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Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:56 pm
by Silverclaw
Scott- Owl

Figarou- Dog or an otter

Set- Snake or a croc

PariahPoet- Leopard

Anubis- Bear or a wolverine

Vuldari- Raven

ABrownrigg and Silver- Fox

Sabre- Coyote

Renorei- Racoon

Fasionably late. That's my excuse.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 2:07 pm
by Set
Anubis - Wolverine
Lupin - Parrot
Renorei - Possum
Vuldari - Horse
Sabre - Coyote
Figarou - Otter
Vrikasatma - Elephant
Ink - Jack Russel Terrier

Want my reasons? :grinp:

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 2:07 pm
by Figarou
Silverclaw wrote:
Figarou- Dog or an otter
Dog. :woof:
Terastas wrote:
Anubis wrote:((Actually, i see you more as a ring tailed lemur :P ))

Figarou I think would be more of a squirrel if you ask me, at least based on his post count. He's been here roughly as long as I have, and yet somehow he's said five times as much. I tried to picture something like that in RL terms and all I could think of as a comparrison was Twitchy from Hoodwinked.

I'm more like Hammy from "Over the Hedge." :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 2:17 pm
by Silverclaw
*pats Figarou's head* :wink:

oh, and
vrikasatma- horse
Lupin- Elk

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 2:33 pm
by Raina The Werewolf Queen
IM A KITTY.... BUT A TIGER... OHHHH *giggles* sorry Terastas ^^

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 2:35 pm
by Renorei
To those that have already posted, post your reasons too. I want to know why I'd be a raccoon or a possum.

It's not gonna sound flattering but this is the way you are.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 3:13 pm
by Set
Anubis: If something makes him mad he'd let you know with a tenacious ferocity that characterizes a wolverine.

Lupin: He takes care of all the forumly stuff which requires a capable brain. However he can screech quite shrilly when he wants to.

Renorei: When you feel threatened you hiss and bear those sharp needle teeth of yours, but if pestered enough you give up and play dead.

Vuldari: Boldly charging foward in his somewhat long winded posts, only to see a piece of tin foil and come screeching to a halt. That one little thing can cause him to be unsure of himself and even cause him to "back up" and argue for the view that opposes his.

Sabre: In native American legends Coyote is a trickster. She's the self-declared joker of the group and just comes across like...well, a coyote.

Figarou: He isn't hyper enough to be a squirrel. When I think of playful I think of otters, and with all the duck tossing he no longer qualifies as anything else.

Vrikasatma: I tend to see her as kind of the matriarch of the group. I also see her as someone you don't want to get in the way of when she's mad. Hence the elephant.

Ink: Like the dog, she can bark for a good long while, and has a tendancy to not let go of the things she's bitten down on. That's a russel trait which made me rule out the other dog breeds.

I'm still thinking about the rest of you. I'll come up with something eventually.

Re: It's not gonna sound flattering but this is the way you

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 5:53 pm
by Fenrir
Set wrote:Anubis: If something makes him mad he'd let you know with a tenacious ferocity that characterizes a wolverine.

Lupin: He takes care of all the forumly stuff which requires a capable brain. However he can screech quite shrilly when he wants to.

Renorei: When you feel threatened you hiss and bear those sharp needle teeth of yours, but if pestered enough you give up and play dead.

Vuldari: Boldly charging foward in his somewhat long winded posts, only to see a piece of tin foil and come screeching to a halt. That one little thing can cause him to be unsure of himself and even cause him to "back up" and argue for the view that opposes his.

Sabre: In native American legends Coyote is a trickster. She's the self-declared joker of the group and just comes across like...well, a coyote.

Figarou: He isn't hyper enough to be a squirrel. When I think of playful I think of otters, and with all the duck tossing he no longer qualifies as anything else.

Vrikasatma: I tend to see her as kind of the matriarch of the group. I also see her as someone you don't want to get in the way of when she's mad. Hence the elephant.

Ink: Like the dog, she can bark for a good long while, and has a tendancy to not let go of the things she's bitten down on. That's a russel trait which made me rule out the other dog breeds.

I'm still thinking about the rest of you. I'll come up with something eventually.
Oh she's good, and she took all the easu people to do so..... :evil:

Set- with a fierce and stuborn view, a hard and unchanging course, and can but heads with the best set is a Ram

Re: It's not gonna sound flattering but this is the way you

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:14 pm
by Anubis
Set wrote:Anubis: If something makes him mad he'd let you know with a tenacious ferocity that characterizes a wolverine.
When she's right she's right :D That's dead on Set :thumbsup:

Re: It's not gonna sound flattering but this is the way you

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:19 pm
by Ink
Set wrote: Ink: Like the dog, she can bark for a good long while, and has a tendancy to not let go of the things she's bitten down on. That's a russel trait which made me rule out the other dog breeds.
Close I'd say but I think I'm more along the lines of a Blue Heeler. Jack Russells can be pleasant small dogs and are wanted pets. I am neither small nor wanted most of the time. Jack Russells let go too soon, also. A Heeler is more notorious in the world of domesticated dogs for longevity in the bite hold.

General positioning in the dog world is pretty impressive, though. Kudos, Set.

My take on myself -
Blue Heeler/Australian Cattle Dog - Loud, territorial, bite hard and don't let go until something knocks them out or kills them, stubborn, stocky, aggressive, mean, and not a true family dog. And, most importantly, they keep coming back for more.


Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:56 pm
by Raina The Werewolf Queen
*jumps around* oh ohh WHAT AM I ???

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:14 pm
by Shadow Wulf
I wonder if everyone really sees me as the underworld werewolf. :?

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:30 pm
by Vuldari
Shadow Wulf wrote:I wonder if everyone really sees me as the underworld werewolf. :?
Naw...I just see you as a kid with wierd taste. :|

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:33 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Thats not nice. I was being serouse. :(

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:04 am
by Vuldari
Shadow Wulf wrote:Thats not nice. I was being serouse. :(
That wasn't an insult. I believe that "Normal" SUCKS. Being "Wierd" is a GOOD thing. Image

If everyone agreed with me and liked the same things I would be BORING.

...and I was being serious too. I don't think of you as being one of the werewolves from Underworld. I think of them when I think of you, like how I think of PeanutButter when I think of Jelly...but the impression I get from your personality does not match those creatures at all.

As for what your personality DOES match in my mind...hmmmmmm...

I'll have to get back to you on that.

(I really don't have a personality type matched with each type of animal, as my personal experience tends to teach me that the actual creatures act very differently than people tell me they are supposed to, so this game is really hard for me.)

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:39 am
by Vuldari
...a RAVEN and a HORSE...

I am almost suprised that no-one said "A Donkey with a Graduation Cap"...
(aka. a "Smart a**")

...or a Fire-Breathing-Dragon...
(Because I'm allways spewing out a whole lot of "hot air")

...of course, both of those would have been a bit more sarcastic than was the intention of this thread I suppose.


Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:59 am
by Short Tail
Fenrir - A chicken (always squabling and squaking about something (has nothing to do with courage)) :D

Anubis - reminds me of a peacock (always after the ladies and showing off)

AB - A fire ant queen (sending all their minions out to do their evil bidding and the core of the whole colony)

I would have to disagree and say Lupin and Fig are ferrets (so easily distracted.... oooo shiney! :lol: )

Morkulv - a platapuss (slightly excentric, but cool because of it)

Set - A Mosquito (because in all honesty you suck the life out of some conversatoins and I find you slightly annoying)

(Now before I get flamed right out of the forum let me say this, if you dislike me, ok, make me a dungbeetle if you want, just explain why you think I roll around in fecal matter all day and sorry for for expressing my honest opinion. Infact if there is something you dont like about me, PLEASE tell me; that is the only way I can change)

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 4:45 am
by Renorei
Haha, I was actually thinking of making Set a dung beetle in my grouping. Diligent, determined, efficient and tireless in her efforts, but perhaps with misguided priorities. After all, it's just a ball of s***. Meaning that, while there is a certain appeal to winning a forum flame war, ultimately, nothing worthwhile is gained. I was initially insulted by the characterization of myself as a possum who sometimes gives up, I now almost consider it somewhat of a compliment. It's a testament to one of the things I've learned from this great big internet in my years...pick your battles. If the victory isn't worth the pain from the war, quit fighting.

Also, Crybaby is on my TV Box now. They've just broken out in song while incarcerated, in a desperate plee to the authorities to let them out. I'm sure that will be effective.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:59 am
by Kirk Hammett
Edit edit... 8)

Hmm no one knows me well here.

As for everyone else, Im unsure. I havent met any of you in person. :cry: I cant put any labels on anyone, or myself, what a shame.

Though I think Silver Claw reminds me of a fox, too. And Vuldari, because of the avatar, but I dont know you so Im unsure.

I know Im curious, sometimes timid, though weirdly stubborn though I dont fight much, not aggressive, except hormones (I am a woman I have every right! Hehehe :wink: ), very loyal and I get walked over all the time and Im too generous but I like being generous, Im not cruel, im creative, musical, eccentric, I must be smart if I somehow got through high school and into Uni without lazy too...(In the homework sense) though despite saying that Im not arrogant and have little self esteem. So what am I? Apart from human. Im immature sometimes and playful, love stupid jokes. I got an otter for a quiz once. But theyre too social for me haha!

-Breathes in and out- Its late, Im hyperactive. And I havent been drinking. I better go to sleep people. :lol:

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:54 pm
by Morkulv
Morkulv means something like 'powerfull wolf' so I should be a powerfull wolf... Or something.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 3:24 pm
by Kaebora
I'm a human... with friggin' mind powers. That's telekinesis baby!

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 3:47 pm
by Anubis
Short Tail wrote:Anubis - reminds me of a peacock (always after the ladies and showing off)
A peacock!? ?? I like the ladies, but in real life i'm very shy around them. I'm more of like what Set said a wolverine, normaly passive but quick to anger. i think it was my sig that gave you that idea. :P

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:51 pm
by Set
Hahahahaha, I get all the cool animals. :grinp:
Raina The Werewolf Queen wrote:*jumps around* oh ohh WHAT AM I ???
For those of you who don't post much/haven't posted in awhile, it'll be more difficult for me to pick an animal for you, because I have less to work with. Give me time.
Morkulv wrote:Morkulv means something like 'powerfull wolf' so I should be a powerfull wolf... Or something.
Nah. I don't see you as the "follow the leader" pack type. Nor do I see you as leader of said pack. You're more likely to go off and do your own thing. Maybe a wildcat for you. Hrm...a lynx, or a bobcat.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 8:03 pm
by Lukas
very interesting :)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 12:13 am
by Kaebora
I'm told that my spirit animal is a shape shifting panther of some kind. Rest assured I don't beleive in such pagan nonsense. Humans are a kind of animal. That is what I am in body, mind, and spirit. I still wish to be a wererabbit, but whatever. LoL!