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Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:32 am
by Berserker
PariahPoet wrote:I am not human in any way other than this regrettable physical form.
Except for the introspection you just did there. That's a totally human thing to do.

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 11:49 am
by Lukas
You may think you have animal spirit within yourself, but that's just disillusion and crazy.
i guess that makes me crazy then, and if i am crazy, i don't care, i like being crazy, helps keep away the idiots :P

o, and anyone who takes encyclopedia dramtica seriously really needs to stop smoking the crack

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:15 pm
by ravaged_warrior
...As far as I've seen, the majority of the thread is rather positive and a good majority of the negativity is towards the bashers. I was expecting a clustergentlycaress and you let me down.

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:09 pm
by wolfsangel
*voice like grandpa chan*one more thing! ^///^ i was just at the japanese festival and i remembered(thanks to the ppl there) that the japanese love the furry culture, i mean ppl were selling hats with cat/dog/fox/bear/panda/racoon/bunny ears so i know atleast im safe there lol

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:34 pm
by ravaged_warrior
Anthropomorphic animal characters are apparently a part of Japanese culture. I'm not sure how integral it is, but it's there.

I personally wouldn't call it furry, though.

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 11:29 pm
by RedEye
That's the essential human nature going for you; the same guy that thinks a girl with a set of "neko" (cat) ears is hot will say that Furs are perverted or worse.
In my experieince, the Japanese are much more accepting of the non-human as a sapient being than the westerners are. Their whole culture has lots of stories of semi- or demi- human critters who were either magical or "friendly to humans" than our western one does.

Bu-u-u-t...this doesn't answer the Furry phenomenon at all for us. To many sociologists, the Furry world is wonderful; since they can pinpoint when it started (television as a baby sitter with Bugs Bunny & co entertaining the little tykes).
Although I'm not a "Fur" myself, I do like the idea that intelligence can come in not-human shapes and forms as readily as it can occupy a hominid body.
After all, isn't that what this whole website is about? ??

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:34 am
by MattSullivan
Anthropomorphic characters may be a big part of Japanese culture, but they are NOT a big part of American culture. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Personally, I find Japanese culture to be bright, loud, confusing, bizarre, and offputting.

Japan can keep their giant-testicled tanuki and other strangeness.. I just don't want America to become like that.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:45 am
by IndianaJones
But isn't American is populated by Anime and Manga? Without the furryness in them. I want to see some kemono characters potrayed as realistic than cartoony in Anime/Manga. Most anime don't always focus on Japanese culture.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:13 am
by nekocj
Just the fact that Odin posts praise of himself from other members as his signature tells you what kind of person he is and should be totally ignored. I don't really want to get into this because that whole thread was stupid and the fact its a teen board had a lot to do with it. Not to insult anyone in here who is a teenager, but teens are the worst about hiding behind their anoynimity online and tend to start fights. That's one of the reasons I stopped posting on message boards a looooooooong time ago. I couldn't stand all the stupid little kids that were replying and consistently posting negativity. I also didn't like Dark Wolfs description of a furry. A furry isn't a person who likes to wear fursuits it depends on the individual. Just like porn depends on the individual. Regardless of how humans like to think of themselves (furry, therian, whatever their cup o tea) they are still human. If they like porn, its not a furry who likes porn. It is a human being who likes porn and they are just like any other human being who likes porn, they just like a different porn. If a furry likes beastiality they are a human being who likes beastiality. They are just like the other human being who likes beastiality. It all depends on the individual. Saying all furries like porn and beastiality, in my opinion is the same as seeing a gay man and thinking "Oh all men are gay" because of that one gay man. It is the EXACT same thing. The exact same.

Oh well looks like I got into it anyway. Sorry for the rant, but we're just further going down a down hill slope and I personally don't think its going to get any better for furries. Its probably only going to get worse. I've been working for over 48 hours straight so that's probably why I'm in a ranting mood about stuff : D I need to sleep. Night night.


Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:30 am
by JoshuaMadoc
Odin is the resident stone-drunk Bruce Campbell type, just like me and Matt. I should know because i know hundreds of people who talks like he does. It's best that you try and talk to people his type completely neutral and unfazed.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:23 pm
by wolfsangel
kitetsu wrote:Odin is the resident stone-drunk Bruce Campbell type, just like me and Matt. I should know because i know hundreds of people who talks like he does. It's best that you try and talk to people his type completely neutral and unfazed.
lol true and thats y i cant talk to him, i would get pissed, if i was a third party, meaning i am not a furry, then i could without trouble. but thats not the case ^///^ . anyways i do agree that there is a small population of perverts (i know two or three myself) but that is totally normal.
and to note, if they think furries are bad, try looking up BIID or self nulifiers(nsfw or ppl under 18) those are some real works of art(crazy mofos)

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:34 pm
by MoonKit
ghostfang wrote:this guy stick out like a sore thumb in a crowd people give him flak about the way he looks, heh he even started a trend
Wow. The only problem I have with that is safety issues. Those are weapons! And he darn well better stay out of the mosh pits! Stupid spiked jacket wearers in mosh concern for other people...

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:41 pm
by wolfsangel
MoonKit wrote:
ghostfang wrote:this guy stick out like a sore thumb in a crowd people give him flak about the way he looks, heh he even started a trend
Wow. The only problem I have with that is safety issues. Those are weapons! And he darn well better stay out of the mosh pits! Stupid spiked jacket wearers in mosh concern for other people...
they can fall out easy though, ive done a study on modern style and those things are barely in there really :/ u flick it and u could pop it right out

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:05 pm
by IndianaJones
Try to compare both of them.

Differences and Similarities?

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:09 pm
by Gevaudan
One sentence on that Wikipedia article on anthropomorphism stands out to me the most: "It is a common and seemingly natural tendency for humans to perceive nonhuman animals or inanimate objects as having human characteristics, one which some suggest provides a window into the way in which humans perceive themselves."

Furries are perfectly normal in every way! :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:10 pm
by RedEye
Gevaudan wrote:One sentence on that Wikipedia article on anthropomorphism stands out to me the most: "It is a common and seemingly natural tendency for humans to perceive nonhuman animals or inanimate objects as having human characteristics, one which some suggest provides a window into the way in which humans perceive themselves."

Furries are perfectly normal in every way! :lol:
And that "normality" unfortunately includes some pretty loosely-wrapped people as well as some out-and-out fruitcakes.
Because they are wearing a Fursuit, they generate the notoriety that spreads out to cover just about all Furs in the minds of Mr. and Mrs. Mid-Western Conservative. More's the pity, since most of the Furs I know are quite un-remarkable in or out of their Suits.
They are People who have a hobby and enjoy it. They have a lifestyle and live it. In that sense, they're a lot more honest than most. :roll:

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:19 am
by ravaged_warrior
MattSullivan wrote:Anthropomorphic characters may be a big part of Japanese culture, but they are NOT a big part of American culture. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Personally, I find Japanese culture to be bright, loud, confusing, bizarre, and offputting.

Japan can keep their giant-testicled tanuki and other strangeness.. I just don't want America to become like that.
I think you misunderstood the point of my post, Matt, and I never said it was a big part. Regardless...

Aren't they? Perhaps not before film and television (though I suppose they were still there in some form), but there are tons of highly influential cartoons and characters that featured anthropomorphic characters, and though it is newer than what Japan has, that's pretty much true of any piece of American culture. As for whether it's a bad/good thing... It's neutral, really. I quite like a few video game series featuring characters that probably fit in as kemono - Star Fox and Sonic, for example.

I personally wouldn't classify anything as furry unless it was specifically intended for that purpose. Otherwise it makes no sense to call it that.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:31 am
by MattSullivan
I was only saying I don't want America to become like Japan. I wasn't "answering" your post.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 2:27 am
by ravaged_warrior
The way you worded it seemed like it was meant as a response. There's no reason to get condescending.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:14 am
by JoshuaMadoc
I'm a proud weaboo. Very proud.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:14 am
by Shadow Wulf
You guy better keep your cool. Especially for you Matt, You dont need to have an attitude at ravaged

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:13 pm
by WereWolfBoy
Im sorry i posted this i didn't mean for any of this to happen

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:19 pm
by WereDragon25
I just read this, I think half-forms sleeping with half-forms is just basic, therian, sex, honestly. And it's true. though about there isn't any p@rn of guys with animals; my cousin, not against furries, but I AM NEVER GOING IN HIS ROOM AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! And non-furry or non-therian guys are jealus because all the therian/furry girls are better looking than human girls. :lol: But seriosly, they should just mind their own F@$#ing business

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:24 pm
by Shadow Wulf
WereWolfBoy wrote:Im sorry i posted this i didn't mean for any of this to happen
No don't be sorry. This is something that we actually need whether you believe it or not.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:32 pm
by WereDragon25
RedEye wrote:Then there's the fear factor: a Furry is an intelligent non-human, and that frightens a lot of people. It's like the "Martians" all over again. They don't belong to the human tribe, and that gets some folks' goat, for some reason.
Then, too; "there is nothing as fragile and delicate as the ego of a human adolescent, especially the males. They are busy posturing and demonstrating for the available females, and will viciously attack anything that they see as a threat to their position in the herd. The most frequently observed activities are the verbal belittling of anyone seen as a rival; followed by physical anger displays and occasional violence.
Most of the observed females seem more mature mentally than the males; and practice avoidance behaviour against the most troublesome of their male peers.
A male human in adolescence is frequently overwhelmed with combined mating urges and position maintenance to the point of displaying almost childish behaviour, and will form "opinions" on the flimsiest of evidence to demonstrate their superiority and desirability to the females of their age-group; and whether that display is accepted or rejected seems immature to them.
Fortuantely, those not culled by their self-destructive activities usually manage to aquire some social maturity by the time they reach the age of twenty years; and usually become mature mentally by the age of thirty. It is to be regretted that they act in this way, but as Simian-base creatures, it seems to be hard-wired into them. There is little that differs them from their cousins, the Chimpanzees, during these years; but they do achieve intelligence in time.
The ones that manage to avoid this peculiar behaviour set usually are belittled by the ones who are involved in these activities; yet manage to achieve a successful mating far more frequently than their mentally immature species members. It would appear that the female is more capable and aware during this time than the male, and will pick the more intelligent males to settle with and raise offspring."*
True, I started acted as if the guys that are cruel to me were my friends, now a few more girls like me that and I matured faster than the humans, so I am about on an equal level with them, so hah, I am more mature, they don't see me as a big threat, so I can get closer to girls, without breaking my face. :lol: