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Re: What’s the most you ever dun to be more like a werewolf

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:06 pm
by Bloodyredbaron
Well, one year while I was a werewolf for Halloween I got really into and started humpi-

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Re: What’s the most you ever dun to be more like a werewolf

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:09 pm
by Gevaudan
Aw, a koal—HEY! :x

Re: What’s the most you ever dun to be more like a werewolf

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:21 pm
by Grey
You could say I work hard to keep with my lone wolf image. A tall straight stance, with crossed arms, and a brooding way about me.

I trust my senses of smell, and hearing more. And I stopped fighting my inner wolf, and let it become more and more a part of me.

You are what you belive you are. :shift:

I also bought a pound of venison at the store the other day. Can't wait to sink my fangs into that. :D

Re: What’s the most you ever dun to be more like a werewolf

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:27 pm
by Lewis
Well I grew my nails and sharpened them to a point some people have been like WTF im like don’t worry lol :D

They have been very helpful like:

Unscrew things I could before.

Helps to play my bass guitar.

When I make Circuits it really helps with the fiddly bits.

And one time one me mates was really annoying me so I scratched him and made him bleed on his hand which I was well plz about but he wasn’t though :lol: o well he shod not of been pocking me contently for no reason !! :evil: