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Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:23 am
by Lupin
Kaebora wrote:I think I get the harddrive joke. When they say a HD is 600MB... its really less than that. The measurement for a bite is inacurate to put into whole numbers, but they do it anyway, rounding it up to the nearest hundred for selling the product. It is difficult to make a mass produced drive hold the exact same amount of data as the others of the same model.
Acutally the joke is that a very very long time ago my mac calculated the size of Hard drives in KB, so when I saw that it was ~110,100,480 bytes, I accidently miscalculated it as "10MB" instead of "100MB" and named it "Nick's 10MB Hard Drive".

Eventually I corrected my mistake.
I have nothing better to name the drive currently , so it's named that.
I'm noticing that a lot of you have this GIMP program. Why not go the extra mile and get Photoshop? Tons more features, and I use most of them. I've had version 7.0 for ages. If not PS, why not Corel Draw? That program is exellent with a graphics pad.
Photoshop is $649 to buy new. That's a week's worth of work for me. On the other hand, The GIMP is free. I understand why people use it. (Personally I don't like the interface.)

And Windows is better in many ways. Just the same, MacOS is better in many ways. They are both flawed systems anyways. No OS is perfect. I have noticed that people tend to be close minded about using other OS's. I've learned multiple platforms so I can sell myself to more companies. If a hireing art company uses Macs... tell them you love the Mac, and will enjoy working with it. If they use Windows, Microsoft is your new pal. Love the Start button.
I actually find it amusing that I work for a company that produces software for Windows, and I'm moving off of it totally by the end of the year. The only machine I have that runs it now is my laptop.
If I could afford it, I'd upgrade to Photoshop CS3 for the new website building tools, automatic image mapping, and automatic panorama arranger.
That's actually what I used to produce my desktop background picture.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:18 am
by Vuldari
I don't do Image editing professionally. GIMP has more features than I even know how to use, and what I do know how to do with it already exceeds my requirements most of the time.

$600+ for a program that I only use to color things in, and cut and paste images together, or make little animations would just be ludicrous.
(That's more than I make in two-weeks, at my 40hr-wk job.)

...why would I want to pay all that money for a program with 6035 extra features I will never use? ...bragging rights?

If I ever need or plan to start making money off of my Imaging Projects, a large investment in a program like that would begin to make sense. Otherwise...GIMP does everything I want it to do, and more, for FREE.

Nuff said...

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:54 am
by lupine
My Computers playing up at the moment, with a couple of programs refusing to work (Quicktime and Adobe photoshop) so for some reason I can't get my wallpapers up on here. What I can do tho is try and post the pics that cycle through as my background.


Phew!!! it worked!

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:29 am
by lupine
OOPS! strretched the page a bit...Sorry :wolfsheepclothing:

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:19 am
by psiguy
Kaebora - It's the ease of use that I have with The Gimp that I can actually digitally ink sketches. I have to really love its color to alpha function as it is a great way to set up a digitally layered sketch.

But besides that, I admire the philosophy of open source software. Sure, being open source usually means that you can obtain the product for free, but that is just icing on the cake. Some great open-source softare is usually packaged with a helpfull and caring community. So if you do have any problems with the said piece of software, you'll recieve the help you need. And as for the software... Its EULA does not enroach on the privacy of the end user unlike some software that supports DRM. Also, Open-Source software enables the end user to have choices and allows them to freely do what they want to do with it. I could for instance, send The Gimp , Blender3d, and Inkscape to everyone in this forum. Will I see the FBI at my door for doing such an act? NO. Whereas, if you sent all of us Adobe Photoshop, just hope you don't get caught by "Jonny Law" else you become "Bubba's little B*#@h". 8)

Everyone - I'm changing my linux desktop now. Instead of using XFCE as my window manager using a mere hardly any of my 256 megs of ram, I would like to use the Gnome window manager with XGL+Beryl for a whopping total of 13 megs of my ram. I also have vectorised the background image used in my windows desktop and am using that for the background in my linux desktop.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:59 am
by MoonKit
lupine wrote:OOPS! strretched the page a bit...Sorry :wolfsheepclothing:
Are those your dogs? They're cute!

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:24 am
by nachoboy
yeah, those are some cute dogs! i mean, look at the lil one with snow all over its face! haha!

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:54 pm
by Kaebora
psiguy wrote:But besides that, I admire the philosophy of open source software. Sure, being open source usually means that you can obtain the product for free, but that is just icing on the cake. Some great open-source softare is usually packaged with a helpfull and caring community. So if you do have any problems with the said piece of software, you'll recieve the help you need. And as for the software... Its EULA does not enroach on the privacy of the end user unlike some software that supports DRM. Also, Open-Source software enables the end user to have choices and allows them to freely do what they want to do with it. I could for instance, send The Gimp , Blender3d, and Inkscape to everyone in this forum. Will I see the FBI at my door for doing such an act? NO. Whereas, if you sent all of us Adobe Photoshop, just hope you don't get caught by "Jonny Law" else you become "Bubba's little B*#@h". 8)
Actually, all you just said about GIMP applies to Photoshop. If you buy the program, thus getting your own product key for proof, you can use it commercially without legal implications. The PS community is huge. I've recieved help from professionals that work "in the field" with the program at some forums. There are definately more useful plug-ins for it as well. As far as privacy goes, you don't have to register if you don't want to, but then you wont get the free upgrades to your version of Adobe's program. It all comes down to what you expect out of your image program. If you can do everything you need to with GIMP, stick with it. If GIMP is lacking functions that make some tasks very hard, or if you want to work on a professional level, Photoshop is a good choice.

Lots of doggie snow pics lately! :D Any more desktops today?

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:37 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
My new Desktop :jester:


Done by one of my DA friends :jester:

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:59 pm
by lupine
MoonKit wrote:
Are those your dogs? They're cute!
Yeah The big gorgeous one is called Duke

And the little Werepup is called Mishka, looking particularly christmassy in this photo i'm sure you'll agree

This ones part of my slideshow too!

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:07 pm
by psiguy
Joker Wolf - Thought you might do that. I like the image too. You really have some professional artists as friends. ^_^

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:10 pm
by nachoboy
Kaebora wrote:Actually, all you just said about GIMP applies to Photoshop. If you buy the program, thus getting your own product key for proof, you can use it commercially without legal implications. The PS community is huge. I've recieved help from professionals that work "in the field" with the program at some forums. There are definately more useful plug-ins for it as well. As far as privacy goes, you don't have to register if you don't want to, but then you wont get the free upgrades to your version of Adobe's program. It all comes down to what you expect out of your image program. If you can do everything you need to with GIMP, stick with it. If GIMP is lacking functions that make some tasks very hard, or if you want to work on a professional level, Photoshop is a good choice.
actually, kaebora, if you get GIMPshop to go with GIMP, it basically turns the whole interface in that of photoshop but it's still free. it does more, too, as far as i understand it, but i haven't used it much yet.

my pop teaches at my high school, so he has a compy, and it's a windows (sucky) because the district i'm in hates macs for no reason at all. but anyways, here's the desktop on that one.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:28 pm
by Lukas
here is my desktop!

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 3:18 pm
by psiguy
Lucas is quite the WW2 fanatic huh? That battleship looks pimpin sweet :D

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:14 pm
by Silverclaw
Since my computers down atm, and I'm on the libary's comp now; I'll just show you the link where my current desktop came from...

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:09 pm
by Lukas
psiguy wrote:Lucas is quite the WW2 fanatic huh? That battleship looks pimpin sweet :D
its happening again, there spelling lukas with a C! nooooooooooooooooooooo :lol: but yeah im a WW2 buff, thats teh battleship bismarck by the way

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 10:15 am
by Fang
:o Ha! Thought so *Gloats* :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:33 pm
by lupine
Fairdoos, that's one tooled up canoe. :D

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 11:36 pm
by psiguy
Ok. Here is an update on my Linux partition. It is Ubuntu Edgy 6.10 with an xgl + Beryl window manager ( I <3 it!!!)
The background image was off of Google's image search for huskies. (I love that breed of dog) and was vectorized using Inkscape.


...And here is the Xgl+Beryl window manager in action. Simply moving the cursor to the lower left corner of the screen, I can actively switch between applications regardless of what virtual desktop it resides in.


Isn't it sweet? I Soooo had to post this. 8)

Show off what's on your desktop!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:53 pm
by captdecoy
Here's mine.


BTW, the picture is in my werewolf themed desktop collection if you want it (along with allot of other cool and rare pictures) ... 41JIM2GNVV

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 3:05 pm
by Spongy
Here's mine :3


Edit: Aw crud, it stretched the board. Hope you guys don't mind.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:43 pm
by Xiroteus
For this week -


I change it every few days, I just changed it to this - ... bb2f_b.jpg

I like a simplistic desktop.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:00 pm
by CimaKenzo

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:05 pm
by wolf4life

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:27 am
by vrikasatma

I have a Goldie desktop, too, I just like to mix 'em up every now and again. I cycle between her, the <i>Fountain</i> Temple and Throne Room, the standard B&W Mac photo of the lightning storm, and Bev Doolittle.