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Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:32 am
by Furya
Windracer spoke to the werewolf for the first time, but not daring to change to her human form {to avoid scaring the real horses}, "i am noone's wild or tamed pet. i am a werehorse. my kind is very very rare. especially because no werehorse is bitten, we're all born. my mother was killed by a tribe of werecougars long ago, and i have no idea where or who my father is."

The black mare looked towards the herd {which had now forgotten their danger and were munching on the grass} and snorted softly, satisfied that they were safe. she suddenly reared up on her hind legs, shrieked for no reason at all, and took off running at full speed across the meadow. she laughed wildly.

the herd looked up at the sound of the comotion, but did nothing. Bel'rah snorted, rolled his eyes, and shook his head. He was used to this, as Windracer was unpredictable and odd. reall horses didn't run around like foals right after a battle, even one over a mare, but werehorses loved to celebrate. And Windracer loved running.

Windracer soon tired of running around like an idiot, and walked back to the herd. Running always made her feel better if she was scared, or bored.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 6:24 am
by DayStar
Darla had come down from the tree to remount her horse. She then saw a familiar black horse running around and celebrating. She laughed a bit. She returned Finn's wave and rode over to him. "As she said she is noone's horse." She laughed a bit. Her laugh was musical and light. She looked at Finn and could tell exactally what he was. "And what brings you here?" She could tell he wasn't agressive, but she was always weary for humans too had fallen prey to the wolf.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:46 am
by Furya
Windracer loped away from the herd. She wasn't leaving forever, just off to think by herself. She remembered the day she'd lost her parents and her herd. she was supposed to be the princess, the King's firstborn and heir to the herd. Werehorse herd were led by a king, queen, and the heir {which could be male or female}. but while out foraging in midwinter one year far from the herd, three werecougar scouts found her parents to be prized meat for some winter feast of theirs. Windracer had barely escaped, lucky to have been grazing upon a branch of unfallen maple leaves that were close to the ground. She had run for days, and was found by the white mare, Bel'rah's mate: Winterfoal {she'd been born early, at her mother's death}. Winterfoal was kind to her, though knowing what she was, and had convinced Bel'rah to spare her and give her home with the herd.

The winds shifted, and Windracer caught a familiar scent. The Werecougars were on the prowl again. but so late past winter? something was wrong! The herd may very well be in danger again, and the human and werewolf too! Finn was strong even for a werewolf, but no werewolf was ever a match for the Cougars on a one on one fight, let alone him against what now appeared to be the entire tribe.

Windracer bolted away, back to the herd, to warn them. The Cougars had been acting strangly lately. She'd heard from her friend, Firewings {a phoenix}, of crimes now done by the Cougars upon vilages of man. Now they were here in her own adopted homeland, threatening all she loved. When Darla was in sight, she shouted, "Darla! Tell Finn to move out! The herd is in danger, and neither he and bel'rah even with my help can fight this threat. Werecougars are attacking human villages and now they approach our herd!"

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:34 pm
by DayStar
(Sorry if I confused everyone I posted for my sister because she couldn't get back online when the site kicked her off. I'm sorry for the confusion. I also sent a PM to Furya about the role play too. I thinkk Ancient shall return under her name now. Once again I'm sorry for not explaining right away. I just realized how weird it seemed.- King)

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:51 pm
by Ancient
Darla looked up as Windracer shouted at her. She instantly understood the threat of cougars especial werecougars. She looked to Finn. "Sir, we are in danger. There are werecougars approaching. They are attacking the villages of man and are out for blood. Please do take caution and move out at great speed." She looked to Windracer. "Windracer, take Swiftlegs (A young mare horse that was noted for her great speed) and gather the foals. We have to get the heard together and up into the mountains to safety." She spoke to Winterfoal the horse she rode. "Winter, you have been my friend always. Now, is the time to make haste to the rocky past towards the river. The werecougars will not follow us there. But, first we must gather the heard." She took off riding through the middle of the heard. "Brother and sister horses you must follow me and Windracer! Your lives depend on it!" She spoke to the heard in horse language. She cast a glance to Windracer to see how she was coming along.

OOC: AH HA! The library computer lets me back on. Thank you Day Star for posting and asking that question for me. Yeah, I hope it didn't confuse everyone. *Pokes King* I told him to explain, but I think he just forgot to BEFORE he posted. :P :lol: Anyway, I'm back now folks. EOOC

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:53 pm
by Kirk Hammett
(There's a lot here for me to read, and I have to get off, I just got home from work, am tired and need to eat, and I need to race back out to Alyce's house to sort out this jacket we're making and cook some dinner. What pisses me off is people have just taken over my house and won't get out. :x

I will try and post tomorrow, if Im preoccupied, Im sorry, I am just really, really busy of late. Don't kill me please! :cry: )

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:42 am
by Furya
(noone's going to kill you, kirk. and if they try, i'll hunt them down for you. i'm in that "out for blood" mood myself anyway. there was no confusion daystar. i didn't even catch.

Windracer spoke to Swiftlegs (she could speak horse too. {werehorses and real horses spoke different languages}), "gather the foals, and warn Bel'rah and Finn. There's Great Cats (what horses called cougars) out there that are not true Great Cats, just as i am a horse who is not a true horse. They mean much danger and harm to all who stand in their path."

Swiftlegs raced away to gather the foals with a look of wild fear in her eyes.

Windracer stayed at the back of the herd, looking out for Cougars. She would take rear guard. Looking up, she saw a familiar shape swooping down. a phoenix. Firewings!

"WereCats approaching, Windracer, about thirteen miles south." He screeched to her.

"i've already warned the herd." Windracer said. "but alone wwe are no match!"

"the phoenix clans have been attacked. young are missing, eggs smshed! But they dare not steal into our nests in daylight, for they fare with little luck against a fully-grown phoenix", he said when he landed next to her. he stood up to her shoulders, bigger than any eagle alive. "The phoenix Mother-" (thats what they call their leader {who is always a female}) "-Belflare, is preparing war against the WereCats. Maybe we can help you."

Windracer watched her friend fly away, probably to report to Belflare, and now turned to the herd. All foals and most mares had been led away by swiftlegs, and the warriors were practicing battle.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:53 pm
by Kirk Hammett
(To be honest guys, I'm so lost Ive lost inspiration. :( )

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:34 am
by Ancient
OOC: I've hit a huge writers block myself. Although, I do still like the idea. :( It's sad when these things happen. EOOC

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:22 am
by Furya
(so, what, were quitting? come 'on it's getting interesting! a war between werecougars and the horses werewolveas and phoenixes, you can't drop out! please dont! :cry: )

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:21 am
by Kirk Hammett
(You guys can continue. Im sorry Furya, Ancient, I have also got writer's block, I've been going to a LOT of music concerts, I've been working, I've been very busy with the household and I lost track of the roleplay so fast I just lost the plot entirely and no idea how to jump in. :cry: Serious apologies! I just didn't get on fast enough and way too many replies to get through)

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:01 am
by Furya
i'm backing out too then. not enough people playing.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:41 pm
by Kirk Hammett
(Im still on Hidden Past, however.)

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:02 am
by Furya
i know. :D