Werewolves and talking

This is the place for discussion and voting on various aspects of werewolf life, social ideas, physical appearance, etc. Also a place to vote on how a werewolf should look.
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Post by BlackWolfDS »

That sounded like murmurs to me. (Referring to Okami) Anyway werewolves, can they speak? I believe so, but you must also take into consideration of their wolf side. So suspect that the two communications would cross. In some places it would be more closely related to Human speech, while in others it would be gruffs, growls, howls and mostly body language. With the werewolf's body it is able to make more understandable gestures that a Human could comprehend. As for the wolf side, they would use facial, and tail postilions to covey mood and possible tone. Facial would include ear position, eye location (where they are looking), mouth posture and a number of other things Humans have yet to discover. With combination of the two (body lingo and audio sound) the werewolf could communicate in a number of ways to two different species. Human and wolf.

Did that just come out of my mouth? o.O
White Paw

Post by White Paw »

BlackWolfDS wrote:That sounded like murmurs to me. (Referring to Okami) Anyway werewolves, can they speak? I believe so, but you must also take into consideration of their wolf side. So suspect that the two communications would cross. In some places it would be more closely related to Human speech, while in others it would be gruffs, growls, howls and mostly body language. With the werewolf's body it is able to make more understandable gestures that a Human could comprehend. As for the wolf side, they would use facial, and tail postilions to covey mood and possible tone. Facial would include ear position, eye location (where they are looking), mouth posture and a number of other things Humans have yet to discover. With combination of the two (body lingo and audio sound) the werewolf could communicate in a number of ways to two different species. Human and wolf.

Did that just come out of my mouth? o.O
wow..very well said :D
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Post by lupine »

Yeh I second that. One thing I would like to add tho, is that as regards pronounciation of words, I imagine a werewolf to have difficulty in comparison to a Human, purely as a result of the mouth shape. The lips of a human are highly sdeveloped and are able to produce all sorts of sounds. I feel that the jowels and chops(for want of a better expression) of a a wolf would not be able to achieve the same sounds. I do therefore fear theat if a werewolf were to speak it would sound like Scooby Doo with a speach impediment. :D
Well be, thy one. And wisdom too. And grew, and joyed in my growth. From a word to a word, I was led to a word. From a deed...to another deed.

"I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing."
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Post by redwolfmoon »

For me this depends. Is the crew from Narnia going to be working on this? Just a joke.
The thing is, communication is possible without actual words. We understand animals on behavior, posture, and sounds. People are not sure about touching a dog that is snarling, or pet a cat thats ears are flat and tensed while growling (I don't know if that's the proper wording for the sound). When a canine "YIPE"s, we know it is injured. A pet cat sprays on a wall right infront of you it is the equivilant of 'Piss on you'. A dog stomping on the ground with his front paws and rump high is for play. A horse throwing its head back and naying, hoofing the ground usually is laughing, especailly if you just fell down. Nudging a cow in the shoulder to get its attention then taking a few steps away and swaying your shoulder closes to it away from it and back means follow.
It is odd to us, but we understand it none the less when we see it. It may take a moment to translate, but we get it.
However, I have sat and watched two dogs closely, listened and have been patient. Sitting together, they still communicated with eachother through low/soft rumbles and yipish sounds that it took me a long while to pick up on. The two dogs just sat and 'talked', you could tell, but I couldn't tell what... but I knew it was casual. With looks and almost silent sounds.
I wish I had the subtitle option.

I could see a werewolf using signlanguage though and, though it would be inprobable to hold a pencil, claw text could work.
Doodle, doodle, paint, paint, don't forget about the sex and violence!
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