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Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:41 pm
by vrikasatma

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 5:34 pm
by lupine
Welcome back. :D

I'm guessing 140hrs is pretty easy to burn up in one month. You should look about for an unlimited package. Even over here in UK, they are pretty affordable now.

Anyways, whats this Howl Chorus?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 8:20 pm
by MoonKit

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 8:53 pm
by Timber-WoIf
14 hour workdays are fun. especially when u averaged $7/hour and theres no time to shoot anyone whenyou get home.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:31 pm
by Kaebora
1. I'm broke, with only $100 to my name. Too many expenses in a short amount of time = savings gone.

2. My last major purchase was an external harddrive. Nessesary to save the 20+ Gigabytes of important data pertaining to art media and business. Something I didn't want to buy until I would actually have money to spend. I am spending most of my day today backing up that data.

3. The harddrive was needed because I'm wipeing the original harddrive clean with a reformatting due to unsolveable OS errors. I was hopeing I could do that when I could buy a new INTERNAL harddrive. Once again, money I don't have. Damnit.

4. My hosting service still hasn't reactivated my domain name, hence the stupid road picture still showing everywhere. Double damnit.

Rant over.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 10:31 pm
by MoonKit
Kaebora wrote:
4. My hosting service still hasn't reactivated my domain name, hence the stupid road picture still showing everywhere. Double damnit.

Rant over.
I wondered about that. Feel better Kaebora. Money comes in cycles.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:22 am
by Kaebora
Yeah... you're right about that. I'm estimating being back in an area of normality around mid-June. It's too bad I can't spend any money on recreation during my short (3 week) early-summer break.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:30 am
by vrikasatma
lupine wrote:I'm guessing 140hrs is pretty easy to burn up in one month. You should look about for an unlimited package. Even over here in UK, they are pretty affordable now.
I signed on to a Mac-only ISP, The rates are pretty good, $9 a month which kicks a** over pretty much everything except AO-Hell. Most ISPs charge around $15 a month.
140 hours a month translates to about 4 hours per day. Admittedly, not bad. It just means my onlining will be choreographed and mapped surgical strikes and still get things done in the real world.
Anyways, whats this Howl Chorus?
It's something I'm trying to get off the ground. I want to practice and get my chops up for the H O W L workshop I'm conducting at Burning Man. Basically, the concept is: people stand around in the local waterfront park on the Sunday nearest the full moon and howl.

I'm going to have one at BayCon later this month. Should be fun, as I'm pretty sure I'll get better attendance than I do here.

I'm kind of dismayed at the non-participation. After all, Eugene isn't the most straight-laced of cities. Last Easter we had a bunch of people stumbling around downtown dressed as zombies, to give you an idea. If we can have zombies we can have werewolves, wouldn't you agree?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:54 am
by lupine
Most definitely. Werewolves are way nicer looking for a start. And they smell better! :lol: Best of luck with it..
I'm sure It will be a success at Burning Man tho, You got a LOT of open minded people there.
The prob with doing it in a town is that people worry too much about what others think, It's the old conformist society syndrome in full effect, no one wants to appear 'different' or 'loopy' although, givenn half a chance, they would love to have a BIG OLD HOWL!! :howl:  :oo

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 9:24 pm
by Timber-WoIf
i hate my damn goodie goodie self consious a**. Its retarded, because i get uncomfortible soo damn easy. Poeple are all the time talking about drinkin and partyin and s***, and i just shake my head. I don't get it, doubt i ever will. I usually end up feeling like a jackass beacause i refuse to touch any kinds of drungs or alchohol. And whenever people start discussing "mature" s***, i get uncomfortible as hell. for example, i cant look at any kidn of yiffy art without my gut sinking. I mean, damn, this one peice snuck up on me whilst i wuz browzing deviantart, and i friggin instictively closed the page. I mean, wtf? i feel like a friggin child, i swear. I mean, its not like i wuz thatsheltered or anyting. gah. I just figure it has to do with that social anxiety s*** the doc said i had. Hell, i was trembling when i met WP for lunch one day. it gets friggin old, ya know. Cause everyone i ever talk to ends up just as uncomfortible as me.
meh... its late... why do i feel like such a f*** child... is it cause i am?

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 1:15 am
by vrikasatma
Cripes, what is UP with people?!? :eyebrow:

I drove up to Portland today. The road shenanigans I saw all around, in front of and behind were just off the frackin' chain. Normally Oregonians drive mellow and stay away from each other but Portland is turning into California, I swear. Okay, to be fair, most of the dillholes had Washington State license plates, and a lot of Californians went up there to be part of Lockheed, Starbucks and Microsoft, and the Washington highway patrol didn't slap 'em down when they brought their attitudes with 'em.

Oregon, it's different. We have...heh-heh, HAD the State Police patrolling our highways and they didn't stand for scheisse like that for one second. They're not corrupt like the CHP who literally let drivers get away with murder so long as their tags are current and their shift quotas have been filled. You lane-surf at 85 through the WIllamette Valley I-5 corridor and your a** is grass.

But today, I got tailgated thrice going up, and twice coming home. Not to mention the hideous traffic situation. I ran into gridlock everywhere. It took me forty-five minutes to get from Tigard to Northeast Stark. Ridiculous.

Why is this happening? Budget cuts. Oregon has a balanced budget law and a two-year fiscal period, and we're under a Sword of Damocles because the Feds are talking about cutting off timber payments which the state is mostly running on. Bush even had the yarblockos to call funding our rural schools PORK! Excuse me?! Oregon is a rural state! We're five cities, one a metropolis, in the middle of, basically, wilderness.

So, take a look at what we stand to lose if the federal timber payments go over to Iraq: Domestic violence task forces (D.V. is the #1 violent crime in this state), troubled youth intervention programs, services to get the homeless off the street, immigrant integration, Superfund investigations especially for meth labs, shelter care for the emotionally and mentally disturbed, health care for low- and no-income children, disabled veteran know. Frivolous stuff like that. Absolutely unessential.

George W. Bush...just...DIE. Go away. :x

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 1:30 am
by lupine
The man is a nob. As an uoutsider looking in, I can only comment on what I see on the news over here, but to me, the guy is just a war monger. He will not admit that he's wrong. Interferring in countries affairs that he has no right to get involved with. And I gotta be honest, I kind of understand why the Muslim and Arab world hate him so much. He has done America absolutely no favours internationally. He needs taking out.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 1:45 am
by vrikasatma

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 9:34 am
by Kirk Hammett
The usual: My brother is having an enormous party.

1) I want to join them and get drunk. They are my friends too, after all.
2) They are loud and I am trying to write a speech.


I couldn't help having a few drinks. But I'm still, STILL, stone cold sober and should probably stay that way.



Also, I am sick to bloody death of being used. A friend of mine only calls me if she is depressed. When I call, she hasn't got time for me, even just a simple walk with the dogs to the park. Always some excuse. I've decided that next time she contacts me I will be frank with her. I'm never like that but I've had enough now. You can only push someone so far. Even someone who is too forgiving and that is me.

Use me, and I swear I will not have any respect for you.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 10:55 pm
by ravaged_warrior
The rental car I was riding in got broken into while I was at the San Francisco Zoo. They took two portable DVD players and a pair of headphones. Now, the headphones really confused the hell out of me. Luckily, they were retarded enough not to take the plugs for the players, so they won't get much fun out of their assholery. They also took my new copy of License to Kill by accident since it was in one of the DVD players.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 7:14 pm
by DarkShadow
the human race just needs to be wiped out

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 8:26 pm
by ravaged_warrior
ravaged_warrior wrote:The rental car I was riding in got broken into while I was at the San Francisco Zoo. They took two portable DVD players and a pair of headphones. Now, the headphones really confused the hell out of me. Luckily, they were retarded enough not to take the plugs for the players, so they won't get much fun out of their assholery. They also took my new copy of License to Kill by accident since it was in one of the DVD players.
You know what, that wasn't venting. Here's my venting for this. I'm f*** pissed, not only for the lack of disrespect some assholes on this planet have, but for the fact that License to Kill was brand f*** new, I hadn't even finished watching the f*** DVD. My headphones were brand f*** new, too. I bought the f*** things for the purpose of having headphones for a longer period of time, because I kept buying cheap headphones that would break too quickly. The DVD player? Well, it was old, but is was also a Christmas present, so THAT pissed me off. The other DVD player just added even more insult. Not to mention the mess those useless wastes of human lives made. I hope they get hit by a car. Not killed, they technically aren't that bad, but seriously injured. Maybe a paralyzed arm, they don't deserve full use of their limbs if they using it for this kind of s***. And they broke into at least two other vehicles, the greedy f*** s!

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 7:48 am
by Lukas
DarkShadow wrote:the human race just needs to be wiped out
then say good bye to yourself

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 9:01 am
by MoonKit
Lukas wrote:
DarkShadow wrote:the human race just needs to be wiped out
then say good bye to yourself
Itd be worth it. :P

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 9:10 pm
by DarkShadow
MoonKit wrote:
Lukas wrote:
DarkShadow wrote:the human race just needs to be wiped out
then say good bye to yourself
Itd be worth it. :P
here here :P I wouldnt really mind anyways

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:32 pm
by Kaebora
The car that I drove all through high school and half of college, is totaled. :cry:

Nobody was hurt in that highway three car pile-up, but the engine of my car is compacted into junk. *Sniff* I loved that car.

1993 Mazda MX-3
Bought -- Nov. 2nd, 2003
Died -- May 4th, 2007

Why my little red car?! WHY!? :howl:  :oo :cry:

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:21 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
DarkShadow wrote:
MoonKit wrote:
Lukas wrote:
DarkShadow wrote:the human race just needs to be wiped out
then say good bye to yourself
Itd be worth it. :P
here here :P I wouldnt really mind anyways
yeah same here..I wouldn't mind..Anything else to say Lukas? :P

EDIT. I decided to add a rant of my own..I wish I could be where there are Howls..I LOVE howling..I would do it everyday if I could, but I live right in the middle of a city, surrounded by houses..A police station right do the street..Get my drift? :P Hell I'd come join yuh Vrikastama if I could..Seriuosly they need a please where everyone could get to pretty easy for a howl..That would be such fun :(

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:13 am
by vrikasatma
Next month I'm going to announce it more...compassionately. Instead of saying "HOWL Chorus, here's where, here's when, see ya there!" I'm going to say something like:

"In this place, at this time, you have permission to tap into the Primal, come sing to the Moon with us as she rises. Turn loose your Inner Wolf and HOWL"

Or maybe that's a little too New Age-y? I don't know.

Joker, is there a park where you are? Any freaky-deaky shops, like indie book or record stores? Organic food co-ops? Free weekly newspapers?

There was this guy in the exercise room tonight, I think he was from the college or something. Tall Korean or Japanese guy. The manager came to close the clubhouse door and asked how long we'd be in the exercise room, and whether we had the key to same. I was just getting done, so I replied that I was going home and didn't have a key; but the other guy just stared at him silently, and walked away without saying a word.
Okay, maybe he's still learning the language but it's so rude to just stare and stiff people like that when they talk to you. If he can qualify for the university here, he can at least say "Yeah" or "No."

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:10 pm
by Kaebora
Oh... one more. I'm now $4,100 in debt, and expected to be able to pay it off in a year and a half. :o

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:57 pm
by Shadow Wulf
yeesh! Good Luck on that. :o