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Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 7:23 pm
by kita
hey im kita i am a strong supporter of what you guys are doing ive been waiting for some one to create a movie like this for as long as i can remember
im a writer and currently working on a novel i do most forms of writing all of it revolves around that of werewolf nature

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:16 pm
by Vuldari
Nice to meet you Kita...but please take that picture out of your signature.
If you want to keep it, make sure it is 150x150 pixels or less and under 10k. Then you can use it as your avatar. 8) (like my little foxy freind there. :wink: )

[edit: ahh...that's better. I like that little one. 8) ]

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:50 pm
by Darth Canis
Hi everyone i am Darth Canis. An avid lover of anything wolf or werewolf related. i really don't know what to say. I love animals i am studying to be a zookeeper so perhaps that may help you guys a bit. I am just excited about helping. Thanks for the opportunity!

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 12:51 am
by tamier
tamier here. I've been a fantasy/horror fan most of my life. Werewolves fit into that. The big change came when I played a Werewolf in a WhiteWolf game twelve years ago (yep, I said twelve). Suddenly, I was a werewolf living in the modern world. Yeah, there were vampires, but that's not the thing. I was seeing the world through werewolf eyes. Since then, I've been hooked. I started studying them, learning about them, examining what it would be like from their eyes.

I know that White Wolf is only one way to look at it - there are many legends and stories that go back through history. Just really attracted to the view of 'what would their world be like today?"
So many of the movies with werewolves in them are just that - movies with werewolves in them, not movies where they play a central role. I'm looking forward to a movie that has them as the leading critter, and one that will view them not as a gorilla suit with a snout, but as fluid, powerful creatures.

I've got my opinions - lots of 'em. but they are flexible and changable with good logic. I'm excited about this and hope it turns out to please the fans as much as the producers.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:37 pm
by SGrayWolf
SGrayWolf here, a 27 year old male from SC. I'm also a spiritual therian with a strong connection to the gray wolf; I've felt this way for as long as I could remember. I discovered the community online regarding wolves and anthros (and all the wonderful artwork) around 2000-2001 and have been hooked ever since. :)

Love wolves, the outdoors, werewolves (movies, etc), computers and having a good time.

Found this site from one of Goldenwolf's forums and decided to check it out, I'm very glad I did and I hope I can be a benefit here, in some form or another.

Aware of wolf

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:53 pm
by Scott Gardener
A werewolf movie with creature designs based on werewolf fan wishes? About [bleep]ing time you showed up!!! Where've you been? :D

I am Jon Coolidge, though I've used the name Scott Gardener on all the lycanthropy and therianthropy BBSes, since its the name of my lead character in my novel. (See my .sig for the link.)

I discovered werewolves on the evening of May 4, 1987, after seeing, of all things, Teen Wolf, on its network broadcast premiere. I began a daydream that wouldn't die, and after fifteen years, I finally made myself write it from beginning to end. I'm currently at work doing a sci fi spin-off followup, chronicalling what happens over the next several centuries.

Around 1993, I witnessed the birth of the therianthropy movement on the Internet through alt.horror.werewolves, and since then I've followed along, though I won't profess to be a big name like Goldenwolf. (NIce to see you here, by the way--for the love of God, filmmakers, look at her art website! It will answer just about any question you have to ask about what we want.) Instead, I followed it from the side for awhile, because of the huge time demands of medical school and life as a doctor afterwards.

None-the-less, I'm glad to be here with you, and I look forward to seeing this film some time soon. My ears are definitely raised. 8) [/url]

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 1:40 pm
by Kun
my name is Kun, and there is no real reason why I choice that name...but it works. I have been a huge fan of Werewolf movies, starting with "An American Werewolf in London." I also role play and enjoy art pertaining to lycanthropy. I'm a undergrade psychology major, with a minor in philosophy. I guess my first in counter with my love for lycanthropy and other various occult things was in grade school when I read heavily about ancient mythology, and continues with my reading today, but I kind of got sidetraked into demonology. I think that it is about time that someone listens to the fans werewolfs and werewolf films and I'm really looking forward to contributing if I can, and I'm really looking forward to this film. I think I've rambled on long enough, so that be it!

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:43 pm
by Set
Hey everyone. I've never come across any movie makers that cared what fans think, so this is a pleasant surprise for me. I actually don't really watch alot of werewolf movies. They come across as being a bit cheesy most of the time. As far as watching werewolves go there's an anime called Wolf's Rain that I really like. It paints a much better picture of what the wolves should act like.

I like werwolves because I like wolves. I've always felt I had some sort of kinship with them. I dream about them all the time. I'm usually turning into one or running with my pack. On rare occasion I'd dream about being in half form, but it was more human than wolf. I had the wolf ears, tail, partially digitigrade legs, pads on the tips of my fingers and the palms of my hands, and a short muzzle. Only my ears and tail had fur. It really is a good feeling once you get past the first transformation. I'm lucky, I dream in color too. :howl:  :oo

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:17 pm
by CrewWolf
Hey, I'm new (obviously). I don't know what I can possibly contribute at this point since most of what I believe has already been said, but after seeing everything here, I'm now all a flutter with excitement. All I want to see is a different werewolf, iis that so much to ask? I think a vegetarian werewolf would even be welcome after just the few Hollywood werewolves I've seen.

Anyway, I'm a 17 year old female from NC. I've loved anything that can shapeshift into an animal since I was but a child, but I've always been attracted toward the werewolf than anything else....except for those darn were-geese, they're cool. I can't say that I feel I have a kinship with wolves though. No, I'm a wolf-rabbit, but that's a whole different story.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 8:30 pm
by shawna
Hi, I'm Shawna and I'm a 30 year old mom of 4 who is totally wrapped up in werewolves. I was so excited to see that there is someone out there who makes movies that actually cares what fans of the genre think. I pretty much like all shapeshifting, but werewolves, to me are the most interesting. I give all werewolf movies a chance because I gotta take what I can get.
As a preference, I would really love to see a female werewolf due to the fact that aren't too many. The Ginger Snaps trilogy was good and I loved Kelley Armstrong's Bitten. I hope that I can contribute to this board, but it seems as if most things have already been said and I don't know if I can add anything. I love reading the exchanges here and I hope this project continues.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 9:22 pm
by ShadowWolf
Well, this seems like as good a place has any for my first post.

I'm ShadowWolf. I'm 22, and have been a fan of werewolves for almost half that time. I've been coming and going from this forum for a couple of days now, but between work and the holidays, I haven't had much time to actually sit and type anything. I like reading science fiction and fantasy books, my favorites being the Harry Dresden series by Jim Butch, has well has Bitten and Stolen by Kelly Armstrong amoung others. Has far has movies go, I like action and martial arts films with a little comedy to help break thing up. Has far has werewolf movies go, I don't like many of them. Come to think of it, Ginger Snaps and Dog Soldiers, and American Werewolf in London are the only ones I've been able to watch without a wondering why I bothered watching them in the first place. But I'm not going to get too into that here. I actually sort of stumbled on to this forum one day out of shear dumb luck, and must say, I'm looking forward to hearing more about the movie has it develops and maybe adding in my two cents worth here and there. :)

EDIT: oops, the Harry Dresden books are by Jim Butcher...figures I'd make a mistake on my first post :oops:

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:29 pm
by Darkmoon
*bows* Hi!! The idea behind this sight is just great, and I am very impressed. My name is darkmoon, and I intend, like most of you, to nose around and give input. Let's see...about me.... well I live in CA , but my hometown/state is MN, so I'm a northern gal....but I have a southern accent from living a couple years in TN. Sometimes I draw werewolves, and write about them, but I'm really not a great artist. Anyway, that's about it, I'll see ya'll around! :oops:


Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 12:00 am
by Baphnedia
Drat. Am I in the wrong place or something? I've been in the Therian community for a couple years now, though 'wolfish' isn't the first thing that I'd use to describe myself.

Like many others, I was drawn to the concept of a movie taking advice from the fandom, and was thus attracted to the fire like so many other flies.

Where does one come up with Baphnedia? The Everchanging Book of Names is how. I won't go into the history behind the name, but I chose it partially to carve out my own path, as it doesn't have any cultural or historical connotations tied to it. It gave me a way to place my own meaning onto something.

I am currently stationed in Fort Gordon, GA, am from Washington State, lived in Germany for three years, and definitely didn't find a single wolf in Iraq in the first half of 2003.

I am a soldier by occupation, a musician by passion (and by secondary occupation too). I released my debut album back in March, and the music is mostly electronic/ambient (as I had no easy and cheap way to record myself on the violin). Currently, I'm stepping into the visual arena a little, looking for possible outlets to promote my music, for film (for instance).

Being such a late arrival, there probably won't be much that I can add, that many others here have already stated though. About the only thing I could ask for is to not get jumped on for being Otherkin. (which is yet another community that hasn't been in half the lime-light as the Furry Fandom)

Anyhow, if you need to know more about me, my music, or just get exposed to blog-style blather coming from my website, feel free to drop by Paradice Net to check things out. My music is free to download, though it'll ask for money after the third listen. It's the best I can afford - to provide a kind of 'try before you buy' without having some cut up 'free samples'.

Nice to meet all of you.

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:36 pm
by netherwurm
Hello everybody, my name is Tim, or at least thats what everyone tells me.
I just herd of this site yesterday and was looking around. It looks like everything i could say here has ben said allready. But im sure i can still help a little, i hope. This movie sounds like a great idea that will finally portray werewolves as good rather than the enemy. dang i gotta go. think i said enough anyway. if i havent just tell me.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 3:26 pm
by NightStorm
hey all NightStorm here! love the smiles :lol: I'm a 18 Gray wolf therian, I loved Underworld. and old gothic novles. I write alot too. Others said Goldenwolf's art is incredible. :o I draw my self

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 8:07 pm
by Razo wolf
WAZ up!! my name is Razo a gray wolf therian from northern california.
i heared about this movie from Calypso at hope this film
will finally do some justice to werewolves.

I modify cars for a living, my art does not reside on a canvas or a piece of paper.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:14 pm
by Wyla
A new werewolf movie in the making - always nice to see. And you're asking for the fans input? :D I love you people already.
I've been interested in wolves for as long as I can remember, and more recently fell into the werewolf obsession. I draw wolves and weres alot, plus hopefully writing a were day.
I'll be lurking around the boards quite a lot, I can't wait to see how this movie goes! :)


Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 7:24 pm
by Krissy
Hello all.

I'm very impressed with the ideas behind this site, as well as with the movie creators who have finally come to the public (the people who are greatly interested, that is). I think that's really cool.

Anyway, I'm a Cougar/Bobcat therian, and have been for over half a year -- though (as we therians all know), I've recognized the "animal within" all my life. I also have a strong connection with Wolves, and this connection was actually my first that I recognized as a child. Felines were always just something natural, and never anything I looked into much before now. But Wolves I've done extensive research on over these past years, and Werewolves were just something that fell into my interests as a result. I've seen many movies and read many books and legends, and I'm hoping that this movie blows away any other that I've seen. I'm excited to post some of my ideas and art.

Anyway -- great site. :)

Hello, there

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 1:45 am
by What Mafia
I'm a wilely lad with a sharp sense of humor. I'm obviously a fan of werewolves. I've seen almost every were movie made, but I have faith this one will be my favorite! I'm a freelance artist and a amature actor. I'm very friendly, so no worries if I seem a bit harsh at times!
This place makes me bounce with glee, as I'm happy someone actually decided to ask real were fans what they'd like to see! :D

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:47 pm
by Bete
Hi everybody! I have never introduced myself on a site before, but I wanted to post here because I joined the site 3 days ago and I have already reached "legendary" status on my member's ranking today, so I wanted to post about that, yipee, I feel special today......o.k., I'm over it now, ha, ha! Anyway, some shout-outs:

Anthony Brownrigg - You Rock Dude, great hearing from you on the other site we are on at

Figarou - You rock too, you have great posts on this site.

Calypso Blue - You have a nice site here, I really like it a lot, I have been on numerous werewolf sites, and I do like this one, good job, keep up the good work, don't sell out to "the man," keep the faith and all that other really cool good stuff.

Darth Canis - You posted something cool about me in another forum, so I'm posting something cool about you here, you're awesome, stay cool.

Crew Wolf - You have a frickin' cool avatar, I checked out your website, you're a great artist!

To everyone else on the site - even though I haven't chatted back an forth with you all yet (heck I've only been here 3 days), I do have to say that there are some great avatars, great artwork, very creative and very diverse thinkers here, I applaud you all!

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 3:06 pm
by CrewWolf
Bete wrote: Crew Wolf - You have a frickin' cool avatar, I checked out your website, you're a great artist!
Hey, thanks :D Glad you like it. You pm'd some time ago and I forgot to answer. Sorry about that.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 3:08 pm
by Figarou
CrewWolf wrote:
Bete wrote: Crew Wolf - You have a frickin' cool avatar, I checked out your website, you're a great artist!
Hey, thanks :D Glad you like it. You pm'd some time ago and I forgot to answer. Sorry about that.
I like it myself. I know I mentioned it already. Be nice if I was an artist. I'd make one myself.


Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:50 pm
by WolfVanZandt
I'm Wolf VanZandt (full name Payton Wolf Bailey VanZandt) and I'm over from Werewolf Cafe. I'm a vocational evaluator by profession. I do a lot of community work with the Boy Scouts and Department of Human Reources and such. I've been digging around in research libraries for about 30 years for Werewolf related information. And I'm a Therian.

Oh, and I'm a 51 year old male.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:56 pm
by Figarou
WolfVanZandt wrote:I'm Wolf VanZandt (full name Payton Wolf Bailey VanZandt) and I'm over from Werewolf Cafe. I'm a vocational evaluator by profession. I do a lot of community work with the Boy Scouts and Department of Human Reources and such. I've been digging around in research libraries for about 30 years for Werewolf related information. And I'm a Therian.

Oh, and I'm a 51 year old male.
51? :shock: And I thought I was the oldest here. (37 year old male)

Now who is the youngest? :D

hi fellow were lovers

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 11:13 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Hi everyone :D My name is SabreWolf and i am new here :D I didn't see this room before so i had start a post myself :oops: But now i know so anyways......Hello to all and :howl:  :oo