Wolf Facts

This is the place for discussion and voting on various aspects of werewolf life, social ideas, physical appearance, etc. Also a place to vote on how a werewolf should look.
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Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

As an amature but well educated wolfbiologist, I will give you all a little bit of my knowledge:

Wolf colors can range from black,white,brown,gray,rust colored, or a mixture of all. Although as a wolf ages it fur may change color and also throughout the season change.

A wolf looks looks to me more like a husky or a malamute, but in many books it is says that an adult wolf looks more like a large german shepard.

A gray wolf can be from 2 to 3ft at the shoulder, but 5 to 6ft from tip of snout to tip of it's tail. Now that really depends on also if it is a male or female because female are somewhat smaller than males. An adult male wolf can weigh from 120 to 150lbs and females 65 to 70lbs. That's almost half of what a male wolf weighs!!! But Red Wolves weigh only from about 40 to 90lbs.. A coyote is even smaller than both weighing in from 20 to 50lbs and about a 1 to 1 1/2ft tall at the shoulder. The coyote is also known as,"little wolf". Supposely there are only two species of wolves, Gray and Red wolf, but then what about tundra wolf, maned wolf, the timber wolf, the ethopian wolf, even the coyote?

The Maned wolf, even though it has wolf in it's name is indeed not a true wolf though it is closely related to them. People had classified them as being wolves because of their large size. The Maned wolf is about 5ft a maybe a little longer in length and weighs about 40 to 50lbs. They live out in South America in parts of Brazil,Bolivia, Argentina,and Paraguay......They are not pack animal at all!!! They only get togther to mate and they live out in open swamps or grasslands.

Well that's all I'll write for now, but if you all want some more info on wolves and their habits, please check out these website and write or call these preserves or conservation areas and the will glady help you with this and even send you some information: lck

http://www.nwf.org http://www.fws.gov/r3pao/wolf :D

http://www.wildrockies.org/awr/ :D

http://www.defenders.org/index.html :D

Well these should get you started at least for now. Most of these website are to help preserve the wildlife areas in which the wolves live :D :D :D
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Post by Set »

There were two species of wolf in Japan. Both are now extinct.

The Ethiopian wolf is highly endangered. According to one of my books the Egyptian god Wepwawet has the head of a wolf.

Maned wolves are actually a type of fox.

Arctic wolves, because of the isolation due to the harsh climate in which they live, are considered to be the purest breed of wolf.
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Post by Apokryltaros »

Reilune wrote:There were two species of wolf in Japan. Both are now extinct.
Actually, the two Japanese wolves, the Yeso (Canis lupus hattai), and the Shamanu (C. l. hodophilax) were subspecies of the Grey Wolf. The Yeso may or may not be still alive, in the fringes of Eastern Russia. (The Shamanu, tragically, is presumed to be deader than a burnt sandle)
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