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Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:22 pm
by PariahPoet
Miragh- yeah, I guess the increased healing is good most of the time but it can be an annoyance when it comes to cosmetic scarring.

I've never really tried much in the way of interferance to keep them. Mostly because my family and friends know about my past "bad habits" and would get suspicious if I had a persistant bandage given my usual healing time. (I prefer to keep things sterile. My mate's mother is a nurse and I've heard all sorts of infection horror stories... O_O)

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 5:50 am
by Silverfang
Merp, I wouldn't go as far as to get parts of my skin cut out :P But I've always liked that design that Goldenwolf did, IF and when i had the money to, I'd try and get it tattooed on my right shoulder :D

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:48 am
by Miragh
PariahPoet wrote:Miragh- yeah, I guess the increased healing is good most of the time but it can be an annoyance when it comes to cosmetic scarring.
Fair enough :D
PariahPoet wrote:I've never really tried much in the way of interferance to keep them. Mostly because my family and friends know about my past "bad habits" and would get suspicious if I had a persistant bandage given my usual healing time. (I prefer to keep things sterile. My mate's mother is a nurse and I've heard all sorts of infection horror stories... O_O)
Hrm, to avoid any suspicion or rash conclusion you would have to explain why, considered the meaning and use, the cutting is not much different than a tattoo (despite the obvious process) and why it doesn't have anything to do with your past 'bad habits'.

And don't get scared away from those stories. Of course there is no 100% guarantee but given the proper caution and tools, you can make an infection rather unlikely.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 2:09 pm
by Kaebora
Z wrote:
Kaebora wrote:Some of that I find to be genuinely scarey. I'm one whom is against even a small tatoo. Knowing that people would willingly mutilate their bodies like that really makes me ask, why? There is no conceiveable reason to have that done. Sure, it is cosmetic with no medical advantage to it, but having to endure so much pain just to obtain a look that repulses 90% of the world? I will never understand it. Especially the stitchings.
well the pain is part of reason of gettin it done, regarding scaring and piercings at least. if u dont understand the good pain can have, then no u will never ever know y ppl get body modifications.

sum ppl get a high off of pain, others need pain to remind them they r alive. still others want proof to others that physical pain aint s*** to them. these reason could be subconsious as well.

so in the end, the real question, as always, is "why not"
The only purpose pain was ment to serve, is a physical response telling your body that there is damage. Personally, I find it a bit disturbing how people can interpret it any other way. Well, to each his own. The only thing I am completely against, is people cutting themselves for reasons of depression. That falls under something other than body art, so that's best left for another conversation.

This subject is making me queasy. I'd better leave this thread alone before someone smites me. :|

And now... here's a wolf with a duckie on his head.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:45 pm
by Fenrir
omg those folds of skin THAT IS DISGUSTING THEY LOOK LIKE LEACHES OR WORMS, ew :sickpup:

It's pretty, but it weakens the skin on your back and since it is gone if you get cut or something there it could lead to some bad bleading, or if it hits the wrong place something getting on your spinal corde, it's just not worth it in my oppinion.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:32 pm
by Aki
The result is pretty, but the process...well it wasn't so bad until I saw the peeled skin. Looked like bloody onion skins, yuck.

Personally, I'd prefer a tattoo. I'm not one for pain. Or carving parts of my flesh of to create a design. Of course, if anyone else wants to, I could care less. Whatever works.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:23 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Fenrir wrote:omg those folds of skin THAT IS DISGUSTING THEY LOOK LIKE LEACHES OR WORMS, ew :sickpup:

It's pretty, but it weakens the skin on your back and since it is gone if you get cut or something there it could lead to some bad bleading, or if it hits the wrong place something getting on your spinal corde, it's just not worth it in my oppinion.
You got that right, its one thing to have a tattoo, but its a whole other thing to have the skin of your back to be peeled off like that. Bleh. :P

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:08 pm
by PariahPoet
Kaebora wrote:
The only purpose pain was ment to serve, is a physical response telling your body that there is damage. Personally, I find it a bit disturbing how people can interpret it any other way. Well, to each his own. The only thing I am completely against, is people cutting themselves for reasons of depression. That falls under something other than body art, so that's best left for another conversation.

This subject is making me queasy. I'd better leave this thread alone before someone smites me. :|

And now... here's a wolf with a duckie on his head.
Well whether you are against it or not, it helps. (for the aforementioned reasons)
Just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean thatit doesn't help others of us.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:48 pm
by navalagVLK
Man, body modifications such as the ones posted (Stitching, "Scarification", and such..) intrigue me to no end.

I think they make a person look far more interesting. It's something I've wanted to do myself, but there's many disadvantages to it in terms of the business world and such. Employers don't like it when their potential employees look groovy.
And if someone doesn't like your appearance, it can have repercussions on how much success one might have with a particular group, and closing 'windows' is never a good plan 8)

Bleh. The worst I'd go for is something wolfy tattooed somewhere, and a few piercings in my ears/lip.

I could never do some of that scarring stuff, it looks so.... Incredibly painful! (I admit it, I'm a damn wuss ;) ) Or the stitching. The stitching looks pretty groovy, but damn, how would one function like a normal person with parts of their bodies sewed up like that?

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:54 pm
by Terastas
I'm probably going to lie awake for the next week trying to imagine what the logic behind stitching is. Where the hell is the point of looking like a torture victim in a B horror movie? Body modifications are fine with me, but I fail to see the logic in something that interferes with your ability to function normally? How do those people talk, eat, etc. with their lips stitched shut?

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:22 am
by MoonKit
vrikasatma wrote:Got plenty enough scars just from going through life, thank you.
Well said. Scars are something you earn not something you do to yourself to make you feel pretty or special. Thats just crazy to rip up your entire back for cosmetic reasons. Its just as bad as having plastic surgery to make yourself "cooler" or "prettier". And why would you stitch up your mouth? Oh you poor tragic child. Lets all pitty you. Is that the impression youre trying to give us because I just think it looks stupid. How would you kiss?! Mutilating your body is stupid expecially in such extreme ways. Your body is your temple, or so the expression goes.

I didnt mean to offend, I just think that it highly stupid. Yes, cool, youre doing something outside the "norm" but you dont have to be a freak to be different. Why dont people understand that? :(

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:32 am
by Terastas
MoonKit has a point. There's a big difference between doing something to your body because you believe it looks good, and doing something to your body just to get attention. Stitching and other modifications that just make the recipient look mutilated strike me entirely as the latter.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:54 pm
by lupine
On the subject of stitching, I read an article a while back about a guy who basically tucks his privates up and stitches his skin around them to give the impression of female genitalia.. He was a practising transvestite, so I guess it was the closest he was gonna get without major surgery, but how bloody painful and uncomfortablle would that be?! And what if he was to get aroused? YIKES!

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:35 pm
by PariahPoet
MoonKit wrote: I didnt mean to offend, I just think that it highly stupid. Yes, cool, youre doing something outside the "norm" but you dont have to be a freak to be different. Why dont people understand that? :(
Actually that was rather offensive whether you meant it to be or not. But anytime you call someone's form of self-expression STUPID, it will offend. Just because it's not your thing does not give you the right to call other people crazy for doing it.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:21 am
by Terastas
I understand the act of protest, but here's the thing: protest is a form of attention-seeking. The cause can vary from person to person, but the bottom line is still that people only do this for the attention.

And no offense, but in my mind, it's people that have the drive required for fasting that do not need to stitch their lips shut. I can only think of two reasons why somebody would need to stitch their lips shut to refrain from eating, talking, etc. One is that they lack the willpower required to fast, and the other, more believable reason, is that they want everyone to know they are fasting. To me, having so much concern for whether or not people know and/or believe you are fasting seriously negates any spiritual and/or psychological value one could attain through it.

It's human nature to want attention, but you don't need to mutilate yourself to get it. I crave attention, but I'm trying to get mine by writing a book. That's just one of a million ways that you could get yours. :wink:

Re: Beautiful But Painful

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:32 am
by Sheba
lupine wrote:WARNING!!!

The following link may offend. If you are squeamish, please do not click the link.

All I can say is that the end results look absolutely awesome....But it must have hurt like HELL!!! ... icada.html

If I could stand it, I think i'd like one of this
All I have to say is OUCH!!! :jawdrop:

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:26 am
by PariahPoet
Terastas wrote: It's human nature to want attention, but you don't need to mutilate yourself to get it. I crave attention, but I'm trying to get mine by writing a book. That's just one of a million ways that you could get yours. :wink:
Why is writing a book a better form of attention-seeking than stitching? Why not let each person do his/her own thing?

And no- not all forms of self-harm are attention-seeking. I should know, psychology is my field and I am a recovering self-injurer. Please do not judge people when you can never understand their motivation.
Nobody criticizes you for writing a book, why are you jumping on us for doing our thing?

Well, actually stitching isn't my thing, I get my attention through fursuiting at conventions, but I defend others' right to do it without having to endure needless criticism. -_-
My philosophy is- If you aren't hurting anyone else by doing it and it makes you happy, go for it.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:43 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Yeah people come on..That's kinda harsh..Why jump on folks for wanting to do this? I used to cut an sometimes I still do..So shoot me..No one ever see it..I wear long sleeve shirts an even if I don't an people see it..Well I dun care..I cut cause it helps me personally..Releasing the pain from one part to another..Is that so bad as long as it doesn't kill you? So people get a charge out of pain an some people just want to be different..

Listen folks it doesn't matter what one wants to do with their body..It's their body..There maybe lots of people on here that might do this an by saying such things is down right rude an disrespectful..I would suggest you all to watch what you say, because you never know what you say could do to one who does this an is on here...Please be respectful from now on..

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:29 am
by MoonKit
Z wrote:
Terastas wrote:I'm probably going to lie awake for the next week trying to imagine what the logic behind stitching is. Where the hell is the point of looking like a torture victim in a B horror movie? Body modifications are fine with me, but I fail to see the logic in something that interferes with your ability to function normally? How do those people talk, eat, etc. with their lips stitched shut?
gettin your lips and/or eyes stiched shut is usually spiritual or psychological (many times used in protest to the horrible conditions many inmates are forced to endure in certain facilities, where they are held without charges). it is practiced to show determination, persistance, and extremely strong will, since fasting usually accompanies it. ppl that "dont understand" this usually dont have the drive, thus they are psychologically and maybe even physically and emotionally too weak to withstand the mental strength needed for such a practice.

so to answer ur question, these people do not talk (as that is part of the point of sewing ur mouth shut), and they only drink nessecary fluids. and also, THIS IS TEMPORARY. PEOPLE DO NOT PERMANTLY GET THIER EYES AND MOUTHS SHUT FOR LIFE.

Yeah I did read up on it but you can just as easily not talk or eat for a few days without stitching your lips. Its just unnessasary pain. And Im sorry if I believe that deliberatly hurting yourself is stupid but its a completly human concept. You dont see animals in the wild doing it. Your suposed to want to avoid pain and keep your body safe. People who deliberatly hurt themselves and get high off of it need help. I know cutters and they cut because they dont like themselves for serious reasons. In most casses of cutting, whether small slices with a knife or scarification, the individual is hurt and is crying out for help. And hurting themselves because they hate themselves is not the answer. Its not a healthy practice. :(

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:42 am
by PariahPoet
MoonKit wrote:You dont see animals in the wild doing it.
Animals do it as well. Granted it usually happens in captivity, but were it not instinctive, the behavior would not show up in any circumstance. There are many cases of animals committing suicide- especially among wolves. Often when a wolf loses its mate it will lose its will to live and refuse to eat or move around until it dies. Some monogamous birds to this as well when they lose their mate. I heard one account of a captive dove whose mate was found dead in the cage by the owner. When the person opened the cage door to remove the body, the remaining dove flew out and into the bathroom where it drowned itself in the toilet.
Now that said- cutting is not suicide, nor is it a failed suicide attempt, so how about examples of animals using pain in this manner? Caged monkies who have developed neurosis from being taken away from their mother too early will very often bang their heads on walls, bite, or pull out their fur. Cats or dogs under stress will pull out their own fur and scratch compulsively until they bleed. Just because they can't use a razor doesn't mean they aren't doing the exact same thing in the only way they are able.

Now you said you were aware that most of the time people cut because they are in emotional pain- in that case, do you really think you are helping that by repeatedly calling us STUPID!?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:43 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf

I am just going to say this once again..There are people on here including myself that may find it offensive, so please out of respect watch who u call stupid..It doesn't in fact bother me, but I see it is bother someone..

If you really want to see how many do this out there an how it's not JUST for attention check this... ... ification)

Realize this..When people do such things it's something they feel is right an as u see doing such things to ones body can have spiritual meaning, or used as a form of meditation..So again please be respectful an don't call it stupid..It's insulting an just rude.. :|

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 9:40 am
by MoonKit
Jeeze guys, calm down. I dont think I called anyone stupid. I said that the practice was stupid and unhealthy. And losing the will to live and hurting yourself deliberatly are two different things.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:42 am
by PariahPoet
I clearly stated in my previous post that self-harm and suicide are not the same. This is my field, remember?
Now-while saying someone's actions are stupid is not exactly the same as saying the person him/herself is stupid, the two are dangerously close. The implication is that stupid people make stupid decisions. Not to mention that is terribly judgemental. Would you be happy if I went around saying that liking/owning ferrets is completely stupid?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:45 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Moonkit..The point I am trying to get YOU to understand that you calling this stupid is offensive so I suggest you cool it with that word..I don't want this thread turning ugly as it seems to be heading that way..

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 4:03 pm
by Kaebora
Cutting oneself is considered a psychological problem. This has been made clear to me by my (nearly completed) minor in Psycology/Sociology. For one, it poses a physical threat to the one harming him/herself. Infection, tetinus, excessive bleeding, and cutting major veins/arteries/nerves pose a serious risk. Assuming the one doing the cutting is NOT a doctor, they won't know how to cut themselves without doing such harm. This also poses a psychological problem. Because they feel that they can do it without incident, they don't stop, and increase their risk of doing serious damage.

Also, they feel that it has an effect on their emotional responses. This is merely a state of mind. Cutting the flesh does not releive any kind of emotional pain, because the emotional and the physical are not linked in pain. It has been proven to releive mental stress, but only because it temporarilly diverts the body's focus from emtional stress to physical stress. Cutting only diverts the mind's attention away from emotional problems, and onto the physical pain. The fact remains that the person still needs to face the problems they are experiancing, but they use cutting as an escape. When a person is cutting for emotional reasons, seeking counciling is mandatory.

It's safe to say that interpreting pain as pleasure is not a mental problem in itself. It's getting addicted to it. It's one of the more difficult disorders to treat due to how stubburn the patients typically feel about it. They feel safe, but it's very dangerous to their health. As a friend, I would plead for any of you that do this to stop. My ex-girlfriend nearly bled to death by accident when she cut a vein in her upper forearm. That's how I found out about her habit. She never stopped doing it even when I begged her to, and she dumped me over her habit. "You can't accept me for who I am!" she said. Cutting yourself is not "who you are". It's a bad habit, like biting fingernails or picking your nose, except extremely bad for your overall health.

I can safely say I do not date women with this disorder because it is a turn-off, and mostly because it says alot about how weak their will power appears to be. Or it could be saying they are emotionally unstable, depending on the situation. I say this out of experiance, so don't get mad at me over what I feel is right.

Notice I did not call cutting oneself "stupid". The people that do have a reason to do it. It feels good. To them it is not stupid, but a kind of rush, or high. There are many reasons beyond that as well.

I am merely stating facts, and how I see it. I'm not going to force anyone to change, but I plead with those that do have this habit to stop and think about what they are doing.