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Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:43 am
by RedEye
Simple fact of life: There is always going to be someone bigger and more badass than you are out there. This applies to people, nations, and races equally.
If you're a decent sort, when you encounter the Big Bad; then you have friends and allies to help you.
If you're into being the toughest metamorph on the block, you're gonna be alone.
That's one of the best reasons for making nice I can think of.

As for Werewolves, if there is a Pack of them, somebody is going to wind up being the one who takes out the garbage and sweeps up; that's both Wolf and Human nature.
Alone, is well; just that.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:50 am
by lycan94
Oh yhea, werewolves can be bullied. How they react all depends though. Now, me? I just lose it. Takes a long time, but Quoting Bruce here,"Don't make me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry."
After the last incedent where the kid who was bullying me was slammed so hard up against the lockers that the door bent inwards, not a lot of people mess with me though. (The only reason the door bent is because my school has really flimsy lockers)

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:37 pm
by Infinite_Path
Werewolves can certainly get bullied. Anybody who adheres to social conventions can. The only way you can't get bullied is if you see the world like a spider does. That is to say, everything is your predator, food, or unimportant.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:01 am
by Konietzko
It could happen. <_< Until said werewolf finally snaps one day, comes back, and has a field day on said bully and anything in his path. Consider, if lycanthropy isn't known/believed in, and silver is the only way to put a werewolf down permanently...what bully will be carrying silver weaponry? He's just gonna get flayed...

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:47 pm
by RedEye
This may be a bit metaphysical; but being bullied is a two person experience.
Person one; the Bully... must attempt to make you feel incompetent in some way; usually in the self defense department. The bully must convince his/her target that he/she can bully them before actual bullying can take place.
Person two; the Victim...must accept or allow the bully to dominate them. They must, in one way or another, accept being bullied. This is usually accomplished by the bully siezing upon a percieved weakness in his/her victim and their allowing said bully to exploit that weakness.

Now; Taking a Wolf-pattern Werewolf, this is dominance display and not really bullying; since wolves do it to determine where in a pack a particular wolf fits. It's a survival action making sure that the best wolf leads the pack.
In a Human-pattern Werewolf; it becomes dominance on the basis of who has the most inner strength; just like a human bully-victim relationship. This can be broken if the victim refuses to be a victim, by fleeing to another pack, fighting back, or becoming an outsider.
In the Wolf-pattern, it's survival. In the Human-pattern, its choice.

So, can a Werewolf be bullied? Only if they're human.

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:27 am
by Volkodlak
ok only way i see this if WWs are secret because lets face it no one is dumb enough too vilingly bully WW.

so we are talking about WWs that are age of 22 years or yunger so bully is atempting comiting suicide by WW.

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:27 pm
by Uniform Two Six
What about being bullied by other werewolves? Or even better: a human who finds out the werewolf's secret, and blackmails him? (Which is like bullying) Or even better yet: A human who bullies a werewolf in ignorance, but the werewolf knows full well that his secret isn't going to stay secret long if the guy known to be bullying him winds up ripped to pieces in the nearby alley. Or in another twist: Human bullies the werewolf in ignorance, but there's nothing the werewolf can do because his pack will kill him if he retaliates, justifying that such retaliation endangers the whole pack, and besides, the werewolf's regenerative powers means that bruises, loose teeth, and a split lip will all heal anyway, so the werewolf should just suck it up for the good of the pack. Having the power of the werewolf is awesome only if you can actually use it.

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 7:23 am
by Volkodlak
there is this thing to you get better reflexes,speed and strenght even in your human form so beat bully in your human form you dont need to go furry mode for human.

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:44 pm
by Uniform Two Six
Sure. If you're Spider-Man in human form, then there are fewer issues. That doesn't mean that there are none. If the werewolf's improved physical abilities bleed over into his human form, then you have the issue with moderating that speed / strength, etc. If somebody tries to attack him, it doesn't matter that he's not transformed at the time if in a fit of rage he still rips the guy's limbs off and snaps his spine like a toothpick. If the werewolf in question can restrain himself in a highly emotionally charged moment to just defeating his assailant and not going all the way, then all is well. But that's not very iconic of the basic concept of the werewolf.

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:51 am
by Volkodlak
Uniform Two Six wrote:Sure. If you're Spider-Man in human form, then there are fewer issues. That doesn't mean that there are none. If the werewolf's improved physical abilities bleed over into his human form, then you have the issue with moderating that speed / strength, etc. If somebody tries to attack him, it doesn't matter that he's not transformed at the time if in a fit of rage he still rips the guy's limbs off and snaps his spine like a toothpick. If the werewolf in question can restrain himself in a highly emotionally charged moment to just defeating his assailant and not going all the way, then all is well. But that's not very iconic of the basic concept of the werewolf.
riping limbs off in human form did i said is that strong beside even if you are capable of lifting 300kg in human form you arent strong enough to ribb limb off

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:02 am
by Uniform Two Six
More or less still goes back to my original point: If your werewolf can adequately defend himself without going too far and doing damage that no human could pull off with his bare hands, then I would say that, yes, it's unlikely that he'd get beat up much (or if he ever did, the guy trying that little stunt would be in for a rather unpleasant surprise). If when he's in human form, he's just a normal human for all intents and purposes, or if he's effectively Spider-Man while in human form, but isn't good at moderating his physical strength or speed (or just plain prone to werewolf-bug-nuts-crazy temper tantrums), then he's not necessarily going to be immune to becoming a victim of mundane human assholitude.

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:11 am
by Volkodlak
whats with refrence of spiderman?

beside i was saying you can teach bully a lesson beside normaly ones who are weak at look are targets if bully goes after weak person who is actualy WW and gets beten he would think twice before trying it again alone and if you beat a group of them you will have peace

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:20 am
by Uniform Two Six
In Spider-Man, Peter Parker is this goofy nerd who suddenly is transformed into the ultimate uber-ninja with superhuman speed and strength (etc.) -- but he still looks like a goofy nerd.

Ergo: Werewolf who retains his enhanced physical abilities in human form = Spider-Man.

Back on topic: All this still only applies to a werewolf who has to deal with bullying from ordinary humans. If he's a werewolf with awesome physical abilities, it stands to reason that he's not the only one. So, just because he's a werewolf doesn't mean that he's completely free and clear with regard to bullying. Remember that wolf packs will often feature a "scapegoat" pack member who is often abused periodically.

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:23 am
by Volkodlak
im for that WW has enhanced physical abilities in human form but are greater in WW form

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:31 am
by Uniform Two Six
Well, back to the origianl point: His ability to deal with the bully is entirely dependent on whether or not he can conceal his true nature while retaliating in that case. If so, then he's golden. If not, then he's going to just have to sit and take it.

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:36 am
by Volkodlak
you can beat bully without showing you are WW all you need to do is not to change

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:55 pm
by Sevena
I have to agree, a werewolf that retains strengths from their other half and has to keep their ability secret,will have to just suck it up if they can't control those extra strengths.
I totally think a werewolf can be bullied.Inside the pack and out.With their wolfiness know or unknown.If the general public doesn't get to see you in your furry 'secret' then you should prob hold off beat'n that bully black and blue.Regardless of wether you retain strengths.I think that if it's unknown that the average werewolf wouldn't want to draw attention.It's strictly a security issue.Regardless of how much you want to pound them into the pavement you have to protect you and those around you.Other werewolves and even humans close to you.Now Im not saying they are gonna take beat'n after beat'n without defending themselves but I am saying I can see a werewolf taking a bit of verbal abuse before it ever becomes physical.
If you strut and work that fur and people are asking you what kind of shampoo you use then the whole thing changes.You could have werewolves openly harassing each other in public.What a sight that would be.Plus you could have groups of humans ganging up on you,I don't see them coming at you alone without a weapon.What also opens up is the possibility of human and werewolf collaborated bullying.That could stem into quite a mess and even gangs.
If it is known that werewolves exist I don't doubt that there will be some kind of regulation limiting the amount of force a person with lycanthropy can use against another.Don't want every physical confrontation ending in attempted manslaughter charges.

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 1:01 pm
by Volkodlak
Sevena wrote:I have to agree, a werewolf that retains strengths from their other half and has to keep their ability secret,will have to just suck it up if they can't control those extra strengths.
I totally think a werewolf can be bullied.Inside the pack and out.With their wolfiness know or unknown.If the general public doesn't get to see you in your furry 'secret' then you should prob hold off beat'n that bully black and blue.Regardless of wether you retain strengths.I think that if it's unknown that the average werewolf wouldn't want to draw attention.It's strictly a security issue.Regardless of how much you want to pound them into the pavement you have to protect you and those around you.Other werewolves and even humans close to you.Now Im not saying they are gonna take beat'n after beat'n without defending themselves but I am saying I can see a werewolf taking a bit of verbal abuse before it ever becomes physical.
If you strut and work that fur and people are asking you what kind of shampoo you use then the whole thing changes.You could have werewolves openly harassing each other in public.What a sight that would be.Plus you could have groups of humans ganging up on you,I don't see them coming at you alone without a weapon.What also opens up is the possibility of human and werewolf collaborated bullying.That could stem into quite a mess and even gangs.
If it is known that werewolves exist I don't doubt that there will be some kind of regulation limiting the amount of force a person with lycanthropy can use against another.Don't want every physical confrontation ending in attempted manslaughter charges.
still you can beat them without changing. but i meant beating him up when it get physical

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:18 pm
by Terastas
Keep in mind that there's more to bullying than just physical bullying. I had to put up with a lot of problem kids growing up, but only one was ever really physically violent. The rest were either rich little twerps that enjoyed rubbing it in how much more money they had than you, or idiots that enjoyed doing things to irritate you or who would try to provoke you and then run screaming to a teacher, parent or other such authority figure.

And even then, that doesn't cover everything. There's also group / social bullying where people gang up on one person and attack and/or ridicule them, and also authoritative bullying where the bully deliberately exploits their rank in a company or organization to torment their subordinates.

Regardless of whether or not the werewolf was required to keep his nature a secret, either one could easily be victimized by the socialites, the cliques, or the teachers' pets. In fact, if anything, the knowledge that someone was a werewolf (or, at the very least, the toughest of the bunch) would give all the other kinds of bullies even more incentive to want to bully him.

So yes, one way or another, a werewolf absolutely could get bullied.

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:44 am
by Volkodlak
Terastas wrote:Keep in mind that there's more to bullying than just physical bullying. I had to put up with a lot of problem kids growing up, but only one was ever really physically violent. The rest were either rich little twerps that enjoyed rubbing it in how much more money they had than you, or idiots that enjoyed doing things to irritate you or who would try to provoke you and then run screaming to a teacher, parent or other such authority figure.

And even then, that doesn't cover everything. There's also group / social bullying where people gang up on one person and attack and/or ridicule them, and also authoritative bullying where the bully deliberately exploits their rank in a company or organization to torment their subordinates.

Regardless of whether or not the werewolf was required to keep his nature a secret, either one could easily be victimized by the socialites, the cliques, or the teachers' pets. In fact, if anything, the knowledge that someone was a werewolf (or, at the very least, the toughest of the bunch) would give all the other kinds of bullies even more incentive to want to bully him.

So yes, one way or another, a werewolf absolutely could get bullied.
you have valid point.

now for red marked text: i cant see how would some one decided to knowingly bully a WW becuse lets face it none like too be target of pissed WW

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:34 pm
by Terastas
lovec1990 wrote:now for red marked text: i cant see how would some one decided to knowingly bully a WW becuse lets face it none like too be target of pissed WW
To deliberately exploit whatever situation it is that prevents the victim, who could otherwise rip the bully's limbs off, from actually doing so.

The kid I had the most problems with in school was a whole foot shorter than me. But he wasn't a physical bully -- he was an instigator. He would come at you with his fists up screaming at you for a fight (BTW, when he was screaming at you, he sounded just like this), but as soon as you even took the first step towards him, he would run squealing to the teacher that you were a bully and that you were threatening him (complete with giving the teacher puppy-dog eyes while sucking his thumb -- I kid you not).

That is the kind of bullying situation a werewolf would be liable to find himself in. He wouldn't be outright assaulted, but he would be prodded, harassed and/or humiliated whenever possible with the knowledge that, just because he's physically capable of ripping a man in half, that doesn't mean he actually can.

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:30 pm
by Volkodlak
ok i agree.

with your kind of bully i had dealed before in my summer job i was guarding kids 10-14 years old after school until parents picked them up my case(short version):
every single day i wasnt looking there was loud screaming i come in same kid was runing to me crying that he was bullied so one day i talked with girls i was guarding and they told me the truth and i told others after bully left to toilet if he provoke again to punch him hard and it worked.

WW could tape it and he would have hard evidence and bully will learned the hard way not to mess with WW

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:46 am
by ippondropkick
There's a few answers in here that are basically: It'd be tough to bully a werewolf, because the werewolf would maul the hell out of them.

It depends on your werewolf. If your werewolf is struggling with their humanity and doesn't want to maul people, then the bullying gets really hard to deal with. It's endlessly frustrating to be teased and mocked when you know you could just beat the hell out of the person. Hell, I bet right now there are a few kids all over the country growing up who are looking at their bullies and thinking "I could just beat the crap out of this guy." but hold themselves back because they don't want to be violent.

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:15 am
by Volkodlak
we agreed that you are strong in your human form.

you dont need to change too beat a bully

Re: can a werewolf get bullied

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 10:24 pm
by Scott Gardener
Bullying has little to do in essence with physical size; it is an issue of force of personality. Bullies seek out weak-willed people who are unlikely to fight back. (Bullies themselves are not particularly weak-willed; they have a different kind of personality deficit.) Anything real or imaginary can be used as the basis of bullying. In one social classroom experiment, elementary school children were told that, for that day, they were to pretend that children with brown eyes were superior to children with blue eyes. They carried out several activities that played into this theme. By recess towards the end of the day, one of the blue-eyed children was in tears, complaining to the teacher that the brown-eyed children was picking on him. (I remember seeing a video documentary on this a number of years back, but I cannot recall or reproduce the source. I therefore present this recount as anecdotal, but I personally stand by my memories as a legitimate report.)

Even something that makes you advantaged can be used against you by bullies--just ask any nerd who grew up in the 80s, before Bill Gates and Steve Jobs took over the world.