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Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:02 am
by Figarou
Doruk Golcu wrote:Awwwwwww, wook at dat fuzzy widdle cuddly werewo... *CHOMP* AAAAAAAAH!!! MY ARM!!!

Tried giving a werewolf a belly rub, Hmmm? :D

Terastas wrote: Like if Figarou was a fictional character of mine, he'd eventually wind up faced with a rubber duck with a "wet paint" sign on it. :lol: "Must. . . Resist. . . Urge to chuck. . .!"

Or else this will happen.


Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:09 am
by JoshuaMadoc
Templar wrote:
MattSullivan wrote:Exactly! Mouth full o teeth = cute!

And I will challenge ANYONE who says I can't draw an adult werewolf that's cute.
Okay, Matt. Since nobody's said it yet, let's see that.
I gladly accept this challenge. We'll both fight like gentlemen.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:18 am
by garouda
kitetsu wrote:
Templar wrote:
MattSullivan wrote:Exactly! Mouth full o teeth = cute!

And I will challenge ANYONE who says I can't draw an adult werewolf that's cute.
Okay, Matt. Since nobody's said it yet, let's see that.
I gladly accept this challenge. We'll both fight like gentlemen.
What ?

What ?

Not gonna settle this like werewolves ?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:12 am
by KittyRose
Werewolves can be cute, if they don't look like overgrown rats or furless monkeys. Just give me a cute, fluffy werewolf and I could pet him all day :D

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:09 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
in my story, my main character lets his girlfriend pet him.
She thinks he's cute.
(Then again, she's a vampiress. She's also very beautiful.)
You have a crush on her, don't you?
(* No Comment *)
i knew it.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:30 pm
by Ceekur
Sure they can! The emotes we have are proof of that! :wiggle: :woof:

But seriously, it depends what the person considers as cute. A person who may have had a frightening experience with a dog as a child may grow up still in fear of them, and may also extend that to werewolves and not like them. Of course, that's not a common case. A person may just not care for canids and their definition of cute isn't even given a chance to be applied to werewolves.

As it was said previously in the topic, it not only depends on the individual, but the situation and the combination of these two as well. A werewolf gunning straight for you will probably make you wish you were anywhere but there. A werewolf cheerfully grinning at you (not because he's hungry) may look cute and pettable.

What also needs to be considered is how they are shown, as in are they realistic and drawn with paint, or are they like a cartoon character and drawn using those respective materials? Personally, I definitely feel they can look cute in either medium if they want to. However, I feel it takes more effort to focus the animation or picture on realism over cuteness, and so if they come out looking realistic AND cute (regardless if cute was a secondary focus or not) at the same time, then that's an added cute bonus that cannot be applied to cartoon werewolves.

Oh and on the subject of teeth and fangs, since they add realism, I feel they add to picture. So unless they're being used to kill somebody, they CAN add to the cuteness. :lol:

I've actually run into a fair number of pictures that had realistic and cute werewolves with visible fangs. I don't know if I'm allowed to link to them for exemplifying purposes without artist permission though.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:32 am
by Templar
garouda wrote:
kitetsu wrote:
Templar wrote:
MattSullivan wrote:Exactly! Mouth full o teeth = cute!

And I will challenge ANYONE who says I can't draw an adult werewolf that's cute.
Okay, Matt. Since nobody's said it yet, let's see that.
I gladly accept this challenge. We'll both fight like gentlemen.
What ?

What ?

Not gonna settle this like werewolves ?
Whoa, whoa, whoa....wait a minute...

First off, I ain't a werewolf (not exactly a gentleman, either).

Second, no offense, kit, but I wasn't talkin ta you. I'm hopin' ta see more Camp Lycanthrope art, even if it is ( :shudder: )..cute....

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:03 pm
by bar1scorpio
Well, in Peter is the Wolf, Peter, Jean and Rebecca all have noticeably smaller muzzles than the main adults... Thought he most 'stereotypical' wolves in the town pack are Gus Cramer and Walter Stubbe.

And as for the tummy rubbing...

We know what happens in PitW when you rub some male wolf's tummy, I think... that's why there are two versions of the strip. :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:41 pm
by RedEye
And remember: Sarah's mental vision of herself as Naga, the white serpent. Give her iris' and pupils and she's definitely cute.
Butch has possibilities, and Jean is "Kewt"...

Those of you who don't know what I'm referring to: White Lightning Publications "Peter is the Wolf". Give it a's drawn by none other than Bar-1! :wink:

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:10 am
by JoshuaMadoc
Templar wrote:Whoa, whoa, whoa....wait a minute...

First off, I ain't a werewolf (not exactly a gentleman, either).

Second, no offense, kit, but I wasn't talkin ta you. I'm hopin' ta see more Camp Lycanthrope art, even if it is ( :shudder: )..cute....
Not you. I wanted to challenge Matt. :I

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:22 am
by Doruk Golcu
Figarou wrote:
Doruk Golcu wrote:Awwwwwww, wook at dat fuzzy widdle cuddly werewo... *CHOMP* AAAAAAAAH!!! MY ARM!!!

Tried giving a werewolf a belly rub, Hmmm? :D

Yeah, they don't like it if you stroke against the fur :P

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 4:25 pm
by Templar
kitetsu wrote:
Templar wrote:Whoa, whoa, whoa....wait a minute...

First off, I ain't a werewolf (not exactly a gentleman, either).

Second, no offense, kit, but I wasn't talkin ta you. I'm hopin' ta see more Camp Lycanthrope art, even if it is ( :shudder: )..cute....
Not you. I wanted to challenge Matt. :I
Ah, I see. My bad. carry on, then...

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:19 pm
by Terastas
If you need an example of how a werewolf can just as easily be fearsome as cute, I recommend Goldenwolf's Den. She specifically has a few involving werewolves that are fierce but out of place or faced with an unconventional response ("I want to drink your. . . Beer?" for example).

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:10 pm
by MattSullivan
I'm not all that impressed with goldenwolf's art. All her wolves look the same. there's nothing distinctive about them.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:51 am
by Terastas
MattSullivan wrote:All her wolves look the same.
That's part of the reason I linked there. It's a great example of how a werewolf can be fearsome or cute all depending on their posture and/or facial expression. To make cute, just change the expression from "snarl" to "arou?"

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:49 pm
by RedEye
Terastas wrote:
MattSullivan wrote:All her wolves look the same.
That's part of the reason I linked there. It's a great example of how a werewolf can be fearsome or cute all depending on their posture and/or facial expression. To make cute, just change the expression from "snarl" to "arou?"
Or perhaps..."That beer's for me? Awww, you shouldn't have..."

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:40 am
by FoxOfWar
As stated numerously above in different ways, cute is in the eye of the beholder.

Case in point: my sis thinks these are "cute"


*shivers* But then again, whoever told my sister is more than the twisted kitty she says she is? *grin*

(I'm sure this was supposed to be more than a shamless plug to my sis's dA... but every then and again, I forget. Maybe I'll return to this.)

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:23 am
by Rhuen
The first one comes up file not found.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:26 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
I like golden wolf's art.
It was her work that inspired what my werewolf (in his head) looked like. Given, he's changed a lot sense then. but i refer to her site as the first "good" (depends on deff.) werewolf artwork site i've found. Anyway, She is a really good artist, and (suprisingly) i agree with the tiger (or as i like to call him "the overgrown house cat." Quote his story, speaking from a minotaur, to a lion.)
Shut up already.( :P )

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:32 pm
by MoonKit
Templar wrote:
MattSullivan wrote:Exactly! Mouth full o teeth = cute!

And I will challenge ANYONE who says I can't draw an adult werewolf that's cute.
Okay, Matt. Since nobody's said it yet, let's see that.
I agree! :evil:

And yes, I think a werewolf could be cute but not in the fuzzy. In the "hey I think he/shes cute" way. Does that count?

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 1:35 am
by RedEye
Every time I think "cute Werewolf" the thought of a baby Figarou comes to mind...when he just played with duckies, rather than throwing them. :lol:

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:15 am
by Figarou
RedEye wrote:Every time I think "cute Werewolf" the thought of a baby Figarou comes to mind...when he just played with duckies, rather than throwing them. :lol:
Oh...I still play with them. By tossing them at people. :grinp:

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:22 pm
by Kwipper
You as the question "Can a werewolf be cute"

I think this picture

and this one....

will answer that question with a resounding "YES"

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:43 am
by FoxOfWar
Kwipper wrote:You as the question "Can a werewolf be cute"

I think this picture

and this one....

will answer that question with a resounding "YES"
I would tend to agree *grin*

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 5:35 am
by Terastas
Kwipper wrote:You as the question "Can a werewolf be cute"

I think this picture

and this one....

will answer that question with a resounding "YES"
Is it me, or does it look like a werewolf infected a hamster? :grinp: