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Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:14 pm
by RedEye
Blood and Chocolate isn't perhaps the best example to use; in that it was so butchered up in the making of the film that is might as well have been based on an entirely different story.

You point is well taken, though; the Wulf would probably have different responses based on just who was making conversation...but, then we all do that.
It might also have something to do with the Wulf's own self-opinion. There are people we just yack with, and then there are people we want to impress.
If the Wulf had a negative or low self-opinion; then they would avoid Werewolves and everything about them in the presence of the person(s) they wanted to impress.
If the Wulf was happy with who and what they were, then they'd also try impressing others with their unique ( or rare ) capacities.

Now- let's add in a Werewolf "society", composed of a number of Werewolves; then the dynamic changes. The group becomes the determiner of what is discussed with outsiders, even to the point of being the determining factor in relationships with non-Wulfen people.
Freeborn uses this very well; to the point of saying in effect- either take the person in all the way, by making them a Werewolf; or kill them. This might be just a bit extreme- but it does make for a good story.

I suspect that the number of Werewolves involved would account for a lot of the reactions to such questions: "Are you a Werewolf" or "Do you think Werewolves exist". It works that way with other Groups- and so probably would with this.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 9:57 pm
by Terastas
It might be more accurate to state that the group decides what is accepted and what is frowned upon. If a werewolf tried to police all of his pack members all the time, he himself would be setting up more red flags with his own behavior than most of his pack members he's keeping tabs on.

Discussing werewolves might be one of those gray areas where, if the pack did learn it was happening, it would result in the alpha saying something like "remember our policy" or "you better know what you're doing," but not any actual repercussion in the literal sense. Humans are individuals regardless, so the Pack would have to exist as more of a family than a Pack in the literal sense. Going back on that need for anonymity, part of the process might involve keeping some level of distance from each other to prevent anyone outside the Pack from associating them as being one group.

Which is another possible warning sign: If someone suspects another of being a werewolf, said werewolf's closest circle of friends in turn become suspects. In other words, somebody might be a werewolf if they are close to a known werewolf. Kind of like how in I Know What You Did Last Summer (the book, not the crap movie) how the killer identified one member of the group initially, then identified all the others by seeing who she went to after leaving her the note.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:59 am
by Rosiewolf
Ok. I see your points. But I do think that it would be more difficult. Because the way that I see it, is that a werewolf family would conceal themselves being werewolves very well. Like being over portective in a way, about security of themselves. I mean, if there aren't a lot of werewolves in the world, I don't think I would want my family to be killed or kidnapped by someone. But, I do think (and this is my opinion) the eyebrows conecting and the hairy palms are not really true.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:26 pm
by RedEye
Well, connected eyebrows ( the dreaded Uni-Brow) aren't much of an indication of anything, other than a need to either use a razor or some wax.
I have a so-called "Uni-Brow" and the dammit is longer over my nose than it is over my eyes; if I don't keep it shaved, I go around looking surprised all the time. :lol:

As to "hairy palms"- the Were' suspect could simply say that he/she had skin grafts...I've seen that little problem on people who have burned their hands and been grafted from their thighs or forearms. What is interesting there is that these grafts frequently start developing the same skin patterns-like fingerprints-that were there in the original skin, along with the hair.
If you look at a dog's paws or a wolf's paws; the noticable factor there is the pebbled and sand-paper-like skin texture, which to me would be a much better indication of Canid heritage than hair would be.

Another consideration might be the finger nails. If they are "lost" when the Were' makes their Wolf "claws", then they would be always in a state of regeneration; and thus quite new-looking. If the Werewolf had spatulate claws, like nails but much stronger and thicker, then maybe the claws wouldn't disappear, but would require trimming (with wire cutters) and filing ( a #10 mill file would work best) after each shift to get them back to human-like appearance; along with a coat or two of nail-lacquer in "human pink" to cover them. Ths would be a much better indication, to my mind, than hairy palms-simply because there is no Smooth-human situation for them to be that way.
It also takes less energy to grow claws a distance of 3/4" than to completely replace them; and biology is always energy saving.

So, for me, hairy palms are out; and unnaturally heavy nails are in...IMHO.

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:19 pm
by RedEye
Hmmm- You could always go out into the office and say "Hey! The Cops are towing the Werewolf's car!"

Then see who gets up and runs out to the garage.... :lol: :P

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:59 am
by Motsiewolf
RedEye wrote:Hmmm- You could always go out into the office and say "Hey! The Cops are towing the Werewolf's car!"

Then see who gets up and runs out to the garage.... :lol: :P
:lol: Thats a good way to finding out tho. Tricking them or whatever. lol

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:14 am
by Terastas
RedEye wrote:Hmmm- You could always go out into the office and say "Hey! The Cops are towing the Werewolf's car!"

Then see who gets up and runs out to the garage.... :lol: :P
It would be funny to try that and actually see if it works, like maybe on April Fools Day, but the problem with shouting something out to an entire crowd is that everyone would turn their heads. Some people might ask "Who's the Werewolf?" possibly thinking it's a nickname, in which case you'd be stuck, and some people might get up and run to the garage to see whose car you are referring to.

But yeah, if a werewolf did fall for that, the Pack would never let him live it down unless they killed him. That would be even more shameful than the "changed during sex" scenario. :P

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:30 am
by Dreamer
What about stretch marks from the changing? BEcause, I still think they would appear even with the skin stretchign to suit it's new form.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:31 pm
by RedEye
Trouble is; as they mature, everybody gets stretch marks. People who have lost a lot of weight have stretch-marks. People who have a lot of Sun-exposure develop stretch marks.

While stretch marks are a maybe; they wouldn't be conclusive; like scratching your ear with your foot would be. :lol:

What might work better as an indicator would be the appearance of "Guilty" behaviour patterns; such as avoiding people one was close to "before", avoiding discussions about certain things related to Werewolves, but not discussions of Werewolves directly. One of the strongest would be the sudden hard-line position that "Werewolves don't exist!!!" when the person was open on the subject before.

If the person was a long time Werewolf, though-they'd be nearly impossible to discover this way (or any way) since their survival depends on being able to "blend in".

Only newbies would be "findable", since they aren't yet at terms with what they have become.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:19 pm
by Rosiewolf
True. And if you were to think that other person is a werewolf, and you were to ask them, I am sure that they wouldn't tell you. Because a person who isn't a werewolf would say no, and the person who is the werewolf would say no. But then everyone's suspicions would get up and think that you are a werewolf yourself, or just a plan psycho.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:47 pm
by *nagowteena*
BODY language!!!

and the way they respond to things, and react to things.

unless there a good actor. :P :lol:

but there would be dead giveaways.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:53 pm
by Figarou
*nagowteena* wrote:BODY language!!!

and the way they respond to things, and react to things.

unless there a good actor. :P :lol:

but there would be dead giveaways.

Here's one.

Telling that person you're treating him to a steak dinner, then you notice something move around inside the back of his pants.


Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:56 pm
by Rosiewolf
Figarou wrote:
*nagowteena* wrote:BODY language!!!

and the way they respond to things, and react to things.

unless there a good actor. :P :lol:

but there would be dead giveaways.

Here's one.

Telling that person you're treating him to a steak dinner, then you notice something move around inside the back of his pants.


lol. That is funny. But why would they just have their tail out?? Why not the ears and have a tongue come out and have them start to pant? :lol: just playing around

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:35 pm
by RedEye
It's possible that some Wolf-parts are permanent; not doing the shift thingie, but just remaining developed all the time.
Things like claws (if they're flat), teeth, maybe feet, and the tail. They all take mungo Bio-energy to shift and are hidable.
Nature, as a rule, is lazy. No need to shift, no shift.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 8:21 am
by *nagowteena*
Figarou wrote:
*nagowteena* wrote:BODY language!!!

and the way they respond to things, and react to things.

unless there a good actor. :P :lol:

but there would be dead giveaways.

Here's one.

Telling that person you're treating him to a steak dinner, then you notice something move around inside the back of his pants.


LOL :roflmao:

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 11:23 am
by Rosiewolf
RedEye wrote:It's possible that some Wolf-parts are permanent; not doing the shift thingie, but just remaining developed all the time.
Things like claws (if they're flat), teeth, maybe feet, and the tail. They all take mungo Bio-energy to shift and are hidable.
Nature, as a rule, is lazy. No need to shift, no shift.

Hm... That could be true.

I don't think I will ever look at a person the same way again.... :lol: Yeah right. I do see your point though.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:55 pm
by AnĂ³nimo Juan
Well if he is eating you or playing with someone's arm ... maybe it's a werewolf .

Or if he smells your a** every time he can.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:42 am
by RedEye
By all means yes! Let us be glad we invented name-tags. :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:24 pm
by Rosiewolf
Yes. :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:37 pm
by LunarCarnivore
Man... dogs must think humans are jerks, they come up sniff our butts, and we never sniff back. we're just plain rude!! :lol:
but on topic, i think it would probably be in the mannerisms and such (like rare meat, respond strongly to smells/noises, etc)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 7:18 pm
by Rosiewolf
Yeah. I see. I think though, it would be a lot harder to tell. I mean, any weird person can do these things. You would have to really look into it I guess to see if someone is a werewolf.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:29 pm
by RedEye
I think that is the idea: blend in and be deniable. If they aren't cursed, bitten and left, or "Got Lucky" with the wrong person; that is-if there were a hidden society sort of thing happening, they'd be very careful to be un-findable.
Unless they wanted to be found; or maybe got involved with a Smooth...isn't there a movie about that? :wink:

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 5:29 pm
by LunarCarnivore
I agree that behavior isn't conclusive, but if your friend behaves in a certain way not to mention is unavailable on full moon nights, theres the first step to finding out if he/she is a were. but unless u actually see a shift, you'll never know for sure.

also, i like to think that natural born weres are a little hairier than regular folk, but not freakishly so.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 11:06 pm
by RedEye
In "Wulfen Blood" (now being considered by DAW-Whee!) I use the time required to shift as one of the differences between Born and Crossed.
A newly Crossed Wulf may take two minutes to shift and it is NOT pleasant. A few years later, the time will slip down to ninety seconds, more or less, and it no longer hurts. (Think Yoga positions)
A Heritage Wulf (born to it) can shift in under a minute...and it never hurts.
Natural born Were's aren't so much "hairier" as their body hair is Wolf Fur, not Smooth-type body hair, and is a lot more visible, since it's their Wulfen Coat color. That can mean two or more different colors of "body hair"... and a LOT of shaving of "parts".
Then there's the stubble... owtch! :(

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:41 pm
by Rosiewolf
I agree with you RedEye. Some traits would have to be seen in their normal state (which is human). But some people do have more hair than others just because of their genetics.