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Post by PariahPoet »

Keeper, you should really visit. They're open to everybody, no admission or anything. You could do like I did and stay a while to help out! :) I don't know how old you are if you have the means to travel by yourself, but that place isn't going anywhere. Captive born wolves will always need a home.
Staying there and meeting so many people who love the wolves really gave me more hope in humanity.
I gave probably upward of 50 tours to people while I was there and seeing the look on a kid's face when he/she met a real wolf face to face for the first time was just amazing. I really think that the people who want to see wolves thrive in the wild again far out-number the ignorant fools like that guy who wants to hunt them. I think that the reason so many people are afraid of them is because they are so like us.
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Post by WerewolfKeeper3 »

Agreed whole heartedly Pariah.
Unfortuanatly, i do not have the means to travel (Side nto from me: where is this place anyway? I know it's in your post, but i'd really like a deffinite local for it, just in case he ever gets the chance to go.)
But again, i am jealous as sin that you got to see them. I want to see wolves back in Pennsyvania where i live again, as i haven't seen one real wolf my entire life. (Besides pictures and that doesn't count. This really sucks.)
i know. Anyhow, thank you for posting this, and lifting my spirits a little too. :D
Sounds sappy i know, so forgive me. Stressed out right now for no apparent reason, and need to let off steam. Thanks again, and i'm waiting for the day when i hear a wolf howling somewhere in the distance in my own state. :howl:  :oo
No what you have are bullets in the hope that when your guns are empty I'm no longer standing. Because if I am, you'll all be before you've reloaded.
V, from V for Vendetta.

What a strange creature is man, that he cages himself so willingly?
-Athena from Appleseed (2004)
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