Blood Moon

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Post by Ancient »

When Leigh put her weaopns down she saw how Laharl reacted. She gave it a few more moments and kept him in site as he walked over to her right side. She lost site of him briefly and then felt his tounge brush against her cheek. She understood the message he was communicating. It had been two years since any kindness was shown to her outside of her boss and creater of the group she worked with. She knew that somewhere Laharl's human side was learning to control the wolf. She also knew that being a wolf too, even though she did not want to admit it, gave her an advantage in communicating with him. She was ready to defend herself if something happened, but she sat still letting the wolf lick her cheek. She only hoped that she could continue to reach him. Could she pick up teaching again after she had told herself that life was dead? Could she come out of her world of darkness, bloodshed, and death to help another? Those were questions Leigh didn't know the answer to. Ones that she would have at one time said an immidiate no to. Now, beneath the moonlight Leigh doubted what she had made herself into.
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all art and science.-Albert Einstein
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Post by BlackWolfDS »

As Laharl licked Leigh's wounded cheek, he begain to wounder why he doing it. She was a werewolf in human form and he was a werewolf in wolf form. Why not kill her? It would be so easy to do and it would be done with in a matter of seconds. As soon as the thought crossed his mind, a sudden feeling of guilt past through his fetures. What was he thinking? She had done nothing to him and that was against his morals anyway. That's when he remembered something from when he was in human form. His morals. He would not kill, unless he had to. Nothing else came from that sudden memory, except his morals. When the blood from Leigh's wound was gone, Laharl slowly took his muzzle from where he positioned it. He scaned the surroundings. For what reason is unknown to him. He possible did it out of instinct. As he scaned, a small bottle and slips of strange paper caught his eye. He slowly moved away from Leigh and towards the strange objects. Just as he was near them, the scent of cleaner crossed his nose. Even as a wolf, Laharl still knew what it was. After the scent reached him, he inspected the papers, which were the bandages he had dropped. Without thinking, Laharl picked up the cleaner and bandages in his jaws. Then he turned and slowly walked back to Leigh. When he was infront of her, he lowered his ears and placed the things he had found infront of her. Then he lifts his head and looked at her.
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Post by Ancient »

Leigh saw guilt flash in Laharl's features. She knew what he had wanted to do. She waited and saw him seem to come to a conclusion. Leigh watched as Laharl went and found the bandages. She saw him drop them infront of her and smiled lightly. The smile seemed to brighten up her whole features. She had a smile that could mealt the coldest of hearts, but she hadn't smiled in a long time. She looked to Laharl. "Thank you." She nodded and picked up the bandages. She cursed the lack of a mirror to see what she was doing she then poured some of the cleaner onto a gauze and dabbed it on her wounded face. She kept her gaurd up just incase Laharl changed his mind about being nice. She then looked at him. "The moonlight doesn't have to control you. You have alot to learn." She then continued to struggle with the cleaner. As she continued to struggle she heard footsteps and smelled a familiar scent. A scent mixed with death and something unidentifyable.
Last edited by Ancient on Mon May 07, 2007 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DayStar »

A man about 6'8, seemingly ageless, he could be 18 or 81 as far as looks could tell, with shaggy blond hair that was almost bleached white by the sun, with powerfully built muscels, strange green eyes that seemed to glow, wearing a light grey t-shirt with dark blue jeans and brown boots walked through the woods. He had a gun in a holder at his side and various other hidden weapons. He heard a familiar voice and walked through the bushes. He then saw Leigh one of his hunter searchers. He then saw a wolf infront of her and pulled out his gun and took a step into the clearing. "It's alright Leigh, I've got him." He thought Leigh was going to be attacked by this wolf. He had never met a werewolf who wasn't evil. Outside of Leigh whom he had rescued. He keeps his gun pointed at the wolf. "You are lucky I'm in a giving mood. As in I'm giving you an oppertunity to live a little longer." He kept his gaze trained on the wolf. There was something ancient about him. Something different than a normal human, different than wolf or man. Something unique.
Last edited by DayStar on Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BlackWolfDS »

Laharl just watched as Leigh tended her wounds. She began to speak but all Laharl could understand was her smile. He felt a strange joy grow within himself when she smiled. He waged his tail very slowly. Again the word 'Moonlight' came up. Laharl slightly tilted his head with a questioning look on his face. 'Moonlight' refered to control. Was she complementing him on his control? Laharl didn't ponder on the thought to much because a new scent crossed his nose. First he smelled him, then he heard him as he trampled though the bushes. That's when he appeared, a very tall man with blondish hair and green eyes. The man first looked at Leigh then at Laharl. Then the man pulled out a gun and spoke. Laharl couldn't understand anything the man was saying, but as soon as the man's gun flashed in the moonlight, Laharl was up and growling. Slowly and cautiously he moved infront of Leigh and stood his ground. He locked eyes with the man and growled louder. The hairs on the back of Laharl's neck stood on end. He was ready to kill this man, if he so happend to move in Leigh's direction. All Laharl knew was that the man had a gun and Leigh was on the floor. To him, that was a treat to Leigh and he would protect her, even if that ment he would die in the process.
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Post by Ancient »

Leigh watched as Laharl wagged his tail. She felt a sense of accomplishment that he seemed to trust her. But, she knew a wolf's trust was not easily granted and could be taken away for numerous reasons. Leigh then saw the man standing in the clearing and smiled brightly. "Edward..." She started to say, but Laharl was up and growling. She felt a warmness in her heart. She had truely made a friend. She looked to Laharl a bit then to Edward. "It's alright sir. He isn't evil." She looked at her dear friend, savior, and mentor with a sincer look. "Edward, he has control of the wolf or a potential for it. He could be a powerful allie in the fight against Hector." As she said that name she couldn't repress a shiver. She saw a great white wolf in her mind and then quickly shook the memory from her head. She held the bandage in one hand. She had still not successfully placed it on her wounds. She looked at Edward. The two shared a deep connection. She had been lost, but Edward rescued her and showed her a new life. One that gave her purpose. One that allowed her vengence. Edward had given her a gift to her grieving heart.
Last edited by Ancient on Mon May 07, 2007 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all art and science.-Albert Einstein
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Post by DayStar »

Edward looked to Leigh. He trusted her instincts. He put his gun away, but kept his gaurd up. He looked at the wolf. Maybe he would be a good allie in the fight against Hector. A wolf he would shoot and grind it's bones to dust without so much as a thought. He looked at the blood moon as it went behind a cloud and then back to the other two. "Hector is around this area Leigh. Although, I have yet to place him. He took off pretty quick awhile back. Someone or something scared him pretty good. Let's only hope he resurfaces again soon. We'll be ready."
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Post by BlackWolfDS »

Laharl watched as the man put his gun back into its holster. Very slowly he calmed down. If it wasn't for Leigh's tone towards the man, Laharl would have attacked the man without a second thought. All though Laharl was in wolf form, he could still understand a few human tounged words. When the man said 'Hector', Laharl's ears perked up and he looked straight at him. Then he turned and looked at Leigh. Hector had been a revered, feared and hated werewolf, in werewolf culture. He was known as the human slayer and at the same time, murderer. He had killed numerous humans and werewolves alike. Laharl's parents had a confrontation with Hector once. That's when Laharl's father lost his right leg for not submitting to the beast. For that Lahael could not forgive him. Laharl's other purpose for leaving home was to find this Hector and make him pay. There was only one problem, Laharl had no idea what Hector looked or smelled like. He had never been confronted by him. If these hunters knew about Hector, then maybe Laharl could join them to hunt and kill Hector.
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Post by Ancient »

Leigh watched as Laharl calmed down. As Edward spoke of Hector she rubbed her shoulder. Then she saw Laharl looking at her and stoped. She knew Hector very well it was apparent. "I know what scared him off. It was me. He tried to kill me with that." She pointed towards the now very dead wolf. "Then he tried to kill me himself. He did not finish his task. He knew the blood moon is near and that he would not win." There was a reason that Leigh's fur was white. Shadows haunted her eyes when she spoke of Hector. White is a rare color in werewolves. Especialy when one does not have blonde hair such as herself. She looked to Laharl. "There is a way for you to not have to stay in wolf form. You just have to want not to bad enough. The choice is yours, but we have to come up with a plan." She spoke in a part wolf speak so he would understand. How she learned to do that was a mystery. She looked back at Edward. "Sir, did you bring anymore weapons? I have my gun, but Hector tends to know exactally how my gun shoots." She looked hopeful. Edward had always been her valiant protector and savior and weather he wanted to admit it or not he was a friend.
Last edited by Ancient on Mon May 07, 2007 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all art and science.-Albert Einstein
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Post by BlackWolfDS »

Laharl tilted his head as Leigh spoke to him. He listend to her suggestion. "I like this form better...I feel freer and safer than I would be in my human form." Laharl looked over at the man but still spoke to Leigh. "This man is not a werewolf and can not understand our tounge.....this could become tricky." Then Laharl stopped as he realized he could understand Leigh. "How did you do that?" Just then a terrible pain grew in Laharl. The pain started near his abdomin and spread to the rest of body with in a matter of seconds. Laharl fell to the ground on his side. He begain to pant and whine in agony as his body changed from a wolf to human. Throughout the change, Laharl squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth. Changing back was worse than changing into a wolf due to the fact that Laharl did not want to be in human form. When Laharl opened his eyes again, the pain had turned into a dual throb and then it disappeared completely, he was now in human form. Laharl slowly got to his feet and looked at the two standing infront of him. "I have realized something. I do not know either of your names and both of you do not know mine. So let me introduce myself. My name's Laharl, werewolf in training." Laharl tilts his head like he did in wolf form. "And you are?"
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Post by DayStar »

Edward heard Leigh's question about weapons. "I have many weapons. There will be more than enough." Then Leigh started speaking to Laharl. He didn't understand what they were saying, but then again he truely understood little about werewolves. He watched as Laharl changed and then the wolf turned man stood before him asking his name. "My name is Edward Manduer or at least that is what it is now. This is Leigh Tyler. We are Hunter-Searchers." There was an ancient look in his eyes. It was clear this man. This soldier has walked in many worlds. "It's nice to meet an allie." He extended his hand. On the top of his hand was a deep scar, but the scar seemed older than he did as did alot of his scars. Things just didn't add up with Edward. He looked to the werewolf.
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Post by BlackWolfDS »

Laharl just looked at Edward's extended hand and the scar on top of it. This was something new to him. In werewolf culture, two werewolves would greet each other with nuzzles and licks or with snarling and growling, but this....was different. Laharl continued staring at Edward's extended hand. Then very slowly, Laharl extented his own hand and slowly grasped Edward's. The whole time, he kept his eyes locked with Edward's as if he was waiting for something. As Laharl locked eyes with Edward, he sensed something different. This man, standing in front of him, was no ordinary human. He was something else. Something old and something long forgotten. Just as Laharl grasped Edward's hand, a strange jolt went though him and he pulled his hand away. He looked down at his hand and then back up at Edward. "What are you?"
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Post by DayStar »

Edward waited for Laharl to shake his hand. He made no threating movements. When Laharl locked eyes with him something strange could be seen in his own eyes. It was true that he was something old and long forgotten. He titled his head slightly at Laharl's reaction. "I doubt you could possibly understand what I am exactally." His gaze never left the wolf's. "I think you should know. I am not all I seem as you have figured out... I am part dragon. When the dragon was old and the werewolf new. A dragon bore a son. The son was half man and half dragon. He was meant to save the humans from the evil that now walked as a man by day and hunted as a beast by night. For werewolves at that time were all evil. I am that son. I am old and my mission still continues. Only now the world is not strictly good and evil. The old ways are dying and I grow weary. But, my mission continues. I have to find and kill Hector. The destroyer of life. Direct linage to the first werewolf." He stoped his tale as suddenly as it began. That was what was in his eyes an ancient warrior.
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Post by BlackWolfDS »

A spark of interest and fear sparked in Laharl's eyes. Laharl flintched a little when Edward called all werewolves evil. "A dragon....There are stories of your kind. Ancient ones. Stories that dragons were evil and their sole purpose was to destroy us...all of us, even if we had never changed. I have heard terrible tales of dragons that would eat cubs and their mothers. They would burn our villages and torture us before ......devourering us." Laharl looked deep into Edward's eyes. "I am living proof that not all born werewolves are evil. I have protected Leigh and I will do it again, if I must. I will give my life for someone who has tried and is still trying to understand me...and herself." Laharl looked down at his hand and watched as it transformed half way. "Man by day, beast by night I maybe, but I am not evil."
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Post by DayStar »

Edward watched Laharl's reaction to his words and merly gave a look as Laharl turned around and called dragons evil. Wasn't that the unltiment goal of any culture to make ones who oppose it seem monsters? As Laharl locked eyes with him once more he did the same. His eyes were filled with many emotions. "And I am proof that the ways of the old still exist. I have learned not all werewolves born or bitten are evil." He looks to each in turn. He looks to Leigh and then back to Laharl as he spoke of protecting her. "I have protected her since I found her broken in body and spirit at the mercy of the beast. I would have killed Hector then had he not leapt out a window. Seems that we share a similar mission. The dragons are all dead...Except for one who's mission continues. Perhapse you can help me defeat Hector so that I may be done with him, but I will never truely be done with my mission until evil werewolves are destroyed. I did not choose this life, but I am here none the less." He watched as Laharl's hand transformed half way. "Man by day, beast by night I maybe, but I am not evil." The words echoed in his thoughts. He just peered into Laharl's eyes it was as if the dragon could be seen,although he had not changed into his dragon form for hundreds of years. "Dragon I might be. But, dragon's were not evil as you were lead to believe. Perhapse we share yet one more thing in common?" He titled his head slightly.
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Post by BlackWolfDS »

"I am glad that you see not all werewolves are evil and blood thirsty beasts. I find those who let their nature take over are...weak. They have no right to be called werewolves." Laharl looked down at his half changed hand and flexed it. "I myself maybe one of those werewolves. As a wolf....I thought about killing Leigh becuase I thought it would have been easy. I am ashamed to have even thought that." Laharl looked from his hand back to Edward. "But I didn't...there was something in her tone and her actions that stopped my plan and made me realize what I was doing was wrong." Larhal paused for a few moments. He felt as if he was opening himself up to this...dragon. This dragon could have killed him if he really wanted too, but he didn't. "I suppose the stories I was told, were not all true and that not all dragons are evil." Again, Laharl was silent, deep in thought. The he heard Edward's question. "I suppose we do."
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Post by Ancient »

Leigh listened as Edward and Laharl spoke. She was really close to Edward and if he chose to share his past with Laharl then Laharl must have potential even she didn't see. She looked to Edward and smiled lightly as Laharl decalred that he was starting to think that not all dragons were evil. She knew for a fact that Edward was good. Edward was her savior and friend. Edward had given her purpose. She looked to Laharl again. "You have learned very quickly. I think you have great potentail."
Last edited by Ancient on Thu May 03, 2007 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DayStar »

Edward watched as Laharl half changed his hand. Then looked back up at the werewolf before him. He was touched that this wolf felt something in him to be opening up to him, but he never truely let his gaurd down. As Laharl admited thinking about killing Leigh he nodded. He understood the beast's nature better than Laharl thought. He didn't come about hunting werewolves by chance or by birth. When Larhal spoke of how Leigh's tone made him change his mind he glanced to Leigh. Leigh was such a brave and strong person with a heart that was scared as deep as her back. Maybe even deeper. He nodded as Laharl admited the same. "Then that makes you allie if you so chose, but know this; Different you might be, but if it came down to killing you to protect Leigh I would do so." He looked at Laharl with an unreadable look and then nodded. Leigh's voice pulled him back to the world. Her voice was once that of a teacher soft, sweet and gentle. It always held those undertones to him for he remembered the woman she once had been. The woman he found and rescued. He hated that he helped turn her into whatever she may be now, but he realized that it was not his hand who tossed her into darkness, but her own aided with the help of a great white wolf.
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Post by BlackWolfDS »

Larharl turned to Leigh. "Thank you for believing in me....I haven't had anyone tell me that before." Again, Laharl felt the guilt pass over him, he felt as if these people were being nice to someone who didn't diserve it. Then Edward spoke of killing him if he tried to kill Leigh. "If it comes down to tring to kill either of should do it. I rather die a wolf, than live as a mindless beast bent on killing." Laharl again felt something, some emotion he couldn't place. He was happy that he had meet others that were searching for Hector as well, but at the same time....he was afraid for them. *What if I can't control myself next time? What if I kill inocent people? What if....I end up killing my friends?* The thoughts buzzed through Laharl's mind. He started feeling as if this would be a bad idea. If it did come down to it and he could still control a little bit of himself and he had the urge to hunt and kill them.... he would leave.
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Post by Ancient »

Leigh look to Larharl as he thanked her and just nodded. There was something decicive in that nod. She had made a choice to believe in Larharl and like it or not she was going to do just that. She seemed to follow his thoughts. "Don't worry it is possible to control the wolf. You just have to want to bad enough." She gently placed a hand on his shoulder the first contact she had dared make with anyone outside of Edward and her former life. She hoped to lend Larharl some of her strength as she stood there silent.
Last edited by Ancient on Thu May 03, 2007 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all art and science.-Albert Einstein
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Post by BlackWolfDS »

Laharl looked at Leigh's hand on his shoulder. He still felt distant from the two. Both of them have known each other for quite a while and he was new. How could he fit in? If he couldn't he might as well leave to live on his own terms and hunt for Hector on his own. He would not make that decision lightly. It would take a lot and he hoped it would never come to that. Once again Laharl found himself looking at Leigh. "I know...." A part of him felt....saddned that he would have to keep his true self locked away. The other part felt it necisary. He would keep the other side locked away for his friend's sake and his own.
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Post by DayStar »

Edward listened to Larharl's words and said nothing. He was always a quiet one not giving his trust easily and being hard on those closest to him. That had kept him a loner most of his life until he met and rescued Leigh. She had shown him that he didn't have to live life in isolation and had given him a purpose outside of destroying Hector forever. He watched as Leigh put a hand on Larharl's shoulder. Perhapse if Leigh could trust this werewolf he could too. Although, he may never openly show it for Larharl's own good. He wondered why he suddenly thought of not only Leigh's own good, but Larharl's as well. Since when did he claim protector of Larharl? He was sure the answer was to come in time.
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Post by Ancient »

As suddenly as she had placed her hand on his shoulder she removed it. She looked to Larharl. "Don't be saddned by this Larharl. Things are not always as difficult as they seem." She looked to Edward. "Edward, do you happen to know where Hector is located?" She looked to her savior once again for guidence. She had all the faith in the world in Edward. He had saved her from death and granted her life. Somehow he had become her most trusted mentor and only friend in a mer two years.
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Post by [arpegiuswolf] »

Moving among the trees alone was never a safe idea...but this lonely figure had given up on life too long ago to care about his safety. Wearing a long-sleve sweater with his hands in his pockets, a scarf wraped around his neck, he was ready for colder weather...Following the scents of other wolves, he hoped to find a place that would accept him instead of attacking him.

He was clearly homeless, wearing old torn-up clothing. His hair was dirty and matter, hiding his left eye from view. Shoes were stolen from some store...the look on his face was clearly unhappy and devoid of hope...overall, the boy seemed lost...
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Post by DayStar »

Edward heard Leigh's question and thought a moment. He was about to answer when he sensed something. He instantly drew his gun and pointed it towards the trees. "Who or whatever you are show yourself." He spoke in a commanding tone. The look on his face was serious and warrior like. Clearly he was expecting an attack.
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