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Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:18 pm
by vrikasatma
I's an exercise in absurdism :D I remember there was a flaw in the Children of Gaia revised tribebook, "Vegetarian, 2-pt Social." Basically you were a veggie before the change, haven't changed your ways, and among other werewolves you're at best not taken seriously and at worst the butt of every joke in the Sept.

I could see a stand-up werewolf. He'd probably be the "manic" type like Bobcat Goldthwaite or Robin Williams. I once played a game where one of the players did a Fianna Ragabash doctor (Caregiver/Jester). He used Hawkeye Pierce as his archetypal template.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 6:49 pm
by outwarddoodles
I'd give up my a** (and a donkey.) to see a werewolf become president!

I'd imagine if a werewolf were to be in politics and posibly be in the Senate or soem court they they would have to be very in control werewolves with few wolf like tendacies, though humans can act much like wolves because of our similarities on how we have families or packs. Just pretty much a person who changes into a wolf sometimes, but a very good person indeed.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 7:38 pm
by vrikasatma
Heh...brings a whole new spin to "family values" :D :family:

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:26 pm
by vrikasatma
Okay, taking it a step further...say the werewolves came out and at least one of them got celebrity status *because* s/he was a werewolf? Draw groupies (wolfies?) striving to ultimately be bitten, people wanting him to tour and give demonstrations of shapeshifting and whatever magical-type use they'd have, crowds replying to his howls, et alia?

Shapeshifting, the ultimate performance art :shift: :femshft rvt hwlwnk

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:00 pm
by Silverclaw
Can get their own tv shows :D
Stay tune for 'Wallace the Werewolf'! :P

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:29 pm
by 23Jarden
Then you'll have to worry about conspiracies and how in someway everything leads back to Roswell. Those tabloids that every week claim an angle got shot, me up. That wouldn't really be funny and I'm surprised that the church hasn't stepped in yet. but any that will truely be an ultimate act of tolerance a jewish, black, werewolf, woman as President.

My name is Scott Gardener, and I've been infected...

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:14 am
by Scott Gardener
Yeppers, that's what I figured, too. The one who first came forward would instantly become a symbol of lycanthropy in general, and would instantly get pushed into the limelight. The religious conservatives would put his or her lupine face on the office dart board, while the lycanthropic community would pressure him or her to be a model citizen and take an active stand for lycanthropic interests and civil rights. The talk shows and late night appearances would probably take about a year or two, after first ironing out the legalities that werewolves, or "persons with lycanthropy," were indeed still human and thus subject to both laws and rights.