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Post by MattSullivan »

Justbe patient Templar. The pain will all end in 2009.

Boy..that seems a long way off *groan*
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Post by IndianaJones »

Never forget 9/11, the day that made us all sad and shocked. May those who died rest in peace.

Who says that 2 or 4 planes can knock down a very tall sturdy skyscraper, the core of the tower is build to withstand fire, explosions, and earthquakes. That doesn't make sense at all.......

And something bothers me as well. What the hell happened to Building 7?!!


Another serious heavy-hitter stand up to be counted: Prior to his 13 years of service at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, Dr. Hirschhorn was Professor of Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Madison from 1965 - 1978. He has a Bachelors and Masters degree in Metallurgical Engineering and a PhD in Materials Engineering. Dr. Hirschhorn is one of 200 engineers and architects who have publicly criticized the official account of 9/11. Statements and short bios of many of the others can be found at PatriotsQuestion911.com

Former Congressional Office of Technology Assessment Senior Staff Member Calls for New Investigation of 9/11

By Alan Miller
Sept. 5, 2007

“Analyses by many experts reveal the collapse of the three WTC buildings was not caused by the two airplanes exploding into the twin towers...The general view is that the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition... Horrific possible answers can cause us to shun a question. But clearing our minds of the fear of painful truths is essential to clearing our nation of destructive lies. Otherwise, we stay stuck in a delusional democracy."
-Joel S. Hirschhorn, PhD

"The [Twin Tower] building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the
largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts
of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door.
This intense grid and the jet-plane is just a pencil puncturing that
screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting."

-- Frank A. DeMartini, WTC victim, Architect and WTC Construction Manager, North Tower, 88th floor.
Demartini first worked at the World Trade Center when Leslie E. Robertson Associates
hired him to assess damage from the terrorist truck bombing in 1993.

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Post by Kaebora »

MattSullivan wrote:Justbe patient Templar. The pain will all end in 2009.

Boy..that seems a long way off *groan*
Not gonna happen. The policies that Bush puts forth during his time in office will keep he and his friend's pockets full for years to come. "Farenhiet 911" was mostly truth you know, cept the part about the governement being at fault for 9/11 happening. That's just a B.S. theory. The fact that they used 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq for oil profits... indeed true. We never needed to go in there. Although it is better for their populous now that Sadam is out of power.
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Post by ravaged_warrior »

The government is not responsible for 9/11. Loose Change is wrong and has been proven wrong.

The plan was perpetuated by a group of total assholes who were probably just barely clever enough to sneak in and take over. A bunch of people died tragically because a group of people were too stupid to realize why what they were doing was wrong. What could the government's motive possibly be?
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Post by Midnight »

IndianaJones wrote:And something bothers me as well. What the hell happened to Building 7?!!
http://www.popularmechanics.com/technol ... age=5#wtc7
WTC 7 might have withstood the physical damage it received, or the fire that burned for hours, but those combined factors — along with the building's unusual construction — were enough to set off the chain-reaction collapse.
Read the entire article comprehensively debunking the conspiracy theories here: http://www.popularmechanics.com/technol ... 27842.html

As to why I abhor the conspiracy theories: they're sinister in their conception, ghoulish in their execution and, above all, grossly disrespectful to the victims of this heinous crime.
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Post by MattSullivan »

It's stupid to claim the WTC towers could withstand a fully loaded 707, full of fuel, and impacting the building at 200 MPH or more. WHY? Because of variances.

An architect can CLAIM a building is safe. So can an inspector. It doesn't mean it's true. It ALSO doesn't mean there could have been some mistakes made during construction. Hell, they could have just been plain WRONG! It happens! Case in point...

KOBE 1995, JAN 17. The japanese always claimed to have the strongest infrastructure against quakes. 4,000 people died.

ONE YEAR EARLIER, in the Northridge Earthquake ( which I went through, on the same day, Jan 17, at almost the same magnitude ) 72 people died. This baffled scientists, who thought the damage for a quake of this magnitude should have been MUCH higher.

So what I'm saying, is there are FACTORS that come into play, and people are NOT as smart as they think they are. A fact isn't a fact just because you read it off the internet or saw some bloated conspiracy video. NO ONE can guess the outcome of any one situation. Just ask our government who claimed our troops would be greeted as "liberators"
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Post by Morkulv »

I wish I didn't remember it, and not just because of the life's that were lost that day but more because of the dramatics around it.
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Post by Dreamer »

ravaged_warrior wrote:The government is not responsible for 9/11. Loose Change is wrong and has been proven wrong.

The plan was perpetuated by a group of total assholes who were probably just barely clever enough to sneak in and take over. A bunch of people died tragically because a group of people were too stupid to realize why what they were doing was wrong. What could the government's motive possibly be?
Well that, and Bush totally ignored those urgent warnings from the CIA.
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Post by KittyRose »

May we never forget those who died on this tragedic day :(
Nothing was the same ever since that day.

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Post by Shadow Wulf »

Well now that we put Sadam out of power, we now restored chaos back in Iraq and made Iran stronger. I really wonder if it was better off to simply use Sadam instead of just putting him out of power and killing him, atleast he kept those radicals in line. :roll:
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Post by MattSullivan »

My thoughts exactly Shadow. but to get back on topic here, it's a shame that any time someone makes an argument against Iraq, some jackass from the government brings up 9/11, as if it had ANYTHING to do with the mess in Iraq.

*shakes head* And these are the same people who lectured us growing up about responsibility, morality, and decision making.
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Post by Aki »

I'm a bit late for this thread, I guess, but yeah, that was a nasty day.

But I was 11 at the time, so I didn't quite comprehend what had happened when the teachers took us out of class into the hallway to tell us what happened. Something about bombs and the pentagon they said. No one took it seriously in my class.
Then, of course, I get home and there it is on the News, and it's just totally like "holy crap" because two buildings just got taken right the hell out.

And of course, there's the pentagon and that one flight where the passengers fought the terrorists for control of the plane and it crashed.

And yeah, the 911 conspiracy theories and linking of 911 to Iraq is bullshit. Osama Bin Laden just doesn't like us and Iraq is an entirely different subject. Linking them because they're in the same general area of the world is like linking the Korean war and the Vietnam war because of geographic location instead of going "oh, both these wars were fought to get rid of communism" which is the real reason.
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Post by Lukas »

"The [Twin Tower] building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the
largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts
of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door.
This intense grid and the jet-plane is just a pencil puncturing that
screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting."
actually that is not true

most building where made like a mesh

but the twin towers had a iron mesh in some places like this
l l l l l
l l l l l
l l l l l
l l l l l
l l l l l
l l l l l

and the areas that did have mesh where only 1 layer, not 2 or more layers like other building
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Post by Shadow Wulf »

Im telling you its all a conspiracy!!

Twin Towers+George Bush+Pentagon+Planes-Afghanistan+Iraq+Overthrow of Sadam= Blue Berry Cone Ice Cream!! :cafinated:
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Post by Scott Gardener »

It's interesting to go back to some old discussion boards where I used to go back in 2001 and read the reactions back then. This site didn't exist yet, so we don't have any posts here about it as it happened. At the time, I was probably primarily visiting a board called "Shadow Pathways."

We each remember that day much more vividly than, say, June 27, 2005, when for most of us nothing in particular of moment happened. September Eleventh was such a huge shift in our experiences that it pretty much defined this decade--certainly for those of us here in America, but probably for those of you in the UK as well, since your nation has also been targetted by Al Qaeda and threats of terrorism ever since--and drawn into political controversy surrounding how the government responds.

I was a resident physician in training at the time, working in the ER, oddly enough--the same ER that would be my source of living for the next five years. I first found out while stepping into the physicians' dining lounge, seeing CNN showing the first tower on fire. I went back to the ER and told the staff, and we watched with disbelief as suddenly the second plane hit. We knew at that moment that it wasn't an accident. Soon afterwards, we got news that a plane crashed into the Pentagon. I looked at my mentor Dr. Cantu and said, "we're under attack."

We didn't know how many more planes were hijacked or what else was going to happen--if any hostile nation such as Iran or Libya intended this as a prelude to something bigger, such as an invasion. I remember watching as government buildings everywhere were evacuated and Congress defiantly sang "God Bless America" outdoors--this I think was one of the images that sparked the American public into a renewed sense of patriotism. I felt it myself, but I also remember thinking even then how I hoped that it would not be abused by our leaders. I had not been impressed with Bush before then--pulling us out of the Kyoto Accord, a series of diplomatic blunders with China--we were already looking pretty bad even then.

I also remember a dream I had the morning of September tenth. I knew of the Taliban before all this. My wife Cathey told me about them, because of the severity of women's basic human rights in Afghanistan under their regime. I dreamed of being an American operative in Afghanistan, trying to assassinate the Taliban leader, whom my subconscious decided to make look somewhat like Fiedel Castro. I got close, but then an enemy soldier had me cornered. He took off a disguise and turned out to be a woman and a fellow American operative, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I had also told Dr. Cantu and the ER staff about that dream that day, so on the Eleventh, it stunned us when we learned that afternoon that the Taliban were implicated, and that a series of explosions were found happening in Kabul, Afghanistan (which ultimately were the work of internal conflicts unrelated to the 9/11 attacks or any American retaliation.) One of the nurses also had a dream early the morning of the Eleventh before coming to work. He dreamed of an unspecified "national emergency" in which he and other people were running from a series of explosions.

But, I have not heard of any other premonitions about the attacks--at least not any well-documented premonitions that were reported or recorded before the attacks. (I do grant that I can't prove to anyone outside of Dr. Cantu and the staff that I had any premonition beforehand, either.) Sure, a lot of people have reverse-engineered Nostradamus or Revelations as to saying it anticipated it. But, nowhere have I seen a tabloid dated September 10th, saying "prophets reveal horrible catastrophe tomorrow in New York and Washington." Still, 2001 was a strange year even before 9/11--freak shark attacks, rolling blackouts in California, and so forth.
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Post by JoshuaMadoc »

In any case, Bin Laden and his merry band of traitorous sheep are doing nothing but hinder the progress of man. If i had the strength, i would challenge him to a one-on-one fight to the death, after i bomb half the stuff he has to play war.

Me and him, stuck in a giant cage, just like animals. Perfect way for me to celebrate my 36th birthday.
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Post by Kaebora »

Considering he's almost twice your age... you'd kick his elderly a**. :D
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Post by Alpha »

At the risk of offending those of you on this board who may be Bush supporters, WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING IN IRAQ?!!! It has already been proven that there was no connection between Iraq and what happened on 9 / 11. If this administration was truly concerned with capturing those who were responsible , then why aren't we concentrating our troops in Afghanistan where Osama and his inner circle are. Oh, I know.......there's no oil in Afghanistan. :roll:
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Post by Althander »

Alpha wrote:At the risk of offending those of you on this board who may be Bush supporters, WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING IN IRAQ?!!! It has already been proven that there was no connection between Iraq and what happened on 9 / 11. If this administration was truly concerned with capturing those who were responsible , then why aren't we concentrating our troops in Afghanistan where Osama and his inner circle are. Oh, I know.......there's no oil in Afghanistan. :roll:
I still wonder how the government can overtgrow a dictator, set up a democracy, defend the Iraqi people, etc. yet are STILL unable to locate a freaking cave. :x

(We ARE still on "locate the cave" status, correct? This crap makes me angry, so I don't watch the news in order to avoid stress.)
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Post by Dreamer »

Althander wrote:
Alpha wrote:At the risk of offending those of you on this board who may be Bush supporters, WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING IN IRAQ?!!! It has already been proven that there was no connection between Iraq and what happened on 9 / 11. If this administration was truly concerned with capturing those who were responsible , then why aren't we concentrating our troops in Afghanistan where Osama and his inner circle are. Oh, I know.......there's no oil in Afghanistan. :roll:
I still wonder how the government can overtgrow a dictator, set up a democracy, defend the Iraqi people, etc. yet are STILL unable to locate a freaking cave. :x

(We ARE still on "locate the cave" status, correct? This crap makes me angry, so I don't watch the news in order to avoid stress.)
Well, we haven't done really well with those last two items (Defending the Iraqis, setting up a democracy) because of massive incompetence in the White House. So there's the answer to why we ahven't caputed Bin Ladin, because of massive incompitence.
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Post by IndianaJones »

And what's the massive incompetence which leads to our suspicion?
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Post by RedEye »

We are faced with simple problems. The Iraqi's are alien to us, to our way of thinking; and we WON'T even try to understand them. Instead we try to do what we did in Europe-and it just won't work! Iraqi's are different; they are NOT westerners; they're Arabs. Their world is not our world, but we steadfastly will not see this.
As for the "Insurrectionists"; they're more like cowardly gangsters than real soldiers, yet we try to fight them as if they were regular soldiers, not the cowardly scum that they are. Many of them aren't even Iraqi's-they are border jumpers from the surrounding nations.
As for bin-Laden; he's probably either dead or dying-the last "tape" that was released was so-o-o faked... It's easy to find a thousand people. It's damn near impossible to find one person...who doesn't want to be found. Remember, the Saudi's want his sorry a** as much as we do, and he's a Saudi national. I think that the Saudis are the people most likely to locate him-and then decapitate him. He's already inder a sentence of death.
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Post by Scott Gardener »

Actually, there is oil in Afghanistan, or at least very likely is. They just have never developed the infrastructure to get to it. By the time they do, who knows? Maybe fossil fuel power will be obsolete by then.

We went into Iraq to "remove weapons of mass destruction." After we didn't find them, that kind of got swept under the carpet. No one mentions the "WMDs" or lack thereof any more. Now it's all about "spreading Democracy" and other nonsensical rhetoric. When the original justification became abject failure, the Bush Administration did what any incompetent does--change the story. Well, we did get Saddam out of power. So, the dictator count in the world breaks even.

But, it's not neccessary to create new conspiracies where none exist. If someone had the power to arrange beforehand and Bush's election and re-election, then that person could have seized more power than they actually have. Any would-be Illuminati is holding back. And, the would be New World Order seems to pick the dumbest choices of people to control--highly scandalous people who keep getting caught. I can see the Illuminati deciding to dump one or two for not playing along--Collin Powell not agreeing to the master plan, he's out, etc. But, if the Illuminati have to dump pretty much the entire administration except for Bush or Chaney every two or three years, they're pretty lousy super-geniuses.
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Post by Aki »

Iraq is likely either Oil/Getting rid of an evil dictator/or Bush Junior wanting to one-up Daddy's war against Saddam.

Basically, stupid s*** aside from the removing a dictator thing. But we really don't got the resources to take out every Saddam and fix the country afterwards. Iraq alone is bleeding us dry. Plus there's the whole "every other nation bitching about it".

But right now, the damage is done. So we're there to fix up Iraq and set them up to keep from falling apart. So Iraq isn't Vietnam: Desert Edition where the bad guys roll in and take over the day we pull out. Because that's just like, depressing. All that time, lives, and money wasted for nothing.
RedEye wrote: As for bin-Laden; he's probably either dead or dying-the last "tape" that was released was so-o-o faked... It's easy to find a thousand people. It's damn near impossible to find one person...who doesn't want to be found. Remember, the Saudi's want his sorry a** as much as we do, and he's a Saudi national. I think that the Saudis are the people most likely to locate him-and then decapitate him. He's already inder a sentence of death.
I think he's out there. When one doesn't want to be found, and is clever, one can hide easily.

In Mass a few years back an old Nazi officer (I forget rank) was arrested and sent to Israel for Trial.

I mean, think on that. The guy got out of Europe, set up in America, and played it like nothing happened he was your average Joe you'd wave to when you go out to get your paper foe like, sixty years. Next thing you know this old guy is getting hauled off to for crimes he'd managed to evade all this time. Almost got away with it, y'know?

Also, if the Saudi's found him, they'd annouce it.
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Post by Alpha »

What makes me angry besides the totally phony reasons that were used to get us over there in the first place, is that this president seems to have no qualms about sending other peoples children over there to die in an unjust war. But when it was their turn to serve in Nam, where were he and Cheney? Cheney got several deferrments and Bush had relatives in high places pull some strings for him and have him placed in a Texas guard unit that was permanently stationed stateside. Ooohh...lots of danger there. :roll:

Also, when John Kerry was running against him, Bush tried to smear him by implying that he didn't deserve the purple heart that he had gotten while he was over there. Hey Bush!!!.......at least he was over there. Even John McCain, who's a staunch republican, and was a P.O.W. himself, came out and said that Bush had no right to say what he did.
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