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Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:54 am
by PariahPoet
I can appreciate a good vampire movie too, but I prefer werewolves. Still I enjoy the Blade movies and loved The Hamiltons. Those are the only vampire movies so far that have held my attention just because they were intersting.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:06 pm
by O Pianista
There is a clan called Gangrel, that could have some bound with werewolves
The Gangrel have a profound respect for nature, and dislike spending time within the city. They tend to emphasize the rights of the individual over the rights of the group, and have great respect for anyone who can tell a good story. They are wanderers, going from place to place with little respect for domain. It is said that they are on good terms with the Lupines.
And also their clan image is a wolf


Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:21 pm
by O Pianista
Comon I know werewolves are three times more stronger than vampires, but... still elder vampires are more stronger than elder werewolves because there are more vampires than werewolves, still vampires can use weapons with more facility...

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:42 pm
by WerewolfKeeper3
O Pianista wrote:Comon I know werewolves are three times more stronger than vampires, but... still elder vampires are more stronger than elder werewolves because there are more vampires than werewolves, still vampires can use weapons with more facility...
I wouldn't suggest you say that. You never know who's reading... {glances out window behind him} ... thought i felt someone watching me...

I'm joking... kinda...

PLus, how do you know it's not the opposite way? If all the old legends are true, there should be less vampires... and more piles of cold ashes in the street. :evil:

Besides, older werewolves know how to control their powers better, so they'd be able to keep everything pretty much under wraps. Vampires, you'd be able to tell if people started dropping every night, wouldn't you?

I like vamps, but i usually update them so they're not as... weak. After all, garlic and sunlight are pretty cheap. Silver isn't. {starts dancing} Go werewolves, go werewolves, go werewolves... {noticing people stare at him} A heh... {moves slowly away}

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:42 am
by O Pianista
But if you look by another side... like movies/comics/stories/books the young werewolves are more stronger than young vampires we could say... imagine a werewolf crashing you with 160kg and you with 60kg... What I mean it's in melee fights they win about 8/10

I know that elder werewolves can control their mutation forms but we could say...
Imagine in medieval time... Werewolves were demonic beasts, and vampires were "lords" in that era we could say so...
Now if vampires are more strong than werewolves we are never going to know
but still...

It's just like our world... every thing changes nothing if forever
( in this fact werewolves and vampires are switching sides? about who is the most powerful? )
It's just like a fight about Aliens vs Predator... Don't matter who wins we are going to loose... lol they are going to kill us!

And there are many differents types of lycantrophy...
Any 1 remember about the werewolf phases?
Idk how to say it in english but I'm going to say their phases again

hominidea, glabro, crinos, hispo and lupina

Now anyone reminds the movie I'm Legend? that creatures were suppost to burn during day ( just like the movie ) these creatures were vampires... who said that was the author...
Anyway can you imagine if lycantrophy was a plage?

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:57 pm
by Aki
O Pianista wrote:Comon I know werewolves are three times more stronger than vampires, but... still elder vampires are more stronger than elder werewolves because there are more vampires than werewolves, still vampires can use weapons with more facility...
The Glasswalkers would disagreed quite a bit.

Usage and, indeed, skilled usaged of weaponry is not beyond a werewolf's capabilities. It's just that they're for whatever reasons, more found of their natural weaponry.

Besides, a werewolf can use some nasty improvised weaponry. A really strong one could lift up the back end of a car and swing it at you - even a vampire will feel that in the morning.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:15 am
by O Pianista
Aki wrote:
O Pianista wrote:Comon I know werewolves are three times more stronger than vampires, but... still elder vampires are more stronger than elder werewolves because there are more vampires than werewolves, still vampires can use weapons with more facility...
The Glasswalkers would disagreed quite a bit.

Usage and, indeed, skilled usaged of weaponry is not beyond a werewolf's capabilities. It's just that they're for whatever reasons, more found of their natural weaponry.

Besides, a werewolf can use some nasty improvised weaponry. A really strong one could lift up the back end of a car and swing it at you - even a vampire will feel that in the morning.
Well... Like a Tauren you mean? A strong animal that can use weapons... Indeed

The vampires are urban creatures and always were. But isn't just by the acess to their victims, there are more motives to don't leave the city. Many vampires that tries pass plains/forests/mountains can not reach their destiny. They fall on the claws of the enemies of the Cainitas: The Lupins - Werewolves.
No vampire can end a fight with a pack of werewolves without recieve any wound.
In some places of the world, exists some rumors about other types of licantrophy - The jaguar-men in the Amazon basin the Espiritual Foxes of the Orient. If such creatures exists, they didn't show themselves yet.

And also there recently I found a little game of vampires and werewolves
Monster Game Well The game is some type of RPG