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Re: Cameos

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:03 pm
by LightPaws
lupine wrote:
White Paw wrote: Uke:Yeah, someone who is willing to be squeezed into leather pants, abused by duck tosser, and die.

Some sort of Were-Livestock: Comic relief
Mmmmm...Leather pants....Abuse.....Sounds right up you street :lol:

And as for the livestock....BAAAAAA!!!
Cool! now I got a were-Donkey AND a were-sheep

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:25 pm
by Silverclaw
Cool! now I got a were-Donkey AND a were-sheep
lol, I almost forgot about Lupine :D You can just use his character then for that. So...yeah, nevermind :D

Re: Cameos

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:47 pm
by outwarddoodles
lupine wrote:And as for the livestock....BAAAAAA!!!
The were llama hasn't been prancing itself as much in the crowd as of late, but I can assure you she's still here, and definitely willing to join forces with a fellow ungulated friend Sheep.


Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:50 pm
by lupine
NURR...BAAA!!! Cool! What a team!!! No one could stop us!! :lol:

Re: Cameos

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:37 am
by White Paw
LightPaws wrote:
White Paw wrote:
LightPaws wrote:Well okay! Here it goes:

In the book I'm writing(The Pack :wink: ) I already have many characters for the main pack. However, there's also another pack in this story. Though they are only around from chapters 3-5, there are many of them and I don't have the time, nor the patience to come up with more weres. For those who are interested in getting a cameo appearance, post here with your Fursonna's description. Any names will be spin-offs of your screen names.
As this book was inspired by you guys, I felt it was only right that I put some of you guys in it. I will not do so without your permission, though.

Some stuff you should know:
The members of this pack are diverse, fun, insane, and possibly retarded. Their pack leader is named Anthony(named after my cousin, not AB)

Some spots that MUST be filled in:
Ducky Tosser: He doesn't have a name or description yet, but he's in there already.
Uke:Yeah, someone who is willing to be squeezed into leather pants, abused by duck tosser, and die.
Were-Reptiles: I need at least two.
Were-cats: Diverse pack. Not just wolves, but felines as well.
Musician: Someone who'll hit Duck Tosser on the head with an electric guitar during a melee fight.
Some sort of Were-Livestock: Comic relief

There are more spots, but these are the most important. If you are unsure on where this is going, E-mail me at and I'll send you a piece of the prolouge.
lol :lol: :evil: 8)
Is that a yes. Because a pack's not a pack without a b****.
HEY!!! Just cause im sub. doesnt make me an b****... :wink: :lol: :evil:

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:54 am
by Terastas
I don't know how you'd explain one of the werecats being blue, but feel free to name one of them Terastas or Truth Tiger in my honor. :D

Just let me know in advance if I have any lines.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:58 pm
by cumulusprotagonist
LightPaws wrote:
cumulusprotagonist wrote:Purple Doppleganger (The Ghost of Cumulus NOT cumulusprotagonist.)

All I can say is that you might regret it later if you don't. (Character becomes famous or whatnot...)

Maybe just make some silly refernce to a purple man or a purple wolf. If there is dialogue then the character has to be doppleganging, mimicking, and antagonizing another character.
Actually, in one scene, a pack member is actually scolding another wolf for trying to die his fur purple.
That is an excellent and subtle allusion.

Re: Cameos

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:40 pm
by Short Tail
LightPaws wrote:
White Paw wrote:
LightPaws wrote:Well okay! Here it goes:

In the book I'm writing(The Pack :wink: ) I already have many characters for the main pack. However, there's also another pack in this story. Though they are only around from chapters 3-5, there are many of them and I don't have the time, nor the patience to come up with more weres. For those who are interested in getting a cameo appearance, post here with your Fursonna's description. Any names will be spin-offs of your screen names.
As this book was inspired by you guys, I felt it was only right that I put some of you guys in it. I will not do so without your permission, though.

Some stuff you should know:
The members of this pack are diverse, fun, insane, and possibly retarded. Their pack leader is named Anthony(named after my cousin, not AB)

Some spots that MUST be filled in:
Ducky Tosser: He doesn't have a name or description yet, but he's in there already.
Uke:Yeah, someone who is willing to be squeezed into leather pants, abused by duck tosser, and die.
Were-Reptiles: I need at least two.
Were-cats: Diverse pack. Not just wolves, but felines as well.
Musician: Someone who'll hit Duck Tosser on the head with an electric guitar during a melee fight.
Some sort of Were-Livestock: Comic relief

There are more spots, but these are the most important. If you are unsure on where this is going, E-mail me at and I'll send you a piece of the prolouge.
lol :lol: :evil: 8)
Is that a yes. Because a pack's not a pack without a b****.
Too bad my character isnt a were. Good luck with the story and this should make for a very entetrtaining tail.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 5:01 pm
by Set
See no one's volunteered for a set of scales yet. If you'd rather have me for one of the reptiles, that's fine. I just hope it'd be something slightly fiercer than a were-turtle. :lol:

Aaand as for a description...not really much of one. You're going to be writing it anyway, and I have no idea what you want to do with any of the characters. So long as the one based on me is a slightly moody critter with red coloring somewhere, that's close enough for me.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:21 pm
by LightPaws
Set wrote:See no one's volunteered for a set of scales yet. If you'd rather have me for one of the reptiles, that's fine. I just hope it'd be something slightly fiercer than a were-turtle. :lol:

Aaand as for a description...not really much of one. You're going to be writing it anyway, and I have no idea what you want to do with any of the characters. So long as the one based on me is a slightly moody critter with red coloring somewhere, that's close enough for me.
actually, 3 or four have already gotten parts. Only one person volunteered for reptile, so I've got a Croc, But I'd seriously love to see people's reactions to a big, red weregecko. :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:37 pm
by Figarou
LightPaws wrote:
actually, 3 or four have already gotten parts. Only one person volunteered for reptile, so I've got a Croc, But I'd seriously love to see people's reactions to a big, red weregecko. :lol:

As long as its not trying to sell car insurance. :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:06 am
by ravaged_warrior
LightPaws wrote:But I'd seriously love to see people's reactions to a big, red weregecko.
I'm in!

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:27 pm
by Shadow Wulf
You can put my characters name as a bad guy for all I care. 8)
whos bad?