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Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:08 pm
by Figarou
outwarddoodles wrote:
Figarou wrote:
outwarddoodles wrote:
Theres many veiws on therianthropy rather than just say sharing a soul. Some beleive they have an animal soul, some seem to have a spiritual connection, some beleive they are mentaly a therianthrope, and some use all these quantum and meta physics stuff I can hardly understand.

Hmmmm....I wonder if there is any animals out there that thinks it has a human soul?
Feros was way ahead of you! ... thropy.gif

heh...figures. :lol:

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:11 pm
by outwarddoodles
Wynd wrote:lol...that would be...odd. A rabbit tryint to walk on it's hind legs and drink a bottle of beer, for instance? Ok, mebbe not.

I do have a comments about the cat thing tho. I got my cat as a kitten, already de-clawed and *snipped*, yet he's an adept mouser and hunts by whapping the mice to death. He didn't get taught that by his mother, he was seperated from her very young. He learned it by adapting, and working with his instincts to hunt, because he's well-fed and has no actual need to hunt for food.

* Besides which he didn't eat it, he just whapped it, drooled on it, and deposited the slimy, broken bundle on my pillow the next morning! Yeeeech! Thanks, Peaches!*
First I'm not going tomention declawing, I'm just one of those crazy people who wants to 'declaw' declawers. Ignore me.

Yet I don't think that means the cat was born with the knowledge to hunt, most likely it has thought this out it's self and with pratice. Many animals don't learn, take aligators and sharks. If you left a human out for awhile its is bound to do the same thing, use it's tools to decifer on it's own how to hunt.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:16 pm
by Shadow Wulf
And i thought the whole end of the world theories were getting old :lol:
oh and the end of the world is in fact to be 2029:Judgement day. where the computer A.I. starts taking over our network and activating nukes all over the world, and then....the rise of the machines, An army of Arnolds starts taking over the world and knocks on your door only to say: ARE YOU SHARA CONNER. :lol:. now to be seriouse, the prophecy that i was led to believe, was that once theres world peace, and all religion have desapierd, all of hell breaks lose. soo people dont vote for world peace, war is the only thing thats keeping you alive.

in the book of daniel. he had visions of the superpowers in the future.

the first superpower ever was the babylonia
the second was the medo-persia
the third was greece
and fourth, the greatest superpower ever in history was the rome, which ruled with an iron fist. rome was described to be as a beast as fearsome and terrible and unusually strong(oh yeah and each superpower has an animal that basicaly described them, ill tell you later)
the fifth is anglo-american world power,us.

then thers the politacally divided world(in the end of time)

now for the animal counterparts of the superpowers.
but im not gonna explain why there that animal, mabey another time.

Babylonia:lion with a wing
Merdo-Persia: A bear with 4 ribs in its mouth
Greece: a leapord with 4 heads and the 4 wings
Rome: this was an interesting creature, this one is more like a dinosaurs, it looks like a tryceratops with twelve horns that suppose to be all the generals rome had.
Anglo-American World Power: We dont have an animal, how sad is that :cry:

There are rumors to be a sixth superpower before the end of time.
It was to be a described as a dragon with seven heads and a women with a purple dress riding on top of this creature and drinking wine or blood in a golden cup.

The most like ly country to be this beast is china, i cant think of any other country comes close.

so thats what i think.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:18 pm
by Shadow Wulf
and another reply i want to make, is that supposely from what i heard is all the misinformation from the movies, webs ext. actually slows our rate of evolution, just something that i heard dont know if its true or not.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 12:37 am
by outwarddoodles
Shadow Wulf wrote:and another reply i want to make, is that supposely from what i heard is all the misinformation from the movies, webs ext. actually slows our rate of evolution, just something that i heard dont know if its true or not.
Or maybe that was just misinformation. I think the TV can rot some people's brains, did for me, but it's not going to slow down our evelution. And personaly that doesn't matter, we will only increase in knowledge, we have an easy life style that means we don't need to evolve in order to survive anymore, we are perfectly fit to our enviroment. Such as the cougar, the cougar is very adaptible and says to have been the way it has for a long time, with the sub species of the Florida panther ofcource.
now to be seriouse, the prophecy that i was led to believe, was that once theres world peace, and all religion have desapierd, all of hell breaks lose. soo people dont vote for world peace, war is the only thing thats keeping you alive.
Okay, woah. :blink:

This is one reason I really didn't like John Lenon (sp?), that guy who worte 'All the people'. We were in school sapposed to right how any of three things he had that may of encouraged us or made us feel any emotion. One of them was that song, I think I was the only person who thought that guy wasn't thinking. So I disected what I thought of that song.

Quite frankly you can't get rid of religon, its what you beleive in, that means you have to get rid of what people beleive in. And war is not keeping us alive, killing and eating keeps us alive but not senseless voleince and killing.

Now the rest ya typed; :blink: What?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:24 am
by Wynd
:P *blink blink, blink blink* Ok, I'm with her...the religion stuff just went waaaay over my head. Wow, can ya tell it's been ages since I went to Sunday school???

Anywho, yes, debate is nice, even if you are the lesser-backed party. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and though I believe animals to be equals to humans, not lesser creatures, I can understand that this is not a popular opinion and will be debated and disagreed with frequently.
Oh well.

It is nice speaking with folks though, and yes, I agree with y'all about the forum being one of the nicer, more intellegent forums online. We are smart, refined, and very...oh heck!

Duckie fight!!!! :lol:

:wetwolf4: :missed:

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:58 am
by Scott Gardener
You forgot a few superpowers:

The Chinese emperors
The Mayans
15th century Spain and Portugal
17th and 18th century England and France
Egypt, for about 3000 years
The Soviet Union

The United States has been a super power since WWI, but our status (I'm an American myself) is not looking so hot right now. Economically we're still in the lead, but our dollar is falling fast, and I'm really wondering whether or not I can open a bank account in Euros. Technologically, Japan is in the lead, and socially, we're starting to look pretty backwards compared to Europe.

Up and coming superpowers for the twenty-first century:

1. The European Union
2. India
3. China--once they shift from Communist to Capitalist. (Trust me; it will happen; give them a decade or two.)

Places that are going to need a bit more time and work:

1. Pretty much all of Africa
2. Most of the Middle East--potentially pretty rich, but socially still in the Middle Ages. (Saudi Arabian pilots didn't like talking to American air traffic controllers, because they were women. I mean, come on. As for the guys on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, they'd probably want to behead those infidels.)

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:03 am
by Wynd
OH no, lol....what a thought. We could end this war....just drop 3-man teams of Queer Eye types to do fashion makeovers on the Saudi's....after a week they'd beg to surrender just to get rid of em'!

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:07 am
by Scott Gardener
I thought it was Iraq.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:09 am
by Wynd
*shrug shrug* Prolly...I'm trying to listen to the news a little as possible. Waaaay too much death and violence as of late.

( wait, I take that back...there's ALWAYS violence on the news )

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:25 am
by Shadow Wulf
Scott Gardener wrote:You forgot a few superpowers:

The Chinese emperors
The Mayans
15th century Spain and Portugal
17th and 18th century England and France
Egypt, for about 3000 years
The Soviet Union

The United States has been a super power since WWI, but our status (I'm an American myself) is not looking so hot right now. Economically we're still in the lead, but our dollar is falling fast, and I'm really wondering whether or not I can open a bank account in Euros. Technologically, Japan is in the lead, and socially, we're starting to look pretty backwards compared to Europe.

Up and coming superpowers for the twenty-first century:

1. The European Union
2. India
3. China--once they shift from Communist to Capitalist. (Trust me; it will happen; give them a decade or two.)

Places that are going to need a bit more time and work:

1. Pretty much all of Africa
2. Most of the Middle East--potentially pretty rich, but socially still in the Middle Ages. (Saudi Arabian pilots didn't like talking to American air traffic controllers, because they were women. I mean, come on. As for the guys on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, they'd probably want to behead those infidels.)
Im reffering the superpowers to daniels prophecy
Chinese and Soviet Union are superpowers but they dont count at all.
Spain, England and France were indeed powerful but agien they dont count.
Mayans,im not shure
Egypt, that might be the one where i left out but it wasnt in the list, they still were a significant superpower i should have add them in there.

And as for Upcoming superpoewers chinese and European union,most likely be superpowers.but india, i think that should be on the need to work on list

Oh and you can get rid of religon, simply by proving them wrong. like some religion dont believe in aliens and think that we're the only living planet in the universe , just show them a real alien and that could make them question about thier gods,alot.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:41 am
by Shadow Wulf
oh by the way what does it mean to become a capitalist? :?

oh and i take that back about spain,france,england, i THINK thier part of the anlo american world power, sense daniels prophecy doesnt go much into anglo american .

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:14 pm
by Figarou
Shadow Wulf wrote:oh by the way what does it mean to become a capitalist? :?

WHEN YOUR POSTS LOOKS LIKE THIS. <---All capital letters.

Heh, couldn't resist. :lol:

Ok, that was dumb. :missed:

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:04 pm
by Apharoh
Scott Gardener wrote: Places that are going to need a bit more time and work:

1. Pretty much all of Africa
2. Most of the Middle East--potentially pretty rich, but socially still in the Middle Ages. (Saudi Arabian pilots didn't like talking to American air traffic controllers, because they were women. I mean, come on. As for the guys on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, they'd probably want to behead those infidels.)
Hey... Shut up... *goes into the corner and crys*

phil says "yep 'sganna happen"

Hmmmwahahahahahaha, ow i broke a blood vessel

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:01 pm
by outwarddoodles
Apharoh wrote:
Scott Gardener wrote: Places that are going to need a bit more time and work:

1. Pretty much all of Africa
2. Most of the Middle East--potentially pretty rich, but socially still in the Middle Ages. (Saudi Arabian pilots didn't like talking to American air traffic controllers, because they were women. I mean, come on. As for the guys on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, they'd probably want to behead those infidels.)
Hey... Shut up... *goes into the corner and crys*

phil says "yep 'sganna happen"

Hmmmwahahahahahaha, ow i broke a blood vessel
When trying to have a good debate lets not break out into too much stupidity okay?

And, just to note this. My friend loves penguins and the llama club's plans to rule the world consist of training army penguins to do the work for us llamas.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:53 pm
by Shadow Wulf
i found the animal for the Untied States,..... a komodo dragon with a small of what looks like sheep horns. oh and the anglo american world power is strictly britan and unites states

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 9:42 am
by Shadow Wulf
i notice that scott gardener says japan is ahead in technolog, that only in p.c. computer entertainment and cars. When it comes to war technology, U.S. is superior, and im hispanic.

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:14 am
by Lupin
Shadow Wulf wrote:i notice that scott gardener says japan is ahead in technolog, that only in p.c. computer entertainment and cars. When it comes to war technology, U.S. is superior, and im hispanic.
Odd, from what I've heard the PC didn't really take off compared to cell phones and whatnot because the average Japanese household didn't have the space to fit them. (Remeber these are the people that give cube watermelons as gifts so they fit better in the fridge.)

Edit: Geometry.

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:48 am
by Vilkacis
Lupin wrote:cube watermelons

Who wouldn't want one of those??

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:31 am
by Shadow Wulf
And all this time i thought squared watermelons were a myth. :lol:

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 5:15 pm
by Apokryltaros
Shadow Wulf wrote: Oh and you can get rid of religon, simply by proving them wrong. like some religion dont believe in aliens and think that we're the only living planet in the universe , just show them a real alien and that could make them question about thier gods,alot.
Actually, no.
Everybody has been saying "Religion is obsolete" since the 1700's. And tell me, who's smoldering in a grave right now, Karl Marx, or the Catholic Church? I'm not getting nasty, or anything, but, if I had a 2-dollar bill everytime I heard someone say, "Oh, religion is going to be rendered useless," I'd have enough bling-bling to get myself a home theater system so posh and decadent so as to set even Figarou's fur on end.
Why have fifty channels on one screen when I could have fifty screens for one channel?
Shadow Wulf wrote:And all this time i thought squared watermelons were a myth. :lol:
No, it's quite simple to do, actually.
Just place a clear plastic mold around the growing squash or melon, and it will grow into the mold, in Japan's case, a cube. They sell little kits to have your squash grown in the shape of cartoony heads, or the heads of famous people, primarily Elvis, at garden supply places.
Vilkacis wrote:
Lupin wrote:cube watermelons

Who wouldn't want one of those??

-- Vilkacis
And pay $150 for it?

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 5:41 pm
by Lupin
Vilkacis wrote:
Lupin wrote:cube watermelons

Who wouldn't want one of those??
I'll take one, as long as someone else was paying the $118 to buy it.

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 10:57 pm
by Scott Gardener
Shadow Wulf:
i notice that scott gardener says japan is ahead in technolog, that only in p.c. computer entertainment and cars. When it comes to war technology, U.S. is superior, and im hispanic.
Well, yeah. The U.S. does have the better war technology over Japan. Whether it's something of which to be proud is debatable. Though I am curious as to what being Hispanic has to do with anything...

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 11:02 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Scott Gardener wrote:Shadow Wulf:
i notice that scott gardener says japan is ahead in technolog, that only in p.c. computer entertainment and cars. When it comes to war technology, U.S. is superior, and im hispanic.
Well, yeah. The U.S. does have the better war technology over Japan. Whether it's something of which to be proud is debatable. Though I am curious as to what being Hispanic has to do with anything...
i just said that so i you want think that im the type of person that like: yeah im an american patrioit! America is the best at everything. ive met people like that at my school,gets annoying. it doesnt have to do with it much at all. kinda like when you said (im an american myself). written above

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 5:38 am
by Figarou
Apokryltaros wrote: but, if I had a 2-dollar bill everytime I heard someone say, "Oh, religion is going to be rendered useless," I'd have enough bling-bling to get myself a home theater system so posh and decadent so as to set even Figarou's fur on end.
Why have fifty channels on one screen when I could have fifty screens for one channel?

fifty screens for one channel?

How about one giant screen for one channel.

fifty screens, feh!!