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Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:05 pm
by Kelpten
This will make me a lot of enemies, but I still say we should at least extend the boy the hand of friendship. Clearly yanking him out of the woods and hopeing he'll adjust would be bad. Perhaps if someone was dedicated enough they could venture out into the wilderness and find him, befriending him in an environment that he's familiar with. Then you could progress with gradual education. If he's perceptive to it, then you press forward gently and if not you wait until he is. It's possible that he'd never be, but more than likely you'd eventually make some headway.

I understand that he's content where he is right now, but there are some things that he'll only be able to satisfy in the human world, a world that he was born into. He may have been conditioned a wolf, but there must be some basic needs that are unique to humans. Besides those there are basic needs that the wolves cannot provide him with; such as a mate or children (and certainly good food. Wolf dietary needs differ greatly from humans', which does bring about the question of how he's been feeding himself for this whole time and how he's survived the cold winters). Perhaps emotional substitutes could be found but nothing physical.

I guess what I'm saying is that there's the possibility that he'll be happier in society, and that we should make the offer and keep it extended. He'd be free to accept it or reject it, but it should always be offered. He's still human, despite his wolf upbringing, and if we can make his life better we should try. And if it turns out he is happier with the wolves, then we let him stay. It should be his choice.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:25 am
by Kuro
I think you've grasped the story from both views and I don't believe that to make an least not from me xD. But you've got a point. If someone were dedicated enough to venture out and get to know him better...establish a form of communication with him, perhaps he would come around and get closer to society. The thing many people would be willing to do such a thing?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:21 am
by WereWolfBoy
I still think that is wrong for what they are doing if he wants to live with wolves then let it be that way.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:06 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
You know, i've heard of a legend about a girl who was rasied by wolves over here in america. She was seen once or twice, but she was never found again. Oh, i also hear something about her spirit still livng with the wolves, like prey animals being found torn open, like something was eating them. I also heard about two other human girls who lived with wolves. It said something about them not being able to survive on meat because it was raw, and that they got sick and died. That always confused me. Most of the animals that are killed by wolves are the worst of the kind, filled with parasites and other things that would make a strong man sqiurm. I'm not too sure if those could pass to humans, so, wouldn't that mean he's in danger of being infected with them too? Oh, and maybe we should just let those raised by animals live where they are. I mean, if i raised by wolves, i'd prefer to be free, rather than in a freakin' padded room. They learned differently than we did at an early age, so how can we be expected to say "They're insane" or "they're not doing it right we should teach them."
(All i think humans are saying is "I fear something that is different from me, so i'm going to lock it up and not have to look at it." Or "He's not being human, but he is human. Let's lock him up and try to make him what he isn't." Oh, and by the way, you do realize that this boy doesn't have a tail either, right? something tells me, the pack got used to him not having one, and have made exceptions to those responses needing of a tail. Either that, or he found some way of understanding them, and returning the messages in his own way, without the use of a tail. Hmmm.... this is interesting. Oh, and sorry to drop a kids book into your laps when we're talking seriously here, but, have any of you ever read the werewolf chronicles? It's about a werewolf named... Gruff, seriously, his real name is gruff. He was rasied by wolves, humans found him, and he's basically prtoecting them from a group of evil weres. Unfortunately, it's one of those old time, "Human fights off beast" kind of books, but it's still pretty good. Something tells me it woulnd't happen like that, but...
Yeah, humans are wonderful (beep)s sometimes, aren't they? :roll: )

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:13 pm
by Renorei
There's no point to trying to "humanize" him now. In order for a person to be socialized into human society, it must happen when they are young, otherwise it never will. The parts of our brains that allow us to function in human society must be "activated" (not the best word choice, but you know what I mean) by a certain age or else. This boy may be physically human, but on every other level he will NEVER be human. It's too late for him. They ought to let him alone. At least out in the wild, he will not be miserable.

EDIT: Also, the anti-human sentiment is pretty stupid. Yeah we do some dumb sh*t but that doesn't mean we need to be killed for it. It may surprise some of you, but sometimes animals kill pointlessly too.

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 10:30 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Renorei posted! :o

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:39 am
by Lycanthrope
Renorei posted! :o

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:24 pm
by Renorei
LOL. Hey guys. :D I doubt I'll ever have time again to really be a regular here, but I would like to drop in on occasion and see how things are going.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:36 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Thats great to hear old pal. I'm glad you can drop in once in a while. :D