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Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:38 am
by Kzinistzerg
Yopu spelled napoleon wrong. :wink:

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:25 am
by ABrownrigg
(brownriggs eyes shoot open and WHACKS shadowblaze with a rolled up newspaper) NO DUCKIE FOR YOU! :lol:

Aww, can't stay mad at that face.. okay.. just one. :duckie

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:02 pm
by Figarou
ABrownrigg wrote:(brownrigg walks in after a nice few days vacation, wearing a bobbie helment)

Alright, alright... whas all this then?

there will be no brain eating here... only pie eating so I commend those that resist the cranial temptations, and replace them with pie.
*secretly adds coconut creme pie to the line up*

Muwa ha ha ha ha! :lol: :duckie
ABrownrigg wrote:I see a film somewhere.

A trainer has collected a group of werewolves for the circus, and trained them to eat pie instead of brains.. but one day a duckie walks in, and one of them eats it and they all go savage, and eat the director because he was coming up with stupid plot ideas on a messageboard that was supposed to be serious.
Already have ideas for the sequel, I see. :duckie
ABrownrigg wrote:Oh and the werewolf/lyanthrope issue will be resolved in this film, by referring to either of these creatures as frank.


really? Cool. 8)

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:27 pm
by Kzinistzerg
*eats newspaper as she gets smacked with it* mmm... Not as good as typing paper. They recycle all that ink into it. :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 5:01 pm
by Lurch
After people pointing out all of the inaccuracies in the article, I will take it with more of a grain of salt. Some parts were quite entertaining though. I see how much of it is just made up or complete mis-information.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 5:08 pm
by Searif
A werewolf is a human, that voluntarily or involuntarily changes or shape shifts into a wolf or wolf like creature during certain lunar cycles (normally that of a full moon). A lycanthrope however, is considered as a person that doesn’t change physically, but mentally. It is a human that thinks he/she is a wolf or any other animal for that matter.
now that is what i call bull, does this guy not know that lycanthrope is the curse of the werewolf, and there are other names for lycanthrope but they are all the same.... this guy has no clue

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 5:10 pm
by Figarou
Searif Bogard wrote:
A werewolf is a human, that voluntarily or involuntarily changes or shape shifts into a wolf or wolf like creature during certain lunar cycles (normally that of a full moon). A lycanthrope however, is considered as a person that doesn’t change physically, but mentally. It is a human that thinks he/she is a wolf or any other animal for that matter.
now that is what i call bull, does this guy not know that lycanthrope is the curse of the werewolf, and there are other names for lycanthrope but they are all the same.... this guy has no clue
The word he should've used is "Lycanthropy"

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 5:14 pm
by Searif
Figarou wrote:
Searif Bogard wrote:
A werewolf is a human, that voluntarily or involuntarily changes or shape shifts into a wolf or wolf like creature during certain lunar cycles (normally that of a full moon). A lycanthrope however, is considered as a person that doesn’t change physically, but mentally. It is a human that thinks he/she is a wolf or any other animal for that matter.
now that is what i call bull, does this guy not know that lycanthrope is the curse of the werewolf, and there are other names for lycanthrope but they are all the same.... this guy has no clue
The word he should've used is "Lycanthropy"
yeah, but really ive heard of nothing like someone thinking they were a wolf and what-not... but i have heard of werewolf sightings in a town in britian, also some in alberta... but thats about it((i have way to much time on my hands.. so i usally look up supernatural sightings))

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:33 pm
by Apokryltaros
Figarou wrote:
Searif Bogard wrote:
A werewolf is a human, that voluntarily or involuntarily changes or shape shifts into a wolf or wolf like creature during certain lunar cycles (normally that of a full moon). A lycanthrope however, is considered as a person that doesn’t change physically, but mentally. It is a human that thinks he/she is a wolf or any other animal for that matter.
now that is what i call bull, does this guy not know that lycanthrope is the curse of the werewolf, and there are other names for lycanthrope but they are all the same.... this guy has no clue
The word he should've used is "Lycanthropy"
Actually, no, the guy was using the term "lycanthrope" to describe those who use the term "therianthrope" to describe themselves.

That, I want to try some "Brain and Kidney Pie."

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:37 pm
by Figarou
Apokryltaros wrote: Actually, no, the guy was using the term "lycanthrope" to describe those who use the term "therianthrope" to describe themselves.


Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:48 am
by Vuldari
I don't understand why everyone is so eager to slam this guy for writing that article. Undisputable facts about what a Werewolf is or is not are virtually non-existant. When I read the article, I didn't see the words of a fool who has no idea what werewolves are. I definately got the impression that this person was a fellow Werewolf fan, whose sources of information were many, but faulty.
Apokrylatros wrote:Actually, no, the guy was using the term "lycanthrope" to describe those who use the term "therianthrope" to describe themselves.
Medical "lycanthropy" and "therianthopy" are NOT the same thing, and I'm pretty sure this guy was aware of that and was not confusing them.

Although they sometimes can be found together in the same individual, they are not the same thing.

The mental disease "Lycanthropy" ,(Not to be confused with the OTHER meaning of the word, which is another name for WereWolves), is a mental disorder where a person looses their civilized mentality from time to time and acts completely ferral, totally believeing that they are no longer human, but a wild animal.

"Therianthropy", (I'm certain that this definition is disputable...), is where a person realizes that a part of them is not human, but is in-fact a different animal entirely, (part of their Soul...DNA..or a fragment from a previous incarnation, etc.).

Some Therians have lycanthropy (the mental disorder), but most don't .

Likewise, most people who had Lycanthropy were also potentially therians, but it is not a pre-requisite for the disease.
Searif Bogard wrote:now that is what i call bull, does this guy not know that lycanthrope is the curse of the werewolf, and there are other names for lycanthrope but they are all the same.... this guy has no clue
Yes and No...

Again, Lycanthropy has also become a name for the curse of the werewolf, but it was first coined as the name for the mental disorder, (which consequently, often involed people believeing they were wolves).

{{EDIT:04/10/05. I don't know why I said this. I really have no idea where the word originated. I was sure of it at the time but now...I have no idea where I got that idea from.}}
Figarou wrote:I am opened minded and I post my thoughts. If not, they will not be heard. Thats the purpose of this forum. Voice your opinion and stop idiots from writing stupid articles like the one I posted. Its time we shed some light on the subject. Don't just look at this post and not say something. Being silent won't get things done. If other directors/writers sees whats on our minds, things can change.
Everyone should share thier opinions, or they will not be heard...but "idiots" need not apply? We all can be accused of being IDIOTS from time to time. (I do and say idiotic things quite frequently... :oops: )

I applaud the author of the article in question for what he(or she) was "trying" to do, and for the rest of you who have expressed a desire to "Tar-And-Feather" this guy for DARING to share his incomplete knowlage on that subject of shared interest, I say...You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:33 am
by Apokryltaros

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:35 am
by Figarou
This guy could've left out the other stuff and just focused on the werewolf movies. Its a horror movie site for crying out loud!! Why talk about the problems of lycanthropy? sheesh. Thats one thing I hate about it. And why just werewolf fans? How come they don't write an article like that about vampire fans?

When asked if your a werewolf fan, you say "yes." Then other questions soon follow that'll make you upset. "Do you believe they exsist?" "Can you change into a werewolf?" I give them a hard stare and say, "Look, you know better than to ask those type of questions." "Are you trying to found out if I'm crazy or something?"

I never heard of a Therian until I joined this forum. I did a liitle digging and found some info. After doing so, I can safely say I'm not a Therian. But I still get a little confused when somebody says something different.

Believe it or not, werewolves are not #1 on my list. Home theater is. I wouldn't be here if this wasn't a forum about making an Ultimate werewolf movie.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:51 am
by Vuldari

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:07 am
by Figarou
Vuldari wrote:Why mention the mental disorder? Because that is a little known fact about the word "lycanthropy" that he thought people might be interested to know, as well as being one of the rare instances of recorded cases of so-called "real" werewolves.
Of course people should know. What I don't like is when I tell people I'm a werewolf fan, the 1st thing that comes to their mind is "mental disorder."

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:02 am
by Searif
Figarou wrote:
Vuldari wrote:Why mention the mental disorder? Because that is a little known fact about the word "lycanthropy" that he thought people might be interested to know, as well as being one of the rare instances of recorded cases of so-called "real" werewolves.
Of course people should know. What I don't like is when I tell people I'm a werewolf fan, the 1st thing that comes to their mind is "mental disorder."
same thing that goes for me, but instead saying werewolf i say unnautral creatures((werewolfs, vamps, demons, ghost... the works)) they think im crazy for believing this stuff... i dont believe it i just hope it is true and i do my best to try and prove that they may be

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:21 am
by Kzinistzerg
I got the impression that was essentially the same as Vuldari. I didn't see anything obvious wrong, but I've never seen any of those movies, and, like I said earilier, have no backround in Herbology.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:34 am
by Figarou
Shadowblaze wrote:I got the impression that was essentially the same as Vuldari. I didn't see anything obvious wrong, but I've never seen any of those movies, and, like I said earilier, have no backround in Herbology.

Like I said before, Its the "people going crazy in real life" I can't stand reading. Why have that with werewolf movie reviews.

I liked werewolves for a very long time. Its rare that someone will walk up to you and ask if you like werewolves. If you had a T-shirt with a werewolf on it, then they will ask. Followed by stupid questions.

Searif Bogard wrote:same thing that goes for me, but instead saying werewolf i say unnautral creatures((werewolfs, vamps, demons, ghost... the works)) they think im crazy for believing this stuff... i dont believe it i just hope it is true and i do my best to try and prove that they may be

I don't "believe," I just "like." Theres a difference. And werewolves is not the only thing I like. Dragons looks cool also.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:45 pm
by Kzinistzerg
Have to agree with that.

Words, words, words

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:47 pm
by Scott Gardener
This is another example of semantics. Yes, the article was nit-pickable, but overall, it was pretty good.

But, in saying that werewolves and lycanthropes were different, it ignored the fact that there are more than one definition of words.

Lycanthropy can mean 1. being a werewolf, literally, ignoring whether or not such a thing exists or not; 2. a rare and exotic form of schizophrenia, as detailed in the article; 3. wolf-based therianthropy, a spiritual and identity movement; and 4. any of the above involving animals in general, not neccessarily just wolves, though most agree that is a misuse of the word. (For example, the role-playing game D&D uses the term "lycanthrope" to describe all were-x shapeshifters, including werewolves, but also including weretigers, werebears, wereboars, wererats, and others.

Arguing about what words mean can be a bit time-consuming and can cause one to lose sight of real meanings and ideas. I just left the thread discussing the difference between "Trekkies" and "Trekkers." Some things are best given a rest, and semantic arguments are among them.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:26 pm
by Apokryltaros
I suppose I should reiterate WHY I dislike this person.
I don't don't like him because he went to a lot of trouble to post a website about werewolf movies, and give bad reviews about movies I do like, Idon't like him because he gets some of his information wrong, and he's cheeky about it. He not only says that "werewolf" is a Saxon word, nevermind that it comes from Old English, which was used by the ancient British people long before the Saxons ever set foot in England, but, he claims that the term "werewolf" was coined specifically to describe the sort of monster that Peter Stubbe was, NEVERMIND THAT PETER STUBBE WAS FROM GERMANY, IN THE YEAR 1591, AT LEAST 500 YEARS AFTER THE ENGLISH STOPPED SPEAKING OLD ENGLISH.

Furthermore, I would think that in the 1940's, if blue-collared workers in England were chopping the heads off of women, but were claiming they were actually defending themselves from slavering monsters, one would think that they would have been charged with murder and be dangling from gibbets.

I don't think his opinion sucks. I only think his information sucks.

How appreciative would you feel if someone told you that Francis Ford Coppola's "Dracula" was about Thomas Renfield, who is a delusional serial rapist who thinks he's Vlad Dracul, and he's accompanied by his snivelling accomplice Jonathan Harker, whom he sexually abuses on a regular basis?

Re: Words, words, words

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:27 pm
by Figarou
Scott Gardener wrote: Arguing about what words mean can be a bit time-consuming and can cause one to lose sight of real meanings and ideas. I just left the thread discussing the difference between "Trekkies" and "Trekkers." Some things are best given a rest, and semantic arguments are among them.

True, no sence arguing about it. I know others here had to deal with stupid questions and being made fun of. I'll just simply ignore them.

Sorry, but I'm not used to this sort of thing. I have friends that come over to my house with a person I've never met before. He/she notices my werewolf statues/items and the stupid questions start flying. If everything I had was dragons, I wouldn't get stupid questions at all.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:36 am
by Vuldari
Figarou wrote:Of course people should know. What I don't like is when I tell people I'm a werewolf fan, the 1st thing that comes to their mind is "mental disorder."
Figarou wrote:Like I said before, Its the "people going crazy in real life" I can't stand reading. Why have that with werewolf movie reviews. is not a pretty side of the Mythology and it's origins. I think that the reason it was put in there was because, like me, the author just could not bring himself to pretend that it did not exist and just leave it out.

I too am a fan,(obviously), of the romantic interpretation of werewolves, and would prefer not to be associated with mentally disturbed people for admitting that. However, odd as it may be, when I think of werewolves, the mental disorder IS actually the second thing that comes to my mind, right after the thought that Metamorphosis is cool. I'm just like that.
Scott Gardener wrote:Arguing about what words mean can be a bit time-consuming and can cause one to lose sight of real meanings and ideas. I just left the thread discussing the difference between "Trekkies" and "Trekkers." Some things are best given a rest, and semantic arguments are among them.
You're right was silly of me to continue dragging on that pointles argument. :oops:
Apokrylataros wrote:I suppose I should reiterate WHY I dislike this person.
Idon't like him because he gets some of his information wrong, and he's cheeky about it.
I don't think his opinion sucks. I only think his information sucks.
Dont you mean, "this is why I don't like this article" and not "this is why I don't like this PERSON"?

It is very cruel to not like someone for making mistakes. I make stupid mistakes on a regular basis, and I often do it with a "high and mighty" attitude, oblivious to my ignorance. I suppose you don't like me either...

...that is you own buisness, I suppose, who you like and don't like.


I'll tell you what I don't like though. I don't like the attitude this thread was started with, and was maintained throughout.
The link. Click on the link and read some of the nonsence.
(edit) Er... *blink* Riiight... Really though, what was the point of that article? Seems to me like a rather badly written piece on the bloodthirsty killing monster version of the werewolf.
There is some strange stuff in that article.

Very strange!!

Be prepared to be disgusted.
..."I found an article I don't like. Let's all HATE this person together and talk about how we are all better than him, and how he should be punished for crimes against Werewolf fans"...

...because, of cousre, WE are the only ones who "really" care. People who post articles on horror movie sites don't... they intentionally give out wrong information and post depopularizing views because they want to destroy the WereWolf fan-base forever, so that no one will EVER try to make, or want to watch a Werewolf movie again. Yes...that's it. THAT is why he wrote that article. did I not see it before?? I must have been blind.

...seriously... Bad form.


...on a different note...
Figarou wrote:... I have friends that come over to my house with a person I've never met before. He/she notices my werewolf statues/items and the stupid questions start flying. If everything I had was dragons, I wouldn't get stupid questions at all.
It's odd how true that is. (BTW: I actually do have a fair amount of DRAGON stuff, including several posters and half a dozen large figurines. The usual reaction I get is,"Hey...COOL Dragons!")

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:55 am
by Blade-of-the-Moon
I get the same thing for my large dragon collection, plenty of wide eyes and compliments, the same goes for my wolf collection, but people see my werewolf collection even the large models and custom work and I get:

" You like to make your wolves scary.."

" What is that ? "

" Oh you like those things...."

" Yuck "

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 2:26 am
by Figarou
Vuldari wrote: ..."I found an article I don't like. Let's all HATE this person together and talk about how we are all better than him, and how he should be punished for crimes against Werewolf fans"...

Articles like the one I found puts thoughts into other peoples minds. That thought is that all people who likes werewolves are crazy in some sort of way. Are we? You tell me.

If you like to be ridiculed for liking werewolves, fine. So be it.

This will be my last post in this thread. Let it die now.