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Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 12:56 pm
by KitsuneKit
Enough talk now is the time for action where can I get a real tail?

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:33 pm
by Mr_Lycos
No tail for me. They have an adverse effect on balance in bipedal creatures.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:16 pm
by ChaosWolf
I think I had a tail once.

I have this odd scarring right at the base of my spine, slightly above my buttocks (exactly where a tail would be)m and I can definitely feel what seems like bone just under the scar-tissue, much like the limb of an amputee.

I've had the scar for as long as I can remember, and when I ask my folks about it, they can never give me a clear answer.

Between that, the natural pontiness of my nails, my fangs (not just large canines, but often-visible-with-my-mouth-closed fangs), profuse bodyhair, and other assorted oddities like my decidely carnivourous preferences towards meals (all good meals need meat!), I'm seriously wondering just what my parents are hiding from me... :shock: Hmm... :oops:

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 4:08 pm
by Tovam
Yeah, I'd love one :D

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:06 pm
by Mr_Lycos
I have this odd scarring right at the base of my spine, slightly above my buttocks (exactly where a tail would be)m and I can definitely feel what seems like bone just under the scar-tissue, much like the limb of an amputee.

I've had the scar for as long as I can remember, and when I ask my folks about it, they can never give me a clear answer.
Theres a technical name for it... and its pretty common. The "bone" your feeling is your tailbone, the end of your spinal column. Some people develop reoccuring subdermal cysts in the location of the "scar", so if you feel any discomfort in the area (kinda like the mother of all pimples), a dermatologist can fix it in a few minutes... nothing serious.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:01 pm
by Set
If you were born with a tail and it was surgically removable the doctors would just cut it off after you were born.

I'd want a tail I could do something with, prehensile would be best. But if I didn't feel like looking like a monkey a wolf's tail would be great. I'd want one that's somewhat long, I just feel I need a longer tail to help with my balance.

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:23 pm
by Vuldari
From a very young age, I have allways thought it strange that Humans don't have tails. Though I've never been able to come up with a good reason to have one, (and a thousand reasons Not to), I allways thought we should, regardless. It just feels like it should be there.

Although I would never have surgery done to get one, if I could magically Grow one some day, (and given that option, I Absolutely Would), I would want it to resemble a Canine tail. Either Wolf or Fox-like. ...very shaggy and soft, just long enough to brush the ground while standing straight, and with enough controll to be able to lift it off the ground and wrap it around my waist,(no hands), for those times when it just "gets in the way".

Tail or not to tail

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:29 am
by Silver
I'm more into a flexible schedule. Sometime tail, sometimes. not. Tails (especially wolf tails) are cool, expressive, and great balance enhancers. But how you gonna keep from showing things? Like wiehn your Uncle Mortimer, Mr. Perfect, makes a body noise at the dinner table? Your tail would start to wag like crazy even if you are trying not to laugh. And when your friend's Significant Other, who is annoying at heck, starts another of those "See how cool was" stories, that are most certainly not true - that tail won't wag appreciatively like your friend expects. It's rolld down because you know what a jerk the S. O. really is. And that'll make your friend upset.

Besides, how can I sit in my big ol comfy chair by the fire with my computer?

Besides, if I had a tail, I'd like the whole package. Supernoe, superears, great warm soft pretty coat, speed, teeth and a 'in yor worst nightmares' growl. I think I'd like to have it when I want it, and not when I don't.

Wait a minute, that's pretty close to werewolf, isn't it?

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 2:08 am
by ShadowFang
I would like to be able to make a growling rumble in my chest as well. Wonder what causes that?

Oh well, I'm with you Silver. This human skin just ain't cutting it. Not interesting. I'd go with the entire werewolf package.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 2:48 am
by Figarou
ShadowFang wrote:I would like to be able to make a growling rumble in my chest as well. Wonder what causes that? wait...thats my tummy doing that.

ShadowFang wrote:Oh well, I'm with you Silver. This human skin just ain't cutting it. Not interesting. I'd go with the entire werewolf package.

Silver wrote:I'm more into a flexible schedule. Sometime tail, sometimes. not. Tails (especially wolf tails) are cool, expressive, and great balance enhancers. But how you gonna keep from showing things? Like wiehn your Uncle Mortimer, Mr. Perfect, makes a body noise at the dinner table? Your tail would start to wag like crazy even if you are trying not to laugh. And when your friend's Significant Other, who is annoying at heck, starts another of those "See how cool was" stories, that are most certainly not true - that tail won't wag appreciatively like your friend expects. It's rolld down because you know what a jerk the S. O. really is. And that'll make your friend upset.

Besides, how can I sit in my big ol comfy chair by the fire with my computer?

Besides, if I had a tail, I'd like the whole package. Supernoe, superears, great warm soft pretty coat, speed, teeth and a 'in yor worst nightmares' growl. I think I'd like to have it when I want it, and not when I don't.

Wait a minute, that's pretty close to werewolf, isn't it?
Nope, you forgot digitigrade legs.


A Tail of Two Cities

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:24 pm
by Scott Gardener
So, I show up to work one day, wagging my furry tail behind me. I get a number of strange looks, wondering how I made it look so real. Then, they look outright astonished when they discover that it is indeed real. "You see," I explain, "there was this topic on a BBS on the Internet..."


I'm assuming the following: 1. The tail is not removable--you get it with all its pluses and minuses, 2. You can't upgrade to something more completely lupine (otherwise I'm there instead of here), and 3. it's an actual tail, with all the relevant vertebrae, blood flow, muscles, etc.

Yeah, put me down for one. A wolf's tail, too.


If you curl the hypothetical lupine tail forward instead of back, you can sit on it without worrying about chair backs or flexibility issues. I'd have to hide mine on one or the other side of my slacks by daylight.


It's possible that you may have had a vestigial remnant, though it's also possible that you had something else, such as a spina bifida corrected in infancy, shortly after birth. Why your parents would be secretive today I don't know, as it's not generally hereditary; it's just one of those things. But, all your other lupine aspects are a bit spooky. If you should undergo your first shapeshift, I got dibs on getting bitten! I'm sure you'll have a long line of us looking for you...

And, the human "tailbone" is the coccyx, which consists of a variable number, usually 2-5, vertebra, projecting off the end of the sacrum. In embryonic development, it is a full-blown tail, but most of it recedes and is absorbed by the twentieth week. (Embryologists measure everything in weeks; I'm 1700 weeks old this coming Wednesday.)

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:15 pm
by netherwurm
Have any of you seen the DragonballZ shows? There tails could be wrapped around there waist to keep them from getting in the way. Thats the kind of tail i would like. But it would have to be strong enough to pick up small objects or carry a bag of grocerys or something. A tail would have to be usefull for more than just looks or to exspress moods. I think i would rather have it look reptillian though.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 1:43 am
by What Mafia
Hmm...I'd like a bushy wolf tail, in browns, greys, and black. Or a nice long panther tail. Snow leopard tails are nice, but would probably get in the way. :lol:

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 3:41 pm
by Bete
If I were a werewolf, I'ld want a real tail, but in human form, nah, tails on humans are scarey like that one movie "Shallow Hal" or whatever it was called.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:16 pm
by Darkmoon
oh god..any rock climber would dream of a monkey tail...all of them are part monkey anyway.

Just think of the balance that would give you while climbing *drool*

Wolf tails are nice, but they are more for show..and on wolves, expression of emotion...

I'd take a nice long monkey tail anyday

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:20 pm
by Figarou
Darkmoon wrote:oh god..any rock climber would dream of a monkey tail...all of them are part monkey anyway.

Just think of the balance that would give you while climbing *drool*

Wolf tails are nice, but they are more for show..and on wolves, expression of emotion...

I'd take a nice long monkey tail anyday
hmmm...if you was climbing trees, I can see a use for a monkey tail, but rock climbing? Unless you can climb up rock walls like the werewolves in some hollywood films. *cough* Cursed *cough*


Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:36 pm
by Darkmoon
Unless you can climb up rock walls like the werewolves in some hollywood films. *cough* Cursed *cough*
yah I sometimes I can...nothing like dangling 80 ft up in the air about to climb upside down on an overhang... it's amazing what you can use to keep yourself on the rock... :D

but how people can climb up plaster/stone walls backwards *cough* Cursed/Van Helsing *cough* is beyond me....

Re: A Tail of Two Cities

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:56 pm
by Wyla
Scott Gardener wrote:In embryonic development, it is a full-blown tail, but most of it recedes and is absorbed by the twentieth week.
So. Is it possible with some inhumane amount of embryo tweaking to stop it receding, you could have a child born with a tail? >.>

Khan!!! Khan!!! Khan!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:40 pm
by Scott Gardener
In theory, genetic engineering could do it. It's a matter either of turning off the genes that cause the tail to be reabsorbed, or turning on the genes that keep the tail around. Getting it to grow fur and look wolfy would be a bit trickier.


Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:57 am
by KitsuneKit
Scott Gardener wrote:In theory, genetic engineering could do it. It's a matter either of turning off the genes that cause the tail to be reabsorbed, or turning on the genes that keep the tail around. Getting it to grow fur and look wolfy would be a bit trickier.
Well, if you where gonna use genetic engineering then you would have to do it before birth. And I think that giving your child a tail, because you want him to have one, is wrong. But who knows in the furture maybe they will invent Nanobots that can alter a person's physical makeup into anything they want. Worked on Batman Beyond.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:18 am
by Terastas
Knowing me, I wouldn't be able to resist a tiger tail, but the practical half (okay, more like the practical tenth) of me wouldn't get it unless it could match with the rest of me.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:07 pm
by Kzinistzerg
:lol: same... but i would have to be black and purple, too.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:12 pm
by Figarou
Terastas wrote:Knowing me, I wouldn't be able to resist a tiger tail, but the practical half (okay, more like the practical tenth) of me wouldn't get it unless it could match with the rest of me.

Everyone has thier tail preference. I'd like to have a wolf tail myself. Though I don't think it'll affect the balance of a bi-pedal werewolf.
Mr-Lycos wrote:No tail for me. They have an adverse effect on balance in bipedal creatures.
The tail is used for balance while running on all fours. Not for trying to balance your yourself on 2 legs. If that was the case, then how come we don't have tails for that purpose?

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:15 pm
by Kzinistzerg
tauilsa are also fro flying balance, to hold your weight and for propulsion; don't froget birds, woodpeckers, and se creatures... aso tails can be for attack, expressions, and show. (scorptions, some animals, peacokck, bird of paradise)

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:17 pm
by outwarddoodles
I find it a scary thought. Though a tail may be hard to resist its the reactions. How would I get a job, be respected, or not be teased if I had a nice tail behind me? It would really effect you.

And a puffy wolf tail is very hard to hide in even the poofiest of pants. :D
Though ears would be interesting.

What would be cool would be a spiderman 2 like deal, the one guy with 4 robotic arms. A wolf tail thats robotic, but stil controlled by my mind, and wil come off would be sweeto.

I'd stay with pillow cases tucked into my pants :D and costumes. Even though I never really made a costume I hope to in the future, I'll just be able to pull them on or off.