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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:42 pm
by wolf4life

He's like the Terminator in the jungle except you cant understand what he says

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 9:12 pm
by Set
What the...? Oh for Ra's sake...

Yeah. It's going to tank. Might have been decent if they tried something else (like the old toy line, with hybrid dinosaurs...the velociraptor/archaeopteryx was awesome, still have it even) but this is just stupid.

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:04 pm
by wolf4life
I heard they might come out with another toy story aswell

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:22 pm
by twirrlacurl
I liked Jurassic Park and The Lost World and hated the third one as well... why? Because there is no third book, or a fourth one for that matter. I watched those movies when I was younger and then I stumbled upon the 2 books by Michael Crichton in my basement. The books are much better than the movies obviously, they made Ian Malcolm seem so dim witted in the movies when he really was anything but. So why did the 3rd movie suck.. and why will the fourth one, because they have no book to base it off of.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:34 pm
by ravaged_warrior
twirrlacurl wrote:I liked Jurassic Park and The Lost World and hated the third one as well... why? Because there is no third book, or a fourth one for that matter. I watched those movies when I was younger and then I stumbled upon the 2 books by Michael Crichton in my basement. The books are much better than the movies obviously, they made Ian Malcolm seem so dim witted in the movies when he really was anything but. So why did the 3rd movie suck.. and why will the fourth one, because they have no book to base it off of.
I think it's more incompetence... Yeah, having a basic storyline helps, but I personally liked the Bond movies that not only strayed from the books (most of the ones that are based on books strayed very far from the source material) and the ones that weren't (haven't seen all of them, but I liked Goldeneye and License to Kill). It's when you get incompetent cash-ins that you have a failure of a movie.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:07 pm
by Silverclaw should at the very least stay true to the original spirit and tone of the first movie. :| The forth ones plot sounds like some cheesy far-out-there sci-fi movie that only comes on tv at 3 in the morning :P

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:33 pm
by nekocj
hmm actually I heard the 4th movie was going to based off the ending of the first book or something (or was it the second?) the dinos get off the island and onto the mainland where they find lycine in the crops 'n' stuff and they actually get Lex to help them out this time (not in the book as far as I know).

Indiana Jones 4 is also supposed to have Sean Connery in it, and Shia Lebeuf of Transformers, disturbia, and Constantine fame is supposed to play Indiana's son and the new adventurer so to speak. Might be good. All three movies were really good so we'll see.
