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Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:55 pm
by Herpscott
White Paw wrote:
Herpscott wrote:
Morkulv wrote:Besides, I thought Figarou was our mascot? :lol:
Might as well be huh? :)
by default :lol:
Even if it were to go to a vote, Fig still would probably win... hwlwnk

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 3:00 pm
by White Paw
hell id vote for him :D

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 3:01 pm
by Herpscott
Me too!

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 3:02 pm
by White Paw
me three :D :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 3:41 pm
by Fenrir
White Paw wrote:hell id vote for him :D
Vote for whom?

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:50 am
by Kaebora
Herpscott wrote:
White Paw wrote:
Herpscott wrote:
Morkulv wrote:Besides, I thought Figarou was our mascot? :lol:
Might as well be huh? :)
by default :lol:
Even if it were to go to a vote, Fig still would probably win... hwlwnk
White Paw wrote:hell id vote for him :D
Herpscott wrote:Me too!
White Paw wrote:me three :D :lol:
Me four.

If only people wouldn't get jelous and make Figarou nervous due to the fact. That's what happened when A.B. put Figarou's character up at the top of the forum. Nothing to be worried over. Fig deserves it.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:38 am
by Vuldari
Figarou wrote:hmmm......

The mascot can't look like anyone's character. A few was jealous of my character being up in the corner of the forum. (I ended up removing my character from there.)

I say have the mascot look like the smilies we are using. ---> :)
Kaebora wrote:I always figured The Pack symbol was enough. :| Creating a character to represent the pack kinda feels like belittleing everyone else. Thus, I'm somewhat opposed to the idea. My opinion could be swayed, but I still think a mascott is merely a symbol... which we have.
Teh_DarkJokerWolf wrote:Yeesh..that's too bad..I liked seeing Fig's charrie there after all he's done for the Pack..It's sad folks made such a fuss :mourn: so much for family love :P
Scott Gardener wrote:Jealousy? I rather liked having Figarou's character with the duckie slingshot aimed squarely at you in forced perspective. We did after all vote him Pack representative. The image of the gray-eared brown and white werewolf hurling duckies is one of the first things I think of when I contemplate silly things found on the Internet. It's as quitchy as "All your base are belong to us."
Kaebora wrote:That makes Figarou the "unofficial" mascott in my opinion.

For those of you with jelousy, remember. Figarou the wolf is a character. Figarou the person is real, but is not the wolf. Fig has already made it clear to me that his character is not his alter-ego/ fursona. Just a character, and a truely great one I might add. I still can't help but think they are one and the same sometimes.
MoonKit wrote:I liked Fig's character as the mascot. :D
Kaebora wrote:
Herpscott wrote:
White Paw wrote:
Herpscott wrote:
Morkulv wrote:Besides, I thought Figarou was our mascot? :lol:
Might as well be huh? :)
by default :lol:
Even if it were to go to a vote, Fig still would probably win... hwlwnk
White Paw wrote:hell id vote for him :D
Herpscott wrote:Me too!
White Paw wrote:me three :D :lol:
Me four.

If only people wouldn't get jelous and make Figarou nervous due to the fact. That's what happened when A.B. put Figarou's character up at the top of the forum. Nothing to be worried over. Fig deserves it.
Back when the Forum just came back online at the new domain, and the new forum skin was displayed with Figarou at the top, I protested it in threads that were since deleted when the old files were fully uploaded and the test threads were overwritten. It seems I started a mini-coup when I did that, and the scars seem to have remained, even if not everyone remembers where it started...though some clearly do.

It appears to me that I am the only reason why Figarou is NOT currently the Pack Mascot, and still on the head banner... or at least, I made the idea 'unacceptable'...
(No one is saying my name...protecting me from flaming perhaps...but I know that I am to blame for this)

Something in the back of my mind still tells me it might be a bad idea to put Figarous personal character, (derived from his actual RL name, combined with "Loup Garou"), as the figurehead of the whole global community, regardless of how much I may like him...though I struggle to explain exactly why I feel that way.

However, I am but one voice here, though I know I sometimes bark a little louder (so to speak) if the rest of THE PACK wants to appoint the Grey-Eared, Ducky tossing Werewolf as our official/unofficial mascot, I will not stand in the way any longer.

...I stand down...

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 4:31 am
by Figarou
I don't think it'll ever happen. So don't worry about it, Vuldari.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:51 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Vuldari your not the only one whos guilty :oops:
I also was a bit jealous and I know I wasnt the only one either. But I guess the whole Figarou on banner was just to sudden. I really dont like it when the forum changes too much. But right now I would like it if Figarous character would appear on the banner agien.

God I feel like Im the biggest a** in the entire forum. :(

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:02 pm
by White Paw
umm.... i hope i didnt start something bad....... did I? :(

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:20 pm
by Figarou didn't start anything bad, White Paw.

It's up to "The Pack" if they want a mascot or not. If my character ends up being the If not, it won't bother me one bit. This is something I wasn't expecting.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:51 pm
by White Paw
Figarou didn't start anything bad, White Paw.

It's up to "The Pack" if they want a mascot or not. If my character ends up being the If not, it won't bother me one bit. This is something I wasn't expecting.

ohh...o.k..... :| opinion still stands then.... :)

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:35 pm
by alphanubilus
Well I would vote for Fig! :D

Not as much as as Figarou himself, but because his character stands for the endearing traits of playful werewolfness that has made this site accessible for so many people. Also almost every artist on this board has had a crack on his character anyway. It was Fig that got the duck thing started too...

I vote for the Figarou Wolf. :P

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:38 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Indeed me too.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 10:01 pm
by Kaebora
For the record, I never said you did anything Vuldari. In fact, I never knew who was opposed to the idea until now. :| Sorry to conjure up stuff like that, but it wasn't intentionally directed at you.

This forum seems to run on a democratic system though. I vote Figarou (the character) for the mascott, but I don't think much will happen if he wins. I still say that we the members visually represent The Pack just as well.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:51 pm
by Figarou
Ok....I added a poll to see if "The Pack" wants a mascot or not.

If "The Pack" does want a mascot, the next poll will feature my character.

In 2 weeks, look for this poll.

"Do you want Figarou as the mascot?"

If no one wants my character as the mascot, then suggestions needs to be made as to what type of character is needed to be the mascot.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:02 pm
by White Paw
i vote yes and im proud to say so :) :howl:  :oo

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:43 pm
by outwarddoodles
Meh, I'm not incredibly big on the idea of a mascot myself. We're a pack; we can't sum up each and everyone of us into one character, or several for that matter. Creating a mascot seems like a hassle to me, anyway. We're not all going to be able ot agree on what we want, and somebody's going to be left not liking it.

Though, I'm also not completely against it. I understand we do have a little Figarou-following going on, and I do think if anything he would make a perfect mascot (even if unofficial.). I do not mind at all seeing his character around here.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:59 pm
by Fenrir
White Paw wrote:
Herpscott wrote:
Morkulv wrote:Besides, I thought Figarou was our mascot? :lol:
Might as well be huh? :)
by default :lol:
How so? Fig is nothing more than a member (with MAJOR benifits) he is by no means a representation of the pack, I do not want his choices to be a direct representation of me or the Pack, because he is human, and by nature, humans make errors, so If we do make a mascott, which I'am not so sure that we should have one, that it should be a third party, nothing based on a single character, but something that represents the pack as a whole, somewhat like the duckie idea.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:02 am
by Figarou
Fenrir wrote:
How so? Fig is nothing more than a member (with MAJOR benifits) he is by no means a representation of the pack, I do not want his choices to be a direct representation of me or the Pack, because he is human, and by nature, humans make errors, so If we do make a mascott, which I'am not so sure that we should have one, that it should be a third party, nothing based on a single character, but something that represents the pack as a whole, somewhat like the duckie idea.

<---- I think they are talking about my character being the mascot, not me.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:04 am
by Fenrir
Figarou wrote:
Fenrir wrote:
How so? Fig is nothing more than a member (with MAJOR benifits) he is by no means a representation of the pack, I do not want his choices to be a direct representation of me or the Pack, because he is human, and by nature, humans make errors, so If we do make a mascott, which I'am not so sure that we should have one, that it should be a third party, nothing based on a single character, but something that represents the pack as a whole, somewhat like the duckie idea.

I think they are talking about my character being the mascot, not me.
....The differance? You are your mascott here, it's YOUR character and YOURS alone, so by using your character, they would be using you.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:08 am
by Figarou
Fenrir wrote:
....The differance? You are your mascott here, it's YOUR character and YOURS alone, so by using your character, they would be using you. character is not my fursona/alter ego. Its not a representation of me.

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:11 am
by Kaebora
Fenrir wrote:....The differance? You are your mascott here, it's YOUR character and YOURS alone, so by using your character, they would be using you.
Not so. Fig isn't obsessed with duckies in real life, and isn't a werewolf. It's not a "fursona" or an alter-ego, but the character does seem to represent him when he is posting. Thus I can understand the confusion.

Anyways, I vote no. We need no mascott. For large groups of people, symbols are the best way to represent everyone. In this case, we have one. (The symbol I like to call "the sunbeam paw".) Although, it was fun to have Figarou in the upper corner like that awhile back.

Edit: Dang Fig you replied about the same time I was typing this. :o

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:25 am
by Figarou
Kaebora wrote:
Fenrir wrote:....The differance? You are your mascott here, it's YOUR character and YOURS alone, so by using your character, they would be using you.
Not so. Fig isn't obsessed with duckies in real life, and isn't a werewolf. It's not a "fursona" or an alter-ego, but the character does seem to represent him when he is posting. Thus I can understand the confusion.

Anyways, I vote no. We need no mascott. For large groups of people, symbols are the best way to represent everyone. In this case, we have one. (The symbol I like to call "the sunbeam paw".) Although, it was fun to have Figarou in the upper corner like that awhile back.

Edit: Dang Fig you replied about the same time I was typing this. :o said it better than I did. :D

I forgot to add that I'm not obsessed with duckies in real life, and not a real werewolf.

To me...its not important if we have a mascot or not. Even if people vote "yes" for having the mascot, and "yes" for my character to BE the mascot, I bet nothing will happen afterwards. Where is my character going to appear? Back in the corner of the forum again? As of right character is at a hidden link on the main page.

Just click the duckie near the bottom. :D

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:26 am
by Fenrir
Figarou wrote:
Fenrir wrote:
....The differance? You are your mascott here, it's YOUR character and YOURS alone, so by using your character, they would be using you. character is not my fursona/alter ego. Its not a representation of me. is it not a representation of you, I know it's not your fersona or whatever, but when people see a brown wolf with grey ears white hand and feet, they emediately think of you, because it is YOUR design, your picture representation. And if it doesn't represent you, why use it as an avitar? ??

and to Keabora, I voted no too, but I'am staunchly against using a packmemeber's avitar as the mascott for the whole pack.