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Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:05 pm
by Silverclaw
I had toads pee on my hand all the time when I was younger and would pick them up :) No toad lovin though, to my knowledge :P

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:26 pm
by Raina The Werewolf Queen
what did it feel like???

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:27 pm
by Anubis
Shadow Wulf wrote:OMG Anubis, the things you say in threadz. :lol:
*with the worst elvis impersonation possible*
Thank you, thank you very much :P

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:31 pm
by Anubis
Raina The Werewolf Queen wrote:what did it feel like???
Lets just say it was one the worst things in my life, and i rather forget it. :cry:

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:56 pm
by Raina The Werewolf Queen
.... I just wanted to know what wild toad sex felt like.. sorry . :lol: :P

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 10:59 pm
by Lukas
Silverclaw wrote:I had toads pee on my hand all the time when I was younger and would pick them up :) No toad lovin though, to my knowledge :P
\thats good luck when they pee on you :D

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 11:17 pm
by Figarou
Anubis wrote:yup it is. i had one, and one time it cimbed on my wrist and started to make sweet toady love to my hand.

i feel so dirty :( :P

*sees tadpoles popping out of Anubis' hand*


*runs away screaming*


Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 11:23 pm
by Anubis
Figarou wrote:
Anubis wrote:yup it is. i had one, and one time it cimbed on my wrist and started to make sweet toady love to my hand.

i feel so dirty :( :P

*sees tadpoles popping out of Anubis' hand*


*runs away screaming*


Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 12:11 am
by silverpaw
:crazy: ......... :sickpup:

You should be locked away :lol: :jailwolf:

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 12:05 pm
by Syzygy
The frog should be locked away.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 10:19 pm
by Scott Gardener
I believe another nominee for the Too Much Information Award is among us!

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 12:04 am
by Anubis
Scott Gardener wrote:I believe another nominee for the Too Much Information Award is among us!
Thank you, Thank you! no really thank you... oh stop! *blows kisses*

I'll like to take the academy and all of the little people that made this possible :P

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 2:02 am
by Stone Wolf
that's pretty disturbing :sickpup:

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:55 am
by Teenwolf
well, i don't know the meaning of "up to the wolf" i guess it means it depense on the wolf .or something like that.

But i think it would be possible that there would be gay werewolfs or bi . why not? :o There are enough humans who are gay or bi. :D
(Gotafunnypictureinmyheadofangaywerewolfpaintinghisnails) :P

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:44 pm
by guitarwizard
its really up to them, trust me though, dont google werewolf sexual orientation thing, in less you are into that stuff, my friend and i looked it up about two years ago, most of it was alright :thumbsup: , but im not into that guy wolf on guy wolf thing :sickpup:

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:03 am
by Morkulv
I voted 'bi', just for fun. :D I am such a joker. :wacko:

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:49 pm
by Renorei
I think a lot of it depends on what really causes homosexuality...

Is it...
1. genetic?
2. a behavioral fluke that results from something in the offspring's childhood?
3. something randomly triggered in a small number of individuals in a population because of the chemical signals given off by other members of the species?
4. some sort of chemical imbalance in the womb?
5. something else entirely?

My vote is for the third one. I don't think it's genetic, as that makes little sense...since after all, gay individuals typically don't pass on their genes (yeah yeah, I know there's exceptions). It could still be genetic, however, if it's anything like the genes that cause sickle cell anemia. It would have made much more sense if the gene for sickle cell anemia had been removed from the population...however, those who have the recessive form of sickle cell anemia have a natural immunity to malaria...meaning that, particularly in third world countries, the sickle cell anemia genes remain in the population because of this handy little benefit. Of course, homosexuality could also be something that's determined by more than one gene...and most likely is.

Also, I don't think it has anything to do with their upbringing, so I don't think it's number 2. My brother turned out gay, and my parents raised him in a perfectly normal way. And, as far as I know, most other people who are gay have normal childhoods. This would really require more study to be able to come up with a conclusive answer though.

My vote is for the 3rd one. Something Vrikasatma said in another thread (and something which I had suspected on my own for a long time) and some research I did through the Emerging Scholars program at my college led me to formulate a hypothesis. It is theorized/hypothesized (not really sure which it is at this point) that homosexuality is a form of population control that nature devised...which makes perfect sense, because nature has found a way to create individuals who are reproductively defective but yet are normal in other ways...they simply won't be able to reproduce in the course of normal homosexual activity. But how, I wondered, is it determined which individuals will end up straight and which will become gay? In C. Elegans, a species of nematode I worked with in the lab, chemical signals given off by other nematodes and by food cause some nematodes to develop and grow into adults, and others to enter a form of hibernation. This is good for the whole species, because if ALL of the nematodes went on to reach adulthood and reproduce again, a great portion of the species would die because of overpopulation, lack of space, and lack of food. I think homosexuality in higher animals works the same excess of chemical signals from members of the same species causes some members of the species to become homosexual, to prevent overpopulation...

Anyway, becoming a werewolf doesn't instantly make you a member of a different species...but undoubtedly it would have some kind of impact on the chemical signals you give off (and believe me, you DO give off chemical signals, which other humans can may not be consciously aware of them, but you do give them off...believe it or not, this actually has a pretty big impact on whether you find another person attractive or not). And with werewolves, being as rare as they are, it wouldn't make very much sense for there to be very many gay ones, since there are so very few of them. So, while I'm not necessarily suggesting that becoming a werewolf would make a gay man straight to help preserve the werewolf population, I AM suggesting that, among people who are born as werewolves, the number of individuals who ended up gay would be ridiculously small, if existent at all. And anyway, I personally feel that most werewolves would be people who are born that way, and that the average pack of werewolves would be very hesitant to create new packmembers by bite...though there would be exceptions.

So, I voted 'straight' you can see, the reasoning is complicated, and hardly flawless, and is also influenced by my own opinions on what werewolf society would be like and what causes homosexuality. But...if the population hypothesis that many scientists believe is responsible for causing homosexuality is indeed true, then it would make little sense for very many born werewolves to grow up gay...though bitten werewolves would surely retain their original orientation.

I'm aware that there are problems with this hypothesis...for example, why would there ever be gay wolves if the population is so endangered? Yet, despite that, there have been instances. I don't have an answer for that...

Anyway, sorry for getting all theoretical, but my opinion on this issue is rather complicated.

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:26 pm
by Canis15
It depends, I suppose, on what 'model' of lycanthropy you go with; if it's something you catch off of a bite then I wouldn't have thought that it really makes sense that being a werewolf would affect your sexual orientation. If it's something you're born with, though (i.e. already in the genes) I suppose it's possible to argue a case that this might have an impact on sexuality (though it is hard to see what the point of this would be).

My overall opinion ... a vote with the majority, I think. It's up to the wolf.