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Re: ...may become a wolf when the Moonshine's bright...

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 6:54 pm
by Figarou
Scott Gardener wrote:Actually, alcohol is metabolized through the liver, and its metabolic end products are excreeted through the kidneys. And thus, the original premises about metabolic speed are still valid. (Remember that drinking alcohol in excess is well-known for contributing to cirrhosis.)
Oh, ok. Its good to know exactly what the body does when its getting rid of the alcohol. Thanks Doc!!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 1:50 pm
by Lunarwolf MoonPhaser
H'lo all an howlutations :)

New 'pup' here so m'still goin' over everythin' but thought I'd add m'2 cents ta this topic...

Speakin' as a werewolf m'self, I can attest ta the fact (at least in my case) that alchohol burns through m'system at a much faster pace... it takes more fer me ta feel even a 'buzz' while most'a m'human friends are barely able ta stand (which usually had me as the designated gaurdian, makin' sure everyone else got home safe) and I was usually still wired an out alone enjoyin' the night/early mornin's by m'self while everyone else was passed out.

I am VERY eager ta see 'Devoured' when it finally hits the screen! To me, so far, the werewolves of 'Van Helsing' looked most 'true to form' that I've seen in movies except they lacked tails (which was a bit of a dissappointment) I also love the construction of the werewolf fursuits done by Ysengrin of the Running Wolves (werewolves of Verdon Manor) and it looks like these Devoured Weres might be done along those lines (if that wolfpaw the director showed was any indication)

What I am wondering is will these werewolves be speaking?... admittedly I have not seen EVERY werewolf movie ever made but of the ones I have seen I've noticed that no werewolf ever speaks... which kind of leads people to assume that they can't speak in that form... I know I sure can! my voice may take on a different tone and some words may be a bit more difficult (for me) to pronounce but my 'human tongue' is still comprehensible for the most part.

I have seen some of Rowsby's CGI animations and think it'd be another great milestone to see (and hear) werewolves speaking in the movie. It would take some animatronics in the face to show the various emotions/movement but I've seen this done before in a few werewolf movies so I would think it woldn't be too much more difficult to have them actually saying something.

Well sorry fer goin' on like this... guess this ol' wuff's jus' jazzed about this whole thing... take care all an howls of loe an laughter to ya.

Lunarwolf MoonPhaser

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 2:18 pm
by Figarou
Lunarwolf MoonPhaser wrote:H'lo all an howlutations :)

New 'pup' here so m'still goin' over everythin' but thought I'd add m'2 cents ta this topic...

Speakin' as a werewolf m'self, I can attest ta the fact (at least in my case) that alchohol burns through m'system at a much faster pace... it takes more fer me ta feel even a 'buzz' while most'a m'human friends are barely able ta stand (which usually had me as the designated gaurdian, makin' sure everyone else got home safe) and I was usually still wired an out alone enjoyin' the night/early mornin's by m'self while everyone else was passed out.

Lunarwolf MoonPhaser


Just so you know, the body does NOT use the alcohol. Its NOT "burned" in the body. That has already been discussed.

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 2:47 pm
by Vuldari
Lunarwolf MoonPhaser wrote:H'lo all an howlutations :)

New 'pup' here so m'still goin' over everythin' but thought I'd add m'2 cents ta this topic...

Lunarwolf MoonPhaser
Hi...Ummm...gee, where do I start here?

First of all, GREETINGS "Lunarwolf MoonPhaser". :)

The answers to all your questions and more can be found if you do a bit, (read, ALOT), of reading and skim through ALL of the topics on the message board to see where we stand so far. We really appreciate if you don't drag topics off on a tangent or three when multiple topics allready exist on the subjects.

The film is no longer called "Devoured" but now "Freeborn".

The issue of if Werewolves should be able to speak in wolf form or not has been discussed, but I can't seem to find the right topic.

Finally, for general introductions, go over here...

As for you being a real Werewolf...I will have to take your word on that. :|

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 5:13 pm
by Lunarwolf MoonPhaser
My apologies...

firstly... what I'd meant by 'burns through m'system' wasn't meant as what the physical nature of alchohol so much as it's affects... that it would take me quite a bit more alchohol to consume before I would even begin to feel a 'buzz'... not so much as how my body processes or doesn't process it.

...and I had not meant ta dredge up subjects already hashed out... as I may've mentioned, I am new ta this forum and fer the most part was jus' tryin' ta wave a paw an join in... I had not read everyone's posts and as you say I will have ta read through them and I will...

Please forgive me if I hae inconvenienced anyone... I am a bit of a 'lonewolf' normally an I know I can be a lil' rough around the edges when it comes ta m'social skills. Thank you fer the adisory an I'll try ta keep more abreast'a things so's not ta step on any more footpads. fer the legitimacy'a m'claims... well... guess yer right about that... the choice of what'cha b'lieve and wether ya b'lieve will always be yers.. :shift:

Lunarwolf MoonPhaser

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 12:56 am
by Vuldari
That's allright LwMP... we all jumped in somewhat aquardly like that.

Don't worry about bringing up old topics...just try to find the right category (if it allready exists) and add to the discussion from there. There are so many aspects of the phenomenon that is "WereWolf", that if we don't try to stay organized, no one will know what is going on.

If you have an idea on how a WereWolfs fur should look, for example, browse through the thread names for a topic with an appropriate sounding name. (Ex: [Poll] What kind of fur/skin does a werewolf have? : ) Skim through it to see what has allready been said, and if you feel like you want to add something, GO FOR IT. We are all ears.

If you can't seem to find a topic that fits, but still feel you have an interesting idea to share, start a new thread.

That's Vuldari's forum etiquette 101. any pack members who are not drunk or buzzed on coconut have anything to add?

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 1:06 am
by Figarou
Vuldari wrote:

If you have an idea on how a WereWolfs fur should look, for example, browse through the thread names for a topic with an appropriate sounding name.

That's Vuldari's forum etiquette 101. any pack members who are not drunk or buzzed on coconut have anything to add?

Buzzed? Coconut? Fur?

Which side of the werewolf has the most fur?

The outside!!


Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 4:48 pm
by Kzinistzerg
:D I think that werewolf needs to stop consuming coconut...

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 2:40 pm
by What Mafia

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 2:49 pm
by Figarou

Irish werewolves celebrating St. Patrick's day.

Thats a good one!! :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:03 pm
by Aki

Good one... :D

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:38 pm
by Blade-of-the-Moon
Heh, pretty much exactly what I pictured from that White Wolf desc. .... :lol:

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:48 am
by What Mafia
Figarou wrote:Image

^ :lol: ^

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:01 pm
by Kzinistzerg
That's an awesome image.