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Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 2:01 pm
by Thunderclaw
"I thank you for your assistance. Aim to wound, but do not strike to kill. There is no need for death."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:19 pm
by Enir
"Alright lets go!"

Suddenly Enir hears a few footsteps. "It the scout group, if we take out the communication or knock them out we can get a little further without serious resistance." Just as three men came around the corner Enir loosed a bolo which hit all three in the head, knocking out two of them, but the third one just barrly missed the stone counterweight. Noticeing the man move his hand to his ear to call for backup Enir uses his speed gained from being a werewolf and palm strikes the guy in the forhead. "That was to close and as soon as the others find these three they are going to swarm us, useing there flame bots to go around corners and then snipeing from behind the cover of there machines."
"I still see no need for death but unless we keep moveing we will be forced to."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:54 pm
by Thunderclaw
(I'm finding it funny how Surge never seems to fight for long)

Surge nodded. "Then we keep moving. The sooner we're out, the better."
Surge opened a portal that led to the rest of the group. "Come on." surge stepped through the portal.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:29 pm
by Enir
Enir catiosly steped through the portal. To him it felt as though he had stepped through a wall of water but he was not wet. "Interesting" Then seeing the rest of the group he hurried to catch up.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:54 am
by silver1
He pulled an explosive device from the right pocket of his pants "You want me to blow the building?" he asked switching the device on and pulling another out of his pocket. "It should only take 2 of these to bring it down."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:58 pm
by Thunderclaw
"no need for that. It would be more likely to draw attention to us than deal with our problems"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 9:04 pm
by Enir
I agree, BUT, if you have something that would close the hall way behind us right before they reach the explosives then we could force them to back track and keep from killing them?" Do you agree Zan? "And what about you others, do you think this is a good idea, if this goes wrong it's all our heads and that's why iam asking everyone, we must all agree so there is no one to blame if it goes wrong."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:54 am
by blackwolfhell
(OOC)Guys, I need to bail out for a month or two. I'm not getting on frequenty enough. sorry.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:10 pm
by silver1
"In that case,i will only use one,i can't risk having the building coming down on us." he said putting one of the explosives away.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:31 pm
by Enir
"Alright guys all of you go ahead a few yards and wait for me or this one, Iam going to provide cover for him while he sets up his explosives, and don't worry about me killing them, I can keep a calm mind and not get to excited."

OOC: If you guys could, say your characters names every once in a while when you post, I have a terrible time remembering names.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:33 am
by Thunderclaw
Surge nodded, and escorted the rest of the group further on from Enir and Fang.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:32 pm
by Enir
"Let me know as soon as your done Fang so we can move on" Then Enir heard the sound he had been hoping he would never hear. The sound of mechanics and footsteps."You might want to hurry, Fang!"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:10 am
by Thunderclaw
While Surge and the rest were running away, they reached a four way junction. Surge turned left and shouted "this way!" and then suddenly fell down onto his knees. He felt something that he was not expecting. "Dusten, get them all out of here through the alternate entrance! This way's blocked to us all. I'll stay here and keep this way sealed long enough for you to reach the surface!"

Dusten nodded to his father, and led the group down the right turn, and Surge threw a small crucifix to Archangel.
"Archangel," Surge spoke softly, in a voice filled with fear, desperation, and kindness, "protect them all with your life. You know what to do with that if the going gets tough."
"Y...You're giving me Raysear? Thank you Surge, I'll do my best." Archangel turned and joined the rest of the group in fleeing. Surge turned to the corridor he was originally going to take the group down, and stood there, looking down it.

Fang and Enir heard Surge's voice inside their heads. "Enir, Fang. There has been a development up here. We need you out of there now. We have a bigger problem coming, and if you don't make a break for it now to get back to the group, I cannot guarantee you will survive this battle." Surge spoke with strong urgency, making it easy to see how desperate he was.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 2:49 pm
by Enir
Noticeing Fang was finnaly done Enir Grabed him by the cuff and ran down the hallway. After meeting up with Surge Enir herd a small explosion and some complianing soldiers. "Well It looks like that was a good idea after all." "Alright Surge which way?" Just then Enir smelled the scent of the others and went right. Yelling behind him " Come on, just block the path way and come on!" "Don't make me grab you by the fur on the back of your kneck like I had o with Fang here." "Which reminds me, Fang go on, GO" Enir released Fangs fur and shoved him in the direction of the others.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:03 pm
by Thunderclaw
(Surge Isn't a werewolf, Enir)

Surge shouted back at Enir, "Walls, blockages, anything less than myself wouldn't slow this foe down for a second. It's okay, I know what I'm doing."

Surge ran down the corridor at full sprint
"Going somewhere?" The voice rang out from his side. Surge stopped and turned to see a werewolf with complete yellow fur, and two deep blood-red eyes. Surge stopped in an instant, and jumped back, putting himself between the werewolf and the corridor he had just come through.
"Thunderclaw, leave them. It's me you want, I am the one who you foresaw preventing your plan, so fight me," Surge pleaded.
"I'm afraid, Surge, that they are going to be my next target, once I'm through with you. Your powers have grown strong indeed, and so quickly as well. However, you are still too weak for me."
Surge drew his sword, but before it had completely been removed from his scabbard, Thunderclaw had blasted a beam of green energy straight into Surge's chest. surge fell to his knees, winded. Surge put up on leg, ready to raise himself, when cold steel was pressed to his neck.
"Now, you've lost." Thunderclaw raised his blade, and slashed straight through Surge's throat.
"Well, you were right Surge. You knew what you were doing. Suicide. You also knew that you could slow me down more than any other thing on this planet could. You managed to slow me down for twenty seconds, at a push." Thunderclaw sheathed his sword, and continued after the rest of the group at an unbelievable speed.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 1:39 pm
by Enir
Running with the others Enir heard what sounded like the drawing of a blade and then the gergaling sound of somone getting there kneck sliced open. Hopeing it was Surge who had come out on top but still pressing on just in case, Enir drew out a bolo and readied his sling hopeing that it was a friend that he heard comeing up in the rear. Seeing something move in the shadows of the hallway Enir instinctually reacted by throwing the bolo in it's direction.

There was a thud and the sound of a body scraping across the floor. And then he say it. It was some completely yellow werewolf and his bolo had tangeled it's self around his ankels. Enir turned to the others and yelled "RUN" "Surge is dead, GO,GO,GO" Everyone kicked up an extra burst of speed. Then Enir yelled to the one in red armour "You are Surges apprentice right, Can you open a portal like he did to get us out of here?" "Iam sure that if that thing killed Surge, the bolo won't hold that long at all we must get out of here and quickly!"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:44 pm
by Thunderclaw
Archangel shook his head. "No...It can't be...Thunderclaw!"

Archangel immediately began constructing a portal, but shortly he was struck down from a slap to the cheek from Thunderclaw.
"Such puny weaponry. No challenge at all."

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:48 pm
by Enir
Useing his sling Enir launched an egg filled with a blinding liquid at Thunderclaw's face but this time he was ready for it and dodged it, but what he didn't notice was the bolo that was launched right after the sling unloaded. The bolo flew through the air and wraped it's self around Thunderclaws wrists getting tighter with each rotation as it got shorter and shorter and finnaly ran out of thread smashing his fingers in between the counter weights. Turning to the group Enir yells" We need to slow him down long enough to let the red one open a portal!" "Anyone that can help do so now. And if you are a good shot one of you can use the bow on my back and my arrows, the heads are pure silver (ill explain that later). Then Enir takes the bow and arrows off quickly and loads the sling again. He looses the shot but sadly it smashes in front of Thunderclaw's face instead of in his eyes. "Hurry One of you help get the red one up and back to makeing that portal!" "Were is that Martian?" "Surely he has an idea for being 'the smartest being' in the universe?" Enir draws his sword and dagger and prepairs for the worst for surely this will probably be his end.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:46 pm
by silver1
Fang nelt beside surge's body,he was doing what he could to bring surge back,but it was too late.he walked over to Enir and put his paw on his shoulder, "im sorry,i couldnt bring him back. "How much longer is it going to take surge's open a portal?"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:43 am
by Thunderclaw

Darkness consumes all....

Bonds that are beyond the power of life and death, light and dark.

Light exists making the dark

and darkness consumes all

- Ancient poem of necromancy

Shadows gathered around Surge, covering his face, arms, legs, and back. A Spiny tail Spurted out in shadow. Surge stood once again, with darkness surrounding him. He was back from the dead, and pursued Thunderclaw

Thunderclaw Broke through the bolo strings like a knife through butter, and healed his wounds in a blink of an eye.
"Your paranoia of surge may cost you your lives. If you had faith in him, put your trust in him, he may have defeated me. Now, you die!" Thunderclaw raised his right paw to the air, and a tremendous amount of electrical energy began to build up. "Say your prayers, doomed ones!"

A blur. A force of black shadow ramming into Thunderclaw, knocking him into the wall with shattering strength.
"What the...?"
A being was stood there, in the same clothes as Surge, looking down at Thunderclaw. "Thunderclaw, you die."

(I'll leave a gap here for people to post. Plus, here is a picture of Dark Surge, the Surge with the shadows. It hasn't been finished yet, but this is what it is like so far.)

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:25 am
by Enir
OOC: Okay first off, didn't I drag Fang by the back of his kneck with me, when I rejoined the others? And secondly.. nice picture Thunderclaw, it must have taken a while to draw.

Enir watched in horror and amazment as dark shadowy tenticals went out from the risen Surge's hand and wrapped themselves around Thunderclaw. Enir took this time to remind the red one that he should start working again on opening that portal a.s.a.p. !

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:36 pm
by Thunderclaw
Archangel finished the portal. "Everyone in! Quick!"

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:34 pm
by Enir
Enir ran through the portal and set up to cover the others on the other side.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:50 pm
by silver1
Fang followed Enir through the portal and helped Enir with covering the others.

Re: Apocalyptic earth: gaming thread

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:06 pm
by Enir
Enir took aim and awaited the others.