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Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:06 am
by Aki
Kirk Hammett wrote:(-Creeps away from the argument quickly :( )

(I will wait for Rafe's post before I do anything and hi Fang and strykeriuswolf.)
((I would post but, er, I don't know if I should disregard Fang's post. After the argument it strikes me as trolling. But maybe Fang's not trolling and simply doesn't know that power playing like that (outrunning me and snatching jay with no resistance whatsoever) is that is something to be avoided. :P ))

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:50 am
by Fang
Edited Damn Do I suck at this!

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:01 am
by Silverclaw
((Mind if I jump in?))

Name: Kaylaa IvoryTalon

Species: Griffin

Occupation: Slave/Being trained to guard

Gender: Female

Age: 19 (in human years)

Appearance: Typical griffin build. Head and talons of an eagle, and the legs and tail of a lioness. She has golden brown feathers, and tawney fur. Tail tip has a chestnut brown tuft of fur. Kaylaa has vivid golden eyes, white talons/claws and a sharp yellow beak with a darker shade on its tip. Has long, pointed ears. She has long wings, each about six feet long. Her wing tips are dark brown, almost black in color.

Abilities: The IvoryTalon clan of griffins are known for their ability to shapeshift and using some wind based magics. Kaylaa IvoryTalon though, is not very good with either yet; still considered young for her species.

History: Hatched far away in the mountains, she grew up in the IvoryTalon clan. She lived their in the wild, hunting, and learning from her parants and elders. Begining to learn of the art of shapeshifting and the use of wind magics. Though about a year ago, she was capture by humans during one of her solo hunting trip. Kaylaa was drugged, tied up and caged. Before she knew it, she was carted away to several human cities, up for sale. Not many were interested in buying her though, she was untamed, and would attack any who drew to near. Her captors were planning on just killing her and selling her pelt, talons, ect. for some quick cash. But then a wizard came and bought her; bringing Kaylaa to his fort. There she had a steel muzzle, collar and chain placed on her. Her wings bound to her sides. After a week locked up in a dungon without food or water, they began her training to guard the wizards fort.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:49 pm
by Aki
"Wolf!" One of the guards cried needlessly, the others had seen it as well, and were drawing their weapons. "Kill it!"

Rafe watched the guards with bows carefully, and through this managed to dodge their arrows easily, though because of this more than a few of the guards armed with melee weapons came close to striking him, especially those with hafted weapons such as a spear.

And the horses, of course, didn't take well to the presence of a wolf. They paniced, rearing up and/or bolting away, causing a few unlucky slaves to be thrown clear of their mounts. Rafe ran for Jay and his horse, guards chasing after him and arrows raining down near him.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:02 pm
by Fang
This one looks like he could present a chalenge. But no matter. I will finish this job.

( I have an assaignment for you)

What do you ask of me ?

(As you know I bear a deep hatered for King Starfang, and his kingdom would look good as part of my new empire)
What is it you ask of me?

(I want you to find and kill his son the only heir to the throne. Without a leader the country will fall into turmoil and then my army will swoop in.
Do this for me and I will tell you all you need to know)

Yes King Harcourt, I will obey.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:09 pm
by Ashrah
Name:Kiba hunon


Occupation:Trying to find a Pack


Age:21 [In human years]

Appearance:A sleek white wolf that can only change to his human form with magic.

Abilities:Can appear as human for a limited time.

History:Kiba was born the white wolf of his pack and therefore he was to be their new leader. But a evil King by the name Harcourt destroyed them and left him alone as a pup about 15[in human years] to carry on his life. He has vowed revenge on the man that killed his pack.

Kiba was traveling alone through the forest when he caught the scent of one King harcourt's servants. He quickly raced the scent and caught sight of a werewolf fighting many guards. I have to help [he thought to himself] Wolves have got to stick together.
As he was thinking this he rushed toward one of the guards that was aiming a crossbow at him and toar out his throught. {I hope that was okay I am new to freeborn and love rolepaying with my friends.We will see how this goes and if it seems that I am dragging the thread down I will quit. I work all day almost and will probally only be online at 10:00 or 11:00 O Clock at night.}

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:38 am
by Kirk Hammett
Fang wrote:This one looks like he could present a chalenge. But no matter. I will finish this job.

( I have an assaignment for you)

What do you ask of me ?

(As you know I bear a deep hatered for King Starfang, and his kingdom would look good as part of my new empire)
What is it you ask of me?

(I want you to find and kill his son the only heir to the throne. Without a leader the country will fall into turmoil and then my army will swoop in.
Do this for me and I will tell you all you need to know)

Yes King Harcourt, I will obey.
(( OOC: Just know that as a rule (I forgot to put up, my error), you cannot kill anyone's characters, (but you may try), or maim like chop legs off, or tails, or snouts, as that makes it stupid and unfair. You probably knew that already :P but thought I'd remind everyone.

And welcome Silverclaw and Ashrah! :howl:  :oo ))


Jay's horse panicked. Despite being very good with horses, he was still feeling a bit funny and he fell off, managing to land on all fours, but the close impact jarred his hands and legs. He stood up shakily. Tyn jumped down to offer his hand. "I've never seen you fall off before. I wonder what is going on over there?" They watched quizzically. Several guards were closing in around them, although they didn't know it was Jay they were after.

(Anubis, we're gonna have to wait until Jay has been taken, otherwise it'll make no sense. So maybe get Jay out as fast as possible)

Fellon heard the commotion outside, but he decided it was likely the guards could deal with it. He would have been warned already if it were serious. Or so he thought, anyway.

"I will think on this. Are you in a hurry? Would you stay the night? I would like to assess whether I can do such a job first. Although I can assure you, there are no others as strong or stronger than me here."

(I have been sick, my post might be sucky sorry but I can't really concentrate. I consulted my mother and she thinks it could last 7 days, but I still have to work two jobs every day and I have a gig so Im going to be very tired and might not be able to get on. Ill post up a general chat thing so no one thinks Im being rude or anything by not getting online. Sorry about this. This really sucks. Ill try get on as soon as I can).

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:44 am
by Fang
(Do not worry my character is complex and begins to have doubts.)

Watching quietly one of th slaves fell off his horse. I smirked at this amusing incident but not for long. My mind wandered. Why was I taking orders from that weak, pathetic human? Why did I kill for him? Was he ever going to tell me my name? Who I was, and where I came from?
Why didn't I just beat the information from him? No I couldn't. Harcourt would never let me out of the kingdom. That was why I was here, it's the safest way. [/u]

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:40 pm
by Anubis
((it's okay, and also i'm not going be on as much for a while. I got in trouble and i got my computer taken away, i'm writting this post at a public terminal at my library :| but i'll try to post every day))

"Sure, i can wait a day. I have been here for ten years and another 24 hours isn't going to hurt." he paused for a moment "Hey, can i get some water? my canteen is empty."

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:44 pm
by Kirk Hammett
(Im back now, hopefully. I recovered very fast, Im still really sore from coughing but im getting there. Man working all those days too..I earnt a lot of money)

Fellon nodded, smiling again. "Stym you lazy slave! Get this man some water now!" He shouted. The slave hurried to obey, muttering something under his breath. Fellon lifted his hands, growing. The slave rose into the air, struggling. Fellon propelled the boy into the hallway roughly and dropped him. "Hurry up." He appeared to grow bored again. "You have to keep them all in check."

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 3:51 pm
by Cavman
((ooh, looks fun. I've RP'd in other forums.Do mind me joinuin' in.)

Name: Tik Klik Tava

Species: Kobold

Occupation: Wandering Alchemist

Age: 27

Appearance: Lean. Short, even by kobold standards, 2ft. Brown pelt/skin. Wears a ragged orange vest and blue trousers.kind like this, only with lots of chemicals in a bag on his back.

History: Tik Klik Tava, Tik, was born into the Tava-Stak kobold clan, a fairly magical clan, by kobold standards. He was runt from birth, and it wasn't till latter in life tha the learned he was the only one in the clan without any magical prowess.He was determined to fitin, so he picked up alchemy to atleast make it look like he was magical.

Tik got quite good at it, learning how to identify many chemicals with his nose. He also learned how to talkslow, so other races could understand him when he bought his suplies, which he had to do often. at about 17, Tik found a book. It detailed much more complicated concoctions. He went to his suplier to ask for the ingrediants, but found his suplier didn't have any. So he decided to leave and seach for them. He left with much fanfare, for often times his "remedies" worked only one way, throwing everything everywhere with much noise. Tik found the ingrediants he needed,but he also fond more recipies. So for the past couple years he's been traveling around gathering ingredients and testing his concoctions. People have found him handy evey now and them, but mostly just for blowing things up,like stumps.

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 4:46 pm
by Anubis
He responded with a small smile to not be rude. He hated the fact he had slaves, what made it worse it how he treated them.

The slave gave my a large cup a surpisingly clean cold water! he has cold water here but from streams that has fish using it as their personal bathroon. The treated water reminded him of home. He missed his parents, his annoying kid brother, and most of all his wife. They were married shortly before he was MIA.

It made his heart heavy, it's been ten years sence he was sucked through that worm hole. She must have been tolled that he was killed and she must have gotten remarried by now. He would go through heaven and hell just to have return home to Sarah.

He sighed while rubbing his temple, trying hold back a tear.

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 10:29 pm
by Kirk Hammett
(Welcome Cavman :P of course you may join)

Fellon acted concerned. "Are you alright my friend?" He looked at the sunlight outside. "Perhaps you require a rest?"

Outside, Jay held his horse grimly and tried to see what was going on.

(Not much we can post until someone else does)

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 10:44 pm
by Cavman

Tik Strolled down a small path with a bit of a spring inhis step. He was enjoying himself today. He had found a very rare herb, one which he had never expected to find ever. He would have done a heel click, but the last time he had tried with his pack on he had nearly broken his leg. He stopped mid step and straighted himself.He took a few quck sniffs.

"Hm, whats-this-now?!" he said in a squeaky voice.

He hopped to the side of the path and dropped his bag. He leaned over and sniffe some more before literaly jumping and diveing head first into the brush. The bushes shook and moved as he searched about. He suddenly popped up outof them.

"Oh-yes , Karess-Mushrooms. Oh-yes-Oh-yes, these-will-go-good-tonight!"

HE continued to harvest his mushrooms, following themas the lead in a semi trail. He soon caught the sent of somthing else.

*sniff sniff* "Horsies."

He half ran, half dodged brush as he made his way towards the smell.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 4:56 am
by Fang
I heard a rustling comming from the woods. "Damn it! Focus, focus. You can do this." There it was again, that small nagging felling. " Might as well get involved." I thought getting out my crossbow. I aimed for a guard and fired.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:54 am
by Cavman
Tik continued on following the sent. He stopped, just short of jumping through the bush into the open. he stuck his head through to look apon the scene. He saw the horses, but he also saw some gaurds fighting with a wolf, and a few slaves wearing collars, a fate he had avoided on more than one occasion. He took a few quick sniffs to get a handle on what was the underling scents.

"Ooh, this'll-be-interesting." A crossbow bolt flew out of the woods "Yes, most-interesting-definatly." He spoke to himself in a whisper.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 1:00 pm
by Fang
Anubis wrote:((it's okay, and also i'm not going be on as much for a while. I got in trouble and i got my computer taken away, i'm writting this post at a public terminal at my library :| but i'll try to post every day))
That sucks. :(

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 6:13 pm
by Ashrah
As Kiba leapt to tear the throat of a guard out he is suddenly struck with a crossbow bolt fired from the woods in his back leg and falls to the ground. As he crawls away from the battle he catches the scent of a kobold in the area. he heads to the scent and finally collapses from blood loss in front of the bush where tik is hideing. Help me please ,he howls in pain.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 6:43 pm
by Anubis
"no i'm fine, I was just reminded of home." Gas said.

((I didn't have a lot of time, sorry))

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:31 pm
by Kirk Hammett
(I need Aki to post before I can do much really and its alright Anubis I have to flee shortly myself, gig practice)

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:08 am
by Fang
I fired another bolt at the guard splatering his brain on the grass.
" Damn! I can't beleive I missed! I never miss!

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 9:27 am
by Aki
Rafe was quickly coming to realize that his wolf form was becoming ineffective. He would need to grab the slave, afterall, and first he would need to reach him, and that was proving difficult. Moreso now that the white wolf had left the fight, so the guards attention returned to Rafe.

He shifted, and, being experienced and having a habit of doing it regularly, it was fluid and swift, and though it hurt, Rafe kept moving, rising from four to two legs. He batted aside one guard, ripping his sheild from his hand and using it to block some incoming arrows, before smacking down one of the guards protecting Tyn and Jay. Rafe discarded the sheild, throwing it at the archers before grabbing Jay, throwing him over his shoulder, and running for the treeline.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 11:52 am
by Cavman
As Tik looked a white wolf got the crossbow bolt in the side. It began to limp away, before coming towards him. It collapsed infront of him and howled. It was fading fast. Tik threw up his bundle of mushroomsand began to look for his poitions, only to remeber he left his bag on the trail.

"My-Bag! Dont-move-wolfie, I-be-back."

Tik turned and ran head long through the brush to the trail, with less dodging than before.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 1:04 pm
by Fang
Knowing that this was to be my last assignment, I decided I would need to get in close to that ranger. "This means I'll need to actually show myself, Oh well." I fired another bolt at the remaining guard.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:29 pm
by Cavman
Tik tripped over a root and fell face first through the bush. Luckily he finaly made it to the trail. He jumped to his feet and began to dig in his bag. He quickly pulled out five different bottles, and began his trip back to the wolf.

(I'm may be gone for a few days, angry stepmom.)