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Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:59 pm
by Howlitzer
Yeah....but guys....we need more people...

I'm in College.

And in Calculus based Physics >.<

It eats up a bit of my time. :/

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:11 am
by takyoji
Other people that have been nominated/volunteered include:

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:12 am
by Baphnedia

I was so afraid I'd be on that list.

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:19 am
by PariahPoet
Here we go with this again.....

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:27 am
by Baphnedia
With the time I have available, and my interests, I may be able to moderate:

The Pack - General Business

But I don't think I'd be able to go far beyond those three. At the very least, be added to those forums' moderators, or replace an inactive moderator as the admins feel best.

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:57 am
by Werewolf Warrior
Well no offense to you guys but Spongypants23 should not be nominated.

He has a tendency to call people stupid.

heck he sent me message saying that i didn't have a brain (which I do have a brain) and said I need to add more words into my reply posts.

I would nominate berserker.

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:20 am
by Spongy
Werewolf Warrior wrote:Well no offense to you guys but Spongypants23 should not be nominated.

He has a tendency to call people stupid.

heck he sent me message saying that i didn't have a brain (which I do have a brain) and said I need to add more words into my reply posts.

I would nominate berserker.
You nominated yourself in an earlier post, thereby confirming exactly what I stated.

Plus, I have people backing me up on that statement, including an administrator. (No names will be given).

Oh, and had you actually read the thread, you would have seen that I had not been nominated. I spoke to one of the admins and volunteered. Reading isn't that hard, and it's obvious that you haven't read other topics before replying. I highly suggest you do so in the future.

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:26 am
by Silent Hunter
May I suggest that some users may find post quality from you Werewolf Warrior a bit lacking at times. Of course you are learning but sometimes you can be a bit bare. Its just that we have had many stupid memberrs before you see and we do not want to think you are another. :D

Oh and I am willing to do it so add me to the list please. I would call myself active and have been here for a year.

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:34 am
by Baphnedia
Woohoo! It's starting to get hot in here!

Nobody will think less of you if you're not nominated, or not selected. Being a moderator is not a badge of honor. It is often a thankless job, kinda like being an admin. No, I don't want everyone to start thanking the moderators we do have. Bringing up old arguments and debasing one another will not help you or anybody else get the job that everyone seems to be volunteering for.

Frankly, whether I get the job or not, I'll be working to get back into the top 10 posters on the forums. There are other things to do than to just be a moderator...

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:46 pm
by Kaebora
What I think makes a good moderator encompasses traits that can effecitvely combat elitism.

- Fair non-biased sense of judgement with no favoritism.
- Never using admin abilities for pratical jokes or personal revenge on members. Only to enforce rules.
- Mature, level-headed/ down to earth, and rarely argumentative.
- Prepared to recieve negetive critizisms from those whom question judgement calls, and to handle them calmly.

Rest assured, that if you feel you can't carry out a judgement/punishment on someone that is a good friend (but you know it has to be done), you can descreetly ask another admin or moderator to do it for you.

Most of a moderator's abilities is spent approving posts of new members. So I suffice to say that it is uneventful 90% of the time.

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:57 pm
by Gevaudan
Taking into account what people (especialy Kaebora and Howlitzer) have said here, I feel that these people would be eligible to be possible moderators:

Scott Gardener, Set, Silverclaw, *nagowteena*, Moonkit, PariahPoet, BlackWolfDS, Aki, Kzinistzerg, outwarddoodles, vrikasatma, Baphnedia, KittyRose, Midnight, Xiroteus, Dreamer, spongypants23, Berserker, Howlitzer, punxnotdead

On a side note, and extending from Baphnedia's idea, I think we should have board-specific mods, because then we can make a lot of people happy without giving too much power to a small group too soon. There seems to be a lot of people that deserve to be moderators, but some may be more suited for certain areas of expertise.

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:23 am
by Werewolf Warrior
that's true. :)

by the way the reason why I put less stuff to my post is because I'm at school when I get on here, and I don't get a lot of time to be on the forum unless I'm at home which I use MySpace most of the time. which in this case it would take a lot of thought to come up with a "HUGE" post. to me it seems you want me to type of a essay type post with 2 or 3 possibly 4 paragraphs long. that would take too long. however, I'll try. 8)

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:31 am
by Kaebora
Gevaudan wrote:On a side note, and extending from Baphnedia's idea, I think we should have board-specific mods, because then we can make a lot of people happy without giving too much power to a small group too soon. There seems to be a lot of people that deserve to be moderators, but some may be more suited for certain areas of expertise.
I feel that board specific mods would not be a good idea. I check posts the most efficiant way. The "View New Posts" button. Having mods that use this fastest method may come across a post in need of deletion/change and be powerless to do so due to permissions, which is a fairly frustration situation.

Also, a question comes to mind. What are we to do about the inactive mods and admins? Should we remove them?

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:41 am
by Berserker
Demote to normal member privileges --> send a polite PM explaining why.

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:53 am
by Silent Hunter
Adding to what Beserker said we should also have some condition for a mod being online. Say if Billy the mod got demoted and told why. We would if we had any free places make him meet some conditions like "be active for X amount of time". What is considered active though would have to be decided.

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:22 am
by Kaebora
There are admins that have been absent for half a year or more. I think that would be considered excessive. Of course we can keep Mr. Brownrigg on as an admin. He's the founder after all. :D

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:41 am
by Silent Hunter
Sounds fair enough and for admins or mods who may leave in the future for whatever reason yet intend to come back they can always leave a formal note so people no where they are.

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:14 pm
by Silverclaw
So how many new mods do you think we will need?

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:17 pm
by Spongy
One or two, really. We don't need an armada of moderators/admins, just enough to replace the inactive ones.

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:04 pm
by Kaebora
I think that as long as we have enough moderators that the boards are checked once or twice a day, it should be enough. I'd definately feel more at ease too.

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:11 pm
by Gevaudan
We don't even need to specifically rank people, either. We can assign certain privileges to people without giving them bragging rights by attaching a rank to it. Takyoji's got several privileges already; the only thing he's missing is an image saying "Moderator". I agree, Kaebora, that assigning moderators by forum would be a bad idea, because if something went wrong and the moderator responsible was absent, then the problem would persist. However, I still believe that some system of checks and balances should exist to keep members of the Pack on friendly terms with one another, and to ensure that no one feels too powerful. Really, all we need are some people who are willing to put aside their time to check the new posts and be mature about handling them, without the need for fancy titles. I'm fairly certain that the other admins and mods would appreciate the load off their backs.


Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:55 pm
by Werewolf Warrior
Well I think there should be Mods for different topics on this forum.

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:17 pm
by Kaebora
I've actually already thought about having my tag removed, as it sometimes creates this unwanted aura of being "the man" or something. I just like to help out, but I'd personally rather feel like I'm on equal terms with everyone most of the time. I'm just another forum member like anyone else, right?

There may still be others that want to be a moderator either to be popular, or enjoy the neet little title above their avatar. I've seen it before on other forums, and it wasn't such a great thing seeing it flaunted like that. Having a larger system of ranks and hierarchy would make it worse, and The Pack has voted no to that already... twice.

This careful deliberation of who gets Mod rights and who dosent, honestly starts at figuring out what a person's intentions are. If your reasons are because you love to help other people, and to see people getting along, you'd love the position. If its just because you want to feel important, you'll get bored, regret taking on the job, or worse yet... become disliked. All I ask is that those of you who are thinking you want to be a Moderator, just make sure you're reasons are pure. Agreed?

I wont be nominating anyone though. I will participate in any votes that are put up, of course. :D

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:12 pm
by RedEye
We need to keep the tags. Otherwise people don't know who to call when there is trouble with the site, or with a member. :?
It isn't a rank thing. It's a "who to talk to" thing.
Unless I'm sick, I cruise this place at least once a day. I may not log on, but I watch, and read... 8)
And sometimes I just >bleep< words that are "Inappropriate". :lol:
Result: I get PM's about problems and fix them. Without tags, we'd have to create a "Problems" thread and check it two or three times a day.
I've been on Boards with invisible Admins. Usually all the invisibility does is give them the chance to not check things and not get called out for :yawn: it. :sleepy:
I also support the current two tier Admin/Mod setup. I really don 't remember how to do the stuff the youngster Administrators can do in an instant; and I don't want to go look up how to, either. I already have enough to do. :wacko:

My recommendation is simple. Look at the people who are here all the time anyhow. Choose from them. Open the line for volunteers as well.
We check over the people being considered for Moderator status, and Administrator is a step up from Moderator. You have to moderate before you can administer. :blush:
Funny thought? Some of the hotheads might make good mods. They get in fights, yes; and thus know when a fight is developing and can stop it.
There is a certain blue tiger here who would probably be a very good moderator...and he'd stop fighting when he realized he was now responsible for keeping the peace. :evillaugh:
Let's think about this a bit more... :pingpong:

Re: More moderators needed?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:08 pm
by Werewolf Warrior
I agree with RedEye. :D