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Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:12 pm
by Night_Hunter
I like Red eye's idea

Two English Werewolves talking:

"Oh I say chap you really did a number on that hunter!"

"Indeed, pass me those meat pies, old bean."

"Here you go my good man."

"Mhhhmhh. Fine meat pies this night."

"Nmmhhm. Indubitably. But if I may impose-."

"You may."

"No meat pie can compare to the taste of a fine rapscallion!"

"Quite, good sir."

"Oh, BY JOVE, I say there is one right there!"


"There! Minding his studies!"

"By the saints yes! Right there!"

"I say lets make a wager!"

"Ah yes a gentlemen's bet. What of the stakes?"

"If I get to him first I shall have the loin's share whilst you receive what remain after I have reached my fill and the terms shall be reversed with you receiving the most if you get to the boy first."

"Ah. I agree."

"Then we an accord!"

"Let us go post haste, the game is afoot!"

"But properly! The first impression is a lasting impression!"


Oh English werewolves

I wasn't making fun any English people. I think you're all ace.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:22 am
by JoshuaMadoc
You guys have been watching waaaaaaaaay too much Fawlty Towers. Heh.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:51 am
by Blue-eyes in the dark
gosh i haven't seen that show in some time.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:50 pm
by MoonKit
Boy did this thread get derailed.

As for the character's fur color. You could always make something striking about the white stripes if its a main character. Easily recognizable. Or if its an "evil" werewolf or one that wants to move stealthier, he can be black.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:53 am
by Black Claw
What show?? i've never heard of it before! :?

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:36 am
by Scarletfox
Hmm, Silver wolves are cool, I really like that, and when it comes to transformation, I'd prefer wolf-shaped, not a half-human,half-beast thing, or a really cool one like Yugo from Bloody Roar

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:41 pm
by Black Claw
He is awesome. :howl:  :oo

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:27 pm
by licantroleon
I HATED the hp ww.Naked mole rat.made me want to barf :sickpup:

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:46 am
by Black Claw
That's the only thing i hated also.