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Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:01 pm
by Set
It was not my intention to start a fight. For some reason I just have a natural tendancy to come across as abrasive no matter what I say or how I say it. Maybe I have hyena (crone) medicine.

And for those of you who are curious: the furries discuss therianism. My rant is on the second page, I'm Hirodra.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:03 pm
by Trinity
First of all, I'd like to more clarify that this is not a fight. If it had become so, i would have used a lot nastier terms and down atlking then I have previously.

But because I feel that arguing in such a manner is silly, I try to educate instead. :)

Sometimes in my diatribes I forget to use the emoticons/smilies/ etc in order to "show" my emtoional state. Its hard not to read into text what one feels, rather then what is ment. So My appologies if it seemed that way.

As a memebr of the fandom, I'd like to point out that Therianthropy started with the Fandom. As a member of the Therian communities I'd liek to point out that Therianthropy started with the fandom. ;)


Most furs can be catagorized into a number of different areas. 1 ) Fans, ie people who just like the whole anthro-animal deal, 2 ) Fanatics, ie people who get into more then most, invovle themselves in things like suits and the communtiy at large, 3 ) Suiters ie Mascots ( which are just cool in my book ;) ), 4 )Artists, 5) Spiritualists ( ie some can be marked as Therian, some a Totemist, etc.., ), 6) PG-13 folks, 7) Perverts, 8 ) Sickos.

But then alot of different fandoms have these same if not simialr catagories ( trekkies anyone? ;) ) heh.

So as for an debate between weres and furs, IMO there is no deabte. There is no 'wrong' difference but what -we- as people lable others. *nods sagely* The bias is as bad as rascism. It makes one closed minded. :P

The only defining difference is that the furries are a part of a larger fandom. Anyone can be a fur. Anyone who is a fan of anything anthro-morph can be technically considered a fur ( though they may refuse teh 'label' htmeselves and claim otherwise ).

Therianthropy.., its not a religion but it is in some ways a spirituality. Its not something everyone -can- be, but that some people just -are-. ( Though that is currently still under debate in some circles, :roll: ).

I don't like Savaaha's note that Therian's are mostly furries. Oh boy. Say that to a community of Therians who don't even KNOW the furrity fandom exists ( yes I know this is true, I was once one of those numbers.. and the fandom has been around since Mickey Mouse.., or before.., the fandom has a LONG history ).., Yeah that's opening a big old can of worms.


I had to go through teh hazing as well. But rather then b**** about it, I sucked up my pride and paid attention to what they were not saying. :)

Yes there is a LOT of elitism amoung BOTH sections. But there are a LOT of morons too. Don't take it personally, because it shows that you can't handle an opinion that doesn't fit your own. ;) Its done not because they are better then you...,

Its done bec ause the therian community has SEEN the crap that the Fur fandom has delt with, the bad media rap and all. They have delt with wannabe's for YEARS. Its hard not to be jadded.

Its not "you have to or else you are not good enough" Its a test of personality, to see if yuor are -serious- and not just tere to troll or be an butt-hat. :/

Please trust me in this, I've picked up pieces of newbies from the hazings I have watched. I've grabbed folks with "strange therian sides" and spoke with them before the hazings began. I've tired to be the voice of reason amoung a very insular group of people. :P

All I can advise is to not take thinsg so personally, because throwing blanket statements over things only makes the jadded-ness worse. Yuo becomea statistic.

This can also be applied to o utside life as well. Again, Bias in any thing is bad. Opinions are ours to have, yes. :) But Bias can hurt everyone in th elong run.

Yuo wanna talk? There are PLENTY of others out there, world wide who has more patience for newcomers, for seekers, for the repitious questions and answers.

All yuo have to do is find them. Complaining doesn't help, but seeking does. :)


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:05 pm
by outwarddoodles
I'm really not into the 'furries VS Therians' stuff. I'm still quite confused apon how your pissed off at shifters. I love talking about there. Quite frankly you probaly ended up with really dumb people.

From as far as I know someone who is therian does not automaticly hate furries. Alot of therians seem to be furs, and furs that are therians. I've stumbled apon a stupid ranting fest of idoits once, but from where I'm usaully at our only concern is that therianthropy is not mixed up with furries. Some people I've found seem to think therianthropy and being a furry is the same thing, I think thats just the concern.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:12 pm
by Figarou
Please don't turn this thread into another therian vs furry thread.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:17 pm
by Trinity
Its what I'm trying to avoid. *points up at her edit*

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:26 pm
by outwarddoodles
(I didn't see your post, you posted it when I was writing mine.)
Therianthropy.., its not a religion but it is in some ways a spirituality. Its not something everyone -can- be, but that some people just -are-. ( Though that is currently still under debate in some circles, ).
There seems to be a whole colection onto what therianthropy is caused by or is. So we have many therians, therianthropy may be the same thing but there seems to be different types. While some are into their spiritual ideas, often beleiving that we have a soul of another animal, others have explored into mental therianthropy, and even those seem to come in different types and 'flavors'.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:31 pm
by Trinity
outwarddoodles wrote:(I didn't see your post, you posted it when I was writing mine.)
Therianthropy.., its not a religion but it is in some ways a spirituality. Its not something everyone -can- be, but that some people just -are-. ( Though that is currently still under debate in some circles, ).
There seems to be a whole colection onto what therianthropy is caused by or is. So we have many therians, therianthropy may be the same thing but there seems to be different types. While some are into their spiritual ideas, often beleiving that we have a soul of another animal, others have explored into mental therianthropy, and even those seem to come in different types and 'flavors'.

Without turing this entire thread into a disscussion on what it is and is not, that's it in a nut shell. ;)

For me, as I've stated before, its a Philosophical thing. Its borders in some instances on more spiritual aspects.., but that is because I, as a person, am a fairly spiritual ( or so I believe ) person.

Some of the mroe scientific bent see it as a brain-tweek. Or a socail reactions. We have a number of scientitst types, physcologists, students of psychology, some students and profesors of medicine, and such amoung us studing this.


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:44 pm
by Figarou
Trinity wrote:
outwarddoodles wrote:(I didn't see your post, you posted it when I was writing mine.)
Therianthropy.., its not a religion but it is in some ways a spirituality. Its not something everyone -can- be, but that some people just -are-. ( Though that is currently still under debate in some circles, ).
There seems to be a whole colection onto what therianthropy is caused by or is. So we have many therians, therianthropy may be the same thing but there seems to be different types. While some are into their spiritual ideas, often beleiving that we have a soul of another animal, others have explored into mental therianthropy, and even those seem to come in different types and 'flavors'.

Without turing this entire thread into a disscussion on what it is and is not, that's it in a nut shell. ;)

For me, as I've stated before, its a Philosophical thing. Its borders in some instances on more spiritual aspects.., but that is because I, as a person, am a fairly spiritual ( or so I believe ) person.

Some of the mroe scientific bent see it as a brain-tweek. Or a socail reactions. We have a number of scientitst types, physcologists, students of psychology, some students and profesors of medicine, and such amoung us studing this.

Well, I know they will say "its all in the mind." There is no tests to prove someone is a therain. Or if they have an animal spirit in them.

If there is a wolf spirit in me, its well hidden.

I like wolves. Why? I can't explain it. I'll just stay confused. Thank you very much.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:54 pm
by outwarddoodles
Well some have come to the beleif that certain animals may make impressions on people at a younger age. Whether that person out right copies the animal or just learns and wacthes that animals untill they may subconciously adopt the behavoir and actions untill they beleive they are that animal themselves. Some seem to go with that its something else in the brain. Theres alot of theorys, but as said all therians are different. Then when I was younger I would romp with dogs when quite frankly I beleive myself to be a feline therian.

Figarou, I think you just like wolves. Stay confused. :P :D

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:04 pm
by Figarou
outwarddoodles wrote: Figarou, I think you just like wolves. Stay confused. :P :D

Good advice.

I'll do just that.


I met a woman that loves frogs. Yes, I said frogs. She has a big collection of frog items. statues, cups, t-shirts, ETC.

Now, why does she likes frogs so much? Does she have a frog spirit in her? Does she have cravings for flies? Heck No!! She just likes them. She can't it explain it either because I asked her.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:12 pm
by Trinity
HA! I know someone who is a frog collector as well!! XD She had to rent a storage space just to keep most of her collection in. XD XD :)

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:13 pm
by outwarddoodles
I like llamas, I have llama items, some llama plushies, llama shirts, and I often go to something just because I hear theres a llama there. (Yet there is an alpaca farm near us and they are often showing off the wonderful stuff made from Alpaca fur, and no, I have nothing made from Alpaca fur, yet.) I really doubt I have the soul of a llama.

I think alot of people want to be a therian because thye may love an animal so much. Someone who says loves wolves, like obsessively loves them, may be appealed to the fact of being a wolf therian, it would be as though they are of what they so dearly love.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:19 pm
by Trinity
outwarddoodles wrote:I like llamas, I have llama items, some llama plushies, llama shirts, and I often go to something just because I hear theres a llama there. (Yet there is an alpaca farm near us and they are often showing off the wonderful stuff made from Alpaca fur, and no, I have nothing made from Alpaca fur, yet.) I really doubt I have the soul of a llama.

I think alot of people want to be a therian because thye may love an animal so much. Someone who says loves wolves, like obsessively loves them, may be appealed to the fact of being a wolf therian, it would be as though they are of what they so dearly love.

That's where a lot of the angst and angry retorst come from. When someone who is simply obsessed with wolves comes into the Therian community and claims to be a Therian "because I love wolves".

*shakes head sadly*

Some take it as an insult, others feel that the person isn't taking things seriously enough. Etc..., Etc..., Etc..,

This is where a lot of the elitism starts. :roll:

This is also where a lot of people get lost, confused, or loose themselves into fantasy.

Heh. Of course some folks would point at teh rest of us and say the same thing, that we've lost ourselves in our 'fanatsy'. :P *chuckles*

This is one of the many reasons why so many of teh more 'seriuos' communities are harsh to new comers. If folks who are seriuos about discovering themselves won't be half as phazed by the hazing ( or so the common feeling goes ). But some communities take things a bit too far. :(


Its really about Balance, finding it and keeping it. :)

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:26 pm
by Figarou
Trinity wrote:
That's where a lot of the angst and angry retorst come from. When someone who is simply obsessed with wolves comes into the Therian community and claims to be a Therian "because I love wolves".

*shakes head sadly*

I love home theater. I wonder if there is a therian side to that. :lol:

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:32 pm
by Lupin
If there is a wolf spirit in me, its well hidden.

I like wolves. Why? I can't explain it. I'll just stay confused. Thank you very much.
Yeah, I have an obsession with wolves, but I don't think I have any special spiritual connection with them.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:41 pm
by outwarddoodles
Figarou wrote: I love home theater. I wonder if there is a therian side to that. :lol:
Its Figarou, the home Theater therian!

There I beleive was actually a site somewhere that kidded around with the concept of therianthropy by claiming they spiritualy beleived they were objects. So they had people who said they beleived they were toasters and lamps.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:50 pm
by Trinity
Don't forget the were-doorknob! or or the were-spatula! XD ... stotherkin
:) Humor community on LJ.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:58 pm
by Figarou
outwarddoodles wrote:
Figarou wrote: I love home theater. I wonder if there is a therian side to that. :lol:
Its Figarou, the home Theater therian!

There I beleive was actually a site somewhere that kidded around with the concept of therianthropy by claiming they spiritualy beleived they were objects. So they had people who said they beleived they were toasters and lamps.

Yup!! I'm a home theater therian!! :lol:

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:01 pm
by Set
I have heard of machine 'kin before, but it was more along the lines of highly sophisticated and extremely comlplex AI. Lamps and toasters are just funny.

I am a werescrunchie! Rawr! :lol:

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:03 pm
by Figarou
Trinity wrote:Don't forget the were-doorknob! or or the were-spatula! XD ... stotherkin
:) Humor community on LJ.
were-doorknobs? :lol:

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:22 pm
by Trinity
Yeah. Didn't you know? I'm a were-doorknob! :wink:
I've had urges of being twisted and turned, leaned upon and locked all my life! :lol:

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:26 pm
by Figarou
Trinity wrote:Yeah. Didn't you know? I'm a were-doorknob! :wink:
I've had urges of being twisted and turned, leaned upon and locked all my life! :lol:
Locked, eh?

So who has the key? :wink:

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:29 pm
by Trinity

Not telling. ;) muhahaha.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:05 pm
by Lupin
Trinity wrote:Yeah. Didn't you know? I'm a were-doorknob! :wink:
I've had urges of being twisted and turned, leaned upon and locked all my life! :lol:
Leaning upon a were-doorknob, that's gotta hurt.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:12 pm
by Figarou
Lupin wrote:
Trinity wrote:Yeah. Didn't you know? I'm a were-doorknob! :wink:
I've had urges of being twisted and turned, leaned upon and locked all my life! :lol:
Leaning upon a were-doorknob, that's gotta hurt.

actually, you can lean on the door.