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Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:23 am
by Trinity
WolvenOne wrote:Okay, although I'm not an expert, er, female chests are not entirely made up of fat, there's some other stuff in there that's a bit more solid then fat, forget it's name.

Second, that "well the energy from the transformation has to come from somewhere," argument, doesn't work so well. See, by that logic, once a female werewolf transformed back they'd be permenently, shrunk down up there. Besides that, we really cannot expect a virus or whatever to have the intelligence to decide what bodyparts it can break down to complete the transformation, it's just as likely to go after an arm or an internal organ after all.

Though I should stop there, cause we're getting into the missing matter debate again and I don't want to open that up again. See it was mostly resolved in favor of "fudging it," since no scientific explanation works here.

Now, I can understand why people "wouldn't" like them for werewolves. However there's no real reason not to have them so it's mostly a stylistic preference. That being said those sorts of "stylistic preferences," are best left up to the movie makers.

Yeah Mammary glands, and female breast, though, are mostly fat reserves. When we gain weight, typicall they grow first. When we losse weight typically that's what dissappears first. ;) *chuckles* Of course they aren't all fat, and nursing moms have larger breasts because the glands fill up with milk, not fat. ^.^ *grins*

As for teh energy transferrence, meh yeah, i was never a fan of it myself :P not sure if its hit the "cannoon" of the movie or not. I sure hope not. But the shifting aspects will eventually lean-out the body. When body builders work out, they are extending and -ripping- the muscle tissues. The muscle tissues responds by making more.., thus the build of of the muscles.

A werewolf going through teh change is going through a LOT of muscle tearing and excercise ( for the lack of a better word. heh ). Though, depending on the nature of the virus ( perhaps it breaks down some of teh tissue build up for its own purposes. *shrugs* Its a thought ), the werewolf would not likly become a massive body-builder type either. ;)


I agree that eventually this is what all this debate is going to boil down to, is stylistic preferences. But if the idea of the movie is to gove as "realistic" and "naturalistic" and "scientific - movie physics" as possible, then I would still push for a near-nil breasts.

The over all make of of the anatomy is based on certain keys need and wants fo the film. My concern is that with a bi=pedal gait, as well as a quad-gait, there would be certain issue that need to be address.

The idea as quoted above states that, from what I surmisse :

In order for a werewolf to move in both gaits, slight TF will have to occur to allow for it. So, as I understand it, a werewofl going from a bi-ped gait to a four legged gait woul dhave some of his/her body parts rearranged in order to better fit a quad movment style.

So a werewolf would go from a human-torso, back-curved lower spine ( and more reaosnable a shorter tail, since the bi-ped form relies on teh butt muscles and muscles attached to the tail bone to work properly. ;) ), bi-ped form;

To a hip and shoulder-TF, spine-bend TF, chest-TF in order to run on all fours. Attach to this the "Absorbtion" or "re-arrangement" of female sex oragns ( 2 breasts to multiple un-seen nipplage ), as well as the movement of the male gentalia back and up closer to the tail.

To me.., that makes teh most sense.., -as- based on what has been foramlly accected into the "movie cannon".



Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:39 am
by WolvenOne
Keep in mind that a werewolf isn't going to mirror a wolf's design perfectly. They just "look" like wolf-ish creatures, however when it comes to several anatomical details they're probably always going to more closely resemble apes or humans.

I mean, they're starting out as humans and basically having wolf-like features overlaid on top of them, for certain features to change certain parts of the body would need to be practically rebuilt, thus any virus is likely going to take tons of short-cuts to achieve the wolf-like look and features it needs.

Oh, and FYI, even if there were no real change to muscle mass, you'd still run into the issue of missing matter. Simply, things like fur, a tail, and muzzle, will take up too much mass to simply pull from elsewhere in the body. For this reason I don't really like viruses either, it seems to me to be an attempt at looking scientifically plausible even though it's fairly obvious that it isn't.

Anyhow, long story short, when talking about fantasy beings, details such as this really are more about artistic preferences and such.... and yes I know I've basically said this earlier but I'm a really artsy fartsy type and I really LOVE playing up how important we are. ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:27 am
by Trinity
WolvenOne wrote: Keep in mind that a werewolf isn't going to mirror a wolf's design perfectly. They just "look" like wolf-ish creatures, however when it comes to several anatomical details they're probably always going to more closely resemble apes or humans.

I mean, they're starting out as humans and basically having wolf-like features overlaid on top of them, for certain features to change certain parts of the body would need to be practically rebuilt, thus any virus is likely going to take tons of short-cuts to achieve the wolf-like look and features it needs.

*ponders* It makes sense ins some ways. That's what I'm tryign to achive here, is that the physical anatomy of teh werewolf makes some form of sense based on the current cannon ( genre, ideals, etc.., ) of what the Directors have already chossen.

WolvenOne wrote: Oh, and FYI, even if there were no real change to muscle mass, you'd still run into the issue of missing matter. Simply, things like fur, a tail, and muzzle, will take up too much mass to simply pull from elsewhere in the body. For this reason I don't really like viruses either, it seems to me to be an attempt at looking scientifically plausible even though it's fairly obvious that it isn't.
Meh. Considering that some forms of old-world lycnathropy were caused by Rabies.., hehe.., it kinda fits. ;)
WolvenOne wrote:Anyhow, long story short, when talking about fantasy beings, details such as this really are more about artistic preferences and such.... and yes I know I've basically said this earlier but I'm a really artsy fartsy type and I really LOVE playing up how important we are. ;)
*nods* Agreed. I'm teh same way though i come from a more.., anatomy-driven.., hybridizion-fnatical group myself. *grins*

but as I said before, I like to see all of this -fit- into what is currently cannon for the movie. If they want to go by a more "scientifically-movie physcis-based", then it shoudl stay along the same lines. Otehrswie the descepentcies become.., far too obvious. Then teh film fails, because it starts to look rediculous.

I really don't want to see that happening here.

Which is why I'm such a vocal and strong propoenet for more 'realistic' werewolf anatomy. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:34 am
by WolvenOne
Alright, then I'll put this in more a more simple argument.

Humans females have chests, and from an evolutionary standpoint any 2 legged upright walking creature is likely going to have the same set-up. So if a werewolf walks on two legs, even part of the time, they'll have at least a subtle rise to thier chest.

(FYI: I could explain in detail why almost any 2 legged upright walking female creature would have them, however this conversation is already wierding me out enough as is without delving any further into the gory details.)

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:31 am
by Trinity
But the gross anatomy of it all is fun! *chuckles*


........... <--- smoke starts pouring out of the ears.

I'll try to keep this in a more point by point basis. I enjoy debating with you Wolven, so lets try to keep this somewhat organized. ;)


Now if we make the assuption that, even though the werewolf can take on all three form including wolf, the form of teh werewolf remains mostly human. Thus is able to carry the upper torso in a simailr manner as any upright walking female.

This would allow for most physical anaotmy to be related to a human form almsot ( but not quite, it is a werewolf we are talking about after all ) identically.., just furry, with teeth, claws, tail, and a wolfish head. ;)

Thus the body would have to be primairly bi-pedal in construction. If we kept to this line of thought, then a Quad gait werewolf would be extremely Ape-like in motion and movement. Or worse still, since a bi-ped legs are typically longer then their arms, it would look like a reversed hyena in some aspects.

One also wouldn't get teh power and the speed on four legs that are typically noted in many of teh Mythos ( mostly modern versions ).

Now, unless the shifting changed the arms as well as the legs so that they were of an equal length, it would bcome difficult for the werewolf to have a quad-gait of any sort that would be efficient and effective.

But then this isn't completely about effectivness, but instead more about looks and style at this point. To me.., it would look silly. But then that is entirely my illiogical opinion. ;) hehe.


Now if we assume that the virus complements the two forms ( wolf and human ) and forces a pure blending, a true hybrid, then several anatomical issues are going to crop up. Both for needs of the form, as well as very basic needs of biology.

Including the ability to breed. Having that much change in the physical anatomy can wreck havoc on one's ability to breed completely. This cna be seen in a number of R.W. references, including substance abuse affecting genes in teh womb, as well as birth defects that render a person inert for breeding purposes. Having the base reason for teh change as a virus, this adds to that possibility of the werewolf going sterile.

Now of course folks aren't goign to like that, so for Movie-needs and fan -wants, I'm sure the director would go along the lines of the werewolves being able to have families. ;) *chuckles*

But away from that tangent..,

The ability to run on all fours comes into question, in that the human chest, arms, and shoulders were not ment nor built to sustain a Quad Gait. Huamsn are built for bi-oed motion primariyly.

If the form is a pure hybrid, then we need to consider how much of what aspects of which element ( human or wolf ) come into effect.

Wolf chest is not built to have much in the way of large mamary glands. Wolves are also built to have more then one puppy/baby, so they have more.

Question: can teh werewolf have more then one baby? If so it would make sense to have four breasts intsead of just the two. If not then the two would be a good compromise.

Now the question comes into play, how is the chest formed? Not only does this effect where the breasts are place, and what size they need to be to 'fit', but also the locomotion of the form.

A pure hybrid would be able to have some bi=pedal and some quad gaits, but neither would work very well, since the body has to compromise for both.

The shoulders would be in and down more then a humans, but not to the "sling effect" of a wolf. They would be the primary steering feature when on all fours, so teh joints would have to take the added stress of correcting and diverting momentum.

The chest would have to carry a large enough area for teh heart and lungs, as well as take the beating of weight and force being applied to the front legs.

So back around to this then.., where and how much room is needed for the upper torso to support human-like mammaries? On a pure hybrid they'd be somewhere.., but where? Up by the neck? >.< *twitch* bleck

Woudl the be further down on the chest "behind" the elbows? ( They'd look saggy, personally.., and very much look 'off' )

if they were situated "properly" where humans had theirs, then they'd have to be very small.., or start lookign like elephant mammaries o.O *twitch*

If the chest if indeed broad enough to support human mammaries, then teh tracks of th ewerewofl would be very broad, wide apart. Its also likely that the tracks themselves would over-reach. IE: The back paw prints would be in front of the front paw prints, perhaps over lapping perhaps not.

The hips as well woudl have to be wider, unless the back feet came between the front legs, rather then straddling them when in a full-tilt run.


If the hybrid form itself shifts slightly to compensate ( as has been suggested in the current Cannon ), then any of these ides could be combined to form a logistical ( from a movie stand point ), and likely hybrid.

But even so teh breast wouldn't be as noticable once covered in fur unless:
They were bigger they they would logistically be,
The fur on the under side was much thinner, and thus able to see then shape of teh breats.

If the second is the case then most of the underlying muscluture would also be defined ( and would look pretty cool, imo ).

If the second were the case, the sheath and testicles would also be defined. >.<

The issues of the sheath wouldn't be much of an issue, really, except that the rating for the movie would liekly be changed by the "Prudes". :P feh.

If done right, most people wouldn't notice it at all, and with an uprigth werewolf teh testicles wouldn't be easily seen except from teh front. From teh back the thigh fur and tail would also mask teh testicles, so that's a no-need.

But the anatomy for the movie, and in the movement of the werewolf.., there is the issue of where it would lay.

For the male the defining sexual features can be easily "hiddnen" But not with lots of fur. That woudl cause friction, when the werewolf was running.

As for female lower region sexual features, if they are truly hybriized, they would be further back and toward sthe tail.., thus no "crack" woul dbe shown.

I hope I haven't completely wigged anyone out. ^.^ I'm just an anatomy freak. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:11 am
by Shadow Wulf
you know I would like it if you people explain things bit by bit, dont give me the whole enchilada, this is a very long post. :(

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:00 am
by Vilkacis
Shadow Wulf wrote:you know I would like it if you people explain things bit by bit, dont give me the whole enchilada, this is a very long post. :(
If you prefer, you can simply read it bit-by-bit instead...

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:22 am
by Renorei
realistic breasts (of any size) = bouncage when running

Breasts are composed almost entirely of fat. If you get rid of the fat, you end up with something that looks almost like a man's chest. Without fat, there really isn't a breast. I for one, think it would be silly to have blobs of fat on a werewolf, a creature that really should be all muscle, fur, and toughness. Breasts, I think, would take away from the ferociousness of the werewolf.

If the makers of the movie do end of giving them breasts, I hope they are like those of a female gymnast. Those girls are almost all muscle, so they barely have breasts at all, but they are still there.

So, from my point of view, I am still against breasts and always will be. There are plenty of other ways to make a female werewolf look feminine, but if they are given breasts, they should be barely noticeable.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:42 am
by WolvenOne
Again, werewolves arn't pure hybridizations but rather humans whom have been modified to have some wolf-like features.

Yes a wolf chest isn't designed to have, er, breasts, but they arn't designed for upright walking either and wouldn't a werewolf with a wolf-like chest would have limited arm movment. Plus, in a previous discussion on the topic of wolf shaped chests vs human shaped chests, it was pointed out that transforming the chest would be one of the more extremly drastic changes that'd require major portions of the body to be "rebuilt." As such it's my belief that a werewolf chest would be mostly human but would be tweaked slightly to make all fours running a bit smoother.

As per werewolves being sterile, well, probably not the greatest of directions in my mind. One of the interesting psychological aspects of werewolves is that they're forced to deal with thier more primal instincts, and breeding is one of the strongest "primal instincts." Doesn't mean a movie has to go around demonstrating that they arn't sterile though, families would be enough.

Okay, now I will go ahead and explain something that I brought up earlier just so the debate is a little more complete.

Ahem, okay most four legged animals are primarrily attracted to the hind qourters of perspective mates. It's one of those methods nature/god built into mammals to make certain that they breed and breed often.

Now, humans of course walk on two legs, and during breeding approach eachother from the front, where the butt is out of view. This, many experts believe, gave rise to the need of larger then typically neccesery er *cough*breasts*cough.* Okay beyond this point I'm sure you can use your imagination and figure everything else out.

Anyhow, if werewolves arn't sterile and can walk on two leggs, then the females will probably keep that feature, at least to an extent.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:48 pm
by Figarou
Well, the milk glands on a wolf is in the belly area. Since the ears on a werewolf moves to the top of the head during a shift, why not have the breast move to the belly area.

ok, that was odd.

*runs and hides*

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:52 pm
by Fenrir
*grabs Figaou ties him to a chair and gags him so that he can't post here*

*looks innocent* what do you mean were is Figarou

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:28 pm
by Trinity
WolvenOne wrote: Again, werewolves arn't pure hybridizations but rather humans whom have been modified to have some wolf-like features.
Again this is totally dependant on teh Director's final say. They could be a wholely new species ( though I doubt that myself ). Or the virus could morph their physical make up so much as to mak a full hybridization possible. ;)

But then I am playing Devil's advocate on this one. :)
WolvenOne wrote: Yes a wolf chest isn't designed to have, er, breasts, but they arn't designed for upright walking either and wouldn't a werewolf with a wolf-like chest would have limited arm movment. Plus, in a previous discussion on the topic of wolf shaped chests vs human shaped chests, it was pointed out that transforming the chest would be one of the more extremly drastic changes that'd require major portions of the body to be "rebuilt." As such it's my belief that a werewolf chest would be mostly human but would be tweaked slightly to make all fours running a bit smoother.
So going with a more hybrid chest, leaning towards a more human over-all form, would give room from female Mammaries. But then there is the issues stemming from -that- ( the chest/shoulder region being more human then full hybrid ) which would make being able to move on all fours difficult and awkward at best,

Unless, as current cannon suggests, that there is a physical change that wraps teh body more in order to run on all fours. As stated before ( broken record I know ;) ), then what happens to the humanistic sex organs ( both male and female? ) in general? Do they also move, change to more wolf-like structures? Do they get 'absorbed?' o.O
WolvenOne wrote: As per werewolves being sterile, well, probably not the greatest of directions in my mind. One of the interesting psychological aspects of werewolves is that they're forced to deal with thier more primal instincts, and breeding is one of the strongest "primal instincts." Doesn't mean a movie has to go around demonstrating that they arn't sterile though, families would be enough.
Agreed. ;) Personally I like my werewolves in fiction to eb able to breed and have familes. heh. :) Puppies are so cute! ;)
WolvenOne wrote:
Okay, now I will go ahead and explain something that I brought up earlier just so the debate is a little more complete.

Ahem, okay most four legged animals are primarrily attracted to the hind qourters of perspective mates. It's one of those methods nature/god built into mammals to make certain that they breed and breed often.

Now, humans of course walk on two legs, and during breeding approach eachother from the front, where the butt is out of view. This, many experts believe, gave rise to the need of larger then typically neccesery er *cough*breasts*cough.* Okay beyond this point I'm sure you can use your imagination and figure everything else out.
*nods* Thsi is also something that I've been told, read, and leanred. That many scientists that study human beahvior and history suggest the same thing. That humans, being visual creatures, have developed obvious sexual features in order to be attactive to their mates.

Now the difference between social stigma, and current trends not-withsatnding,;

The idea of a nicely rounded female, ample hips, and a full chest are susposedly more sttractive. The "Heavier" one is the better, as that denotes that the female is geting plenty to eat. Thus being able to support a second life leaching the minerals and protiens out of her body much more capabaly. :)


( ^ wolfy peeking over a fence looking cute )
WolvenOne wrote: Anyhow, if werewolves arn't sterile and can walk on two leggs, then the females will probably keep that feature, at least to an extent.
Makes sense from that perspective. But there is stillthe issue of locomotion and the problems THAT will cause. ;)


Oh and Fig.., *shots a nuclear dukie at you*

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:34 pm
by Figarou
Trinity wrote:
Oh and Fig.., *shots a nuclear dukie at you*
Sends it right back!!



Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:36 pm
by WolvenOne
Well, human females have some locomotion/comfort issues with that as well. Nature doesn't always make everything nice and comfortable after all.

As for the entire bit with 4 legged running being difficult if it's primarilly a two legged creature.

I say, fudge it. ;)

Okay not fudging it, but coming up with an explanation that'd sound resonable to all but the most intelligent people.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:39 pm
by Trinity


I wonder what A.B. has in mind. ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:42 pm
by Figarou
WolvenOne wrote:Well, human females have some locomotion/comfort issues with that as well. Nature doesn't always make everything nice and comfortable after all.
Thats what you think! Human females should be glad they don't have udders like a cow. Imagine trying to put jeans on.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:48 pm
by WolvenOne
Poor poor cows.... not only do we eat them excessivly, *Mmmm... cow* but they're probably the single most uncomfortable animal on the planet. You should see how uncomfortable they look when they're pregnent. >_<

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:26 pm
by WolvenOne
Oh, incidentally, the entire thin woman vs well fed woman thing, well, countries where people are likely to go hungry to indeed tend to appreciate that more. However in countries where it's highly unlikely that people are gonna starve, thin females are typically the preference.

The explanation in this is that, when people are starving, then indeed a well fed woman is going to be a better woman. However when food isn't an issue, being very heavy is typically a sign of laziness or poor health or whatever, thus the survival instinct swings towards females whom are thin.

So I suppose even nature jumps around based on the circumstances.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:13 pm
by Silverclaw
Thats what you think! Human females should be glad they don't have udders like a cow. Imagine trying to put jeans on.
*shudders* Now that would be akward. I think if it was like that, pants would be a completely differnt design.
Guess it would suck if you were a female werecow; gestalt form cow :lol: Now I'd avoid getting bitten by one of them :P

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:32 pm
by ChaosWolf
I doubt a werecow would have a long enough lifespan to be of any concern...


Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:24 am
by Winter
Oh my gosh! I thought this topic died...ive been gone so long...

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:55 pm
by 23Jarden
Figarou wrote:Well, the milk glands on a wolf is in the belly area. Since the ears on a werewolf moves to the top of the head during a shift, why not have the breast move to the belly area.

ok, that was odd.

*runs and hides*
Fig... when in doubt picture it in your mind...

Nope it still kicking!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:02 pm
by Figarou
23Jarden wrote:
Figarou wrote:Well, the milk glands on a wolf is in the belly area. Since the ears on a werewolf moves to the top of the head during a shift, why not have the breast move to the belly area.

ok, that was odd.

*runs and hides*
Fig... when in doubt picture it in your mind...

I did picture it in my mind before I posted.

I just had to share what I was thinking. :jester: