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Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:03 pm
by Silverwolfman
well a question i got is this: if u became one why would u want to be changed back? i would enjoy being a 'wolf for as long as i could live and not even think about wanting to change back. oh well supposedly if u get shot by a silver bullet and survive the curse is lifted. but thats just what i've heard.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 9:24 pm
by Scott Gardener
There are plenty who would want a cure, I'm sure. It's hard to want to keep a cool power if you believe it comes from Satan, regardless of where it actually originates. There's also a variety of social circumstances in which it could be more a liability than an asset--someone who wants a mundane life; someone who has a hard time getting away from work every full moon; a jeweler or numismatist who is frequently around silver... Plenty of plot devices and story hooks.

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:17 pm
by Midnight
Scott Gardener wrote:a jeweler or numismatist who is frequently around silver...
Interesting... never thought of that. I suppose in the hypothetical case of me ever getting bitten, I'd need to get rid of the silver sixpence in my "funny coins" box...

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 12:43 pm
by werefox
ive heard here in Sweden that if you like eat 5 galics and then kill a wolf in the next month you should become normal

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 3:34 pm
by wolfpriest
Uh I guess you you didnt sell your soul to the devil I guess you could do it the other way around?
Maybe...well the only thing I can think of is to well kill ones self it cant be ended its a blood line.

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 2:30 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
Some people said something about standing in one place for a year or so.
Actually i think the legend i read was, you had to kneel in one place of one hundred years.
(Doubt you'd make it that long, and frankly, why would you care? I mean, if you avoid eating people, it'd be awesome to change. Then again, I'm probably a bad source for that. I'm trapped inside his head, but we don't eat people. yet...)

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:21 pm
by Kelpten
I remember an elaborate ritual involving the whole town. The enitre town takes the bound werewolf(no idea how they get him bound) up to a raised place (hill, mesa, ext.). There they say several lines (can't remember what exactly.) Then the youngest villege member who can talk goes up to the werewolf and says "Wolf, go away" and hits him three times with an ashwood branch. Then the oldest member does the same. Then each person in the village hits the werewolf once. There was more to it, but that's all I remember. I guess the idea is to beat the werewolf out with "sacred" ashwood branches.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:38 am
by wolf4life
duh! you like die! :P jk...well actually it would work...i guess?

anyways...i heard that you have to find some magical lake know a closed place where no one ever goes or something. Good luck on finding a magical lake...

But then you are supposed to undress, depending :P, and dive into the lake, hold as long as you can and then go back up to the surface and you shall be human again!

Theres also another which I think is are supposed to go out in the early mornings, undress, again, depending, roll around in the grass and apparently the dew does something...i dunno but you have to do it when the night before, or whenever the dew is there, is a full moon....same with the lake

Hey...why are you trying to find a way to...unbecome one! are YOU a werewolf right NOW!???

The silver ribbon to find a cure

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:35 pm
by Scott Gardener
So far, we've explored pretty much exclusively the traditional legendary ways to "cure" lycanthropy. I did wonder for those of us who work with the "virus-like genetic modification" notion what a biological cure would entail. Ultimately, engineering one would be even more technologically difficult than designing lycanthropy itself. The easiest way I could come up with was to transfer the consciousness of the lycanthropic person into a new body that was a clone of the original that doesn't have the added genetic components mixed in. A counter-virus would have to remove the original viral elements from every cell without removing anything else, and it would have to do so quickly enough that the existing viri don't have a chance to reinfect the person at the same time--especially difficult since the original infectious agent in most of our models that employ such work at break-neck speed, effectively the limit of what's biologically possible without overheating the host and causing him or her to die of a horrible cross between Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever and spontaneous human combustion.

A simpler fix might be something that simply removes the shapeshifting elements or some of the biochemical pathways that induce shifting, but this still leaves a lot of decidedly non-human biochemistry still in place, so the person isn't cured so much as forced into "remission." The person probably still would have infectious saliva and everything, and the "cure" would be pretty temporary.

So, until cryonautics and transhumanist consciousness becomes readily available towards the end of the century, the best medical advice to the sufferer of lycanthropic identity disorder is to learn ways of living with lycanthropy. There's a great article for the layperson in this month's issue of Aware Magazine...

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:53 pm
by Silverclaw
I've got the bottom left bumper sticker on my car 8)

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:14 am
by Ansuru
Moon_Lover wrote:Agreed. Let us sear.
*Tosses a steak to MoonKit, tapping it with his own in a toast-like fashion*
Sear? I like my meat medium rare...sometimes rare. lck

Closest thing to a cure I'd want to see is someone just choosing to not shift anymore, a la the sherrif in Wolf Lake. Anything more and you wind up with an X-men-ish problem where the government can "exterminate" you without technically killing you (I say technically as opposed to actually, because if I were a were, I'd consider it a death of sorts :p)

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:59 am
by wolf4life
Silverclaw wrote:
I've got the bottom left bumper sticker on my car 8)


Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:47 pm
by RedEye
Which begs the Question: Are Werewolves Furry? :lol:

Maybe I should make a thread about it.... :P

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:55 pm
by deruty
Back to the cures though. I don't think anybody mentioned the drink out of the pawprint of a wolf, the removing of a belt of wolfskin (if in that manner you're a werewolf), OR.... here's an idea what about a mind swap with a non-werewolf. You know kinda like switching around souls/spirits/minds. It'd be odd, but then again not being a werewolf suddenly would be weird too.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:02 pm
by Scott Gardener
Which begs the Question: Are Werewolves Furry?
AAHHHHH!!! Don't ask that! That very question has already cost the lives of millions!


Whole virtual cities have been wiped out in the Great Flame Wars of 1998 and 2003. Some even fear that questions about furries could spark World Wide Web War III.


But, back to werewolves and The Cure...

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 10:44 pm
by RoseMacska
RedEye wrote:Sorry-Caffiene levels are getting low and I'm getting silly...
(That's why I'm called RedEye)

1. Wash fur in cheap drying shampoo, rinse.
2. Use a blow dryer on your fur so it sticks out all over.
3. Curl it, and dye it pink or blue.
4. Put Fur up in ribbons.
5. Congratulations! You are no longer a WereWOLF: you're a WerePOODLE!
---Well, you said un-become a Werewolf..... :lol: and that's about as un-becoming as I could think of..... :P
Ha ha , very funny.

Most who post here think of the WW condition as a virus or bacteria that infects the host making them a WW, I would think a cure for the virus or bacteria would do the trick.

The purely genetic WW would be out of luck unless they had the trait "mutated" out of them, which I would imagine would be a case of "the cure being worse than the condition" most of the time. No longer a shape shifter, but now your seriously ill due to having your DNA altered in ways that probably do more harm than the good of being rid of shape shifting. Cancer being an obvious danger I see in that scenario.