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Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:26 pm
by Nightspirit
*nightspirit watches, yawning softly, thinking to herself 'their problem.not yours.dont get involved....hmm..seems interesting though..'

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:25 pm
by Miguel
Dantori looked at Nightspirit and says, "Who,,who are you?"

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:35 pm
by Nightspirit
*she looks at Dantori " name is Nightspirit. and...whats yours?" she asked, one ear pricked, the other half way down in a somewhat puppyish manner, hers itting up and shaking the dust from her fur.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:45 pm
by Miguel
" my name,nice to meet you." He walked over to her and smiled.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:49 pm
by Nightspirit
she gave a small smile, bowing her head to him "so..what brings you out here?" :)

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:22 am
by Miguel
"I was bitten not too long ago,I was on my rutine route and I was told about a missing girl.She was here and I found her but I ran into some.....anger amongst the Lycans."

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:48 pm
by Nightspirit
"really now?...and i prefer you not call us lycans dude. lycans are people with a disease who temporarily, think they are wolves. no shape-shifting involved. we are simply put, also pisses me off when people confuse us with wolf-men....wolf men look like that guy in that human movie 'the wolf man'! we are werewolves. there IS a diffrence!" :x she snarls "..but...what kind of anger?"

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 5:50 am
by [arpegiuswolf]
There came a sharp, vicious snarl from somewhere near the three...the demon, newby, and cop-gone-wolf....standing there atop a large rock was a large female...pure white in color, like an arctic wolf...except for a bright blond stripe running from her forehead to the tip of her tail. Her eyes, the right one piercing yellow-gold and the left, sharp ice-blue, gazing at the weakes of the three...the cop. She was a rouge...a man-eater. A werewolf who almost only fed on the flesh of humans....eyes wide, she seemed to be grinning....wide, crazed...saliva dripped from her fangs. One could see the rips in her ears...the scars hidden by her fur...she was a fighter, known to have even broaght down males twice her size. She wasn't, she was born a werewolf...a combanation of bad breeding and even worse upbringing made her what she was...She was maby 17-18 years old....too young to be like this.
"I found a meal...." She hissed coldly...licking her lips.

(Yay for insane wolfies... :lol: )

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 9:54 am
by Miguel
Dantori looked up at her and growled. He backed away towards Nightspirit. He stood in front of her and turned into full wolf. He moved in a akward direction. He lunged at the foreign wolf feeling threatened.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:59 am
by [arpegiuswolf]
Seeing the male lunge, the white she-wolf simply shifted to the side. She knew he was too inexperienced to mean her any harm...yet she attacked. Thrusting foward, long maw wide open in a vicious roar-snarl, aiming for his throat. She clampted down, her weight bringing him down. If he did not submit by roling on his back...she would rip his throat out. She thought she should take the role of the Alpha...teaching the new wolves their place...

Nobody knew of her real name...calling her the White Demon...Ears flat against her skull, all of her fur on end...that thickly fured tail held vertical...and thoes mismatched eyes...wide...otherworldly. She gave a deep rumbling growl...sounding more like a young male than a female...Challenging the other two to even dare attacking her, she had no problems with killing the three of them....

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:11 pm
by Miguel
Dantori broke loose and growled at her. He said, "Why are you doing this?" Dantori backed away and ran towards his friends. He said, "I was only trying to know these werewolves when you entered the conversation." Dantori snarled and stared the wolf in the eyes.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:41 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
"Know your place, Meat-bag" She hissed...then she glared at the other two..."What gives you the right to just hand this gift to these disgusting things!?" She snarled. She didn't accept any bitten werewolf as one of her own saw them inferior to her, and to her family. She could trace her family back to ancient times...a pure werewolf, no human... "They fowl the moon with their stupidity and ignorance for its beauty..."

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:45 pm
by Miguel
Dantori said, " don't like me,i'll leave." He ran deeper into the forest enraged in anger. He felt dizzy and howled. He said, "Diaz......Nightspirit,someone.......please." He fell to his knees and blacked out.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 2:17 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
A sudden leap...She followed him, quickly and silently. Her movements like that of a soft white shadow...thoes eyes still showing the cold hatred. She was very skilled in her wolf form...prefering it over her human form. She was fast and smart...few could sink their teeth into her...and the ones who did, were either respected for it, or killed soon after...

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:47 pm
by Aki
ArpegiusWolf wrote:A sudden leap...She followed him, quickly and silently. Her movements like that of a soft white shadow...thoes eyes still showing the cold hatred. She was very skilled in her wolf form...prefering it over her human form. She was fast and smart...few could sink their teeth into her...and the ones who did, were either respected for it, or killed soon after...
The white wolf was crashed into by a similarly white form. Since he had gotten sepperated from Saesenenii, and Trista, Aki had decided to go and find Scott, and saw this scene. Backing up after the wolf-tackle, Aki snarled at the unknown white colored and yellow-and-blue eyed wolf.

"Enough..." he snarled.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 1:19 am
by [arpegiuswolf]
Landing easily on her feet, eyes locked on the other white wolf...She was unusualy large for a female...very powerful. Tail held vertical...head raised high...a show of dominance....she snarled at the male, licking her long white fangs..."You dare!? I'll rip your throat out and feed it to you!" She snarled, seeming to find the thought of feeding the male his own throat amusing...she seemed to grin...laughing at the male.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 8:31 am
by Aki
Aki merelly grinned back. "You couldn't if you tried, you mad mutt," he replied, backing up, and the other wolf could heard faint but familar sounds, the popping of bones, the stretching of muscle. Aki stood on two legs as the transformation completed, from full-wolf to the hybrid of man and wolf.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 9:13 am
by Miguel
Dantori leaned up with the blood dripping from his mouth in hybrid form. He spat it and growled at the wolf saying, "there are two of us and one of you." He circled the foreign wolf and growled at her.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:11 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
She growled, looking back and forth between the two males...They may be physicaly stronger than her, but she was much faster than either of them. She had fought against many oponents before...She would let them attack first...then go from there...

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:16 pm
by Miguel
Dantori jumped at her and landed muzzle first into the ground. Since he was basicly new he was much less capable of winning a fight. He stood up and knew she would escape.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:34 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
Smirking, she lept at the incapable new wolf...landing on his back, she opened her maw wide, closing it tightly on the flesh of his shoulder. She shook her head viciously to tear the flesh away before leaping away onto an elevated rock, looking down at the two of them...

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 5:40 pm
by Miguel
Dantori put his paw on his shoulder and groaned. He kneeled down to her and said, "I will serve you...just don't kill me." He was a disgrace to most werewolves since most put up a strong fight.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:14 am
by [arpegiuswolf]
She seemed to grin at his submission....shifting her mismatched eyes to the white male...He was still a problem. She looked back down at Dantori..."If you wan't to prove your loyalty....then kill him! She said, eyes going back to the white male. She would not tolerate weakness...if this new wolf failed, she would simply leave him to was the reason she had no pack...the reason she had no mate...she was a control freak...

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:21 am
by Miguel
Dantori looked at the white wolf and said, "I am sorry Aki." He lunged at Aki and bit him on the paw. Dantori looked back at the female wolf and said, "You happy now? I was just banned from my friends because of you."

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:23 am
by [arpegiuswolf]
Thoes mismatched eyes stared at Dantori...hypnotic in their gaze. "I said KILL him!!" She growled. She had an unusual power. capable of controling thoes with weak minds. She started to laugh, enjoying setting the friends against eachother.

(She is an over-obsessive control freak with a god-complex...YEAH!)