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Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:19 pm
by Doruk Golcu
ravaged_warrior wrote:What Doruk said... Good thing I saw it, I was just about to say it myself.
Doruk Gulcu wrote:with maybe only one or two counter-examples (The Shining and Green Mile?)
The majority do suck, yes... But I think that's putting the number a little low, isn't it? I mean I thought that these ones were good:

Creepshow (kind of... I liked The Crate)
The Dead Zone (the compression and changes were a little annoying, but it was excellent and it had Christopher Walken)
Stand By Me
Pet Sematary (I'm in the minority here, I know...)
Misery (one of the best... didn't capture the tone of the book completely, but was still very good)
The Shawshank Redemption (the best)
The Green Mile
Secret Window (it's not great, but it wasn't the worst thing ever)
1408 (I really like this one, I'm not sure what people's problem with it is)

Still not a good track record for adaptations, but really, no author has that. As for this movie... I hope I like it. So far I think I've heard mixed reviews.

I left out The Shining because I don't like it.
Ah yes, the problem is that I didn't watch many of these, because the ones I did watch weren't very good. The two that I mentioned were the ones that I do hear most often mentioned as being good, I fell victim to hearsay *dies horribly and painfully*

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:25 pm
by MoonKit
MattSullivan wrote:Pan's Labyrinth was overrated. Some people dont like downer endings..i assume pariah didnt like it for that reason....
Shoot, it wasnt a downer ending! It was bittersweet. She got where she was going...just not in the conventional way. I thought that movie was gruesome but very beautiful. I would watch it more often if it didnt have subtitles. Its one of my favorites! Oh when Pan gives her that second chance! :love: Then again, Im a sucker for faeries...

As for the Mist, I havent yet seen it. I'd be more likely to rent it. I dont know why Stephen King is so renowned. I mean he is a very cool guy but it's basically the same stuff over and over. His stuff works better on the made for tv movie sci-fi channel movies.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:26 pm
by PariahPoet
Hmm...the board seems to not like Firefox. My options end at URL.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:43 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Im using Firefox and I see the Spoiler tag way on the right. I dont know if its because Im a mod.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:53 pm
by PariahPoet
Sounds like a pretty good possibility.

Any of my fellow peons not see it?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:59 pm
by ravaged_warrior
PariahPoet wrote:Actually, the whole thing was great until the last five minutes. The end just ruined the whole thing for me.
Just saw a review where one of the reviewers said that the ending was different from the book. The assassination of Stephen King would be unwarranted.

And I don't see the tag, either...

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:03 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Ooh thats not good; spoiler tag for mods only? I'll talk to joker and Kaebora about this.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:18 pm
by Doruk Golcu
I am not a mod but I do see a spoiler tag... I will try with Mozilla when I am on my other computer that has it.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:38 pm
by PariahPoet
I don't see it using IE either.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:47 pm
by RedEye
I have seen the Spoiler tag since I first signed on here. Are you seeinig the black border at the far right of the reply panel? Is the slider at the bottom of the screen all the way over? Different systems will get different screenwidths; heck; that happens even here, sometimes.
Check the bottom of your window for a slider, if you can't find the Spolier.

Now, we were talking about Stephen King...weren't we?

One of the problem with King's work is that he is not very film friendly in his novels, necessitating re-writes by some studio hack. That is where the problems start: then add a director that just Knows he can do better than Stephen King at storytelling, and finally an actor that "Interprets" the character (Stanislavsky should have stayed home!).
What you wind up with is pretty much proof that too many cooks spoil the movie.
For another example, I offer Heinlein's "Starship Troopers". Read the book, then watch the movie; and try to spot where they agree. :lol:
[spoiler]They Don't![/spoiler]
King, for all his predictability, at least lets us down gently. The Stand-whether it's the "original" or the "lost pages" version, is predictable from about page fifteen.
Face it: He's a good Genre' Writer whose works just don't film right. Nothing new about that. Hollywood will not learn that the writer is the storyteller, not the director.
And yes; I suspect he's run out of ideas for his winner plot. :roll:

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:02 pm
by PariahPoet
I am not that dense, I know to look over.
How about a screenshot?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:05 pm
by RedEye
The entire screen is different from the one I have-and had ever since the first sign-on.
What you have looks what I get before I sign in. Wierd. ??

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:05 pm
by ravaged_warrior
Just changed my Board Style from CounterStrike Expanded. I just changed it to bsrf and the spoiler tag is there now... As well as the Quick Reply box. I forgot we ever had one.

Well, problem diagnosed. Is there any chance of these features being added to the CounterStrike Expanded style? I like it more.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:09 pm
by RedEye
And my screen just widened by 20 %. Something's up here.
Try the Quick Reply button to get it at the bottom of the current page.

Wierd stuff happening here.

Maybe Steven King is changing the board styles! :lol:

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:16 am
by PariahPoet
Ugh....bsrf gives me a headache. X(
What is the likelihood of just fixing the other theme?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:32 am
by PariahPoet
Ok, well anyway, here's the spoiler if you want it-

What is in the mist-

[spoiler]Lots of creepy demon things, including giant evil locusts, buzzard-bats, mariposa, and a giant tentacle monster as big as a skyscraper. Oh, and giant creepy spiders.

Where did the mist come from?

[spoiler]A military base on the mountain decided to open a 'window' to check out other dimensions, but accidentally let in a butt-ton of these monsters.[/spoiler]

The story (plus the anding that I hate)[spoiler]

There's a storm, a guy takes his kid into town to buy stuff to fix his house and leaves his wife at home. They are in the grocery store when the mist comes in. A few guys see a kid killed in the back by a giant tentacle, but nobody believes them. A crazy lady starts preaching that the mist is the judgement of God. Some people go outside and everyone sees them get killed, so now everyone knows there are monsters in the mist. The crazy lady gets a following and blames the protagonist. She demands to have his son to sacrifice to get rid of the mist. An old lady konks crazy lady on the head with a can of peas. (not really important to the story, just funny :lol: ) The main guy and a small group of people fight to get free of the crazy lady's mob and kill her in the process. This group (consisting of the guy, his son, a blonde bimbo, an old guy, and the old lady), makes it to the guy's truck and they drive as far as they can with what gas he has. (all the while in my head I'm screaming "You morons! Debit cards and pay-at-the-pump gas stations are your friend!". They run out of gas and they're still not clear of the mist. They have a gun in the car, but only 4 bullets. The guy shoots the old couple, the bimbo, and his son but doesn't have a bullet for himself. He gets out of the car to let the monsters eat him, and in 30 seconds a tank rolls by and the mist clears to show humans bombing the crap out of the monsters.[/spoiler]

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 8:55 am
by Doruk Golcu
Ouch... that is a much worse ending than the book indeed, IMHO... [spoiler]We don't see them get clear of the mists in the book either, but the main guy thinks he heard something on the radio, the name of a place, and the story ends with him whisperin 'Hope' to his sons ear.[/spoiler] Roughly the diametric opposite of the message of the movie, it seems :P

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 8:58 am
by PariahPoet
Dangit! Stupid Hollywood screwing up a perfectly decent story!
I'm adopting the "real" ending. :P

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:17 am
by Doruk Golcu
You will love it and hug it and call it 'George'?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:36 am
by PariahPoet
Yes I shall! :D

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:32 pm
by Xiroteus
Wow, this film really did have a horrible ending.

This is a film that badly requires an alternate ending.

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:04 am
by Defensorem Lupus
Just watched it a few days ago and thought it was okay . . . interesting concept but they could of had done a better job in some areas, other then that Ollie was kick a**!