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Re: Origins of Your Werewolf Interest.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 11:15 pm
by Moonraiser
Thanks for your comments guys! I enjoy hearing that I am not crazy! :lol:

Re: Origins of Your Werewolf Interest.

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 11:35 pm
by lycanthropeful
Moonraiser wrote:Thanks for your comments guys! I enjoy hearing that I am not crazy! :lol:
Isn't it refreshing? Seriously! I was just explaining to a friend what "-philias" I "suffer" (suffer? I mean get ENJOYMENT) from, and she felt mostly the same... it's amazing how when you find out you're not alone, you don't feel so bad.

Re: Origins of Your Werewolf Interest.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:31 pm
by Irish Wolf
I don't know exactly when it started but I've liked wolves since I was really young which helped to keep the fire going. I remember that i saw the trailer for Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban and i wanted to read the book. I read the book and it was what made the first spark. Then my Dad had rented Van Helsing. I watched part of it and i saw the werewolf and was interested. So for a few years my liking for werewolves kinda went unnoticed. I don't remember what happened first, reading Werewolf Rising or watching Van Helsing on TV. I think it was Werewolf Rising, and i fell in love with the whole idea of being a werewolf(by then my love of wolves had blossomed into a obsession).

But what really made it click in my mind that i really was obsessed and loving it was when I found this place. :howl:  :oo

Re: Origins of Your Werewolf Interest.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:12 pm
by Gevaudan
I really have no idea why I'm interested in werewolves. I've been brought up like most other people, and yet I have a fascination with breaking away from the human form. I've been reasonably intelligent all my life, so I guess it's the symbolism and the relevant themes of the concept of the werewolf that has always held sway over my interests. Breaking free from the sins and limitations that plague humanity, accepting responsibility of something mysterious and powerful, and just the sheer impossibility of it all were particularly striking to me. I've been interested since childhood, when I could fathom imaginary worlds, create things in my mind, and explore new possibilities. Anything complex and out of the ordinary pulled me in like a magnet. The Internet definitely helped expand my interest, as well as further plumb this strange attraction. It also helps that social communities, like the werewolf community, were much more accepting of the eccentric than anything in real life. Maybe my obsession was a manifestation of my low self-esteem. I'm far more confident now than I used to be, but strangely, I can't...pull...away...

Re: Origins of Your Werewolf Interest.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:54 pm
by Noir-Okami
I read Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban. :read2:
Remus being a werewolf started piquing my interest because he was one of my favorite characters in the series. Then it went from there.