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Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:34 am
by Miguel
Zan nodded, listening to Enir, and then began moving up the hallway with his weapon raised, ready to fire. He didn't recognize this place, and for all he knew Surge was trying to set him up. He quickly turned around, searching for his robotic guardian, and then faced forward once more, signaling for the robot to move forward. The robot responded and hovered forward, releasing a metallic sound that echoed through the hallway and the room. Zan was becoming terrified. This place, it had to be a trap, just had to be. All of Surge's companions had to know what was going on, they just had to. Zan sprinted back to where Enir stood and spoke, cautiously, careful not to let the others hear him.

"This isn't right. These people are here to set us up, they just have to be. They work for him, have fallen for his false solution just like everyone else in our group. They're mad, have been blinded. They don't see it. He's going to kill them, just like he killed my people! It was him; I know it was," Zan responded, insanely, placing his finger over the trigger of his gun, just barely able to control his actions. "Archangel is his plan! It's what he wants to destroy us with."

Trying to play off his paranoia, Zan made his way towards the nearby wall and leaned against it, covering his eyes, still holding his gun defensively. He was losing it. Beginning to chuckle, he spoke towards Surge.

"Where is it, Surge? Where's your Archangel friend?"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:00 am
by Thunderclaw
Surge faced Zan. "You really need to get your paranoia levels down. 'archangel is my plan and you think i'll kill you?' That's over the top." Surge looked up. "We have doubting Toms Archangel. They think you are a plan. I need you and C.P to come down and show them."
Two voices return from the ceiling. One, a young, youthful voice. The other a more gruff, battle hardened voice.
"You can't blame them for their paranoia. After all, you do have that innate ability for scaring people." Two figures dropped down from the ceiling - one, youthful, dressed in clothes like surge's, but had lighter colours. The other was in a large red battle armour with a helmet of the same colour. One thing that was different about them, was they both had wings.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:05 pm
by Enir
Enir slowly moved over to Zan and wispered to him, careful to position himself behind Zan. "You must control yourself or risk being discovered." "Plus, if there are any more of your little displays of paranoia I will be less likely to favor your cause.""Now please keep your self under control while I examine and learn about these new beings." Then rejoining the group he says to the winged ones, "Hello. If you don't mind me asking how did you grow wings? Surely you are not from this planet?" "Also if there is time I would like to learn more about your race." Then looking around at the others he asks "Where is the Martian?"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:30 pm
by Thunderclaw
The one in the red armour nodded, and spoke. "I'm a Xantonian, and I don't resemble a human in any way apart from shape. Archangel however, is from Earth." The one called Archangel merely looked at the ground and muttered, "I don't really want to talk about it."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:30 pm
by Enir
That's fine, your past is your own. If you do not wish to share it with me that is fine." "But how did you get wings?" "That is an odd thing even in my hidden land of mythical beasts and magic users."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:40 pm
by Miguel
Zan nodded, listening to Enir, and then slowly began lowering his weapon, yet remained alert, ready for any sudden changes in the situation. Enir was right, though. He had to control his paranoia. The others were becoming suspicious, especially Surge. He could see Archangel. It didn't seem hostile, but that could quickly change.

"I'll be waiting outside," he spoke and began making his way back to the room's entrance with the robot in tow. "When we finally have a plan, tell me."

Zan moved back through the hallway's center and then turned into a side path, stopping beside what seemed like a maintainance door. He leaned against the wall and seated himself on the floor, still listening to the voices from the room. He needed time to cool off. The robot hovered in front of him, seemingly louder than it actually was because of the echo. He spoke towards it.

"Awaiting orders," the robot responded, weakly.
"Search for nearby radio signals," he responded.
The robot's motor became louder, making what seemed like a beeping sound. "Searching for signals...please stand by. signals detected."
"Figures," Zan replied. "Resume patrol."
"Command accepted!"

The robot began resuming its patrol of the area.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:57 pm
by Enir
Enir decided he was not going to get any more info from these to winged beings and decided to examine the room. One thing that still bothered him was the fact that he could 'smell the blood' but yet there were no bodies or puddles in sight. Knowing that Zan needed some alone time to cool down but realizeing that going off on ones own was never a good idea in a strange place he reluctantly decided to go see how he was doing. Makeing sure that Zan knew it was him entering he silently went over and crouched beside him laying his sword and bolo down just barey out of hands reach to show he ment no harm to the human. Then finnaly speaking he said " It's good to see you have your self control back. I can't imagine what hell you have been through, but I will yell you this. Iam begining to find more reasons for not trusting Surge. For one I can smell blood but there are no bodies and also there seems to be no comm. device in the posetion of the two winged ones." " The more I follow this one the more I find out he is hidding." "And the most important thing of all, I can never respect somone who leaves a living friend behind to die, it is dishonorable." " And don't worry I wont leave you behind." "Iam sure you don't trust my race but, I was not always like this, I was once a human as well." "Don't worry, you can at least trust this wolf."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:35 pm
by Miguel
Zan shrugged. "Thank you, Enir. It is good to know that there are still others out there that can be trusted."

He stood up and looked towards the patrolling robot.

"I've been trying to think of a plan, a way that we could stop him. This place is hidden for a reason. They don't want the New Human Regime to find them. If we could somehow find out where this place is, then maybe I could contact the HR and give away this position. It would buy time, give us time to think of a better plan. Maybe we could actually work with the Human Regime, maybe gain their loyalty."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:25 am
by Thunderclaw
Archangel walked towards zan and Enir. "You'd be wasting your time alerting the Human regime we are here. They followed us in, and they are on their way here to try and get us. That's why Surge is here. The Old Regime was based here before they were attacked. They had a peace treaty with the werewolves so the two races co-existed, until the New Regime decided they didn't want werewolves. Plus, if you really think you can't trust Surge,heed the fact that unrestrained, Wolfward, the lord of Cravesfang, would be unable to make a single blow on him if Surge was unarmed. He has good intentions which spur from a tragic past, and the future would be much bleaker than it is now. He has kept the Earth safe for the better part of 2000 years, maybe longer. He forged Excalibur, the sword of King Arthur. He trained Merlin. He kept demons away from the planet, and stopped some of the most devastating forces of invaders. He's the person people can trust the most, because he is good intentioned."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:10 am
by Miguel
Zan chuckled and examined over the rifle in his hands. He looked towards Enir and nodded, and then looked back to Archangel.

"I don't trust him, though. I think his 'good intentions' are a lie. I think he is wanting to take this world for himself. The New Regime can't be stopped, and of all the people, you should know that. This Old Regime is a fake cause, something made to give the wanderers of the wastes hope, something created to calm the werewolves because you know they are gaining power. Surge isn't immortal, though. There is no immortal." Zan lifted his gun, pointing it at Archangel. "Now back off!"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:15 am
by Thunderclaw
The second that Zan had told Archangel to back off, Surge was between Zan and Archangel in the blink of an eye. Surge was holding the gun barrel and pointing it away from Archangel. "Never point a gun at my apprentice, or anyone else under my protection again, Zan. Lay off. Lower the gun."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:27 am
by Miguel
Zan began laughing, hysterically, but complied with Surge's command. He lowered his gun.

"It's funny that you show up, Surge. I'm surprised it wasn't one of your supporters that tried to come and stop me. You're actually willing to fight, willing to die for one of your friends. What are you going to do? Kill me?" Zan looked towards Archangel. "He should have been minding his own business. I have every reason to put a bullet in his skull right now."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:05 am
by Thunderclaw
Surge looked serious, and spoke. "Your thoughts are too open. Anyone with any magical talent would be able to read them, even if they didn't want to. Plus, there is something your gun lacks to put a bullet in Archangel's head. Namely bullets." Surge lifted his other hand to reveal the clip that had originally been in Surge's hand. "You need to loosen up, Zan. You're blaming all the events from the last 24 hours on me because of a couple of bad experiences. That is the sort of thinking that got this world into this four-way war, and none is going to win until alliances are rebuilt! Think, Zan. You fought to keep a town safe from the Human Regime. I fight to keep the Earth safe from the greatest danger at the time. "

"I am Salenth Fortunis Alvestan Aquasselino, Guardian of the Worlds of Mystte, Elementar and Earth. Dominiative guardian of peace through means of justification diplomacy and neccessary violence, Emmisary of the god
Mysttra; deity of Mystte, sorceror master rank, spell level 19, Master of the elements, practitioner of darkness and light, And form-changer uniquia. My life is protection. No matter what doubts you have, that is what I do. You can go on thinking I'm a delusional, insane psychopath, intent on taking Earth for my own, but it won't change anything. I Will stop you firing a bullet at anyone there is no real established reason to fire at. And techincally, I am in charge of events of this world, and if this war was to destroy it, it would be my head that would pay the price for it's destruction. That is the severity of inter-racial wars from two universes in a four-way war."

Surge released the gun, no longer needing to hold it, as he had removed it's ammunition, and walked back to discussing matters with Crimson Phoenix.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:30 pm
by Enir
Enir calmly stepped from the side of the wall and stood in the middle of the passage way. Then called out to Surge: " Surge!!!! All I want, is an answer to one question, and I want the truth weither it's forbbiden or not. Did you leave this human to die? Did you leave him behind to be killed or captured and tortured?" " You claim to have all these powers and to have done all these great deeds and yet you could not help this one?" "Now I don't want to start trouble ,BUT, I think you need to get off 'your high horse' and come back to reality." " And as far as Zan, well you can tell he isn't feeling well, so leave him be, Ill watch him and IF the worse should ever come to pass I will deal with him." " But for now just leave him be."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:21 pm
by Goliathe Dark
((OOC: I'm not 100%, but until further notice, I think I should quit. At the moment, I'm doing quite lot of RPs and this one seems to be the one I don't need the most. I'll be checking in now and again, however, so keep up the good work. ^_^


Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:25 pm
by Thunderclaw
surge looked at Enir. "I thought I had left him in a position he could get out of. I was wrong, and the importance of the reason I left was very important."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:42 pm
by Enir
"But the point is you still left him" Enir looked at the one in mage robes and says "And that goes for you to. Just leave him be" Or there will be trouble." then calmly walking over to Zan, he rests his hand on his shoulder and looks him in the eye with a deadly serious stare."What you did was reckless." You know he could have just killed you." "You need to keep it together and stay focused." I know your mind is heavyly taxed right now but you must not give in.'

Here take these" Enir reaches into a small leather pouch he had tied onto his belt. Then hands to Zan a small plant with odd golden yellow berry like bulbs. "Take JUST ONE bud and crush it with some water then boil it. Then drink the liquid. It should help ease the pain and clear your mind of the chaos that must be happening in there." "It is a plant only found in Nordmar and is extreamly rare even there." "It is called King's Sorreal." "The shaman used this plant for healing in my village." "It has many uses, and each use requierse a different preporation method." I will help you prepare it." Takeing one of the 5 buds off the plant Enir then takes some water from his leather water pouch and puts it in a small metal bowl. Then carefully, he holds the bowl over a lit fire arrow with his claws. The water turns a misty maroon color and glows slightly. Then after it cools he puts out the fire arrow and the hands the liquid to Zan. "Do not worry, it is safe to drink" I have not saved you from some possably lethal arguments (glances at Surge and the mage-robed one then back to Zan) just to turn around and poison you." "Watch I will even drink a little myself." Enir grabs a smaller bowl and pours some of the drink in it and the drinks it. "There you see, It is safe, here" Enir hands him the bigger bowl. "Now if you would please ask your robot friend if he detects any traces of blood in the air."

OOC: Well Thunder if he is dropping out does he get killed or does his character continue to tag along?

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:55 pm
by Thunderclaw
OOC: his character is still in the game. He says he'll pop in and out to see how the story is going.
Also, the one in red armour is on the other side of the room. He's not done anything, so I think you mean Archangel in the mage robes

IC: "I did what I could, and then I went and probably saved more lives in what I did."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:54 pm
by silver1
(hey guys,sorry its been such a long time,but im back now,just got to find a good place to catch up.)

He moved down the passage toward the sound of voices. "Whats going on zan,you seem kind of angry." he said moving his finger up and down the sheath of his sword.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:51 am
by Enir
OOC:Ya thanks for pointing that out. I guess I just stay up to late. :lol: O and is silver1 wolfward? It's been to long since his last post I have forgotten him. Another reason why you others should post more often. If you don't you could be forgoten about.O and by the way I have NO IDEA what it's like to drink alchohol. Rather nasty stuff in my opinion though.
:drunx: :sickpup:

Studying the one who just aproached Enir says" I wouldn't get to close yet with any sort of weapons until he drinks that King's Sorreal potion and his mind clears. As you have seen, the effects of the mass loss of loved ones and haveing nothing but revenge has drivin his mind into chaos." "Until that potion kicks in, it will still be hard for him to keep himself under control, thus makeing it possible for him to do things he may not intend to do." "But about 2-3 minutes after he drinks it his mind will have calmed and he will be able to keep his temper and other emotions under control."
The King's Sorreal when prepared as I have for him is in some ways is like your alchohol, it numbs feelings but it also acts like your chloroform, It doesn't put you to sleep but it calms the mind and loosens tense muscles." Tell me something, have you ever used active meditation?" For example, a form of active meditation would be target practice with a bow or sword practice. Your mind completely focuses on what you are doing and the rest of the world sort of just melts away." "It's also like when you become so in-sync with what you are doing you could practically do it blindfolded." " But anyways, He will be much better after he drinks it and he might even fight better and kill a few more than he would have before takeing it." " But it will garanty that he will not snap under any more pressure and shoot one of us on accident." Poor human, I really feel sort of sorry for the guy, he has lost everything he held dear and has lived alone for quite a few years iam sure." "I have been trying to help him as much as I can but until I remembered about the plant and it's properties, I probably would not have been able to do anything but sit back and watch as his mind tear it's self apart and drive him into insanity or Surge rip his throat out." " Which ever would have happened first" "But what is really bothering the crap out of me is this smell of blood in the air." "I know it's blood but yet I don't see any bodies or material spray on the walls that you would normally see with bullet wounds or blade swipes, and iam still waiting for him to ask his robot to test an air sample for blood to prove weither or not I actually smell it or if I need to down some more of this potion." "The sad part is that I have only 4 buds left and iam not sure were I can find more, so hopefully we will not need a whole lot of it anytime soon"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:29 am
by Miguel
Zan took the bowl and examined over the liquid, cautiously. He began drinking from it. Because of the steam, he began caughing, but drank the liquid completely, emptying the bowl. Abruptly, he looked towards Surge and Archangel, and then looked back to Enir.

"Thank you, Enir. I'm sure it will help." He lowered the bowl to the floor and then looked to Surge. "All for the greater good, huh, Surge? As long as the greater group can be saved, you can risk losing one person, right? You sound just like my old commander, the same one that betrayed my friends and me, the same one that had most of us executed during Operation Richlend. He turned on us, everyone in my batallion, joined our enemy. He even gave away our HQ's position."

Zan looked away and then sighed, signaling for the robot to approach. It complied.

"Orders, sir?" the robot questioned.
"Scan area for traces of blood," Zan replied.
"Scanning...Please wait!" The robot began beeping, and then continued speaking. "Abnormality detected. Blood traces detected. Proceed with caution!"
"Dismissed," Zan responded to it, signaling for it to leave. It did. He looked to Enir. "So it seems that you were right about the blood."

Zan noticed Fang approaching him. The words "What's going on" caught his attention. He pointed to Surge.

"That's what's going on. He's setting us up! He plans on taking this entire world for himself and he wants to say that he isn't!"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:01 am
by Enir
Unsure of how this one would end up going, Enir picked up his sword and sheathed it but took out his sling with the powder egg ammo and the bolo that was beside the sword.He had no intention of doing either one harm but decided he could not let them kill each other. Plus Zan was at a slight disadvantage, haveing his gun unloaded from the earlier incident, and Surge even if he couldn't use his magic still had fangs and claws that would tear the human to pieces. He then decide to skillfully placed himself halfway in between the two, but far enough to one side so they could see each other. Enir wasn't sure what was going to happen but he was as prepaired as he would ever be.

OOC: Now it's really starting to get interesting. Alright!!!!!! And as far as the one person just droping in every once in a while. Darn I was hopeing someone would turn cannible and eat his character. :lol: :P 8) :roll: :evillaugh: :behappy: :biteme: :puppyeyes: :hannibalwolf: :tribalwolf:

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:32 am
by wolfward
OCC: I'm lost in the story right now, so until someone can give me short re-cap I'm currently on standby. And my posting rate can't really be helped, because I have very limited access to the computer. Whenever I get on I do my RPs. So please don't think I don't care, because I do. :roll:

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:18 am
by Thunderclaw
"I'm not going to fight anyone who sees conspiracy where there isn't any. Wolfward, any possibility you could help me here? I'm sure you know my intentions better than most."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:39 pm
by silver1
He drew his sword. Do you want me to kill him,just give the order and i gladly will." he said moving his sword in front of him,ready to attack.

"So surge,your trying to set us up?" i won't let you do that,for will die,as soon as Zan gives me the order to attack."