extremely messed up.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:15 am
by TakeWalker
Well, that also depends upon how many different sorts of weres there are in the world.

I mean, if you think about it, realistically (or as realistically as one can get on this subject), why would a disease cause someone to metamorphose into a creature with strong characteristics of, if not the entire form of, another creature? It doesn't make a bit of sense to me, at least.

Then I ask questions like, "Why just wolves?" I can see no reasons for this singular event, or any boundaries whatsoever to what could be possible for other forms. But then, I don't see why potential weres mightn't worry about turning into quivering piles of goo on occasion, either.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:30 pm
by Terastas
Hybrid werekin may be a possibility, but I'm having a hard time picturing a werekin with multiple forms.

It's not something I'm ruling out either though, as werewolves as we've defined them technically have two forms: gestalt, and full wolf. It's also been mentioned that Dracula (among other legends) were capable of multiple forms, so while it's a big stretch, it's still plausable.

The only way it would work for me, however, would be to assume that the two forms in question were the results of two entirely different lycanthropic syndromes, that the two forms could coexist within the immune system, and that the two variations were influenced by entirely different influences and/or impulses (IE: one durring the full moon and the other durring the new moon, or one triggered by testosterone and the other by adrenaline).

Either that or you go for the whole Might & Magic explanation, which I think most of us would rather avoid. Again, I can see it as a possibility, but someone capable of multiple forms would be like getting struck by lightning the day you won the lottery.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 10:51 pm
by New Moon Howl
...sorry about this but i think it all just sounds rather silly to view the idea that a poly were would be able to shift between ALL forms. You'd think that if the virus/magic/anthropy was of a multiple were basis, you would more likely turn into a were resembling more or less the mythic mixed the various forms of Gryphon, Sphinx, and evem Chimera. even Pegasi and Manticores seem feasible under this idea more than having a seperate individual form for each infection you have. There would be no switching between mulitple were and animal forms because you would have only the original types of forms you could change through, human, man beast, and animal. I'm sorry it just seems more likely that way than anything else. At least to me...and that's my two cents..-.-

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 1:54 am
by forsaken_wolf
Well I just said no cause things would just be messed up I guess so thats my comment. Cause I can't seem to say what else would happen and all that if there was more creatures similiar to a werewolf kinda thing so thats.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 6:20 pm
by Therian
Yeah I would think there would probably be like different breeds of werewolves ect. like there are other animals.

Bigger weres in this part of the country, taller, agile, ones here, ect. Different breeds maybe I guess.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:28 am
by Vuldari
The question is (I think) if there was such a thing as Werewolves and WereTigers and WereBears and etc, etc...

...Could someone be more than one of them at the same time?

If a Werewolf Was Bitten by a WereKomodoDragon...what would happen? Nothing? ...would the Person Die? ...would they blend?

I voted "Others" since I think all possibilities are reasonably likely, and could all happen, depending on the person, the combination, and the circumstances.

They might become a WereKomodoWolf...or Just become one during the full moon, and the other under different situations...or maybe it would come out in different combinations depending on which is most dominant, or what is stimulating the transformation...or they might just keel over and bite the dust from the internal conflict.

All of the Above... "It Depends"...

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:28 pm
by Kaebora
Rumor has it that there are some werehares out there. :wink: