Living up to your non-internet potential ( as PACK members )

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Post by Terastas »

RedEye wrote: No interaction with people outside of the interenet: Maybe, just maybe, there isn't anyone around that these people want to interact with.
Yeah, that's me. My immediate family always lectured me for not having any friends when I was in high school, but my choices then were. . . Well, lets just say that it's because I didn't have any friends that I'm not in jail or addicted to anything right now.
No family activity? Maybe the family is just one dysfunctional clustser of people that couldn't interact if they had to to save their lives.
Yeah, that's me too.

To me, it's a sign of addiction if you neglect to do important things.

If you're debating between, say, surfing the net and getting ready for work, that might mean you've got a crappy job, but it might also mean you've got a problem.

If you're debating between surfing the net and showering, unless it's a day off or there's no hot water and/or clean towels, you've got a problem.

If it's 2 a.m., you're surfing the net and not even tired, no excuses, you've got a problem.

And if you can't remember if you had lunch or not, MAYDAY!!!

I actually did that last one before, only I wasn't surfing the net -- I was playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I let my brother take it with him to Las Vegas for that very reason -- I had to put it down somehow.
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