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Re: Any anti-werewolf KKK-type organizations?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:42 am
by Vuldari
Terastas wrote:Sort of like the Captain in Hellsing if you will; one werewolf among a bunch of other assorted freaks with no motivations beyond himself.
I have not had the opportunity to follow the "Hellsing" series, (I assume it is a Comic, Manga and/or Anime) so I'm not quite sure what character you are referring to.

I wouldn't say he has "No Motivations beyond himself" though. He has motivations alright ... as well as two powerful minions / second-in-commands and a considerable army of followers that span across the globe. Take the Political influence and Charisma of Hitler in Nazi Germany, combine it with a well of power and mystique comparable to Dracula, with the regenerative abilities and BloodLust of a "Cursed" Werewolf (in his case it actually was a curse placed on him by a Gypsy-like witch) ... combine them all together into one person ... but then throw a wrench into the mix by giving him a spark of intelligence and charm that suggests that he may not be quite as insane as he first appears and is not truly evil at all. The Man is a veritable Force of Nature. ... however, the more one gets to know him, the more you start to feel that, if someone could just point this guy in the right direction, he could actually change the world (for the better?). ... if he doesn't destroy it first.

As you should be picking up on by now, the setting of this particular story is anything but serious or realistic. It involves Werewolves (of at least two distinct varieties), Vampires (though only one or two of note), Zombies, Aliens, Ninjas, Pirates, Secret Agents, Immortals, Giant Robots ... it's a Mad House!!! ... a MAAAD HOUUSEEEEE!!! ...

Yes. Any anti-werewolf organizations would surely be more Anti-Supernatural groups in general, trying to save humanity from the inhuman world. ... but if any of them actually began to look like they could some day pose a threat to him, "The General" would take care of the problem before it even became a problem.

As a result, the only "Hunters" so to speak, are usually eccentric individuals whom are either too petty for him to worry about, or just clever and powerful enough to defy him. I actually have two such characters in my pending story. One was a successful supernatural vigilante back in the 1940s, along with his girlfriend, but retired after she was killed while defeating their Nemesis. The guy (who I just call "The Master" right now) is actually the SON of one of "The Generals" fellow world group rivals, and thus under 'Protection' (Long story) The other "Hunter" character is the Ex-Boyfriend of the Daughter of the "Alpha" Werewolf character (one of the Good Werewolves), who ... well ... that's a long story too. (Surprise Visit from Boyfriend on Full Moon night = Life changing event for one, and life Ending event for other)

The closest thing to an "Anti Monsters" group would be the 'Dynamic Duo' of the old man and his girlfriend back in the 40's when they were still young. I don't think two people count as an organization though.

There is also a loosely connected group formed by "The General"s rival/best-friend "The Frenchman" (as mysterious and powerful as himself, only more good) whom he refers to as his "Trust", which is a mish-mash of all of the people in the world he trusts above all others when trust is in short supply. Though they may organize to subdue or destroy monsters (of both the fanged and mentally disturbed human varieties) when necessary, at one point or another there have been Werewolf, Vampire and other "Undead" or various Supernatural members of the "Trust" ... so that probably doesn't count either.

... the whole thing is an evolution of the "Pack Mental(ity)" comic I canceled before. I hope I actually get around to making it some day. It's so much fun dreaming these crazy stories up.

Re: Any anti-werewolf KKK-type organizations?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:36 am
by vrikasatma
Leonca~ wrote:I like the idea of using Hindu mythology in a story. You don’t see people doing that very often. Makes me wish I had some more books on global mythology, I don’t think any of my currant ones focus on India.
The thing to remember is that in the Indus, wolves were at least as highly-maligned as they are here in the West. "Vrika" meant "wolf" and also meant "slaughter" and there is a demon named Vrika in Shaivite myth.

The Pashunara are a subset of Bhutaganas, Shiva's honour guard of ghosts, bloodsuckers, shapeshifters, demons and ghouls. In the West they'd probably include gargoyles, because the role of the Bhutaganas was to keep all but the most staunch, determined and valiant away from Shiva.

Re: Any anti-werewolf KKK-type organizations?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 12:10 pm
by Leonca~
Interesting. I do seem to remember that wolves over most of Asia were disliked as much as they were in most of Europe, though Asia doesn't have quite as many werewolf stories. They certainly aren’t doing very well in India right now. :(

Re: Any anti-werewolf KKK-type organizations?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:03 pm
by Noir-Okami
Aki wrote: No, they do it for fun. Turns out the Most Dangerous Game isn't man - it's the man-wolf, and the other things that go bump in the night. Abbey members are mere humans, unehanced in any way. They use their cunning to brind down their prey and well, have fun. Because that's what they're in it for - fun. Sometimes really depraved fun that involves dragging the supernatural critter back to the Abbey for all sorts of nasty business.

Sounds kind of true. The Most Dangerous Game was where the General hunted people because they could think. Now, add that and the assumed abilities of a werewolf (claws, fangs, ect.). That's a formidable opponent. There's one disadvantage that the werewolves would have. The gun issue.

Now, I have a concept where someone goes after more than just werewolves (vampires, dragons, ect.). But it's not Most Dangerous Game style. It's the 'thinking that they protect humans (while really not)' thought system.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 7:36 pm
by Midnight

Re: Any anti-werewolf KKK-type organizations?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:09 pm
by Leonca~
What's ironic about that is that possibly the most positive portrayal of wolves in literature (The Jungle Book) is set in India.
True, Kipling was able to see some of the social complexity and tenderness in wolves long before most of the rest of the world thought that way about them. That’s one of the reasons why he’s one of my favorite authors. :) The wolves were also capable of cruelty and discrimination though (in the book version at least), so I wonder if he was using them as a metaphor for human society, both good and bad.

Re: Any anti-werewolf KKK-type organizations?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:02 am
by WerewolfKeeper3
I'm using something similar... although in my story, it's basically a representation of the worst each species can produce... but it started out like that... it can work...

Re: Any anti-werewolf KKK-type organizations?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:33 am
by RongYao
Anti-Werewolf Organization ... ?
In the stories and myths werewolves are not monsters, they are humans which is cursed, humans with abilities or something else that allow and explain shapeshifting .
I've started a story about similar thread but it's on Bulgarian and the name of the organization can be translated on English, the name is SOPPIA, covered for publicity means way different .
People things that, this organization work with goverment and take charge of the water resources and the artificial lakes on the earth.
In truly the name means that this organization research paranormal, shapeshifting and non-natural people's abilities .
Not likely most of the people in this organization don't know that they have to chasing monsters, they think that the people in the "wanted" list are ordinary which do some crimes .
The point of the organization is that people must not understand for existing of that things and that someone of them have undiscovered superpowers .
Okey, I hope you got the idea and sorry for my bad english that would make you difficult to understand what I'm writing .

Re: Any anti-werewolf KKK-type organizations?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:23 am
by Terastas
I've seen worse writing from people that claim it their native language. :P

I like the idea of SOPPIA, if only because, from my English-speaking perspective (IE: I wouldn't know what it stands for either way), it really could pass as just an everyday blue collar company. The idea of a dark/powerful organization masquerading as a legal front isn't highly original, but most people do a pretty piss-poor job picking a name for said companies. Half of them go for something that sounds like it could have a cool and/or sinister ring to it (like the PrimaTech paper company from Heroes, The Iron Throne from Baldur's Gate, or Gen-U-Tech and Scarab Co. from Gargoyles), or try to disguise themselves as something ridiculously pathetic; the exact opposite of what they actually represent (like the B.P.R.D.'s HQ disguised as a waste management company, or how at one point the G.I. Joe HQ was under the assistant chaplain's training academy or something like that).

The way you describe it, SOPPIA sounds like something a werewolf or 3rd party member would be genuinely surprised to learn is involved in something like that, if they've even heard of them at all to begin with.

It goes well with real life as well. After all, some of the industries with the furthest influence and darkest secrets are the ones that the average man has never even heard about. Be honest, how many of us had even heard of Haliburton before Cheney stepped into the limelight?

Re: Any anti-werewolf KKK-type organizations?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:47 pm
by RongYao